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  • Selected Abstracts

    The Future of Search: A Different Perspective

    Stephen P. Anderson Vice President
    The mission at Viewzi is to dramatically improve the search experience. But, as Stephen Anderson explains, that doesn't mean developing a better search engine; rather, it means developing a better way to view search results. The results are a series of custom-tailored scenes whose look and feel change depending on the intent of the search. It's an impressive innovation that promises to reshape the Internet landscape. [source]

    A community development approach to deal with public drug use in Box Hill

    Abstract The use of alcohol and other drugs in public space is one that generates much heat in the public discourse and in the media. Too often the responses called for to reduce the problems of public amenity involve punitive policing and other responses that aim to engineer (mostly) young people out of these public spaces. Often local retailers are a key stakeholder group calling loudest for punitive action. In this Harm Reduction Digest Rogers and Anderson describe a community development approach taken to address these problems in Box Hill in the City of Whitehorse, near Melbourne. This approach which aimed to develop ,bridging social capital' between community retailers and other stakeholders in the area appears to have been effective in reducing harm associated with public drug use. Moreover these changes have become institutionalised and the approach has been expanded to address other public amenity problems in the area. It is a very nice example of how drug related harm can be reduced by grass roots networks of local councils, business people, law enforcement and health and welfare service providers to address these issues. [source]


    ECONOMIC INQUIRY, Issue 4 2008
    Dawkins, Srinivasan, and Whalley ("Calibration,"Handbook of Econometrics, 2001) propose that estimation is calibration. We illustrate their point by examining a leading econometric application in the study of international and interregional trade by Anderson and van Wincoop ("Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle,"American Economic Review, 2003). We replicate the econometric process and show it to be a calibration of a general equilibrium model. Our approach offers unique insights into structural estimation, and we highlight the importance of traditional calibration considerations when one uses econometric techniques to calibrate a model for comparative policy analysis. (JEL F10, C13, C60) [source]

    Compositional constraints on the equation of state and thermal properties of the lower mantle

    Frank D. Stacey
    SUMMARY By extrapolating the lower mantle equation of state (EoS) to P=0, T=290 K, we determine the EoS parameters that are compatible with a mixture of (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite (with a small admixture of Al2O3), (Mg, Fe)O magnesiowüstite and CaSiO3 perovskite in arbitrary proportions and with arbitrary Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio. The parameters fitted are density, ,, adiabatic incompressibility, KS, and its pressure derivative, K,S,(,KS/,P)S. The first stage is adiabatic extrapolation to P=0, T=T0, that is, to the foot of the lower mantle adiabat, at which K,0(T0) is allowed to have any value between 3.8 and 4.6, and 1500 K,T0,2000 K. It is important to use an equation for which the lower mantle fitting does not prescribe K,0(T0) and this rules out the third-order Birch theory, which gives a seriously wrong value. The further extrapolation to 290 K at P=0 uses thermodynamic relationships with maximum generality, allowing all of the following thermoelastic parameters to be arbitrary functions of temperature: K;,; Grüneisen parameter, ,;q=(, ln ,/, ln V)T, where V is volume; volume coefficient of thermal expansion, ,; adiabatic Anderson,Grüneisen parameter, ,S=(1/,) (, ln KS/,T)P; and the mixed P, T derivative (,K,S/,T)P. The heat capacity at constant volume, CV, is assumed to follow the Debye function, so , is controlled by that. The temperature dependences of the dimensionless parameters ,, q and ,S at P=0 are slight. We find , to be precisely independent of T at constant V. The parameter dK,0/dT increases strongly with T, as well as with the assumed value of K,0(T0), where K,0 is K,S at P=0. The fitting disallows significant parameter ranges. In particular, we find solutions only if K,0(T0),4.2 and the 290 K value of K,0 for Mg perovskite is less than 3.8. Conclusions about composition are less secure, partly because of doubt about individual mineral properties. The volume of magnesiowüstite is found to be between 10 and 25 per cent for respective T0 values of 2000 and 1500 K, but the Ca-perovskite volume is no more than 6 per cent and has little influence on the other conclusions. The resulting overall Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio is 0.12 to 0.15. Although this ratio is higher than expected for a pyrolite composition, the ratio depends critically on the assumed mineral densities; some adjustment of the mineral mix may need to be considered. [source]

    Reading and Writing the Stasi File: on the Uses and Abuses of The File as (auto)biography

    Alison Lewis
    The opening of the Stasi files in 1992, made possible by the Stasi Documents Legislation, was an important symbolic act of reconciliation between victims and perpetrators. For victims, reading their file provided a means of re-appropriating stolen aspects of their lives and rewriting their life histories. This article argues that the Stasi file itself can be viewed as a form of hostile biography, authored by an oppressive state apparatus, that constituted in GDR times an all-powerful written ,technology of power'. The analogy of secret police files to literary genres enables us to pose a number of questions about the current uses to which the files are being put by victims and perpetrators. Are victims and perpetrators making similar use of their Stasi file in the writing of their autobiographies? What happens when the secret police file is removed from its original bureaucratic context and ,regime of truth' and starts to circulate as literary artefact in new contexts, for instance, as part of victims' and perpetrators' autobiographies? How is the value of the Stasi file now being judged? Is the file being used principally in the services of truth and reconciliation, as originally intended in the legislation, or does it now circulate in ,regimes of value' that place a higher premium on accounts of perpetrators, as can be witnessed in the publication of the fictitious ,autobiography' of the notorious secret police informer, Sascha Anderson? [source]

    Anderson among Those Elected to National Academy of Engineering

    GROUND WATER, Issue 3 2006
    Article first published online: 5 MAY 200
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Structural Change in Transportation and Communications in the Knowledge Society , Edited by Kiyoshi Kobayashi, T.R. Lakshmanan, and William P. Anderson

    GROWTH AND CHANGE, Issue 1 2008
    John T. Bowen Jr.
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    ,Fitted for Desperation': Honour and Treachery in Parliament's Yorkshire Command, 1642,1643

    HISTORY, Issue 282 2001
    Andrew James Hopper
    In the course of 1643 no fewer than five of Yorkshire's MPs, who had supported parliament at the outbreak of civil war, defected to the king, and as many as another seventeen of the county's leading gentry and army officers either did so or were strongly suspected of doing so. The MPs were Sir John Hotham, his son John Hotham, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Henry Anderson and Michael Wharton. Although the drift towards royalist allegiance was by no means restricted to Yorkshire, this article will focus on that county as it provides an outstanding yet hitherto neglected example. From an early stage this split within the parliamentarian command was clearly evident in religious differences and rival conceptions of honour and civic virtue. The motivations of those who changed their allegiance were primarily rooted in concern for the safety of their estates and fears of social and religious radicalism. Had these defectors combined their efforts, parliament would probably have lost the war. [source]

    Experts, dialects, and discourse

    Rakesh Mohan Bhatt
    This paper examines "expert" discourse , complexes of signs and practices that organize and legitimize social existence and social reproduction , to demonstrate the ideological processes involved in the manufacture of Standard English ideology and its continual duplication as necessitated by the three axiomatic conceptions of the English-sacred imagined community (cf. Anderson 1991). It is argued that the hierarchical structure needed to sustain the sacred imagined community can only be guaranteed if Standard English is accepted by all members as inevitable and the speakers of this standard accepted as uncontested authorities of English language use. How is this ideological manipulation and indoctrination in fact accomplished? This paper focuses on two sites of ideological manipulation , the learning and teaching of English in post-colonial contexts , and argues that expert promulgations enable what Foucault has called régimes of truth to be organized around the language. Expert discourse establishes a habit of thought which makes the standard variety of English (British/American) desirable, necessary, normal, natural, universal, and essential, and all other varieties instances of deficit and deviation. The key ideological process is a naturalizing move that drains the conceptual of its historical content, making it seem universal and timelessly true (Woolard & Schieffelin 1994). [source]

    Laparoscopic pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction: Outcome of initial 12 procedures

    Abstract Background:, Open pyeloplasty has been the gold standard for surgical treatment of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, enjoying a long-term success rate exceeding 90%. Unfortunately, this procedure requires a muscle incision that entails some degree of morbidity. We have, therefore, investigated the feasibility of laparoscopic pyeloplasty for UPJ obstruction and report here the outcomes of our early cases. The median follow up is 25 months (range, 12,42 months). Methods:, Between March 1999 and September 2001 we performed laparoscopic pyeloplasty on 12 ureters in 11 patients presenting with symptomatic hydronephrosis, secondary to a short stenosis of the UPJ or to ventrally crossing vessels; bilateral pyeloplasty was performed as a single procedure in one patient. We performed dismembered Anderson,Hynes pyeloplasty, Fenger plasty and Y-V plasty in eight, two and two ureters, respectively. All procedures were carried out transperitoneally. Results:, The procedure was completed successfully in all cases. Crossing vessels were noted in six of 12 ureters (50.0%). Mean operative time and blood loss in 11 patients (including one bilateral case) were 272.8 min (range, 175,480 min) and 96.4 mL (range, 20,340 mL), respectively. Postoperative complications were noted in two patients (18.2%): one instance of prolonged urine leakage and one anastomotic re-stricture. Eleven of 12 ureters (91.6%) demonstrated a patent UPJ on excretory urography and/or improvement of renal function on diuretic renography at a minimum follow up of 12 months. Conclusion:, Although the procedure requires advanced laparoscopic skills, it can be safely and successfully completed as frequently as the conventional open procedure. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty seems to be a valuable alternative to open pyeloplasty for UPJ obstruction. [source]

    Cost-effective laparoscopic pyeloplasty: Single center experience

    Summary Objective:, Laparoscopic pyeloplasty (LPP) is a minimally invasive treatment option for ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. We report here our experience of performing cost-effective LPP on 24 patients at a single center. Methods:, Between October 1999 and March 2002, LPP was performed in 24 patients (17 male, seven female; age range 8,51 years) including two patients who had failed previous endourologic treatments. In two patients with concomitant renal stones, laparoscopic pyelolithotomy was also performed. LPP was conducted in a cost-reductive manner by both transperitoneal (n = 12) and retroperitoneal (n = 12) access. To reduce the cost, an indigenous balloon to create the retroperitoneal space, reusable ports, ordinary polyglactin suture and intracorporeal free-hand suturing were employed. To reduce operative time, antegrade stenting was also performed in some cases. Results:, Laparoscopic Anderson,Hynes pyeloplasty was performed in 16, Foley Y,V pyeloplasty in five and Fenger pyeloplasty in three patients. One patient required conversion to open surgery due to tension at the anastomosis site during Anderson,Hynes pyeloplasty. The mean operating time, blood loss, analgesic (pethidine) requirement, duration of drain and hospital stay for the retroperitoneal and transperitoneal groups were 170.3 and 187.6 min, 102.2 and 145.9 mL, 125 and 136.4 mg, 2.1 and 2.5 days, and 3.4 and 4.3 days, respectively. No significant complications were encountered apart from prolonged ileus in three patients in the transperitoneal group. The mean follow-up period was 10.8 months with a range of 2,24 months. Postoperative renal scan was performed at 3 months in 21 patients, and 1 year in 11 patients. There was evidence of equivocal obstruction in one patient, but there were no obstructions in the remaining patients. Conclusion:, Although LPP is technically demanding, it is emerging as a viable, minimally invasive alternative to open pyeloplasty for UPJ obstruction with a success rate similar to that of open pyeloplasty. It allows the duplication of open surgery steps (unlike endoscopic procedures), thereby providing durable and sustained results. LPP can also be performed safely, effectively and efficiently in a cost-efficient manner. [source]

    The European Union and Asia , Reflections and Re-orientations , Edited by P. Anderson and G. Wiessala

    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Geopolitics of European Union Enlargement: The Fortress Empire , Edited by W. Armstrong and J. Anderson

    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Identifying the new Keynesian Phillips curve

    James M. Nason
    Phillips curves are central to discussions of inflation dynamics and monetary policy. The hybrid new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) describes how past inflation, expected future inflation, and a measure of real aggregate demand drive the current inflation rate. This paper studies the (potential) weak identification of the NKPC under Generalized Method of Moments and traces this syndrome to a lack of higher-order dynamics in exogenous variables. We employ analytic methods to understand the economics of the NKPC identification problem in the canonical three-equation, new Keynesian model. We revisit the empirical evidence for the USA, the UK, and Canada by constructing tests and confidence intervals based on the Anderson and Rubin (1949) statistic, which is robust to weak identification. We also apply the Guggenberger and Smith (2008) LM test to the underlying NKPC pricing parameters. Both tests yield little evidence of forward-looking inflation dynamics. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Disability, Respect and Justice

    abstract Recent political philosophers have argued that criteria of social justice that defend distributing resources to individuals on the basis of the disadvantages of their natural endowments are disrespectful and disparaging. Clearly influenced by the social model of disability, Elizabeth Anderson and Thomas Pogge have recently defended criteria of social justice that distribute resources to people with disabilities on the basis of eliminating discrimination, not making up for so-called natural disadvantage. I argue that it is implausible to suggest that just entitlements for people with disability can be secured solely by eliminating discrimination. Resources for people with disabilities must sometimes be justified on the grounds that some natural endowments pose disadvantages even in societies that do not discriminate. I argue further that there need be nothing at all disrespectful about this way of explaining disadvantage; nor have proponents of the social model of disability or political philosophers provided any compelling reasons for supposing that it is disrespectful. There is thus no motivation for Anderson's and Pogge's attempts to secure justice for people with disabilities by appealing solely to the imperative to eliminate discrimination. [source]

    Longer you play, the more hostile you feel: examination of first person shooter video games and aggression during video game play

    Christopher P. Barlett
    Abstract This study investigated the effects of video game play on aggression. Using the General Aggression Model, as applied to video games by Anderson and Bushman, [2002] this study measured physiological arousal, state hostility, and how aggressively participants would respond to three hypothetical scenarios. In addition, this study measured each of these variables multiple times to gauge how aggression would change with increased video game play. Results showed a significant increase from baseline in hostility and aggression (based on two of the three story stems), which is consistent with the General Aggression Model. This study adds to the existing literature on video games and aggression by showing that increased play of a violent first person shooter video game can significantly increase aggression from baseline. Aggr. Behav. 33:486,497, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]


    ABSTRACT This study determined the drying kinetics behavior of papaya at different temperatures (40, 50, 60, 70 and 80C). Desorption isotherms were determined at 5, 20 and 50C over a relative humidity range of 10,95%. The Guggenheim, Anderson and de Boer models were found to be suitable for description of the sorption data. The samples reached equilibrium moisture of 0.10 ± 0.01 g water/g dry matter. Fick's second law model was used to calculate the effective diffusivity (6.25,24.32 × 10 - 10 m2/s). In addition, experimental data were fitted by means of seven mathematical models. The kinetic parameters and the diffusion coefficient were temperature-dependent and were evaluated by an Arrhenius-type equation. The modified Page model obtained the best-fit quality on experimental data according to statistical tests applied. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The main utility of this study is the application of both different empirical models and the diffusional model in tropical fruits' dehydration, which can be considered a basis for a very accurate estimation of drying time and the optimization of the same process. Two newly mathematical models are proposed in this study, through which a good fit on the data of experimental moisture content was achieved. The study of drying of papaya cultivated in Chile engages a great technological interest, because this product is widely used in the development of different products such as candying, canning, juice, syrup and marmalade. In addition, papayas cultivated in Chile, along with other tropical fruits cultivated in Brazil, Colombia and the Caribbean, have become especially important in the exportations of these countries. The major markets for these products include the U.S.A., the European Community and Asia. [source]

    An evaluation of tests of distributional forecasts

    JOURNAL OF FORECASTING, Issue 6-7 2003
    Pablo Noceti
    Abstract One popular method for testing the validity of a model's forecasts is to use the probability integral transforms (pits) of the forecasts and to test for departures from the dual hypotheses of independence and uniformity, with departures from uniformity tested using the Kolmogorov,Smirnov (KS) statistic. This paper investigates the power of five statistics (including the KS statistic) to reject uniformity of the pits in the presence of misspecification in the mean, variance, skewness or kurtosis of the forecast errors. The KS statistic has the lowest power of the five statistics considered and is always dominated by the Anderson and Darling statistic. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Fifty years of Australian pediatric gastroenterology

    Don Cameron
    Abstract When the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) began 50 years ago there were very few pediatric gastroenterologists in the world. The ,Mother' of Paediatric Gastroenterology was Australian Charlotte (,Charlo') Anderson who established one of the world's first pediatric gastroenterology units in Melbourne in the early 1960s. Her earlier work in Birmingham had identified gluten as the component of wheat responsible for celiac disease and helped separate maldigestion (cystic fibrosis) and mucosal malabsorption. The first comprehensive textbook of Paediatric Gastroenterology was edited by Charlotte Anderson and Valerie Burke in 1975. Rudge Townley succeeded Charlotte Anderson in Melbourne and went on to further develop small bowel biopsy techniques making it a safe, simple, and quick procedure that led to much greater understanding of small bowel disease and ultimately the discovery of Rotavirus by Ruth Bishop et al. and subsequently to Rotavirus immunization. Australian Paediatric Gastroenterology subsequently developed rapidly with units being established in all mainland capital cities by the end of the 1970s. The Australian Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (AuSPGHAN) was established in the 1980s. Australians have contributed significantly in many areas of gastroenterology in infants, children, and adolescents including celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, liver disease, transplantation, gastrointestinal infection, allergy, indigenous health, inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal motility, and the development of novel tests of gastrointestinal function and basic science. There have also been major contributions to nutrition in cystic fibrosis, end-stage liver disease, and intestinal failure. The future of Australian Paediatric Gastroenterology is in good hands. [source]

    The expanding clinical spectrum of Anderson,Fabry disease: a challenge to diagnosis in the novel era of enzyme replacement therapy

    A. C. Hauser
    Abstract. Anderson,Fabry disease is an X-linked recessive lysosomal storage disease resulting from deficient ,-galactosidase A activity. The conception of the disease has changed within the last decade. Studies of the last years have shown that the disease is not limited to the classical full-blown manifestation in affected males, which is well known since more than a century, but may also occur in carrier females. The phenomenology may differ in severity and kind of organ manifestation. Cardiac and renal variants with solely disease manifestation of these organs have also been described in an increasing number. It is likely that a spectrum exists regarding ,-galactosidase A activity in both genders on the one hand, and an additional one regarding the severity and the number of organs affected on the other. The purpose of this review is to sharpen physicians' perception of this disease. Early and accurate diagnosis is mandatory considering that this disorder is now, after introduction of the novel enzyme replacement therapy, a treatable disease. [source]

    Comparative analysis of CFD models of dense gas,solid systems

    AICHE JOURNAL, Issue 5 2001
    B. G. M. van Wachem
    Many gas,solid CFD models have been put forth by academic researchers, government laboratories, and commercial vendors. These models often differ in terms of both the form of the governing equations and the closure relations, resulting in much confusion in the literature. These various forms in the literature and in commercial codes are reviewed and the resulting hydrodynamics through CFD simulations of fluidized beds compared. Experimental data on fluidized beds of Hilligardt and Werther (1986), Kehoe and Davidson (1971), Darton et al.(1977), and Kuipers (1990) are used to quantitatively assess the various treatments. Predictions based on the commonly used governing equations of Ishii (1975) do not differ from those of Anderson and Jackson (1967) in terms of macroscopic flow behavior, but differ on a local scale. Flow predictions are not sensitive to the use of different solid stress models or radial distribution functions, as different approaches are very similar in dense flow regimes. The application of a different drag model, however, significantly impacts the flow of the solids phase. A simplified algebraic granular energy-balance equation is proposed for determining the granular temperature, instead of solving the full granular energy balance. This simplification does not lead to significantly different results, but it does reduce the computational effort of the simulations by about 20%. [source]

    A two-phase analysis of solute partitioning into the stratum corneum

    Johannes M. Nitsche
    Abstract An analysis is presented of partition coefficients KSC/w describing solute distribution into fully hydrated stratum corneum (SC) from dilute aqueous solution (w). A comprehensive database is compiled from the experimental literature covering more than eight decades in the octanol/water partition coefficient Ko/w. It is analyzed according to a two-phase model following that of Anderson, Raykar, and coworkers (1988, 1989), which accounts for uptake by intercellular lipid and corneocyte (keratin plus water) phases having inherently different lipophilicities, as characterized by an SC lipid/water partition coefficient Klip/w and a partition coefficient PCpro/w quantifying cornoeocyte-phase binding. Regression of 72 data points yields useful best-fit recalibrations of power laws (or linear free energy relationships) giving Klip/w and PCpro/w as functions of Ko/w. The specific conclusions of the analysis are as follows: (i) The two-phase model offers substantial improvements over previously proposed analytical representations of KSC/w, yielding an rms error in log10KSC/w of 0.30 limited by the scatter in the data. (ii) The best-fit description of the lipid phase is given by the power law Klip/w,=,0.43 (Ko/w)0.81, suggesting about half the absolute value of Klip/w relative to previous estimates. (iii) The best-fit description of corneocyte-phase binding differs negligibly from the correlation found by Anderson, Raykar, and coworkers for the more limited set of compounds studied by them. Explicit consideration of the two-phase nature of the SC also furnishes a rational basis for predicting the effects of varying hydration state upon KSC/w. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 95:649,666, 2006 [source]

    Phonological recoding deficit in working memory of dyslexic teenagers

    Sue Palmer
    The picture span performance of developmental dyslexic teenagers (mean age 14 years 1 month) was compared to the picture span performance of both RA (mean age 9 years 0 month) and chronological age match controls (mean age 14 years 1 month). Three stimulus lists were manipulated for visual and phonological similarity. Findings indicated that all three groups showed a significant phonological similarity effect but only the dyslexic group showed a significant visual similarity effect. The presence of dual visual-verbal coding is postulated to be responsible for the ,noisy' encoding which others (e.g. Johnston and Anderson, 1998; Swan and Goswami, 1997) have suggested is a root cause of dyslexia. The results are discussed in terms of developmental deficits in the central executive of the working memory system. [source]

    Measuring knowledge of natural selection: A comparison of the CINS, an open-response instrument, and an oral interview

    Ross H. Nehm
    Abstract Growing recognition of the central importance of fostering an in-depth understanding of natural selection has, surprisingly, failed to stimulate work on the development and rigorous evaluation of instruments that measure knowledge of it. We used three different methodological tools, the Conceptual Inventory of Natural Selection (CINS), a modified version of Bishop and Anderson's (Bishop and Anderson [1990] Journal of Research in Science Teaching 27: 415,427) open-response test that we call the Open Response Instrument (ORI), and an oral interview derived from both instruments, to measure biology majors' understanding of and alternative conceptions about natural selection. We explored how these instruments differentially inform science educators about the knowledge and alternative conceptions their students harbor. Overall, both the CINS and ORI provided excellent replacements for the time-consuming process of oral interviews and produced comparable measures of key concept diversity and, to a lesser extent, key concept frequency. In contrast, the ORI and CINS produced significantly different measures of both alternative conception diversity and frequency, with the ORI results completely concordant with oral interview results. Our study indicated that revisions of both the CINS and ORI are necessary because of numerous instrument items characterized by low discriminability, high and/or overlapping difficulty, and mismatches with the sample. While our results revealed that both instruments are valid and generally reliable measures of knowledge and alternative conceptions about natural selection, a test combining particular components of both instruments,a modified version of the CINS to test for key concepts, and a modified version of the ORI to assess student alternative conceptions,should be used until a more approprite instrument is developed and rigorously evaluated. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 1131,1160, 2008 [source]

    Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum (Anderson,Fabry's disease): a case report

    Daniela Massi
    Abstract We report on a 14-year-old boy who presented with a 4-year history of acral pains and febrile episodes. On physical examination, numerous small reddish papules were present on his abdomen, located predominantly on the periumbelical region. Renal function was within normal limits. Ophthalmological examination revealed whorled opacities of the cornea (cornea verticillata) and dilated tortuous conjunctival vessels. Histopathological examination of one of the cutaneous papules showed several dilated blood vessels in the superficial dermis surrounded by collarettes of thickened rete ridges, consistent with a diagnosis of angiokeratoma. The electron-microscopic study of a skin specimen demonstrated the presence of dilated lysosomes with deposition of electron-dense bodies, some of which with laminated structure, in endothelial cells and fibroblasts. These findings were regarded as indicative of Fabry's disease. Subsequent biochemical analysis confirmed the presence of a ,-galactosidase A deficiency in leukocytes. In conclusion, we described the clinical, histopathological and submicroscopic findings of a case of Fabry's disease, in which the combination of electron microscopic and biochemical approaches allowed the correct diagnosis. [source]

    Physicochemical properties and application of pullulan edible films and coatings in fruit preservation

    Tony Diab
    Abstract The effects of water, sorbitol and a sucrose fatty acid ester (SE) on the water sorption behaviour and thermal and mechanical properties of pullulan-based edible films as well as the physiological responses of fruit coated with pullulan have been studied. Incorporation of sorbitol or SE in pullulan films resulted in lower equilibrium moisture contents at low to intermediate water activities (aw), but much higher moisture contents at aw,>,0.75; estimates of monolayer values (within 4.1,5.9,gH2O,kg,1 solids) were given by application of the Brunauer,Emmett,Teller (BET) and Guggenheim,Anderson,DeBoer (GAB) models. A single glass,rubber transition (Tg), attributed to the polysaccharide component, was detected by calorimetry and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) at a sorbitol level of 15,30% DM. With both tests the strong plasticising action of water and polyol was evident in the thermal curves, and the Tg vs moisture content data were successfully fitted to the Gordon,Taylor empirical model. Multifrequency DMTA measurements provided estimates for the apparent activation energy of the glass transition in the range of , 300,488,kJ,mol,1. With large-deformation mechanical testing, large decreases in Young's moduli (tensile and three-point bend tests) were observed as a result of water- and/or polyol-mediated glass-to-rubber transition of the polymeric films. In the moisture content range of 2,8%, increases in flexural modulus (E) and maximum stress (,max) with small increases in moisture content were found for films made of pullulan or pullulan mixed with 15% DM sorbitol; a strong softening effect was observed when the water content exceeded this range. Addition of sorbitol increased the water vapour transmission rate of the films, whereas addition of SE had the opposite effect. Application of a pullulan/sorbitol/SE coating on strawberries resulted in large changes in internal fruit atmosphere composition which were beneficial for extending the shelf-life of this fruit; the coated fruit showed much higher levels of CO2, a large reduction in internal O2, better firmness and colour retention and a reduced rate of weight loss. In contrast, similar studies on whole kiwifruits showed increased levels of internal ethylene, which caused acceleration of fruit ripening during storage. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

    Anderson, D.T. (Ed):Invertebrate Zoology, 2nd edn.

    476pp, Oxford University Press, Victoria, paper cover. £27.99.


    ABSTRACT. An important technical component of natural resource management, particularly in an adaptive management context, is optimization. This is used to select the most appropriate management strategy, given a model of the system and all relevant available information. For dynamic resource systems, dynamic programming has been the de facto standard for deriving optimal state-specific management strategies. Though effective for small-dimension problems, dynamic programming is incapable of providing solutions to larger problems, even with modern microcomputing technology. Reinforcement learning is an alternative, related procedure for deriving optimal management strategies, based on stochastic approximation. It is an iterative process that improves estimates of the value of state-specific actions based in interactions with a system, or model thereof. Applications of reinforcement learning in the field of artificial intelligence have illustrated its ability to yield near-optimal strategies for very complex model systems, highlighting the potential utility of this method for ecological and natural resource management problems, which tend to be of high dimension. I describe the concept of reinforcement learning and its approach of estimating optimal strategies by temporal difference learning. I then illustrate the application of this method using a simple, well-known case study of Anderson [1975], and compare the reinforcement learning results with those of dynamic programming. Though a globally-optimal strategy is not discovered, it performs very well relative to the dynamic programming strategy, based on simulated cumulative objective return. I suggest that reinforcement learning be applied to relatively complex problems where an approximate solution to a realistic model is preferable to an exact answer to an oversimplified model. [source]

    Rave Culture: The Alteration and Decline of a Philadelphia Music Scene by Tammy L. Anderson

    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Prepared for challenges: The importance of a professional and institutional ethical identity

    Sharon K. Anderson
    Anderson, Harbour, and Davies (2007) have proposed a framework of professional identity development for community college leaders. We further this discussion by introducing the idea of "institutional ethical identity" and offer suggestions for how leaders and constituents can work together to build a shared ethical identity on the community college campus. [source]