Laboratory Toxicity Tests (laboratory + toxicity_test)

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Selected Abstracts

In situ water and sediment toxicity in an agricultural watershed

Bryn M. Phillips
Abstract The Salinas River receives inputs from extensive farmlands before flowing into the Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (CA, USA). Previous monitoring using laboratory toxicity tests and chemical analyses identified toxic agricultural drain-water inputs in this system. Using caged daphnids (Ceriodaphnia dubia) and amphipods (Hyalella azteca), we investigated in situ toxicity at stations downstream from an agricultural drain relative to a reference station. A flow sensor indicated highly variable inputs from irrigation, and daily synoptic chemical analyses using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay techniques demonstrated fluctuating concentrations of organophosphate pesticides. Test organism mortality in the field coincided with contaminant concentrations that exceeded chemical effect thresholds for the test species. Laboratory toxicity tests using C. dubia were comparable to results from field exposures, but tests with H. azteca were not. Laboratory exposures can be reasonable surrogates for field evaluations in this system, but they were less effective for assessing short-term temporal variability. Results from the field toxicity studies corroborated results of bioassessment surveys conducted as part of a concurrent study. Toxicity identification evaluations indicated that organophosphate pesticides caused toxicity to daphnids and that effects of suspended solids were negligible. [source]

A field validation of two sediment-amphipod toxicity tests

Steven P. Perraro
Abstract A field validation study of two sediment-amphipod toxicity tests was conducted using sediment samples collected subtidally in the vicinity of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated Superfund site in Elliott Bay (WA, USA). Sediment samples were collected at 30 stations with a 0.1 m2 grab from which subsamples were taken for sediment toxicity testing and geochemical and macrofaunal analyses. Standard 10-d sediment-amphipod toxicity tests were conducted with Rhepoxynius abronius and Leptocheirus plumulosus. Sediments were analyzed for 33 PAHs, pentachlorophenol, polychlorinated biphenyls, acid-volatile sulfide, simultaneously extracted metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni), total organic carbon, and grain size. Sediment temperature, oxygen-reduction potential, water depth, and interstitial water salinity were also measured. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, quantified as total PAH toxic units (TUPAH), were confirmed to be an important common causal agent of the changes in the two toxicity test (% survival R. abronius, % survival L. plumulosus) and five macrofaunal community (number of species, S; numerical abundance, A; total biomass, B; Swartz's dominance index, SDI; Brillouin's index, H) endpoints. Two other macrofaunal community metrics (the complement of Simpson's index, 1 , SI, and McIntosh's index, MI) were less sensitive to TUPAH than the two toxicity test endpoints. The sensitivities of R. abronius and L. plumulosus to TUPAH were statistically indistinguishable. Field validations were conducted by testing the association between or among each toxicity test endpoint, each of seven macrofaunal community metrics (S, A, B, SDI, H, 1 , SI, MI), and TUPAH by (1) Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation, (2) Kendall's coefficient of concordance, (3) G tests of independence, and (4) regression analysis. Some field validations based on multivariable tests of association (e.g., points 2 and 3) among toxicity test, field, and stressor endpoints produced false positive results. Both toxicity test endpoints were validated as indicators of changes in S, A, SDI, and H by all the methods tested. The resolution power of the relationships between the laboratory toxicity test and macrofaunal field endpoints was low (, three classes) but sufficient to discriminate ecologically important effects. We conclude that standard sediment-amphipod toxicity tests are ecologically relevant and that, under the proper conditions, their results can be used for lab-to-field extrapolation. [source]

Methodology for the evaluation of cumulative episodic exposure to chemical stressors in aquatic risk assessment,

Michael G. Morton
Abstract An ecological risk assessment method was developed to evaluate the magnitude, duration, and episodic nature of chemical stressors on aquatic communities. The percent of an ecosystem's species at risk from a designated chemical exposure scenario is generated. In effects assessment, probabilistic extrapolation methods are used to generate estimated safe concentrations (ESCs) for an ecosystem using laboratory toxicity test results. Fate and transport modeling is employed to generate temporal stressor concentration profiles. In risk characterization, area under the curve integration is performed on predicted exposure concentration profiles to calculate a cumulative exposure concentration (CEC) for the exposure event. A correction is made to account for the allowable exposure duration to the stressor ESC. Finally, the CEC is applied to the extrapolation model (curve) of the stressor to predict percent species at risk to the episodic exposure. The method may be used for either prospective or retrospective risk assessments. The results of a retrospective risk assessment performed on the Leadenwah Creek, South Carolina, USA, estuarine community are presented as a case study. The creek experienced periodic episodes of pesticide-contaminated agricultural runoff from 1986 through 1989. Although limited biological data were available for method validation, the risk estimates compared well with the Leadenwah Creek in situ bioassay results. [source]

Use of laboratory toxicity tests with bivalve and echinoderm embryos to evaluate the bioavailability of copper in San Diego Bay, California, USA

Gunther Rosen
Abstract Copper concentrations in parts of San Diego Bay (CA, USA) exceed ambient water quality criteria (WQC; currently 3.1 ,g/L dissolved, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [U.S. EPA]). In order to better understand the bioavailability of copper to water-column organisms in the bay, toxicity tests were performed with copper added to surface water collected from various sites in the estuary over a three-year period. The species and endpoints used, bivalve and echinoderm embryo-larval development, are among the most sensitive in the U.S. EPA's national toxicity dataset, which is used to derive WQC. No toxicity was observed in ambient bay water samples, as indicated by high proportions of normally developed larvae in control treatments, averaging 93 ± 5% across all sites and all sampling events. Median effects concentrations (EC50), obtained by copper spiking of ambient water samples, ranged from 1.7 to 3.4 times lower at sites located near the mouth compared to sites near the back of the bay. These data indicate a gradient in complexation capacity increasing from the mouth to the back of the bay, which is consistent with similar trends in dissolved organic carbon and total suspended solids. For the bay as a whole, estimates for total recoverable and dissolved water-effect ratios (WER) ranged from 2.07 to 2.27 and 1.54 to 1.67, respectively. Water-effect ratios of this magnitude suggest that adoption of a somewhat higher site-specific WQC for San Diego Bay still would achieve the level of protection that is intended by the WQC guidelines. [source]

Differential tolerance among cryptic species: A potential cause of pollutant-related reductions in genetic diversity

Axayácatl Rocha-Olivares
Abstract Differential mortality of cryptic species (i.e., morphologically similar but genetically distinct sibling species) may contribute to observed reductions in genetic diversity at contaminated sites if the members of a complex of cryptic species exhibit differential responses to the contaminants that are present. We conducted toxicity bioassays with both polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon and metal contamination on Cletocamptus fourchensis and C. stimpsoni from two intensively sampled locations. Previous molecular and detailed morphological analyses segregated these as cryptic species from the cosmopolitan C. deitersi. We found that these species occur together at two field sites and that they exhibit unique toxic responses to heavy metals, suggesting differential tolerances at contaminated sites. These findings suggest that reported losses of genetic diversity at contaminated sites may represent a reduction in species diversity rather than a loss of the presumed less-tolerant genotypes within a species. They also suggest that members of a cryptic species complex should not be used in laboratory toxicity tests unless populations are genetically characterized. Future studies using genetic diversity as a marker of contaminant effects should consider the possibility of undetected cryptic species. [source]

In situ water and sediment toxicity in an agricultural watershed

Bryn M. Phillips
Abstract The Salinas River receives inputs from extensive farmlands before flowing into the Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (CA, USA). Previous monitoring using laboratory toxicity tests and chemical analyses identified toxic agricultural drain-water inputs in this system. Using caged daphnids (Ceriodaphnia dubia) and amphipods (Hyalella azteca), we investigated in situ toxicity at stations downstream from an agricultural drain relative to a reference station. A flow sensor indicated highly variable inputs from irrigation, and daily synoptic chemical analyses using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay techniques demonstrated fluctuating concentrations of organophosphate pesticides. Test organism mortality in the field coincided with contaminant concentrations that exceeded chemical effect thresholds for the test species. Laboratory toxicity tests using C. dubia were comparable to results from field exposures, but tests with H. azteca were not. Laboratory exposures can be reasonable surrogates for field evaluations in this system, but they were less effective for assessing short-term temporal variability. Results from the field toxicity studies corroborated results of bioassessment surveys conducted as part of a concurrent study. Toxicity identification evaluations indicated that organophosphate pesticides caused toxicity to daphnids and that effects of suspended solids were negligible. [source]

Interaction of an insecticide with larval density in pond-breeding salamanders (Ambystoma)

Summary 1. Amphibian populations residing in or near agricultural areas are often susceptible to pesticide contamination. Recent evidence suggests that the effects of pesticides on amphibians often exceed those estimated in laboratory toxicity tests because other environmental factors (e.g. predators, resource abundance) can influence pesticide toxicity. 2. To examine the effects of an insecticide (carbaryl) on two species of Ambystoma salamanders experiencing the natural stress of competition, we manipulated chemical concentration (control, 3.5 and 7.0 mg L,1) and larval density (low and high). We determined the effect of treatments on snout-vent length (SVL), growth rate, lipid reserves, time to metamorphosis, per cent survival and per cent metamorphosis. 3. Carbaryl negatively affected all response variables of Ambystoma maculatum significantly, and significantly reduced survival and metamorphosis of A. opacum. Increased density significantly influenced SVL, lipid reserves, growth rate and metamorphosis of A. maculatum. 4. The effects of carbaryl and increased density on per cent metamorphosis were nearly additive, but were generally less than additive on other variables. 5. The negative effects of chemical contamination on salamanders were likely because of pesticide-induced reductions of food resources, as zooplankton abundance decreased by as much as 97% following carbaryl application. 6. Our study demonstrates the importance of the interactive effects that chemical contamination and natural environmental factors have on salamanders. [source]

A Decision-Making Framework for Sediment Contamination

Peter M. Chapman
Abstract A decision-making framework for determining whether or not contaminated sediments are polluted is described. This framework is intended to be sufficiently prescriptive to standardize the decision-making process but without using "cook book" assessments. It emphasizes 4 guidance "rules": (1) sediment chemistry data are only to be used alone for remediation decisions when the costs of further investigation outweigh the costs of remediation and there is agreement among all stakeholders to act; (2) remediation decisions are based primarily on biology; (3) lines of evidence (LOE), such as laboratory toxicity tests and models that contradict the results of properly conducted field surveys, are assumed incorrect; and (4) if the impacts of a remedial alternative will cause more environmental harm than good, then it should not be implemented. Sediments with contaminant concentrations below sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) that predict toxicity to less than 5% of sediment-dwelling infauna and that contain no quantifiable concentrations of substances capable of biomagnifying are excluded from further consideration, as are sediments that do not meet these criteria but have contaminant concentrations equal to or below reference concentrations. Biomagnification potential is initially addressed by conservative (worst case) modeling based on benthos and sediments and, subsequently, by additional food chain data and more realistic assumptions. Toxicity (acute and chronic) and alterations to resident communities are addressed by, respectively, laboratory studies and field observations. The integrative decision point for sediments is a weight of evidence (WOE) matrix combining up to 4 main LOE: chemistry, toxicity, community alteration, and biomagnification potential. Of 16 possible WOE scenarios, 6 result in definite decisions, and 10 require additional assessment. Typically, this framework will be applied to surficial sediments. The possibility that deeper sediments may be uncovered as a result of natural or other processes must also be investigated and may require similar assessment. [source]