Animal Science (animal + science)

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Selected Abstracts

Sequence-based characterization of the eight SLA loci in Korean native pigs

Y. J. Lee
Summary Eight swine leucocyte antigen (SLA) gene (SLA-1, SLA-2, SLA-3, SLA-6, DRA, DRB1, DQA, DQB1) alleles were identified using sequence-based typing method in three Korean native pigs used for breeding at the National Institute of Animal Science in Korea. Six new alleles in class I genes and three new alleles in class II genes have been identified in this breed and can give valuable information for xenotransplantation and disease resistance. [source]

Estimating the digestibility of Sahelian roughages from faecal crude protein concentration of cattle and small ruminants

E. Schlecht
Summary Studies on diet selection and feed intake of ruminants in extensive grazing systems often require the use of simple approaches to determine the organic matter digestibility (OMD) of the ingested feed. Therefore, we evaluated the validity of the one-factorial exponential regression established by Lukas et al. [Journal of Animal Science 83 (2005) 1332], which estimates OMD from the faecal crude protein (FCP) concentration. The equation was applied to two sets of data obtained with free grazing and pen-fed cattle, sheep and goats ingesting low and high amounts of green and dry vegetation of Sahelian pastures as well as millet leaves and cowpea hay. Data analysis showed that the livestock species did not influence the precision of estimation of OMD from FCP. For the linear regression between measured and estimated OMD (%) across n = 431 individual observations, a regression coefficient of r2 = 0.65 and a residual standard deviation (RSD) of 5.87 were obtained. The precision of estimation was influenced by the data set (p = 0.033), the type of feed (p < 0.001) and the feeding level (p = 0.009), and interactions occurred between type of feed and feeding level (p = 0.021). Adjusting the intercept and the slope of the established exponential function to the present data resulted in a compression of the curve; while r2 remained unchanged, the RSD of the regression between measured and estimated OMD was reduced, when compared with the results obtained from the equation of Lukas et al. (2005). Estimating OMD from treatment means of FCP greatly improved the correlation between measured and estimated OMD for both the established function and the newly fit equation. However, if anti-nutritional dietary factors increase the concentration of faecal nitrogen from feed or endogenous origin, the approach might considerably overestimate diet digestibility. [source]

Behavioral phenotyping enhanced , beyond (environmental) standardization

H. Würbel
It is basic biology that the phenotype of an animal is the product of a complex and dynamic interplay between nature (genotype) and nurture (environment). It is far less clear, however, how this might translate into experimental design and the interpretation of animal experiments. Animal experiments are a compromise between modelling real world phenomena with maximal validity (complexity) and designing practicable research projects (abstraction). Textbooks on laboratory animal science generally favour abstraction over complexity. Depending on the area of research, however, abstraction can seriously compromise information gain, with respect to the real world phenomena an experiment is designed to model. Behavioral phenotyping of mouse mutants often deals with particularly complex manifestations of life, such as learning, memory or anxiety, that are strongly modulated by environmental factors. A growing body of evidence indicates that current approaches to behavioral phenotyping might often produce results that are idiosyncratic to the study in which they were obtained, because the interactive nature of genotype-environment relationships underlying behavioral phenotypes was not taken into account. This paper argues that systematic variation of genetic and environmental backgrounds, instead of excessive standardization, is needed to control the robustness of the results and to detect biologically relevant interactions between the mutation and the genetic and environmental background of the animals. [source]

Application of time-resolved fluorometry to immunoassays for bovine reproductive hormones

Hiroyuki KANEKO
ABSTRACT The principle of time-resolved fluorometry with lanthanide chelates was established in the 1980s, but in the field of animal sciences it has not been widely applied to immunoassays. However, immunoassays that utilize time-resolved fluorometry are possible alternatives to radioimmunoassays, since they can attain high sensitivity without safety risks. In this short review, we introduce the development of time-resolved immunoassays for inhibin A, inhibin B and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and describe their application to the investigation of FSH regulation in male and female cattle. The results obtained using these newly developed immunoassays indicate that inhibin A acts as a feedback regulator for FSH secretion in female cattle, whereas inhibin A, and probably inhibin B, do so in male cattle. [source]