Interlaboratory Reproducibility (interlaboratory + reproducibility)

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Selected Abstracts

Interlaboratory reproducibility of a microsatellite-based typing assay for Aspergillus fumigatus through the use of allelic ladders: proof of concept

H. A. De Valk
Abstract An interlaboratory study was performed with the aim of investigating the reproducibility of a multiplex microbial microsatellite-based typing assay for Aspergillus fumigatus in different settings using a variety of experimental and analytical conditions and with teams having variable prior microsatellite typing experience. In order to circumvent problems with exchange of sizing data, allelic ladders are introduced as a straightforward and universally applicable concept for standardization of such typing assays. Allelic ladders consist of mixtures of well-characterized reference fragments to act as reference points for the position in an electrophoretic trace of fragments with established repeat numbers. Five laboratories independently analysed six microsatellite markers in 18 samples that were provided either as DNA or as A. fumigatus conidia. Allelic data were reported as repeat numbers and as sizes in nucleotides. Without the use of allelic ladders, size differences of up to 6.7 nucleotides were observed, resulting in interpretation errors of up to two repeat units. Difficulties in interpretation were related to non-specific amplification products (which were resolved with explanation) and bleed-through of the different fluorescent labels. In contrast, after resolution of technical or interpretive problems, standardization of sizing data by using allelic ladders enabled all participants to produce identical typing data. The use of allelic ladders as a routine part of molecular typing using microsatellite markers provides robust results suitable for interlaboratory comparisons and for deposition in a global typing database. [source]

An optimized whole blood method for flow cytometric measurement of ZAP-70 protein expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

CYTOMETRY, Issue 4 2006
T. Vincent Shankey
Abstract Background: ZAP-70 protein expression has been proposed as a marker for immunoglobulin heavy chain mutational status, which some studies have correlated with disease course in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Studies published to date measuring levels of expression of ZAP-70 intracellular protein using flow cytometry have demonstrated poor performance, as defined by the difference in signal in known positive and negative lymphocyte populations. Methods: A recently published method (Chow S, Hedley DW, Grom P, Magari R, Jacobberger JW, Shankey TV, Cytometry A 2005;67:4,17) to measure intracellular phospho-epitopes was optimized using a design of experiments (DOE) approach to provide the best separation of ZAP-70 expression in positive T- or NK-cells as compared to negative B-cells in peripheral blood samples. A number of commercially available anti-ZAP-70 antibody-conjugates were screened using this methodology, and the antibody-conjugate showing the best performance was chosen to develop a four-color, five antibody assays to measure ZAP-70 levels in whole blood specimens. Results: Using the optimized fixation and permeabilization method, improvement in assay performance (signal-to-noise, S/N) was seen in most of the antibodies tested. The custom SBZAP conjugate gave the best S/N when used in conjunction with this optimized fixation /permeabilization method. In conjunction with carefully standardized instrument set-up protocols, we obtained both intra- and interlaboratory reproducibility in the analysis of ZAP-70 expression in whole blood samples from normal and CLL patients. Conclusions: The development of a sensitive, specific and highly reproducible ZAP-70 assay represents only the first essential step for any clinical assay. The universal implementation of a validated data analysis method and the establishment of methodology-based cutoff points for clinical outcomes must next be established before ZAP-70 protein analysis can be routinely implemented in the clinical laboratory. © 2006 International Society for Analytical Cytology [source]

Intra- and interlaboratory calibration of the DR CALUX® bioassay for the analysis of dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals in sediments

Harrie T. Besselink
Abstract In the Fourth National Policy Document on Water Management in the Netherlands [1], it is defined that in 2003, in addition to the assessment of chemical substances, special guidelines for the assessment of dredged material should be recorded. The assessment of dredged material is based on integrated chemical and biological effect measurements. Among others, the DR CALUX® (dioxin responsive,chemically activated luciferase expression) bioassay has tentatively been recommended for inclusion in the dredged material assessment. To ensure the reliability of this bioassay, an intra- and interlaboratory validation study, or ring test, was performed, organized by the Dutch National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management (RIKZ) in cooperation with BioDetection Systems BV (BDS). The intralaboratory repeatability and reproducibility and the limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the DR CALUX bioassay were determined by analyzing sediment extracts and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) blanks. The highest observed repeatability was found to be 24.1%, whereas the highest observed reproducibility was calculated to be 19.9%. Based on the obtained results, the LOD and LOQ to be applied for the bioassay are 0.3 and 1.0 pM, respectively. The interlaboratory calibration study was divided into three phases, starting with analyzing pure chemicals. During the second phase, sediment extracts were analyzed, whereas in the third phase, whole sediments had to be extracted, cleaned, and analyzed. The average interlaboratory repeatability increased from 14.6% for the analysis of pure compound to 26.1% for the analysis of whole matrix. A similar increase in reproducibility with increasing complexity of handlings was observed with the interlaboratory reproducibility of 6.5% for pure compound and 27.9% for whole matrix. The results of this study are intended as a starting point for implementing the integrated chemical,biological assessment strategy and for systematic monitoring of dredged materials and related materials in the coming years. [source]

In vitro testing to assess the UVA protection performance of sun care products

Applied Cosmetics) Task Force, Members of the DGK (German Society for Scientific, Sun Protection'.
Synopsis The UVA protection delivered by sunscreens is an issue of increasing importance due to the increasing knowledge about UVA-induced skin damage. In Europe there is no officially accepted method available to determine the degree of UVA protection. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to design a protocol combining the merits of an in vitro model, which are simple and reproducible, with aspects known to be relevant from in vivo studies. The principle is: an UV-transparent support to which the test product is applied, a (pre)irradiation and a transmission measurement. Transpore® tape (standard support for SPF determinations) was found to be incompatible with many preparations on prolonged contact times. Roughened quartz was adopted as a suitable alternative. Transmission measurements on this support are not reliable with a layer of 2 mg cm,2 (standard for SPF) due to detection limitations of spectrophotometers, hence a reduced layer of 0.75 mg cm,2 was adopted. Overall, it is very difficult to apply products in a reproducible thin layer on appropriate substrates. As a consequence, absolute parameters derived from the transmission profile show relatively large dispersion, whereas relative parameters, such as critical wavelength ,c[1] or UVA/UVB ratio are much less sensitive to unavoidable variations in layer thickness. An increase in deviations was observed when the samples were irradiated before measurement. It is crucial to control the output carefully (spectral distribution and even more importantly, irradiance and dose delivered) of the light source. By doing so and also taking into account the previous learning steps, a protocol was drafted and tested in a ringtest (four samples in six laboratories). The results are encouraging and show that if relative parameters (e.g. ,c, UVA/UVB ratio) are considered, the intra- as well as interlaboratory reproducibility is clearly better than can be obtained in vivo. In general, we describe a suitable method, which can be considered in any future official discussions about the methodology to determine UVA protection. Résumé La protection contre les UVA apportée par les écrans solaires est un sujet d'importance croissante en raison de la progression des connaissances concernant les dommages à la peau causés par les UVA. En Europe il n'existe pas de méthode disponible officiellement reconnue pour déterminer le degré de protection contre les UVA. Par conséquent, l'objectif de la présente étude est de concevoir un protocole associant les avantages d'un modèle in vitro, qui est simple et reproductible, avec des aspects connus comme appartenant aux études in vivo. Le principe est le suivant: un support transparent aux UV auquel le produit testé est appliqué, une (pré)irradiation et une mesure de transmission. Le ruban Transpore® (support standard pour la détermination des SPF) se révèle incompatible avec de nombreuses préparations lors de temps de contact prolongés. Le quartz rugueux est adopté comme alternative appropriée. Les mesures de transmission sur ce support ne sont pas fiables avec une couche de 2 mg/cm2 (norme pour les SPF) en raison des limites de détection des spectrophotomètres, et on adopte donc une couche réduite de 0,75 mg/cm2. Il est surtout très difficile d'appliquer des produits en une couche fine reproductible sur des substrats appropriés. En conséquence, les paramètres absolus tirés du profil de transmission montrent une assez grande dispersion, tandis que les paramètres relatifs, tels que la longueur d'onde critique ,c[l] ou le rapport UVA/UVB sont beaucoup moins sensibles aux variations inévitables de l'épaisseur de la couche. On observe une augmentation des écarts lorsque les échantillons sont irradiés avant la mesure. Il est crucial de contrôler soigneusement la sortie (distribution spectrale et encore plus important, irradiation et dose délivrée) de la source lumineuse. Dans ces conditions, et en tenant aussi compte des enseignements des étapes précédentes, un protocole a étéébauché et testé lors d'un essai tournant (quatre échantillons dans six laboratoires). Les résultats sont encourageants et montrent que si on considère les paramètres relatifs (par exemple ,c, rapport UVA/UVB), la reproductibilité intra et interlaboratoires est clairement meilleures que ce qu'on peut obtenir in vivo. D'une façon générale, nous décrivons une méthode appropriée, qui peut être considérée dans tout échange officiel futur concernant la méthodologie pour déterminer la protection contre les UVA. [source]

Interlaboratory validation of oxidation-index measurement methods for UHMWPE after long-term shelf aging

S. M. Kurtz
Abstract An international oxidation index standard would greatly benefit the orthopedic community by providing a universal scale for reporting oxidation data of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). We investigated whether severe oxidation associated with long-term shelf aging affects the repeatability and reproducibility of area-based oxidation index measurement techniques based on normalization with the use of 1370- or 2022-cm,1 infrared (IR) absorption reference peaks. Because an oxidation index is expected to be independent of sample thickness, subsurface oxidation was examined with the use of both 100- and 200-,m-thick sections from tibial components (compression-molded GUR 1120, gamma irradiated in air) that were shelf aged for up to 11.5 years. Eight institutions in the United States and Europe participated in the present study, which was administered in accordance with ASTM E691. On average, the 100-,m-thick samples were associated with significantly greater interlaboratory relative standard uncertainty (40.3%) when compared with the 200-,m samples (21.8%, p = 0.002). In contrast, the intralaboratory relative standard uncertainty was not significantly affected by the sample thickness (p = 0.21). The oxidation index method did not significantly influence either the interlaboratory or intralaboratory relative standard uncertainty (p = 0.32 or 0.75, respectively). Our interlaboratory data suggest that with the suitable choice of specimen thickness (e.g., 200 ,m) and either of the two optimal oxidation index methods, interlaboratory reproducibility of the most heavily oxidized regions in long-term shelf-aged components can be quantified with a relative standard uncertainty of 21% or less. Therefore, both the 1370-cm,1 and the 2022-cm,1 reference peaks appear equally suitable for use in defining a standard method for calculating an oxidation index for UHMWPE. © 2001 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res (Appl Biomater) 63: 15,23, 2002 [source]