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Kinds of Kinds Selected AbstractsWHAT KIND OF BENEFIT DO WE EXPECT FOR PERORAL PANCREATOSCOPY IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF INTRADUCTAL PAPILLARY MUCINOUS TUMOR OF THE PANCREAS?DIGESTIVE ENDOSCOPY, Issue 2006Taketo Yamaguchi Intraductal papillary mucinous tumor (IPMT) of the pancreas is characterized by slow growth and a relatively favorable prognosis, however, invasive cancer originating in an IPMT is associated with a poor prognosis. Although various parameters in imaging modalities have been advocated to differentiate between benign IPMN and malignant ones, it is not easy to obtain definite diagnosis based on these parameters. Peroral pancreatoscopy (POPS) allows a clear and direct visualization of the pancreatic duct, providing useful information regarding tumor nature in IPMT. The authors have studied the usefulness of POPS in the diagnosis of IPMT. Nevertheless, its usefulness is not necessarily widely accepted and the significance of POPS is still controversial. In this review, the authors intended to address the diagnostic value of POPS and to clarify its role in the diagnosis of IPMT. The authors think treatment of IPMT can be improved by introducing POPS because the determination of surgical procedure as well as the area of resection based on the preoperative diagnosis of the involvement of the main pancreatic duct and branch duct is inevitable. [source] WHAT KIND OF PHILOSOPHER WAS LOCKE ON MIND AND BODY?PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY, Issue 2 2010HAN-KYUL KIM The wide range of conflicting interpretations that exist in regard to Locke's philosophy of mind and body (i.e. dualistic, materialist, idealistic) can be explained by the general failure of commentators to appreciate the full extent of his nominalism. Although his nominalism that focuses on specific natural kinds has been much discussed, his mind-body nominalism remains largely neglected. This neglect, I shall argue, has given rise to the current diversity of interpretations. This paper offers a solution to this interpretative puzzle, and it attributes a view to Locke that I shall describe as nominal symmetry. [source] ACCEPTANCE-DEPENDENCE: A SOCIAL KIND OF RESPONSE-DEPENDENCEPACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY, Issue 4 2006FRANK A. HINDRIKS In order to (begin to) remedy this situation, a new conception of response-dependence is introduced that I call "acceptance-dependence". This account applies to concepts such as goal, constitutional, and money, the first two of which have mistakenly been taken to be response-dependent in another sense. Whereas on Johnston's and Wright's accounts response-dependent concepts depend on counterfactual responses of individuals, acceptance-dependent concepts depend on the actual responses of groups of people. This implies that concepts of the latter kind are less objective than concepts of the former kind. [source] KINDS AND CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE: IS THERE ANYTHING THAT IT IS LIKE TO BE SOMETHING?METAPHILOSOPHY, Issue 2 2008SIMON J. EVNINE Abstract: In this article I distinguish the notion of there being something it is like to be a certain kind of creature from that of there being something it is like to have a certain kind of experience. Work on consciousness has typically dealt with the latter while employing the language of the former. I propose several ways of analyzing what it is like to be a certain kind of creature and find problems with them all. The upshot is that even if there is something it is like to have certain kinds of experience, it does not follow that there is anything it is like to be a certain kind of creature. Skepticism about the existence of something that it is like to be an F is recommended. [source] ART, EMOTION, ETHICS: CONCEPTUAL BOUNDARIES AND KINDS OF VALUEANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY, Issue 3 2009ELISABETH SCHELLEKENS First page of article [source] Multiple histidine kinases regulate entry into stationary phase and sporulation in Bacillus subtilisMOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY, Issue 3 2000Min Jiang Protein homology studies identified five kinases potentially capable of phosphorylating the Spo0F response regulator and initiating sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. Two of these kinases, KinA and KinB, were known from previous studies to be responsible for sporulation in laboratory media. In vivo studies of the activity of four of the kinases, KinA, KinC, KinD (ykvD) and KinE (ykrQ), using abrB transcription as an indicator of Spo0A,P level, revealed that KinC and KinD were responsible for Spo0A,P production during the exponential phase of growth in the absence of KinA and KinB. In vitro, all four kinases dephosphorylated Spo0F,P with the production of ATP at approximately the same rate, indicating that they possess approximately equal affinity for Spo0F. All the kinases were expressed during growth and early stationary phase, suggesting that the differential activity observed in growth and sporulation results from differential activation by signal ligands unique to each kinase. [source] What If Curriculum (of a Certain Kind) Doesn't Matter?CURRICULUM INQUIRY, Issue 1 2009KENT DEN HEYER First page of article [source] Condition Known as "Dark Rings Under the Eyes" in the Japanese Population is a Kind of Dermal Melanocytosis Which can be Successfully Treatedby Q-Switched Ruby LaserDERMATOLOGIC SURGERY, Issue 6 2006SHINICHI WATANABE MD BACKGROUND In general, dark rings under the eyes are believed to be a phenomenon caused mainly by physiological change because of their daily fluctuation. Medically speaking, the precise cause or pathogenesis of dark rings is unknown, and this condition has not been clearly defined. In our experience, the dark rings associated with conventional nevus of Ota can be successfully treated with Q-switched ruby laser (QSRL). OBJECTIVE This study was conducted to clarify the nature of dark rings under the eyes and to determine the efficacy of QSRL. PATIENTS AND METHODS Fifty-four patients who received a biopsy for pigment macules of the face were retrieved, and of that number 12 patients with bilateral homogeneous pigment macule on suborbital regions were selected for study of the dark rings. Of those patients, the histology and the efficacy of QSRL were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS Histologically, all 12 patients indicated dermal melanocytosis, which was confirmed by the Masson-Fontana silver stain and staining against S100. In five patients who received QSRL therapy two times or more, the clinical improvement of two patients was scored as good (40,69%), and two other patients as excellent (>70% clearance). CONCLUSIONS We speculate that so-called dark rings under the eyes in the Japanese population is a kind of dermal melanocytosis which can be successfully treated by QSRL. [source] Spirocycle (SitBu3)6Si9Cl2: The First of Its Kind among Group 14 Elements,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Issue 21 2010Thomas M Klapötke Abstract Structural studies on (R*3Si4)2SiCl2, prepared by the reaction of tetrasilatetrahedranide KR*3Si4 with SiCl4, show that the tetrahedral moieties R*3Si4 undergo structural transformation. The molecule exhibits a spiro[4.4]nonasilane network that comprises two homonuclear tricyclo[,5]pentasilane rings with a common "naked" silicon bridge. The compound shows structural similarities with R*6Si8, which consists of similar rings fused together along an Si,Si bridge. Comparison of valence angles, interplanar angles and bridgehead distances with respect to tricyclo[,5]pentanes or similar ring systems with heteronuclear group homologues are reported to highlight the influence of bulky supersilyl R* groups in the structure. [source] A Different Kind of Union: Balancing Co-Management and RepresentationINDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, Issue 2 2001Saul A. Rubinstein Local unions engaging in co-management and joint governance arrangements require new capacities and organizational forms to balance managerial responsibilities with representation of both the collective and individual interests of the membership. This article examines the evolution of the local union at General Motors' Saturn Corporation through the internal and external tensions created by the challenges faced in assuming these roles. A new model of local unionism, grounded in this experience and data, is outlined for further testing and research. [source] Bizarr konfigurierte Plaques bei einem 4-jährigen KindJOURNAL DER DEUTSCHEN DERMATOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, Issue 3 2010Annett Walker No abstract is available for this article. [source] Is the Self a Kind of Understanding?JOURNAL FOR THE THEORY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, Issue 1 2001Jack Martin [source] Applied Ethics: What Kind of Ethics and What Kind of Ethicist?JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHILOSOPHY, Issue 1 2000Göran Lantz First page of article [source] Corticosteroids and Fractures: A Close Encounter of the Third Cell KindJOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, Issue 6 2000Ph.D., Stavros C. Manolagas M.D. First page of article [source] Another Kind of Public Education: Race, Schools, the Media, and Democratic Possibilities.JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION, Issue 1 2010By Patricia Hill Collins No abstract is available for this article. [source] Another Kind of Spinozistic MonismNOUS, Issue 3 2010Samuel Newlands First page of article [source] Are Nativists a Different Kind of Democrat?POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 4 2001"Outsiders" in Japan, Democratic Values This paper combines three elements: a discussion of democratic values and the status of outsiders in Japanese political culture, the development of new measures to examine sensitive issues of nativism and foreigner perception in Japan, and an empirical exploration of the relationship between democratic values and antipathy toward outsiders. Two forms of democratic orientation were investigated in a sample of about 1,000 university students in Japan: a defensive version, which adheres to the formalistic requirements of democracy but is exclusionary and illiberal, and a universalist version that is liberal and tolerant. A defensive orientation is associated with greater chauvinism, a greater sense of threat emanating from foreigners, and a heightened anxiety about economic competition. A universalist orientation is associated with low perceived threat and low chauvinism, a lack of fear of economic competition, and a positive view of the cultural contributions of outsiders. Nativism may indeed be compatible with democratic values, but only with the defensive, exclusionary form. In short, the defensive form is democracy for xenophobes. Such an orientation is not unique to Japan, but is likely to be found in developing democracies as well as in advanced democracies that feel threatened. [source] Folk Theories of the Third KindRATIO, Issue 3 2004David Braddon-Mitchell The idea of a folk theory has played many important roles in much recent philosophy. To do the work they are designed for, they need to be both internal features of agents who possess them, and yet scrutable without the full resources of empirical cognitive science. The worry for the theorist of folk theories, is that only one of these desiderata is met in each plausible conception of a folk theory. This paper outlines a third conception that meets them both.1 [source] Second Diasporist Manifesto (A New Kind of Long Poem in 615 Free Verses) , By R. B. KitajRELIGIOUS STUDIES REVIEW, Issue 2 2010Zachary Braiterman No abstract is available for this article. [source] Synchronicity and moments of meetingTHE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 2 2009George B. Hogenson Abstract:, The paper, considers the role of synchronicity in the establishment of meaning in analysis, and links it to the notion of moments of meeting proposed by the Boston Process of Change Study Group. In so doing, the paper proposed to view synchronicity as an element in developmental processes, wherein attributions of meaningfulness are made in relation to patterns of action that do not have intrinsic meaning, but which have evolved in an environment of meaning, thereby bootstrapping the infant into the world of meaning. Jung's paradigmatic example of synchronicity,the scarab beetle event,is examined in this context and the argument is made that the event was primarily meaningful for Jung and carried with it important countertransference implications that Jung did not consider. The paper concludes with some suggestions for further investigation into the relationship between synchronicity and clinical practice. Translations of Abstract Cet article étudie le rôle de la synchronicité dans l'établissement du sens en analyse. L'auteur met cette notion en rapport avec celle de ,moments de rencontre', proposée par le Boston Process of Change Study Group (Groupe d'études sur les processus de changement de Boston). Ce faisant, l'article propose d'envisager la synchronicité comme un élément du processus de développement, au cours duquel l'attribution de sens s'effectue en référence à des patterns d'action ne possédant pas de sens intrinsèque mais inclus dans un environnement sémantique. Le petit enfant est ainsi pousséà se débrouiller dans le monde du sens. L'exemple paradigmatique de Jung,l'épisode du scarabée,est examiné dans ce contexte; l'auteur affirme que cet épisode était avant tout doté de sens pour Jung lui-même et qu'il était porteur d'implications contre-transférentielles dont celui-ci ne tint pas compte. L'article propose en guise de conclusion quelques pistes de réflexion sur la question de la relation entre synchronicité et pratique clinique. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Rolle der Synchronizität bei der Gewinnung von Bedeutungszusammenhängen in der Analyse und verbindet sie mit dem Begriff der Momente der Begegnung, wie er von der Bostoner Studiengemeinschaft, die sich mit dem Thema der Wandlungsprozesse beschäftigt, entworfen wurde. Hierbei wird der Vorschlag entwickelt, Synchronizität als ein Element in Entwicklungsprozessen zu sehen, in denen Attribute der Bedeutungshaftigkeit in Beziehung gesetzt werden zu Handlungsmustern, denen keine intrinsische Bedeutung zukommt, die sich jedoch in einem Bedeutungsumfeld entwickelt haben, und durch die das Kind in eine Welt von Bedeutungen eingeführt wird. Jungs paradigmatisches Beispiel für Synchronizität,das Skarabäus-Ereignis,wird in seinem Kontext überprüft und die Behauptung aufgestellt, daß das Ereignis primär bedeutungsvoll für Jung gewesen sei und insofern wichtige Implikationen einer Gegenübertragung beinhaltete, die Jung nicht in Betracht zog. Der Text schließt mit einigen Vorschlägen für zukünftige Untersuchungen bezüglich des Verhältnisses von Synchronizität und klinischer Praxis. In questo lavoro si considera il ruolo della sincronicità nella costruzione di significato in analisi e ci si collega alla nozione di momenti di significato proposta dal Boston Process of Change Study Group. Così facendo in questo scritto si propone di considerare la sincronicità come un elemento di processi evolutivi, nei quali le attribuzioni di valenza significativa sono fatte in relazione a schemi di azione che non hanno significato intrinseco, ma che si sono evolute in un ambiente significativo, inserendo così il bambino nel mondo del significato. Viene poi esaminato in questo contesto il paradigmatico esempio di sincronicità fatto da Jung,l'evento dello scarabeo,e si sostiene che l'evento fu considerato significativo primariamente da Jung e portò con sé importanti implicazioni controtransferali che Jung non considerò. Questo lavoro si conclude con alcune considerazioni per ulteriori approfondimenti sulla relazione tra sincronicità e pratica clinica. El trabajo explora el papel de la sincronicidad en el establecimiento de significado en el análisis, y lo liga a la noción de momentos de encuentro propuesta por el Grupo de Estudio de Boston Sobre el Proceso de Cambio. Al hacerlo, el trabajo propone ver a la sincronicidad como un elemento en procesos de desarrollo, en donde se atribuyen condiciones llenas de sentido en relación con pautas de acción que no tienen coherencia intrínseca, pero que han evolucionado en un ambiente lleno de significado, gracias al cual el niño es conducido en el mundo del sentido. Se examina el ejemplo paradigmático de Jung de la sincronicidad,el acontecimiento del escarabajo,en este contexto y se argumenta que el acontecimiento fue principalmente significativo para Jung y contenía implicaciones contratransferenciales importantes que Jung no consideró. El estudio concluye con algunas sugerencias adicionales para la investigación de la relación entre la sincronicidad y la práctica clínica. [source] Wavelet analysis and the governing dynamics of a large-amplitude mesoscale gravity-wave event along the East Coast of the United StatesTHE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, Issue 577 2001Fuqing Zhang Abstract Detailed diagnostic analyses are performed upon a mesoscale numerical simulation of a well-observed gravity-wave event that occurred on 4 January 1994 along the East Coast of the United States. The value of using wavelet analysis to investigate the evolving gravity-wave structure and of using potential vorticity (PV) inversion to study the nature of the flow imbalance in the wave generation region is demonstrated. The cross-stream Lagrangian Rossby number, the residual in the nonlinear balance equation, and the unbalanced geopotential-height field obtained from PV inversion are each evaluated for their usefulness in diagnosing the flow imbalance. All of these fields showed clear evidence of strong imbalance associated with a middle-to-upper tropospheric jet streak, and tropopause fold upstream of the large-amplitude gravity wave several hours before the wave became apparent at the surface. Analysis indicates that a train of gravity waves was continuously generated by geostrophic adjustment in the exit region of the unbalanced upper-level jet streak as it approached the inflection axis in the height field immediately downstream of the maximum imbalance associated with the tropopause fold. A split front in the middle troposphere, characterized by the advance of the dry conveyor belt above the warm front, was overtaken by one of these propagating waves. During this merger process, a resonant interaction resulted, which promoted the rapid amplification and scale contraction of both the incipient wave (nonlinear wave development) and the split front (frontogenesis). The gravity wave and front aloft became inseparable following this merger. The situation became even more complex within a few hours as the vertical motion enhanced by this front-wave interaction acted upon a saturated, potentially unstable layer to produce elevated moist convection. An analysis of the temporal changes in the vertical profile of wave energy flux suggests that moist convective downdraughts efficiently transported the wave energy from the midlevels downward beneath the warm-front surface, where the wave became ducted. However, pure ducting was not sufficient for maintaining and amplifying the waves; rather, wave-CISK (Conditional Instability of the Second Kind) was crucial. This complex sequence of nonlinear interactions produced a long-lived, large-amplitude gravity wave that created hazardous winter weather and disrupted society over a broad and highly populated area. Although gravity waves with similar appearance to this large-amplitude wave of depression occasionally have been seen in other strong cyclogenesis cases involving a jet streak ahead of the upper-level trough axis, it is unknown whether other such events share this same sequence of interactions. [source] Nine porcine microsatellite loci tested for size homoplasy in genetically diverse breedsANIMAL GENETICS, Issue 3 2005T. Peischl Summary Kind and probability of homoplasy across allelic microsatellite fragments can be investigated using DNA of genetically diverse pig breeds. In this study, nine microsatellite loci (SW1897, SW2427, SW489, SW957, TNFB, IFNG, SW2410, SW2019 and S0215) were analysed using DNA samples of pigs from Vietnam (Indigenous breeds Co, Meo, Muong Khuong, Tap Na) and Germany (European Wild Boar, Piétrain). In a total of 39 sequences, 20 differences within isomorphic alleles were observed in comparison with the respective reference sequences. They affected five of the nine tested microsatellite loci. The majority (18) of SNPs occurred in the 5,-flanking regions of the microsatellite repeats, 10 were found in the 3,-flanking regions and only one SNP occurred within the repeat of the Wild Boar sequence of SW2427. The compound microsatellites IFNG and S0215 were unaffected by size homoplasy (SH) within our material. We conclude that the fragment length analysis of microsatellites is a reliable tool for intraspecific phylogenetic studies because SH rates within a species were low. [source] What Kind of Economic Theory for what Kind of Economic Geography?ANTIPODE, Issue 1 2000Ash Amin First page of article [source] A New Kind of Trainer How to Develop the Training Role for People with Learning DisabilitiesBRITISH JOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILITIES, Issue 3 2006Jeffrey Hammond No abstract is available for this article. [source] Management as Design, but What Kind of Design?BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, Issue 1 2010An Appraisal of the Design Science Analogy for Management The identity of management as a field of study is frequently challenged on the basis of its relevance to practice. This paper engages with the concept of a design science as it is considered to offer some answers to this enduring debate. The paper goes on to conclude, rather sceptically, that design science may not offer such a distinct perspective on management as a field of study. Our scepticism is based on the design science scholars' rather arbitrary use of Simon's intellectual legacy, particularly the superficial differentiation between explanatory-based and prescriptive-based social sciences, and the promises such a comparison holds for prescriptive outcomes in management. The paper contributes to the design science debate in management by identifying three different types of design, each based on different ways artefacts emerge. These identified differences have profound consequences for understanding design science as an explicitly organized and systematic approach to design. We conclude that later conceptualizations of design science do have a place, but offer only a particular perspective , one that is relevant for a narrow set of organizational phenomena. Finally, we argue that the design analogy is an important one in the current debate about the nature of management studies if it highlights the creation of novelty and disruption of stability. It also offers a way of thinking about the exposition of uncertainty, in contrast to highlighting rules and principles that offer a prescriptive promise to guide the design of social artefacts. [source] ChemInform Abstract: Prediction and Characterization of a New Kind of Alkali,Superhalogen Species with Considerable Stability: MBeX3 (M: Li, Na; X: F, Cl, Br).CHEMINFORM, Issue 6 2008Song-Hua Cui Abstract ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a "Full Text" option. The original article is trackable via the "References" option. [source] An Efficient Synthesis of [1, 2, 4]Triazolo[3, 2=d][1, 5]benzoxazepin-2-thiones, a Kind of Novel Tricyclic O, N -HeterocyclesCHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Issue 3 2004Zheng Li Abstract A series of novel tricyclic O, N -heterocycles, [1, 2, 4]triazolo[3.2- d][1, 5]benzoxazepin-2-thiones 7 were achieved via acid-induced ring closure of the geminal arylazo isothiocyanate compounds 5 which were derived from substituted chroman-4-ones. followed by feasible ring expansion with simultaneous insertion of the nitrogen atom into the carbon skeleton. The X-ray crystal structure of 7d was also described. [source] ,Great and Noble Ideas of the Moral Kind': Wright of Derby and the Scientific SublimeART HISTORY, Issue 4 2010Paul Duro First page of article [source] Two Kinds of Creativity , But Which Ones?CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, Issue 3 2004Geir Kaufmann It is argued that Kirton's theory of styles of creativity is conceptually and methodologically unsound. A solution to the conceptual and methodological dilemmas is offered by way of making a clear-cut distinction between novelty on the stimulus and novelty on the response side. This distinction is used as a platform for the development of a new taxonomy of different kinds of creativity and intelligent behaviour. A major feature of this new model is the distinction made between proactive and reactive creativity. The implications of this distinction for opening new avenues for a more differentiated assessment of creativity, as well as for the development of a conceptually firmer and more differentiated platform for developing new practical training programmes in creativity are suggested. [source] Triangulation: Davidson, Realism and Natural KindsDIALECTICA, Issue 1 2001William Child Is there a plausible middle position in the debate between realists and constructivists about categories or kinds? Such a position may seem to be contained in the account of triangulation that Donald Davidson develops in recent writings. On this account, the kinds we pick out are determined by an interaction between our shared similarity responses and causal relations between us and things in our environment. So kinds and categories are neither imposed on us by the nature of the world, nor imposed by us on an intrinsically unstructured reality. But the picture derivable from Davidson's account of triangulation can be interpreted in either of two ways. On one interpretation, it collapses into constructivism. On the other, it turns out to be very close to the most plausible versions of realism. It is argued that Davidson's attempts to distinguish his view from Putnam's realism about natural kinds are unsuccessful. So Davidson's account of triangulation does indeed suggest a plausible view of kinds. But that view is a version of traditional realist views, not an alternative to them. [source] |