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Selected AbstractsAqueous fluids at elevated pressure and temperatureGEOFLUIDS (ELECTRONIC), Issue 1-2 2010A. LIEBSCHER Abstract The general major component composition of aqueous fluids at elevated pressure and temperature conditions can be represented by H2O, different non-polar gases like CO2 and different dissolved metal halides like NaCl or CaCl2. At high pressure, the mutual solubility of H2O and silicate melts increases and also silicates may form essential components of aqueous fluids. Given the huge range of P,T,x regimes in crust and mantle, aqueous fluids at elevated pressure and temperature are highly variable in composition and exhibit specific physicochemical properties. This paper reviews principal phase relations in one- and two-component fluid systems, phase relations and properties of binary and ternary fluid systems, properties of pure H2O at elevated P,T conditions, and aqueous fluids in H2O,silicate systems at high pressure and temperature. At metamorphic conditions, even the physicochemical properties of pure water substantially differ from those at ambient conditions. Under typical mid- to lower-crustal metamorphic conditions, the density of pure H2O is , the ion product Kw = 10,7.5 to approximately 10,12.5, the dielectric constant , = 8,25, and the viscosity , = 0.0001,0.0002 Pa sec compared to , Kw = 10,14, , = 78 and , = 0.001 Pa sec at ambient conditions. Adding dissolved metal halides and non-polar gases to H2O significantly enlarges the pressure,temperature range, where different aqueous fluids may co-exist and leads to potential two-phase fluid conditions under must mid- to lower-crustal P,T conditions. As a result of the increased mutual solubility between aqueous fluids and silicate melts at high pressure, the differences between fluid and melt vanishes and the distinction between fluid and melt becomes obsolete. Both are completely miscible at pressures above the respective critical curve giving rise to so-called supercritical fluids. These supercritical fluids combine comparably low viscosity with high solute contents and are very effective metasomatising agents within the mantle wedge above subduction zones. [source] Assessing patient category/dependence systems for determining the nurse/patient ratio in ICU and HDU: a review of approachesJOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT, Issue 5 2004PG Dip., Renee Adomat BA (Hons) Background, A huge range of patient classification systems/tools are used in critical care units to inform workforce planning, however, they are not always applied appropriately. Many of these systems/tools were not originally developed for the purposes of workforce planning and so their use in determining the nurse:patient ratio required in critical care settings raises a number of issues for the organisation and management of these services. Aim, The aim of this paper is to review the three main assessment systems that are commonly used in critical care settings in the UK and evaluate their effectiveness in accurately determining nurse : patient ratios. If the application of these systems/tools is to enhance care, a thorough understanding of their origins and purpose is necessary. If this is lacking, then decisions relating to workload planning, particularly when calculating nurse : patient ratios, may be flawed. Conclusions, Patient dependency/classification systems and patient dependency scoring systems for severity of illness are robust measures for predicting morbidity and mortality. However, they are not accurate if used to calculate nurse : patient ratios because they are not designed to measure nursing input. Nursing intensity measures provide a useful framework for calculating the cost of providing a nursing service in critical care and can serve as a measure of nursing input, albeit a fairly basic one. However, many components of the nursing role are not ,accounted' for in these measures. Implications, The implications of these findings for the organization and management of critical care services are discussed. Careful consideration of these areas is vital if a cost efficient and cost-effective critical care service is to be delivered. [source] Gene therapy used for tissue engineering applicationsJOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY: AN INTERNATI ONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE, Issue 3 2007Mieke Heyde This review highlights the advances at the interface between tissue engineering and gene therapy. There are a large number of reports on gene therapy in tissue engineering, and these cover a huge range of different engineered tissues, different vectors, scaffolds and methodology. The review considers separately in-vitro and in-vivo gene transfer methods. The in-vivo gene transfer method is described first, using either viral or non-viral vectors to repair various tissues with and without the use of scaffolds. The use of a scaffold can overcome some of the challenges associated with delivery by direct injection. The ex-vivo method is described in the second half of the review. Attempts have been made to use this therapy for bone, cartilage, wound, urothelial, nerve tissue regeneration and for treating diabetes using viral or non-viral vectors. Again porous polymers can be used as scaffolds for cell transplantation. There are as yet few comparisons between these many different variables to show which is the best for any particular application. With few exceptions, all of the results were positive in showing some gene expression and some consequent effect on tissue growth and remodelling. Some of the principal advantages and disadvantages of various methods are discussed. [source] Soil- and plant-based nitrogen-fertilizer recommendations in arable farmingJOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE, Issue 4 2005Hans-Werner Olfs Abstract Under- as well as overfertilization with nitrogen (N) will result in economic loss for the farmer due to reduced yields and quality of the products. Also from an ecological perspective, it is important that the grower makes the correct decision on how much and when to apply N for a certain crop to minimize impacts on the environment. To aggravate the situation, N is a substance that is present in many compartments in different forms (nitrate, ammonium, organic N, etc.) in the soil-plant environment and takes part in various processes (e.g., mineralization, immobilization, leaching, denitrification, etc.). Today, many N-recommendation systems are mainly based on yield expectation. However, yields are not stable from year to year for a given field. Also the processes that determine the N supply from other sources than fertilizer are not predictable at the start of the growing season. Different methodological approaches are reviewed that have been introduced to improve N-fertilizer recommendations for arable crops. Many soil-based methods have been developed to measure soil mineral N (SMN) that is available for plants at a given sampling date. Soil sampling at the start of the growing period and analyzing for the amount of NO -N (and NH -N) is a widespread approach in Europe and North America. Based on data from field calibrations, the SMN pool is filled up with fertilizer N to a recommended amount. Depending on pre-crop, use of organic manure, or soil characteristics, the recommendation might be modified (±10,50,kg N ha,1). Another set of soil methods has been established to estimate the amount of N that is mineralized from soil organic matter, plant residues, and/or organic manure. From the huge range of methods proposed so far, simple mild extraction procedures have gained most interest, but introduction into practical recommendation schemes has been rather limited. Plant-analytical procedures cover the whole range from quantitative laboratory analysis to semiquantitative "quick" tests carried out in the field. The main idea is that the plant itself is the best indicator for the N supply from any source within the growth period. In-field methods like the nitrate plant sap/petiole test and chlorophyll measurements with hand-held devices or via remote sensing are regarded as most promising, because with these methods an adequate adjustment of the N-fertilizer application strategy within the season is feasible. Prerequisite is a fertilization strategy that is based on several N applications and not on a one-go approach. Boden- und Pflanzenanalyse zur Stickstoff-Düngebedarfsprognose in Ackerkulturen Unter- und Überdüngung mit N führen zu deutlichen ökonomischen Verlusten für Landwirte, da sowohl der Ertrag als auch die Qualität der Erzeugnisse vermindert werden. Auch aus ökologischer Sicht ist die richtige Entscheidung des Anbauers über Höhe und Zeitpunkt der N-Düngung von Bedeutung, um die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt so gering wie möglich zu halten. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass N in sehr vielen Umweltkompartimenten in verschiedenen Bindungsformen (Nitrat, Ammonium, organisch gebundener N) vorkommt und dass N in verschiedenste Umsetzungsprozesse involviert ist (Mineralisation, Immobilisation, Auswaschung, Denitrifikation). Auch heutzutage orientieren sich viele Systeme, die zur N-Düngebedarfsprognose eingesetzt werden, im Wesentlichen an der Ertragserwartung. Dabei ist jedoch zu bedenken, dass weder der Ertrag als von Jahr zu Jahr stabil angesehen werden kann, noch dass die Prozesse, die das bodenbürtige N-Angebot bestimmen, zu Beginn der Vegetationsperiode hinreichend gut vorausgesagt werden können. Daher werden im Folgenden verschiedene methodische Ansätze erläutert, die zur Verbesserung der N-Düngebedarfsprognose für Ackerkulturen geeignet erscheinen. Viele Bodenanalyse-Methoden zielen darauf ab, den mineralischen N-Vorrat des Bodens, der an einem bestimmten Beprobungstermin als pflanzenverfügbarer N vorliegt, zu erfassen. Die Bodenprobeentnahme zu Beginn der Vegetationsperiode und die Bestimmung der Menge an Nitrat (und Ammonium) ist ein in Europa und Nord-Amerika weitverbreiteter Ansatz. Anhand der Daten aus Kalibrierversuchen kann dann abgeleitet werden, wie viel Dünger-N zum Auffüllen des N-Vorrats eingesetzt werden soll. In Abhängigkeit von Vorfrucht, Einsatz von Wirtschaftsdüngern oder weiteren Bodeneigenschaften kann diese Empfehlung modifiziert werden (± 10 bis 50,kg N ha,1). Weitere Bodenuntersuchungsmethoden wurden entwickelt, um die Menge des während der Vegetationszeit aus der organischen Bodensubstanz, aus Ernteresten und/oder aus Wirtschaftsdüngern mineralisierten N zu bestimmen. Obwohl aus der Vielzahl der vorgeschlagenen Methoden einfache "milde" Extraktionsverfahren eine gewisse Bedeutung erlangt haben, werden diese in der Praxis bei der Ermittlung des N-Düngebedarfs als zusätzliche Information nur selten berücksichtigt. Verfahren der Pflanzenanalyse umfassen einen weiten Bereich von quantitativen Laboranalysen bis zu halbquantitativen Schnelltests, die direkt auf dem Acker eingesetzt werden können. Die wesentliche Idee beim Einsatz der Pflanzenanalyse ist die Vorstellung, dass die Pflanze an sich der beste Indikator ist, die N-Verfügbarkeit aus den verschiedenen Quellen gewissermaßen kumulativ innerhalb der Wachstumszeit anzuzeigen. Methoden, die auf dem Acker eingesetzt werden können, wie z.,B. der Nitrat-Pflanzensaft- (oder Blattstiel-)Test sowie die Chlorophyll-Messung mit Handgeräten oder berührungslose Messverfahren haben den klaren Vorteil, dass sie eine schnelle Anpassung der N-Düngestrategie während der Vegetation ermöglichen. Voraussetzung dazu ist allerdings, dass die N-Düngestrategie nicht auf einer Einmal-Applikation beruht, sondern dass die N-Düngermenge auf mehrere Teilgaben verteilt wird. [source] Monolithic poly(1,2-bis(p -vinylphenyl)ethane) capillary columns for simultaneous separation of low- and high-molecular-weight compoundsJOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE, JSS, Issue 15-16 2009Andreas Greiderer Abstract Monolithic poly(1,2-bis(p -vinylphenyl)ethane (BVPE)) capillary columns were prepared by thermally initiated free radical polymerisation of 1,2-bis(p -vinylphenyl)ethane in the presence of inert diluents (porogens) and ,,,,-azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as initiator. Polymerisations were accomplished in 200 ,m ID fused silica capillaries at 65°C and for 60 min. Mercury intrusion porosimetry measurements of the polymeric RP support showed a broad bimodal pore-size-distribution of mesopores and small macropores in the range of 5,400 nm and flow-channels in the ,m range. N2 -adsorption (BET) analysis resulted in a tremendous enhancement of surface area (101 m2/g) of BVPE stationary phases compared to typical organic monoliths (,20 m2/g), indicating the presence of a considerable amount of mesopores. Consequently, the adequate proportion of both meso- and (small) macropores allowed the rapid and high-resolution separation of low-molecular-weight compounds as well as biomolecules on the same monolithic support. At the same time, the high fraction of flow-channels provided enhanced column permeability. The chromatographic performance of poly(1,2-bis(p -vinylphenyl)ethane) capillary columns for the separation of biomolecules (proteins, oligonucleotides) and small molecules (alkyl benzenes, phenols, phenons) are demonstrated in this article. Additionally, pressure drop versus flow rate measurements of novel poly(1,2-bis(p -vinylphenyl)ethane) capillary columns confirmed high mechanical robustness, low swelling in organic solvents and high permeability. Due to the simplicity of monolith fabrication, comprehensive studies of the retention and separation behaviour of monolithic BVPE columns resulted in high run-to-run and batch-to-batch reproducibilities. All these attributes prove the excellent applicability of monolithic poly(1,2-bis(p -vinylphenyl)ethane) capillary columns for ,-HPLC towards a huge range of analytes of different chemistries and molecular sizes. [source] Moving beyond clarity: towards a thin, vague, and useful understanding of spirituality in nursing careNURSING PHILOSOPHY, Issue 4 2010John Swinton RMN RNMD BD PhD Abstract Spirituality is a highly contested concept. Within the nursing literature, there are a huge range and diversity of definitions, some of which appear coherent whereas others seem quite disparate and unconnected. This vagueness within the nursing literature has led some to suggest that spirituality is so diverse as to be meaningless. Are the critics correct in asserting that the vagueness that surrounds spirituality invalidates it as a significant aspect of care? We think not. It is in fact the vagueness of the concept that is its strength and value. In this paper, we offer a critique of the general apologetic that surrounds the use of the language of spirituality in nursing. With the critics, we agree that the term ,spirituality' is used in endlessly different and loose ways. Similarly, we agree that these varied definitions may not refer to constant essences or objects within people or in the world. However, we fundamentally disagree that this makes spirituality irrelevant or of little practical utility. Quite the opposite; properly understood, the vagueness and lack of clarity around the term spirituality is actually a strength that has powerful political, social, and clinical implications. We develop an understanding of spirituality as a way of naming absences and recognizing gaps in healthcare provision as well as a prophetic challenge to some of the ways in which we practise health care within a secular and sometimes secularizing context such as the National Health Service. [source] Regulation of transgene expressionACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA, Issue 2009P KOCH Purpose Regulation of the transgene expression in the targeted cells is of course of major importance when using gene therapy. Actually, we have a huge range of possibilities to regulate gene expression. Methods There are two main classes of promoters: constitutive and inducible promoters. Amongst constitutive promoters, we have two sub-forms: non-tissue and tissue specific promoters. The lasts allows us to better target the tissue or cells in which we want to express our gene of interest. On the other hand, inducible promoters have been widely developed recently and allow us to obtain a regulated expression, depending on different factors. Very recently, disease specific inducible promoters emerged for a more precise regulation. Results We will together examine more precisely the different possibilities offered by gene regulation in Gene Therapy. Thereafter, we will more specifically describe usable promoters in ocular inflammation. Finally we will examine the effects of some inflammatory, disease specific, promoters. Conclusion Regulation of transgene expression is one of the fundaments of efficient gene transfer. Recent developments actually allow us to play within the targeted cell(s) to obtain an expression in specific conditions. [source] |