Infected Plants (infected + plant)

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  • infected plant tissue

  • Selected Abstracts

    Enhanced proliferation and efficient transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus by adult Diaphorina citri after acquisition feeding in the nymphal stage

    H. Inoue
    Abstract We carried out a quantitative detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the bacterium associated with the disease of huanglongbing, in the vector psyllid Diaphorina citri by using a TaqMan real-time PCR assay. The concentration of the bacterium was monitored at 5-day intervals for a period of 20 days after psyllids were exposed as fifth instar nymphs or adults to a Ca. L. asiaticus-infected plant for an acquisition access period of 24 h. When adults fed on Ca. L. asiaticus-infected plant, the concentration of the bacterium did not increase significantly and the pathogen was not transmitted to any citrus seedlings. In contrast, when psyllids fed on infected plant as nymphs, the concentration of the pathogen significantly increased by 25-, 360- and 130-fold from the initial acquisition day to 10, 15 and 20 days, respectively. Additionally, the pathogen was successfully transmitted to 67% of citrus seedlings by emerging adults. Our data suggested that multiplication of the bacterium into the psyllids is essential for an efficient transmission and show that it is difficult for adults to transmit the pathogen unless they acquire it as nymphs. [source]

    Vector within-host feeding preference mediates transmission of a heterogeneously distributed pathogen

    1. Ecological theory predicts that vector preference for certain host species or discrimination between infected versus uninfected hosts impacts disease incidence. However, little information exists on the extent to which vector within-host feeding preference mediates transmission. This may be particularly important for plant pathogens, such as sharpshooter transmission of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, which are distributed irregularly throughout hosts. 2. We documented the within-host distribution of two vector species that differ in transmission efficiency, the leafhoppers Draeculacephala minerva and Graphocephala atropunctata, and which are free to move throughout entirely caged alfalfa plants. The more efficient vector D. minerva fed preferentially at the base of the plant near the soil surface, whereas the less efficient G. atropunctata preferred overwhelming the top of the plant. 3. Next we documented X. fastidiosa heterogeneity in mechanically inoculated plants. Infection rates were up to 50% higher and mean bacterial population densities were 100-fold higher near the plant base than at the top or in the taproot. 4. Finally, we estimated transmission efficiency of the two leafhoppers when they were confined at either the base or top of inoculated alfalfa plants. Both vectors were inefficient when confined at the top of infected plants and were 20,60% more efficient when confined at the plant base. 5. These results show that vector transmission efficiency is determined by the interaction between leafhopper within-plant feeding behaviour and pathogen within-plant distribution. Fine-scale vector and pathogen overlap is likely to be a requirement generally for efficient transmission of vector-borne pathogens. [source]

    Eradication of the first outbreak of Xanthomonas fragariae in the United Kingdom

    EPPO BULLETIN, Issue 2 2009
    S. S. Matthews-Berry
    Xanthomonas fragariae was identified in the UK in strawberry fruiting crops in October 2004. As this pathogen had not been confirmed in the UK before and is listed as a quarantine organism by the EU and EPPO, emergency official action was taken to contain and eventually eradicate this pest. In order to eradicate this disease the affected growers were given the option of either destroying the crop to eradicate the disease immediately or maintaining the infected plants for the life of the crop for fruit production with hygiene measures to prevent the spread of the disease to uninfected crops. The affected growers chose to maintain the crops with hygiene measures to contain the disease. The crops continued to be monitored and no further symptoms were identified in either the infected crop or other crops on the farms. [source]

    Biomass, nutrient and pigment content of beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings infected with Phytophthora citricola, P. cambivora, P. pseudosyringae and P. undulata

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 2 2004
    F. Fleischmann
    Summary Fagus sylvatica saplings were infected with Phytophthora citricola, Phytophthora cambivora, Phytophthora pseudosyringae and Phytophthora undulata to study the influence of these root pathogens on total belowground and aboveground biomass, on the nutrient distribution within plants, on the concentration of plastid pigments, including tocopherol and on components of the xanthophyll cycle. Phytophthora citricola and P. cambivora infection significantly reduced total biomass of beech when compared with control plants and finally most of these plants died at the end of the experiment. However, beech invaded by the other two Phytophthora spp. did not differ from control plants and none of them was killed. Fine root length as well as the number of root tips of all infected beeches were reduced between 30 and 50%. The excellent growth of beech infected with P. pseudosyringae and P. undulata when compared with control plants was correlated with a strong increase of important root efficiency parameters. Phytophthora citricola and P. cambivora caused a significant reduction in nitrogen concentration of leaves in comparison with control and other infected plants, whereas this nutrient was slightly increased in fine and coarse roots. Furthermore, the phosphorus and potassium concentrations in leaves were impaired after infection with P. citricola. However, foliar concentrations of Ca and Mg were not affected by the different Phytophthora spp., whereas fine and coarse roots were significantly enriched with Ca in beech infected with P. citricola or P. cambivora. The concentrations of , -tocopherol and xanthophyll cycle pigments were increased in plants infected by P. citricola and P. cambivora, indicating that several reactive oxygen species might be formed in leaves during infection. Résumé Des plants de Fagus sylvatica ont été infectés par Phytophthora citricola, Phytophthora cambivora, Phytophthora pseudosyringae et Phytophthora undulata pour étudier l'effet de ces pathogènes racinaires sur la biomasse totale aérienne et racinaire, la distribution des éléments minéraux dans les plantes et la concentration en pigments des plastes, tocophérol et composants du cycle des xanthophylles. L'infection par P. citricola et P. cambivora a entraîné une réduction significative de la biomasse totale par rapport aux plantes témoins et la plupart des plants infectés sont morts au cours de l'expérience. Par contre, les hêtres infectés par les deux autres espèces de Phytophthora ne différent pas des témoins et aucune mortalité n'a été observée. Chez tous les hêtres infectés, une réduction de 30 à 50% de la longueur de racines fines et du nombre d'extrémités racinaires a été observée. La très bonne croissance des plants infectés par P. pseudosyringae et P. undulata par rapport aux témoins est associée à une forte augmentation de paramètres importants d'efficience racinaire. P. citricola et P. cambivora ont causé une réduction significative de la concentration foliaire en azote par rapport aux plantes témoins et aux autres plantes infectées, alors que la concentration était légèrement augmentée dans les fines et grosses racines. De plus, la concentration foliaire en phosphore et potassium a été altérée après infection par P. citricola. Les concentrations foliaires en Ca et Mg n'ont pas été affectées par les différentes espèces de Phytophthora, les fines et grosses racines étant significativement enrichies en Ca chez les plants infectés par P. citricola ou P. cambivora. La concentration en , -tocophérol et pigments du cycle des xanthophylles a augmenté dans les plants infectés par P. citricola et P. cambivora, suggérant la formation de plusieurs espèces actives de l'oxygène dans les feuilles pendant l'infection. Zusammenfassung Buchensämlinge wurden mit Phytophthora citricola, Phytophthora cambivora, Phytophthora pseudosyringae und mit Phytophthora undulata infiziert, um den Einfluss dieser Wurzelpathogene auf die oberirdische und unterirdische Biomasse, auf die Nährstoffverteilung innerhalb verschiedener Pflanzenorgane, sowie auf die Gehalte unterschiedlicher Photosynthesepigmente und Komponenten des Xanthophyll- Zyklus studieren zu können. Die Infektion mit P. citricola und P. cambivora führte zu einer deutlich reduzierten Gesamtbiomasse und am Versuchsende waren die meisten Pflanzen abgestorben. Dagegen überlebten alle mit P. pseudosyringae oder P. undulata infizierten Buchen und sie zeigten keine Unterschiede in ihren Biomassen verglichen mit Kontrollpflanzen bzw. übertrafen diese sogar. Die Feinwurzellänge und die Anzahl ihrer Wurzelspitzen war bei allen Phytophthora infizierten Pflanzen zwischen 30 und 50% im Vergleich zu denen der Kontrollen reduziert. Das ausgezeichnete Wachstum der P. pseudosyringae und P. undulata infizierten Pflanzen ging mit stark gesteigerten Wurzeleffizienzparametern einher. Die P. citricola und P. cambivora Infektion führte zu reduzierten Stickstoffgehalten in den Blättern. Die Gehalte in den Wurzeln waren jedoch leicht erhöht. Zudem wurden reduzierte Gehalte an Phosphor und Kalium in den Blättern gemessen. Die Calcium und Magnesium- Konzentrationen der Blätter unterschieden sich nicht von denen der Kontrollen. Allerdings wurde eine Calcium-Anreicherung in den Fein- und Grobwurzeln infizierter Pflanzen gemessen. Weiterhin zeigten wir, dass die Konzentrationen von , -Tocopherol und Pigmenten des Xanthophyll-Zyklus in Blättern P. citricola und P. cambivora infizierter Pflanzen erhöht waren, was möglicherweise auf die Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies hindeutet. [source]

    Fungal endophytes reduce regrowth and affect competitiveness of meadow fescue in early succession of pastures

    GRASS & FORAGE SCIENCE, Issue 3 2010
    S. Saari
    Abstract Systemic- and seed-transmitted fungal endophytes are suggested to enhance competitive dominance of agronomic grasses by increasing plant growth and defence against herbivores. We studied whether Neotyphodium uncinatum endophyte infection frequencies of meadow fescue (Schedonorus pratensis) and botanical composition of pastures are affected by 4, 5, 7 and 21 years of grazing by dairy cattle. We then examined with one greenhouse and two field experiments, whether endophyte infection and clipping affect regrowth of young or mature plants relative to nutrient availability in soil. The frequencies of infected plants and the number of plant species were less in grazed parts of the pastures. Endophytes significantly reduced relative regrowth and dry biomass of regrowth of the grass irrespective of nutrient levels in a 1-year-old field (on an average 18% in 2 months) and under high nutrient conditions in the greenhouse experiment (on an average 3% in 3 months) respectively. However, effects of endophytes were not detected in 5-year-old fields and under low nutrient conditions in the greenhouse. In contrast to past studies, our results demonstrate that grazing may negatively affect endophyte,grass symbiosis and number of plant species of successional pastures, and suggest that the effects of endophytes may be linked to the ontogeny of the host. [source]

    Infection of Bois-Noir tuf-type-I stolbur phytoplasma in Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) larvae and influence on larval size

    C. Kaul
    Abstract Recent dramatic spread of the grapevine yellows disease Bois Noir (BN) in Germany is above all explained by highly increased abundances of the vector Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) associated to the plant Urtica dioica, the reservoir of the BN pathogen stolbur tuf-type-I. The vector acquires BN-phytoplasma as larvae whilst feeding on the roots of infected U. dioica. To understand the dynamics of the Urtica -cycle, we tested at what instar larvae become infected and whether infection affects larvae size (i.e. growth) at two sites in the Mosel Valley, Germany. Larvae were tested from infected plants and collected at instar-stages 3, 4 and 5. Larvae at stage 3 were already infected but infection rates increased significantly between stage 3 and 5, mean infection rates: 0.12,0.62. There was no effect of infection on larval size at any instar stage. [source]

    Environmental stresses mediate endophyte,grass interactions in a boreal archipelago

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2010
    Nora M. Saona
    Summary 1.,Both evolutionary theory and empirical evidence from agricultural research support the view that asexual, vertically transmitted fungal endophytes are typically plant mutualists that develop high infection frequencies within host grass populations. In contrast, endophyte,grass interactions in natural ecosystems are more variable, spanning the range from mutualism to antagonism and comparatively little is known about their range of response to environmental stress. 2.,We examined patterns in endophyte prevalence and endophyte,grass interactions across nutrient and grazing (from Greylag and Canada geese) gradients in 15 sites with different soil moisture levels in 13 island populations of the widespread grass Festuca rubra in a boreal archipelago in Sweden. 3.,In the field, endophyte prevalence levels were generally low (range = 10,53%) compared with those reported from agricultural systems. Under mesic-moist conditions endophyte prevalence was constantly low (mean prevalence = 15%) and was not affected by grazing pressure or nutrient availability. In contrast, under conditions of drought, endophyte prevalence increased from 10% to 53% with increasing nutrient availability and increasing grazing pressure. 4.,In the field, we measured the production of flowering culms, as a proxy for host fitness, to determine how endophyte-infected plants differed from uninfected plants. At dry sites, endophyte infection did not affect flowering culm production. In contrast, at mesic-moist sites production of flowering culms in endophyte-infected plants increased with the covarying effects of increasing nutrient availability and grazing pressure, indicating that the interaction switched from antagonistic to mutualistic. 5.,A concurrent glasshouse experiment showed that in most situations, the host appears to incur some costs for harbouring endophytes. Uninfected grasses generally outperformed infected grasses (antagonistic interaction), while infected grasses outperformed uninfected grasses (mutualistic interaction) only in dry, nutrient-rich conditions. Nutrient and water addition affected tiller production, leaf number and leaf length differently, suggesting that tillers responded with different strategies. This emphasizes that several response variables are needed to evaluate the interaction. 6.,Synthesis. This study found complex patterns in endophyte prevalence that were not always correlated with culm production. These contrasting patterns suggest that the direction and strength of selection on infected plants is highly variable and depends upon a suite of interacting environmental variables that may fluctuate in the intensity of their impact, during the course of the host life cycle. [source]

    Short-term epidemic dynamics in the Cakile maritima,Alternaria brassicicola host,pathogen association

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 5 2001
    Peter H. Thrall
    Summary 1Studies combining within- and among-population processes are crucial for understanding ecological and co-evolutionary dynamics in host,pathogen interactions. We report on work over an 18-month period involving multiple beach populations of the plant Cakile maritima and its fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola along the south-east coast of Australia. 2Results from permanent transects replicated on several beaches show that disease incidence and prevalence vary significantly with plant age, class and distance from the sea, as well as time during the season. Plant density is also positively related to disease levels. 3Results from three subregions indicate that disease persistence depends on survival of infected plants behind the foredunes of protected beaches. Population extinction was more likely on beaches with greater wind exposure and sea access, with the latter also related to colonization consistent with the dispersal of Cakile seeds via ocean currents. 4Although disease dynamics during the epidemic were similar across subregions, the severity of the epidemic varied significantly among these areas, suggesting that large-scale environmental factors may influence the timing and development of the epidemic. 5Estimates of synchrony in disease dynamics indicated that populations within a subregion were significantly correlated with respect to epidemic development. There was, however, no evidence for spatial synchrony in disease dynamics based on among-population covariances in disease prevalence and interbeach distances. Populations within a subregion were thus often at quite different phases of the epidemic at any given time. [source]

    Variety-specific Epidemiology of Cercospora beticola Sacc. and Consequences for Threshold-based Timing of Fungicide Application in Sugar Beet

    Ulrike Kaiser
    Abstract In Central Europe, fungicides to control leaf spot disease in sugar beet caused by Cercospora beticola are applied based on thresholds of disease incidence (DI, per cent of infected plants). As variety-specific fungicide application was not analyzed to date, the epidemiology of C. beticola and its effect on white sugar yield (WSY) in varieties with different susceptibility were investigated at seven sites in Germany and Austria in 2004 and 2005. All varieties reached the summary thresholds 5 / 15 / 45% DI in all environments. Fitting a logistic growth curve to DI revealed significant differences among varieties. At high disease pressure, susceptible varieties reached a considerably higher disease severity (DS, per cent of infected leaf area) at harvest and a larger area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) than resistant varieties. Fitting a logistic growth curve to DS showed an increasing differentiation among varieties with time. The growth rate estimated based on the logistic growth curve was the only variable that performed equally well in differentiating varieties under low and high disease pressure. With increasing disease pressure, varieties differed considerably in WSY, but differences between susceptible and resistant varieties were significant only in some environments. The disease-loss relation between AUDPC and relative WSY was variety-specific. Resistant varieties had an approximately identical WSY with and without infection and compensated for negative infection effects even at higher AUDPC. Therefore, at high disease pressure, resistant varieties had a higher relative yield compared to susceptible ones. However, our results indicate that there is no need to develop variety-specific thresholds, but resistant varieties reach the established thresholds later than susceptible ones. Consequently, the time of fungicide application can be delayed in resistant varieties. This will help to reduce the use of fungicides to the bare essentials as requested for the integrated crop protection management. [source]

    Detection of Puccinia striiformis in Latently Infected Wheat Leaves by Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction

    Xiaojie Wang
    Abstract Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is one of the most devastating wheat diseases worldwide, especially in temperate regions with cool moist weather conditions. The identification of the pathogen in infected plants based on morphological or physiological criteria before sporulation is labour-intensive and time-consuming. To accelerate and simplify the process of detection, a nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay was developed for specific and sensitive detection of Pst. Specific primers Psta-Psts were designed according to a genome-specific sequence of Pst. In nested PCR, with a 10-fold dilution series of template DNA, the detection limit was 2 pg DNA in the first PCR with the primers Psta-Psts. The second round PCR was then performed using amplified products from the first PCR as the template and Nesta-Nests as the primers. An amplification signal was detectable even when only 2 fg of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici DNA was used as the template in nested PCR. With nested PCR, the sensitivity of detection was enhanced 1000 fold. Using extracts from stripe rust-infected wheat leaves, the fungus could be determined in the leaves before symptom appearance. The assay provides a rapid and sensitive method for detection of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici in latently infected leaves of overwintering wheat plants. [source]

    Development of a Sensitive Serological Method for Specific Detection of Latent Infection of Macrophomina phaseolina in Cowpea

    Leonard Afouda
    Abstract A double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) was developed for the specific detection and quantification of Macrophomina phaseolina in plant tissue. Both polyclonal antisera produced against immunogens from mycelium and culture filtrate of M. phaseolina detected the fungus in mycelial and plant extracts, although the antibodies raised against mycelium were more sensitive. No cross-reaction occurred with Rhizopus stolonifer, Pythium ultimum, Mucor hiemalis, Fusarium oxysporum, Septoria nodorum, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Phytophthora infestans and Aspergillus niger. In enzyme assays, activity of the endo-acting hydrolytic enzymes 1,3-,-glucanase and, less, cellulase, but not xylanase was detected in infected plants. DAS-ELISA was more sensitive than the 1,3-,-glucanase assay. In polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) up to 18 protein bands were observed, with four bands occurring in the 12 tested isolates deriving from various geographical origin in Niger and Nigeria. The enzyme assays and protein patterns were considered not suitable for specific M. phaseolina detection. Macrophomina phaseolina was essentially located in the roots and hypocotyls, and less in epicotyls and leaves of infected plants. The antibodies were also useful to detect latent infection and the infection of cowpea seeds. [source]

    Molecular Characterization and Potential Insect Vector of a Phytoplasma Associated with Garden Beet Witches' Broom in Yazd, Iran

    A. Mirzaie
    Abstract In 2002, garden beet witches' broom (GBWB) phytoplasma was detected for the first time in garden beet plants (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. esculenta) in Yazd, Iran. Nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) analysis of PCR-amplified phytoplasma 16S rDNA were employed for the detection and identification of the phytoplasma associated with garden beet. A phytoplasma belonging to subgroup 16SrII-E, in the peanut witches' broom group (16SrII), was detected in infected plants. Asymptomatic plant samples and the negative control yielded no amplification. The result of analysis of the nucleotide sequence of a 1428 bp fragment of 16S rDNA gene from GBWB phytoplasma (GenBank accession number DQ302722) was basically consistent with the classification based on RFLP analysis, in which GBWB phytoplasma clustered with phytoplasmas of the 16SrII-E subgroup. A search for a natural phytoplasma vector was conducted in Yazd in 2004, in an area where garden beet crops had been affected since 2002. The associated phytoplasma was detected in one leafhopper species, Orosius albicinctus, commonly present in this region. The leafhopper O. albicinctus was used in transmission tests to determine its vector status for the phytoplasma associated with GBWB. Two of eight plants that had been fed on by O. albicinctus, showed mild symptoms of GBWB including stunting and reddening of midveins. A phytoplasma was detected in the two symptomatic test plants by PCR using universal primers and it was identified by RFLP as the GBWB phytoplasma. This finding suggests O. albicinctus is a vector of the GBWB phytoplasma. [source]

    Optimization of RT,PCR for the Detection of Bean leaf roll virus in Plant Hosts and Insect Vectors

    V. Ortiz
    Abstract The detection of luteoviruses by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT,PCR) depends on the adequate quality and quantity of extracted viral nucleic acids. We have optimized the detection of Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV) using selective precipitation by LiCl of viral RNA from a small quantity of infected plant tissues and insect vectors. The optimal template for PCR was 15 ,l of RT reaction mixture. BLRV was detected in different plant hosts and aphid vectors and Aphis fabae, previously considered to be a non-vector of BLRV, was found to acquire the virus from infected plants. [source]

    Effect of Chestnut Ink Disease on Photosynthetic Performance

    J. Gomes-Laranjo
    Abstract In order to evaluate the evolutionary impact of chestnut ink disease, infected trees (cv. Judia), were compared with non-infected trees, in three separate months: July, September and October. The aim of this work is to analyse the effects of the infection using parameters related to plant water relations, gas exchange and biometric data of leaves and fruits. In this period, temperatures decreased from 31 to 16°C contrarily to precipitation, which increased from 18 to 178 mm, respectively. In consequence, leaf water potential changed between ,1.6 and ,1.0 MPa while in infected plants the values maintained around ,1.2 MPa over the referred period. Nevertheless, at the gas exchanges level, differences in stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis were only detected in October. Concerning photosynthesis rate, the infected plants showed, in relation to September, a reduction around 35% whereas in non-infected plants the decline was 25%. Alterations in the chlorophyll contents were also observed between September and October. In infected plants reduction on total amount of chlorophyll was from 18.6 to 13.4 mg/Wf, while in non-infected plants values were only decayed from 15.1 to 13.1 mg/Wf. In relation to chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio, plants infected by the oomycete preserved values in the level of 2.6, whereas in healthy plants values changed from 2.5 to 2.3. Leaves and fruits from infected chestnut trees were 13 and 20% smaller, respectively than those from non-infected. Fruits from infected plants also had less starch but more crude protein. [source]

    Host Range of an Iranian Isolate of Watermelon Chlorotic Stunt Virus as Determined by Whitefly-mediated Inoculation and Agroinfection, and its Geographical Distribution

    K. Bananej
    Abstract Virus like symptoms appeared on most watermelon plants grown at different locations in southern provinces of Iran. The symptoms included chlorotic patches on leaves, vein yellowing and stunting of watermelon plants. The causal agent of watermelon chlorotic stunt disease was transmitted to healthy watermelon, jimsonweed and bean by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, but not by sap inoculation. Coat protein and nucleic acid of Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV) were detected in infected plants using a dot-immunobinding assay (DIBA) and squash-blot hybridization, respectively. The data obtained confirmed that watermelon chlorotic stunt disease in Iran is caused by WmCSV. Agroinoculation of some plant species by the cloned genomic components (DNA-A and DNA-B) of a non-sap-transmissible Iranian isolate of WmCSV (WmCSV-Ir) has been demonstrated. Host range studies using agroinoculation indicated that most plant species in the Cucurbitaceae and some species of the Solanaceae are susceptible to WmCSV-Ir. Infection of agroinoculated plants was confirmed by DIBA and polymerase chain reaction. The virus from agroinfected plants was transmissible by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Results obtained from a limited survey during 1997,2000 indicated the presence of WmCSV-Ir in some watermelon-growing provinces of southern but not in northern, central, and north-eastern provinces of Iran. WmCSV has apparently not yet spread to these regions. [source]

    Increased effectiveness of the Trichoderma harzianum isolate T-78 against Fusarium wilt on melon plants under nursery conditions

    Agustina Bernal-Vicente
    Abstract BACKGROUND: The use of isolates of the genus Trichoderma to control Fusarium wilt in melon plants is one of the most recent and effective alternatives to chemical treatments. In this work we have studied the immobilization of the isolate Trichoderma harzianum T-78 on different carriers as an efficient method to control vascular Fusarium wilt of melon in nurseries. Different formulations were developed: liquids (spore suspension, guar gum and carboxymethylcellulose) and solids (bentonite, vermiculite and wheat bran). RESULTS: The introduction of F. oxysporum resulted in a significant decrease in seedling fresh weight. The treatments which gave a lesser reduction in weight and showing a greater biocontrol effect were the liquid conidial suspension and the solid treatments with bentonite and superficial vermiculite. Microbiological analyses revealed that the conidial suspension and all the solid treatments, except wheat bran, significantly decreased F. oxysporum populations. Of all the treatments assayed, bentonite produced the greatest decline in the F. oxysporum population. CONCLUSIONS: The most effective treatments against Fusarium wilt on melon plants were the solid treatments bentonite and superficial vermiculite. These two treatments gave the greatest plant weight, the lowest percentage of infected plants and the greatest T. harzianum population throughout the assay. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

    Oxidative effects in uninfected tissue in leaves of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) containing soft rots caused by Botrytis cinerea

    Ingo Muckenschnabel
    Abstract Several markers of oxidative processes have been measured in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris infected with Botrytis cinerea, with the specific objective of investigating changes induced by this necrotrophic pathogen in tissue remote from the lesion. There was a progressive decrease with time in the contents of ascorbic acid (AA) in apparently healthy tissues from infected plants and non-inoculated plants grown under identical high-humidity conditions (abiotically stressed controls), and for periods >48 h this decrease was greater in the infected plants. This decline in AA content was accompanied by an elevation in the intensity of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal from adducts of the spin trap ,-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)- N - t -butylnitrone (POBN), a destabilisation of the (monodehydro) ascorbate radical (Asc·) signal in the presence of POBN, and an increase in the ratio of Asc· to AA in samples studied in the absence of the spin trap. These results are consistent with a shift in redox status to more oxidising conditions in apparently healthy tissue of infected plants and indicate the prevalence of chemical processes that are distinctly different from those in uninfected plants. However, no differences in lipid peroxidation products or the single-peak free radical and Fe(III) (g = 4.27) EPR signals were observed between these tissues distant from the lesions and those from abiotically stressed controls. In addition, the pathogen-derived sesquiterpene toxin botrydial and a second Mn(II) EPR signal, both of which are associated with Botrytis infection, were not detected in these ,apparently healthy' tissues. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

    Presence of two glycolytic gene clusters in a severe pathogenic line of Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris

    SUMMARY Phytoplasmas are plant-pathogenic bacteria that are associated with numerous plant diseases. We have previously reported the complete genomic sequence of Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris, OY strain, OY-M line, which causes mild symptoms. The phytoplasma genome lacks several important metabolic genes, implying that the consumption of metabolites by phytoplasmas in plants may cause disease symptoms. Here we show that the approximately 30-kb region including the glycolytic genes was tandemly duplicated in the genome of OY-W phytoplasma, which causes severe symptoms. Almost duplicated genes became pseudogenes by frameshift and stop-codon mutations, probably because of their functional redundancy. However, five kinds of genes, including two glycolytic genes, remained full-length ORFs, suggesting that it is advantageous for the phytoplasma to retain these genes in its lifestyle. In particular, 6-phosphofructokinase is known as a rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis, implying that the different number of glycolytic genes between OY-W and OY-M may influence their respective glycolysis activities. We previously reported that the phytoplasma population of OY-W was higher than that of OY-M in their infected plants. Taking this result into account, the higher consumption of the carbon source may affect the growth rate of phytoplasmas and also may directly or indirectly cause more severe symptoms. [source]

    Ustilago maydis, model system for analysis of the molecular basis of fungal pathogenicity

    Christoph W. Basse
    SUMMARY Ustilago maydis, a facultative biotrophic basidiomycete fungus, causes smut disease in maize. A hallmark of this disease is the induction of large plant tumours that are filled with masses of black-pigmented teliospores. During the last 15 years U. maydis has become an important model system to unravel molecular mechanisms of fungal phytopathogenicity. This review highlights recent insights into molecular mechanisms of complex signalling pathways that are involved in the transition from budding to filamentous growth and operate during the pathogenic growth phase. In addition, we describe recent progress in understanding the structural basis of morphogenesis and polar growth in different stages of U. maydis development. Finally, we present an overview of recently identified genes related to pathogenic development and summarize novel molecular and genomic approaches that are powerful tools to explore the genetic base of pathogenicity. Taxonomy: Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda (synonymous with Ustilago zeae Ung.)-Kingdom Eukaryota, Phylum Fungi, Order Basidiomycota, Family Ustilaginomycetes, Genus Ustilago. Host range: Infects aerial parts of corn plants (Zea mays) and its progenitor teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis). Maize smut is distributed throughout the world. Disease symptoms: U. maydis causes chlorotic lesions in infected areas, the formation of anthocyanin pigments, necrosis, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of infected organs. Infection by U. maydis can inhibit development and lead to stunting of infected plants. A few days after infection plant tumours develop in which massive fungal proliferation and the formation of the black-pigmented, diploid teliospores occurs. Under natural conditions tumours predominantly develop on sexual organs (tassels and ears), stems and nodal shoots. Tumours may vary in size from minute pustules to several centimetres in diameter and contain up to 200 billion spores. Useful web site: [source]

    New severe strains of Melon necrotic spot virus: symptomatology and sequencing

    PLANT PATHOLOGY, Issue 5 2005
    C. Kubo
    New strains of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV), designated MNSV-YS and MNSV-KS, caused much more severe growth retardation on melon plants than MNSV-NH, which was previously reported as the most severe strain of MNSV in Japan. MNSV-YS spread much more quickly than MNSV-NH in infected plants, and induced more severe growth retardation, even though the appearance of necrotic lesions on inoculated cotyledons was much slower. MNSV-KS had properties intermediate between those of the other two strains. The results suggest that faster-spreading strains can multiply more rapidly as a result of lower levels of activity in inducing necrotic lesions in melon plants. The complete sequences of MNSV-YS and MNSV-KS were determined, and an RT,PCR,RFLP method based on these sequences was successfully developed to detect and discriminate between the three strains. [source]

    Cultivar preference exhibited by two sympatric and genetically distinct populations of the soybean fungal pathogen Phialophora gregata f.sp. sojae

    PLANT PATHOLOGY, Issue 2 2005
    X. Meng
    Phialophora gregata f.sp. sojae, a soilborne vascular pathogen causing brown stem rot of soybean, has been divided into A and B populations based on variation in the intergenic spacer region of nuclear rDNA (rDNA marker). The A and B populations correlate with defoliating and nondefoliating pathotypes, respectively. In this study, eight additional polymorphic anonymous marker loci (five inter simple sequence repeat loci and three long-primer random amplified polymorphic DNA loci) were identified and applied to a total of 189 isolates. Alleles of these eight loci were invariant within, but different between the A and B populations, providing further evidence that the rDNA marker identifies genetically distinct populations. The two populations were sympatric, residing not only in the same field, but also in the same plants under field conditions. Representative strains of the two populations, when used individually in inoculations, infected both resistant cv. Bell and susceptible cv. Sturdy. However, when the same representatives of the two populations were mixed in a 1 : 1 ratio and used as a mixed inoculum in a competitive bioassay, differential cultivar preference was revealed using PCR detection of populations in infected plants. Population A was detected significantly more often (18 out of 24 plants) in the susceptible cv. Sturdy, whereas population B was detected significantly more often (17 out of 24 plants) in the resistant cv. Bell, corroborating earlier field studies. This is the first controlled experiment to demonstrate a differential host preference of P. gregata f.sp. sojae toward different cultivars of the same host species. Unification of terminologies used in P. gregata f.sp. sojae is discussed. [source]

    NRAMP genes function in Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to Erwinia chrysanthemi infection

    THE PLANT JOURNAL, Issue 2 2009
    Diego Segond
    Summary AtNRAMP3 and AtNRAMP4 are two Arabidopsis metal transporters sharing about 50% sequence identity with mouse NRAMP1. The NRAMP1/Slc11A1 metal ion transporter plays a crucial role in the innate immunity of animal macrophages targeted by intracellular bacterial pathogens. AtNRAMP3 and AtNRAMP4 localize to the vacuolar membrane. We found that AtNRAMP3 is upregulated in leaves challenged with the bacterial pathogens Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia chrysanthemi, whereas AtNRAMP4 expression is not modified. Using single and double nramp3 and nramp4 mutants, as well as lines ectopically expressing either of these genes, we show that AtNRAMP3 and, to a lesser extent, AtNRAMP4 are involved in Arabidopsis thaliana resistance against the bacterial pathogen E. chrysanthemi. The susceptibility of the double nramp3 nramp4 mutant is associated with the reduced accumulation of reactive oxygen species and ferritin (AtFER1), an iron storage protein known to participate in A. thaliana defense. Interestingly, roots from infected plants accumulated transcripts of AtNRAMP3 as well as the iron-deficiency markers IRT1 and FRO2. This finding suggests the existence of a shoot-to-root signal reminiscent of an iron-deficiency signal activated by pathogen infection. Our data indicate that the functions of NRAMP proteins in innate immunity have been conserved between animals and plants. [source]

    Plant virus infection-induced persistent host gene downregulation in systemically infected leaves

    THE PLANT JOURNAL, Issue 2 2008
    Zoltán Havelda
    Summary Understanding of virus infection-induced alterations in host plant gene expression and metabolism leading to the development of virus disease symptoms is both scientifically and economically important. Here, we show that viruses belonging to various RNA virus families are able to induce efficient host gene mRNA downregulation (shut-off) in systemically infected leaves. We demonstrate that the host gene mRNA shut-off overlaps spatially with virus-occupied sectors, indicating the direct role of virus accumulation in this phenomenon. The establishment of shut-off was not directly connected to active viral replication or the RNA-silencing machinery. Importantly, the induced shut-off phenomenon persisted for several weeks, resulting in severe deficiency of mRNA for important housekeeping genes in the infected plants. Interestingly, we found that some other RNA viruses do not induce or only slightly induce the shut-off phenomenon for the same set of genes, implicating genetic determination in this process. Nuclear run-on experiments suggest that plant viruses, similarly to animal viruses, mediate suppression of host mRNA synthesis in the nucleus. By investigating various host,virus interactions, we revealed a correlation between the intensity of the shut-off phenomenon and the severity of disease symptoms. Our data suggest that efficient and persistent downregulation of host genes may be an important component of symptom development in certain host,virus interactions. [source]

    Sequence similarities between Raspberry leaf mottle virus, Raspberry leaf spot virus and the closterovirus Raspberry mottle virus

    W.J. McGavin
    A sequencing study was performed to determine the relationship between Raspberry mottle virus (RMoV), a newly identified tentative closterovirus found in the United States, and Raspberry leaf mottle virus (RLMV) and Raspberry leaf spot virus (RLSV), which have been known for many years to be components of Raspberry mosaic disease (RMD) in the UK and Europe but which have not been characterised at the molecular level. Cloning and sequencing of cDNAs amplified by reverse transcription-PCR revealed the presence of closteroviruses with high sequence similarity to RMoV in infected plants from the SCRI Rubus virus collection, as well as in a number of samples collected from RMD-symptomatic raspberry plants located at different farms in Scotland and England. These results suggest that RMoV, RLMV and RLSV are isolates of the same virus and we propose that they all should be referred to as RLMV, which was the first of these viruses to be described. Many of the field samples were also infected with a second closterovirus isolate, parts of which could be amplified using RLMV-derived primers. The coat protein amino acid sequences of RLMV and the second virus (PM1) were only 78% identical, even though helicase domain and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) domain sequences were more than 97% identical between RLMV and PM1. [source]

    Dynamics of Neotyphodium endophyte infection in ageing seed pools: incidence of differential viability loss of endophyte, infected seed and non-infected seed

    P.E. Gundel
    Symbiotic associations between grasses and vertically transmitted endophytic fungi are widespread in nature. Within grass populations, changes in the frequency of infected plants are driven by influence of the endophyte on the fitness of their hosts and by the efficiency of endophyte transmission from parent plants to their offspring. During the seed stage, the endophyte might influence the fitness of its host by affecting the rate of seed viability loss, whereas the efficiency of endophyte transmission is affected by losses of viability of the fungus within viable seeds. We assessed the viability losses of Lolium multiflorum seeds with high and low level of infection of the endophyte Neotyphodium occultans, as well as the loss of viability of the fungus itself, under accelerated seed ageing and under field conditions. Starting with high endophyte-infected accessions of L. multiflorum, we produced their low endophyte-infected counterparts by treating seeds with a fungicide, and subsequently multiplying seeds in adjacent plots allowing pollen exchange. In our accelerated ageing experiments, which included three accessions, high endophyte-infected seeds lost viability significantly faster than their low endophyte-infected counterpart, for only one accession. High endophyte-infected seeds of this particular accession absorbed more water than low endophyte-infected seeds. In contrast, the endophyte lost viability within live seeds of all three accessions, as the proportions of viable seeds producing infected seedlings decreased over time. In our field experiment, which included only one accession, high endophyte-infected seed lost viability significantly but only slightly faster than low endophyte-infected seed. In contrast, the loss of viability of the endophyte was substantial as the proportions of viable seeds producing infected seedlings decreased greatly over time. Moving the seeds from the air to the soil surface (simulating seed dispersion off the spikes) decreased substantially the rate of seed viability loss, but increased the rate of endophyte viability loss. Our experiments suggest that, in ageing seed pools, endophyte viability loss and differential seed mortality determine decreases in the proportions of endophyte-infected seeds in L. multiflorum. Endophyte viability loss within live seeds contributes substantially more to infection frequency changes than differential viability losses of infected and non-infected seeds. [source]

    Relationships between the genetic distance of Epichloë festucae isolates and the ergovaline and peramine contents of their Festuca rubra hosts

    B.R. Vázquez-de-Aldana
    In semiarid grasslands of western Spain, plants of Festuca rubra are frequently infected by Epichloë festucae, an endophyte capable of producing the alkaloids ergovaline, toxic to mammals, and peramine, toxic to insects. The objectives of this paper were to estimate the variability in the content of ergovaline and peramine in plants of Festuca rubra from natural populations and to determine the relationship between the genetic distance among Epichloë strains and the alkaloid contents of plants infected by them. The results showed that a significant variation exits in the ergovaline and peramine contents of infected F. rubra plants, and that variation patterns are different for each alkaloid. Ergovaline content showed a significant variation between years. In contrast, most variation observed in the concentration of peramine occurred between populations. Mantel tests, constrained correspondence analysis (CCA) and generalised analysis of molecular variance (GAMOVA) all revealed a significant relationship between the genetic distances among 35 Epichloë isolates, and the differences in peramine content of their host plants. The relationship observed for ergovaline was more ambiguous. This indicates that plants infected by genetically close isolates of Epichloë festucae tend to be similar in terms of peramine content, while the ergovaline content of infected plants seems to be more dependent on external factors. The results of this study suggest that the selection of Epichloë festucae endophytes based on the alkaloid content of their host plants can be a successful strategy to select good or bad producers of peramine, but may not be a reliable method to detect fungal strains associated with particular ergovaline production profiles. [source]

    Long-term changes of aphid vectors of Barley yellow dwarf viruses in north-eastern Italy (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)

    P.G. Coceano
    Abstract Migrations of aphid vectors of Barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDV) were monitored using a Rothamsted Insect Survey suction trap in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (north-eastern Italy). Catches from 1983 to 2002 were studied for trends, correlations of total catches of each year with those of previous years, correlations between the autumn and the spring + summer catches of the same year and between spring + summer catches of one year with catches of the previous autumn. Infectivity of autumn alates was studied using biological tests, and infectivity indexes were calculated for all vector species and for Rhopalosiphum padi alone. Colonisation of barley and proportion of infected plants were checked in a field close to the suction trap from 1992 to 2002 and related to trap catches. Catches were also correlated to acreage dedicated to cereal and fodder crops in the region. During the 20 years, 15 BYDV vector species were caught in the trap, but only five species were found consistently colonising barley plants during autumn. R. padi was the most numerous species in catches, while Sitobion avenae was the predominant colonising species in the barley field. Relatively to R. padi, S. avenae colonies were about six times more numerous than expected from catches. The yearly abundance of catches of most species did not change significantly during the 20 years, with a few exceptions, significantly correlated to changes in the acreage dedicated to cereal and fodder crops. There was a significant decrease of the autumn catches of both R. padi and the total of BYDV vectors. [source]