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Selected Abstracts

The Space Mission MIR'97: operational aspects

R. Ewald
Background A German astronaut visited the MIR space station between 10 February and 2 March 1997. Together with his Russian colleagues, he conducted a series of scientific investigations before, during and after his stay aboard the MIR station. Research performed during this flight was part of a global space life sciences programme and focused on metabolic homeostasis, fluid balance, calcium homeostasis and cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms. The main goal of the scientific experiments was to use this mission as a milestone to establish international networks of scientific collaboration using space research as a tool for focused research in respective fields. Thus, in most cases the results obtained from the astronaut complemented a series of results obtained on ground and from other flights. In other cases, they extended previous results and opened new fields for future research. Participants Human space flight with astronauts serving as operators and at the same time as test subjects is very complex. Many people, including mission control, a science management team, medical operations, ethics committees and a medical board, participated to harmonize the different requirements, thus making a maximal scientific outcome possible. Conclusion In summary, this space mission may be seen as a model for focused long-term multidisciplinary international research, and demonstrates that space medicine is no longer adventure but science. [source]

The Illegal Way In and The Moral Way Out

Gerhard Øverland
At the heart of the current debate about immigration we find a conflict of convictions. Many people seem to believe that a country has a right to decide who to let in and who to keep out, but quite often they appear equally committed to the view that it is morally wrong to expel someone from within the borders of their country if that would seriously jeopardise the person in question. While the first conviction leads to stricter border controls in an attempt to prevent would-be immigrants from entering the country illegally, the latter conviction ensures that aliens with a legitimate claim on protection will not be removed forcibly. It is not strange, therefore, that the task of pinning down a morally sound immigration policy is such an elusive enterprise. In this paper I take it for granted that no electorate would be prepared to accept the kind of policy they ought to, and that we in consequence will continue to let in as few immigrants as is currently the case. Given this constraint I argue against two common assumptions concerning a viable immigration policy. First, granted that certain conditions are satisfied, professional smugglers should not face legal sanctions for bringing asylum seekers to a potential host country. Second, countries that limit immigration should not treat people seeking family reunion preferentially or on a par with other immigrants, but rather act so as to maximise the number of refugees allowed to enter. [source]

The Evolution of Zinjanthropus boisei

Paul Constantino
Abstract Many people assume that OH 5, the type specimen of Paranthropus boisei, collected in 1959, was the first evidence of that taxon to be found, but OH 3, recovered in 1955, predated the discovery of OH 5 by four years. Thus, Paranthropus boisei recently celebrated the equivalent of its fiftieth birthday. This review marks that milestone by examining the way our understanding of this taxon has changed during its fifty, or so, year history. [source]

Characteristics of skin aging in Korean men and women

J. H. Chung
Introduction Korea is located between Japan and Mainland China. The people of these three countries have similar appearances and it is difficult to differentiate between them. Although the population of Asia is more than half of the total population of the Earth, the inherent characteristics of Asian skin have not been well investigated. Commercial markets for cosmetics and drugs for photoaged skin are rapidly expanding in many Asian countries. Therefore, many investigators in the field of dermatology and cosmetology have become interested in brown Asian skin. Clinical characteristics of skin aging and photoaging in Asians Skin aging can be divided into two basic processes: intrinsic aging and photoaging [1]. Intrinsic aging is characterized by smooth, dry, pale, and finely wrinkled skin, whereas photoaging, which indicates premature skin aging in chronically photodamaged skin, is characterized by severe wrinkling and irregular pigmentation. The pattern of wrinkling in Asians seems to differ from that in Caucasians. Asians have coarser, thicker and deep wrinkles, particularly in the forehead, perioral and Crow's foot areas. In contrast, Caucasians usually have relatively fine cheek and Crow's foot wrinkles. The reasons for these differences are not known and need further investigation. There are racial, ethnic and genetic differences, and differences of skin structure and function, between the brown skin of Asians and the white skin of Caucasians. As Asian skin is more pigmented, acute and chronic cutaneous responses to UV irradiation differ from those in white skin. Many people believe, based on clinical impressions, that the main process of photoaging in Asians involves pigmentary changes, rather than wrinkling. However, no study has been performed to confirm this belief. Risk factors for skin wrinkles and their relative risks in Korean skin [2] Various factors such as age, sun-exposure, and smoking are known to be important risk factors for wrinkles. However, the relative risks of each factor on wrinkles in the brown skin of Asians have not been investigated, and they could differ from those in Caucasians. An evaluation system for skin wrinkling is necessary for Asian skin [3]. Thus, we developed an eight-point photographic scale for assessing wrinkles in both Korean genders [2]. This scale can probably be applied to the populations of other Asian countries, at least to the Japanese and Chinese. The pattern of wrinkles in both genders appears to be similar. Age Age is an important risk factor for wrinkling in Asians, as in Caucasians. Korean subjects in their 60s showed a 12-fold increased risk of wrinkling, while subjects in their 70s have a 56-fold increased risk compared with young age group. UV light It is well known that the UV component in sunlight can cause and accelerate photoaging. The pigmented skin of Asian may better protect skin from acute and chronic UV damage. However, we found a strong association between sun-exposure and the development of wrinkling in Koreans. It was found that sun exposure of more than 5 h per day was associated with a 4.8-fold increased risk in wrinkling versus less than 2 h of sun-exposure in Koreans. Estrogen deficiency Korean females have more wrinkles than men, after controlling for age, sun exposure, and smoking, it was found that they have a 3.6-fold increased risk of developing wrinkles than their male counterparts [2]. It has also been reported, that the relative risk for wrinkling in women is higher than in men as for in white Caucasians [4]. The reason why women show more wrinkles remains to be determined. It is possible that a reduction in skin collagen because of estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal woman may aggravate wrinkling severity. Korean women with more than 10 years since menopause showed a 3.9-fold higher risk of wrinkling than the women 5 years of beyond menopause [5]. We demonstrated that women with a history of HRT have a significantly lower risk, more specifically, one fifth of the risk of facial wrinkling relative to those who had no history of HRT. Interestingly, we found that wrinkle severity significantly increased with an increasing number of full term pregnancies. The relative risk for severe wrinkling is increased by approximately 1.8-fold per full term pregnancy. Smoking It is known that smoking causes skin wrinkling in Caucasians, and that it plays no role in Blacks [6, 7]. Koreans with have a smoking history of more than 30 pack years showed a more than 2.8-fold increased risk of wrinkles [2]. The relative risks of wrinkles associated with a 30,50 pack-years history of smoking were 2.8- and 5.5-fold, respectively. Dyspigmentation in Asian skin To follow pigmentary changes, six photographic standards for both genders were developed for Korean skin, to produce a 6-point scale [2, 8]. Hyperpigmented spots, mostly lentigines, were prominent among women, while seborrheic keratosis tended to be more prominent in men. Seborrheic keratosis in Korean men Seborrheic keratoses (SKs) are benign cutaneous tumors. They have diverse clinical and histopathological appearances and are very common in the elderly (over 50 years old). The etiology of SKs is not well understood, although patients with a great number of lesionsshow a familial trait with an autosomal dominant pattern, and human papilloma virus has been suggested as possible cause because of verrucous appearance of the lesions. Exposure to sunlight has been suggested to be a risk factor for SKs. However, there is still some debate in terms of the role of sunlight. Recently, we have investigated the clinical characteristics of SKs and relationship between SKs and sunlight exposure in Korean males [9]. The prevalence of SKs in Koreans increases with age; it rose from 78.9% at 40 years, to 93.9% at 50 years and 98.7% in those over 60 years. Exposed areas, i.e. the face, neck and dorsum of the hands, demonstrate a significant increase in the prevalence of SKs by decade, whereas partly exposed areas, although SKs tended to increase in prevalence with age, this trend was not significant. When the estimated body surface area (BSA) is taken into account, the number of SKs on both the face and dorsum of the hands (0.51 ± 0.08 per 1% BSA) was over-represented compared with the trunk. SKs were also concentrated on the neck (0.38 ± 0.07 per 1% BSA) and in the V-area (0.47 ± 0.09 per 1% BSA). Outer forearms also showed 3-fold more SKs per unit area than neighboring arms and inner forearms, which are classified as partly exposed area (0.09 ± 0.02, 0.03 ± 0.01, respectively). The total area covered by SKs on exposed area also became significantly larger with aging than on intermittently exposed areas. These results indicate that exposure to sunlight might be related to SK growth. Our results indicated that excessive sun exposure is an independent risk factor of SKs. After controlling for age, smoking, and skin type, subjects with a sun exposure history of more than 6 hours per day showed a 2.28-fold increased risk of having severe SKs (n , 6) compared with those exposed for less that 3 h per day. These findings indicated that sun-exposure may play an important role in SK development. In summary, SKs are very common in Korean males and represent one of the major pigmentary problems. SKs concentrate on exposed skin, especially on the face and dorsum of the hands. Both age and lifetime cumulative sunlight exposure are important contributing factors and may work in a synergistic manner. Conclusion Many people tend to believe that wrinkles are not a prominent feature of Asian photoaged skin, and that dyspigmentation is a major manifestation in Asian skin. Contrary to this impression, wrinkling is also a major problem in the photoaged skin of Asians, and Korean people showing severe pigmentary changes usually tend to have severe wrinkles. In conclusion, the wrinkling patterns and pigmentary changes of photoaged skin in East Asians differ from those of Caucasians, and the relative risks of aggravating factors may be different from those of Caucasian skin. References 1.,Gilchrest, B.A. Skin aging and photoaging: an overview. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 21, 610,613 (1989). 2.,Chung, J.H. et al. Cutaneous photodamage in Koreans: influence of sex, sun exposure, smoking, and skin color. Arch. Dermatol. 137, 1043,1051 (2001). 3.,Griffiths, C.E. et al. A photonumeric scale for the assessment of cutaneous photodamage. Arch. Dermatol. 128, 347,351 (1992). 4.,Ernster, V.L. et al. Facial wrinkling in men and women, by smoking status. Am. J. Public Health. 85, 78,82 (1995). 5.,Youn, C.S. et al. Effect of pregnancy and menopause on facial wrinkling in women. Acta Derm. Venereol. 83, 419,424 (2003). 6.,Kadunce, D.P. et al. Cigarette smoking: risk factor for premature facial wrinkling. Ann. Intern. Med. 114, 840,844 (1991). 7.,Allen, H.B., Johnson, B.L. and Diamond, S.M. Smoker's wrinkles? JAMA. 225, 1067,1069 (1973). 8.,Chung, J.H. Photoaging in Asians. Photodermatol. Photoimmunol. Photomed. 19, 109,121 (2003). 9.,Kwon, O.S. et al. Seborrheic keratosis in the Korean males: causative role of sunlight. Photodermatol. Photoimmunol. Photomed. 19, 73,80 (2003). [source]

Feminism in the Grips of a Pincer Attack,Traditionalism, liberalism, and globalism

Yumiko Ehara
Abstract:, The dichotomy of individualism versus collectivism is one of the pivots around which political ideologies in postwar Japanese society can be broken down. Many people had thought that what postwar Japan needed was the development of modern individuals who represented a departure from feudalistic thinking. Against the backdrop of uncertainties related to employment and life in general engendered by a prolonged economic stagnation and globalism, Japanese society in the twenty-first century is being pounded by a tempest of neoliberalism and neoconservatism. In the midst of this storm, ideas advocating social policies that promote gender equality are being dismantled by both of these forces. This is because the power of traditionalism as a force for asserting a revisionist ideology in modern Japanese society primarily constitutes the power of neoconservatism, which embraces neoliberalism with a view to revitalizing the free economy through the elimination of social welfare and the intensification of free competition. In order to establish formidable economic competitiveness, neoliberalism and neoconservatism (neoliberalism = neoconservatism) reject domestic systems geared towards labor protection (deregulation) and extol familism and nationalism as means to bringing social unrest under control through the mobilization of the labor force (traditionalism). However, the habitual way of thinking that places traditionalism and liberalism in a dichotomous pivot remains ingrained within us even now. Because globalization reinforces social mobility, these two positions will continue to gain strength even as they conflict with each other. With feminism in the grips of a pincer attack, the movement will struggle to maintain its breath. [source]

The shrine of remembrance Melbourne: a short study of visitors' experiences

Caroline Winter
Abstract The Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, Australia opened in 1934 to articulate the social memory of the Great War of 1914,1918. The site has developed to incorporate other memorials and a Visitor Centre. An exploratory study of visitors indicated that the traditional and new memorials continue to evoke a number of responses to war. People expressed a sense of sadness and gratitude for sacrifices made by all those who have fought in war. Many people had poor knowledge of the battles which had initiated the creation of the Shrine. The study indicates the Shrine's complexity which now commemorates multiple conflicts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

On the Way to a Better Future: Belgium as Transit Country for Trafficking and Smuggling of Unaccompanied Minors1

Ilse Derluyn
ABSTRACT During the last decade, irregular border crossings emerged as a new element in international migratory flows, with smuggling and trafficking networks being an essential part. Many people are compelled to use these networks to realize their dream of a better living, and for many this "promised land" is the United Kingdom (UK). Belgium has important sea connections with the UK, and is, therefore, an important migration transit zone, although many migrants are intercepted on Belgian territory during their tempt to reach the UK. Some are unaccompanied or separated children and adolescents, minors travelling without parent(s) or a legal caregiver. This study aims to gain insight about this population of unaccompanied minors travelling to the UK. We use the situation in Zeebrugge, one of Belgium's main ports, as a case study. We analysed 1,093 data files of unaccompanied minors intercepted in Zeebrugge, and carried out participatory observation at the shipping police station. The intercepted unaccompanied minors are mainly male, between 15 and 18 years of age, and from an Asian or Eastern European country. Of the 899 unique persons found in the data files, 113 were intercepted several times. After the interception, the Aliens Office gives the majority (82.9%) an identity document without a requirement to leave Belgium, while 15.3 per cent must leave Belgium immediately or within five days. In 82.9 per cent of the cases, a child protection officer is contacted to make a decision about the situation. In 67.2 per cent of these cases, no child protection measure is taken, and the minor may leave the police station; in 32 per cent of the cases, the minor is transferred to a centre, mostly crisis reception. Almost all unaccompanied minors are convinced they want to reach the UK to create a better livelihood, join a family member, or escape a difficult political situation. Nevertheless, most travel in difficult circumstances; are scared; and lack essential information about life in the UK, their possibilities in Belgium, what will happen if they are transferred to a centre, and so forth. Most minors also do not want to be transferred to a centre, and many , although not all , disappear again from the centres. This study has several implications concerning the kind of decisions taken by the legal authorities, the necessary physical and psycho-social care and the availability of an interpreter and social worker during the interception, the number of reception places and the care in these centres, and the tasks of the legal guardian. Finally, some limitations of the study are mentioned. VERS UN AVENIR MEILLEUR : LA BELGIQUE COMME PAYS DE TRANSIT POUR LA TRAITE ET L'INTRODUCTION CLANDESTINE DE MINEURS NON ACCOMPAGNÉS Au cours de la dernière décennie, le franchissement irrégulier des frontières est apparu comme un nouvel élément des flux migratoires internationaux, dont les réseaux de traite et d'introduction clandestine sont un aspect essentiel. Beaucoup de gens sont forcés d'utiliser ces réseaux pour réaliser leur rêve d'une vie meilleure et pour beaucoup, cette « terre promise », c'est le Royaume-Uni. La Belgique ayant d'importantes liaisons maritimes avec le Royaume-Uni con-stitue de ce fait une importante zone de transit pour les migrations, bien que de nombreux migrants soient interceptés sur le territoire belge alors qu'ils tentent d'atteindre le Royaume-Uni. Certains d'entre eux sont des enfants et des adoles-cents non accompagnés, séparés, des mineurs qui voyagent sans parent(s), sans personne qui en ait la garde juridique. Cette étude vise à mieux connaître cette population de mineurs non accompagnés voyageant en direction du Royaume-Uni. Nous prenons comme cas concret la situation à Zeebrugge, l'un des principaux ports belges. Nous avons analysé 1 093 fichiers de données concernant des mineurs non accompagnés interceptés à Zeebrugge, et nous sommes livrés à une observation participative au poste de police du port. Les mineurs non accompagnés inter-ceptés sont pour la plupart des garçons âgés de quinze à dix-huit ans originaires d'un pays d'Asie ou d'Europe orientale. Sur les 899 personnes trouvées dans les fichiers, 113 ont été interceptées plusieurs fois. Après l'interception, les Ser-vices de l'immigration donnent à la majorité de ces garçons un document d'identité sans obligation de quitter la Belgique, alors que 15,3 pour cent d'entre eux doivent quitter le pays, soit immédiatement soit dans les cinq jours. Dans 82,9 pour cent des cas, un agent de protection de l'enfance est contacté pour prendre une décision quant à la situation. Dans 67,2 pour cent de ces cas, aucune mesure de protection de l'enfant n'est prise et le mineur peut quitter le poste de police. Dans 32 pour cent des cas, le mineur est transféré dans un centre, un lieu d'accueil pour les situations de crise. Presque tous les mineurs non accompagnés sont convaincus de vouloir se rendre au Royaume-Uni pour y gagner leur vie, retrouver un membre de leur famille ou échapper à une situation politique difficile. Pourtant, la plupart de ces mineurs voyagent dans des circonstances difficiles. Ils ont peur. Ils n'ont pas les informations essentielles sur la vie au Royaume-Uni, sur les possibilités qui existent pour eux en Belgique, sur ce qui se passera s'ils sont transférés dans un centre. Beaucoup , mais pas tous , disparaissent de ces centres. Cette étude a diverses implications concernant le genre de décisions que pren-nent les autorités juridiques, les nécessaires soins physiques et psychosociaux pendant l'interception ainsi que la présence d'un interprète et d'un travailleur social, le nombre de places et les soins dans les centres d'accueil, les tâches de la personne qui a la responsabilité légale du mineur. Enfin, certaines limites de cette étude sont évoquées. CON MIRAS A UN MEJOR FUTURO: BÉLGICA COMO PAÍS DE TRÁNSITO DE LA TRATA Y EL TRÁFICO DE MENORES NO ACOMPAÑADOS Durante la última década, los cruces fronterizos irregulares se han convertido en un nuevo elemento de las corrientes migratorias internacionales, siendo un componente esencial de ellas las redes de tráfico y trata de personas. Son muchas las personas que se ven obligadas a recurrir a estas redes para hacer realidad su sueño de una vida mejor y para muchos "la tierra prometida" es el Reino Unido. Bélgica tiene importantes conexiones marítimas con el Reino Unido y, por consi-guiente, es una zona de tránsito de la migración sumamente importante, aunque muchos migrantes son interceptados en territorio belga en su intento por llegar al Reino Unido. Entre las personas interceptadas se encuentran niños y adoles-centes, menores de edad que viajan solos, sin sus padres o tutor legal. Este estudio tiene por objeto comprender cómo esta población de menores no acom-pañados viaja al Reino Unido. Con ese fin, se recurre a un estudio por casos examinando la situación en Zeebrugge, uno de los principales puertos de Bélgica. Se han analizado 1.093 expedientes de menores no acompañados, interceptados en Zeebrugge, y se ha realizado una observación participativa en la estación de policía naval. Los menores no acompañados interceptados eran principalmente varones, entre 15 y 18 años de edad, provenientes de Asia y Europa oriental. De las 899 personas no acompañadas encontradas en los expedientes, 113 habían sido interceptadas varias veces. Tras la intercepción, el Servicio de Inmigración otorga a la mayoría un documento de identidad (82,9 por ciento) sin obligarles a abandonar Bélgica, mientras que el 15,3 por ciento debe salir inmediatamente de Bélgica, o bien en un plazo máximo de cinco días. En el 82,9 por ciento de los casos, se establece contacto con un oficial de la protección de la infancia para que decida en cuanto a la situación del menor. En el 67,2 por ciento de estos casos, no se adopta ninguna medida de protección del menor y éste puede abandonar la estación de policía; y en el 32 por ciento de los casos, se transfiere al menor a un centro de recepción que se ocupa de casos críticos. Prácticamente todos los menores no acompañados tienen la certeza de que llegarán al Reino Unido para tener una mejor vida, reunirse con un familiar, o escapar de la difícil situación política. No obstante, la mayoría viaja en condiciones difí-ciles, tiene miedo y carece de información esencial sobre la vida en el Reino Unido, sobre sus posibilidades en Bélgica, y sobre lo que ocurrirá si son trans-feridos a un centro, etc. La mayoría de estos menores no quiere ser transferida a un centro y muchos, aunque no todos, se escapan de los mismos. Este estudio repercutirá, sin lugar a dudas, en las decisiones que adoptan las autoridades jurídicas, en la atención física y sicosocial necesarias, en la disponi-bilidad de un intérprete o trabajador social durante la intercepción, así como en el número de plazas de acogida y de atención en estos centros, y en las tareas que incumben a todo tutor legal. Finalmente, se enumeran algunas de las limitaciones de este estudio. [source]

The Impact of Personal Characteristics of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability on Self-determination and Autonomous Functioning

Michael L. Wehmeyer
Background, Many people assume that the presence of an intellectual disability precludes a person from becoming self-determined. Recent research, however, has suggested that the environments in which people live, learn, work or play may play a more important role in promoting self-determination then do personal characteristics of the person, including level of intelligence. Methods, This study examined the self-determination and autonomous functioning of 301 adults with intellectual disability or a developmental disability without concomitant intellectual impairments (e.g. persons with cerebral palsy, epilepsy and spina bifida) as a function of personal characteristics of individuals. Results, Intellectual capacity was not a significant contributor to either self-determination or autonomous functioning for this group. Opportunities to make choices, however, contributed significantly and positively to greater self-determination and autonomy. Intelligence scores did, however, predict whether the person worked or lived in more or less restrictive settings, though for the latter, both self-determination and autonomous functioning also contributed significantly. Conclusions, These findings are discussed with regard to the role of personal characteristics, particularly intelligence level, in promoting self-determination and more positive adult outcomes. [source]

The Discursive Malleability of an Identity

Chaise LaDousa
This article employs a dialogic approach, in the parlance of Bakhtin, to explore the ways in which a school smedium,its primary language of instruction, has become a major category of identity in North India. Many people describe themselves and others by invoking attendance at either a Hindi- or English-medium school. The first task of this article is to account for what Bakhtin callscentripetal forcesthat enable people at different positions in terms of class or school experience to use a common duality of Hindiversus English-medium and its attendant social resonances. The second task is to account for the abilities of a teacher to question the inevitability of the medium divide and to radically reframe what is important about schooling. Her abilities derive, in part, from her experiences with schools, attesting to Bakhtin s insight that centripetal forces in language are never total, and that centrifugal forces arise from complex engagements with institutions. [source]

Parkinson's disease: 10 years of progress, 1997,2007,,

Stanley Fahn MD
Abstract Many people with Parkinson's disease (PD) and their family members ask their physicians "What is happening in research on Parkinson's disease? Is there anything new?" As the initial speaker at the symposium organized by the Parkinson's Disease Foundation in celebration of its 50th anniversary, I sought to address these questions, focusing on research published between the years 1997 and 2007. I cataloged the advances I considered most important in the field, recognizing my viewpoint is a subjective one and most likely differs from similar listings that others would put together. Space limitation allows me to discuss only a tiny fraction of the remarkable new findings that have been discovered during this 10-year span. Nevertheless, I expect the readers of this summation of advances in the field to be as impressed as I am on the wealth, breadth, and excitement stirring in the field of PD research. Included in this overview are highlights in both laboratory science and clinical science of PD research. In the former category are advances in knowledge on the genetics of PD; potential etiologic and pathogenic causes, especially the better understanding of endogenous factors within dopaminergic neurons; pathologic changes including deposition of alpha-synuclein aggregates; and the consequences of altered alpha-synuclein on the degradation of proteins by both the ubiquitin-proteasomal pathway and the lysosome. Clinical science has also been very active and impressively productive with important clinical advances. In this category are new information on the epidemiology of PD, including awareness of additional factors (besides smoking) that might slow the onset and worsening of PD, such as caffeine and urate; neuroimaging with positron emission tomography and single photon emission tomography; keener awareness of nonmotor features of PD and their impact on quality of life for the persons with PD and their family; recognition of behavioral complications of medications utilized to treat PD, such as impulse control problems; appreciation of the natural history of PD with the increasing impairments as the disease relentlessly worsens over time; the many controlled clinical trials attempting to slow the progression of the disease and to provide new symptomatic therapies; and surgical approaches to alleviate symptoms and progression, including cellular and gene therapy as well as deep brain stimulation. © 2010 Movement Disorder Society [source]

God and Evil: A Dialogue

NEW BLACKFRIARS, Issue 997 2004
Brian Davies OP
There is a lot of badness around. And many have concluded that there is, therefore, no God. Why? Because God is commonly said to be omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and good, and because it seems hard to see how such a God could ever permit the existence of the horrors we find in the world. But does evil show that God does not exist? Many people believe that it does. But what might they say to someone who takes the opposite view? Perhaps they might start by arguing as John does with Ron in the following discussion. [source]

Quality management and Juran's legacy

Soren Bisgaard
Abstract Quality management provides the framework for the industrial application of statistical quality control, design of experiments, quality improvement and reliability methods. It is therefore helpful for quality engineers and statisticians to be familiar with basic quality management principles. In this article we discuss Dr Joseph M. Juran's important contributions to modern quality management concepts, principles and models. Many people have contributed to modern quality management. However, through his extensive writings covering more than six decades, Juran has managed to distill and synthesize the subject. He has provided us with a coherent framework and terminology and anticipated many of the principles that subsequently became incorporated under the Six Sigma umbrella. We briefly outline Juran's framework and discuss a number of key contributions he has made to the subject of managing for quality. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

United and Divided: Christianity, Tradition and Identity in Two South Coast Papua New Guinea Villages

Michael Goddard
The Motu and the Hula, two south coast Papua New Guinea societies, are linguistically related, have similar social organisation and were economically linked before European colonisation. They were both introduced to Christianity by the London Missionary Society in the late 19th century, and each appeared to incorporate the new religion into their social life and thought quickly and unproblematically. More than a century later, however, generalities about the similar adoption of Christianity by the Motu and the Hula are no longer possible. Nor are generalities about the engagement with Christianity within one or the other group, as individual Motu and Hula villages have unique histories. In this regard, while Christianity has now arguably become part of putative tradition among the Motu, some Hula are experiencing conflict between Christianity and their sense of tradition. In particular, while in the Motu village of Pari Christian virtues are appealed to as part of Pari's conception of itself as a ,traditional' Motu village, the situation in the Hula village of Irupara is more or less the contrary. Many people in Irupara are now lamenting ,tradition' as something lost, a forgotten essence destroyed or replaced by Christianity. Based on fieldwork in both villages, this paper discusses some differences in their engagement with Christianity and compares contemporary perceptions of religion, tradition and identity in both societies, informing a commentary on notions of tradition and anthropological representations of the Melanesian experience of Christianity. [source]

Driving and dementia: a prospective audit of clients referred to an aged care assessment team

Robert Bunt
Objective: Many people with dementia or cognitive Impairment continue to drive. Given Australia's ageing population, this raises safety concerns for the driver in the community. This paper presents data collected by the NS W Central Coast Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), outlining the extent of the problem on the Central Coast and offers some suggestions about dealing with this issue. Method: A prospective audit of clients referred to Central Coast ACAT over a seven month period. Data describing the clients' cognitive state and also their driving habits were collected during routine ACAT assessments. Results: 1203 people were referred to ACAT during the study period. 100 (8%) of these were driving and 34% of those driving had some form of cognitive impairment. In some cases the impairment was quite severe. Most of these drivers were male. In a majority of the cases, concerns were expressed by someone familiar with the person, regarding their capacity to drive safely. Conclusion: The results support findings from other studies, which suggest there is a small but significant number of elderly people with cognitive impairment who are still driving. We propose that a safety first policy should be adopted and where there is doubt about the persons ability to drive safely, an Occupationul Therapy driving test in conjunction with a detailed cognitive assessment needs to be performed. [source]

Rethinking the executive committee

Article first published online: 14 MAR 200
Many people who are familiar with Policy Governance are aware that John Carver believes that executive committees are widely overused. However, that does not necessarily mean that Policy Governance absolutely forbids their use. Here John Carver clarifies what is wrong with executive committees, suggests ways to avoid them, and outlines how, if absolutely necessary, they can be used wisely and without undermining the benefits of Policy Governance. [source]

Rights, sexuality and relationships in Ireland: ,It'd be nice to be kind of trusted'

Grace Kelly
Accessible summary ,,This paper talks about what a group of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland had to say about their experiences of relationships and sexuality, and the type of support they might like in this area of their lives. ,,Many people did not get enough information about sexuality. There were lots of things they did not understand properly and they wanted more information. ,,Many people wanted to have boyfriend and girlfriend relationships, but relationships were not allowed in their service. Some people had to have relationships in secret. ,,In Ireland it is against the law to have a sexual relationship with a person who cannot live without support, or protect themselves from abuse, unless you are married. ,,The law needs to be changed because some people with intellectual disabilities who need support in their lives are still capable of having sexual relationships and protecting themselves from abuse. ,,People with intellectual disabilities need better sexual information and need support to have their voices heard by government. Summary How to translate the right of people with intellectual disabilities to a full sexual and intimate life into proactive support remains a challenge for disabilities services in Ireland. Little formal research has been undertaken in this country into what people with intellectual disabilities think about these issues and what they would like to see happen in this area of their lives. This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the first author's PhD research into the views and experiences of a small group of Irish people with intellectual disabilities in the area of sexuality and relationships. Initial findings suggest that people with intellectual disabilities are getting insufficient sex education and that changes are needed at a disabilities service level to ensure that people with intellectual disabilities can express their sexuality in an open and supportive climate. At a government level, changes will need to be made to Irish legislation concerning the sexuality of vulnerable adults so that this country is meeting its obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006). The authors argue that people with intellectual disabilities' views must come first in all debates concerning their sexuality. [source]

,May we please have sex tonight?', people with learning difficulties pursuing privacy in residential group settings

Andrea Hollomotz
Accessible summary ,,Everyone has the right to privacy and relationships. ,,Some people who live in group homes are not allowed to be private with their partner. ,,We will explain how this makes us feel. ,,We will say what should change. ,,Parts written in ,bold' font are in plain English. Read them to find out more. Summary Many residential group settings for people with learning difficulties do not provide individuals with the private space in which they can explore their sexual relationships in a safe and dignified manner. Lack of agreed private spaces seriously infringes the individual's human rights. Many people with learning difficulties who lack privacy have no other option but to escape to isolated public or semi-private spaces to be sexually active. This places individuals at risk. It is suggested that self-advocacy driven policy guidance must be developed which must require residential services to review their practice to ensure that they accommodate residents' need for privacy, whilst supporting them to lead safe sexual relationships. [source]


ABSTRACT In recent years there has been intense debate regarding the level of medical care provided to ,standard care' control groups in clinical trials in developing countries, particularly when the research sponsors come from wealthier countries. The debate revolves around the issue of how to define a standard of medical care in a country in which many people are not receiving the best methods of medical care available in other settings. In this paper, we argue that additional dimensions of the standard of care have been hitherto neglected, namely, the structure and efficiency of the national health system. The health system affects locally available medical care in two important ways: first, the system may be structured to provide different levels of care at different sites with referral mechanisms to direct patients to the appropriate level of care. Second, inefficiencies in this system may influence what care is available in a particular locale. As a result of these two factors locally available care cannot be equated with a national ,standard'. A reasonable approach is to define the national standard of care as the level of care that ought to be delivered under conditions of appropriate and efficient referral in a national system. This standard is the minimum level of care that ought to be provided to a control group. There may be additional moral arguments for higher levels of care in some circumstances. This health system analysis may be helpful to researchers and ethics committees in designing and reviewing research involving standard care control groups in developing country research. [source]

Therapeutic targets in the management of Type 1 diabetes

P. D. Home
Abstract For historical reasons, diabetes has long been linked with blood and urine glucose control, partly because these were clearly linked to acute symptoms, and partly because glucose became measurable around 200 years ago. Today it is recognized that there is far more to diabetes than simply monitoring symptoms and blood glucose. Intensive management has an impact on the quality of life. Late complications have their own risk factors and markers. Monitoring and early detection of these risk factors and markers can lead to changes in treatment before tissue damage is too severe. Accordingly, professionals now find themselves monitoring a range of adverse outcomes, markers for adverse outcomes, risk factors and risk markers for microvascular and arterial disease, acute complications of therapy, and the care structures needed to deliver this. Adverse outcomes lend themselves to targets for complication control in populations, and markers of adverse outcomes (such as retinopathy and raised albumin excretion rate) in treatment cohorts. Surveillance systems will have targets for yearly recall and review of early complications. Metabolic (surrogate) outcomes can be monitored in individual patients, but monitoring is only of value in so far as it guides interventions, and this requires comparison to some intervention level or absolute target. Even for blood glucose control this is not easy, for conventional measures such as glycated haemoglobin have their own problems, and more modern approaches such as post-prandial glucose levels are controversial and less convenient to measure. In many people with type 1 diabetes targets for blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and serum triglycerides will also be appropriate, and need to be part of any protocol of management. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]


The FSA seeks to address the putative financial incompetence of the borrowing public by improving its financial capability. The response of rational agents to asset price inflation in the UK is one indication of the competence with which many people use innovations in the financial services industry. The FSA succeeds only in shielding government failures in the money and housing markets. [source]

Orality in environmental planning

Cees van Woerkum
An often-neglected aspect of interactive policy making is the symbolic interaction between professionals and citizens, specifically the way they speak, the kind of orality that is involved. The orality of officials is text bound and texts on the environmental attain a firm position in the discourse of these officials, quite different from the orality of citizens. The characteristics of orality and literacy, from a communicative viewpoint, vary considerably. In literacy details and figures matter; in orality it is the intention of the speaker and the gist of the story that counts most. By bringing in a large amount of literacy in oral presentations, officials spoil the functions of orality, its effects on learning, its creative potential, the way how, via stories, many people can get involved or how trust is developed. Officials can conquer the orality of the people, they can cope with it in a strategic way or they can deal with it as a valuable asset in policy making. For this officials have to rethink the way they speak. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment [source]

Impact of Mandatory Physician Reporting on Accident Risk in Epilepsy

EPILEPSIA, Issue 8 2007
Richard S McLachlan
Summary:,Background: In some jurisdictions, physicians are required by law to report patients with seizures to the department of motor vehicles. We assessed the hypothesis that mandatory reporting reduces the risk of automobile accidents in people with epilepsy. Methods: A retrospective survey of driving and accident rates was done by mailed questionnaire to two groups of subjects with epilepsy in Canada, one living in Ontario where reporting is mandatory and the other in Alberta where it is not. Responses were obtained from a control group without epilepsy for comparison. Results: The epilepsy (n = 425) and control (n = 375) groups were comparable in age and sex. Seventy-three percent of the epilepsy group were or had been licensed drivers compared to 94% of the controls (rr 0.77, 95% CI 0.73,0.83, p < 0.001). Lifetime accident rate of licensed drivers was 58% in epilepsy and 60% in controls (rr 0.99, 95%CI 0.82,1.19, ns) while 9% of the epilepsy group and 9% of the controls had an accident in the previous year (rr 1.00, 95%CI 0.95,1.06, ns). All those with epilepsy in Ontario (n = 202) and Alberta (n = 223), also comparable in age and sex, had equal lifetime accident rates of 45 and 46% (rr 0.99, 95%CI 0.67,1.47, ns) and 1-year rates of 11 and 8% (rr 1.38, 95%CI 0.59,3.27, ns). In Ontario, 20% of drivers were unlicensed compared to 9% in Alberta (rr 2.39, 95%CI 1.17,4.89, p = 0.01) Conclusion: Although it is clearly dangerous for many people with ongoing seizures to drive, the findings provide no support for the hypothesis that mandatory reporting of patients by physicians reduces accident risk and suggest that concerns about the impact of epilepsy on driving compared to other medical and nonmedical risk factors may be excessive. [source]

Development and implementation of new educational concepts in a dental curriculum

H. W. Kersten
Abstract, The Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam introduced a fully renewed 5-year dental curriculum in September 2003. In this article, the educational principles and didactic choices that form the basis of the curriculum development are presented and attention is given to the process of development and the implementation strategy that constitute such an important part of the success of introducing a new curriculum. Special characteristics of the new curriculum are the clinical training practice, professional conduct, the elective profiles and academic education. In clinical practice, groups of students from different levels run a group practice in which they learn to work together, delegate tasks, solve clinical problems and apply evidence-based dentistry. In the new curriculum students learn to conduct themselves as professionals. In the third and in the fifth year, students choose an elective profile oriented, respectively, on research and on clinical knowledge and skills. Academic education is an important spearhead in this curriculum in which students not only learn why research is important to dentistry but also how dentists can use research to their own benefit. In development and implementation, a stepwise approach was used in which as many people as logistically possible were involved. [source]

Medicinal plants and the treatment of diabetes in Senegal: survey with patients

Amadou Moctar Dièye
Abstract Diabetes is the most common metabolic disorder worldwide and is a major public health problem. Its frequency increases every day in all countries. However, in developing African countries, few people have access to drugs. In addition, in Africa, traditional beliefs induce people to use medicinal plants whenever they have health problems. Thus, many people in these developing countries use plants for the treatment of diabetes. Yet, few studies are focused on the knowledge and attitudes of the users on medicinal plants in Africa in general and in Senegal in particular. Hence we undertook this survey on the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diabetes in Senegal in order to make recommendations which could contribute to the increase of the value of herbal medicines in developing countries. We did a cross-sectional survey by direct interview at a university teaching hospital, in Dakar with a representative sample of 220 patients. Forty-one plants were used by the patients and the two most frequently cited were Moringa oleifera Lam (65.90%) and Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) Hochst (43.20%). Patients gave several reasons for using medicinal plants (traditional treatment: 40%, efficacy: 32%, low cost: 20%). The principal suppliers of plants were tradesmen in the market (66.8%) and traditional therapists (5%). Sixty-five per cent of patients think that medicinal plants are efficient for the treatment of diabetes and 20% have reported adverse effects which could be caused by medicinal plants. In conclusion, many people in our study think that medicinal plants are efficient for the treatment of diabetes, which requires research work by scientists in developing countries in this field in order to prove their efficacy and innocuousness. [source]


Reinhard Henkel
ABSTRACT. One of the observable aspects of social change during the transition period in most post-socialist countries is the revival of religion. The resurgence of churches has accompanied national revival and in some countries it is also connected to a growing post-socialist nationalism. This article focuses on the development of different ,,transnational', religious options in an area of ethnic conflict by presenting a case study of the post-war growth of the Baptist Church in the Banovina region in Croatia, close to the Bosnian border. Research results are based on halfstructured interviews with church representatives and members. The research shows that there has been a considerable post-war expansion of the Baptist Church in the Banovina region, and that it is mainly ethnic Serbs and people from mixed marriages who have joined the Church. Many of them have a background as communists. For them, neither the Catholic Church, which is regarded as a Croatian church, nor the Serbian Orthodox Church are viable religious options. Instead, there are three factors that make the ,Baptist option' attractive. First, it is grounded in the historical tradition of the Baptist Church in this region and on memories and myths activated in the war and post-war periods. Second, the Baptist Church has made a middle transnational option available in an ethnically mixed area. As such it attracts those who are searching for a niche of neutrality in an ethnically strongly divided region characterized by conflict. Third, the considerable humanitarian work and help of organizations related to the Baptist Church during and after the war not only added in the eyes of many people in need to its image elements of existential shelter, but also brought the Church out of the shadows and made it more ,visible', thereby improving its former reputation as an obscure sect. [source]


Tor A. Benjaminsen
ABSTRACT. In Gausdal, a mountainous community in southern Norway, a conflict involving dogsledding has dominated local politics during the past two decades. In order to understand local protests against this activity, in this article we apply discourse analysis within the evolving approach of political ecology. In this way, we also aim at contributing to the emerging trend of bringing political ecology "home". To many people, dogsledding appears as an environmentally friendly outdoor recreation activity as well as a type of adventure tourism that may provide new income opportunities to marginal agricultural communities. Hence, at a first glance, the protests against this activity may be puzzling. Looking for explanations for these protests, this empirical study demonstrates how the opposition to dogsledding may be understood as grounded in four elements of a narrative: (1) environmental values are threatened; (2) traditional economic activities are threatened; (3) outsiders take over the mountain; and (4) local people are powerless. Furthermore, we argue that the narrative is part of what we see as a broader Norwegian "rural traditionalist discourse". This discourse is related to a continued marginalization of rural communities caused by increasing pressure on agriculture to improve its efficiency as well as an "environmentalization" of rural affairs. Thus, the empirical study shows how opposition to dogsledding in a local community is articulated as a narrative that fits into a more general pattern of opposition to rural modernization in Norway as well as internationally. [source]

Knowledge, attitudes and health outcomes in HIV-infected travellers to the USA

HIV MEDICINE, Issue 4 2006
M Mahto
Background The USA bans entry to non-citizens unless they obtain a waiver visa. Aim To establish how many people with HIV infection travelled to the USA, whether they were aware of the travel restriction, whether they travelled with a waiver visa and HIV inclusive medical insurance and how they managed with their antiretroviral medication (ARV). Design Collation of data from cross-sectional studies conducted independently at three different medical centres, Manchester, Brighton and London, using a structured self-completion questionnaire. Results The overall response rate was 66.6% (1113 respondents). 349 (31%) had travelled to the USA since testing HIV positive, of whom only 14.3% travelled with a waiver visa. 64% and 62% of the respondents at Manchester and Brighton were aware of the need of a waiver visa. 68.5% (212) were on ARV medication at the time of travel and, of these, 11.3% stopped their medication. Of those taking ARV medication, only 25% took a doctors' letter, 11.7% posted their medication in advance. Of those discontinuing treatment (n=27), 55.5% sought medical advice before stopping, 11 were on NNRTI-based regimen and one developed NNRTI-based mutation. Only 27% took up HIV inclusive medical insurance. Many patients reported negative practical and emotional experiences resulting from travel restrictions. Conclusion The majority of HIV patients travel to the USA without the waiver visa, with nearly half doing so with insufficient planning and advice. A significant minority (11.3%) stop their medication in an unplanned manner, risking the development of drug resistence. [source]

That Many of Us Should Not Parent

HYPATIA, Issue 4 2006
Lisa Cassidy
In liberal societies (where birth control is generally accepted and available), many people decide whether or not they wish to become parents. One key question in making this decision is, What kind of parent will I be? Parenting competence can be ranked from excellent to competent to poor. Cassidy argues that those who can foresee being poor parents, or even merely competent ones, should opt not to parent. [source]

At Peace but Insecure The Paradoxes of Post-Soviet Life

IDS BULLETIN, Issue 2 2001
Thomas Lines
Summaries This article examines the forms of insecurity which have developed in the societies of the Commonwealth of Independent States since the USSR broke up in 1991. That huge political upheaval was remarkable for the lack of overt conflict that accompanied it: restricted wars in a few peripheral regions and only isolated episodes of political violence and social unrest elsewhere. Yet most citizens of these twelve countries have seen the manifold security of their lives under the Soviet Union vanish. Exposed often for the first time to crime, they have also lost secure entitlements to employment, housing, education, health care and old-age pensions, as well as cheap utilities and housing. For many people the overriding sense has been one of loss, as even the political security gained with the reduction in repression is compromised by the instability of the USSR's weak successor states. The article examines the paradox of a situation of pervasive human insecurity in a region which so far has remained largely at peace. [source]

Simulation of the market penetration of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Korea

Eunju Jun
Abstract As fuel cell technologies are developed, hydrogen-powered vehicles are receiving more interest. The hydrogen economy, particularly hydrogen-powered vehicle penetration into the Korean transportation market, is studied in this paper. Vensim, a system dynamic code, was used to simulate the dynamics in the transportation market, assuming various types of vehicles such as gasoline, hybrid electricity, and hydrogen powered. Market share for each vehicle was predicted using the currently available data. The results showed that the hydrogen era will not be as bright as predicted by many people. The main barrier is the fuel cell cost. Thus, in order to expand the fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) market, hydrogen fuel cell cost needs to be dramatically reduced. Hydrogen-powered FCV cost, including operating and capital costs, should reach $0.16 per kilometer in order to seize 50% of the newly created transportation market. However, if strong policies or subsidies are implemented, the results predicted here will be affected. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]