Management Intensity (management + intensity)

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Selected Abstracts

Response of pine natural regeneration to small-scale spatial variation in a managed Mediterranean mountain forest

Ignacio Barbeito
Abstract Questions: What influence do management practices and previous tree and shrub stand structure have on the occurrence and development of natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris in Mediterranean mountain forests? How are the fine-scale and environmental patterns of resources affected and what impact does this have on the distribution of the regeneration? Location: A Pinus sylvestris Mediterranean mountain forest in central Spain. Methods: Upperstory trees and regeneration (seedlings and saplings) were mapped in four 0.5-ha plots located in two types of stand with different management intensities (even-aged and uneven-aged stands). Environmental variables were recorded at the nodes of a grid within the plots. The relationships between the upperstory and regeneration were evaluated by bivariate point pattern analysis; redundancy analysis ordination and variation partitioning were performed to characterize regeneration niches and the importance of the spatial component. Results: Seedlings and saplings presented a clumped structure under both types of management and their distribution was found to be related to the spatial distribution of favourable microsites. Regeneration was positively related to conditions of partial cover with high soil water content during the summer. More than half of the explained variance was spatially structured in both types of stand. This percentage was particularly high in the even-aged stands where the pattern of regeneration was highly influenced by the gaps created by harvesting. Conclusions: The spatial distribution of the tree and shrub upperstory strongly influences regeneration patterns of P. sylvestris. Current management practices, promoting small gaps, partial canopy cover and moderate shade in even-aged stands, or favouring tree and shrub cover in the case of uneven-aged stands, appears to provide suitable conditions for the natural regeneration of P. sylvestris in a Mediterranean climate. [source]

A Quantitative Conservation Approach for the Endangered Butterfly Maculinea alcon

MICHIEL F. WallisDeVries
The quality and size of habitat patches and their isolation from other patches are the main parameters for an assessment of population persistence, but translating persistence probabilities into practical measures is still a weak link in conservation management. I provide a quantitative conservation approach for the endangered myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea alcon in the Netherlands. All 127 colonies known on heathland since 1990 were investigated for patch quality, size, and isolation. I assessed habitat quality in three 10 × 10 m plots for most colonies. Site occupancy in 1998,1999 was only 56%. Occupancy was best explained by a logistic regression including patch area, host ant presence, host plant abundance, overall heathland area, and connectivity between sites ( R2= 0.410, p < 0.0001); it correctly classified the occupied or vacant status for 82% of the sites. Connectivity contributed only 3.6% to the total explained variation of site occupancy, indicating that habitat characteristics were more important than isolation in determining population persistence at the examined scale level (>500 m). Grazing and sod cutting had a beneficial impact, but in combination these practices proved detrimental. Hydrological measures to prevent drainage were also associated with lowered occupancy. I used the different components in the logistic regression to formulate objective management recommendations. These consisted of sod cutting, reduction of management intensity, enlargement of habitat, or combinations of these recommendations. The results highlight the importance of careful management when site quality is determined by multiple factors. The quantitative conservation approach followed here can be fruitfully extended to other endangered species, provided enough is known about their ecological requirements and how management actions affect them. Resumen:,La preservación de fragmentos individuales es extremadamente importante para especies en peligro con capacidad de dispersión limitada. La calidad y tamaño de los fragmentos de hábitat y su aislamiento de otros fragmentos son los parámetros principales para la evaluación de la persistencia de la población, pero la traducción de probabilidades de persistencia en medidas prácticas aun es un eslabón débil en la gestión de conservación. Proporciono un método cuantitativo de conservación para la mariposa mirmecófila Maculinea alcon en peligro en Holanda. Se investigó a las 127 colonias conocidas en brezales desde 1990 para calidad, tamaño y aislamiento del fragmento. Evalué la calidad del hábitat en tres parcelas de 10 × 10 m en la mayoría de las colonias. La ocupación de sitios en 1998-1999 fue sólo 56%. La ocupación fue mejor explicada por regresión logística incluyendo la superficie del fragmento, presencia de hormigas huésped, abundancia de plantas huésped, superficie total del brezal y conectividad entre sitios ( R2= 0.410, p < 0.0001); clasificó el estatus de ocupado o vacante en 82% de los sitios. La conectividad contribuyó con solo 36% de la variación total de sitio de ocupación, lo que indica que las características de hábitat fueron más importantes que el aislamiento en la determinación de la persistencia de la población en el nivel de escala examinado (>500 m). El pastoreo y el corte de pasto tuvieron un impacto benéfico pero combinadas, estas prácticas fueron perjudiciales. Obras hidrológicas para prevenir la desecación también se asociaron con una disminución en la ocupación. Utilicé los diferentes componentes de la regresión logística para formular recomendaciones objetivas de gestión. Estas incluyeron el corte de pasto, reducción en la intensidad de manejo, aumento de hábitat o combinaciones de estas recomendaciones. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de la gestión cuidadosa cuando la calidad del sitio está determinada por múltiples factores. El método cuantitativo de preservación utilizado puede ser extendido exitosamente a otras especies en peligro, siempre que sean suficientemente conocidos sus requerimientos ecológicos y la forma en que le afectan las acciones de manejo. [source]

Grazing Intensity and the Diversity of Grasshoppers, Butterflies, and Trap-Nesting Bees and Wasps

Andreas Kruess
The reduction of management intensity can be a useful tool for the long-term conservation of the biological diversity of grasslands. We analyzed floral and faunal diversity on intensively and extensively (unintensively) grazed pastures and on 5- to 10-year-old ungrazed grasslands in northern Germany. Each of the three grassland habitats differing in grazing intensity was replicated six times. We related diverse taxa such as grasshoppers, butterfly adults and lepidopteran larvae, and trap-nesting solitary bees and wasps to vegetation structure. There was an increase of species richness and abundance from pastures to ungrazed grasslands. The percentage of parasitism of the most abundant trap-nesting species, the digger-wasp ( Trypoxylon figulus), was also higher on ungrazed grasslands. Decreased grazing on pastures enhanced species richness for adult butterflies only, whereas the abundance of adult butterflies, solitary bees and wasps, and their natural enemies increased. Although the differences in insect diversity between pastures and ungrazed grassland could be attributed to a greater vegetation height and heterogeneity ( bottom-up effects) on ungrazed areas, the differences between intensively and extensively grazed pastures could not be explained by changes in vegetation characteristics. Hence, intensive grazing appeared to affect the insect communities through the disruption of plant-insect interactions. A mosaic of extensively grazed grassland and grassland left ungrazed for a few years may be a good means by which to maintain biodiversity and the strength of trophic interactions. Resumen: El mantenimiento de pastizales como hábitats distintos depende del manejo regular, generalmente, por medio de pastoreo o segado, pero se sabe que la diversidad de especies declina con el incremento de intensidad de manejo. La reducción de la intensidad de manejo puede ser una herramienta útil para la conservación a largo plazo de la biodiversidad de pastizales. Analizamos la diversidad florística y faunística en pastizales pastoreados intensiva y extensivamente (no intensivos) y en pastizales de 5 a 10 años no pastoreados en el norte de Alemania. Cada uno de los tres hábitats de pastizal diferentes en el grado de pastoreo fue replicado seis veces. Relacionamos diversos taxones como chapulines, mariposas adultas, larvas de lepidópteros y abejas y avispas solitarias con la estructura de la vegetación. Hubo un incremento en la riqueza y abundancia de especies de pastizales pastoreados a no pastoreados. El porcentaje de parasitismo de la especie de avispa más abundante ( Trypoxylon figulus) también fue mayor en pastizales no pastoreados. La reducción del pastoreo incrementó la riqueza de especies de mariposas adultas solamente, mientras que incrementó la abundancia de mariposas adultas, abejas y avispas solitarias y sus enemigos naturales. Aunque las diferencias en la diversidad de insectos entre pastizales pastoreados y no pastoreados pudiera atribuirse a la mayor altura de la vegetación y a la heterogeneidad (efectos abajo-arriba) en áreas no pastoreadas, las diferencias entre pastizales pastoreados intensiva y extensivamente no podría explicarse por cambios en las características de la vegetación. Por consiguiente, el pastoreo intensivo aparentemente afectó a las comunidades de insectos por la disrupción de las interacciones planta-animal. Un mosaico de pastizales pastoreados extensivamente y pastizales sin pastoreo por varios años puede ser una buena estrategia para mantener la biodiversidad y la vigencia de las interacciones tróficas. [source]

Effects of stream restoration and management on plant communities in lowland streams

Summary 1. We evaluated restoration success on macrophyte species diversity and composition in lowland streams using communities in 30 naturally meandering stream reaches in the western part of Jutland, Denmark, as reference target communities. Fuzzy set clustering was used to examine the floristic and environmental similarity among reaches, whereas fuzzy set ordination was used to relate floristic patterns to environmental variables. 2. Two major groups of streams were identified based on their floristic composition. One group consisted of reference and restored reaches and the other of the majority of channelised reaches. We found that management exerted a strong influence on the macrophyte communities and that the identified groups were related to differences in management intensity. 3. Our results also indicate that bank morphology and bed level affected macrophyte communities in the streams, particularly the richness and abundance of terrestrial species. The analyses performed suggest that shallow and wide banks allow for a larger migration of species from the stream banks into the streams, thereby enhancing species diversity within the stream channel. 4. The results of this study suggest that macrophyte communities in channelised lowland streams can recover following restorative interventions given that stream management (i.e. weed cutting and dredging) is minimised and that stream banks are reprofiled to improve the lateral connectivity between the stream and its valley. [source]

Effects of predatory ants on lower trophic levels across a gradient of coffee management complexity

S. M. Philpott
Summary 1Ants are important predators in agricultural systems, and have complex and often strong effects on lower trophic levels. Agricultural intensification reduces habitat complexity, food web diversity and structure, and affects predator communities. Theory predicts that strong top-down cascades are less likely to occur as habitat and food web complexity decrease. 2To examine relationships between habitat complexity and predator effects, we excluded ants from coffee plants in coffee agroecosystems varying in vegetation complexity. Specifically, we studied the effects of eliminating ants on arthropod assemblages, herbivory, damage by the coffee berry borer and coffee yields in four sites differing in management intensification. We also sampled ant assemblages in each management type to see whether changes in ant assemblages relate to any observed changes in top-down effects. 3Removing ants did not change total arthropod densities, herbivory, coffee berry borer damage or coffee yields. Ants did affect densities of some arthropod orders, but did not affect densities of different feeding groups. The effects of ants on lower trophic levels did not change with coffee management intensity. 4Diversity and activity of ants on experimental plants did not change with coffee intensification, but the ant species composition differed. 5Although variation in habitat complexity may affect trophic cascades, manipulating predatory ants across a range of coffee agroecosystems varying in management intensity did not result in differing effects on arthropod assemblages, herbivory, coffee berry borer attack or coffee yields. Thus, there is no clear pattern that top-down effects of ants in coffee agroecosystems intensify or dampen with decreased habitat complexity. [source]

Influence of plant species and soil conditions on plant,soil feedback in mixed grassland communities

Kathryn A. Harrison
Summary 1.,Our aim was to explore plant,soil feedback in mixed grassland communities and its significance for plant productivity and community composition relative to abiotic factors of soil type and fertility. 2.,We carried out a 4-year, field-based mesocosm experiment to determine the relative effects of soil type, historic management intensity and soil conditioning by a wide range of plant species of mesotrophic grassland on the productivity and evenness of subsequent mixed communities. 3.,The study consisted of an initial soil conditioning phase, whereby soil from two locations each with two levels of management intensity was conditioned with monocultures of nine grassland species, and a subsequent feedback phase, where mixed communities of the nine species were grown in conditioned soil to determine relative effects of experimental factors on the productivity and evenness of mixed communities and individual plant species performance. 4.,In the conditioning phase of the experiment, individual plant species differentially influenced soil microbial communities and nutrient availability. However, these biotic effects were much less important as drivers of soil microbial properties and nutrient availability than were abiotic factors of soil type and fertility. 5.,Significant feedback effects of conditioning were detected during the second phase of the study in terms of individual plant growth in mixed communities. These feedback effects were generally independent of soil type or fertility, and were consistently negative in nature. In most cases, individual plant species performed less well in mixed communities planted in soil that had previously supported their own species. 6.,Synthesis. These findings suggest that despite soil abiotic factors acting as major drivers of soil microbial communities and nutrient availability, biotic interactions in the form of negative feedback play a significant role in regulating individual plant performance in mixed grassland communities across a range of soil conditions. [source]

A Pilot Study Analyzing Mortality of Adults With Developmental Disabilities Residing in Nursing Homes in Connecticut

Gerard J. Kerins
Abstract A review of mortality cases for persons with intellectual disabilities (ID) in the state of Connecticut (USA) revealed that the majority of deaths in residential settings occurred in nursing homes. However, it was not clear why individuals with ID were residing in nursing homes, or what brought them there. The authors conducted a preliminary study to elicit better understanding of the circumstances resulting in nursing home residency for people with ID. Charts for a small sample of deaths occurring in nursing homes were examined and select data extracted, including basic demographic data, the previous residential setting, the length of stay, medical conditions, case management intensity, and documented rationale for continued nursing home residency. The data revealed that many individuals were admitted to nursing homes at an earlier age than for the nondisabled general population. People with ID stayed in these residences longer, and died later than the general population of nondisabled individuals admitted to nursing homes. About half the sample received case management on at least an annual basis; a third had no documented case management. Lack of appropriate alternate residential settings, lack of support services for families, and lack of case management resources for adults with ID residing in nursing homes in Connecticut are all apparent from the findings. Failure to use existing resources such as group homes to their potential capacity, and other similar policies should be re-examined. [source]

Effects of forest management on epiphytic lichen diversity in Mediterranean forests

Gregorio Aragón
Abstract Question: What are the responses of epiphytic lichens to the intensity of management along a large environmental gradient in Mediterranean Quercus forests? Location: Central Spain. Methods: This study was carried out on 4590 trees located in 306 forest stands dominated by Quercus faginea or Quercus ilex ssp. ballota. The effect of forest management and other predictor variables on several species diversity indicators were studied. Variables modelled were total species richness, cyanolichen richness and community composition. A large number of predictor variables were included: forest fragmentation (patch size, stand variability), climate and topographic (altitude, slope, sun radiation, annual rainfall and mean annual temperature) and intensity of management. General linear models and constrained ordination techniques were used to model community traits and species composition, respectively. Results: Total richness and especially cyanolichens richness were significantly and negatively affected by the intensity of management. Lichen composition was influenced by management intensity, climatic and topographic variables and stand variability. Conclusions: In Mediterranean forests, human activities related to forestry, agricultural and livestock use cause impoverishment of lichen communities, including the local disappearance of the most demanding species. The conservation of unmanaged forests with a dense canopy is crucial for lichen diversity. [source]

Twig-Nesting Ants: The Hidden Predators of the Coffee Berry Borer in Chiapas, Mexico

BIOTROPICA, Issue 3 2010
Ashley Larsen
ABSTRACT Coffee is a globally important crop that is subject to numerous pest problems, many of which are partially controlled by predatory ants. Yet several studies have proposed that these ecosystem services may be reduced where agricultural systems are more intensively managed. Here we investigate the predatory ability of twig-nesting ants on the main pest of coffee, the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) under different management systems in southwest Chiapas, Mexico. We conducted both laboratory and field experiments to examine which twig-nesting ant species, if any, can prey on free-living borers or can remove borers embedded in coffee fruits and whether the effects of the twig-nesting ant community differ with habitat type. Results indicate that several species of twig-nesting ants are effective predators of both free-living borers and those embedded in coffee fruits. In the lab, Pseudomyrmex ejectus, Pseudomyrmex simplex, and Pseudomyrmex PSW-53 effectively removed free-living and embedded borers. In the field, abundance, but not diversity, of twig-nesting ant colonies was influenced by shade management techniques, with the highest colony abundance present in the sites where shade trees were recently pruned. However, borer removal rates in the field were significant only in the shadiest site, but not in more intensively managed sites. This study provides evidence that twig-nesting ants can act as predators of the coffee berry borer and that the presence of twig-nesting ants may not be strongly linked to shade management intensity, as has been suggested for other arthropod predators of the borer. Abstract in Spanish is available at [source]

Avian Foraging Behavior in Two Different Types of Coffee Agroecosystem in Chiapas, Mexico

BIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2007
Thomas V. Dietsch
ABSTRACT This study describes the foraging ecology of birds during summer and winter in two different types of coffee agroecosystems in Chiapas, Mexico. Avian foraging behavior is documented in two agroecosystems of differing management intensity, structurally similar but with different levels of floristic diversity, during summer and winter seasons. The distribution of tree species used by birds was more even, and birds used a greater diversity of tree species, in the more diverse coffee shade system. Much of the variation in resource use derived from shifts in the use of flowers and fruit, highlighting the importance in resource phenology for birds. Insectivory was more frequent in winter than summer for the coffee layer, and in summer for the shade layer. Given the vegetative structural similarity of the two coffee agroecosystems included in this study, floristic differences probably accounted for much of the difference in the bird communities between the management systems, especially given the strong seasonal response to flowering and fruiting. This work suggests that plentiful and diverse food resources associated with the high diversity of plant species may facilitate coexistence of the high number of bird species found in shade-grown coffee agroecosystems. RESUMEN Este estudio describe la ecología de forraje de las aves durante el verano y el invierno en dos tipos diferentes de agroecosistemas de café en Chiapas, México. En este estudio se documenta el comportamiento de forraje de aves en dos agroecosistemas con intensidades de manejo diferentes, similares estructuralmente pero con niveles diferentes de diversidad florística, durante la temporada de verano e invierno. En el sistema más diverso de café con sombra las aves utilizaron una mayor diversidad de especies de árboles y estos estaban distribuídos mas uniformememnte que en el sistema con menor diversidad florística. La mayor parte de la variabilidad en el uso de recurso se debió a cambios en la utilización de flores y frutos, acentuando la importancia que tiene la fenología de las plantas para las aves. Al nivel de los cafetos, el consumo de insectos fué más frecuente en el invierno que en el verano, pero al nivel del dosel de los árboles de sombra el consumo fue mayor en el verano. Dada la similitud en la estructura vegetativa de estos dos agroecosistemas y dada la fuerte respuesta de las aves a la producción de flores y frutos, es muy probable que las diferencias observada se deban principalmente a las diferencias en la diversidad florística entre los dos sistemas. Este trabajo sugiere que la gran abundancia y diversidad de recursos alimentarios asociados a una alta diversidad de plantas facilita la coexistencia de un grán número de especies de aves in los agroecosistemas de café con sombra. [source]