
Distribution by Scientific Domains

Kinds of Intensity

  • absorption intensity
  • average intensity
  • band intensity
  • bold signal intensity
  • change in pain intensity
  • chemiluminescence intensity
  • cl intensity
  • color intensity
  • colour intensity
  • competition intensity
  • competitive intensity
  • current intensity
  • current pain intensity
  • defoliation intensity
  • different intensity
  • different light intensity
  • diffracted intensity
  • diffraction intensity
  • disturbance intensity
  • dose intensity
  • echo intensity
  • ecl intensity
  • emission intensity
  • emotional intensity
  • energy intensity
  • event intensity
  • excitation intensity
  • exercise intensity
  • expression intensity
  • feeding intensity
  • field intensity
  • fire intensity
  • flavor intensity
  • fluorescence emission intensity
  • fluorescence intensity
  • fluorescent intensity
  • grazing intensity
  • greater intensity
  • harvest intensity
  • headache intensity
  • heat intensity
  • high intensity
  • high light intensity
  • high signal intensity
  • image intensity
  • immunostaining intensity
  • in pain intensity
  • increased intensity
  • increasing intensity
  • infection intensity
  • infrared intensity
  • integrate intensity
  • invasion intensity
  • ion intensity
  • ir intensity
  • itch intensity
  • labeling intensity
  • laser intensity
  • light intensity
  • line intensity
  • low intensity
  • low light intensity
  • lower intensity
  • luminescence intensity
  • magnetic field intensity
  • management intensity
  • maximum intensity
  • mean fluorescence intensity
  • mean intensity
  • measured intensity
  • moderate intensity
  • mr signal intensity
  • noise intensity
  • odor intensity
  • odour intensity
  • pain intensity
  • parasite intensity
  • peak intensity
  • perceived intensity
  • photoluminescence intensity
  • pixel intensity
  • pl intensity
  • precipitation intensity
  • process intensity
  • pump intensity
  • r&d intensity
  • radiation intensity
  • rainfall intensity
  • raman intensity
  • reaction intensity
  • reduced intensity
  • reflection intensity
  • relative intensity
  • same intensity
  • sampling intensity
  • scattered intensity
  • scattering intensity
  • selection intensity
  • severe intensity
  • signal intensity
  • similar intensity
  • smoking intensity
  • sound intensity
  • spectral intensity
  • spot intensity
  • staining intensity
  • stimulation intensity
  • stimulus intensity
  • storm intensity
  • stress intensity
  • strong intensity
  • stronger intensity
  • symptom intensity
  • threshold intensity
  • total intensity
  • traffic intensity
  • transition intensity
  • treatment intensity
  • turbulence intensity
  • upwelling intensity
  • variable intensity
  • various intensity
  • varying intensity
  • very high intensity
  • work intensity
  • x-ray intensity

  • Terms modified by Intensity

  • intensity analysis
  • intensity change
  • intensity conditioning
  • intensity curve
  • intensity data
  • intensity decrease
  • intensity decreased
  • intensity dependence
  • intensity difference
  • intensity distribution
  • intensity enhancement
  • intensity exercise
  • intensity factor
  • intensity fluctuation
  • intensity function
  • intensity gradient
  • intensity i
  • intensity increase
  • intensity level
  • intensity loss
  • intensity measure
  • intensity measurement
  • intensity models
  • intensity modulation
  • intensity noise
  • intensity parameter
  • intensity pattern
  • intensity physical activity
  • intensity profile
  • intensity projection
  • intensity rating
  • intensity ratio
  • intensity scale
  • intensity score
  • intensity statistics
  • intensity threshold
  • intensity value
  • intensity variation

  • Selected Abstracts


    EVOLUTION, Issue 7 2009
    Adam G. Jones
    Bateman's classic paper on fly mating systems inspired quantitative study of sexual selection but also resulted in much debate and confusion. Here, I consider the meaning of Bateman's principles in the context of selection theory. Success in precopulatory sexual selection can be quantified as a "mating differential," which is the covariance between trait values and relative mating success. The mating differential is converted into a selection differential by the Bateman gradient, which is the least squares regression of relative reproductive success on relative mating success. Hence, a complete understanding of precopulatory sexual selection requires knowledge of two equally important aspects of mating patterns: the mating differential, which requires a focus on mechanisms generating covariance between trait values and mating success, and the Bateman gradient, which requires knowledge of the genetic mating system. An upper limit on the magnitude of the selection differential on any sexually selected trait is given by the product of the standard deviation in relative mating success and the Bateman gradient. This latter view of the maximum selection differential provides a clearer focus on the important aspects of precopulatory sexual selection than other methods and therefore should be an important part of future studies of sexual selection. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 9 2008
    Matthew D. Hall
    Sexual interactions are often rife with conflict. Conflict between members of the same sex over opportunities to mate has long been understood to effect evolution via sexual selection. Although conflict between males and females is now understood to be widespread, such conflict is seldom considered in the same light as a general agent of sexual selection. Any interaction between males or females that generates variation in fitness, whether due to conflict, competition or mate choice, can potentially influence sexual selection acting on a range of male traits. Here we seek to address a lack of direct experimental evidence for how sexual conflict influences sexual selection more broadly. We manipulate a major source of sexual conflict in the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, and quantify the resulting changes in the nature of sexual selection using formal selection analysis to statistically compare multivariate fitness surfaces. In T. commodus, sexual conflict occurs over the attachment time of an external spermatophore. By experimentally manipulating the ability of males and females to influence spermatophore attachment, we found that sexual conflict significantly influences the opportunity, form, and intensity of sexual selection on male courtship call and body size. When males were able to harass females, the opportunity for selection was smaller, the form of selection changed, and sexual selection was weaker. We discuss the broader evolutionary implications of these findings, including the contributions of sexual conflict to fluctuating sexual selection and the maintenance of additive genetic variation. [source]


    ABSTRACT Sensory analysis is a precise and descriptive measuring technique to quantify human responses to stimuli. Odor, one of these stimuli, is basically the result of the interaction between a chemical stimulus and the olfactory receptor system, which can be described using a number of different dimensions and measures through different sensory tests: threshold, intensity and quality. To measure fragrance performance on the skin, these parameters are very important, but the main attribute to be evaluated is substantivity, thus the importance of the sensory scale chosen to measure perception, discriminate different intensities and determine the substantivity of the fragrance. Some studies comparing the labeled magnitude scale (LMS) with other magnitude scales and their derivations showed that the use of the LMS scale to measure fragrance intensity could semantically understand the intensity of the stimulus. Tests using this scale confirmed the applicability and efficiency of the LMS. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The objective of this article is to review the techniques used to measure odor and fragrance intensities applied on the skin. The review shows general sensory techniques and their goals, the newest olfactory mechanism and its contribution to sensory evaluation and which attributes should be considered to measure odor. Substantivity/retentivity or longevity can be regarded as the most important attributes if you want to measure fragrance performance on the skin. Past studies showed different scales tested to measure odor, and some of them demonstrated that the labeled magnitude scale is very suitable to measure fragrance on the skin. [source]


    ABSTRACT The cooling intensity of topical emulsions added with encapsulated or free menthol was evaluated by a screened and trained panel recruited based on the American Society for Testing and Materials method. A sensory panel composed of 10 trained judges performed the evaluation of samples stored at 22 ± 2C for 24 h and, after 28 days of storage, at 37.0 ± 0.5C. The obtained data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey's test. The results showed an increase of cooling intensity as a function of encapsulated menthol concentration. The opposite was observed in samples added with free menthol, which may have caused sensory fatigue. Storage at 37 ± 0.5C for 28 days had no impact on the cooling intensity of emulsions containing encapsulated menthol, demonstrating high stability and suggesting its application in cooling skin care products. In contrast, emulsions added with free menthol showed a drastic decrease of cooling intensity at 37 ± 0.5C. PRATICAL APPLICATIONS This article deals with sensory assessment of the cooling intensity of topical emulsions added with encapsulated menthol under accelerated storage conditions. In all, the work is a major contribution to (1) investigating the feasibility of sensory analysis for evaluating the sensory properties of topical products during storage; (2) verifying the cooling intensity of topical emulsions containing encapsulated menthol; and (3) evaluating the effect of encapsulation of menthol on its stability during accelerated storage conditions. [source]


    ABSTRACT Two experimental procedures recommended for the evaluation of the psychophysical characteristics of odorous compounds, olfactory matching with the 1-butanol scale and cross-modality matching with the finger span are compared. The intensity of ethyl butyrate and guaiacol solutions presented at four different concentration levels was evaluated by a panel of sixteen subjects over five repetitions using the two methods. Each stimulus was delivered to the subject from a Teflon bag through a nose-shaped glass sniffing port. The discrimination ability, repeatability, panel homogeneity and within-subject variability of the methods were assessed. Results indicate that with both methods, subjects were able to highly discriminate the presented concentration levels of the odorants. There were no great difference in repeatability and the same individual variability was observed between both methods. However, the smaller within-subject variability highlighted for the 1-butanol scale method suggested that this method is potentially more powerful than finger-span method. [source]


    ARCHAEOMETRY, Issue 3 2010
    A preliminary survey was conducted in Siwa and Bahryn Oasis to test the possible influence of various rock magnetic and experimental constraints on the fidelity of the Egyptian archaeomagnetic field record. Five potsherds from the Roman era, which lasted from 1981 bp to 1555 bp, have been investigated. Archaeologists dated the localities to ,1620 bp. Ten ceramic specimens, two of each potsherd, were subjected to archaeointensity determination, including tests for domain state effects, magnetic anisotropy and magnetic cooling rate dependency. Six successful archaeointensity determinations are obtained from three individual cooling units, revealing an average field value of 37.7 ,T for the late Roman period in Siwa and Bahryn oasis, which is comparable to the present-day field strength. The error propagation of the individual uncertainties related to all applied experimental techniques results in a maximum uncertainty estimate of 4.4 ,T. The obtained field value is significantly smaller than early results and slightly smaller than some more recent determinations of the field intensity in Egypt. The difference is attributed to a combined effect of alteration, magnetic anisotropy and magnetic cooling rate dependencies. Along with other high-quality data from the south-east Mediterranean, our data suggest a field intensity minimum during the Egyptian Roman era. [source]

    Proton spectroscopic metabolite signal relaxation times in preterm infants: A prerequisite for quantitative spectroscopy in infant brain

    Harald Kugel PhD
    Abstract Purpose To determine relaxation times of metabolite signals in proton magnetic resonance (MR) spectra of immature brain, which allow a correction of relaxation that is necessary for a quantitative evaluation of spectra acquired with long TE. Proton MR spectra acquired with long TE allow a better definition of metabolites as N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and lactate especially in children. Materials and Methods Relaxation times were determined in the basal ganglia of 84 prematurely born infants at a postconceptional age of 37.8 ± 2.2 (mean ± SD) weeks. Metabolite resonances were investigated using the double-spin-echo volume selection method (PRESS) at 1.5 T. T1 was determined from intensity ratios of signals obtained with TRs of 1884 and 6000 msec, measured at 3 TEs (25 msec, 136 msec, 272 msec). T2 was determined from signal intensity ratios obtained with TEs of 136 msec and 272 msec, measured at 2 TR. Taking only long TEs reduced baseline distortions by macromolecules and lipids. For myo-inositol (MI), an apparent T2 for short TE was determined from the ratio of signals obtained with TE = 25 msec and 136 msec. Intensities were determined by fitting a Lorentzian to the resonance, and by integration. Results Relaxation times were as follows: trimethylamine-containing compounds (Cho): T1 = 1217 msec/T2 = 273 msec; total creatine (Cr) at 3.9 ppm: 1010 msec/111 msec; Cr at 3.0 ppm: 1388 msec/224 msec; NAA: 1171 msec/499 msec; Lac: 1820 msec/1022 msec; MI: 1336 msec/173 msec; apparent T2 at short TE: 68 msec. Conclusion T1 and T2 in the basal ganglia of premature infants do not differ much from previously published data from basal ganglia of older children and adults. T2 of Cho was lower than previous values. T2 of Cr at 3.9 ppm and Lac have been measured under different conditions before, and present values differ from these data. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2003;17:634,640. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Chemical Speciation of Trace Zinc in Ordinary Portland Cement Using X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Analysis

    Isao Tsuyumoto
    Chemical change of trace zinc in ordinary portland cement (205.1 ppm) was investigated in hydration process using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). Intensities of the peaks appearing at the same energy of ZnO in XANES spectra were decreased with cement hydration. The interatomic distances and the coordination numbers of the first and the second shells calculated from EXAFS spectra indicated that ZnO hydrolyzed to zincate ion [Zn(OH)4]2, with cement hydration keeping their fundamental structure of ZnO4 tetrahedra. [source]

    Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling for Comparison of Single-Neuron Firing Intensities

    BIOMETRICS, Issue 1 2010
    Athanasios Kottas
    Summary We propose a fully inferential model-based approach to the problem of comparing the firing patterns of a neuron recorded under two distinct experimental conditions. The methodology is based on nonhomogeneous Poisson process models for the firing times of each condition with flexible nonparametric mixture prior models for the corresponding intensity functions. We demonstrate posterior inferences from a global analysis, which may be used to compare the two conditions over the entire experimental time window, as well as from a pointwise analysis at selected time points to detect local deviations of firing patterns from one condition to another. We apply our method on two neurons recorded from the primary motor cortex area of a monkey's brain while performing a sequence of reaching tasks. [source]

    L6-S1 spinal nerve stimulation reduces micturition frequency in anaesthetized rats with cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis

    BJU INTERNATIONAL, Issue 2 2006
    OBJECTIVE To further investigate the rationale for using spinal nerve stimulation (SNS) for treating bladder overactivity associated with cystitis in a rat model of cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis, as several studies suggested that symptoms associated with chronic cystitis could be treated using stimulation of sacral spinal nerves, but the mechanisms by which it works are unknown. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cystitis was induced by i.p. injection of cyclophosphamide 48 h before the experiments in anaesthetized male rats. Neurograms were taken by placing a recording electrode onto the pelvic nerve and a stimulating electrode on either the L6 or S1 ipsilateral spinal nerves. Two selected intensities were then evaluated for SNS in control and cyclophosphamide-treated rats during cystometry. RESULTS Cyclophosphamide resulted in significant bladder overactivity. There was no apparent difference in the neurograms generated in response to SNS of the S1 and L6 spinal nerves, and between cyclophosphamide and control rats. Intensities of 200 µA (A,-fibre-specific) and 2 mA (A,+ C-fibres) were chosen for SNS. Continuous SNS at 200 µA significantly reduced the frequency of voiding and non-voiding contractions in cyclophosphamide-treated rats. SNS at 2 mA resulted in the abolition of voiding contractions, accompanied by continuous leakage of urine. CONCLUSION SNS recruiting only A,-fibre produced fewer voiding contractions in cyclophosphamide-treated rats, to a level similar to that from the control rats. These results support the ability of SNS to decrease bladder overactivity in a pathophysiological model of chemical irritation of the bladder. [source]

    Calculations of the Transitions Intensities in the Optical Spectra of Dy3+:LiYF4

    CHEMINFORM, Issue 38 2004
    M. G. Brik
    Abstract For Abstract see ChemInform Abstract in Full Text. [source]

    Grazing Intensity and the Diversity of Grasshoppers, Butterflies, and Trap-Nesting Bees and Wasps

    Andreas Kruess
    The reduction of management intensity can be a useful tool for the long-term conservation of the biological diversity of grasslands. We analyzed floral and faunal diversity on intensively and extensively (unintensively) grazed pastures and on 5- to 10-year-old ungrazed grasslands in northern Germany. Each of the three grassland habitats differing in grazing intensity was replicated six times. We related diverse taxa such as grasshoppers, butterfly adults and lepidopteran larvae, and trap-nesting solitary bees and wasps to vegetation structure. There was an increase of species richness and abundance from pastures to ungrazed grasslands. The percentage of parasitism of the most abundant trap-nesting species, the digger-wasp ( Trypoxylon figulus), was also higher on ungrazed grasslands. Decreased grazing on pastures enhanced species richness for adult butterflies only, whereas the abundance of adult butterflies, solitary bees and wasps, and their natural enemies increased. Although the differences in insect diversity between pastures and ungrazed grassland could be attributed to a greater vegetation height and heterogeneity ( bottom-up effects) on ungrazed areas, the differences between intensively and extensively grazed pastures could not be explained by changes in vegetation characteristics. Hence, intensive grazing appeared to affect the insect communities through the disruption of plant-insect interactions. A mosaic of extensively grazed grassland and grassland left ungrazed for a few years may be a good means by which to maintain biodiversity and the strength of trophic interactions. Resumen: El mantenimiento de pastizales como hábitats distintos depende del manejo regular, generalmente, por medio de pastoreo o segado, pero se sabe que la diversidad de especies declina con el incremento de intensidad de manejo. La reducción de la intensidad de manejo puede ser una herramienta útil para la conservación a largo plazo de la biodiversidad de pastizales. Analizamos la diversidad florística y faunística en pastizales pastoreados intensiva y extensivamente (no intensivos) y en pastizales de 5 a 10 años no pastoreados en el norte de Alemania. Cada uno de los tres hábitats de pastizal diferentes en el grado de pastoreo fue replicado seis veces. Relacionamos diversos taxones como chapulines, mariposas adultas, larvas de lepidópteros y abejas y avispas solitarias con la estructura de la vegetación. Hubo un incremento en la riqueza y abundancia de especies de pastizales pastoreados a no pastoreados. El porcentaje de parasitismo de la especie de avispa más abundante ( Trypoxylon figulus) también fue mayor en pastizales no pastoreados. La reducción del pastoreo incrementó la riqueza de especies de mariposas adultas solamente, mientras que incrementó la abundancia de mariposas adultas, abejas y avispas solitarias y sus enemigos naturales. Aunque las diferencias en la diversidad de insectos entre pastizales pastoreados y no pastoreados pudiera atribuirse a la mayor altura de la vegetación y a la heterogeneidad (efectos abajo-arriba) en áreas no pastoreadas, las diferencias entre pastizales pastoreados intensiva y extensivamente no podría explicarse por cambios en las características de la vegetación. Por consiguiente, el pastoreo intensivo aparentemente afectó a las comunidades de insectos por la disrupción de las interacciones planta-animal. Un mosaico de pastizales pastoreados extensivamente y pastizales sin pastoreo por varios años puede ser una buena estrategia para mantener la biodiversidad y la vigencia de las interacciones tróficas. [source]

    The Impact of R&D Intensity on Demand for Specialist Auditor Services,

    Abstract The audit fee research literature argues that auditors' costs of developing brand name reputations, including top-tier designation and recognition for industry specialization, are compensated through audit fee premiums. Audited firms reduce agency costs by engaging high-quality auditors who monitor the levels and reporting of discretionary expenditures and accruals. In this study we examine whether specialist auditor choice is associated with a particular discretionary expenditure - research and development (R&D). For a large sample of U.S. companies from a range of industries, we find strong evidence that R&D intensity is positively associated with firms' choices of auditors who specialize in auditing R&D contracts. Additionally, we find that R&D intensive firms tend to appoint top-tier auditors. We use simultaneous equations to control for interrelationships between dependent variables in addition to single-equation ordinary least squares (OLS) and logistic regression models. Our results are particularly strong in tests using samples of small firms whose auditor choice is not constrained by the need to appoint a top-tier auditor to ensure the auditor's financial independence from the client. [source]

    Comparison of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and multiple daily injections (MDI) in paediatric Type 1 diabetes: a multicentre matched-pair cohort analysis over 3 years

    DIABETIC MEDICINE, Issue 1 2008
    B. I. Jakisch
    Abstract Aims To conduct a multicentre, matched-pair cohort analysis comparing glycaemic control and adverse events of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) with multiple daily injections (MDI) in paediatric patients. Methods Using standardized computer-based prospective documentation, HbA1c, insulin dose, body mass index,standard deviation score (BMI,SDS), rate of hypoglycaemia, rate of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and intensity of care were analysed in 434 matched pairs during a follow-up period of 3 years after initiation of MDI or CSII. Results HbA1c was significantly lower in the CSII group during the first year of new regimen (CSII 7.5 ± 0.05 vs. MDI 7.7 ± 0.06; P < 0.05), but rose to the same level as in the MDI group during year 3. Insulin requirement remained significantly lower in the CSII group. The BMI,SDS increased in both study groups, with no significant difference. The rate of severe hypoglycaemia decreased significantly after the change of regimen (CSII 17.87 ± 2.85 vs. MDI 25.14 ± 3.79; P < 0.05) and during year 3 of the regimen, particularly when compared with baseline (,21% vs. ,16%). The rate of DKA was lower at baseline in the CSII group and remained significantly lower over all 3 years. Intensity of care was the same in both subsets. Conclusions Employing a large cohort, this matched-pair analysis has demonstrated over a 3-year study period that CSII is a safe form of intensive insulin therapy with similar glycaemic effects, but with significantly reduced rates of hypoglycaemia and DKA and a lower insulin requirement when compared with MDI. [source]

    Immunocytochemical study of the expression of mesothelin in fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimens of pancreatic adenocarcinoma

    Amy C. Baruch M.D.
    Abstract Mesothelin is a potential marker of pancreatic adenocarcinoma that was recently identified by serial analysis of gene expression. We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of mesothelin as a marker of pancreatic adenocarcinoma on destained Papanicolaou (Pap) smears and unstained cellblocks from 28 patients using a monoclonal antibody to mesothelin. Intensity and proportion of staining was semiquantitatively graded on a scale of 1,3, and as 0%, 1 to <10%, 10,50%, or >50%. Positive staining for mesothelin was seen in 64% of the direct smears and in 36% of cell block sections. Focal positivity for mesothelin was noted in benign pancreatic tissue in one of 10 cases. Staining was most often focal (<50% of cells) in both direct smears and cell block sections. The overall sensitivity and specificity of mesothelin as a marker for pancreatic adenocarcinoma were 68% and 90%, respectively. Sensitivity was higher in Pap smears than in cell block sections (64% versus 36%). The presence of occasional mesothelin expression in benign tissue, its very focal expression in malignant tissue may limit the utility of mesothelin as a marker of pancreatic adenocarcinomas in fine-needle aspiration (FNA) specimens. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2007;35:143,147. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Famine Intensity and Magnitude Scales: A Proposal for an Instrumental Definition of Famine

    DISASTERS, Issue 4 2004
    Paul Howe
    Ambiguities in current usage of the term ,famine' have had tragic implications for response and accountability in a number of recent food crises. This paper proposes a new approach to defining famine based on the use of intensity and magnitude scales, where ,intensity' refers to the severity of the crisis at a given location and point in time, while ,magnitude' describes the aggregate impact of a crisis. The scales perform three operations on ,famine': first, moving from a binary conception of ,famine/no famine' to a graduated, multi-level definition; second, disaggregating the dimensions of intensity and magnitude; and third, assigning harmonised ,objective' criteria in place of subjective, case-by-case judgements. If adopted, the famine scales should contribute to more effective and proportionate responses, as well as greater accountability in future food crises. [source]

    Effects of chronic treatment with valproate and oxcarbazepine on ovarian folliculogenesis in rats

    EPILEPSIA, Issue 7 2008
    Ali Cansu
    Summary Purpose: We aimed to define the morphologic effects of valproate (VPA) and oxcarbazepine (OXC) on ovarian folliculogenesis in rats. Methods: Forty female wistar rats (21,24 days old and weighted between 46.4 and 55.3 g) were divided equally into 4 experimental groups, which were applied tap water (control group), 300 mg/kg/day VPA, 100 mg/kg/day OXC, and both VPA and OXC via gavage for 90 days. Ovaries of the rats on proestrous and diesterous phase of estrous cycle according to daily vaginal smear were taken out and placed in a fixation solution. Immunohistochemical and apoptosis (TUNEL) staining protocols were applied. Results: The number of follicles decreased and that of corpora lutea increased significantly in OXC, VPA, and OXC+VPA treated groups compared with control group (p < 0.05). The number of TUNEL positive ovarian follicles was 1.40 ± 0.52 in control group, but it significantly increased to 3.50 ± 0.53, 3.50 ± 0.53, and 4.90 ± 0.88 in VPA, OXC, and VPA+OXC groups (p < 0.0001). The increase in the number of TUNEL positive granulosa cells was also significant for OXC and VPA+OXC groups (p < 0.0001). Immunohistochemical HSCORE decreased for TGF,1 and IGF1 staining and increased for P53 staining in all drug groups compared with control group (p < 0.001). Intensity of P53 labeling increased, while intensity of TGF,1, IGF-1, and GDF-9 immunoreactivity decreased significantly in all drug groups compared with control group (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Long-term treatment with VPA or OXC from prepuberty to adulthood causes apoptosis and deterioration of folliculogenesis in rat ovarian follicles. [source]

    Intensity of drug injection as a determinant of sustained injection cessation among chronic drug users: the interface with social factors and service utilization

    ADDICTION, Issue 6 2004
    Julie Bruneau
    ABSTRACT Aims The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with sustained injection cessation and to examine further the relationship between the occurrence of sustained injection cessation of injection drug users (IDUs) and prior injection frequency. Design and setting IDUs in the Montreal St Luc Cohort who had at least three consecutive interviews between 1995 and 1999 were included. Sustained injection cessation was defined as a period of at least 7 consecutive months without injection. All IDUs completed interview-administered questionnaires on socio-demographic characteristics, drug and sexual behaviours and health-related issues. Logistic regression was used for analyses. Findings A total of 186/1004 (18.5%) IDUs reported a period of sustained injection cessation during the study period. In multivariate analysis, HIV-positive status, ,booting' and cumulative time spent in prison were negatively associated with injection cessation, while injection initiation after 35 years of age and frequent crack use were positively associated with injection cessation. We found a negative association between the occurrence of injection cessation and the frequency of injection; the odds ratios (OR) for cessation were 0.49 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.03, 0.78] for IDUs who injected 30,100 times and 0.21 (95% CI: 0.10, 0.46) for IDUs who injected more than 100 times in the previous month. Attending needle exchange programmes (NEPs) or pharmacies appeared to be a modifier of the relation between cessation and prior injection frequency. The OR was 0.68 (95% CI: 0.42, 1.12) for IDUs who injected 30,100 times prior to injection and attended NEPs or pharmacies and was 0.07 (0.01, 0.30) for IDUs who did not use these services. Conclusions Overall, a fifth of IDUs experienced at least one episode of injection cessation of 7 months or more during a period of 4.5 years. Our data suggest that NEPs and pharmacies may have played a role in inducing injection cessation episodes in a subgroup of IDUs. Research is needed to better identify the characteristics of IDUs who could benefit from an injection cessation intervention strategy. This information is important for social and health policy planning. [source]

    Incubation Feeding and Nest Attentiveness in a Socially Monogamous Songbird: Role of Feather Colouration, Territory Quality and Ambient Environment

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 7 2010
    Beata Matysioková
    Parental investment and environmental conditions determine reproductive success in wild-ranging animals. Parental effort during incubation, and consequently factors driving it, has profound consequences for reproductive success in birds. The female nutrition hypothesis states that high male feeding enables the incubating female to spend more time on eggs, which can lead to higher hatching success. Moreover, both male and female parental investment during incubation might be signalled by plumage colouration. To test these hypotheses, we investigated relationships between male and female incubation behaviour and carotenoid and melanin-based plumage colouration, territory quality and ambient temperature in the Great Tit Parus major. We also studied the effect of female incubation behaviour on hatching success. Intensity of male incubation feeding increased with lower temperatures and was higher in territories with more food supply, but only in poor years with low overall food supply. Female nest attentiveness increased with lower temperatures. Plumage colouration did not predict incubation behaviour of either parent. Thus, incubation behaviour of both parents was related mainly to environmental conditions. Moreover, there was no relationship between male incubation feeding, female nest attentiveness and hatching success. Consequently, our data were not consistent with the female nutrition hypothesis. [source]

    Benzydamine for prophylaxis of radiation-induced oral mucositis in head and neck cancers: a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial

    A. KAZEMIAN md, assistant professor
    We evaluated the efficacy of benzydamine oral rinse for prevention of radiation-induced mucositis. Patients with head and neck cancers, who were referred in 2004,2005, received an oral rinse of either benzydamine or placebo. One hundred patients were randomized in this trial. At the end of the study, 19 patients were excluded from the analysis because they did not use the medication for the assigned period. In the benzydamine group, the frequency of mucositis grade ,3 was 43.6% in contrast to 78.6% in other group (P = 0.001). Grade ,3 mucositis was 2.6 times more frequent in the placebo group. Intensity of mucositis increased up to fourth week of treatment in both groups to grade 2. In the treated group the grade of mucositis was approximately constant to the end of therapy; but in the control group it raised to grade 3 (P < 0.001). The highest grade of mucositis during the treatment time was significantly different between two groups (P = 0.049). The median interval to observation of grade ,2 mucositis was 24 days in the placebo group and 28 days in the benzydamine group (P = 0.12). Benzydamine oral rinse seems to be effective, safe, and well tolerated for prophylactic treatment of radiation-induced oral mucositis in head and neck tumours. [source]

    Health-related quality of life, symptom distress and sense of coherence in adult survivors of allogeneic stem-cell transplantation

    L. Edman
    This is the first Swedish study to evaluate the health-related quality of life and sense of coherence in adult survivors of allogeneic, haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Twenty-five recipients completed three questionnaires 2,4 years after the transplantation. The questionnaires used were the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), the Symptom Frequency Intensity and Distress (SFID-BMT) scale and the Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale measuring subjective functional status, symptom distress and coping ability. Impairments in functional status were found, as compared with a population norm. The most common impairments were found in the areas of social interaction and sleep and rest. Eye problems, dry mouth, cough, sexual problems, tiredness, anxiety and changes of taste were symptoms reported by more than half of the patients. Despite impaired functioning and a high incidence of symptoms, the general health was described as quite good or excellent by 80% (n = 20) of the patients. The majority (20/22) had also been able to return to work or to attend school. No difference in the sense of coherence was seen, as compared with the population norm. Functional impairments were significantly correlated to a lower degree of sense of coherence. [source]

    Angiogenesis and skin carcinomas with skull base invasion: a case,control study,

    Claudio R. Cernea MD
    Abstract Background. Some skin carcinomas may be very aggressive. Intensity of angiogenesis, measured by intratumoral vessel density using expression of CD34, has been associated with tumor aggressiveness. In this study, the expression of CD34 in basal cell carcinomas ( BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) with skull base invasion was compared with that in tumors with good outcome. Methods. Expression of CD34 was graded as mild, moderate, and intense, in 24 BCCs and 11 SCCs with skull base invasion. The control group included 23 BCCs and 10 SCCs. Results. Intense expression of CD34 was noted in 25.00% of BCCs with skull base invasion, compared with 4.35% in the control group (p = .058). Regarding SCCs, intense expression of CD34 was found in 54.55% of aggressive tumors, compared with 10.00% in the control group (p = .133). Conclusions. A trend toward denser microvascular angiogenesis was observed in both BCCs and SCCs with skull base invasion compared with less aggressive controls. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck26: 396,400, 2004 [source]

    Trends in Inpatient Treatment Intensity among Medicare Beneficiaries at the End of Life

    Amber E. Barnato
    Objective. Although an increasing fraction of Medicare beneficiaries die outside the hospital, the proportion of total Medicare expenditures attributable to care in the last year of life has not dropped. We sought to determine whether disproportionate increases in hospital treatment intensity over time among decedents are responsible for the persistent growth in end-of-life expenditures. Data Source. The 1985,1999 Medicare Medical Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) and Denominator files. Study Design. We sampled inpatient claims for 20 percent of all elderly fee-for-service Medicare decedents and 5 percent of all survivors between 1985 and 1999 and calculated age-, race-, and gender-adjusted per-capita inpatient expenditures and rates of intensive care unit (ICU) and intensive procedure use. We used the decedent-to-survivor expenditure ratio to determine whether growth rates among decedents outpaced growth relative to survivors, using the growth rate among survivors to control for secular trends in treatment intensity. Data Collection. The data were collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Principal Findings. Real inpatient expenditures for the Medicare fee-for-service population increased by 60 percent, from $58 billion in 1985 to $90 billion in 1999, one-quarter of which were accrued by decedents. Between 1985 and 1999 the proportion of beneficiaries with one or more intensive care unit (ICU) admission increased from 30.5 percent to 35.0 percent among decedents and from 5.0 percent to 7.1 percent among survivors; those undergoing one or more intensive procedure increased from 20.9 percent to 31.0 percent among decedents and from 5.8 percent to 8.5 percent among survivors. The majority of intensive procedures in the United States were performed in the more numerous survivors, although in 1999 50 percent of feeding tube placements, 60 percent of intubations/tracheostomies, and 75 percent of cardiopulmonary resuscitations were in decedents. The proportion of beneficiaries dying in a hospital decreased from 44.4 percent to 39.3 percent, but the likelihood of being admitted to an ICU or undergoing an intensive procedure during the terminal hospitalization increased from 38.0 percent to 39.8 percent and from 17.8 percent to 30.3 percent, respectively. One in five Medicare beneficiaries who died in the hospital in 1999 received mechanical ventilation during their terminal admission. Conclusions. Inpatient treatment intensity for all fee-for-service beneficiaries increased between 1985 and 1999 regardless of survivorship status. Absolute changes in per-capita hospital expenditures, ICU admissions, and intensive inpatient procedure use were much higher among decedents. Relative changes were similar except for ICU admissions, which grew faster among survivors. The secular decline in in-hospital deaths has not resulted in decreased per capita utilization of expensive inpatient services in the last year of life. This could imply that net hospital expenditures for the dying might have been even higher over this time period if the shift toward hospice had not occurred. [source]

    The Impact of Training Intensity on Establishment Productivity

    Article first published online: 23 DEC 200, THOMAS ZWICK
    The empirical literature on productivity effects of continuing training is constantly increasing. However, the results on this subject differ widely. Explanations for this worrying diversity seem to lie in differences between countries, labor market institutions, and data generation on one hand, and in differences between the underlying estimation techniques on the other (Bartel, 2000). This paper concentrates on the latter problem and shows how results vary with different estimation techniques. [source]

    Hyaluronidase reduces human breast cancer xenografts in SCID mice

    Svetlana Shuster
    Abstract A hyaluronan-rich environment often correlate with tumor progression. and may be one mechanism for the invasive behavior of malignancies. Eradication of hyaluronan by hyaluronidase administration could reduce tumor aggressiveness and would provide, therefore, a new anti-cancer strategy. Hyaluronan interaction with its CD44 receptor and the resulting signal transduction events may be among the mechanisms for hyaluronan-associated cancer progression. We have shown previously that hyaluronidase treatment of breast cancer cells in vitro not only eradicates hyaluronan but also modifies expression of CD44 variant exons of tumor cells. We now determine if such effects occur in vivo and if it is accompanied by tumor regression. SCID mice bearing xenografts of human breast carcinomas were given intravenous hyaluronidase. Tumor volumes decreased 50% in 4 days. Tumor sections showed decreased hyaluronan. Intensity of staining for CD44s was not affected, whereas staining for specific CD44 variant exon isoforms was greatly reduced in residual tumors. Necrosis was not evident. Hyaluronidase, used previously as an adjunct in cancer treatment, presumably to enhance penetration of chemotherapeutic drugs, may itself have intrinsic anti-cancer activity. Removing peritumor hyaluronan appears to cause an irreversible change in tumor metabolism. Continuous hyaluronan binding to CD44 variant exon isoforms may also be required to stabilize inherently unstable isoforms that participate perhaps in tumor progression. Further investigation is required to confirm a cause and effect relationship between loss of hyaluronan, changes in CD44 variant exon expression and tumor reduction. If confirmed, hyaluronidase may provide a new class of anti-cancer therapeutics and one without toxic side effects. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Intensity-based image matching for regular firearms

    S.S. Murthy
    Abstract This paper reports the digitized image matching of intensity-based signals generated by the POLIVIEW imaging system for regular firearms. The POLIVIEW imaging system transforms nonlinearized models into linearized models by applying a differential matching method. This paper also discusses the performance of the computer program for determining the peaks of the histograms generated and their threshold segmentation for matching. This method can be used to generate corroborative evidence in solving crimes. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol 12, 68,72, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/ima.10011 [source]

    Effect of ipriflavone on pain due to recent osteoporotic vertebral crush fracture

    Mohammad M. Rahman
    Abstract Aim:,Ipriflavone conserves bone mass in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Salmon calcitonin and alendronate, two other anti-resorptive drugs, have been found to have analgesic effects in osteoporotic acute vertebral fracture. This study aimed to determine if ipriflavone also possesses such an effect. Methods:,Thirty-two women with recent osteoporotic vertebral fractures were randomly assigned to ipriflavone treatment or placebo groups. Ipriflavone was given at the dose of 200 mg three times a day. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were given ad libitum in both groups. Calcium carbonate (1 g daily) was administered to all subjects. Intensity of pain at rest, on movement and on pressure, pain rating on a 10-point visual analogue scale, degree of mobility impairment, and supplementary analgesic were assessed at the end of a 3-month period in both groups to assess the analgesic effect of ipriflavone. Results:,Fourteen subjects in the ipriflavone group and 12 in the placebo group completed the trial. After 3 months, all pain variables had decreased significantly in both groups. Intensity of pain at rest and on pressure and supplementary analgesic use were significantly lower in the ipriflavone group compared to the placebo group. Conclusion:,The study shows that ipriflavone has an analgesic adjuvant effect in acute osteoporotic vertebral fracture. [source]

    Habitat Characteristics of Eurytemora lacustris(Poppe, 1887) (Copepoda, Calanoida): The Role of Lake Depth, Temperature,Oxygen Concentration and Light Intensity

    Peter Kasprzak
    Abstract Field observations, laboratory experiments and a literature survey were conducted to evaluate the habitat characteristics of Eurytemoralacustris (Poppe 1887), a freshwater calanoid copepod species. Combined effects of temperature and oxygen concentration in the deep water of thermally stratifying lakes seem to be the ultimate factors governing the occurrence of the species throughout its home-territory. E. lacustris is largely restricted to relatively deep lakes (>30 m) providing a hypolimnetic refuge characterised by low temperatures (<,10 °C) and oxygenated water during summer. Therefore, although the species is spread over much of Europe it was only found in a small number of lakes. Long-term records in different lakes revealed E. lacustris to be perennial with relatively high biomasses occurring from May to September. During thermal stratification on average 87% of the nauplii and 72% of the copepodite biomass was found in hypolimnetic waters colder than 10 °C. Diurnal vertical migration was observed for the copepodid stages, but the migration amplitude clearly decreased from May to September. The migration amplitude was significantly related to light intensity. According to its special habitat requirements, E. lacustris might be considered a glacial relict sensitive to temperature increase and oxygen depletion. (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

    Religious Market Share and Intensity of Church Involvement in Five Denominations

    Paul Perl graduate student
    Proponents of the supply side approach to religion theorize that religious market share,the proportion of people in a geographical area who belong to a given denomination,is inversely related to religious commitment in that denomination. They argue that a small market share motivates religious leaders to compete harder in the religious market place, increasing the participation of members. Another perspective, often associated with secularization theory, make the opposite prediction. It argues that people find it difficult to remain religiously committed in social environments where they are numerical minoritiesbecause other people do not reinforce their beliefs and practices. We use data from a large study of financial giving to analyze the relationship between market share and commitment for five denominations in the United States. We find that market share has a negative effect on church financial giving within all five denominations and a weaker negative effect on attendance in threeof the denominations. We explore whether these effects are the spurious byproducts of pro-religious cultural norms associated with either the South or the presence of conservative Protestants in local areas. In models pooling all denominations, the negative effect of market share on financial giving and attendance cannot be explained away by either of these factors. However, the effect on attendance can be accounted for by congregational size. [source]

    Selective harvest of sooty shearwater chicks: effects on population dynamics and sustainability

    Summary 1Selectivity of harvest influences harvest sustainability because individuals with different characteristics contribute differently to population growth. We investigate the effects of selection based on chick weight on a traditional harvest of the sooty shearwater Puffinus griseus by Rakiura Maori in New Zealand. 2We develop a periodic stage-structured matrix population model and incorporate seasonal harvest of three weight classes of chicks. Intensity and selectivity of harvest are defined in terms of weight-specific hazard functions. 3We investigate the effect of harvest intensity and selectivity on population growth rate, ,, and the chick exploitation rate, E. We also consider the interaction of chick harvest and adult mortality. 4, decreases and E increases as harvest intensity increases. At low harvest intensities, selection has little effect on ,. At high harvest intensities, , increases as selectivity increases because of the non-linear relationship between harvest intensity and the probability of being harvested. 5, is determined almost completely by E, irrespective of the combination of harvest selectivity and intensity producing E. This is true for both general patterns of selectivity and specific patterns estimated from empirical data. 6The elasticities of ,, the net reproductive rate and the generation time are unaffected by selectivity and show only small responses to harvest intensity. 7Adult sooty shearwaters are killed as bycatch in long-line and driftnet fisheries. Such mortality of adults has an effect on , about 10-fold greater than an equivalent level of chick harvest. 8The sustainability of any combination of chick harvest and adult mortality depends on the resulting reduction in ,. We explore these results in relation to indices of sustainability, particularly the United States Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) standards. [source]