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Selected Abstracts

Stressful life events and suicidal behaviour in countries with different development levels: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile and Spain

José Juan Vázquez
Abstract This paper presents a study conducted on 709 Latin American undergraduates from four countries with different development levels (Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile and Spain). The intention of this paper is to value the differences in the number and characteristics of stressful life events (SLE) suffered by the participants. Another purpose is to confirm the relation between SLE and suicidal conduct in Spanish cultural contexts, through the study of a multicultural sample of Spanish-speaking university students, and finally, to isolate the SLE that allow predicting a later suicidal conduct to a greatest extent. The information was collected by means of a self-applied questionnaire. The results indicate a greater presence of SLE among those who live in countries with lower development levels and among those who have attempted committing suicide. It is observed that the fact of having suffered certain SLE,physical or sexual mistreatment, excessive alcohol or drug consumption and having left home during childhood or adolescence,aid in the prediction of later suicidal conducts in the studied samples. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Changes in professional conceptions of suicide prevention among psychologists: using a conceptual model

Maila Upanne
Abstract This prospective follow-up study monitored the evolution of psychologists' conceptions of suicide prevention over the course of their participation in psychological autopsy studies that constituted the first phase of the National Suicide Prevention Project in Finland. Another purpose of the study was to consider the feasibility of an earlier suicide prevention model. Ideas on prevention were compared in two different situations and items were categorized using descriptive and conceptual criteria of prevention. They could be classified into a typology of four categories: care approach, cultural-educational approach, conditions approach, and critical approach. The follow-up suggested that the model is a feasible method for analysing conceptions of suicide prevention, and that it was possible to interpret conceptions in a theoretically adequate manner. In addition, ideas could be compared with certain known theoretical models of prevention. The model could thus be used in further research and for practical purposes. Experiences of psychological autopsy studies definitely had an impact on the psychologists' views; conceptions altered towards emphasizing the care approach and individual risk factors. Nonetheless, the overall structure of the prevention paradigm remained multifactorial, stressing multistage influencing. Surprisingly, the priority of acute suicide risk as a preventive target did not increase. Promotive aims remained the most important aim category. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

SCL-90-R profiles in a sample of severely violent psychiatric inpatients

Stål Bjørkly
Abstract A sample of 39 patients who had committed serious violent acts toward others were assessed with the revised Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R). The SCL-90-R is a self-report symptom inventory for the measurement of psychopathology in psychiatric and medical patients. In addition to the patients' self-report, an observer-rated SCL-90-R was obtained. This was accomplished by letting one pair of nurses complete SCL-90-R ratings for each patient. The first aim of the study was to compare the SCL-90-R self-report scores of the patient sample with the psychiatric inpatient norms [Derogatis LR (1992): Clinical Psychometric Research Inc]. Another purpose of this study was to explore possible trends of discordance between the observer ratings and the self-reports of the study group. Always considering the limitations of the small sample, it was nevertheless also of interest to look for possible sex differences and differences between violent subgroups and between diagnostic groups in the self-reported scores as well as in the observer ratings. The most striking findings of the present study were that the self-reported scores were lower than the inpatient norms for SCL-90-R and that the patients' self-reported levels of distress were significantly lower than those found in the observer ratings. Underreporting of psychopathology as a marker of violence risk is discussed in light of these findings. In this study, women reported higher distress levels than men in the Interpersonal Sensitivity symptom dimension. There were no significant differences concerning SCL-90-R ratings between patients who had committed homicide, attempted homicide, or physically assaulted another person in a serious but not life-threatening way. Aggr. Behav. 28:446,457, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Confirmation of Correlations and Common Quantitative Trait Loci Between Neurotensin Receptor Density and Hypnotic Sensitivity to Ethanol

ALCOHOLISM, Issue 12 2001
V. Gene Erwin
Background: In previous studies, genetic correlations were observed between hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol and high-affinity neurotensin receptor (NTS1) binding. Provisional quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified for these traits, and some of these QTLs were found on common chromosomal regions. In continued efforts to examine the relationship between NTS1 binding capacity and hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol, studies were designed to confirm correlations between NTS1 densities in the brain, duration of ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex (LORR), and blood ethanol concentrations at regain of righting reflex (BECRR). Another purpose of the study was to confirm QTLs for these traits. Methods: ILS X ISS F 2 mice and HAS X LAS F 2 rats as well as the progenitors were tested for LORR, BECRR, and NTS1 densities. Phenotypic correlations were calculated between LORR and BECRR and between these measures and NTS1 densities in striatum from both mice and rats. The F 2 mice were genotyped by using polymorphic markers for five previously reported QTLs for LORR to confirm QTLs for BECRR and NTS1 densities in striatum, ventral midbrain, and frontal cortex. Results: Phenotypic correlations were found between LORR and BECRR (r=,0.66 to ,0.74, p < 10,9) and between these measures and NTS1 densities in striatum (r= 0.28,0.38, p < 10,2) from both mice and rats. QTLs for LORR and BECRR (lod score = 2,6) were found in common regions of chromosomes 1, 2, and 15. By using the combined results from a previous LSXSS RI study and the current results, a suggestive QTL (lod score = 3.1) for striatal NTS1 receptor densities was found on chromosome 15 at approximately 60 cM, in the same region as the chromosome 15 LORR/BECRR QTL. Conclusions: The results are in agreement with previously reported correlations and QTLs for NTS1 receptor densities and measures of hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol in mice and extend those correlations to another species, the rat. These findings support a role for NTS1 in genetically mediated differences in hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol. [source]

Almost 30 Years of Writing Research: Making Sense of It All with The Wrath of Khan

Steve Graham
In this invited article, we present an ongoing research program in the area of writing. Although this program has focused on students with learning disabilities (LD) and other struggling writers, it has also concentrated more broadly on issues involving writing development and general writing instruction. One purpose of this review was to share our basic findings in each of these areas, as they have important implications for teaching writing to students with LD. Another purpose was to illustrate how an ongoing research program develops and grows over time. To make this process more concrete, we employed several different literacy devices, including drawing an analogy between the development of our research program and the development of the story line for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Our final purpose was to describe the research we plan to do in the near future. [source]

RCAN1-1L is overexpressed in neurons of Alzheimer's disease patients

FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 7 2007
Cathryn D. Harris
At least two different isoforms of RCAN1 mRNA are expressed in neuronal cells in normal human brain. Although RCAN1 mRNA is elevated in brain regions affected by Alzheimer's disease, it is not known whether the disease affects neuronal RCAN1, or if other cell types (e.g. astrocytes or microglia) are affected. It is also unknown how many protein isoforms are expressed in human brain and whether RCAN1 protein is overexpressed in Alzheimer's disease. We explored the expression of both RCAN1-1 and RCAN1-4 mRNA isoforms in various cell types in normal and Alzheimer's disease postmortem samples, using the combined technique of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. We found that both exon 1 and exon 4 are predominantly expressed in neuronal cells, and no significant expression of either of the exons was observed in astocytes or microglial cells. This was true in both normal and Alzheimer's disease brain sections. We also demonstrate that RCAN1-1 mRNA levels are approximately two-fold higher in neurons from Alzheimer's disease patients versus non-Alzheimer's disease controls. Using western blotting, we now show that there are three RCAN1 protein isoforms expressed in human brain: RCAN1-1L, RCAN1-1S, and RCAN1-4. We have determined that RCAN1-1L is expressed at twice the level of RCAN1-4, and that there is very minor expression of RCAN1-1S. We also found that the RCAN1-1L protein is overexpressed in Alzheimer's disease patients, whereas RCAN1-4 is not. From these results, we conclude that RCAN1-1 may play a role in Alzheimer's disease, whereas RCAN1-4 may serve another purpose. [source]

Preoperative biliary drainage before resection for cholangiocarcinoma (Pro)

HPB, Issue 2 2008
Abstract Three types of preoperative biliary drainage (BD): percutaneous transhepatic (PTBD), endoscopic (EBD), and endoscopic nasobiliary (ENBD) can be indicated before resection of cholangiocarcinoma. However, three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have revealed that preoperative PTBD does not improve perioperative results. Other RCTs have revealed that preoperative EBD for malignant obstructive jaundice has no demonstrable benefit and after EBD for hilar cholangiocarcinoma there are highly developed infectious complications. Most patients with distal cholangiocarcinoma undergo pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) without preoperative BD. However, no RCTs have been performed to clarify the safety of major hepatectomy without preoperative BD for cholestatic patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Furthermore, preoperative intrahepatic segmental cholangitis is a prognostic factor in the outcome of major hepatectomy for biliary cancer. Preoperative BD has another purpose in the preoperative management of patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Selective cholangiography via ENBD and/or PTBD catheters provides precise information about the complicated segmental anatomy of the intrahepatic bile ducts and extent of cancer along the separated segmental bile ducts, which contributes toward designing a type of resective procedure. RCTs in biliary cancer patients undergoing major hepatectomy have revealed that bile replacement during external biliary drainage and perioperative synbiotic treatment can prevent postoperative infectious complications. Although preoperative EBD increases the risk of cholangitis, major hepatectomy combined with preoperative biliary drainage, preferably PTBD and/or ENBD, followed by portal vein embolization has been established as a safer management strategy for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. [source]