Local Doctors (local + doctor)

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Selected Abstracts

Haemoglobinometry in general practice

S. M. Lewis
Summary Haemoglobinometry as a primary point-of-care test is well established. This study was undertaken to assess whether haemoglobinometry by itself provides an adequate haematological screening procedure in general practice. In a series of 500 sequential blood counts received by the central hospital laboratory from local doctors, 405 (81%) had a normal haemoglobin. Full blood counts on these samples showed 15% with one or more blood count parameters outside 2SD of normal reference values, including increased MCV, low MCV with low MCH and MCHC, leucocytosis with neutrophilia, a few cases with neutropenia, lymphopenia, monocytosis or eosinophilia. When the limits were set at 3SD, these abnormalities were found in only 7.6% of the cases. Calculation of test utility gave a positive predictive value of 0.83, a negative predictive value of 0.85, with a likelihood ratio of 14.3 and an overall diagnostic reliability of 84%. It was concluded that haemoglobin alone is a valuable primary screening test and a full blood count is required only when anaemia is present or when the patient's history and clinical signs indicate the need for such further investigation. Using this protocol it is unlikely that any serious error will be made in diagnosing a clinically significant condition; the main limitation is failure to diagnose pre-anaemic iron deficiency. [source]

Are There Enough Doctors in My Rural Community?

Perceptions of the Local Physician Supply
ABSTRACT:,Purpose: To assess whether people in the rural Southeast perceive that there is an adequate number of physicians in their communities, assess how these perceptions relate to county physician-to-population (PtP) ratios, and identify other factors associated with the perception that there are enough local physicians. Methods: Adults (n = 4,879) from 150 rural counties in eight southeastern states responded through a telephone survey. Agreement or disagreement with the statement "I feel there are enough doctors in my community" constituted the principal outcome. Weighted chi-square analysis and a generalized estimating equation (GEE) assessed the strength of association between perceptions of an adequate physician workforce and county PtP ratios, individual characteristics, attitudes about and experiences with medical care, and other county characteristics. Findings: Forty-nine percent of respondents agreed there were enough doctors in their communities, 46% did not agree, and 5% were undecided. Respondents of counties with higher PtP ratios were only somewhat more likely to agree that there were enough local doctors (Pearson's correlation coefficient = 0.09, P < .001). Multivariate analyses revealed that perceiving that there were enough local physicians was more common among men, those 65 and older, whites, and those with lower regard for physician care. Perceptions that the local physician supply was inadequate were more common for those who had longer travel distances, problems with affordability, and little confidence in their physicians. Perceptions of physician shortages were more common in counties with higher poverty rates. Conclusions: County PtP ratios only partially account for rural perceptions that there are or are not enough local physicians. Perceptions of an adequate local physician workforce are also related to how much people value physicians' care and whether they face other barriers to care. [source]

Palliative care in the hinterlands: A description of existing services and doctors' attitudes

Glenn J. Pereira
Abstract Objective:,To describe palliative care services as they exist in the hinterlands (towns away from regional centres) of Midwest New South Wales, including an estimation of the numbers of cases treated by local doctors, and the service they provide to their patients. Generalist doctors' attitudes to palliative care are also explored, as this information is lacking in the literature but is important for service provision. Design:,Descriptive survey. Setting:,Rural primary care and district hospitals. Participants:,Generalist doctors in hinterland areas. Results:,In total, 38% (19/50) of surveys were returned. ,Visiting rights' to the district hospital were held by 78.9% of local doctors, and patients are admitted under the care of their own doctor for symptom control and terminal care, 94.1% and 76.5% of the time, respectively. All doctors surveyed perform home visits for terminally ill patients, and 68.4% make themselves routinely available after hours. Doctors surveyed estimated that they managed a mean of 8.4 deaths due to chronic illness in the past 12 months. Most (78.9%) said that they would continue to manage dying patients even if they had a choice, and they feel between moderately and very satisfied that they provide quality care. However, only 21.1% considered their undergraduate training in palliative medicine to be adequate, and all said that they would refer to a specialist service if it were available. Conclusions:,Generalist rural doctors not only treat many dying patients, but also provide a continuity of care that is rarely seen in other settings. Proposals of models for ,rural' palliative care should, therefore, take this unique setting into account. One such suggestion is given in this article. [source]

Performance of colposcopy in five sub-Saharan African countries

R Muwonge
Objective, The performance of colposcopy provided in a screening study in five African countries was evaluated. Design, Cross-sectional study. Setting, Burkina Faso, Congo Brazzaville, Guinea Conakry, Mali and Niger. Population, Women aged 25,59 years. Methods, A total of 29 294 women participated in a cervical screening study in the five study sites, and newly trained local doctors performed colposcopy and directed biopsies as indicated. Using meta-analytical tools, four measures of colposcopy performance at different thresholds of colposcopic abnormalities were assessed. Sources of heterogeneity were also assessed. Main outcome measures, Proportions of women receiving biopsies, adequate biopsies and women diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Results, Among 28 553 women with satisfactory colposcopy, 3101 had a colposcopic diagnosis of probable low-grade or worse lesions and 1128 probable high-grade or worse lesions. Overall, the measures that reached the set standards were proportion of biopsy taken at colposcopy threshold of probable high-grade or worse lesions (95%, 95% CI 90,100%) and proportion of adequate biopsy samples. The set standards were not met for the proportions of women diagnosed with CIN at different colposcopic abnormality thresholds. Detection of CIN2 or worse lesions increased with increasing colposcopic abnormality. Conclusions, The performance of colposcopy in some of the African sites studied was comparable to that previously observed in other studies. With appropriate training, monitoring, continuing practice and quality assurance, adequate standards of colposcopy can be attained in sub-Saharan Africa. [source]