Instrumental Support (instrumental + support)

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Selected Abstracts

When multi-problem poor individuals' values meet practitioners' values!

Liliana Sousa
Abstract Every intervention process can be thought of as a journey of partnership between people, as well as an intellectual journey of ideas and an emotional journey of relationships. This exploratory study aims at reaching a better understanding of three questions: (i) What values do individual heads of multi-problem poor households and practitioners show regarding their relationship? (ii) How might those values inform the interaction between them, in positive and/or negative ways? (iii) What might the value system which organizes the interaction between the participants be? This study was carried out using a critical incidents technique and was based on a sample comprising two sub-groups: 100 heads of multi-problem poor families and 97 professionals. Findings reveal the following individual values: heads of multi-problem poor families value instrumental support, relationships and effectiveness; while professionals' appreciate relationships, obedience to their own instructions and (in)effectiveness. These value systems seem to frame the interaction in games of responsibility avoidance that lead to the individuals' disempowerment, disguised in an aura of ,adequate impotence'. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Soliciting and Providing Social Support Over the Internet: An Investigation of Online Eating Disorder Support Groups

Kristen Campbell Eichhorn
Using a longitudinal, systematic random sample of 490 postings, this study analyzed the type of social support provided, the strategies used to solicit social support, and the themes on the top 5 Yahoo! eating disorder discussion boards. Optimal match theory was used as the theoretical framework for the study. Results suggest that messages providing informational support were more prevalent than those providing instrumental support. Also, the findings revealed that the most frequent strategy for soliciting support was sharing experiences and the most frequent theme was positive affect. The results of the study highlight the significance of prosocial communication exchanges on these discussion boards. Résumé Solliciter et apporter un soutien social sur Internet : Une étude des groupes de soutien en ligne liés aux troubles alimentaires Par une analyse longitudinale et systématique d,un échantillon aléatoire de 490 messages tirés des cinq plus grands babillards Yahoo! portant sur les troubles alimentaires, cette étude analyse le type de soutien social offert, les stratégies utilisées pour solliciter du soutien social ainsi que les thčmes des messages. La théorie de la correspondance optimale (optimal match theory) fut utilisée comme cadre théorique de l'étude. Les résultats suggčrent que les messages apportant un soutien informationnel furent plus courants que ceux fournissant un soutien instrumental. De plus, les résultats révčlent que la stratégie de recherche de soutien la plus fréquente était le partage d'expériences et que le thčme le plus courant était l'émotion positive. Les résultats de l'étude soulignent l,importance des échanges communicationnels ŕ caractčre sociable sur ces babillards. Abstract Kontaktanbahnung und soziale Unterstützung mit Hilfe des Internets: Eine Untersuchung von Online-Selbsthilfegruppen zum Thema Essstörungen Anhand einer zufälligen, systematischen Langzeitstichprobe von 490 Einträgen in den Top5 Yahoo! Diskussionsforen zu Essstörungen, untersuchten wir zum einen die Form der sozialen Unterstützung, zum anderen die Strategien der Anbahnung dieser sozialen Unterstützung und die diskutierten Themen. Die Theorie der optimalen Übereinstimmung diente als theoretischer Rahmen für die Studie. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Unterstützungsbotschaften informationeller Art häufiger vorkamen als solche, die instrumentelle Unterstützung boten. Zudem zeigten die Ergebnisse auch, dass am häufigsten über Erlebnisse berichtet wurde, um einen Kontakt herzustellen und positiver Affekt am häufigsten thematisiert wurde. Die Ergebnisse der Studie unterstreichen den Stellenwert eines prosozialen Kommmunikationsaustausches in diesen Diskussionsforen. Resumen Solicitando y Proveyendo Apoyo Social a través del Internet: Una Investigación de los Grupos Online de Apoyo Social de Desórdenes de la Alimentación Usando una muestra longitudinal, sistemática al azar de 490 mensajes, este estudio analizó el tipo de apoyo social provisto, las estrategias usadas para solicitar apoyo social, y los tópicos de 5 foros de Yahoo! de desórdenes de la alimentación. La teoría del ajuste óptimo fue usada como marco teórico para este estudio. Los resultados sugieren que los mensajes que proveen información de apoyo fueron más prevalentes que aquellos que proveen de apoyo instrumental. Los hallazgos revelaron también que la estrategia más frecuente para solicitar apoyo fue el compartir experiencias y el tema más frecuente fue el afecto positivo. Los resultados de este estudio subrayan la significancia de los intercambios de comunicación pro-social en las discusiones de estos foros. ZhaiYao Yo yak [source]

More Kin, Less Support: Multipartnered Fertility and Perceived Support Among Mothers

Kristen Harknett
Recent research has documented the high prevalence of having children with more than 1 partner, termed multipartnered fertility. Because childbearing is an important mechanism for building kin networks, we theorize that multipartnered fertility will influence the availability of social support for mothers. Analyzing 3 waves of data from the Fragile Families study (N = 12,259), we find that multipartnered fertility is negatively associated with the availability of financial, housing, and child-care support. Our longitudinal evidence suggests a bidirectional relationship in which multipartnered fertility reduces the availability of support, and the availability of support inhibits multipartnered fertility. We conclude that smaller and denser kin networks seem to be superior to broader, but weaker kin ties in terms of perceived instrumental support. [source]

The resources of parents with a child in psychiatric inpatient care

The purpose of this study was to analyse and describe the resources of parents with a child in psychiatric inpatient care. The factors associated with parental coping were also assessed. The data were collected from 19 hospitals with a child psychiatry unit. At the time of data collection, all the parents of the children in psychiatric inpatient care in these hospitals were invited to participate in the study (N = 268). The method of data collection was a questionnaire including open-ended questions. The response percentage was 30% (N = 79). The data were analysed using SPSS software. The replies to the open-ended questions were analysed utilizing data-based content analysis. The findings indicated that the parents received more emotional than instrumental support. Few got financial support. The parents got support from their spouses, families, friends and fellow-workers and the health care personnel. Nearly half of the parents wanted more support from health care personnel. Of the different kinds of social support reported, emotional support, support in the care and rearing of the child in inpatient care, love and acceptance correlated most strongly with parental coping. [source]

Social Support and Quality of Life Among Older People in Spain

Ballesteros, Rocío Fernández
Social support is a key concept in social gerontology; there is empirical evidence of its relationships with health, well,being and quality of life in old age. The density of an individual's social relationships, the degree to which he/she interacts with others and how much he/she receives and gives affect, instrumental support, and/or services are all associated with health indicators, subjective well,being, and quality of life measures. This article deals with social support in old age in Spain, its relationships with health indicators, and its role in quality of life. Several descriptive studies dealing with social integration, frequency of social interactions, satisfaction with social relationships, and formal and informal social support are reviewed. Finally, the role attributed by elders to social relationships is an important conditioning factor of quality of life. [source]

Intergenerational support and subjective health of older people in rural China: A gender-based longitudinal study

Shuzhuo Li
Aim:, To examine gender differences in the effect of intergenerational exchanges on subjective health of Chinese rural elderly. Methods:, Using the data from three waves of the survey ,Well-being of Elderly in Anhui Province, China' conducted in 2001, 2003 and 2006, respectively, this study uses random effect logit models for men and women separately. Results:, While an increase in instrumental support from children to older people is associated with deterioration in the subjective health of older men, financial support from older people to children is associated with improvement in the formers' subjective health. Although an increase in instrumental support from older people to children, and mutual emotional support is associated with improved subjective health of older women, financial support from children to older women has a negative effect on the latter's subjective health. Conclusions:, Reciprocal intergenerational transfers contribute to improvement in subjective health of older people, while increased support through demand-based transfers appears to result in deterioration of their health. [source]