Local Clinics (local + clinic)

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Selected Abstracts

Metastatic cutaneous leiomyosarcoma from primary neoplasm of the mesentery

Kyoung Jin Kim MD
A 31-year-old South Korean woman was referred to the dermatology department from the oncology department for the evaluation of a subcutaneous nodular lesion on the back. Three years before, she noted a palpable, fingertip-sized, nontender mass on her right lower abdomen. The mass had increased in size slowly. One year ago, she visited a local clinic and physical examination revealed a 7 × 8 × 7 cm, slightly tender, deep-seated mass on the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. The mass on the ilial mesentery was resected by surgical exploration and tissue examination revealed leiomyosarcoma. She refused adjuvant chemotherapy. Approximately 3 months later, she re-visited the clinic with a tender, subcutaneous nodule on the back. Cutaneous examination revealed a solitary, 2 × 2 cm, well-defined, hard, movable, subcutaneous nodule on the upper back without skin color change (Fig. 1). She complained of tenderness on touching the lesion. Histologic examination of a biopsy specimen showed irregularly arranged spindle cells scattered throughout the dermis. They were arranged in haphazardly oriented or interweaving fascicles. Most of the spindle cells possessed elongated nuclei with blunt ends and some cells had a polygonal outline with irregularly shaped nuclei (Fig. 2). There were many mitoses: 3,4 per high-power (× 400) field. Immunohistochemically, smooth muscle actin and desmin were positive in most of the tumor cells (Fig. 3). S-100 reactivity was not observed. A diagnosis of metastatic leiomyosarcoma was made. About 1 month later, computed tomography showed two, ill-defined, heterogeneous, low attenuation masses in the right lobe of the liver, suggesting liver metastasis. The patient was treated with chemotherapy for 2 months and remains in good condition. Figure 1. 2 × 2 cm, solitary, well-defined, hard, movable, subcutaneous nodule without any overlying skin change Figure 2. (a) Characteristic findings of cutaneous leiomyosarcoma with markedly high cellularity and densely packed transverse and longitudinal fascicles of cells (hematoxylin and eosin, × 40). (b) High magnification of the neoplasm revealing spindle cells with blunt-ended nuclei, pleomorphism, and mitotic figures (hematoxylin and eosin, × 200) Figure 3. Dense cytoplasmic reactivity for smooth muscle actin is apparent (smooth muscle actin, × 200) [source]

Delivering Child Community Psychology Services in the Community: Experiences from the NIPPERS Project

Yvonne Millar
Background:, The NIPPERS (Nursery Intervention Project for Parents & Education Related Services) was a novel community psychology service based in nursery settings in socio-economically disadvantaged, inner-city areas in London. Method:, The service included consultation work with nursery staff, structured parenting groups and individual sessions for parents. Results:, The delivery of the clinical service and research evaluation underwent several changes in the first phase of the project, in particular to ensure that the service was acceptable and accessible to families and staff. Although take-up of community services was higher than in the local clinic-based services, it was not taken up by some 40% of parents. Due to the allocation design, it was not possible to measure the effectiveness of the intervention. Conclusions:, The NIPPERS service was successful in delivering a community child psychology service to families with high levels of early child behavioural problems at high risk for continuing difficulties. [source]

Prosthetic crowns and other clinical risk indicators of caries among old-old Swedish adults: Findings from the KEOHS Project

Douglas E. Morse
Abstract Objectives: The Kungsholmen Elders Oral Health Study (KEOHS) evaluated the oral health status of generally healthy, community-dwelling persons over the age of 80 living in Kungsholmen, Sweden. This paper explored possible clinical risk indicators of coronal and root caries among the KEOHS subjects. Design: In this cross-sectional study, dentate KEOHS subjects received a caries assessment using defined visual, tactile criteria. Setting: Examinations were carried out in two local clinics by standardized examiners. Subjects: One hundred twenty-nine dentate persons were examined. Main Outcome Measures: The examination identified decayed and filled surfaces, prosthetic crowns, and missing teeth. Results: More root than coronal surfaces had untreated decay, and secondary root caries contributed the greatest number of decayed surfaces. Ninety percent of the examined dentate subjects had at least one prosthetic crown. Root surfaces exposed to crown margins were more likely to have caries than root surfaces not so exposed, particularly among women. The presence of untreated coronal caries (yes/no) was positively associated with having untreated root caries and an intermediate number (14,20) of teeth, but inversely associated with having 4+ prosthetic crowns. Active root caries (yes/no) was positively associated with having untreated coronal caries, 14,20 teeth, and 4+ prosthetic crowns. Nearly 20% of identified root lesions were present at or below the gingival margin, and most (88%) were secondary caries associated with crown margins (65%) or other restorations (23%). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that some dental characteristics, including the presence of prosthetic crowns, are risk indicators for the presence of untreated coronal and root caries. [source]

Corporate Travel Medicine: Benefit Analysis of On-Site Services

Timothy S. Prince
Background: Corporations with employees who travel internationally address their travel-related medical needs in a variety of ways. Options utilized include corporate medical departments, local health departments, and local clinics, both contracted and independent. Methods: A travel clinic at a university medical center routinely provided preventive travel medicine services for many of the local companies. Two of these companies had on-site medical clinics which routinely saw patients for occupational and personal health reasons. At these companies, the university travel clinic assisted in moving employee travel medicine services to the on-site clinic. Direct and indirect costs for new, predeparture employee travel care at each company were compared before, and after, the move on-site. Results: When measured per patient, total cost savings associated with the on-site travel clinic were greater than 15% at both companies (17%, 25%), primarily due to the value of the employees' time saved with decreased travel. Utilization increased at one company by 24% over the first 8 months and lead to higher overall cost, but this cost increase was only 4%. Informal assessments of the value of the on-site service at both companies was uniformly positive. Conclusion: For certain corporate settings, on-site clinics may be effective ways of providing travel medicine services. [source]

Local and Foreign Models of Reproduction in Nyanza Province, Kenya

Susan Cotts Watkins
This article uses colonial archival records, surveys conducted in the 1960s, and surveys and focus group discussions in the 1990s to describe three distinct but temporally overlapping cultural models of reproduction in a rural community in Kenya between the 1930s and the present. The first model, "large families are rich," was slowly undermined by developments brought about by the integration of Kenya into the British empire. This provoked the collective formulation of a second local model, "small families are progressive," which retained the same goal of wealth but viewed a smaller family as a better strategy for achieving it. The third model, introduced by the global networks of the international population movement in the 1960s, augmented the second model with the deliberate control of fertility using clinic provided methods of family planning. By the 1990s this global model had begun to be domesticated as local clinics routinely promoted family planning and as men and women in Nyanza began to use family planning and to tell others of their motivations and experiences. [source]