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Kinds of Index Terms modified by Index Selected AbstractsAUTHOR INDEX, Volume 34, 2008DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY, Issue 12 2008Article first published online: 3 DEC 200 First page of article [source] EARLY GASTRIC CANCER: USEFULNESS OF INDEX OF HEMOGLOBIN ENHANCED IMAGING FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF POORLY DIFFERENTIATED ADENOCARCINOMADIGESTIVE ENDOSCOPY, Issue 2002Junko Fujisaki No abstract is available for this article. [source] INDEX TO VOLUME 28, 2004DIPLOMATIC HISTORY, Issue 5 2004Article first published online: 14 OCT 200 First page of article [source] INDEX TO VOLUME 92, 2007HISTORY, Issue 308 2007Books Reviewed or Noticed First page of article [source] CONTENTS INDEX TO VOLUME 6INFANCY, Issue 3 2004Article first published online: 1 NOV 200 No abstract is available for this article. [source] AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 1INFANCY, Issue 4 2000Article first published online: 1 OCT 2000 No abstract is available for this article. [source] AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 57JOURNAL OF AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY, Issue 12 2009Article first published online: 7 DEC 200 First page of article [source] GERIATRIC NUTRITIONAL RISK INDEX: A POSSIBLE INDICATOR OF SHORT-TERM MORTALITY IN ACUTELY HOSPITALIZED OLDER PEOPLEJOURNAL OF AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY, Issue 6 2006Emanuele Cereda MD No abstract is available for this article. [source] GERIATRIC PATIENTS' MOBILITY STATUS AS REFLECTED BY THE RELEVANT ITEMS OF THE BARTHEL INDEX AND IN-HOSPITAL FALLSJOURNAL OF AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY, Issue 6 2006Wolfgang Von Renteln-Kruse MD No abstract is available for this article. [source] AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 52JOURNAL OF AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY, Issue 12 2004Article first published online: 18 NOV 200 First page of article [source] INDEX TO VOLUME 31 (March,December 2004)JOURNAL OF CHINESE PHILOSOPHY, Issue 4 2004Article first published online: 15 NOV 200 [source] REDUCED/OXIDIZED GLUTATHIONE INDEX AS A TOOL FOR FOOD MONITORITY OXIDATIVE STRESS DURING EXTRUSION COOKINGJOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, Issue 3 2001H. ZIELINSKI Reduced and oxidized glutathione was assayed in wheat, barley, rye, oats and buckwheat before and after extrusion cooking. The results obtained indicate that GSH/GSSG ratio was decreased from 1.91 and 10.72 for raw oat and buckwheat grains to the 1.13, 1.01, 1.10 and 4.72, 3.89, 3.89 for extruded material, respectively, in temperature used of 120, 160 and 200C. These results indicate that the oxidative stress is least developed during extrusion cooking of oat and buckwheat grains. Wheat and barley grains were more prone to oxidative damage, and the observed decrease of the ratio ranged from 6.84 and 4.89 (wheat cv. Almari and barley cv. Mobek, raw material) to the 1.89 and 2.07 (after extrusion cooking at 200C, respectively). No significance differences were found between two cultivars of wheat and barley being used in the experiment. The most decreased ratio up to five times was found in rye grain extrudates. The extrusion performed under barrel temperature profile of 80,100,120,120,120C caused significant decrease in GSH content when compared to raw material. The next higher barrel temperature profiles of 100,130,160,160,120C and 120,160,200,200,120C led to further GSH decrease in extruded wheat grains. In contrast, the two high temperature profiles did not [source] A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Breastfeeding Intervention Delivery MethodsJOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC, GYNECOLOGIC & NEONATAL NURSING, Issue 6 2009Barbara Pate ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze breastfeeding intervention delivery methods to determine the likelihood of successful breastfeeding outcomes of e-based interventions compared to provider-based interventions. Data Sources: Eligible studies were identified by searching MEDLINE, CINAHL, Academic Search Elite, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, SOC INDEX, and PsycINFO. Study Selection: Studies were included if they were conducted in a developed country, published between the years 2004 and 2008, included a concurrent control group, and reported frequency data on breastfeeding initiation or duration. The suitability of design and quality of execution were evaluated using the Centers for Disease Control procedure for systematic reviews. Twenty-one articles met the criteria for inclusion. Data Extraction: Study design, demographics, intervention/control conditions, settings, sampling strategies, potential threats to validity, and breastfeeding outcomes were abstracted and entered into a database for analysis and synthesis. Data Synthesis: Odds ratios were calculated for each individual study, and studies were stratified into 2 groups by intervention delivery type. The pooled results indicated that studies using e-based interventions had a moderate effect on breastfeeding (odds ratio=2.2 [1.9-2.7], d=0.5); whereas provider-based interventions had very little to no effect (odds ratio=1.1 [1.0-1.2], d=0.03). Conclusions: Results indicate that breastfeeding promotion programs delivered via the Internet may be an appealing alternative to time-consuming and expensive provider-based breastfeeding education and support. [source] SUBJECT AND TAXONOMIC INDEX,Volume 45JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, Issue 6 2009Article first published online: 15 DEC 200 First page of article [source] AUTHOR INDEX,VOLUME 40, SUPPLEMENT 1JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, Issue S1 2004Article first published online: 25 JAN 200 [source] INDEX TO VOLUME 47 (2007)JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, Issue 5 2007Article first published online: 27 SEP 200 First page of article [source] STATISTICAL ANALYSES FOR R -INDEXJOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES, Issue 6 2006JIAN BI ABSTRACT R -index is an important statistic for testing and measuring product effects. The validation and merits of R-index are to a great extent due to the fact that it is closely related to the famous Mann,Whitney U statistic. Based on this fortunate relationship, statistical analyses for R-index are explored. The statistical analyses include estimations of R-index and its null and nonconditional variances with and without assuming continuity of data; difference and similarity tests using R-index; powers and sample sizes for the tests; linking R-index with Thurstonian , (or d,). The new techniques developed in the paper extend greatly the original R-index analysis for categorical ratings data. It is expected that the recognition of the profound theoretical origin of R-index and the available statistical analyses for R-index will provide the impetus for the resurgence of interest in using R-index in sensory and consumer researches. [source] VOLUME 29 SUBJECT INDEX*ALCOHOLISM, Issue 12 2005Article first published online: 3 MAR 200 First page of article [source] INDEX TO VOLUME 12JOURNAL OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS, Issue 5 2008Article first published online: 15 OCT 200 [source] LUBRICITY INDEX OF MAYONNAISEJOURNAL OF TEXTURE STUDIES, Issue 1 2003JAMES F. STEFFE ABSTRACT The Lubricity Index (LI) is defined as a new parameter to quantitatively evaluate mouthfeel. Rheological data were collected using a helical ribbon mixer viscometer with commercial mayonnaise products. The LI is calculated from changes in apparent viscosity due to temperature and moisture variations that mirror those found in the mouth during mastication. The rate of change in apparent viscosity with moisture and temperature was much lower with a fat free product than regular products resulting in a low LI value. The LI provides a basis for future efforts to understand, and mathematically model, the complicated process of fluid food mastication. [source] INDEX TO THE ECONOMIC JOURNALTHE ECONOMIC JOURNAL, Issue 524 2007Article first published online: 23 NOV 200 No abstract is available for this article. [source] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CULTURE AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 29THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CULTURE, Issue 4 2006Article first published online: 26 OCT 200 First page of article [source] VOLUME 49, 2008 AUTHORS INDEX, AND KEYWORDS INDEXTHE JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY AND ALLIED DISCIPLINES, Issue 12 2008Article first published online: 21 NOV 200 First page of article [source] AUTHOR INDEX ,VOLUME 54THE JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, Issue 6 2007Article first published online: 31 MAR 200 [source] SUBJECT INDEX FOR VOLUME 54THE JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, Issue 6 2007Article first published online: 7 DEC 200 [source] SUBJECT INDEX FOR VOLUME 53THE JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, Issue 6 2006Article first published online: 22 NOV 200 [source] INDEX to THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE VOLUME 10THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Issue 4 2004Article first published online: 9 DEC 200 [source] HS08 CONGENITAL HAND: THE DEFORMITY-DEFICIENCY INDEXANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Issue 2007L. C. Teoh Congenital hand is a complex and vast subject therefore classification is very necessary for the purpose of teaching, communication and guide treatment. The first comprehensive and yet user friendly classification was proposed by Swanson et al. in 1976. This classification based on etiopathogenic is popularly known as the ,IFSSH 7 groups classification'. (I) Failure of formation: transverse or longitudinal (II) Failure of differentiation (III) Polydactyly (IV) Overgrowth (V) Undergrowth (VI) Amniotic band syndrome (VII) Generalized skeletal syndromes. However this classification was found not able to satisfactorily classify 20,30% of cases. Other classifications based on genetic defects, teratogenic sequence and syndromics were being introduced previously and continue to be used parallel with the IFSSH classification. Furthermore the classification continue to be besieged by multiple morphological types of deformity in a same hand. Ogino introduced the JSSH expanded classification to address some of the deficiencies of the IFSSH classification. For a beginner in treating congenital hand, it is indeed daunting, as the variations in morphology, the degree of severity and functional deficit even in the same diagnosis can be very different. It is usual to find further sub classifications. For the purpose of guiding treatment, I propose the concept of deformity/ deficiency index. Group I) The imbalance/ small in size II) Extra digits III) Mal positioned/ Mal-aligned IV) Poor/ No function V) Total absent. The residual functional decreases from group I to V. And similarly the reconstruction becomes complex and difficult. [source] INDEX TO VOLUME 45ARCHAEOMETRY, Issue 4 2003Article first published online: 10 NOV 200 First page of article [source] INDEX TO VOLUME THIRTY TWOART HISTORY, Issue 5 2009Article first published online: 12 NOV 200 First page of article [source] |