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Lotic Habitats (lotic + habitat)
Selected AbstractsA new optimal foraging model predicts habitat use by drift-feeding stream minnowsECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH, Issue 1 2002G. D. Grossman Abstract , There is substantial need for models that accurately predict habitat selection by fishes for purposes ranging from the elaboration of ecological theory to the preservation of biodiversity. We have developed a new and highly tractable optimal foraging model for drift-feeding fishes that is based on the profitability of occupying varying focal-point velocities in a stream. The basic model can be written as: Ix = (Ex * Px) = {(D * A * V) * [1/(1 + e(b + cV))]} , Sx, where: (1) Ix is the net energy intake at velocity x; (2) E is prey encounter rate; (3) P is prey capture success rate which can be modelled as 1/(1 + e(b + cV)) where b and c are fitting constants from the prey capture success curve; (4) D is the energy content of prey (J/m3) in the drift; (5) A is the visual reactive area of the fish; (6) V is velocity (cm/s); and (7) S is the cost of maintaining position (J/s). Given that D, A and S can be considered constant over the range of velocities occupied by these fishes, the model reduces to e(b + cV) = 1/(cV , 1) which we solved iteratively to yield an optimal focal-point velocity for species in each sample. We tested the model by comparing its predictions to the mean focal-point velocities (i.e. microhabitats) occupied by four species of drift-feeding minnows in two sites in a stream in North Carolina, USA. The model successfully predicted focal-point velocities occupied by these species (11 out of 14 cases) in three seasonal samples collected over 2 years at two sites. The unsuccessful predictions still were within 2 cm/s of the 95% confidence intervals of mean velocities occupied by fishes, whereas the overall mean deviation between optimal velocities and mean fish velocities was small (range = 0.9 and 3.3 cm/s for the warpaint shiner and the Tennessee shiner, respectively). Available focal-point velocities ranged from 0,76 to 0,128 cm/s depending on site and season. Our findings represent one of the more rigorous field tests of an optimal foraging/habitat selection model for aquatic organisms because they encompass multiple species and years, and for one species, multiple sites. Because of the ease of parameterization of our model, it should be readily testable in a range of lotic habitats. If validated in other systems, the model should provide critical habitat information that will aid in the management of riverine systems and improve the performance of a variety of currently used management models (e.g. instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) and total maximum daily load calculations (TMDL)). Resumen 1. Existe una grave necesidad de modelos que predigan con precisión la selección de hábitat por parte de los peces con fines que van del desarrollo de la teoría ecológica a la conservación de la biodiversidad. Nosotros hemos desarrollado un modelo nuevo y de fácil manejo de alimentación óptima para peces que se alimentan de la deriva que se fundamenta en los diferentes beneficios energéticos derivados de ocupar velocidades focales distintas en un río. 2. El modelo básico puede formularse como: Ix = (Ex * Px) = {(D * A * V) * [1/(1 + e(b + cV))]} , Sx, donde: (1) Ix es el energía neta obtenida a la velocidad, x; (2) V es la velocidad (cm/s); (3) A es el area visual de reacción del pez; (4) D es la energía contenida en las presas (J/m3) en la deriva; (5) E es la tasa de encuentro de presas; (6) P es la probabilidad de captura de la presa, que puede representarse como 1/(1 + e(b + cV)) donde b y c son constantes; y (7) S es el coste de nadar para mantener la posición en la corriente (J/s). Puesto que D, A y S pueden considerarse constantes en el rango de velocidades que ocupan estos peces, el modelo se reduce a e(b + cV) = 1/(cV , 1) que resolvimos iterativamente para obtener una velocidad focal óptima para cada especie en cada muestreo. 3. Probamos el modelo comparando su predicciones con la velocidades focales medias (i.e. microhabitats) ocupadas por cuatro especies de ciprínidos que se alimentan de la deriva en un río de Carolina del Norte. El modelo predijo con éxito las velocidades focales ocupadas por estas especies (11/14 casos) en tres muestreos estacionales llevados a cabo a lo largo de dos años en dos estaciones. Incluso las predicciones fallidas se diferenciaron en menos de 2 cm/s del límite de confianza al 95% CIs de las velocidades medias ocupadas, y la diferencia media entre predicciones y observaciones fue pequeña (rango = 0.9 cm/s warpaint shiner, a 3.3-cm/s Tennessee shiner). El rango de las velocidades focales medias disponibles fue de 0,76 cm/s a 0,128 cm/s dependiendo de la localidad y estación del año. 4. Nuestros resultados son una de las pruebas de campo más rigurosas de un modelo de alimentación óptima/selección de hábitat para organismos acuáticos puesto que incluyen diversas especies, años y, para una de las especies, localidades. La facilidad de la estima de los parámetros del modelo hace que sea fácil probarlo en diversos hábitats lóticos. Si es validado en ellos, el modelo debería proporcionar información valiosa que ayudará a la gestión de los sistemas fluviales y mejorará los resultados obtenidos a través de varios modelos usados actualmente para la gestión (p.e. IFIM y cálculos TMDL). [source] Developmental effects of bioaccumulated selenium in eggs and larvae of two salmonid speciesENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY & CHEMISTRY, Issue 9 2005Jodi Holm Abstract Elevated concentrations of Se have been detected in cold, flowing water habitats near uranium and coal mines in Canada. Fish from these systems have concentrations of Se in their tissues that exceed toxic effect thresholds that have been established for warm-water fishes. However, the applicability of toxic effect thresholds and guidelines to cold water, lotic habitats is a matter of contention in the literature since most cases of Se toxicosis have been documented in standing, warm-water systems. To examine the possibility of impaired reproduction in wild rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) near coal mining activity in the northeastern slopes region of Alberta, Canada, spawn from both species were collected from exposure and reference sites. Gametes were fertilized in the laboratory, reared to the swim-up stage, and examined for deformities. A significant relationship was observed for rainbow trout between the amount of Se in eggs and the incidence of developmental abnormalities, specifically craniofacial defects, skeletal deformities, and edema. These associations approximate exponential functions with probabilities that 15% of the population would be affected occurring between 8.8 and 10.5 ,g Se per gram of wet egg weight, based on probit analysis. These relationships are similar to those described for centrarchids inhabiting a seleniferous warm-water lake. No such relationships were established for brook trout. [source] The biology and ecology of lotic rotifers and gastrotrichsFRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2000Claudia Ricci Summary 1The occurrence of Rotifera and Gastrotricha in the meiobenthos of lotic habitats is reviewed. About 150 rotifer and 30 gastrotrich species are reported in such habitats worldwide. 2The two phyla share some morphological and biological features that might account for their presence in the meiofauna. Small-size, a soft and elongate body, adhesive glands on the posterior body end, movement through cilia, relatively short life cycles, parthenogenesis and dormant stages are common characteristics. 3Most species of both taxa inhabiting the superficial sediments in streams and rivers may move downward into the hyporheos in response to both biotic (predation) and abiotic (spates, erosion, desiccation) disturbances. [source] Spatial distribution of rare species in lotic habitatsINSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY, Issue 3 2008JOHN W. McCREADIE Abstract., 1Species rarity is a common phenomenon in the biological world. Although rare species have always interested biologists, the meaning of ,rare' has not always been clear with the definition of rarity often arbitrary. 2In the current study, we investigate rarity in stream ecosystems using black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). We defined rare species a priori as those species found , 10% of stream sites examined (n = 111 streams for ,summer collections'; n = 88 collection for ,spring' collections). Hence, we are exploring only one axis of rarity, restricted range. 3We first consider the distribution of each rare species separately to determine if the mean (euclidian) distance among streams (habitats) for each rare species differs from a random model. We next took a collective approach by pooling all rare species to determine the influence of stream conditions, niche breadth, and distance among habitats on rarity. 4Even within this biologically uniform group of flies, dispersal, range limits, and stream conditions all might play a role in rarity, and the importance of each of these factors appear to vary among species. Rather than looking for broad causes of rarity, future studies might be more fruitful if they looked at species-specific causes. [source] Freshwater mussel assemblage structure in a regulated river in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Basin, USA,AQUATIC CONSERVATION: MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, Issue 1 2007Wendell R. Haag Abstract 1.This paper documents a diverse, reproducing freshwater mussel community (20 species) in Lower Lake , an impounded, regulated portion of the Little Tallahatchie River below Sardis Dam in Panola Co., Mississippi, USA. 2.Despite being regulated and impounded, the lake has a heterogeneous array of habitats that differ markedly in mussel community attributes. Four distinct habitat types were identified based on current velocity and substrate characteristics, representing a gradient from habitats having lotic characteristics to lentic habitats. All four habitat types supported mussels, but habitats most resembling unimpounded, lotic situations (relatively higher current velocity and coarser substrate) had the highest mussel abundance and species density (10.1 mussels m,2, 1.8 species m,2, respectively). Lentic habitats (no flow, fine substrate) were characterized by lower abundance and species density (2.0 mussels m,2, 0.8 species m,2, respectively), but supported mussel assemblages distinctive from lotic habitats. 3.Evidence of strong recent recruitment was observed for most species in the lake and was observed in all four habitat types. 4.Although impounded and regulated, Lower Lake represents one of the few areas of stable large-stream habitat in the region. The presence of a diverse, healthy mussel community in this highly modified habitat suggests that a large component of the regional mussel fauna is relatively resilient and adaptable and is limited primarily by the absence of stable river reaches. Management actions that increase stream stability are likely to result in expansion of the mussel fauna and restoration of a valuable component of ecosystem function in this region. Published in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] |