
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Macrophytes

  • exotic macrophyte
  • invasive macrophyte
  • native macrophyte
  • submerged macrophyte

  • Terms modified by Macrophytes

  • macrophyte biomass
  • macrophyte community
  • macrophyte cover
  • macrophyte coverage
  • macrophyte species
  • macrophyte species diversity
  • macrophyte species richness

  • Selected Abstracts

    A Quantified Ethogram for Oviposition in Triturus Newts: Description and Comparison of T. helveticus and T. vulgaris

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 4 2005
    Karen M. Norris
    Female newts of the genus Triturus deposit and wrap their eggs individually in the submerged leaves of aquatic macrophytes. Although this behaviour has previously been described, the different elements of the oviposition process have not been fully characterized nor any attempt made to quantify the behavioural elements. The study examined the oviposition behaviour of the two similarly sized species, Triturus helveticus and T. vulgaris on a standardized substrate macrophyte, Rorippa nasturtium,aquaticum. Continuous focal sampling was used to develop a baseline of discrete behavioural elements enabling quantification and comparison of oviposition behaviour between the two species. The results showed that the same pattern of elements was followed for each egg laid and the same key elements of the process were present in each newt species. Although these are broadly similar in size, there were striking differences in certain aspects of the oviposition sequence between the two species. Key findings were that leaf sniffing and leaf flexing and a measure of the duration of ovipositing were all significantly greater in females of T. helveticus and females of T. vulgaris laid significantly more eggs than those of T. helveticus in a standard observation period. The work presented here defines a baseline ethogram and shows how it can be used to reveal quantifiable differences in closely related species. This demonstrates its value in furthering our understanding of oviposition , a key aspect of female behaviour currently understudied in Triturus behavioural ecology, despite its intrinsic interest and value in understanding recruitment and maintenance of populations. [source]

    Effects of an exotic invasive macrophyte (tropical signalgrass) on native plant community composition, species richness and functional diversity

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 6 2010
    Summary 1.,The issue of freshwater species being threatened by invasion has become central in conservation biology because inland waters exhibit the highest species richness per unit area, but apparently have the highest extinctions rates on the planet. 2.,In this article, we evaluated the effects of an exotic, invasive aquatic grass (Urochloa subquadripara, tropical signalgrass) on the diversity and assemblage composition of native macrophytes in four Neotropical water bodies (two reservoirs and two lakes). Species cover was assessed in quadrats, and plant biomass was measured in further quadrats, located in sites where tropical signalgrass dominated (D quadrats) and sites where it was not dominant or entirely absent (ND quadrats). The effects of tropical signalgrass on macrophyte species richness, Shannon diversity and number of macrophyte life forms (a surrogate of functional richness) were assessed through regressions, and composition was assessed with a DCA. The effects of tropical signalgrass biomass on the likelihood of occurrence of specific macrophyte life forms were assessed through logistic regression. 3.,Tropical signalgrass had a negative effect on macrophyte richness and Shannon and functional diversity, and also influenced assemblage composition. Emergent, rooted with floating stems and rooted submersed species were negatively affected by tropical signalgrass, while the occurrence of free-floating species was positively affected. 4.,Our results suggest that competition with emergent species and reduction of underwater radiation, which reduces the number of submersed species, counteract facilitation of free-floating species, contributing to a decrease in plant diversity. In addition, homogenisation of plant assemblages shows that tropical signalgrass reduces the beta diversity in the macrophyte community. 5.,Although our results were obtained at fine spatial scales, they are cause for concern because macrophytes are an important part of freshwater diversity. [source]

    Seasonal dynamics of macrophytes and phytoplankton in shallow lakes: a eutrophication-driven pathway from plants to plankton?

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2010
    Summary 1. Seasonal relationships between macrophyte and phytoplankton populations may alter considerably as lakes undergo eutrophication. Understanding of these changes may be key to the interpretation of ecological processes operating over longer (decadal-centennial) timescales. 2. We explore the seasonal dynamics of macrophytes (measured twice in June and August) and phytoplankton (measured monthly May,September) populations in 39 shallow lakes (29 in the U.K. and 10 in Denmark) covering broad gradients for nutrients and plant abundance. 3. Three site groups were identified based on macrophyte seasonality; 16 lakes where macrophyte abundance was perennially low and the water generally turbid (,turbid lakes'); 7 where macrophyte abundance was high in June but low in August (,crashing' lakes); and 12 where macrophyte abundance was high in both June and August (,stable' lakes). The seasonal behaviour of the crashing and turbid lakes was extremely similar with a consistent increase in nutrient concentrations and chlorophyll- a over May,September. By contrast in the stable lakes, seasonal changes were dampened with chlorophyll- a consistently low (<10,15 ,g L,1) over the entire summer. The crashing lakes were dominated by one or a combination of Potamogeton pusillus, Potamogeton pectinatus and Zannichellia palustris, whereas Ceratophyllum demersum and Chara spp. were more abundant in the stable lakes. 4. A long-term loss of macrophyte species diversity has occurred in many shallow lakes affected by eutrophication. One common pathway is from a species-rich plant community with charophytes to a species-poor community dominated by P. pusillus, P. pectinatus and Z. palustris. Such compositional changes may often be accompanied by a substantial reduction in the seasonal duration of plant dominance and a greater tendency for incursions by phytoplankton. We hypothesise a slow-enacting (10,100 s years) feedback loop in nutrient-enriched shallow lakes whereby increases in algal abundance are associated with losses of macrophyte species and hence different plant seasonal strategies. In turn such changes may favour increased phytoplankton production thus placing further pressure on remaining macrophytes. This study blurs the distinction between so-called turbid phytoplankton-dominated and clear plant-dominated shallow lakes and suggests that plant loss from them may be a gradual process. [source]

    Temporal dynamics of dissolved oxygen in a floating,leaved macrophyte bed

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 8 2008
    Summary 1. Oxygen concentrations in shallow vegetated areas of aquatic systems can be extremely dynamic. In these waters, characterizing the average oxygen content or frequency of low oxygen events (hypoxia) may require high frequency measurements that span seasons and even years. In this study, moored sondes were used to collect 15-min interval dissolved oxygen (DO) readings in an embayment of the tidal Hudson River with dense coverage by an invasive floating leaved plant (Trapa natans) and in adjacent open waters. Measurements were made from late spring to summer over a 2-year period (2005, 2006). 2. Oxygen concentrations were far more dynamic in the vegetated embayment than in the adjacent open waters and while hypoxic conditions never occurred in the open waters, they occurred frequently in the vegetated site. Overall the vegetated site was hypoxic (DO < 2.5 mg L,1) 30% of the time and had an average oxygen concentration of 5.1 mg L,1. Oxygen concentration was significantly (P < 0.0001, anova) related to season, year and tide. Low tide periods during summer of 2006 had the lowest average oxygen concentration and the highest frequency of hypoxia. 3. The greater hypoxia in summer than spring is related to changes in plant morphology. In the spring and early summer when plants are submersed hypoxia occurs at lower frequency and duration than in the summer when dense floating vegetation covers the water. The tidal pattern in oxygen is related to hydrologic exchange with the non-vegetated open waters. Year-to-year variation may be related to relatively small changes in plant biomass between years. 4. Oxygen concentrations in aquatic systems can be critical to habitat quality and can have cascading impacts on redox sensitive nutrient and metal cycling. For some systems with dynamic oxygen patterns neither weekly spot sampling nor short-duration, high-frequency measurements may be sufficient to characterize oxygen conditions of the system. [source]

    Effects of mute swan grazing on a keystone macrophyte

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 12 2007
    Summary 1. This study describes the early summer foraging behaviour of mute swans (Cygnus olor) on the River Frome, a highly productive chalk stream in southern England in which Ranunculus penicillatus pseudofluitans is the dominant macrophyte. 2. A daily maximum of 41 ± 2.5 swans were present along the 1.1 km study reach during the study period (late May to the end of June). The river was the primary feeding habitat. Feeding activity on the river at dawn and dusk was much lower than during daylight, but we cannot rule out the possibility that swans fed during the hours of darkness. 3. The effects of herbivory on R. pseudofluitans biomass and morphology were quantified. Biomass was lower in grazed areas and swans grazed selectively on leaves in preference to stems. A lower proportion of stems from grazed areas possessed intact stem apices and flowering of the plant was reduced in grazed areas. 4. A model, based on the swans' daily consumption, was used to predict the grazing pressure of swans on R. pseudofluitans. The model accurately predicted the number of bird days supported by the study site, only if grazing was assumed to severely reduce R. pseudofluitans growth. The proportion of the initial R. pseudofluitans biomass consumed by a fixed number of swans was predicted to be greater when the habitat area was smaller, initial R. pseudofluitans biomass was lower and R. pseudofluitans was of lower food value. 5. We concluded that the flux of N and P through the study reach was largely unaffected by swan activity. The quality of R. pseudofluitans mesohabitat (the plant as habitat for invertebrates and fish) was significantly reduced by grazing which also indirectly contributed to reduced roughness (Manning's n) and by inference water depth. Wetted habitat area for fish and invertebrates would also be lowered over the summer period as a consequence of the reduction in water depth. It was estimated that, while grazing, an individual swan may eat the same mass of invertebrates per day as a 300-g trout. 6. There is a need to manage the conflict between mute swans and the keystone macrophyte, R. pseudofluitans, in chalk streams, and the modelling approach used here offers a potentially useful tool for this purpose. [source]

    Habitat selection and diel distribution of the crustacean zooplankton from a shallow Mediterranean lake during the turbid and clear water phases

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2007
    Summary 1. The fish fauna of many shallow Mediterranean Lakes is dominated by small-bodied exotic omnivores, with potential implications for fish,zooplankton interactions still largely unknown. Here we studied diel variation in the vertical and horizontal distribution of the crustacean plankton in Lake Vela, a shallow polymictic and eutrophic lake. Diel sampling was carried out on three consecutive days along a horizontal transect, including an open-water station and a macrophyte (Nymphaea alba) bed. Since transparency is a key determinant of the predation risk posed by fish, the zooplankton sampling campaigns were conducted in both the turbid (autumn) and clear water (spring) phases. 2. In the turbid phase, most taxa were homogeneously distributed along the vertical and horizontal axes in the three consecutive days. The only exception was for copepod nauplii, which showed vertical heterogeneity, possibly as a response to invertebrate predators. 3. In the clear water phase, most zooplankton taxa displayed habitat selection. Vertically, the general response consisted of a daily vertical migration (DVM), despite the limited depth (1.6 m). Horizontally, zooplankters showed an overall preference for the pelagic zone, independent of the time of the day. Such evidence is contrary to the postulated role of macrophytes as an anti-predator refuge for the zooplankton. 4. These vertical (DVM) and horizontal (macrophyte-avoidance) patterns were particularly conspicuous for large Daphnia, suggesting that predation risk from size-selective predators (fish) was the main factor behind the spatial heterogeneity of zooplankton in the spring. Thus, the difference in the zooplankton spatial distribution pattern and habitat selection among seasons (turbid and clear water phases) seems to be mediated the predation risk from fish, which is directly related to water transparency. 5. The zooplankton in Lake Vela have anti-predator behaviour that minimises predation from fish. We hypothesise that, due to the distinct fish community of shallow Mediterranean lakes, aquatic macrophytes may not provide adequate refuge to zooplankters, as seen in northern temperate lakes. [source]

    Distribution and growth of benthic macroinvertebrates among different patch types of the littoral zones of two arctic lakes

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 12 2006
    Summary 1. To evaluate the effect of habitat patch heterogeneity on abundance and growth of macroinvertebrates in arctic lakes, macroinvertebrate abundance, individual biomass, and potential food resources were studied in three patch types in two arctic lakes on the Alaskan North Slope near the Toolik Lake Field Station. An experiment was conducted to determine which sediment patch type supported higher growth rates for Chironomus sp., a commonly occurring macroinvertebrate. 2. Potential organic matter (OM) resources were significantly higher in both rock and macrophyte patches than in open-mud patches. Total macroinvertebrate densities in both lakes were highest in rock patches, intermediate in macrophytes and lowest in open-mud. The open-mud patches also had lower species richness compared with other patch types. Additionally, individual biomass for one clam species and two chironomid species was significantly greater in rock patches than in open-mud. 3. In a laboratory experiment, Chironomus showed two to three times greater mass increase in sediments from macrophyte and rock patches than from open-mud patches. Rock and macrophyte experimental sediments had at least 1.5 × the percentage OM as open-mud sediments. 4. Chlorophyll a appeared to be the best predictor for invertebrate abundances across all patch types measured, whereas OM content appeared to be the variable most closely associated with Chironomus growth. 5. Our results combined with previous studies show that the relationships between macroinvertebrate community structure, individual growth, and habitat heterogeneity are complex, reflecting the interaction of multiple resources, and biotic interactions, such as the presence or absence of a selective vertebrate predator (lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush). [source]

    Allelopathic effect of the aquatic macrophyte, Stratiotes aloides, on natural phytoplankton

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2006
    Summary 1. A survey of different Dutch Stratiotes stands showed that the density of phytoplankton (except cyanobacteria) was always higher outside S. aloides than between the rosettes of S. aloides. Analyses of water samples revealed that nutrient limitation was unlikely to have caused the lower phytoplankton biomass in the vicinity of S. aloides. 2. An in situ incubation experiment in the Danube Delta, Romania, indicated allelopathic activity against phytoplankton in S. aloides stands. The growth rate of natural phytoplankton populations exposed to water from S. aloides stands was significantly lower than that of populations that had not been in contact with S. aloides exudates. 3. A laboratory microcosm experiment showed a significantly lower phytoplankton biomass in treatments with S. aloides exudates. Nutrient concentrations and the light intensity were high enough that the lower phytoplankton biomass could not be explained by nutrient or light limitation. [source]

    An application of canonical correspondence analysis for developing ecological quality assessment metrics for river macrophytes

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 5 2005
    Summary 1. Aquatic macrophyte composition and abundance is required by the European Union's Water Framework Directive for determining ecological status. Five metrics were produced that can be combined to determine the deviation of aquatic macrophytes from reference conditions in Northern Ireland's rivers. 2. Species optima and niche breadths along silt, nitrate, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen gradients were generated from aquatic macrophyte and water quality surveys conducted at 273 sites throughout Northern Ireland using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Five metric scores based on these environmental gradients were determined at new monitoring sites using the mean optima of the species occurring at the site, weighted by percentage cover and niche breadth of each species. 3. A preliminary reference network of 32 sites of high physico-chemical and hydromorphological quality, and representative of the range of river types in Northern Ireland, enabled reference metric scores to be produced for each river type. Five unimpacted and twenty impacted sites were used for testing the performance of the metrics. By subtracting reference metric scores from metric scores at a monitoring site measures of ecological impact could be determined along five different impact gradients. Metrics were also combined to give a measure of total ecological change. 4. The metrics system distinguished unimpacted from impacted sites and correctly identified 77% of the known impacts. The metrics distinguished different types of impact, e.g. silt and nitrate. 5. Aquatic macrophyte occurrence and abundance has high natural variability at a site, both temporally and spatially. This method was designed to be sensitive to ecological change whilst reducing noise caused by natural variation. [source]

    Invertebrate communities associated with a native (Vallisneria americana) and an alien (Trapa natans) macrophyte in a large river

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 11 2003
    David L. Strayer
    Summary 1. We used a corer and a Downing box sampler to sample macroinvertebrates living on and beneath the introduced Trapa natans and the native Vallisneria americana in the freshwater tidal Hudson River, New York. 2. Densities of macroinvertebrates were higher in Trapa than in Vallisneria, and higher in the interior of plant beds than at their edges. These effects were largely a result of high plant biomass in Trapa beds and in bed interiors (the plants have similar surface area per unit mass). 3. The composition of both epiphytic and benthic macroinvertebrates differed distinctly between Trapa and Vallisneria, and also seasonally. 4. These compositional differences were not easily interpretable as rising from possible differences in oxygen concentrations, fish predation, or water circulation in the two macrophytes. 5. Sida crystallina (Cladocera) collected from Trapa contained more haemoglobin than those collected from Vallisneria. 6. The replacement of Vallisneria by Trapa in the Hudson probably increased system-wide biodiversity and food for fish, although macroinvertebrates in Trapa beds may not be readily available to fish because of low oxygen concentration there. [source]

    Effects of the exotic macrophyte, para grass (Urochloa mutica), on benthic and epiphytic macroinvertebrates of a tropical floodplain

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 6 2003
    Michael M. Douglas
    SUMMARY 1.,We examined the effect of the exotic macrophyte, para grass (Urochloa mutica), on benthic and epiphytic macroinvertebrates of a tropical floodplain in northern Australia. Macroinvertebrates were sampled from four grass communities: (1) para grass, (2) hymenachne (Hymenachne acutigluma), a native perennial; (3) rice (Oryza meridionalis), a native annual, and (4) areas where para grass had been sprayed with herbicide. 2.,Macroinvertebrate richness, abundance and community similarity showed very few differences among the grass communities, particularly in the epiphytic habitat. Benthic invertebrates showed some differences among grasses, with lower richness and abundance and different community structure associated with hymenachne. Herbicide control of para grass had no apparent effect on benthic invertebrates but reduced the abundance of epiphytic invertebrates in the short term. 3.,The results of this study indicate that para grass has very little impact on macroinvertebrate communities, despite the changes to macrophyte communities. This is probably because para grass has similar physical structure to the native grasses and because none of these grasses contribute directly to aquatic food webs. Control of para grass using herbicide has little impact on aquatic invertebrates. This suggests that predicting the impact of weed invasion in wetlands requires an understanding of both the functional properties of macrophytes and the habitat preferences of the macroinvertebrates. [source]

    Plant palatability and disturbance level in aquatic habitats: an experimental approach using the snail Lymnaea stagnalis (L.)

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 5 2002
    1.,The palatability of aquatic macrophytes to the snail Lymnaea stagnalis was investigated in the laboratory. Eight species of macrophyte were selected from habitats that differed in either flood disturbance regime or nutrient status. 2.,In a non-choice test, single macrophyte species were offered to individual snails. The average amount of plant dry mass consumed per Lymnaea dry mass ranged from 3.6 ± 1.4 (±SE) to 63.6 ± 13.9 mg g,1 day,1 across plant species. In a choice test, all eight plant species were presented simultaneously to sets of five snails. The average total consumption was 66.1 ± 3.8 mg g,1 day,1 and the maximum average consumption for a single plant was 26.2 ± 3.6 mg g,1 day,1. 3.,In both tests, the amount consumed by snails differed significantly between the plant species. The species growing in undisturbed habitats were the least consumed. Habitat nutrient status was unrelated to plant palatability. 4.,These results suggest that macrophyte species growing in habitats that are rarely disturbed by floods allocate a greater proportion of their resources to resisting herbivory. [source]

    Community effects of invasive macrophyte control: role of invasive plant abundance and habitat complexity

    Katya E. Kovalenko
    Summary 1. The control of invasive species has become a widespread management practice, yet information on the community effects of such efforts is very limited, there is no unified framework for monitoring their success and no guidelines exist to help minimize potential adverse impacts. 2. This study was conducted to determine how long-term efforts to control a widespread invasive macrophyte, Eurasian watermilfoil, affect native macrophytes, fish and macroinvertebrates. In addition, we examined how members of the aquatic fauna respond to changes in invasive macrophyte abundance and habitat complexity to understand the mechanisms underlying any potential community response. 3. Selective control of the invasive macrophyte had minor effects on habitat complexity due to timely recolonization by native macrophytes and it did not affect littoral fish richness and abundance. Macroinvertebrate communities were highly variable and some of that variation could be attributed to characteristics of the macrophyte community. Fish and macroinvertebrates were more affected by habitat complexity than by other attributes of the macrophyte assemblage. 4.Synthesis and applications. Management plans to control invasive species need to prioritize selective removal and timely restoration of the native assemblage. In this study, the invasive macrophyte was used by aquatic fauna, which emphasizes the need for immediate restoration of the native macrophyte community to mitigate for the lost habitat after invasive plant control efforts. As both fish and macroinvertebrates were more affected by complexity than other attributes of the macrophyte assemblage, re-establishment of habitat complexity appears to be a promising restoration strategy. On a more general note, we highlight the importance of assessing community response to the habitat provided by the invader and invader's function in the community when evaluating strategies to control invasive species. [source]

    The responses of floodplain primary production to flood frequency and timing

    A.I. Robertson
    Summary 1,River regulation and abstraction have dramatically altered the natural flow regime of many rivers world-wide, but experimental investigations of the biological effects are infrequent. In the mid-region of the Murray River, Australia, river regulation has reduced the frequency and duration of spring floods and increased the frequency of summer floods. We used controlled floods (treatments: no floods, spring floods, summer floods and spring + summer floods) to determine how the growth of river red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees, aquatic macrophytes and biofilms varied with the seasonal timing and frequency of flooding. 2,After 6 years of controlled flooding, above-ground net production of wood by river red gum trees was equal and greatest in plots receiving spring + summer floods and summer floods (mean 496 g m,2 year,1). Production was significantly lower in plots receiving spring floods or no controlled floods, which had similar rates of production (mean 330 g m,2 year,1). 3,During 2 years of measurement in wetlands created by flooding, production and species richness of aquatic macrophyte were both greater in spring than in summer floods. The history of flood frequency at any experimental site did not affect macrophyte production or species richness. The aquatic macrophyte community in shallow regions of wetlands differed significantly with the seasonal timing of floods, but not flood frequency. 4,The accumulation of chlorophyll a and total mass of biofilm on wood surfaces in wetlands created by flooding were greater in spring (mean chlorophyll a, 0·88 µg cm,2; mean mass, 0·066 mg cm,2) than in summer floods (mean chlorophyll a, 0·09 µg cm,2; mean mass, 0·034 mg cm,2). The history of flood frequency at any experimental site did not affect accumulation of either the autotrophic or heterotrophic components of biofilms. 5,Spring flooding, while not as beneficial for tree growth, is critical for the growth of wetland macrophytes, the maintenance of macrophyte species richness, and favours better development of autotrophic biofilms. Maintenance of both the timber harvest and wetland conservation values of these floodplains will require the return of more natural flood flows in the spring period. Restoration of floodplain rivers requires a thorough understanding of the relationships between ecological functions and the natural flow regime. [source]

    The impact of catastrophic channel change on freshwater mussels in the Hunter River system, Australia: a conservation assessment

    Hugh A. Jones
    Abstract 1.Australia has a distinct suite of endemic freshwater mussel species, several of which are restricted to south-eastern Australia, an intensively modified region supporting much of the nation's population and where pressures on freshwater ecosystems are increasing. 2.Surveys were made of 78 sites in the Hunter River system to determine the distribution and abundance of the six mussel species occurring in the region, to identify threatening processes and to locate populations of high conservation value. 3.Mussel populations were mainly distributed in the hydrologically stable southern Barrington rivers, where those in the Williams River have the highest conservation value. Strongholds for Hyridella drapeta were found in Wollombi Brook. 4.Mussels were not detected at 40% of the sites, some of which supported mussels in the past. These were mainly reaches that have undergone river metamorphosis. 5.Where found, most mussel populations had low densities and were highly fragmented. Major threats to these remnant populations are degradation of riparian and instream condition from agricultural activities, extreme climatic events (flood and drought) and the introduced macrophyte, Salvinia molesta. 6.While threat mitigation can be achieved by habitat protection and strategies to reconnect mussel populations, managers are largely unaware of this invertebrate group. Formal recognition of regionally threatened mussel populations would do much to focus efforts on conservation. 7.The proposed construction of a large dam on the Williams River is a potential threat to the most important mussel populations in the Hunter River system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Lake habitat suitability for the rare European macrophyte Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk.

    & Schmidt
    Abstract 1.Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & Schmidt is a submerged annual macrophyte, rare in Europe, which is protected under the EC Habitats Directive. 2.N. flexilis grows in deep, often coloured or turbid water in mesotrophic lakes. Because of this habitat preference it is difficult to locate and assess the ecological state of populations of the species for conservation monitoring purposes. 3.A method is described based on plant community information that can be used to determine the baseline probability that conditions in a lake are suitable for supporting N. flexilis growth. This can be applied to conservation management decisions, such as whether a detailed underwater survey is justified for monitoring the integrity of existing populations of N. flexilis, or whether the lake may be a suitable site for introduction, or reintroduction, of populations of the plant. 4.Two methods of plant community description are compared: a quantitative micro-habitat scale approach and a whole-lake-scale qualitative approach. Plant community data collected using each method were grouped using TWINSPAN, and environmental descriptors of the sites comprising each plant community group were compared statistically. 5.Micro-habitat-scale community groups differed significantly only in the light extinction coefficient, indicating the zone within the lake in which N. flexilis occurred. 6.The whole-lake-scale community groups differed in a number of environmental variables indicative of eutrophication and acidification, two major environmental threats to N. flexilis survival. 7.This study suggests that a lake-scale qualitative plant community description would be a better indicator of site suitability for N. flexilis growth than a quantitative micro-habitat plant community description. This is because the whole-lake-scale approach could detect a difference in the environmental factors that affect N. flexilis growth, which the micro-habitat scale approach could not. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Priority Wetland Invertebrates as Conservation Surrogates

    agua dulce; caracoles; conservación; especies paraguas; especies sustitutas; gasterópodos Abstract:,Invertebrates are important functionally in most ecosystems, but seldom appraised as surrogate indicators of biological diversity. Priority species might be good candidates; thus, here we evaluated whether three freshwater invertebrates listed in the U.K. Biodiversity Action Plan indicated the richness, composition, and conservation importance of associated wetland organisms as defined respectively by their alpha diversity, beta diversity, and threat status. Sites occupied by each of the gastropods Segmentina nitida, Anisus vorticulus, and Valvata macrostoma had greater species richness of gastropods and greater conservation importance than other sites. Each also characterized species assemblages associated with significant variations between locations in alpha or beta diversity among other mollusks and aquatic macrophytes. Because of their distinct resource requirements, conserving the three priority species extended the range of wetland types under management for nature conservation by 18% and the associated gastropod niche-space by around 33%. Although nonpriority species indicated variations in richness, composition, and conservation importance among other organisms as effectively as priority species, none characterized such a wide range of high-quality wetland types. We conclude that priority invertebrates are no more effective than nonpriority species as indicators of alpha and beta diversity or conservation importance among associated organisms. Nevertheless, conserving priority species can extend the array of distinct environments that are protected for their specialized biodiversity and environmental quality. We suggest that this is a key role for priority species and conservation surrogates more generally, and, on our evidence, can best be delivered through multiple species with contrasting habitat requirements. Resumen:,Los invertebrados son funcionalmente importantes en la mayoría de los ecosistemas, pero raramente son valorados como indicadores sustitutos de la diversidad biológica. Las especies prioritarias pueden ser buenos candidatos; por lo tanto, aquí evaluamos sí tres especies de invertebrados enlistados en el Plan de Acción para la Biodiversidad del Reino Unido eran indicadores de la riqueza, la composición e importancia para la conservación de organismos de humedal asociados definida por su diversidad alfa, diversidad beta y estatus de amenaza respectivamente. Los sitios ocupados por cada uno de los gasterópodos Segmentina nitida, Anisus vorticulus and Valvata macrostoma tuvieron una mucho mayor riqueza de gasterópodos y mayor importancia para la conservación que otros sitios. Cada uno también caracterizó a los ensambles asociados con variaciones significativas entre localidades en la diversidad alfa o entre otros moluscos y macrofitas acuáticas en la diversidad beta. Debido a sus diferentes requerimientos de recursos, la conservación de las tres especies prioritarias se amplió la extensión de todos los tipos de humedal bajo manejo para la conservación de la naturaleza en 18% y el nicho-espacio de los gasterópodos asociados se amplió alrededor de 33%. Aunque las especies no prioritarias indicaron variaciones en riqueza, composición e importancia de conservación entre otros organismos tan efectivamente como las especies prioritarias, ninguna caracterizó un rango tan amplio de humedales de alta calidad. Concluimos que los invertebrados prioritarios no son más efectivos que las especies no prioritarias como indicadores de la diversidad alfa y beta ni de la importancia para la conservación entre organismos asociados. Sin embargo, la conservación de especies prioritarias puede ampliar el conjunto de ambientes diferentes que son protegidos por su biodiversidad especializada y calidad ambiental. Sugerimos que este es un papel clave para las especies prioritarias y, más generalmente, para los sustitutos de conservación, y, con base en nuestra evidencia, puede ser desarrollado mediante múltiples especies con requerimientos de hábitat contrastantes. [source]

    Macrophyte refuges, prey behaviour and trophic interactions: consequences for lake water clarity

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 2 2007
    Motomi Genkai-Kato
    Abstract Macrophytes may enhance grazing on phytoplankton by providing a refuge for zooplankton against fish predation. Loss of macrophytes can trigger sudden degradation of water clarity (regime shift) in lakes. However, the presence of piscivores may drive planktivorous fish to take refuge amongst littoral macrophytes. To address the possibility of regime shifts, I here constructed an empirically based model that combined population dynamics of organisms with game theory for optimal habitat selection, taking into consideration the trophic structure, lake size and eutrophication. The model showed that macrophytes generally acted as a refuge for zooplankton, rather than for fish. The model predicted that regime shifts were more likely in small, shallow lakes and that the presence of macrophytes raised the possibility of regime shifts. The present study demonstrated that the fast dynamics of animal behaviour could lead to regime shifts, in connection with slower variables such as nutrient loading. [source]

    Effects of stocked trout on native fish communities in boreal foothills lakes

    Leslie E. Nasmith
    Nasmith LE, Tonn WM, Paszkowski CA, Scrimgeour GJ. Effects of stocked trout on native fish communities in boreal foothills lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 279,289. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract,,, Ecological effects of stocking nonnative trout into lakes are receiving increased attention, especially in alpine environments. We assessed effects of stocked trout on native forage fishes in the boreal foothills of Alberta (Canada) by comparing fish density, population size structure and spatial and temporal activities in stocked and unstocked lakes over 3 years (2005,2007). The numerically dominant dace (primarily Phoxinus spp.) were larger in stocked lakes, consistent with size-limited predation. Dace were also more crepuscular and concentrated on the lake-bottom in stocked lakes, compared to more daytime activity in the water column in unstocked lakes. There were, however, no demonstrable effects of trout on the abundance of forage fish. The lack of major population-level impacts of stocked trout suggests that current stocking practices, characteristics of boreal foothill lakes (e.g. thermal structure, abundant invertebrates, dense macrophytes) and/or behavioural adjustments of forage fish contribute to healthy native fish populations in our stocked lakes. [source]

    A patch perspective on summer habitat use by brown trout Salmo trutta in a high plains stream in Wyoming, USA

    R. R. O'Connor
    Abstract,,, We quantified the use of habitat patches by brown trout, Salmo trutta, during summer conditions in a plains stream in the western United States. A Global Positioning System was used to map discrete habitat patches (2,420 m2) consisting of macrophytes, wood accumulation, or deep water. Habitat use by brown trout was monitored by radio telemetry. Brown trout used habitat in a nonrandom manner with 99% of all daytime observations and 91% of all nighttime observations occurring in patches that consisted of combinations of deep water, wood accumulations or macrophytes even though such patches constituted only 9.8% of the available habitat. Brown trout used deep water almost exclusively during the day but broadened their habitat use at night. Most fish stayed within a large plunge pool created by a low-head dam. This pool supplemented the deep-water habitat that was naturally rare in our study area and illustrates how human modifications can sometimes create habitat patches important for stream fishes. [source]

    Fish distribution and diet in relation to the invasive macrophyte Lagarosiphon major in the littoral zone of Lake Dunstan, New Zealand

    T. O. Bickel
    Abstract,,, Invasive macrophytes are usually associated with negative impacts on habitat quality and a threat to native biodiversity. However, they might provide the same beneficial functions of native macrophytes, i.e., the provision of food and shelter for fish, in the absence of native macrophytes. To assess the value of the invasive macrophyte Lagarosiphon major as a fish habitat, we investigated the spatio,temporal variation in the distribution of a small littoral fish species (common bully) in the littoral of Lake Dunstan, a New Zealand hydro lake. Large- and fine-scale common bully distribution could partly be explained by the occurrence of dense L. major stands. Additionally, variability in catch per unit effort was partly explained by season and recruitment. Diet analysis indicated that common bullies in the Lagarosiphon-dominated littoral fed on invertebrates (Mollusca, Trichoptera, Chironomidae) found on exotic L. major, therefore suggesting its role as a food provider in the system. These results indicated that invasive macrophytes can provide important ecosystem functions in disturbed habitats that are otherwise devoid of native macrophytes. Any macrophyte management strategy should therefore carefully consider the costs and benefits associated with macrophyte control. [source]

    Basin geochemistry and isotopic ratios of fishes and basal production sources in four neotropical rivers

    David B. Jepsen
    Abstract,,, We analysed stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), plants, detritus and fishes to estimate the relative importance of dominant production sources supporting food webs of four Venezuelan rivers with divergent geochemical and watershed characteristics. Based on samples taken during the dry season at each site, fishes from two nutrient-poor, blackwater rivers had significantly lower ,13C values (mean = ,31.4, and ,32.9,) than fishes from more productive clearwater and whitewater rivers (mean = ,25.2, and ,25.6, respectively). Low carbon isotopic ratios of fishes from blackwaters were likely influenced by low ,13C of DIC assimilated by aquatic primary producers. Although floodplains of three savanna rivers supported high biomass of C4 grasses, relatively little carbon from this source appeared to be assimilated by fishes. Most fishes in each system assimilated carbon derived mostly from a combination of microalgae and C3 macrophytes, two sources with broadly overlapping carbon isotopic signatures. Even with this broad overlap, several benthivorous grazers from blackwater and whitewater rivers had isotopic values that aligned more closely with algae. We conclude that comparative stable isotopic studies of river biota need to account for watershed geochemistry that influences the isotopic composition of basal production sources. Moreover, isotopic differences between river basins can provide a basis for discriminating spatial and temporal variation in the trophic ecology of fishes that migrate between watersheds having distinct geochemical characteristics. [source]

    A comparison of habitat use and habitat-specific feeding efficiency by Eurasian ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens)

    A. H. Fullerton
    Abstract ,, Eurasian ruffe are invading habitats in the North American Great Lakes watershed occupied by commercially important native yellow perch. We conducted laboratory experiments to evaluate potential overlap in habitat (macrophytes, mud, cobble) and food (benthic invertebrates) use. Ruffe and yellow perch both preferred macrophytes > cobble > mud in the light, but only ruffe increased their use of mud in the dark. Neither fish density nor food availability affected habitat preferences, and competition for habitat was not evident. For both species, feeding rates were marginally lower in macrophytes but did not differ between species. Our experiments suggest that if ruffe and yellow perch share a habitat (e.g., during invasion or because of predation risk), competition for space will be weak or absent. However, within a shared habitat, competition for food may occur when food is limiting because neither species has a clear advantage in its ability to consume invertebrates in any habitat. Resumen 1La especie exótica Gymnocephalus cernuus está invadiendo áreas de los Grandes Lagos de USA, ocupadas por la especie nativa Perca flavescens de manera que podrían competir por recursos de hábitat y alimenticios. La probabilidad de competición por alimento depende, en parte, de si estos peces se sobrelapan espacial y temporalmente y también de su habilidad para consumir tipos de alimento asociados a hábitats dados. Desarrollamos dos grupos de experimentos de laboratorio para cuantificar niveles de similitud en el uso de hábitat (barro, cubierta, macrófitas) y de alimento (invertebrados bénticos). El primer conjunto de experimentos examinó las preferencias de hábitat en ambas especies, la influencia de la densidad de individuos y de la presencia de alimento sobre esas preferencias y si los peces competían por el espacio del hábitat. En el segundo conjunto de experimentos cuantificamos la habilidad relativa de cada especie para consumir invertebrados bénticos (quironómidos, oligoquetos y anfípodos) en tres hábitats distintos. 2Tanto G. cernuus and P. flavescens prefirieron de macrófitas a piedras y de piedras a barro en períodos de luz. Solamente G. curnuus aumentó el uso de barro en la oscuridad. Ni la densidad de individuos ni la presencia de alimento afectó la selección de hábitat y no obtuvimos evidencia de competición por el hábitat. Para ambas especies las tasas alimenticias fueron marginalmente menores en macrófitas que en piedras o en barro y no difirieron significativamente entre especies. 3Aunque G. cernuus y P. flavescens pueden ocupar diferentes hábitats en la naturaleza, nuestros experimentos sugieren que si se vieran forzadas a ocupar el mismo hábitat (i.e., durante un proceso de invasión o debido a riesgo de predación), la competición por el espacio seria pequeña o nula. Sin embargo, en un hábitat compartido, la competición por el alimento podría ocurrir cuando el alimento esté limitado porque ninguna de las dos especies tiene una ventaja clara en su habilidad para consumir invertebrados en cualquier que sea el hábitat. [source]

    Feeding ecology of fishes associated with Egeria spp. patches in a tropical reservoir, Brazil

    F. M. Pelicice
    Abstract ,, This research characterised feeding ecology of fishes associated with patches of Egeria najas and Egeria densa, two submerged macrophytes, in Rosana Reservoir, Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Fishes were sampled using a 1 m2 throw trap in patches of different macrophyte biomass and in three diel periods during a wet season. Fish diet (10 species) was primarily composed of autochthonous items (zooplankton, algae and aquatic insect larvae). Almost all intra-specific diet patterns had moderate to low levels of diet similarity, indicating a high variability in diet. Some species showed no diel patterns in feeding activity, whereas others were primarily diurnal or nocturnal. No differences in feeding activity were observed among habitats of medium and high macrophyte biomasses, and species tended to feed on the same items among these habitats. The most abundant fish species demonstrated low inter-specific diet overlap and appear not to compete for food resources. We suggest that Egeria patches are feeding grounds and shelter for small-sized fish species. Resumen 1. Esta investigación caracterizó la ecología trófica de las especies de peces asociadas a manchas de Egeria najas e E. densa, dos macrofitas sub-aquaticas, en la represa de Rosana (alto Río Paraná, Brasil). Los peces fueron colectados con un throw trap de 1 m2 en manchas con distintas biomasas de macrófitas y en tres períodos del día, durante la estación lluviosa. 2. La dieta de 10 especies estuvo compuesta principalmente de componentes autóctonos (zooplancton, algas y larva de insectos acuáticos). Casi todas las especies presentaron patrones de dieta intra-específica con similitudes moderadas o bajas (elevada variabilidad). Algunas especies no mostraron ningún patrón de actividad alimenticia durante el día mientras que otras fueron principalmente diurnas o nocturnas. No se observó ninguna diferencia de actividad alimenticia entre los habitats de media y alta biomasa de macrófitas, y las especies tendieron a alimentarse de los mismos componentes entre estos habitats. 3. Las especies de peces más abundantes mostraron un solapamiento alimenticio bajo y parecen no competir por recursos alimenticios. Sugerimos que las manchas de Egeria funcionan como lugar de alimentación y abrigo para los peces de pequeño tamaño. [source]

    Contrasting bacterioplankton community composition and seasonal dynamics in two neighbouring hypertrophic freshwater lakes

    K. Van der Gucht
    We characterized the bacterioplankton community and its seasonal dynamics in two neighbouring hypertrophic lakes by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of short (193 bp) 16S ribosomal DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products obtained with primers specific for the domain Bacteria. Lake Blankaart is turbid and has a high phytoplankton biomass and episodic cyanobacterial blooms, whereas biomanipulated Lake Visvijver is characterized by clearwater conditions and the establishment of a dense charophyte vegetation. Both lakes were dominated by bacterial groups commonly found in freshwater habitats (e.g. ACK4 cluster of Actinomycetes; ACK stands for clones isolated from the Adirondack mountain lakes). Yet, cluster analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) revealed that taxon composition of the bacterioplankton community of the two lakes differs substantially and consistently throughout the season. During the study year (1998), the bacterioplankton community of both lakes showed a distinct seasonal pattern. Lake Blankaart showed a clear differentiation between winter, spring, summer and autumn. In Lake Visvijver, summer samples differed greatly from spring, autumn and winter samples. We hypothesize that the contrasting bacterioplankton in the two neighbouring shallow lakes is determined largely by the presence or absence of macrophytes. [source]

    Evaluated fate and effects of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin in vegetated and unvegetated microcosms,,

    J. L. Bouldin
    Abstract Contaminants such as nutrients, metals, and pesticides can interact with constructed wetlands and existing drainage ditches used as agricultural best-management practices. Our research has shown that the presence of macrophytes and a hydrologic regime aid in the transfer and transformation of pesticides associated with agricultural runoff. This study consisted of application of both atrazine (triazine herbicide) and lambda-cyhalothrin (pyrethroid insecticide) to vegetated and unvegetated microcosms in order to measure the fate and effects of pesticides applied at suggested field application rates. Exposures focused on monocultures of Ludwigia peploides (water primrose) and Juncus effusus (soft rush). Pesticide sorption was evident through concentrations of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin in plant tissue as high as 2461.4 and 86.50 ,g/kg, respectively. Toxicity was measured in water from unvegetated microcosms for 28 days and in Chironomus tentans (midge larvae) exposed to sediment collected from 3 h to 56 days in microcosms receiving the pesticide combination. The comparative survival of test organisms in this study suggests that effective mitigation of pesticides from runoff can depend on the macrophyte contact and vegetative attributes associated with ditches. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 20: 487,498, 2005. [source]

    Vegetated agricultural drainage ditches for the mitigation of pyrethroid-associated runoff

    Erin R. Bennett
    Abstract Drainage ditches are indispensable components of the agricultural production landscape. A benefit of these ditches is contaminant mitigation of agricultural storm runoff. This study determined bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin (two pyrethroid insecticides) partitioning and retention in ditch water, sediment, and plant material as well as estimated necessary ditch length required for effective mitigation. A controlled-release runoff simulation was conducted on a 650-m vegetated drainage ditch in the Mississippi Delta, USA. Bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin were released into the ditch in a water-sediment slurry. Samples of water, sediment, and plants were collected and analyzed for pyrethroid concentrations. Three hours following runoff initiation, inlet bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin water concentrations ranged from 666 and 374 ,g/L, respectively, to 7.24 and 5.23 ,g/L at 200 m downstream. No chemical residues were detected at the 400-m sampling site. A similar trend was observed throughout the first 7 d of the study where water concentrations were elevated at the front end of the ditch (0,25 m) and greatly reduced by the 400-m sampling site. Regression formulas predicted that bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin concentrations in ditch water were reduced to 0.1% of the initial value within 280 m. Mass balance calculations determined that ditch plants were the major sink and/or sorption site responsible for the rapid aqueous pyrethroid dissipation. By incorporating vegetated drainage ditches into a watershed management program, agriculture can continue to decrease potential non-point source threats to downstream aquatic receiving systems. Overall results of this study illustrate that aquatic macrophytes play an important role in the retention and distribution of pyrethroids in vegetated agricultural drainage ditches. [source]

    Controlled release experiments with nonylphenol in aquatic microcosms

    Gerd Pfister
    Abstract A method of controlled release of technical nonylphenol (tNP) was developed to simulate realistic exposure in ecotoxicological studies on aquatic organisms. The direct addition of tNP from an aqueous stock solution into 50 ml of water led to a concentration decrease of 80 to 90% weight/volume (w/v) from nominal values within 48 h. The inclusion of tNP in semipermeable low-density polyethylene (LDPE) lay-flat tubing (controlled-release devices [CRDs]) of different length allowed a continuous release into pure water at a rate of about 30 ,g/cm2/d. Using CRDs in aquaria containing 15 L of 63-,m-filtered lake water, eight different concentrations with maxima between 38.1 and 326.7 ,g/L were maintained for 11 d. During a second experiment in 15-L aquaria, five replicates of three concentrations were maintained using CRDs of the same length. Concentrations after 38 d varied between 0.1 and 6.7, 26.1 and 41.9, and 49.9 and 76.0 ,g/L. In aquatic microcosms containing 230 L of lake water, a natural plankton community, 50 L of sediment, and macrophytes, seven different tNP concentrations (maxima 11,120.1 ,g/L) were maintained over 45 d using CRDs of different length. They were replaced after 14 and 25 d because release of tNP was slower than predicted from laboratory experiments. Concentrations in the top 1-cm sediment layer were on average 19 times higher during the dosing period than concentrations in the water at the same time. In the sediments, different levels of applications led to concentrations that differed less distinctly than in the water. This method is suitable for exposing aquatic organisms continuously to constant, ecologically relevant concentrations of NP and represents an improvement over previous dosing methods in which exposure varied. [source]

    Chlorophyll fluorescence as a bioindicator of effects on growth in aquatic macrophytes from mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

    Christopher A. Marwood
    Abstract Chlorophyll- a fluorescence induction is a rapid technique for measuring photosynthetic electron transport in plants. To assess chlorophyll- a fluorescence as a bioindicator of effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures, chlorophyll- afluorescence parameters and plant growth responses to exposure to the wood preservative creosote were examined in the aquatic plants Lemna gibba and Myriophyllum spicatum. Exposure to creosote inhibited growth of L. gibba (EC50 = 7.2 mg/L total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and M. spicatum (EC50 = 2.6 mg/L) despite differences in physiology. Creosote also diminished maximum PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm) (EC50 = 36 and 13 mg/L for L. gibba and M. spicatum) and the effective yield of photosystem II photochemistry (,F/F,m) (EC50 = 13 and 15 mg/L for L. gibba and M. spicatum). The similarity between growth and chlorophyll- a fluorescence EC50s and slopes of the response curves suggests a close mechanistic link between these end points. The predictive power of chlorophyll- a fluorescence as a bioindicator of whole-organism effects applied to complex contaminant mixtures is discussed. [source]

    A Quantified Ethogram for Oviposition in Triturus Newts: Description and Comparison of T. helveticus and T. vulgaris

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 4 2005
    Karen M. Norris
    Female newts of the genus Triturus deposit and wrap their eggs individually in the submerged leaves of aquatic macrophytes. Although this behaviour has previously been described, the different elements of the oviposition process have not been fully characterized nor any attempt made to quantify the behavioural elements. The study examined the oviposition behaviour of the two similarly sized species, Triturus helveticus and T. vulgaris on a standardized substrate macrophyte, Rorippa nasturtium,aquaticum. Continuous focal sampling was used to develop a baseline of discrete behavioural elements enabling quantification and comparison of oviposition behaviour between the two species. The results showed that the same pattern of elements was followed for each egg laid and the same key elements of the process were present in each newt species. Although these are broadly similar in size, there were striking differences in certain aspects of the oviposition sequence between the two species. Key findings were that leaf sniffing and leaf flexing and a measure of the duration of ovipositing were all significantly greater in females of T. helveticus and females of T. vulgaris laid significantly more eggs than those of T. helveticus in a standard observation period. The work presented here defines a baseline ethogram and shows how it can be used to reveal quantifiable differences in closely related species. This demonstrates its value in furthering our understanding of oviposition , a key aspect of female behaviour currently understudied in Triturus behavioural ecology, despite its intrinsic interest and value in understanding recruitment and maintenance of populations. [source]