Leg Ulcer Patients (leg + ulcer_patient)

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Selected Abstracts

Functional ability in female leg ulcer patients , a challenge for physiotherapy

Kirsti Skavberg Roaldsen
Abstract Background and Purpose.,Venous leg ulceration represents a global health problem affecting predominantly elderly women. Traditionally, functional problems in this group of patients have attracted modest attention from wound care providers and physiotherapists. The aim of the present study was to describe and quantify disease consequences in female leg ulcer patients as a background for future physiotherapy interventions, using the nomenclature of the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).,Method.,A prospective study was conducted in 34 women aged 60,85 years with current or previous venous leg ulcer as compared to 27 age-matched non-ulcer subjects. The outcome variables were pain, ankle range of motion, walking speed, walking endurance, self-perceived exertion, mobility, activities of daily living (ADL), physical activity, general health, life satisfaction and use of walking aids and community services. Established instruments were utilized and categorized within ICF domains to provide a conceptual framework and basis for physiotherapeutic research.,Results.,Leg ulcer patients showed significantly reduced values of ankle range of motion, walking speed and endurance, self-perceived exertion, mobility, ADL and physical activity level as compared to control subjects. Patients suffering from active ulceration were more negatively affected, and more of them had pain than post-ulcer fellows. By contrast, general health and life satisfaction were similarly rated by the two study groups.,Conclusions.,Elderly females in our study with chronic leg ulcer of venous aetiology had significant mobility impairments, but the reasons and consequences of these impairments remain to be elucidated. The potential of preventive measures and physical rehabilitation to aid functioning and prospects of leg ulcer repair need to be investigated in future studies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Changes in quality of life for patients with chronic venous insufficiency, present or healed leg ulcers

Regina Renner
Summary Background: Patients with chronic leg ulcers are handicapped in daily life, both by physical complaints and social problems. The aim of our study was not only to assess a possible impairment of quality of life (QOL) of leg ulcer patients but also to evaluate if there is a real improvement of QOL after healing of the ulcer. Patients with chronic venous insufficiency served as the control group. We further analyzed if there were significant differences in the response between patients who were and were not performing compression therapy. Patients and method: We interviewed three groups of patients (active venous leg ulcer, healed venous leg ulcer and patients with chronic venous insufficiency using the ,Freiburger Life Quality Assessment für Venenerkrankungen" (FLQAv). Results: Physical problems, daily handicaps and social problems all increased with age. Contrary to our expectations, healing of a leg ulcer did not lead to a significant increase in QOL. Instead, patients with active ulcers did not regard their QOL as lower than those in the other groups. Compression therapy also did not impair QOL in the three groups. Conclusion: Even though ulcer healing is an admirable goal, it does not necessarily lead to an improved QOL, probably because of the numerous comorbidi-ties in this patient group. Nonetheless, it is important to control problems associated directly with the wound to allow ulcer patients to participate actively in everyday life and minimize social problems. [source]

Functional ability in female leg ulcer patients , a challenge for physiotherapy

Kirsti Skavberg Roaldsen
Abstract Background and Purpose.,Venous leg ulceration represents a global health problem affecting predominantly elderly women. Traditionally, functional problems in this group of patients have attracted modest attention from wound care providers and physiotherapists. The aim of the present study was to describe and quantify disease consequences in female leg ulcer patients as a background for future physiotherapy interventions, using the nomenclature of the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).,Method.,A prospective study was conducted in 34 women aged 60,85 years with current or previous venous leg ulcer as compared to 27 age-matched non-ulcer subjects. The outcome variables were pain, ankle range of motion, walking speed, walking endurance, self-perceived exertion, mobility, activities of daily living (ADL), physical activity, general health, life satisfaction and use of walking aids and community services. Established instruments were utilized and categorized within ICF domains to provide a conceptual framework and basis for physiotherapeutic research.,Results.,Leg ulcer patients showed significantly reduced values of ankle range of motion, walking speed and endurance, self-perceived exertion, mobility, ADL and physical activity level as compared to control subjects. Patients suffering from active ulceration were more negatively affected, and more of them had pain than post-ulcer fellows. By contrast, general health and life satisfaction were similarly rated by the two study groups.,Conclusions.,Elderly females in our study with chronic leg ulcer of venous aetiology had significant mobility impairments, but the reasons and consequences of these impairments remain to be elucidated. The potential of preventive measures and physical rehabilitation to aid functioning and prospects of leg ulcer repair need to be investigated in future studies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]