Invasive Argentine Ant (invasive + argentine_ant)

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Selected Abstracts


EVOLUTION, Issue 10 2002
Krista K. Ingram
Abstract., In many polygynous social insect societies, ecological factors such as habitat saturation promote high queen numbers by increasing the cost of solitary breeding. If polygyny is associated with constrained environments, queen number in colonies of invasive social insects should increase as saturation of their new habitat increases. Here I describe the variation in queen number, nestmate relatedness, and nest size along a gradient of time since colonization in an invading population of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in Haleakala, Hawaii. Nest densities in this population increase with distance from the leading edge of the invasion, reaching a stable density plateau approximately 80 m from the edge (> 2 years after colonization). Although the number of queens per nest in Haleakala is generally lower than previously reported for Argentine ants, there is significant variation in queen number across this population. Both the observed and effective queen numbers increase across the density gradient, and nests in the center of the population contain queen numbers three to nine times higher than those on the edge of the invasion. The number of workers per nest is correlated with queen number, and nests in the center are six times larger than nests at the edge. Microsatellite analysis of relatedness among nestmates reveals that all nests in the Haleakala population are characterized by low relatedness and have evidence of multiple reproducing queens. Relatedness values are significantly lower in nests in the center of the population, indicating that the number of reproducing queens is greater in areas of high nest density. The variation in queen number and nestmate relatedness in this study is consistent with expectations based on changes in ecological constraints during the invasion of a new habitat, suggesting that the social structure of Argentine ant populations is strongly influenced by ecological factors. Flexibility in social structure may facilitate persistence in variable environments and may also confer significant advantages to a species when introduced into new areas. [source]

Inferring historical introduction pathways with mitochondrial DNA: the case of introduced Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) into New Zealand

Steve E. Corin
ABSTRACT The threat imposed by invasive species and difficulties associated with control and management places more impetus on trying to prevent their introduction. The identification of introduction pathways is a vital component towards this goal. In this study, we use a genetic marker-based approach to retrospectively investigate the pathway of origin of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) into New Zealand. We intensively sample the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b, from the entire known range of Argentine ants in New Zealand. No genetic variation was found in New Zealand. In order to identify likely introduction pathways, we use two alternative genetic analyses and suggest that a tcs approach that collapses identical haplotypes and calculates the probability of parsimony is superior to standard phylogenetic tree-building algorithms. A minimum spanning network allowed relationships to be examined among sequences collated from previous international studies. The cytochrome b sequence, when compared to a global database, matched that from an Australian population. That Australia is the potential source of Argentine ants is in agreement with the New Zealand interception record, as goods from Australia have the highest number of interception records of Argentine ants. Our approach can easily be duplicated for other organisms and the methodology can be more widely applied to help aid further efforts to identify the routes of transmission for other invasive species and allow us to efficiently direct our biosecurity monitoring effort. [source]

Integrating physiology, population dynamics and climate to make multi-scale predictions for the spread of an invasive insect: the Argentine ant at Haleakala National Park, Hawaii

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 1 2010
Stephen Hartley
Mechanistic models for predicting species' distribution patterns present particular advantages and challenges relative to models developed from statistical correlations between distribution and climate. They can be especially useful for predicting the range of invasive species whose distribution has not yet reached equilibrium. Here, we illustrate how a physiological model of development for the invasive Argentine ant can be connected to differences in micro-site suitability, population dynamics and climatic gradients; processes operating at quite different spatial scales. Our study is located in the subalpine shrubland of Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, where the spread of Argentine ants Linepithema humile has been documented for the past twenty-five years. We report four main results. First, at a microsite level, the accumulation of degree-days recorded in potential ant nest sites under bare ground or rocks was significantly greater than under a groundcover of grassy vegetation. Second, annual degree-days measured where population boundaries have not expanded (456,521,degree-days), were just above the developmental requirements identified from earlier laboratory studies (445,degree-days above 15.9°C). Third, rates of population expansion showed a strong linear relationship with annual degree-days. Finally, an empirical relationship between soil degree-days and climate variables mapped at a broader scale predicts the potential for future range expansion of Argentine ants at Haleakala, particularly to the west of the lower colony and the east of the upper colony. Variation in the availability of suitable microsites, driven by changes in vegetation cover and ultimately climate, provide a hierarchical understanding of the distribution of Argentine ants close to their cold-wet limit of climatic tolerances. We conclude that the integration of physiology, population dynamics and climate mapping holds much promise for making more robust predictions about the potential spread of invasive species. [source]

The effects of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) and the native ant Prenolepis imparis on the structure of insect herbivore communities on willow trees (Salix lasiolepis)

Abstract 1.,We examined the relative effects of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and a common native ant, Prenolepis imparis, on the community of herbivorous insects occurring on willow trees, Salix lasiolepis in Northern California, U.S.A. 2.,Using paired control and treatment branches from which we excluded ants and other non-volant predators, we found that effects of Argentine ants on the herbivore community were generally similar to those of P. imparis. Argentine ants and P. imparis suppressed the damage by skeletonising insects by 50%, but had little effect on most other external-feeding or internal-feeding guilds. 3.,The abundance of aphids was 100% greater in the presence of Argentine ants, but there was no effect on aphid numbers in the presence of P. imparis. Late season aphid numbers were substantially higher in the presence of Argentine ants, but not P. imparis. 4.,The effects of Argentine ants on skeletonising insects and aphids combined with the overwhelming abundance of Argentine ant workers, suggests that they may have substantial, but often overlooked, effects on the herbivore communities on other plant species in or near riparian habitats in which they invade. [source]

Seasonal spatial dynamics and causes of nest movement in colonies of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile)

Abstract 1.,Colony organisation and movement behaviour of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) was studied over 3 years in field populations in California and in captive colonies in the laboratory. This invasive species is highly polydomous and unicolonial; colonies consist of expansive and fluid networks of nests and trails. The spatial and temporal organisation of colonies may contribute to ecological dominance. 2.,Argentine ant nests and inter-nest trails shift in size, abundance, and location, so that colony networks are spatially contracted in the winter and expanded spring to autumn. Colonies occupy permanent sites; ants migrated to and from the same winter nest locations year after year, and occupied 30% of the same nests repeatedly during seasonal migrations. 3.,Nests were moved on average 2,3 m. Forty-two per cent were occupied less than 1 month, 4% the entire study, and the other 54% lasted 3.9 ± 2.3 months (mean ± SD). 4.,Nests were located within 2,4 m of woody plants, in warm sites in the winter and cool sites in the summer. Both humidity and food availability influenced nest-site choice in laboratory colonies. However, when faced with a trade-off between factors, the ants chose humid nest boxes over nest boxes near food, and ants moved nests only in response to changes in humidity and not distance to food. 5.,The results indicate that L. humile colonies are seasonally polydomous, and that nest movements are driven by changes in microclimate. Colony organisation maintains high local density and increases food supply, which may improve the competitive ability of L. humile colonies and reduce opportunities for species coexistence. [source]

Impacts of the invasive Argentine ant on native ants and other invertebrates in coastal scrub in south-eastern Australia

Abstract Invasive ants threaten native biodiversity and ecosystem function worldwide. Although their principal direct impact is usually the displacement of native ants, they may also affect other invertebrates. The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Dolichoderinae), one of the most widespread invasive ant species, has invaded native habitat where it abuts peri-urban development in coastal Victoria in south-eastern Australia. Here we infer impacts of the Argentine ant on native ants and other litter and ground-dwelling invertebrates by comparing their abundance and taxonomic composition in coastal scrub forest either invaded or uninvaded by the Argentine ant. Species composition of native ants at bait stations and extracted from litter differed significantly between Argentine ant-invaded and uninvaded sites and this was consistent across years. Argentine ants had a strong effect on epigeic ants, which were either displaced or reduced in abundance. The native ant Rhytidoponera victoriae (Ponerinae), numerically dominant at uninvaded sites, was completely absent from sites invaded by the Argentine ant. However, small hypogeic ants, including Solenopsis sp. (Myrmicinae) and Heteroponera imbellis (Heteroponerinae), were little affected. Linepithema humile had no detectable effect upon the abundance and richness of other litter invertebrates. However, invertebrate group composition differed significantly between invaded and uninvaded sites, owing to the varied response of several influential groups (e.g. Collembola and Acarina). Floristics, habitat structure and measured environmental factors did not differ significantly between sites either invaded or uninvaded by Argentine ants, supporting the contention that differences in native ant abundance and species composition are related to invasion. Changes in the native ant community wrought by Argentine ant invasion have important implications for invertebrate communities in southern Australia and may affect key processes, including seed dispersal. [source]