Long-lived Seabird (long-lived + seabird)

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Selected Abstracts

Assessment of hypotheses about dispersal in a long-lived seabird using multistate capture,recapture models

Emmanuelle Cam
Summary 1Dispersal contributes to spatio-temporal variation in population size and is a key process in studies of life history evolution and studies with conservation implications. However, dispersal is still one of the major gaps in our knowledge of ecological dynamics. The very large literature on metapopulation dynamics lacks empirical bases on dispersal and relevant behavioural parameters. We used multistate capture,recapture models (data from 1988 to 2001) to address hypotheses about movement probability and habitat selection within a system of two breeding colonies in Audouin's gulls (Larus audouinii), an endemic species breeding in the Mediterranean and considered as threatened. 2Movement probability varied over time, and differed greatly between the colonies. 3We did not find evidence of an influence of colony size or density of predators on movement probability. 4In dispersers, our results did not support the hypotheses that movement probability between year t and t+ 1 was influenced by mean breeding success in the colony of origin (i.e. an indicator of habitat quality) or the destination colony in year t or t+ 1, or by the ratio of breeding success in these colonies in year t or t + 1 (i.e. quality gradient). 5Overall, movement probability was higher from the smaller colony to the larger, and from the colony with lower breeding success in year t to the more productive one. This provides slight support for two nonexclusive hypotheses about habitat selection (conspecific attraction and conspecific success attraction). 6Movement probability from the smaller, less productive colony was very high in some years, suggesting that the dynamics of both colonies were strongly influenced by adult dispersal. However, in absolute numbers, more individuals moved from the larger, more productive colony to the smaller one. This suggests that the system may function as a source,sink system. 7Use of multistate models to re-assess local survival showed that survival was lower in the less productive colony with higher emigration probability. This may reflect genuine differences in mortality between colonies, or more probably differences in permanent emigration from the study area. [source]

Repeatability of chick growth and food provisioning in Manx shearwaters Puffinus puffinus

Catherine M. Gray
In animals that produce few offspring during their lifetime, the ability to raise high-quality offspring through the provision of parental care is particularly important for individual fitness. In this paper, we use repeatability analysis of data from two separate time-periods, in the 1970s and the 1990s, to examine parental and environmental effects on chick growth and food provisioning in a long-lived seabird, the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus. We test the hypothesis that asymptotic body masses of chicks are most strongly influenced by an individual's genotype, with growth rates intermediate and food provisioning rates most strongly affected by environmental conditions during growth. Peak body masses of chicks raised by the same parents showed significant repeatability in both samples, whereas mass growth rates up to the attainment of peak mass showed significant repeatability only in the 1970s. Several different measures of food provisioning by parents showed no individual consistency in either time-period, in keeping with our predictions. Food provisioning rate was a major determinant of annual variation in chick growth, and so it may seem surprising that Manx shearwaters showed repeatable patterns of chick growth but not of food provisioning, and several possible explanations for this pattern are discussed. [source]

Surface wear of incoloy and darvic bands on Atlantic Puffin adults and chicks

André R. Breton
ABSTRACT Bands are a common marking method in bird studies and capture-mark-reencounter (CMR) models are often used to analyze banding data. Common to this family of models are two assumptions: marks do not fall off or become unreadable and individuals within groups remain equally detectable. When data fail to meet these assumptions, results of CMR analyses may be biased. In studies of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse nesting substrates, band wear is especially problematic. We compared surface wear from abrasion against rocks on incoloy and darvic bands applied to a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica). In 2003 and 2004, surface wear on bands applied to chicks and adults was scored at five colonies in the Gulf of Maine. We used logistic regression to analyze two subsets of these data by fitting the probability of being worn (one or more characters difficult to read or obliterated) to band age, bird age, and band type. In both analyses, an evidence ratio provided exclusive support for the model that included all factors. Immature puffins largely avoid colonies and remain at sea until their second or third summer after hatching. Consequently, probabilities of being worn were delayed on both band types by 4 yr on bands applied to chicks compared to adults. Based on our estimates, 25% and 87% of darvic bands applied to chicks and adults, respectively, were worn after 5 yr. Wear was reduced by 71% and 87% annually on incoloy compared to darvic bands applied to adults and chicks, respectively. To uphold assumptions of CMR models, we recommend incoloy bands over darvic in studies spanning more than about 5 yr of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse substrates. SINOPSIS Las anillas colocadas en las patas son un método común de marcar aves y se han establecido modelos (recuento de aves marcadas , siglas en inglés CMR) para analizar los datos obtenidos de esta forma. Hay dos postulados que deben aceptarse en estos modelos: que las anillas no se pierden o que se puedan leer y que los individuos marcados y no-marcados tienen la misma probabilidad de ser contados. Cuando los datos no cumplen con las dos condiciones previamente mencionadas el análisis de CMR puede contener sesgo. En estudios de ave marinas que viven por mucho tiempo, el desgaste de las anillas crea problemas. Comparamos el desgaste y daño de anillas de metal (niquel-cromio y acero) y anillas de plástico (policloruro de vinilo) colocadas en individuos de Fratercula arctica. Durante el 2003 y 2004, estudiamos el desgaste y daño de anillas colocadas a pichones y adultos del ave en cinco colonias de estas en el Golfo de Maine. Utilizamos una regresión logística para analizar dos conjuntos de datos sobre la probabilidad de desgaste (uno o más caracteres en la anilla difíciles de leer) a la edad de la anilla (tiempo en la pata del ave), edad del ave y tipo de anilla. Las aves inmaduras, evitan los grupos en las colonias y permanecen en el mar hasta el segundo o tercer verano. Como resultado, la probabilidad de que ambos tipos de anillas hubieran estado desgastadas o dañadas en los juveniles se dilato por unos cuatro años, al ser este grupo comparado con los adultos. El 25% y el 87% de las anillas plásticas colocadas en pichones y adultos, respectivamente, estaban desgastadas a los cinco años. El desgaste en las anillas de metal se redujo en un 71% y 87% anual al compararse con las plásticas colocadas en adultos y pichones, respectivamente. Para cumplir con los postulados de los modelos CMR, recomendamos el uso de anillas de metal en aquellos estudios pautados para más de cinco años particularmente en aves marinas que utilizan o se exponen a sustratos duros. [source]

Inferring colonization history and dispersal patterns of a long-lived seabird by combining genetic and empirical data

L. C. Young
Abstract Identifying biological trends and threats to organisms that make long distance migrations are often the limiting factors in their conservation. Indeed, Laysan albatross Phoebastria immutabilis are highly vagile seabirds, foraging throughout the North Pacific Ocean. Despite mark,recapture data indicating natal philopatry, Laysan albatross recently re-colonized several anthropogenically extirpated breeding locations. At the same time, a breeding population in the north-western Hawaiian Islands was lost to erosion and it was hypothesized that the colonization events were due to displacement rather than dispersal. Nuclear and mitochondrial markers were used in a range wide survey to test whether natal philopatry corresponded to population structure in Laysan albatross, and to determine whether recent colonization events were a result of displacement from vanishing breeding habitat. Five microsatellite loci found little population structure (FST=0.01, P=0.001), and sequences from the mitochondrial control region revealed low population structure (,ST=0.05, P<0.001). The results were consistent with male-mediated dispersal and strong, but not absolute, philopatry by females. Mixed stock analyses and banding records from the newly colonized sites indicated contributions from multiple source populations, which contradicted the displacement hypothesis of a single source population and instead supported species-wide dispersal from all source colonies. High genetic diversity (,=0.045, h=0.989), rapid colonization, and great dispersal potential bode well for the conservation of Laysan albatross. However, it may be necessary to protect high-island nesting sites, preserve genetic diversity and maintain breeding populations in the face of projected sea level rises and persistent bycatch. [source]

Parent age differentially influences offspring size over the course of development in Laysan albatross

D. C. Dearborn
Abstract Offspring growth and survival are predicted to be higher for older parents, due to a variety of mechanisms, such as increased breeding experience or greater investment favored by low residual reproductive value. Yet the extent to which parent age affects offspring viability is likely to vary between different aspects of growth and survival, perhaps being most pronounced at the most stressful stages of reproduction. We studied the link between parent age and nestling growth and survival in the Laysan albatross, a long-lived seabird with a mean first breeding age of 8 years. Offspring of older parents were more likely to survive to fledging. Among those that did fledge, nestlings of older parents grew more rapidly. However, parent age did not influence the eventual asymptotic size that nestlings reached before fledging: fast-growing nestlings of older parents reached 90% of asymptotic size roughly 1 week sooner, but slow-growing nestlings of younger parents eventually caught up in size before fledging. Older parents bred c. 2 days earlier than younger parents, but hatch date did not explain observed variation in offspring success. The extent to which parent age accounted for variation in size of individual nestlings was not constant but peaked near the midpoint of development. This could reflect a time period when demands on parents reveal age-based differences in parental quality. Overall, growth and survival of offspring increased with parent age in this species, even though the late age of first breeding potentially provides a 7-year period for birds to hone their foraging skills or for selection to eliminate low-quality individuals. [source]

Assessment of demographic risk factors and management priorities: impacts on juveniles substantially affect population viability of a long-lived seabird

M. E. Finkelstein
Abstract Predicting population-level effects from changes in demographic rates of different life stages is critical to prioritize conservation efforts. Demographic modeling and sensitivity analysis in particular, has become a standard tool to evaluate how management actions influence species' survival. Demographic analyses have resulted in the robust generalization that, for long-lived species with delayed reproduction, population growth rates will be most sensitive to changes in survivorship of older-aged individuals. Although useful in guiding management, this simple maxim may limit options for conservation by causing managers to overlook actions that, although possibly not the most effective in terms of increasing a population's growth rate in an ideal world, can nonetheless more feasibly and rapidly slow a population's decline. We examine the population-level benefits of increasing chick survival in a long-lived seabird, the Laysan albatross Phoebastria immutabilis. Specifically, we use a simple deterministic modeling approach to evaluate the impact of chick mortality (from ingestion of lead-based paint) on the population growth rate (,) for Laysan albatross that breed on Sand Island, Midway Atoll (part of the Hawaiian Archipelago). We estimate that up to 7% of chicks on Sand Island fail to fledge as a result of lead poisoning, which will create a 16% reduction in the Laysan albatross population size (,190 000 less birds) at 50 years into the future. We demonstrate how straightforward management actions that increase juvenile survivorship (e.g. removal of lead-based paint) can help slow population declines while efforts are underway to reduce politically and logistically challenging threats to adult survivorship (e.g. mortality from international fisheries bycatch). Our work exemplifies a situation where overgeneralizations about demography can stifle useful conservation actions and highlights the need to consider the population-level benefits from multiple management strategies. [source]

Surface wear of incoloy and darvic bands on Atlantic Puffin adults and chicks

André R. Breton
ABSTRACT Bands are a common marking method in bird studies and capture-mark-reencounter (CMR) models are often used to analyze banding data. Common to this family of models are two assumptions: marks do not fall off or become unreadable and individuals within groups remain equally detectable. When data fail to meet these assumptions, results of CMR analyses may be biased. In studies of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse nesting substrates, band wear is especially problematic. We compared surface wear from abrasion against rocks on incoloy and darvic bands applied to a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica). In 2003 and 2004, surface wear on bands applied to chicks and adults was scored at five colonies in the Gulf of Maine. We used logistic regression to analyze two subsets of these data by fitting the probability of being worn (one or more characters difficult to read or obliterated) to band age, bird age, and band type. In both analyses, an evidence ratio provided exclusive support for the model that included all factors. Immature puffins largely avoid colonies and remain at sea until their second or third summer after hatching. Consequently, probabilities of being worn were delayed on both band types by 4 yr on bands applied to chicks compared to adults. Based on our estimates, 25% and 87% of darvic bands applied to chicks and adults, respectively, were worn after 5 yr. Wear was reduced by 71% and 87% annually on incoloy compared to darvic bands applied to adults and chicks, respectively. To uphold assumptions of CMR models, we recommend incoloy bands over darvic in studies spanning more than about 5 yr of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse substrates. SINOPSIS Las anillas colocadas en las patas son un método común de marcar aves y se han establecido modelos (recuento de aves marcadas , siglas en inglés CMR) para analizar los datos obtenidos de esta forma. Hay dos postulados que deben aceptarse en estos modelos: que las anillas no se pierden o que se puedan leer y que los individuos marcados y no-marcados tienen la misma probabilidad de ser contados. Cuando los datos no cumplen con las dos condiciones previamente mencionadas el análisis de CMR puede contener sesgo. En estudios de ave marinas que viven por mucho tiempo, el desgaste de las anillas crea problemas. Comparamos el desgaste y daño de anillas de metal (niquel-cromio y acero) y anillas de plástico (policloruro de vinilo) colocadas en individuos de Fratercula arctica. Durante el 2003 y 2004, estudiamos el desgaste y daño de anillas colocadas a pichones y adultos del ave en cinco colonias de estas en el Golfo de Maine. Utilizamos una regresión logística para analizar dos conjuntos de datos sobre la probabilidad de desgaste (uno o más caracteres en la anilla difíciles de leer) a la edad de la anilla (tiempo en la pata del ave), edad del ave y tipo de anilla. Las aves inmaduras, evitan los grupos en las colonias y permanecen en el mar hasta el segundo o tercer verano. Como resultado, la probabilidad de que ambos tipos de anillas hubieran estado desgastadas o dañadas en los juveniles se dilato por unos cuatro años, al ser este grupo comparado con los adultos. El 25% y el 87% de las anillas plásticas colocadas en pichones y adultos, respectivamente, estaban desgastadas a los cinco años. El desgaste en las anillas de metal se redujo en un 71% y 87% anual al compararse con las plásticas colocadas en adultos y pichones, respectivamente. Para cumplir con los postulados de los modelos CMR, recomendamos el uso de anillas de metal en aquellos estudios pautados para más de cinco años particularmente en aves marinas que utilizan o se exponen a sustratos duros. [source]

Extra-pair paternity in waved albatrosses

Kathryn P. Huyvaert
Abstract We estimated the rate of extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) in waved albatrosses (Phoebastria irrorata) on Isla Española, Galápagos, Ecuador, using multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprinting. Waved albatrosses are socially monogamous, long-lived seabirds whose main population is on Española. Aggressive extra-pair copulation (EPC) attempts have been observed in the breeding colony during the days preceding egg-laying. Our genetic analyses of 16 families (single chicks and their attending parents) revealed evidence of EPFs in four families. In all cases males were the excluded parent. These data suggest that waved albatrosses have an unusually high rate of EPF relative to taxa with similar life histories. Future behavioural observations will determine the extent to which forced vs. unforced EPCs contribute to this high EPF rate. [source]