Low Spin (low + spin)

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Selected Abstracts

Pressure induced high spin to low spin transition in magnesiowüstite

Taku Tsuchiya
Abstract Using a rotationally invariant formulation of LDA + U, we report a successful study of the high spin (HS)/low spin (LS) transition in low solute concentration magnesiowüstite (Mw), (Mg1,xFex )O, (x < 20%), the second most abundant phase in Earth's lower mantle. The HS state crosses over smoothly to the LS state passing through an insulating mixed spins state where properties change continuously, as seen experimentally. These encouraging results indicate this method should enable first principles studies of strongly correlated iron-bearing minerals, a major class of mineral physics problems. (© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Unconventional Spin Crossover in Dinuclear and Trinuclear Iron(III) Complexes with Cyanido and Metallacyanido Bridges

Abstract A nonsymmetrical triamine, 1,6-diamino-4-azahexane, was Schiff-condensed with (X-substituted) o -salicylaldehyde to yield pentadentate ligands X-L5: salpet and MeBu-salpet. These ligands form mononuclear, dinuclear, and trinuclear FeIII complexes, whose structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Of the mononuclear complexes, [FeIII(salpet)Cl] and [FeIII(MeBu-salpet)Cl] are high spin (S = 5/2), whereas [FeIII(salpet)CN]·MeOH is low spin (S = 1/2). The dinuclear and trinuclear complexes show a kind ofthermally induced spin crossover. The dinuclear complex [L5FeIII(CN)FeIIIL5](ClO4)·2H2O (L5 = salpet) is a mixed-spin assembly: the C -coordinated FeIII center is low spin (L) and the N -coordinated FeIII center is high spin (H) at low temperature; an antiferromagnetic interaction occurs between them. This LH reference state is mixed with the LL one. Upon heating, the system shows an increasing content of the HH state. Also, the dinuclear complex [L5FeIII(CN)FeIIIL5](BPh4)·2MeCN (L5 = MeBu-salpet) exhibits a spin transition between LH and HH spin pairs. The mixed-valence trinuclear complex [L5FeIII{FeII(CN)5(NO)}FeIIIL5]·0.5MeOH·3.75H2O (L5 = salpet) shows spin crossover with a residual high-spin fraction at liquid He temperature owing to the LL + LH ground state. The metallacyanido-bridged complex [L5FeIII{Ni(CN)4}FeIIIL5]·2MeOH (L5 = MeBu-salpet) contains a high-spin pair, HH, over the whole temperature interval with a ferromagnetic exchange interaction. A theoretical model was outlined that allows simultaneous fitting of all available experimental data (magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, high-spin mole fraction obtained from the Mössbauer spectra) on a common set of parameters. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009) [source]

Geometry optimization method based on approximate spin projection and its application to F2, CH2, CH2OO, and active site of urease

Yasutaka Kitagawa
Abstract A new geometry optimization method based on an approximate spin projection (AP) procedure is proposed to eliminate a spin contamination effect in an optimized structure on a low spin (LS) state of a broken symmetry (BS) method. First, an energy gradient with the AP (AP gradient) is derived and it is applied to the geometry optimization of F2, CH2, and CH2OO in order to obtain their structures without the spin contamination. The optimization method corrects HCH angle of the CH2 about 10° in comparison with the BS method, and indicates that the spin contamination in optimized geometry of the BS LS states is considerably large. Next, an active site of Urease that consists of two Ni(II) ions is optimized by the AP method. The result indicates that structure of the active site is sensitive to a water molecule called W3. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2007 [source]

Six-coordinate Co2+ with imidazole, NH3, and H2O ligands: Approaching spin crossover

Ann M. Schmiedekamp
Abstract Octahedral, six-coordinate Co2+ can exist in two spin states: S = 3/2 and S = 1/2. The difference in energy between high spin (S = 3/2) and low spin (S = 1/2) is dependent on both the ligand mix and coordination stereochemistry. B3LYP calculations on combinations of neutral imidazole, NH3, and H2O ligands show that low-spin isomers are stabilized by axial H2O ligands and in structures that also include trans pairs of equatorial NH3 and protonated imidazole ligands, spin crossover structures are predicted from spin state energy differences. Occupied Co d orbitals from the DFT calculations provide a means of estimating effective ligand strength for homoleptic and mixed ligand combinations. These calculations suggest that in a labile biological system, a spin crossover environment can be created. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2007 [source]

Resonance Raman assignment of myeloperoxidase and the selected mutants Asp94Val and Met243Thr.

Effect of the heme distortion
Abstract Resonance Raman (RR) spectra have been acquired for human myeloperoxidase (MPO), and its Met243Thr and Asp94Val mutants with different excitation wavelengths and in polarized light. The proteins were characterized as ferric, ferrous and ferric,CN complexes in order to study the heme configuration in various coordination, spin and oxidation states. Well-defined spectra of the five-coordinate high spin (ferrous), six-coordinate high spin (ferric) and low spin (ferric,CN) species were obtained. The data allowed us to propose an almost complete assignment of the RR bands. The richness of the RR spectra of MPO is because of the activation of almost all the in-plane skeletal modes observed for the Ni,octaethylporphyrin model compound, induced by the distortion of the heme imposed by the covalent links with the protein. The two mutants, which lost at least one of the covalent links between the protein and the heme group, were useful to determine the effect of the symmetry lowering of the heme group. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Review: Studies of ferric heme proteins with highly anisotropic/highly axial low spin (S = 1/2) electron paramagnetic resonance signals with bis-Histidine and histidine-methionine axial iron coordination,

BIOPOLYMERS, Issue 12 2009
Giorgio Zoppellaro
Abstract Six-coordinated heme groups are involved in a large variety of electron transfer reactions because of their ability to exist in both the ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) state without any large differences in structure. Our studies on hemes coordinated by two histidines (bis-His) and hemes coordinated by histidine and methionine (His-Met) will be reviewed. In both of these coordination environments, the heme core can exhibit ferric low spin (electron paramagnetic resonance EPR) signals with large gmax values (also called Type I, highly anisotropic low spin, or highly axial low spin, HALS species) as well as rhombic EPR (Type II) signals. In bis-His coordinated hemes rhombic and HALS envelopes are related to the orientation of the His groups with respect to each other such that (i) parallel His planes results in a rhombic signal and (ii) perpendicular His planes results in a HALS signal. Correlation between the structure of the heme and its ligands for heme with His-Met axial ligation and ligand-field parameters, as derived from a large series of cytochrome c variants, show, however, that for such a combination of axial ligands there is no clear-cut difference between the large gmax and the "small g -anisotropy" cases as a result of the relative Met-His arrangements. Nonetheless, a new linear correlation links the average shift ,,, of the heme methyl groups with the gmax values. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 1064,1082, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com [source]

Structural and Magnetic Resolution of a Two-Step Full Spin-Crossover Transition in a Dinuclear Iron(II) Pyridyl-Bridged Compound

Jarrod J. M. Amoore
Abstract A dinuclear iron(II) complex containing the new pyridyl bridging ligand, 2,5-di(2,,2,,-dipyridylamino)pyridine (ddpp) has been synthesised and characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility and Mössbauer spectral methods. This compound, [Fe2(ddpp)2(NCS)4],4,CH2Cl2, undergoes a two-step full spin crossover. Structural analysis at each of the three plateau temperatures has revealed a dinuclear molecule with spin states HS,HS, HS,LS and LS,LS (HS: high spin, LS: low spin) for the two iron(II) centres. This is the first time that resolution of the metal centres in a HS,LS ordered state has been achieved in a two-step dinuclear iron(II) spin-crossover compound. Thermogravimetric data show that the dichloromethane solvate molecules can be removed in two distinct steps at 120,°C and 200,°C. The partially de-solvated clathrate, [Fe2(ddpp)2(NCS)4],CH2Cl2, undergoes a one-step transition with an increased transition temperature with respect to the as synthesised material. Structural characterisation of this material reveals subtle changes to the coordination geometries at each of the iron(II) centres and striking changes to the local environment of the dinuclear complex. The fully de-solvated material remains high spin over all temperatures. Interestingly, the solvent can be re-introduced into the monosolvated solid to achieve complete conversion back to the original two-step crossover material, [Fe2(ddpp)2(NCS)4],4,CH2Cl2. [source]

High-Spin- and Low-Spin-State Structures of [Fe(chloroethyltetrazole)6](ClO4)2 from Synchrotron Powder Diffraction Data

Eva Dova Dr.
Abstract The spin-crossover complex [Fe(teec)6](ClO4)2 (teec = chloroethyltetrazole) exhibits a 50,% incomplete spin crossover in the temperature range 300,30 K. Time-resolved synchrotron powder diffraction experiments have been carried out to elucidate its structural behavior. We report crystal structure models of this material at 300 K (high spin) and 90 K (low spin), as solved from synchrotron powder diffraction data by using Genetic Algorithm and Parallel Tempering techniques and refined with Rietveld refinement. During short synchrotron powder diffraction experiments (five minutes duration) two distinguishable lattices were observed the quantities of which vary with temperature. The implication of this phenomenon, that is interpreted as a structural phase transition associated with the high-to-low spin crossover, and the structural characteristics of the high-spin and low-spin models are discussed in relation to other compounds showing a similar type of spin-crossover behavior. [source]

Mixed-Valence, Mixed-Spin-State, and Heterometallic [2×2] Grid-type Arrays Based on Heteroditopic Hydrazone Ligands: Synthesis and Electrochemical Features

Lindsay H. Uppadine Dr.
Abstract An extended family of heterometallic [M12M22(L,)4]n+ [2×2] grid-type arrays 1,9 has been prepared. The three-tiered synthetic route encompasses regioselective, redox and enantioselective features and is based on the stepwise construction of heteroditopic hydrazone ligands A,C. These ligands contain ionisable NH and nonionisable NMe hydrazone units, which allows the metal redox properties to be controlled according to the charge on the ligand binding pocket. The 2-pyrimidine (R) and 6-pyridine (R,) substituents have a significant effect on complex geometry and influence both the electrochemical and magnetic behaviour of the system. 1H NMR spectroscopic studies show that the FeII ions in the grid can be low spin, high spin or spin crossover depending on the steric effect of substituents R and R,. This steric effect has been manipulated to construct an unusual array possessing two low-spin and two spin-crossover FeII centres (grid 8). Electrochemical studies were performed for the grid-type arrays 1,9 and their respective mononuclear precursor complexes 10,13. The grids function as electron reservoirs and display up to eight monoelectronic, reversible reduction steps. These processes generally occur in pairs and are assigned to ligand-based reductions and to the CoIII/CoII redox couple. Individual metal ions in the heterometallic grid motif can be selectively addressed electrochemically (e.g., either the CoIII or FeII ions can be targeted in grids 2 and 5). The FeII oxidation potential is governed by the charge on the ligand binding unit, rather than the spin state, thus permitting facile electrochemical discrimination between the two types of FeII centre in 7 or in 8. Such multistable heterometallic [2×2] gridlike arrays are of great interest for future supramolecular devices incorporating multilevel redox activity. Une famille de complexes hétérométalliques [M12M22(L,)4]n+du type grille [2×2] 1,9 a été préparée. Les trois approches synthétiques multiétapes des ligands hydrazone hétéroditopiques A,C possèdent chacune des caractéristiques régio-, rédox-, énantio-sélectives. Ces ligands possèdent un groupement NH ionisable et un groupement hydrazone non-ionisable NMe, qui permettent un contrôle des propriétés rédox du métal complexé en fonction de la charge de la cavité coordinante. Les substituants 2-pyrimidine (R) et 6-pyridine (R,) influencent de manière significative la géométrie des complexes formés ainsi que leurs propriétés électrochimiques et magnétiques. Les études par spectroscopie RMN1H montrent que les ions FeII, dans ces complexes, possèdent une configuration électronique soit de bas spin, soit de haut spin ou encore de transition de spin en fonction de l'encombrement stérique du substituant. Cet effet stérique a été utilisé pour construire des grilles originales possédant deux cations FeIIde bas spin et deux cations FeIIà transition de spin (grille 8). Des études électrochimiques détaillées ont été réalisées pour les assemblages du type grille 1,9 et leurs précurseurs mononucléaires 10,13. Ces grilles fonctionnent comme réservoir à électrons. Jusqu'à huit étapes de réduction monoélectronique réversibles peuvent être observées. Ces transferts d'électrons se font généralement par paire et interviennent sur le ligand à l'exception des deux premières réductions correspondant aux couples CoIII/CoII. Chaque cation métallique d'une grille peut être sollicité sélectivement par voie électrochimique (les ions CoIIIou FeIIpeuvent être ciblés dans les grilles 2 et 5). Le potentiel d'oxydation du FeIIest tributaire de la charge des ligands et non de l'état de spin, permettant une discrimination électrochimique parmi les deux types de FeIIdans 7 ou 8. De telles grilles [2×2] hétérométalliques ont des niveaux de stabilité multiples et présentent un grand intérêt pour des systèmes supramoléculaires possédant une multiplicité de niveaux d'oxydo-réduction. [source]

Low-Temperature EPR and Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Two Cytochromes with His,Met Axial Coordination Exhibiting HALS Signals,

CHEMPHYSCHEM, Issue 6 2006
Giorgio Zoppellaro Dr.
Abstract C-type cytochromes with histidine,methionine (His,Met) iron coordination play important roles in electron-transfer reactions and in enzymes. Low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of low-spin ferric cytochromes c can be divided into two groups, depending on the spread of g values: the normal rhombic ones with small g anisotropy and gmax below 3.2, and those featuring large g anisotropy with gmax between 3.3 and 3.8, also denoted as highly axial low spin (HALS) species. Herein we present the detailed magnetic properties of cytochrome c553 from Bacillus pasteurii (gmax 3.36) and cytochrome c552 from Nitrosomonas europaea (gmax 3.34) over the pH range 6.2 to 8.2. Besides being structurally very similar, cytochrome c553 shows the presence of a minor rhombic species at pH 6.2 (6,%), whereas cytochrome c552 has about 25,% rhombic species over pH 7.5. The detailed Mössbauer analysis of cytochrome c552 confirms the presence of these two low-spin ferric species (HALS and rhombic) together with an 8,% ferrous form with parameters comparable to the horse cytochrome c. Both EPR and Mössbauer data of axial cytochromes c with His,Met iron coordination are consistent with an electronic (dxy)2 (dxz)2 (dyz)1 ground state, which is typical for Type I model hemes. [source]