
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Chemistry

Kinds of Incorporation

  • acid incorporation
  • brdu incorporation
  • bromodeoxyuridine incorporation
  • comonomer incorporation
  • deoxyuridine incorporation
  • deuterium incorporation
  • direct incorporation
  • immigrant incorporation
  • isotope incorporation
  • label incorporation
  • leucine incorporation
  • nitrogen incorporation
  • oxygen incorporation
  • political incorporation
  • proline incorporation
  • site-specific incorporation
  • successful incorporation
  • thymidine incorporation

  • Terms modified by Incorporation

  • incorporation efficiency
  • incorporation rate

  • Selected Abstracts


    FAMILY COURT REVIEW, Issue 1 2006
    Hon. Alastair Nicholson
    In this article I discuss the failure of most democratic countries to accept or properly implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, despite, except in the case of the United States, having ratified it. I consider the domestic implementation of treaties. I discuss, from an Australian perspective, that country's failure to enact a Bill of Rights and argue that children in Australia have suffered as a result. I also discuss judicial approaches to international law and compare the situation in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand and suggest that even in those countries that do have a Bill of Rights, it is not oriented toward children and therefore does not properly recognize their rights. [source]


    High fiber Chapathi, an Indian unleavened bread incorporating different levels (5,15%) of wheat bran to wheat flour was prepared and evaluated for acceptability and farinograph characteristics. Whole wheat flour, wheat bran and its differently milled fractions were analyzed for chemical composition and functional properties. The water absorption capacity of bran was slightly lower than that of flour and did not increase as a function of time. The bran incorporated doughs were difficult to knead and sticky with no change in rolling properties. Farinograph characteristics revealed an increase in dough development time and a decrease in mixing tolerance index as the level of incorporation of bran increased. Wheat bran incorporated products scored lesser for the sensory quality attributes than controls. The differences were statistically significant for products prepared with 10% and 15% bran and not significant for products prepared with 5% level of bran. It can be concluded that wheat bran can be incorporated up to a level of 5% for preparation of high fiber phulkas or chapathis without affecting sensory quality. [source]


    A. P. GANDHI
    Incorporation of defatted soyflour in an all wheat flour for making chapatis has a significant effect on its nutritive profile and textural profile parameters. The protein content was increased from 11.9% to 19.8% at the 20% blending level. The textural parameters hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness were also affected by the addition of defatted soyflour both at zero and 24 h of storage. All the chapatis were acceptable when fresh but not after 24 h. [source]

    Incorporation of Recreational Fishing Effort into Design of Marine Protected Areas

    consulta pública; modelos de reservas marinas; pesca con caña; suposiciones de poza dinámica Abstract:,Theoretical models of marine protected areas (MPAs) that explore benefits to fisheries or biodiversity conservation often assume a dynamic pool of fishing effort. For instance, effort is homogenously distributed over areas from which subsets of reserves are chosen. I tested this and other model assumptions with a case study of the multiple-use Jervis Bay Marine Park. Prior to zoning of the park I conducted 166 surveys of the park's recreational fisheries, plotting the location of 16,009 anglers. I converted these plots into diagrams of fishing effort and analyzed correlates between fishing and habitat and the effect of two reserve designs,the draft and final zoning plans of the park,on the 15 fisheries observed. Fisheries were strongly correlated with particular habitats and had negatively skewed and often bimodal spatial distribution. The second mode of intensely fished habitat could be 6 SD greater than the fishery's mean allocation of effort by area. In the draft-zoning plan, sanctuary zone (no-take) area and potential subduction of fishing effort were similar. In the final plan, which was altered in response to public comment, the area of sanctuary zone increased, and the impact on fishing effort decreased. In only one case was a fishery's most intensely targeted location closed to fishing. Because of the discriminating manner with which fishers target habitats, if simple percentage targets are used for planning, sanctuary location can be adjusted to avoid existing fishing effort. According to modeled outcomes, the implication of this may be diminished reserve effectiveness. To address this, reserve area should be implicitly linked to subducted fishing effort when promoting or modeling MPAs. Resumen:,Los modelos teóricos de áreas marinas protegidas (AMPs) que exploran los beneficios para las pesquerías o la conservación de la biodiversidad a menudo asumen que hay una poza dinámica en el esfuerzo de pesca. Por ejemplo, el esfuerzo es distribuido homogéneamente en áreas en las que se seleccionan subconjuntos de reservas. Probé esta y otras suposiciones del modelo con un estudio de caso del Parque Marino Jarvis Bay. Antes de la zonificación del parque, realicé 166 muestreos de las pesquerías recreativas del parque, dibujando la localización de 16,009 pescadores con caña. Convertí estos dibujos en diagramas de esfuerzo de pesca y analicé las correlaciones entre la pesca, el hábitat y el efecto de dos diseños de reserva,el anteproyecto y los planes finales de zonificación del parque,sobre las 15 pesquerías observadas. Las pesquerías se correlacionaron fuertemente con los hábitats particulares y tenían una distribución espacial sesgada negativamente y a menudo bimodal. El segundo tipo de hábitat pescado intensivamente podría ser 6 DS mayor que la asignación promedio de esfuerzo de pesquería por unidad de área. En el anteproyecto de plan de zonificación, el área santuario (sin pesca) y la subducción potencial del esfuerzo de pesca eran similares. En el plan final, que fue alterado en respuesta a comentarios del público, el área del santuario fue incrementada, y el impacto del esfuerzo de pesca disminuyó. En solo un caso fue cerrado a la pesca la localidad de pesca más intensiva. Debido a la forma discriminada en que los pescadores eligen los hábitats, si se utilizan objetivos porcentuales simples para la planificación, la localización del santuario puede ser ajustada para evitar el esfuerzo de pesca existente. De acuerdo con los resultados del modelo, la implicación puede ser la disminución de la efectividad de la reserva. Para abordar esto, el área de la reserva debiera estar implícitamente relacionada con la reducción del esfuerzo de pesca cuando se promueven o modelan AMPs. [source]

    WE WERE DANCING IN THE CLUB, NOT ON THE BERLIN WALL: Black Bodies, Street Bureaucrats, and Exclusionary Incorporation into the New Europe

    ABSTRACT In this essay, I explore the micropolitics of citizenship and sovereignty via the emerging street bureaucratic status of "white" German women in relationships with "black" men in Germany and Berlin. In the midst of the fallen Berlin Wall and increasing Europe-wide restrictions on immigration and asylum, it examines further the extent to which a consistent "black" male hypersexual performance is necessary for legal recognition via "white" German women who, taking on an informal bureaucratic status, ultimately decide which "black" subjects to marry. A history of desiring "black" bodies, the essay argues, coincides with several important moments of sexual liberation (incl. post,World War II African American military occupation, 1970s West German feminism, and the fall of the Berlin Wall), which make these relationships both possible and public; however, the hypersexualized conditions under which "black" subjects get incorporated into contemporary German life are also ultimately exclusionary. [source]

    Cytomorphological study of soft tissue neoplasms: role of fluorescent immunocytochemistry in diagnosis

    CYTOPATHOLOGY, Issue 5 2005
    B. Rekhi
    Objectives:, Exact categorization of soft tissue tumours (STTs) on smears requires application of various ancillary techniques. This study was aimed at evaluating the role of fluorescent immunocytochemistry (FICC) in cyto-diagnosis of 30 STT cases. Methods:, Thirty cases of soft tissue tumours were included in the present study. All cases were subjected to routine Giemsa and Papanicolaou stain. Extra smears were made and kept for fluorescent immunostaining. A panel of cytoskeletal antibodies, tagged with FITC (Fluorescein isothyocynate), was employed in all these cases. Fluorescent immunostained smears were examined under Zeiss Confocal Laser scanning microscope, using double immunofluorescence (red-green). Finally, all cases were subjected to biopsy and again immunoperoxidase staining. Results:, Among the 30 cases in the present study, unaided cytological diagnoses ranged from ,spindle cell' tumour in four (13.3%) cases, benign and malignant spindle cell tumour in 17 (56.6%) cases, to malignant mesenchymal tumour in nine (30%) cases. FICC helped in further correct categorization of 25/30 (83.3%) cases viz. leiomyoma (three), benign neurogenic tumour (six), schwannoma (one), dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (three), synovial sarcoma (two), rhabdomyosarcoma (two), malignant fibrous histiocytoma (five) and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (three). Aggressive fibromatosis was found to be a missed diagnosis in two cases. Overall concordance between cyto-diagnosis with FICC, and histopathology results was 83.3% (P < 0.05). Conclusion:, Fluorescent immunocytochemistry is a significant ancillary technique for making a rapid and specific diagnosis of STT, as required for their timely management. Incorporation of a wide panel of antibody markers with clinico-cytological correlation is recommended in forming an exact diagnosis in these cases. [source]

    Semi-Authoritarian Incorporation and Autocratic Militarism in Turkey

    Tim Jacoby
    This article argues that, since the early 1980s, there have been two regimes in Turkey. The first, which is broadly akin to Michael Mann's characterization of Semi-Authoritarian Incorporation, has predominated in areas of the country not administered through emergency legislation. In keeping with his model, it has been most fully asserted in areas of key economic value , particularly the Marmara region and the environs of the capital, Ankara. In the thirteen predominantly Kurdish provinces of the south-east of the country, on the other hand, a second of Mann's regime types, Autocratic Militarism, is discernible. This was institutionalized under a new constitutional structure introduced following the 1980 coup as a means of dealing with a rise in pro-Kurdish insurgency. [source]

    Integrating DNA data and traditional taxonomy to streamline biodiversity assessment: an example from edaphic beetles in the Klamath ecoregion, California, USA

    Ryan M. Caesar
    ABSTRACT Conservation and land management decisions may be misguided by inaccurate or misinterpreted knowledge of biodiversity. Non-systematists often lack taxonomic expertise necessary for an accurate assessment of biodiversity. Additionally, there are far too few taxonomists to contribute significantly to the task of identifying species for specimens collected in biodiversity studies. While species level identification is desirable for making informed management decisions concerning biodiversity, little progress has been made to reduce this taxonomic deficiency. Involvement of non-systematists in the identification process could hasten species identification. Incorporation of DNA sequence data has been recognized as one way to enhance biodiversity assessment and species identification. DNA data are now technologically and economically feasible for most scientists to apply in biodiversity studies. However, its use is not widespread and means of its application has not been extensively addressed. This paper illustrates how such data can be used to hasten biodiversity assessment of species using a little-known group of edaphic beetles. Partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I was sequenced for 171 individuals of feather-wing beetles (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) from the Klamath ecoregion, which is part of a biodiversity hotspot, the California Floristic Province. A phylogram of these data was reconstructed via parsimony and the strict consensus of 28,000 equally parsimonious trees was well resolved except for peripheral nodes. Forty-two voucher specimens were selected for further identification from clades that were associated with many synonymous and non-synonymous nucleotide changes. A ptiliid taxonomic expert identified nine species that corresponded to monophyletic groups. These results allowed for a more accurate assessment of ptiliid species diversity in the Klamath ecoregion. In addition, we found that the number of amino acid changes or percentage nucleotide difference did not associate with species limits. This study demonstrates that the complementary use of taxonomic expertise and molecular data can improve both the speed and the accuracy of species-level biodiversity assessment. We believe this represents a means for non-systematists to collaborate directly with taxonomists in species identification and represents an improvement over methods that rely solely on parataxonomy or sequence data. [source]

    Incorporation of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Measurement into Standard Echocardiography: Implications for Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 10 2007
    Kimberly B. Ulett B.S
    Doppler estimation of pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) from tricuspid regurgitation velocity is a simple approach to the detection of pulmonary hypertension but may be influenced by right ventricular stroke volume. We sought the clinical utility of incorporating Doppler calculation of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) into determination of pulmonary hypertension in 578 consecutive patients with tricuspid regurgitation. Right atrial pressure was estimated from vena caval dimensions and collapsibility. Pulmonary hypertension was classified on the basis of a) PASP >35mmHg, b) age-/gender normalized PASP, c) PVR >2 Wood units. The mean PASP was 40 ± 13 mmHg and PVR was 1.9 ± 0.8 Wood units. Standard PASP identified pulmonary hypertension in 58%, compared with 36% by age-/gender normalized PASP (P < 0.0001), and 31% by PVR (P < 0.0001). Of patients who had pulmonary hypertension by PASP, 33% were reclassified as normal on the basis of PVR and 6% were reclassified from normal to pulmonary hypertension. PVR is easy to incorporate into a standard echo exam, and identifies a small group with normal PASP as having PAH, and a larger group of apparently increased PASP as normal. [source]

    Grain transport mechanics in shallow overland flow

    ECOHYDROLOGY, Issue 3 2009
    S.N. Prasad
    Abstract A physical model based on continuum multiphase flow is described to represent saltating transport of grains in shallow overland flows. The two-phase continuum flow of water and sediment considers coupled StVenant-type equations. The interactive cumulative effect of grains is incorporated by a dispersive stress term. The mean fluid thrust on the particle in the saltation layer of grains is expressed in terms of a slip velocity. The continuum model leads to the unexpected, but an interesting result is that particle velocity increases with the solid concentration. This increase predicts monotonic behaviour leading to overestimates of particle velocity at higher sediment concentration. To improve the predictions, grain dynamic equations, which incorporate bed collision, are analysed. The analysis leads to an improved model for predicting saltation height. Incorporation of the results in the continuum model yields a velocity-concentration relationship that is consistent with experimental observations for increasing concentration. Laboratory flume experiments explore the evaluation of various parameters from the measured particle velocities by photonic probes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Placing Progress: Contextual Inequality and Immigrant Incorporation in the United States

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2008
    Jamie Goodwin-White
    Abstract This article contributes to the growing body of research on the economic incorporation of immigrants by considering the relative wages of immigrants, the adult children of immigrants, and the U.S.-born children of U.S. parentage. By disaggregating these three groups racially, comparing entire wage distributions, and comparing the immigrant cities of New York and Los Angeles with the United States overall, it presents a perspective on the complicated contexts of the intergenerational progress of immigrants. In addition to comparing the groups' relative positions in 1990 and 2000, the article decomposes relative wages such that differences in the educational composition of groups can be isolated from residual wage inequality. This research is of interest because consideration of the U.S.-born or educated children of immigrants invokes questions of social mobility and the persistence of ethnic inequality more generally. The article also contributes to a theoretical debate over place and immigrants' progress by examining the second generation, for whom residence in immigrant cities is often theorized as detrimental to economic incorporation. Finally, it introduces a substantial analysis of local wage structures to questions of immigrants' intergenerational economic progress to a much greater extent than has previously been the case. The results suggest that prospects for immigrants' economic incorporation are geographically specific and should be assessed across multiple generations as a result of the continuing contexts of racial wage inequality [source]

    Effect of Platinum and Ruthenium Incorporation on Voltammetric Behavior of Nitrogen Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Films

    ELECTROANALYSIS, Issue 23 2009
    W. Khun
    Abstract Nitrogen doped diamond-like carbon thin films with or without platinum and ruthenium incorporation (N-DLC or PtRuN-DLC) were deposited on highly conductive p-Si substrates by DC magnetron sputtering to study the effect of Pt and Ru doping on the voltammetric performance of the N-DLC films. The potential windows of these film electrodes were measured in different electrolytic solutions, such as H2SO4, HCl and KCl. The cyclic voltammograms obtained from the N-DLC film electrodes in these solutions showed wide potential windows while the introduction of Pt and Ru into the film electrodes apparently narrowed down the potential windows due to their catalytic activities. [source]

    Incorporation of Disposable Screen-Printed Electrodes for Use in Capillary Electrophoresis End-Column Amperometric Detection System

    ELECTROANALYSIS, Issue 21 2005
    Dong-Mung Tsai
    Abstract The development and performance of an end-column amperometric detection system integrated with disposable screen-printed electrodes for capillary electrophoresis is presented. In this system, the electrode and capillary can be easily replaced and the capillary/electrode alignment procedure is straightforward. The use of easily replaceable screen-printed electrodes offers a tremendous benefit for capillary electrophoresis applications requiring frequent replacement of the working electrode due to fouling. This simple and convenient system is very attractive for routine analyses by capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection. The separation and determination of uric acid in human urine is presented. [source]

    Multi-walled carbon nanotube composites with polyacrylate prepared for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography

    ELECTROPHORESIS, Issue 19 2010
    Jian-Lian Chen
    Abstract A new phase containing immobilized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was synthesized by in situ polymerization of acid-treated multi-walled CNTs using butylmethacrylate (BMA) as the monomer and ethylene dimethacrylate as the crosslinker on a silanized capillary, forming a porous-layered open-tubular column for CEC. Incorporation of CNT nanomaterials into a polymer matrix could increase the phase ratio and take advantage of the easy preparation of an OT-CEC column. The completed BMA-CNT column was characterized by SEM, ATR-IR, and EOF measurements, varying the pH and the added volume organic modifier. In the multi-walled CNTs structure, carboxylate groups were the major ionizable ligands on the phase surface exerting the EOF having electroosmotic mobility, 4.0×104,cm2,V,1,S,1, in the phosphate buffer at pH 2.8 and RSD values (n=5), 3.2, 4.1, and 4.3%, for three replicate capillaries at pH 7.6. Application of the BMA-CNT column in CEC separations of various samples, including nucleobases, nucleosides, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, proved satisfactory upon optimization of the running buffers. Their optima were found in the borate buffers at pH 9.0/50,mM, pH 9.5/10,mM/50% v/v ACN, and pH 9.5/30,mM/10% v/v methanol, respectively. The separations could also be used to assess the relative contributions of electrophoresis and chromatography to the CEC mechanism by calculating the corresponding velocity and retention factors. Discussions about interactions between the probe solutes and the bonded phase included the ,,, interactions, electrostatic repulsion, and hydrogen bonding. Furthermore, a reversed-phase mode was discovered to be involved in the chromatographic retention. [source]

    Perspectives of multi-modal contribution of honeybee resources to our life

    Hidehiro HOSHIBA
    Abstract The European honeybee, Apis mellifera, has been introduced to all continents and their products like honey, propolis, royal jelly and beeswax are well known. However, its contribution is not restricted to such direct products but extends into a much wider area. For example, the economic value of seed production by pollination exceeds the above-mentioned bee products. The application of F1 hybrid is increased to as much as 70% of commercial crops and flowers in Japan and honeybees are important pollinators in the F1 seed production. Incorporation into the large-scale biodiesel fuel production system by culturing rape and sunflower seeds etc. is relied on because it is good to construct possible zero-emission systems that reduce carbon dioxide and increase the rich by-products like honey and royal jelly. Bees' higher brain function and sophisticated social system of the colony opens new perspectives as a model system. Their individual ability to recognize even abstract concepts is comparable to that of higher primates. Rats or mice have no such ability. High performance learning ability of bees associated with proboscis extension reflex can be used to detect drugs at the airport. Function of the colony, on the other hand, is an excellent model for social physiology or a self-organization system. After the whole genome of A. mellifera was read in 2006 by the world consortium, consisting of more than 90 institutions from all over the world, many molecular biologists are coming into bee world. Nobody has yet succeeded in the challenge to make transgenic honeybee, so far, because of the difficulty in controlling the reproductive system headed by the queen. However, if someone succeeded in a breakthrough we will have stingless honeybees and a disease-resistant strain in the future. [source]

    Comparative mutagenic effects of structurally similar flavonoids quercetin and taxifolin on tester strains Salmonella typhimurium TA102 and Escherichia coli WP-2 uvrA

    Patrudu S. Makena
    Abstract Quercetin (QT) and Taxifolin (TF) are structurally similar plant polyphenols. Both have been reported to have therapeutic potential as anti-cancer drugs and antioxidants. Mutagenic effects of QT and TF were evaluated using Salmonella typhimurium TA102 and Escherichia coli WP-2 uvrA tester strains. Either in the presence or absence of S9 mix, QT was mutagenic to TA102 and WP2 uvrA. However, the mutagenicity of QT was significantly enhanced in the presence of S9 mix. Likewise, in the presence of Iron (Fe2+) and NADPH generating system (NGS) and absence of S9 mix, QT induced significantly high mutations in both TA102 and WP-2 uvrA. Mutagenicity of QT decreased in both strains in the presence of Iron (Fe2+) or NGS alone. TF was not mutagenic in the presence or absence of S9 mix in both TA102 and WP-2 uvrA 2, regardless of the presence of iron or NGS. Incorporation of antioxidants (ascorbate, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT)) and/or iron chelators (desferroxamine (DF) and ethylenediamine-tetraacetate (EDTA)) in the test systems markedly decreased QT-induced mutations in both tester strains. These results suggest that QT but not TF, could induce mutations in the presence or absence of rat liver S9 or Iron (Fe2+) and NGS in both tester strains by redox cycling and Fenton reactions to produce oxygen free radicals. Our results indicate that a minor structural variation between the two plant polyphenols could elicit a marked difference in their genotoxicities. These results provide a basis for further study into the potential use of QT in combination with iron supplements. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Evidence that 4-aminobiphenyl, benzidine, and benzidine congeners produce genotoxicity through reactive oxygen species

    Patrudu S. Makena
    Abstract 4-Aminobyphenyl (4-Ab), benzidine (Bz), and Bz congeners were evaluated for their ability to induce genotoxicity through an oxidative mechanism. The mutagenicity of these compounds was tested in the presence and absence of Aroclor 1254-induced rat S9 mix using Salmonella typhimurium tester strain TA102, which is sensitive to agents producing reactive oxygen species (ROS). In the presence of S9, 4-Ab, Bz, N -acetyl-benzidine, and 3,3,-dimethoxybenzidine were strongly mutagenic in TA102, whereas, 3,3,,5,5,-tetra-methylbenzidine, 3,3,-dimethylbenzidine (O -tolidine), and N,N,-diacetylbenzidine were not mutagenic. In addition, 3,3,-dichlorobenzidine and 4,4,-dinitro-2-biphenylamine were directly mutagenic in TA102. Incorporation of the free radical and metal scavengers, catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), butylated hydroxytolune (BHT), and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) reduced the mutagenic responses of 4-Ab and Bz, whereas heat-inactivated catalase and SOD had no effect. 4-Ab and Bz also induced lipid peroxidation in the presence of S9 mix as shown using the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay. The results of this study indicate that 4-Ab and Bz induce mutations through the induction of ROS. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Acute and chronic toxicity of nickel to marine organisms: Implications for water quality criteria

    John W. Hunt
    Abstract Acute and chronic toxicity tests were conducted to determine the effects of nickel on three U.S. west coast marine species: a fish (the topsmelt, Atherinops affinis), a mollusk (the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens), and a crustacean (the mysid, Mysidopsis intii). The 96-h median lethal concentration (LC50) for topsmelt was 26,560 mg/L, and the chronic value for the most sensitive endpoint in a 40-d exposure was 4,270 mg/L. The median effective concentration (EC50) for 48-h abalone larval development was 145.5 ,g/L, and the chronic value for juvenile growth in a 22-d exposure through larval metamorphosis was 26.43 mg/L. The mysid 96-h LC50 was 148.6 ,g/L, and the chronic value for the most sensitive endpoint in a 28-d, whole life-cycle exposure was 22.09 ,g/L. The abalone and mysid acute values were lower than other values available in the literature. Acute-tochronic ratios for nickel toxicity to the three species were 6.220, 5.505, and 6.727, respectively, which were similar to the only other available saltwater value of 5.478 (for Americamysis [Mysidopsis] bahia) and significantly lower than the existing values of 35.58 and 29.86 for freshwater organisms. Incorporation of data from the present study into calculations for water quality criteria would lower the criterion maximum concentration and raise the criterion continuous concentration for nickel. [source]

    GENETIC STUDY: FULL ARTICLE: Incorporating age at onset of smoking into genetic models for nicotine dependence: evidence for interaction with multiple genes

    ADDICTION BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2010
    Richard A. Grucza
    ABSTRACT Nicotine dependence is moderately heritable, but identified genetic associations explain only modest portions of this heritability. We analyzed 3369 SNPs from 349 candidate genes and investigated whether incorporation of SNP-by-environment interaction into association analyses might bolster gene discovery efforts and prediction of nicotine dependence. Specifically, we incorporated the interaction between allele count and age at onset of regular smoking (AOS) into association analyses of nicotine dependence. Subjects were from the Collaborative Genetic Study of Nicotine Dependence and included 797 cases ascertained for Fagerström nicotine dependence and 811 non-nicotine-dependent smokers as controls, all of European descent. Compared with main effect models, SNP × AOS interaction models resulted in higher numbers of nominally significant tests, increased predictive utility at individual SNPs and higher predictive utility in a multi-locus model. Some SNPs previously documented in main effect analyses exhibited improved fits in the joint analysis, including rs16969968 from CHRNA5 and rs2314379 from MAP3K4. CHRNA5 exhibited larger effects in later-onset smokers, in contrast with a previous report that suggested the opposite interaction (Weiss et al. 2008). However, a number of SNPs that did not emerge in main effect analyses were among the strongest findings in the interaction analyses. These include SNPs located in GRIN2B (P = 1.5 × 10,5), which encodes a subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channel, a key molecule in mediating age-dependent synaptic plasticity. Incorporation of logically chosen interaction parameters, such as AOS, into genetic models of substance use disorders may increase the degree of explained phenotypic variation and constitutes a promising avenue for gene discovery. [source]

    Incorporation of Aluminium and Iron into the Zeolite MCM-58

    Gabriela Ko
    Abstract The hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite MCM-58 is investigated with N -benzylquinuclidinium bromide as a structure-directing agent in order to isomorphously substitute aluminium or iron for silicon. Al-MCM-58 was synthesised in a wide range of nSi/nAl ratios (from 19 to 56), and Fe-MCM-58 was successfully prepared in a narrower range of nSi/nFe ratios (from 18 to 36). The obtained products were characterised by XRD, SEM, 27Al MAS NMR, 29Si MAS NMR, FTIR, and ESR spectroscopy. Two different calcination procedures, viz. in a stream of nitrogen and air or in a stream of ammonia, were used in order to modify the acid sites in the zeolite. FTIR spectroscopy before and after the adsorption of [D3]acetonitrile and pyridine was employed to determine the concentration and type of the acid sites. The acid forms of Al(Fe)-MCM-58 are characterised by the vibrations of bridging Si,OH,Al(Fe) groups at 3628 cm,1 and 3564 cm,1 (Al-MCM-58) or 3646 cm,1 and 3520 cm,1 (Fe-MCM-58). The acid sites of both zeolites Al-MCM-58 and Fe-MCM-58 are accessible for [D3]acetonitrile and pyridine, and all materials contain substantial numbers of Lewis sites (Al-MCM-58: 50,% of the total acid sites; Fe-MCM-58: 90,%) over the whole range of nSi/nAl (nSi/nFe) ratios studied. Only a small increase in the concentration of Brønsted acid sites was achieved after calcination of the as-synthesised samples in a flow of ammonia. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005) [source]

    Incorporation of a (Cyclopentadienyl)molybdenum Oxo Complex in MCM-41 and Its Use as a Catalyst for Olefin Epoxidation

    Marta Abrantes
    Abstract The tricarbonyl complex [(,5 -C5H4 -COOMe)Mo(CO)3Cl] was prepared from the reaction of sodium (methoxycarbonyl)cyclopentadienide, (C5H4 -CO2Me)Na, with (Bu4N)[Mo(CO)5I]. Heating the ester with 3-(triethoxysilyl)propylamine gave the amide derivative {[,5 -C5H4 -CONH-C3H6Si(OEt)3]Mo(CO)3Cl}. The functionalised tricarbonyl complex was immobilised in the ordered mesoporous silica MCM-41 with a loading of 13 wt.-% Mo (1.4 mmol·g,1) by carrying out a grafting reaction in dichloromethane. Powder X-ray diffraction and nitrogen adsorption,desorption analysis indicated that the structural integrity of the support was preserved during the grafting and that the channels remained accessible, despite significant reductions in surface area, pore volume and pore size. The success of the coupling reaction was confirmed by 29Si and 13C (CP) MAS NMR spectroscopy. A supported dioxo complex of the type [(,5 -C5H4R)MoO2Cl] was subsequently prepared by oxidative decarbonylation of the tethered tricarbonyl complex using tert -butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP). The oxidised material is an active catalyst for the liquid phase epoxidation of cyclooctene with TBHP as the oxygen source. Similar catalytic results were obtained using the tethered tricarbonyl complex directly as a pre-catalyst since fast oxidative decarbonylation occurs under the reaction conditions used. For both systems, the desired epoxide was the only product and the initial activities were about 13 mol·molMo,1·h,1. The solid catalysts were recycled several times. Some activity was lost between the first and second runs but thereafter tended to stabilise. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004) [source]

    Potential MRI Contrast Agents Based on Micellar Incorporation of Amphiphilic Bis(alkylamide) Derivatives of [(Gd,DTPA)(H2O)]2,

    Kristof Kimpe
    Abstract DTPA-bisamide derivatives with alkyl chains containing 14, 16 and 18 carbon atoms were synthesized and complexes of various trivalent lanthanide ions (Ln = Gd, La, Pr, Eu) were formed. Variable temperature proton NMR spectroscopy of paramagnetic praseodymium(III) and europium(III) complexes revealed that long aliphatic substituents considerably increase the energy barrier for the intramolecular rearrangement around the lanthanide ion. The gadolinium(III) complexes were incorporated into mixed micelles, and photon correlation spectroscopy showed that the mean sizes of all the micelles were within the same range. The NMRD curves of all three DTPA-bisamide-gadolinium complexes incorporated in mixed micelles display higher relaxivity values than the commercially available Gd,DTPA contrast agent. The higher relaxivity obtained for the micellar DTPA-bisamide-gadolinium complexes with C14 and C16 chains relative to the micellar DTPA-bisamide-GdIII C18 chain complex could be attributable to the fact that the alkyl chain containing 18 carbon atoms is longer than the alkyl chain of the major component of the micelles, DPPC, in which it is inserted. This would allow increased mobility of the polar head and hence a lower relaxivity. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003) [source]

    Enzymatic fatty acid exchange in glycero-phospholipids,

    Patrick Adlercreutz
    Abstract Lipases can be used to exchange fatty acids in the sn -1 position of glycerophospholipids and phospholipase A2 is useful for the corresponding exchange reaction in the sn -2 position. In both cases, the exchange can be done in a one-step acidolysis process or in a two-step process. In the latter case, the original fatty acid in the desired position is removed by enzymatic hydrolysis or alcoholysis and after isolation of the resulting lysophospholipid, the new fatty acid is introduced, using the same enzyme, in an esterification reaction. Several synthesis examples from the literature are reviewed. Incorporation of a new fatty acid into the sn -1 position is more favourable than incorporation into the sn -2 position because of the magnitudes of the equilibrium constants of the reactions and because lipases can be used at much lower water activity than phospholipase A2. With the consecutive use of both enzymes highly pure products with defined fatty acids in both positions can be obtained. [source]

    Tailoring Cell Behavior on Polymers by the Incorporation of Titanium Doped Phosphate Glass Filler,

    Wojciech Chrzanowski
    Abstract Understanding tissue response to materials, to enable modulation and guided tissue regeneration is one of the main challenges in biomaterials science. Nowadays polymers, glasses, and metals dominate as biomaterials. Often native properties of those materials are not sufficient and there is a need to combine them, so as to modify and adjust their properties to the application. The primary aim of this study was to improve cell response to polymer (PLDL) using phosphate glass as filler (titanium doped phosphate glass). As a control ,-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) filler was used. Various concentrations of the filler were used (10,40 vol%). Wetting behavior, , -potentials, mechanical and thermal properties, and human cells response to the materials were evaluated. Results showed that with increase in glass filler loading wettability improved, , -potentials dropped, and increase in stiffness of materials was observed. Importantly cell culture experiments showed more developed and well spread cells on the samples with glass content up to 20 vol%. Cells responded much more positively to the glass filled samples than to TCP filled. However, expression of osteocalcin and osteopontin, proteins that indicate formation of the mineralized structures was positive for all the samples including pure PLDL. It was concluded that due to improved wetting behavior, lower , -potentials, and specific chemistry of the glass filler it was possible to alter cells response, improve bioactivity of the polymer, and vary mechanical properties. [source]

    Silver-Catalyzed Incorporation of Carbon Dioxide into Propargylic Alcohols,

    Wataru Yamada
    Abstract The combined use of a catalytic amount of silver acetate and a stoichiometric amount of DBU efficiently catalyzed the incorporation of CO2 under mild reaction conditions into a wide range of propargylic alcohols bearing a terminal or an internal triple bond to afford the corresponding cyclic carbonates in high-to-excellent yields. All the cyclic carbonates obtained from the reaction were found to be single isomers. The geometries were determined to be (Z) by X-ray crystal structure analysis and NOE experiments.(© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2007) [source]

    Carbodiazenylation of Olefins by Radical Iodine Transfer and Addition to Arenediazonium Salts

    Olga Blank
    Abstract Carbodiazenylation of olefins can be achieved with arenediazonium salts under reductive conditions. The method can be extended to aliphatic substituents when iodine compounds are present in the reaction mixture. Incorporation is achieved through a radical iodine transfer. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2006) [source]

    Preparation of Sugar Amino Acids by Claisen-Johnson Rearrangement: Synthesis and Incorporation into Enkephalin Analogues

    Ana Montero
    Abstract We have developed a convenient route for the synthesis of an unsaturated branched sugar bearing a carboxylic acid and an amino group (masked as an azide group) by employing a totally stereoselective Claisen,Johnson rearrangement as the key step. Several Met- and Leu-enkephalin analogues with different substitution patterns at the N - and C -termini were prepared by incorporating this sugar amino acid (SAA) as a substitute for the central Gly,Gly fragment of the parent pentapeptides. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004) [source]

    Access to Any Site-Directed Isotopomer of Methionine, Selenomethionine, Cysteine, and Selenocysteine , Use of Simple, Efficient Modular Synthetic Reaction Schemes for Isotope Incorporation

    Arjan H. G. Siebum
    Abstract Simple modular reaction schemes that allow access to any isotopomer of protected serine and homoserine have been worked out. These systems could be simply converted into cysteine, selenocysteine, homocysteine, homoselenocysteine, the essential amino acid methionine, and selenomethionine by Mitsunobu chemistry. These sulfur- and selenium-containing amino acids fulfil many essential roles in the living organism. In addition, homoserine could be converted in a few steps into optically active L -vinylglycine. As well as the stable isotopes 13C, 15N, 17O, and 18O, the radioactive isotopes of sulfur, selenium and carbon can also be easily introduced in a site-directed fashion. In view of the wide scope of the Mitsunobu reaction, we feel that many more important systems with the carbon skeleton of serine and homoserine should be preparable through this basic chemistry in any site-directed isotopically labeled form. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004) [source]

    Studies of the Biogenesis of Verrucosins, Toxic Diterpenoid Glycerides of the Mediterranean Mollusc Doris verrucosa

    Angelo Fontana
    Abstract The biogenesis of verrucosins, diterpenoid glycerides of the marine mollusc Doris verrucosa, has been investigated by feeding experiments with labelled precursors. Incorporation of radioactive D -[U- 14C]-glucose into the diterpenes proved the de novo origin of verrucosins in the mollusc. Biogenesis of glycerol and terpenoid substructures has been investigated by feeding experiment with 13C-labelled precursors. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003) [source]

    Synthesis and Photochromism of Novel Chromene Derivatives Bearing a Monoazacrown Ether Moiety

    Saleh A. Ahmed
    Abstract Crowned chromenes , four novel naphthopyrans (chromenes) bearing monoaza-12-crown-4, -15-crown-5, -18-crown-6, and a noncyclic analogue at the 5-position , were synthesized, and their photochromism in acetonitrile was examined in the presence of alkali and alkaline-earth metal ions. Incorporation of crown ether units to chromene moieties facilitated to a great extent both the thermal isomerization and photoisomerization of the chromene moiety, reflecting the metal-ion-binding ability of the crown ether moiety. Comparison of the crowned chromenes with the corresponding crowned spirobenzopyrans reveals that photochromism of the crowned chromene reflects an interaction between the metal ion and the crown ether moiety that is stronger than that of the crowned spirobenzopyran, and shows only positive photochromism with significant red-shifts in the UV/Vis absorption spectra, in contrast to the crowned spirobenzopyrans reported previously. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003) [source]