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Selected Abstracts

Computer-based management environment for an assembly language programming laboratory

Santiago Rodríguez
Abstract This article describes the environment used in the Computer Architecture Department of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) for managing small laboratory work projects and a specific application for an Assembly Language Programming Laboratory. The approach is based on a chain of tools that a small team of teachers can use to efficiently manage a course with a large number of students (400 per year). Students use this tool chain to complete their assignments using an MC88110 CPU simulator also developed by the Department. Students use a Delivery Agent tool to send files containing their implementations. These files are stored in one of the Department servers. Every student laboratory assignment is tested by an Automatic Project Evaluator that executes a set of previously designed and configured tests. These tools are used by teachers to manage mass courses thereby avoiding restrictions on students working on the same assignment. This procedure may encourage students to copy others' laboratory work and we have therefore developed a complementary tool to help teachers find "replicated" laboratory assignment implementations. This tool is a plagiarism detection assistant that completes the tool-chain functionality. Jointly, these tools have demonstrated over the last decade that important benefits can be gained from the exploitation of a global laboratory work management system. Some of the benefits may be transferable to an area of growing importance that we have not directly explored, i.e. distance learning environments for technical subjects. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 15: 41,54, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience (; DOI 10.1002/cae.20094 [source]

Health Monitoring of Rehabilitated Concrete Bridges Using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing

Wei Zhang
As newly developed techniques, distributed optical fiber sensing (DOFS) have gradually played a prominent role in structural health monitoring for the last decade. This article focuses on the employment of two types of DOFS, namely fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (BOTDR), into an integrated HMS for rehabilitated RC girder bridges by means of a series of static and dynamic loading tests to a simply supported RC T-beam strengthened by externally post-tensioned aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP) tendons. Before the loading tests, a calibration test for FBG and another one for BOTDR were implemented to, respectively, obtain good linearity for both of them. Monitoring data were collected in real time during the process of external strengthening, static loading, and dynamic loading, respectively, all of which well identified the relevant structural state. The beam was finally vibrated for 2 million cycles and then loaded monotonously to failure. Based on the bending strength of externally prestressed members, ultimate values for the test specimen were numerically computed via a newly developed simplified model, which satisfactorily predicted the ultimate structural state of the beam. And then the alert values were adopted to compare with the monitoring results for safety alarm. The investigation results show a great deal of applicability for the integrated SHM by using both DOFS in rehabilitated concrete bridges strengthened by external prestressing. [source]

REVIEW: The phosphate regulating hormone fibroblast growth factor-23

R. Marsell
Abstract Over the last decade, the regulation of phosphate (Pi) homeostasis has been under intense investigation. By utilizing modern biochemical and genetic tools, the pathophysiological mechanisms behind several known hereditary and acquired hypo- and hyperphosphatemic diseases have been clarified. The results of these efforts have opened new insights into the causes of Pi dysregulation and hereby also the physiological mechanisms determining Pi homeostasis. Although several potential Pi-regulating proteins have been discovered and investigated, current data strongly argues for fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23), a hormonal factor produced in bone, as a particularly important regulator of Pi homeostasis. In this article, we review the discovery of the FGF23 protein, as well as its biochemistry, localization of production, receptor specificity and mechanisms of action. [source]

Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies: Bright and dark sides

Kaoru Suzumori
ABSTRACT, Infertility is defined as a couples failure to conceive following 2 years of unprotected sexual intercourse, affects 10% of reproductive age couples in Japan. There are 3 main causes: (1) ovarian failure-anovulation (29%); (2) tubal factor-anatomic defects of the female genital tract (36%); (3) male factor-abnormal spermatogenesis (31%). The goal of the infertility evaluation are to determine the probable cause of infertility regarding prognosis and to provide guidance regarding options for treatment In the event an obstruction of the fallopian tubes is discovered or spermatogenesis cannot be improved, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT) and in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer (IVF-ET) are recommended. Since the successful birth of Louise Brown by this IVF-ET, an explosion of ART has occurred all over the world in the last decade. In this review we discuss the revolution brought about by ART focusing on results in Japan, and clarify ethical issues that must be resolved. [source]

The Fallacy of Passive Management Managing for Firesafe Forest Reserves

CONSERVATION, Issue 1 2002
James K. Agee
The hard lesson that we should take away from the last decade of fire management in drier forests is that a choice to do nothing is a choice of action, not always with a desirable outcome. [source]

A Review of Feral Cat Eradication on Islands

efecto de depredación; erradicación; Felis catus; gato asilvestrado; islas Abstract:,Feral cats are directly responsible for a large percentage of global extinctions, particularly on islands. We reviewed feral cat eradication programs with the intent of providing information for future island conservation actions. Most insular cat introductions date from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, whereas successful eradication programs have been carried out in the last 30 years, most in the last decade. Globally, feral cats have been removed from at least 48 islands: 16 in Baja California (Mexico), 10 in New Zealand, 5 in Australia, 4 in the Pacific Ocean, 4 in Seychelles, 3 in the sub-Antarctic, 3 in Macaronesia (Atlantic Ocean), 2 in Mauritius, and 1 in the Caribbean. The majority of these islands (75%; n= 36) are small (,5 km2). The largest successful eradication campaign took place on Marion Island (290 km2), but cats have been successfully removed from only 10 islands (21%) of ,10 km2. On Cousine Island (Seychelles) cat density reached 243 cats/km2, but on most islands densities did not exceed 79.2 cats/km2 (n= 22; 81%). The most common methods in successful eradication programs were trapping and hunting (often with dogs; 91% from a total of 43 islands). Frequently, these methods were used together. Other methods included poisoning (1080; monofluoracetate in fish baits; n= 13; 31%), secondary poisoning from poisoned rats (n= 4; 10%), and introduction of viral disease (feline panleucopaenia; n= 2; 5%). Impacts from cat predation and, more recently, the benefits of cat eradications have been increasingly documented. These impacts and benefits, combined with the continued success of eradication campaigns on larger islands, show the value and role of feral cat eradications in biodiversity conservation. However, new and more efficient techniques used in combination with current techniques will likely be needed for success on larger islands. Resumen:,Los gatos asilvestrados han sido responsables directos de un gran número de extinciones, particularmente en islas. En este estudio, se revisan los programas de erradicación de este felino con el fin de ofrecer información de utilidad en futuras acciones de conservación en islas. La mayor parte de las introducciones datan de los siglos diecinueve y veinte, mientras que las erradicaciones han sido realizadas básicamente durante los últimos 30 años, y sobre todo en la última década. Los gatos asilvestrados han sido erradicados de al menos 48 islas: 16 de ellas en Baja California (México), 10 en Nueva Zelanda, 5 en Australia, 4 en el Océano Pacífico, 4 en Seychelles, 3 en la Región Subantártica, 3 en Macaronesia (Océano Atlántico), 2 en Mauricio, y una en el Caribe. La mayoría de éstas (75%; n= 36) son de reducidas dimensiones (,5 km2), mientras que la más extensa es Marion Island (290 km2). En tan sólo 10 islas (21%) , 10 km2 se ha podido erradicar este depredador. En Cousine Island (Seychelles) la densidad de gatos alcanzó 243 individuos/km2; sin embargo, en la mayoría de las islas, las densidades no excedieron los 79,2 individuos/km2 (n= 22; 81%). Los métodos más comúnmente empleados fueron el trampeo y la caza, a menudo con perros (91% de un total de 43 islas). Con frecuencia dichas prácticas fueron empleadas conjuntamente. Otros métodos incluyeron venenos (1080, monofluoracetato de sodio en cebos de pescado: n= 13; 31%), envenenamiento secundario con ratas envenenadas (n= 4; 10%) y el virus de la leucemia felina (n= 2; 5%). La información sobre el efecto negativo de los gatos en islas y, más recientemente, el beneficio de su erradicación, se ha ido dando a conocer paulatinamente, poniendo de manifiesto su importancia en la conservación de la biodiversidad insular. No obstante, la combinación de técnicas nuevas y más eficientes junto con las habituales, será necesaria para el éxito de la erradicación de los gatos en islas de grandes dimensiones. [source]

Orexins (hypocretins) actions on the GHRH/somatostatin-GH axis

M. López
Abstract The secretion of growth hormone (GH) is regulated through a complex neuroendocrine control system that includes two major hypothalamic regulators, namely GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SST) that stimulate and inhibit, respectively, GH release. Classical experiments involving damage and electrical stimulation suggested that the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) modulated the somatotropic axis, but the responsible molecular mechanisms were unclear. Evidence obtained during the last decade has demonstrated that orexins/hypocretins, a family of peptides expressed in the LHA controlling feeding and sleep, play an important regulatory role on GH, by inhibiting its secretion modulating GHRH and SST neurones. Considering that GH release is closely linked to the sleep,wake cycle and feeding state, understanding orexin/hypocretin physiology could open new therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of sleep, energy homeostasis and GH-related pathologies, such as GH deficiency. [source]

Computer-related skin diseases

Marjolein Wintzen
The use of computers has increased vastly, occupationally as well as for private use, and in the last decade, a number of reports have been published in which skin problems are ascribed to the (intensive) use of computers. Not only irritant or mechanically induced contact dermatitis has been reported but also allergic contact dermatitis. As this appears to be a new group of occupational dermatoses, we present a brief overview of these cases, and aetiologic factors are discussed. [source]

Possible common central pathway for resistin and insulin in regulating food intake

C. Cifani
Abstract Aim:, Adipose tissue has been the object of intense research in the field of obesity and diabetes diseases in the last decade. Examination of adipocyte-secreted peptides led to the identification of a unique polypeptide, resistin (RSTN), which has been suggested as a link between obesity and diabetes. RSTN plays a clearly documented role in blocking insulin (INS)-induced hypoglycaemia. As brain injection of INS affects feeding behaviour, we studied the possible interaction between INS and RSTN in food-deprived rats, measuring effects on food intake. In addition, we examined how RSTN might affect neuropeptide Y (NPY)-induced feeding, as studies have shown that rat RSTN can interfere with the NPY system. Methods:, Overnight food-deprived rats were injected into the third brain ventricle (3V) with either INS (10 or 20 mUI), RSTN (0.1,0.4 nmol/rat), or saline before access to food. Another group of rats was injected into the 3V with RSTN alone, NPY alone or RSTN plus NPY. Their food intake and body weight were measured. Results:, Our results confirm the hypophagic effect of RSTN on food deprivation-induced food intake, and more importantly, show that RSTN neither potentiates nor blocks the effects of INS on food intake, but does reduce the hyperphagic effect of NPY. Conclusion:, The observation that RSTN does not modify feeding INS-induced hypophagia, but does influence NPY-induced feeding, points to the possibility that RSTN may be involved in control of food intake through an NPY-ergic mechanism as INS. [source]

Corporate social responsibility in Malaysia , experts' views and perspectives

Jye Y. Lu
Abstract The field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has grown exponentially in the last decade and is gradually becoming a global trend. Companies are now expected to take explicitly into account all aspects of their performance, i.e., not just their financial results, but also their social and environmental performance. Therefore more organizations are now engaged in serious efforts to define and integrate CSR into all aspects of their businesses. The aim of our study is to understand this trend in Malaysia and specifically to investigate (i) The status of CSR in Malaysia; (ii) Different CSR practices in Malaysia; and (iii) Future diffusion of CSR in Malaysia. To answer these questions, we have conducted interviews with Malaysian leading experts in CSR. Our results suggests that the key issues in the journey toward wider diffusion and acceptance of CSR in Malaysia include current confusion over the meaning of CSR, the prevalent use of CSR as a PR tool, mandatory versus voluntary CSR and the role the National Mirror Committee of ISO/TMB/WG SR in this process. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source]

Functional Management Competence and Growth of Young Technology-Based Firms

Sören Salomo
Acknowledging an increased research interest into the success factors for young technology-based firms in the last decade, the present study serves two main purposes. First, we aim at developing a comprehensive concept of functional management competence in young technology-based firms. Functional management competence covers the understanding of and proficiency in managing specific functional tasks (Katz, 1974). As we focus on young technology-based firms, it is suggested that marketing, financial and technology management tasks are at the core of functional management competence. Second, we aim at delineating and validating an appropriate measurement model for functional management competence. In order to test the model's nomological validity, we investigate the impact of functional management competence on firm growth. Therefore, building on established firm development approaches, we propose a phase model for the development of young technology-based firms. Our study builds upon data from 212 young technology-based firms in the field of microtechnology, nanotechnology, electronics, optics and lasers. We use formative measurement models to establish valid and reliable constructs and a path model based on partial least squares modelling to investigate the performance effects. The results suggest that functional management competences generally are significant drivers of firm development speed. In particular, technology and marketing management competences are shown to impact development speed. While technology management competence is positively driving development speed, the marketing management competence impact on speed is mediated by competitive advantage of the new products developed by young technology-based firms. Financial management competence has no significant link to firm development speed. [source]

Equilibrium and growth shapes of crystals: how do they differ and why should we care?

Robert F. SekerkaArticle first published online: 15 MAR 200
Abstract Since the death of Prof. Dr. Jan Czochralski nearly 50 years ago, crystals grown by the Czochralski method have increased remarkably in size and perfection, resulting today in the industrial production of silicon crystals about 30 cm in diameter and two meters in length. The Czochralski method is of great technological and economic importance for semiconductors and optical crystals. Over this same time period, there have been equally dramatic improvements in our theoretical understanding of crystal growth morphology. Today we can compute complex crystal growth shapes from robust models that reproduce most of the features and phenomena observed experimentally. We should care about this because it is likely to result in the development of powerful and economical design tools to enable future progress. Crystal growth morphology results from an interplay of crystallographic anisotropy and growth kinetics by means of interfacial processes and long-range transport. The equilibrium shape of a crystal results from minimizing its anisotropic surface free energy under the constraint of constant volume; it is given by the classical Wulff construction but can also be represented by an analytical formula based on the ,-vector formalism of Hoffman and Cahn. We now have analytic criteria for missing orientations (sharp corners or edges) on the equilibrium shape, both in two (classical) and three (new) dimensions. Crystals that grow under the control of interfacial kinetic processes tend asymptotically toward a "kinetic Wulff shape", the analogue of the Wulff shape, except it is based on the anisotropic interfacial kinetic coefficient. If it were not for long range transport, crystals would presumably nucleate with their equilibrium shape and then evolve toward their "kinetic Wulff shape". Allowing for long range transport leads to morphological instabilities on the scale of the geometric mean of a transport length (typically a diffusivity divided by the growth speed) and a capillary length (of the order of atomic dimensions). Resulting crystal growth shapes can be cellular or dendritic, but can also exhibit corners and facets related to the underlying crystallographic anisotropy. Within the last decade, powerful phase field models, based on a diffuse interface, have been used to treat simultaneously all of the above phenomena. Computed morphologies can exhibit cells, dendrites and facets, and the geometry of isotherms and isoconcentrates can also be determined. Results of such computations are illustrated in both two and three dimensions. (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

The treatment of CIN: what are the risks?

W. Prendiville
The treatment of squamous cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is to remove or destroy the transformation zone (TZ). It is likely that no method of treatment is superior to another if it is performed properly and the limited available evidence supports this view. The significant advantages of excision (simplicity, cost, outpatient procedure, histological examination of the entire TZ) mean that treatment thresholds may have lowered over the last decade. Long-term pregnancy-related morbidity associated with excision has been reported recently. The evidence would suggest that this increase equates to a genuine increase in serious adverse outcome for cone biopsy but not large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ). The available data also point to an increase in both incomplete excision and premature labour associated with the excision of large endocervical TZs. The clinical implications arising from this are firstly that women with large type 2 and 3 TZs need appropriate counselling before treatment and that the threshold for treating young women with mild abnormalities needs review. [source]

Sourcing Research as an Intellectual Network of Ideas,

G. Tomas M. Hult
ABSTRACT What are the current intellectual clusters in the sourcing literature? How do these clusters relate to each other? How has sourcing-related research changed over the last 10 years? We respond to these questions by examining the intellectual structure of research in the sourcing literature across 21 journals during the last decade (1998,2007). Multidimensional scaling is used to analyze cocitation data involving 72,003 citations from 1,960 sourcing articles. The results indicate that 10 different sourcing clusters emerged in the 1998,2002 period and 6 sourcing clusters surfaced in the 2003,2007 period. Five of the intellectual clusters in 1998,2002 disappeared in 2003,2007, five clusters remained, and one new cluster materialized in 2003,2007 that did not exist in the earlier period (Managerial Behavior and Upstream Decision Making). [source]

Recent Changes in the Workforce and Practice of Dermatologic Surgery

BACKGROUND The increasing number of American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS) fellowship positions over the last decade has resulted in a greater number of fellowship-trained surgeons in dermatologic surgery. METHODS Mohs micrographic fellowship-trained surgeons (MMFTSs) and non-Mohs fellowship-trained surgeons performing Mohs micrographic surgery (NMMFTSs) were compared using the American Academy of Dermatology Practice Profile Survey (2002/05). An analysis of recent Mohs fellowship classes was also performed. RESULTS In 2005, there was an equivalent proportion of MMFTSs and NMMFTSs in the workforce (ratio MMFTS:NMMFTS=0.9) but, in 2005, there was a shift in the youngest age cohort (29,39) to a greater proportion of MMFTSs (MMFTS:NMMFTS=1.55). In 2005, the youngest MMFTSs (29,39) were more likely to be female (47.1%) than of MMFTSs overall (24%). MMFTSs were 5 times as likely to be in full-time academic positions and performed 2 to 3 times as many Mohs cases per week as NMMFTSs. CONCLUSIONS Consistent with demographic shifts in dermatology, differences have emerged in the demographics, surgical volumes, and settings of MMFTSs and NMMFTSs. Recent increases in the ACMS fellowship positions have resulted in a greater proportion of MMFTSs among younger dermatologic surgeons. It will be important to follow how this increase in fellowship trainees affects the dermatologic surgery workforce. [source]

Surgical Management of Stable Vitiligo: A Review with Personal Experience

Sharad Mutalik MB
Background. Various modalities are available for surgical management of stable, localized patches of vitiligo, which are resistant to conventional medical treatment. Cutaneous surgeons often struggle to select among various methods of surgical treatment that include camouflage tattooing, melanocyte transplants, excision, and melanocyte culture. The advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of all the available modalities are reviewed. Objective. The purpose of this review is to find out if any guidelines can be drawn regarding the surgical management of stable vitiligo. Methods. This article is based on a review of the medical literature and the author's personal experience over the last decade. Results. It is difficult to draw any fixed guidelines from this review. Treatment must be individualized depending upon the site and the extent of involvement. Conclusion. Although the retrospective nature of this article limits its validity, discussing the various therapeutic options is of value as continuing medical education. Surgical treatment may be individualized to obtain the best possible cosmetic result. [source]

Reflections on Latin American Rural Studies in the Neoliberal Globalization Period: A New Rurality?

Cristóbal Kay
ABSTRACT This article explores the emergence over the last decade of a new approach to rural development studies in Latin America known as the ,new rurality'. The various interpretations and ambiguities of this approach as well as the ensuing debates are discussed. Analysis focuses on four major transformations in the rural economy and society which are usually highlighted by the ,new ruralists'. These changes are interpreted as arising from the region's neoliberal shift and its closer insertion into the global system. A novel distinction is made between reformist and communitarian proposals for a new rurality. The merits as well as the limitations of this new approach to rural studies are examined. [source]

The Political Ecology of Transition in Cambodia 1989,1999: War, Peace and Forest Exploitation

Philippe Le Billon
Over the last decade, forests have played an important role in the transition from war to peace in Cambodia. Forest exploitation financed the continuation of war beyond the Cold War and regional dynamics, yet it also stimulated co-operation between conflicting parties. Timber represented a key stake in the rapacious transition from the (benign) socialism of the post-Khmer Rouge period to (exclusionary) capitalism, thereby becoming the most politicized resource of a reconstruction process that has failed to be either as green or as democratic as the international community had hoped. This article explores the social networks and power politics shaping forest exploitation, with the aim of casting light on the politics of transition. It also scrutinizes the unintended consequences of the international community's discourse of democracy, good governance, and sustainable development on forest access rights. The commodification of Cambodian forests is interpreted as a process of transforming nature into money through a political ecology of transition that legitimates an exclusionary form of capitalism. [source]

Cellular and molecular dissection of pluripotent adult somatic stem cells in planarians

Norito Shibata
Freshwater planarians, Plathelminthes, have been an intriguing model animal of regeneration studies for more than 100 years. Their robust regenerative ability is one of asexual reproductive capacity, in which complete animals develop from tiny body fragments within a week. Pluripotent adult somatic stem cells, called neoblasts, assure this regenerative ability. Neoblasts give rise to not only all types of somatic cells, but also germline cells. During the last decade, several experimental techniques for the analysis of planarian neoblasts at the molecular level, such as in situ hybridization, RNAi and fluorescence activated cell sorting, have been established. Moreover, information about genes involved in maintenance and differentiation of neoblasts has been accumulated. One of the molecular features of neoblasts is the expression of many RNA regulators, which are involved in germline development in other animals, such as vasa and piwi family genes. In this review, we introduce physiological and molecular features of the neoblast, and discuss how germline genes regulate planarian neoblasts and what differences exist between neoblasts and germline cells. [source]

Growth, Poverty Reduction and Development Assistance in Asia: Options and Prospects

John Farrington
This article examines a number of policy challenges and dilemmas arising from the pattern of growth and poverty reduction in Asia, central to which is the fact that growth and poverty reduction have been more rapid in Asia than in any other region in the last decade, and yet Asia still contains the majority of the world's poor. The article examines the record of achievement, possible future trends including emerging patterns of inequality, and likely future priorities for poverty-reduction policies. It assesses the role of official development assistance and suggests how it may evolve in future, in part linked with responses to a number of challenges shared between Asian and OECD countries, including energy supply, environmental issues including climate change, and financial stability. [source]

Melatonin therapy for circadian rhythm sleep disorders in children with multiple disabilities: what have we learned in the last decade?

James E Jan MD FRCP(C)
First page of article [source]

Genetics of type 2 diabetes mellitus: status and perspectives

Lars Hansen
Throughout the last decade, molecular genetic studies of non-autoimmune diabetes mellitus have contributed significantly to our present understanding of this disease's complex aetiopathogenesis. Monogenic forms of diabetes (maturity-onset diabetes of the young, MODY) have been identified and classified into MODY1,6 according to the mutated genes that by being expressed in the pancreatic ,-cells confirm at the molecular level the clinical presentation of MODY as a predominantly insulin secretory deficient form of diabetes mellitus. Genomewide linkage studies of presumed polygenic type 2 diabetic populations indicate that loci on chromosomes 1q, 5q, 8p, 10q, 12q and 20q contain susceptibility genes. Yet, so far, the only susceptibility gene, calpain-10 (CAPN10), which has been identified using genomewide linkage studies, is located on chromosome 2q37. Mutation analyses of selected ,candidate' susceptibility genes in various populations have also identified the widespread Pro12Ala variant of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-, and the common Glu23Lys variant of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel, Kir6.2 (KCNJ11). These variants may contribute significantly to the risk type 2 diabetes conferring insulin resistance of liver, muscle and fat (Pro12Ala) and a relative insulin secretory deficiency (Glu23Lys). It is likely that, in the near future, the recent more detailed knowledge of the human genome and insights into its haploblocks together with the developments of high-throughput and cheap genotyping will facilitate the discovery of many more type 2 diabetes gene variants in study materials, which are statistically powered and phenotypically well characterized. The results of these efforts are likely to be the platform for major progress in the development of personalized antidiabetic drugs with higher efficacy and few side effects. [source]

Threats and biodiversity in the mediterranean biome

Emma C. Underwood
ABSTRACT Aim, Global conservation assessments recognize the mediterranean biome as a priority for the conservation of the world's biodiversity. To better direct future conservation efforts in the biome, an improved understanding of the location, magnitude and trend of key threats and their relationship with species of conservation importance is needed. Location, Mediterranean-climate regions in California-Baja California, Chile, South Africa, Australia and the Mediterranean Basin. Methods, We undertook a systematic, pan-regional assessment of threats in the mediterranean biome including human population density, urban area and agriculture. To realize the full implications of these threats on mediterranean biodiversity, we examined their relationship with species of conservation concern: threatened mammals at the global scale and threatened plants at the subecoregional scale in California, USA. Results, Across the biome, population density and urban area increased by 13% and agriculture by 1% between 1990 and 2000. Both population density and urban area were greatest in California-Baja California and least in Australia while, in contrast, agriculture was greatest in Australia and least in California-Baja California. In all regions lowlands were most affected by the threats analysed, with the exception of population density in the Chilean matorral. Threatened species richness had a significant positive correlation with population density at global and subecoregional scales, while threatened species were found to increase with the amount of urban area and decrease as the amount of natural area and unfragmented core area increased. Main conclusions, Threats to mediterranean biodiversity have increased from 1990 to 2000, although patterns vary both across and within the five regions. The need for future conservation efforts is further underlined by the positive correlation between species of conservation concern and the increase in population density over the last decade. Challenges to reducing threats extend beyond those analysed to include human,environmental interactions and their synergistic effects, such as urbanization and invasive species and wildfires. [source]

Close range digital photogrammetric analysis of experimental drainage basin evolution

J. Brasington
Abstract Despite the difficulties of establishing formal hydraulic and geometric similarity, small-scale models of drainage basins have often been used to investigate the evolution and dynamics of larger-scale landforms. Historically, this analysis has been restricted to planform basin characteristics and only in the last decade has the topographic similarity of experimental landscapes been explored through explicitly three-dimensional parameters such as the distributions of cumulative drainage area, area,slope and catchment elevation. The current emphasis on three-dimensional morphometry reflects a growing awareness of the descriptive paucity of planform data and the need for more robust analysis of spatial scaling relationships. This paradigm shift has been significantly facilitated by technological developments in topographic survey and digital elevation modelling (DEM) which now present the opportunity to acquire and analyse high-resolution, distributed elevation data. Few studies have, however, attempted to use topographic modelling to provide information on the changing pattern and rate of sediment transport though an evolving landscape directly by using multitemporal DEM differencing techniques. This paper reports a laboratory study in which digital photogrammetry was employed to derive high-resolution DEMs of a simulated landscape in declining equilibrium at 15 minute frequency through a 240 minute simulation. Detailed evaluation of the DEMs revealed a vertical precision of 1·2 mm and threshold level of change detection between surfaces of ±3 mm at the 95 per cent confidence level. This quality assurance set the limits for determining the volumetric change between surfaces, which was used to recover the sediment budget through the experiment and to examine local - and basin-scale rates of sediment transport. A comparison of directly observed and morphometric estimates of sediment yield at the basin outlet was used to quantify the closure of the sediment budget over the simulation, and revealed an encouragingly small 6·2 per cent error. The application of this dynamic morphological approach has the potential to offer new insights into the controls on landform development, as demonstrated here by an analysis of the changing pattern of the basin sediment delivery ratio during network growth. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Landscape issues in plant ecology

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 2 2002
Sylvie De Blois
In the last decade, we have seen the emergence and consolidation of a conceptual framework that recognizes the landscape as an ecological unit of interest. Plant ecologists have long emphasized landscape-scale issues, but there has been no recent attempt to define how landscape concepts are now integrated in vegetation studies. To help define common research paradigms in both landscape and plant ecology, we discuss issues related to three main landscape concepts in vegetation researches, reviewing theoretical influences and emphasizing recent developments. We first focus on environmental relationships, documenting how vegetation patterns emerge from the influence of local abiotic conditions. The landscape is the physical environment. Disturbances are then considered, with a particular attention to human-driven processes that often overrule natural dynamics. The landscape is a dynamic space. As environmental and historical processes generate heterogeneous patterns, we finally move on to stress current evidence relating spatial structure and vegetation dynamics. This relates to the concept of a landscape as a patch-corridor-matrix mosaic. Future challenges involve: 1) the capacity to evaluate the relative importance of multiple controlling processes at broad spatial scale; 2) better assessment of the real importance of the spatial configuration of landscape elements for plant species and finally; 3) the integration of natural and cultural processes and the recognition of their interdependence in relation to vegetation management issues in human landscapes. [source]

The Choice Among Interbank Settlement Systems: The European Experience

ECONOMIC NOTES, Issue 1 2003
Angelo Baglioni
This paper addresses the choice of banks between alternative channels for interbank payments. The conventional view assumes a tradeoff between the safety of real-time gross settlement (RTGS) and the liquidity savings of multilateral netting. Moreover, correspondent banking is believed to be inefficient, both in terms of liquidity and of administrative costs. In the last decade, however, the impulse of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, technological changes and the management of RTGS systems by central banks have reduced the difference between the various systems. This is especially true for risk, whereas liquidity cost crucially depends on the refinancing policy adopted by the central bank and the co-ordination among the participants. On the basis of the recent evolution of payment systems in Europe, we verify the importance of liquidity, as well as other variables like transaction costs, for the choice of banks among different settlement systems. Cost factors imply that the nature of payments flows (value, commercial versus financial) and some structural features of the banking systems (dimension of the intermediaries, concentration of the banking sector) become important. The analysis is carried out both through a theoretical model and a cross-country comparison based on three data sources: ECB (European Central Bank, EBA (Euro Banking Association) and SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). [source]


The declining popularity of Economics courses, evident in the last decade, has fuelled a debate on the nature of Economics units and the way in which they are taught in tertiary institutions. The effectiveness of traditional teaching methods has been questioned as ,lecturers search for alternative ways of presenting material and engaging students. In recent times, workshop-based/cooperative tutorials have become more popular in promoting deeper learning. This paper assesses the application of such an approach at a large tertiary institution. It evaluates student perceptions of this tutorial method in an Introductory Macroeconomics first-year unit. An anonymous questionnaire was used. Whilst the sample size is small (n = 56), the results are important in that this is the first such study in Macroeconomics. Students found workshop-based tutorials useful, preferred them over lecture style tutorials, and found that they fostered inclusivity. The importance of tutorials per se, is reiterated. Students state that tutorials are an important adjunct to lectures. This study also looks at students' study habits: finding that on average they spend less than one hour per week studying Economics and most prepare only occasionally for tutorials. The sample studied indicates that there are notable differences in the perceptions of tutorials and teaching methods between the genders and between local and international students. This may impact on the way in which tutorials are conducted effectively. [source]


Jack Martin
In this essay, Jack Martin aims to remedy such oversight by interpreting Mead's social-psychological and educational theorizing of selfhood and agency through the lenses of the perspectival realism Mead developed in the last decade of his life. This interpretation understands education as concerned with the cultivation and coordination of cultural, societal, interpersonal, and personal perspectives. Within this framework, communal agency is understood as a self-interpreting, self-determining capability of persons. This agentive capability derives from immersion and participation with others within sociocultural practices and perspectives, but also includes reactivity to those same practices and perspectives. The education of communal agents as envisioned here emphasizes the social nature of education, students' experience and development, and the critical role of the teacher as a mediator between student development and social process. Such an education is grounded in the immediate experiences and perspectives of learners, but increasingly assists learners to move beyond their own experiences through engaged interaction with others and with resources for acquiring broader, more organized perspectives on themselves, others, and the world. [source]

Voltammetric Analysis of Trace Levels of Platinum Group Metals , Principles and Applications

2Article first published online: 4 OCT 200, Clinio Locatelli
Abstract The compelling use of autocatalytic converters, containing platinum group metals (PGMs), has been the cause, in the environmental and biological matrices, of an increasing concentration of such metals. For this reason, in the last decade, the literature has reported several papers regarding analytical procedures for the determination of Pt(II), Pd(II) and Rh(III) in real samples, generally employing spectroscopic methods. The present review intends to highlight the contribution of the voltammetric techniques for the determination of these metals, including also those less investigated, i.e. Iridium, Osmium and Ruthenium. [source]

Electroanalysis at Diamond-Like and Doped-Diamond Electrodes

Abstract Diamond as a high performance material occupies a special place due to its in many ways extreme properties, e.g., hardness, chemical inertness, thermal conductivity, optical properties, and electric characteristics. Work mainly over the last decade has shown that diamond also occupies a special place as an electrode material with interesting applications in electroanalysis. When made sufficiently electrically conducting for example by boron-doping, ,thin film' and ,free,standing' diamond electrodes exhibit remarkable chemical resistance to etching, a wide potential window, low background current responses, mechanical stability towards ultrasound induced interfacial cavitation, a low ,stickiness' in adsorption processes, and a high degree of ,tunability' of the surface properties. This review summarizes some of the recent work aimed at applying conductive (boron-doped) diamond electrodes to improve procedures in electroanalysis. [source]