Antagonist ICI (antagonist + ici)

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Selected Abstracts

Estrogenic activity of lambda-cyhalothrin in the MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cell line,

Meirong Zhao
Abstract Synthetic pyrethroids are widely used in both agricultural and urban environments for insect control. Lambda-cyhalothrin (LCT) is one of the most common pyrethroids and is used mainly for controlling mosquitoes, fleas, cockroaches, flies, and ants around households. Previous studies have addressed the environmental behaviors and acute toxicities of LCT, but little is known about its chronic toxicity, such as estrogen-like activity. In the present study, the estrogenic potential of LCT was evaluated using the MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cell line. The in vitro E-screen assay showed that 10,7 M LCT could significantly promote MCF-7 cell proliferation, with a relative proliferative effect ratio of 45%. The cell proliferation induced by LCT could be blocked completely, however, by the addition of 10,9 M of the estrogen receptor (ER)-antagonist ICI 182,780. The semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) results showed that the Trefoil factor 1 (pS2) and progesterone receptor gene expression were up-regulated by 10,7 M LCT for 2- and 1.5-fold, respectively. On the other hand, RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and immunofluorescent assay demonstrated that LCT significantly repressed the mRNA and protein expression levels of ER, and ER,. These observations indicate that LCT possesses estrogenic properties and may function as a xenoestrogen, likely via a mechanism similar to that of 17,-estradiol. The endocrine-disruption potential of LCT should be considered when assessing the safety of this compound in sensitive environmental compartments. [source]

GPR30 estrogen receptor agonists induce mechanical hyperalgesia in the rat

Julia Kuhn
Abstract We evaluated the signalling pathway by which estrogen acts in peripheral tissue to produce protein kinase C, (PKC,)-dependent mechanical hyperalgesia. Specific agonists for the classical estrogen receptors (ER), ER, and ER,, did not result in activation of PKC, in neurons of dissociated rat dorsal root ganglia. In contrast, G-1, a specific agonist of the recently identified G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor, GPR30, induced PKC, translocation. Involvement of GPR30 and independence of ER, and ER, was confirmed using the GPR30 agonist and simultaneous ER, and ER, antagonist ICI 182,780 (fulvestrant). The GPR30 transcript could be amplified from dorsal root ganglia tissue. We found estrogen-induced as well as GPR30-agonist-induced PKC, translocation to be restricted to the subgroup of nociceptive neurons positive for isolectin IB4 from Bandeiraea simplicifolia. Corroborating the cellular results, both GPR30 agonists, G-1 as well as ICI 182,780, resulted in the onset of PKC,-dependent mechanical hyperalgesia if injected into paws of adult rats. We therefore suggest that estrogen acts acutely at GPR30 in nociceptors to produce mechanical hyperalgesia. [source]

Mechanical Strain Stimulates Osteoblast Proliferation Through the Estrogen Receptor in Males as Well as Females

E. Damien
Abstract Mechanical strain, testosterone, and estrogen all stimulate proliferation of primary cultures of male rat long bone (LOB)-derived osteoblast-like cells as determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation. The maximum proliferative effect of a single period of mechanical strain (3400 ,,, 1 Hz, and 600 cycles) is additional to that of testosterone (10,8 M) or estrogen (10,8 M). The cells' proliferative response to strain is abolished both by concentrations of tamoxifen that cause proliferation (10,8 M) and by those that have no effect (10,6 M). Strain-related proliferation also is reduced by the estrogen antagonist ICI 182,780 (10,8 M) but is unaffected by the androgen receptor antagonist hydroxyflutamide (10,7 M). Tamoxifen, ICI 182,780, and the aromatase inhibitor 4-dihydroandrostenedione, at concentrations that have no effect on basal proliferation, significantly reduce the proliferative effect of the aromatizable androgen testosterone but not that of the nonaromatizable androgen 5,-dihydrotestosterone. Hydroxyflutamide, at a concentration that has no effect on basal proliferation (10,7 M), eliminates the proliferative effect of 5,-dihydro-testosterone but had no significant effect on that caused by testosterone. Proliferation associated with strain is blocked by neutralizing antibody to insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) but not by antibody to IGF-I. Proliferation associated with testosterone is blocked by neutralizing antibody to IGF-I but is unaffected by antibody to IGF-II. These data suggest that in rat osteoblast-like cells from males, as from females, strain-related proliferation is mediated through the estrogen receptor (ER) in a manner that does not compete with estrogen but that can be blocked by ER modulators. Proliferation associated with testosterone appears to follow its aromatization to estrogen and is mediated through the ER, whereas proliferation associated with 5,-dihydrotestosterone is mediated by the androgen receptor. Strain-related proliferation in males, as in females, is mediated by IGF-II, whereas proliferation associated with estrogen and testosterone is mediated by IGF-I. [source]

Tibolone Rapidly Attenuates the GABAB Response in Hypothalamic Neurones

J. Qiu
Tibolone is primarily used for the treatment of climacteric symptoms. Tibolone is rapidly converted into three major metabolites: 3,- and 3,-hydroxy (OH)-tibolone, which have oestrogenic effects, and the ,4-isomer (,4-tibolone), which has progestogenic and androgenic effects. Because tibolone is effective in treating climacteric symptoms, the effects on the brain may be explained by the oestrogenic activity of tibolone. Using whole-cell patch clamp recording, we found previously that 17,-oestradiol (E2) rapidly altered ,-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission in hypothalamic neurones through a membrane oestrogen receptor (mER). E2 reduced the potency of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen to activate G-protein-coupled, inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels in hypothalamic neurones. Therefore, we hypothesised that tibolone may have some rapid effects through the mER and sought to elucidate the signalling pathway of tibolone's action using selective inhibitors and whole cell recording in ovariectomised female guinea pigs and mice. A sub-population of neurones was identified post hoc as pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurones by immunocytochemical staining. Similar to E2, we have found that tibolone and its active metabolite 3,OH-tibolone rapidly reduced the potency of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen to activate GIRK channels in POMC neurones. The effects were blocked by the ER antagonist ICI 182 780. Other metabolites of tibolone (3,OH-tibolone and ,4-tibolone) had no effect. Furthermore, tibolone (and 3,OH-tibolone) was fully efficacious in ER, knockout (KO) and ER,KO mice to attenuate GABAB responses. The effects of tibolone were blocked by phospholipase C inhibitor U73122. However, in contrast to E2, the effects of tibolone were not blocked by protein kinase C inhibitors or protein kinase A inhibitors. It appears that tibolone (and 3,OH-tibolone) activates phospholipase C leading to phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate metabolism and direct alteration of GIRK channel function. Therefore, tibolone may enhance synaptic efficacy through the Gq signalling pathways of mER in brain circuits that are critical for maintaining homeostatic functions. [source]

Oestrogen Regulates the Expression and Function of Dopamine Transporters in Astrocytes of the Nigrostriatal System

S. Karakaya
Dopamine is actively and specifically eliminated from the extracellular space by astrocytes and neurones through dopamine transporters (DAT) and, afterwards, either recycled into vesicles or metabolised. The availability of dopamine reflects a critical point in the regulation of dopamine activity within the nigrostriatal circuit under normal and pathological conditions. From previous studies, we know that oestrogen regulates the efficacy of dopaminergic neurones at the synaptic level and improves dopamine function during Parkinson's disease. Accordingly, we investigated the contribution of local astroglial for extracellular dopamine elimination and the impact of oestrogen on DAT expression and activity. Using neonatal striatal and midbrain astrocyte cultures, we could demonstrate that astrocytes possess a specific dopamine uptake machinery and express DAT at considerable levels. The application of 17,-oestradiol decreased the expression of DAT by 80% and 60% in midbrain and striatal astroglia cultures, respectively. The unspecific dopamine transporters (OCT3, VMAT2) were not detected in astroglia. Functionally, oestrogen exposure inhibited the clearance of dopamine from the extracellular space by 45% and 35% compared to controls in midbrain and striatal astroglia, respectively. The effect on DAT expression and activity was completely antagonised by the oestrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182 780. In conclusion, our data suggest that the positive reinforcement of dopamine transmission under physiological conditions and the alleviative impact of oestrogen under pathological conditions may be the result of a decline in DAT expression and therefore delayed dopamine uptake by astroglia. [source]

Attenuation of Histamine-Induced Endothelial Permeability Responses after Pacing-Induced Heart Failure: Role for Endogenous Catecholamines

ABSTRACT Objective: After congestive heart failure (CHF), lung endothelial permeability responses to a number of perturbations, including acute barotrauma, angiotensin II, and thapsigargin are blunted. Our hypothesis was that similar attenuation of permeability responses occurs in peripheral vascular beds after CHF. We compared peripheral microvascular permeability responses to the autacoid histamine in control dogs and in dogs paced to heart failure (245 bpm for ,36 days). Since catecholamines attenuate autacoid-induced increases in microvascular permeability in skin and muscle in normal animals, we also tested whether the known elevation in catecholamines in CHF was involved in any downregulation of permeability responses in this group. Methods: Control and paced dogs were anesthetized, intubated, and ventilated, and a hindpaw lymphatic cannulated. The reflection coefficient for total proteins (,) was measured at baseline and during one-hour, local intra-arterial histamine infusion. Results: In controls, , fell from 0.83 ± 0.02 to 0.73 ± 0.04 after histamine (p < 0.05), while in the paced group , was no different from that at baseline (0.77 ± 0.02). To test whether this difference was due to endogenous catecholamines, dogs were pretreated with propranolol (controls only) or the specific ,2 -antagonist ICI 118,551 prior to histamine infusion. After ,-blockade, histamine significantly reduced , in both control (0.83 ± 0.01 to 0.55 ± 0.05) and paced (0.83 ± 0.01 to 0.57 ± 0.07) groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: We conclude that endogenous catecholamines, acting via ,2 -adrenergic receptors, attenuate the permeability response to histamine in pacing-induced heart failure. [source]

,2 -adrenoceptors are critical for antidepressant treatment of neuropathic pain,

Ipek Yalcin PharmD
Objective Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are one of the first-line pharmacological treatments against neuropathic pain. TCAs increase the extracellular concentrations of noradrenaline and serotonin by blocking the reuptake transporters of these amines. However, the precise downstream mechanism leading to the therapeutic action remains identified. In this work, we evaluated the role of adrenergic receptors (ARs) in the action of TCAs. Methods We used pharmacological and genetic approaches in mice to study the role of ARs in the antiallodynic action of the TCA nortriptyline. Peripheral neuropathy was induced by the insertion of a polyethylene cuff around the main branch of the sciatic nerve. The specific role of ,2 -AR was evaluated by studying ,2 -AR,/, mice. We used von Frey filaments to assess mechanical allodynia. Results The antiallodynic action of nortriptyline was not affected by cotreatment with the ,2 -AR antagonist yohimbine, the ,1 -AR antagonists atenolol or metoprolol, or the ,3 -AR antagonist SR 59230A. On the contrary, the ,-AR antagonists propranolol or sotalol, the ,1/,2 -AR antagonists alprenolol or pindolol, or the specific ,2 -AR antagonist ICI 118,551 blocked the action of nortriptyline. The effect of nortriptyline was also totally absent in ,2 -AR,deficient mice. Interpretation Stimulation of ,2 -AR is necessary for nortriptyline to exert its antiallodynic action against neuropathic pain. These findings provide new insight into the mechanism by which antidepressants alleviate neuropathic pain. Our results also raise the question of a potential incompatibility between ,-blockers that affect ,2 -AR and antidepressant drugs in patients treated for neuropathic pain. Ann Neurol 2009;65:218,225 [source]

Mechanisms of 17 ,-oestradiol induced vasodilatation in isolated pressurized rat small arteries

Linda Shaw
The influence of 17 ,-oestradiol on pressurized isolated rat mesenteric and coronary small arteries was investigated. 17 ,-oestradiol caused rapid (t1.0<5 mins) concentration-dependent relaxations of pre-contracted pressurized (50 mmHg) isolated rat mesenteric and coronary arteries. Similar responses were observed in both vessel types. Significant relaxations were only observed at concentrations exceeding 3 ,M. The vasodilatory responses in both types of artery were unaffected by 10 ,ML -nitro arginine (L -NNA) alone or in the presence of 10 ,M indomethacin, inhibitors of nitric oxide and prostaglandin synthesis respectively. They were also unaffected by the pre-contracting agent used i.e. high K+ or U46619 (a thromboxane analogue). Neither the oestrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182,780 (10 ,M) nor the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (100 ,M) had any effect on the responses of mesenteric arteries to 17 ,-oestradiol. 17 ,-oestradiol had only a minor effect on mesenteric arterial diameter over a concentration range similar to the effective vasodilatory range for 17 ,-oestradiol. Membrane impermeant 17 ,-oestradiol conjugated to bovine serum albumin (,-oestradiol-17hemisuccinate-BSA) (E-H-BSA) resulted in a vasodilatation of pressurized arteries. Wortmannin, an inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase, near maximally relaxed pressurized mesenteric arteries although the time course for the response was significantly slower than that for 17 ,-oestradiol. These results taken together suggest that the acute effects of 17 ,-oestradiol on isolated pressurized arterial tone may be due to effects directly on the vascular smooth muscle via non-genomic mechanisms that involve a stereospecific interaction at the plasma membrane. British Journal of Pharmacology (2000) 129, 555,565; doi:10.1038/sj.bjp.0703084 [source]

Prenylflavonoids as Nonsteroidal Phytoestrogens and Related Structure,Activity Relationships

CHEMMEDCHEM, Issue 4 2006
Zhi-qiang Wang
Abstract In the search for estrogen receptor (ER) modulators, a series of prenylflavonoids were found to be widely distributed amongst tonic herbal medicines and to possess estrogen-like activity in MCF-7/BOS cells, as evaluated by an estrogen-screening assay. Cell-cycle analysis revealed that the stimulatory effects of these compounds toward cell proliferation were elicited at the G1,S checkpoint and could significantly increase the S-phase population of MCF-7 cells under hormone-free conditions. ER-responsive gene (PS2, PgR) and protein (PgR) expression was also detected; mRNA and protein-expression levels for PS2 and PgR were up-regulated by the compounds in a dose-dependent manner. These effects could be inhibited by the pure ER antagonist ICI,182,780 ((7,-[9-{4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentyl}sulfinyl]nonyl)estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17,-diol). It was therefore concluded that the estrogen-like effects of these prenylflavonoids were mediated primarily through ERs. Furthermore, to explore the structure,activity relationship based on the estrogen receptor and detailed molecular mechanisms among the prenylflavonoids, protein,ligand docking simulations were carried out by using the DS-MODELING software package. The binding affinity of each prenylflavonoid toward ER, was scored, and the receptor,ligand interaction was also analyzed to provide the simulation characteristics of virtual molecular recognition mechanisms. [source]

Estrogen produced in cultured hippocampal neurons is a functional regulator of a GABAergic machinery

Takamitsu Ikeda
Abstract Accumulating evidence suggests that estrogen is produced locally by the neurons in the brain. We observed that a 48-hr treatment with the estrogen receptor antagonists ICI 182780 and tamoxifen decreased the level of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)-65, a rate-limiting ,-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-synthesizing enzyme, in a dissociated hippocampal neuronal culture. Aromatase is an essential enzyme for estrogen biosynthesis. Treatment with an aromatase inhibitor decreased the GAD 65 level, indicating that estrogen biogenesis functions to maintain the level of this enzyme for GABAergic neurotransmission. Furthermore, insofar as the effect of ICI 182780 was observed equivalently in the presence of either brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) or BDNF-receptor inhibitor K252a, estrogen probably regulates GAD level independently of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Thus, estrogen produced by neurons is considered to be an intrinsic regulatory factor for neuronal networks that maintain GABAergic neurotransmission. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]