Mapping Project (mapping + project)

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Selected Abstracts

An evaluation of high resolution precipitation products at low resolution

Mathew Raymond Paul Sapiano
Abstract The large-scale homogeneity of several high-resolution satellite-based estimates of precipitation is assessed against the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) between January 2003 and December 2006. The high-resolution estimates are aggregated to match the resolution of GPCP (monthly, 2.5°) and an Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) analysis is conducted on each product along with an analysis of the slope from a linear regression with time. The results show that some of the datasets have significant artefacts and that none of the high-resolution products give a good depiction of precipitation above 50°N. The two datasets which are most consistent with GPCP are the Tropical Rainfall Monitoring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) and the Global Satellite Mapping Project (GSMaP) both of which have undergone recent re-processing which is an important quality for dataset homogeneity. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Contribution of different kinematic models and a complex Jurassic stratigraphy in the construction of a forward model for the Montagna dei Fiori fault-related fold (Central Apennines, Italy)

L. Di Francesco
Abstract The Montagna dei Fiori has received attention from geologists over the past decades because of both its Jurassic stratigraphy and its complex present-day structure. The latter is the result of multiple phases of deformation, from the Early Jurassic, during the opening of the Tethyan Ocean, to Neogene evolution of the Apennines fold-and-thrust belt. In this paper, we present a new stratigraphic interpretation of the Jurassic palaeogeography, based on a new geological mapping project in the area. Using this new stratigraphy, we constructed two forward models, using a combination of different fault/fold interactions, in order to unravel the kinematic evolution of the Montagna dei Fiori fault-related fold. The first model was constructed manually using the fault-bend and fault-propagation theories from an initial configuration which included previous extensional features, whereas the second model was constructed using the software 2DMove (Midland Valley) using the fault-bend and trishear fault-propagation folding theories and starting from a layer-cake stratigraphy. Both forward models involved the same main steps and provided a reasonable geological simulation of the geometry of the Montagna dei Fiori structure. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

A male bovine linkage map for the ADR granddaughter design

H. Thomsen
Summary The aim of this paper is to present the construction of a male genetic linkage map as a result of the bovine genome mapping project, which is a common effort of the German cattle breeding federation (ADR), four animal breeding institutes, three blood group laboratories and two animal data and breeding value evaluation centres. In total 20 grandsires with 1074 sires were provided from the German cattle population as reference families, 16 of these paternal half-sib groups are German Holstein families (DH), three are German Simmental (ST) families, and one is a Brown Swiss family (BS). Of 265 markers included in the linkage map, 248 were microsatellite markers, five were bovine blood group systems, eight SSCP markers and four proteins and enzymes. More than 239 000 genotypes resulted from typing the offspring for the respective markers and these were used for the construction of the map. On average 478 informative meioses were provided from each marker of the map. The summarized map length over all chromosomes was 3135.1 cM with an average interval size of 13.34 cM. About 17, 35.7 and 79.1% of the map intervals showed a maximum genetic distance between the adjacent markers of 5, 10 and 20 cM, respectively. The number of loci ranged from two (pseudoautosomal region of the sex chromosome, BTAY) to 15 (BTA23) with an average of 8.8 markers per chromosome. Comparing the length of the chromosomes shows variation from 49.6 cM for BTA26 to 190.5 cM for BTA1 with a mean of 107.7 cM for all autosomes of the genetic linkage map. It was possible to identify chromosomal discrepancies in locus order and map intervals by comparison with other published maps. The map provided sufficient marker density to serve as a useful tool for a scan of segregating quantitative trait loci. Zusammenfassung Im vorliegenden Artikel wird die Erstellung der genetischen Markerkarten für das Rindergenom im Rahmen des Genomanalyseprojektes der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Rinderzüchter (ADR) vorgestellt. Auf der Basis des ,Granddaughter Designs' wurde ein Familienmaterial bestehend aus 20 väterlichen Halbgeschwistergruppen mit 1074 Söhnen für die Typisierung mit genetischen Markern bereitgestellt. Insgesamt 16 dieser paternalen Halbgeschwisterfamilien lassen sich der Rasse Deutsche Holsteins zuordnen, drei Familien entstammen der Rasse Deutsches Fleckvieh, und eine Familie gehört der Rasse Deutsches Braunvieh an. Dabei variiert die Anzahl der Söhne von 19,128 pro Vater. Für die Typisierung wurden 248 Mikrosatellitenmarker aus bereits publizierten Karten ausgewählt. Zusätzlich konnten 8 SSCP-und RFLP Marker, 5 Blutgruppensysteme und 4 Proteinmarker zur Entwicklung der genetischen Karte herangezogen werden. Die Anzahl der Marker variierte von 2 (pseudoautosomaler Bereich des Geschlechtschromosoms) bis 15 (Chromosom 23), wobei durchschnittlich 8.8 genetische Marker pro Chromosom typisiert wurden. Im Durchschnitt lieferten die genetischen Marker 478 informative Meiosen pro Marker. Alle Typisierungsergebnisse wurden in die Kieler Markerdatenbank übertragen und auf etwaige Fehler geprüft. Als Ergebnis konnten die genetischen Karten für alle 29 Autosomen und den pseudoautosomalen Bereich des Geschlechtschromosoms erstellt werden. Dabei wurde ein Bereich von 3135.1 cM des Rindergenoms abgedeckt, wobei die Länge des durchschnittlichen Markerintervalls 13.34 cM beträgt. Die Längen der Chromosomen zeigten eine Variation von 49.6 cM für Chromosom 26 bis zu 190.5 cM für Chromosom 1. Aufgrund der Anzahl informativer Meiosen und der Markerdichte bildet diese genetische Markerkarte in gutes Instrument für eine genomweite Suche nach segregierenden Genorten, die für die Variation von quantitativen Merkmalen verantwortlich sind. [source]

Exploring the healthcare journey of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A mapping project , implications for practice

Susan Oliver RN
Abstract Objective:,Consumers of healthcare can reveal important insights into the personal challenges they experience when negotiating their health needs. The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) wanted to explore the experiences of those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in order to understand the impact on the individual and on healthcare resources and benchmark care against published standards and guidelines. Methods:,A project was designed to explore the experiences of individuals with sero-positive RA who had been diagnosed for three years or less. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were used and combined with process mapping to explore the experiences of a purposeful sample of individuals with RA. The information generated was mapped and variances explored. Ethical approval was not required as the data were collected outside the National Health Service. Results:,Twenty-two participants' stories were mapped. Fifty per cent of participants sought a medical opinion within three weeks of symptom onset and the majority received a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug within six months from first presenting symptoms. Work-related issues were highlighted by 13 participants, and seven of these experienced job losses directly attributed to their diagnosis. Conclusions:,This unique mapping approach used qualitative research and process mapping to compare patient experiences against recognized standards and guidelines. These twenty-two stories reveal important insights into the challenges experienced in negotiating these healthcare journeys and the impact upon the individual as a result of variances in standards of care received. The participants in this study were chiefly self-motivated, informed and articulate, and did not reflect the broad ethnic, social or cultural diversity in the UK. Limitations must also be considered in relation to perceptions and recall of participants over a three-year period, as these may have altered over time and illness experience. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Remapping German-Jewish Studies: Benjamin, Cartography, Modernity

Todd Presner
By examining the entangled places of encounter, exchange, and contamination between German and Jewish, this article argues that German modernity and Jewish modernity are deeply, precariously, and indissociably intertwined. Drawing on its methodology from the field of "mobility studies" (the study of bodies moving through spaces), I argue that we must interrogate the medium in which cultural history is composed and turn our attention to the visualization of narratives of movement, dislocation, and dispersal. I look to Walter Benjamin's urban reflections, the history of modern cartography, the emergence of the railway system, and a web-based mapping project called "HyperCities" in order to show how the history of German/Jewish modernity might be mapped as layered networks and sites of encounter. [source]

Re-constructing the urban landscape through community mapping: an attractive prospect for sustainability?

AREA, Issue 2 2009
Frances Fahy
Community mapping is a relatively new tool with considerable potential in giving practical effect at the local level to sustainable development rhetoric. As a repository of socially constructed knowledge, it has considerable value in democratizing information both in terms of what is recorded and public access to it, in a manner that facilitates more meaningful participation of non-experts in planning and advocacy processes. Focusing on a community mapping project in Galway, Ireland, this research paper explores how the city's municipal authority is employing community mapping not just to record and promote the city's social, environmental, economic and cultural assets but also as a practical tool to bolster public participation in policy-making and to improve local communities' trust in the municipal authority, thereby shaping sustainability practices through enhanced governance. [source]

Mapping Global Media Policy: Concepts, Frameworks, Methods,

Marc Raboy
This article seeks to address what we see as difficult yet necessary first steps toward meeting the challenges of analyzing the transformations in media and communication policy: defining the boundaries of what we actually mean by "global media policy (GMP)," providing a conceptualization of GMP as a domain, elaborating a consistent analytical framework, and addressing methodological implications. Our framework is part of a GMP mapping project that has been developed within the context of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, to address the issues faced by researchers and practitioners, as well as policymakers and advocates operating in this domain. In this article, we present an overview of the conceptual journey through which the GMP mapping project has evolved. Mapeando la Política Global de los Medios: Conceptos, Encuadres, Métodos Marc Raboy & Claudia Padovani Resumen Este artículo busca considerar lo que vemos como difícil pero necesarios pasos hacia el encuentro de los desafíos de analizar las transformaciones en la política de los medios y la comunicación: definiendo las fronteras de lo que significa "la política global de los medios" (GMP) actualmente, proveyendo una conceptualización de la GMP como un dominio, elaborando un encuadre analítico consistente, y tratando las implicancias metodológicas. Nuestro encuadre es parte de un proyecto de mapeo de la GMP que ha sido desarrollado dentro del contexto de la Asociación Internacional de los Medios y la Investigación en Comunicación, para tratar los asuntos que encuentran los investigadores y los practicantes, así como también los hacedores de políticas y los defensores operando en este dominio. En este artículo, presentamos un panorama del viaje conceptual a través del cual el proyecto de mapeo de la GMP se ha desarrollado. Schématiser les politiques médiatiques mondiales : concepts, cadres, méthodes Marc Raboy & Claudia Padovani Cet article traite de ce qui nous semble les premiers pas, difficiles mais nécessaires, d'une réponse aux défis de l'analyse des transformations dans les politiques des médias et des communications : définir les limites de ce que nous appelons les « politiques médiatiques mondiales » (global media policy, GMP); conceptualiser les GMP comme un domaine; élaborer un cadre analytique cohérent et traiter des conséquences méthodologiques. Notre cadre s'inscrit dans un projet de schématisation des GMP développé dans le contexte de l'International Association for Media and Communication Research, afin de traiter des enjeux auxquels font face chercheurs, professionnels, décideurs et militants qui ,uvrent dans ce domaine. Dans cet article, nous présentons un survol du trajet conceptuel le long duquel a évolué le projet de schématisation des GMP. Ein Aufriss globaler Medienpolitik: Konzepte, Rahmenbedingungen und Methoden Marc Raboy & Claudia Padovani Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit einem ersten notwendigen aber schwierigen Schritt, der getan werden muss, will man den Herausforderungen, die bei der Analyse der Transformationen von Medien- und Kommunikationspolitik entstehen, begegnen: eine Definition der Grenzen von dem, was wir mit ,,globaler Medienpolitik" eigentlich meinen, das Herausarbeiten eines Konzepts von globaler Medienpolitik als eine Domäne, Ausführungen zu einem konsistenten analytischen Rahmenkonzept und die Diskussion methodologischer Implikationen. Unser Rahmenkonzept ist Teil eines Projekts zu globaler Medienpolitik, das im Kontext der International Association for Media and Communication Research mit dem Ziel entwickelt wurde, Aspekte anzusprechen, die Forscher und Praktiker aber auch politische Entscheidungsträger und Fürsprecher, die in diesem Bereich arbeiten, beschäftigen. In diesem Artikel präsentieren wir den konzeptuellen Werdegang, aus dem das Projekt entstanden ist. [source]