Anhui Province (anhui + province)

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Selected Abstracts

Intergenerational Support and Depression Among Elders in Rural China: Do Daughters-In-Law Matter?

Zhen Cong
This study examined the influence of intergenerational assistance with household chores and personal care from sons, daughters, and daughters-in-law on the depressive symptoms of older adults in rural China. The sample derived from rural Anhui Province, a region with a strong hierarchy of support preferences that leads with sons and their families. We used data from a random sample of 1,281 adults aged 60 and over, who were interviewed in 2001 and 2003. Analyses indicated that depressive symptoms were usually reduced by assistance from daughters-in-law and increased sometimes when such support was from sons. These relationships held most strongly when mothers coresided with their daughters-in-law. This research suggests that the benefits of intergenerational support are conditional on culturally prescribed expectations. [source]

Yellow-brown earth on Quaternary red clay in Langxi County, Anhui Province in subtropical China: Evidence for paleoclimatic change in late Quaternary period,

Xue-Feng Hu
Abstract In order to investigate the paleoclimatic changes in S China during the late Quaternary and their influence on pedogenesis and soil classification, a yellow-brown earth (YBE),red clay (RC) profile in Langxi County, Anhui Province was studied. The grain-size distribution and the major- and trace-element compositions of the profile indicate that the YBE of the profile shares the same origin with the YBE in Jiujiang and Xuancheng and the Xiashu loess in Zhenjiang, and the underlying RC also has aeolian characteristics and shares the same origin with the Xiashu loess. Grain-size characteristics, molecular ratios of SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3), and BA ([CaO+MgO+K2O+Na2O]/Al2O3) and other weathering indices (CaO/TiO2, MgO/TiO2, K2O/TiO2, Na2O/TiO2, and Rb/Sr) of the profile indicate that the RC is more strongly weathered than the YBE. Magnetic susceptibility (,lf) of the uniform red clay (URC) of the profile is significantly enhanced. However, that of the underlying reticulate red clay (RRC) is significantly decreased because of the paleogroundwater movement and cannot indicate its strong weathering properties. The YBE-RC profile in Langxi County recorded a great climatic change during late Quaternary: At that time, the pedogenic development of the RC was terminated and widespread dust deposition occurred. The parent material of the RC may be aeolian deposits which were accumulated before the last interglacial and were strongly weathered and rubified under the subsequent interglacial climate. It is observed that red soils, derived from the RC, and yellow-brown soils, derived from the YBE, coexist in the study area, which is contradictive to the theory of the zonal distribution of soils. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the history of Quaternary climatic changes when studying pedogenesis. [source]


Abstract:, The ontogeny of Pseudopetigurus deprati Turvey et al., 2006 from the Ordovician Dawan Formation (Arenigian), Anhui Province, South China, is described. The presence of an anterior cranidial border in Pseudopetigurus is recognized for the first time. On account of the short (tr.), spindle-shaped anterior border, and the distinct, steeply inclined, wall-like pygidial margin, Pseudopetigurus is assigned to the family Dimeropygidae, the first genus of this family endemic to Gondwana. It has previously been regarded as a member of family Isocolidae. Cladistic analysis of species assigned to Dimeropygidae supports the monophyly of a clade including Dimeropyge, Dimeropygiella, Ischyrotoma, Pseudohystricurus and Pseudopetigurus, which may represent a subfamily Dimeropyginae. The distribution of Dimeropyginae shows a predominantly palaeotropical distribution, while the Gondwana Pseudopetigurus must have diverged from the dimeropygine common ancestor in pre-Arenigian time. [source]

Intergenerational support and subjective health of older people in rural China: A gender-based longitudinal study

Shuzhuo Li
Aim:, To examine gender differences in the effect of intergenerational exchanges on subjective health of Chinese rural elderly. Methods:, Using the data from three waves of the survey ,Well-being of Elderly in Anhui Province, China' conducted in 2001, 2003 and 2006, respectively, this study uses random effect logit models for men and women separately. Results:, While an increase in instrumental support from children to older people is associated with deterioration in the subjective health of older men, financial support from older people to children is associated with improvement in the formers' subjective health. Although an increase in instrumental support from older people to children, and mutual emotional support is associated with improved subjective health of older women, financial support from children to older women has a negative effect on the latter's subjective health. Conclusions:, Reciprocal intergenerational transfers contribute to improvement in subjective health of older people, while increased support through demand-based transfers appears to result in deterioration of their health. [source]

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of agkicetin-C from Deinagkistrodon acutus venom

Gufeng Xu
The crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of agkicetin-C, a well known platelet glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) antagonist from the venom of Deinagkistrodon acutus found in Anhui Province, China is reported. Crystals of agkicetin-C suitable for structure determination were obtained from 1.8,M ammonium sulfate, 40,mM MES pH 6.5 with 2%(v/v) PEG 400. Interestingly, low buffer concentrations of MES seem to be necessary for crystal growth. The crystals of agkicetin-C belong to space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 177.5, b = 97.7, c = 106.8,Å, , = 118.5°, and diffract to 2.4,Å resolution. Solution of the phase problem by the molecular-replacement method shows that there are four agkicetin-C molecules in the asymmetric unit, with a VM value of 3.4,Å3,Da,1, which corresponds to a high solvent content of approximately 64%. Self-rotation function calculations show a single well defined non-crystallographic twofold axis with features that may represent additional elements of non-crystallographic symmetry. [source]

Petrology and Geochemistry of the Huangshan Granitic Intrusion in Anhui Province, Southeast China: Implications for Petrogenesis and Geodynamics

Abstract: The Huangshan granitic intrusion in Anhui province, SE China, is tectonically located at the southeastern boundary of the Yangtze Block. Based on the contact relation and the petrography, the Huangshan granitic intrusion can be divided into four stages, from early to late, medium-grained monzogranite, coarse-grained porphyric granite, fine-medium grained porphyric granite, and fine-coarse grained granite. All rocks from the Huangshan granitic intrusion display similar petrological and geochemical characteristics, i.e. relatively high SiO2 (>75%) and alkali (7.85%,8.59%), low CaO(<1%), high Fe-number (FeOT/(MgO+FeOT) = 0.93,0.97) and A/CNK (atomic Al/(Ca+Na+K)) = 1.04,1.19. They are also enriched in rare earth elements (REE, except for Eu, with a total REE contents ranging from 116 ppm to 421 ppm), high strength field elements such as Zr, Hf, Nb, but depleted in Ba, Sr and Ni. The 10 000×Ga/Al ratios are higher than 2.6, which are consistent with the A-type granitoids. Based on the classification diagrams proposed by Eby, the Huangshan granite can be classified into the A2 group, which is usually believed to be formed under an extensional tectonic setting. Their Nd isotopic compositions suggest that the primary magmas of the Huangshan granite are predominantly derived from the Proterozoic andesitic rocks in the region, and this conclusion is also supported by REE modeling. The systemic investigations on the geochemistry of the Huangshan granitic intrusion can provide significant implications for the understanding of the petrogenesis and the geodynamic regime of southeastern China during the Late-Mesozoic. [source]

Formation Mechanism of Maceral and Mineral Compositions of the "Barkinite" Liptobiolith from the Jinshan Mine, Anhui Province, China

Yuzhuang SUN
Abstract: In order to study the accumulation mechanism of "barkinite", eight Late Permian channel benches (approximately 15-cm across and 10-cm deep) were taken from the Jinshan Mine, Anhui Province, China. The samples were analyzed by microscopical and geochemical methods. The microscopical observations indicate that the occurrence modes of "barkinite" in this area are different from those in other areas of China. The ratios of structureless "barkinite" are much higher in the Jinshan Mine, probably due to the flow-water and marine influenced environments. Furthermore, vitrinite macerals also show a strong fluorescence. The vitrinite fluorescence characteristics have not been observed in the Permian "barkinite" coals from northern China. The composition and variation of minerals in the column section also showed that the swamps in the study area were seriously influenced by seawater in the early and late stage during the peat accumulation. [source]

Archaeopteris halliana from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of Anhui Province, China

Abstract: New materials from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation of Chizhou District, Anhui Province, South China, allow description of fertile and sterile characters of Archaeopteris halliana. This plant has penultimate axes attached by sterile leaves and paired ultimate branches in the same ontogenetic spiral. Sterile leaves are narrowly cuneate in shape and bear distal margins dissected deeply. These leaves are spirally arranged on sterile ultimate axes. Non-laminated sporophylls occur spirally on the ultimate axes and bifurcate once or twice. Elongate sporangia with longitudinal dehiscence are borne adaxially below or above the dividing points of the sporophylls. Despite the leaf shape resembling that of Archaeopteris macilenta, our plant is assigned to A. halliana because of its non-laminated sporophylls. Fertile characters should be given priority or enough consideration in identifying species of Archaeopteris. [source]

Hamatophyton from the Late Devonian of Anhui Province, South China and Evolution of Sphenophyllales

Deming WANG
Abstract: Well-preserved specimens of Hamatophyton verticillatum collected from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation of Chaohu district, Anhui Province, South China, display more complete fertile axes in three orders and multiple divisions. Comparisons indicate that Hamatophyton possibly does not have palmate planate sterile leaves but hook-like linear ones with rare divisions. We propose seven definitive characters of Sphenophyllales: (1) completely whorled lateral organs; (2) sterile leaves; (3) strobili; (4) "sporangiophores" or stalks with reflexed tips bearing sporangia; (5) three- or four-ribbed primary xylem; (6) exarch maturation of primary xylem; and (7) secondary xylem. The Sphenophyllales probably originated from the Iridopteridales based on similarities in whorled lateral organs, ribbed primary xylem and peripheral protoxylem strands. In transition from Iridopteridales to Sphenophyllales, morphological changes involve partially whorled to completely whorled lateral organs, sterile ultimate appendages to leaves, and fertile ultimate appendages to "sporangiophores"/stalks with bracts; anatomical modifications include configuration and maturation of primary xylem, and presence of secondary xylem. [source]

Contrast in Fluid Metallogeny between the Tianmashan Au-S Deposit and the Datuanshan Cu Deposit in Tongling, Anhui Province

DU Yangsong
Abstract, A comprehensive contrast of ore-forming geological background and ore-forming fluid features, especially fluid ore-forming processes, has been performed between the Tianmashan and the Datuanshan ore deposits in Tongling, Anhui Province. The major reasons for the formation of the stratabound skarn Au-S ore deposit in Tianmashan and the stratabound skarn Cu ore deposit in Datuanshan are analyzed in accordance with this contrast. The magmatic pluton in Tianmashan is rich in Au and poor in Cu, but that in Datuanshan is rich in Cu and Au. The wallrock strata in Tianmashan contain Au-bearing pyrite layers with some organic substance but those in Datuanshan contain no such layers. Moreover, the ore-forming fluids in Tianmashan are dominantly magmatic ones at the oxide and sulfide stages, but those with high content of Cu in Datuanshan are mainly groundwater fluids. In addition, differences in compositional evolution and physicochemical condition variation of the ore-forming fluids result in gradual dispersion of Cu or Au in the late stage of the fluid ore-forming process. This is also an important metallogenic factor for the stratabound skarn Au-S ore deposit in Tianmashan and stratabound skarn Cu ore deposit in Datuanshan. [source]

Petrology and Geochemistry of the Huangshan Granitic Intrusion in Anhui Province, Southeast China: Implications for Petrogenesis and Geodynamics

Abstract: The Huangshan granitic intrusion in Anhui province, SE China, is tectonically located at the southeastern boundary of the Yangtze Block. Based on the contact relation and the petrography, the Huangshan granitic intrusion can be divided into four stages, from early to late, medium-grained monzogranite, coarse-grained porphyric granite, fine-medium grained porphyric granite, and fine-coarse grained granite. All rocks from the Huangshan granitic intrusion display similar petrological and geochemical characteristics, i.e. relatively high SiO2 (>75%) and alkali (7.85%,8.59%), low CaO(<1%), high Fe-number (FeOT/(MgO+FeOT) = 0.93,0.97) and A/CNK (atomic Al/(Ca+Na+K)) = 1.04,1.19. They are also enriched in rare earth elements (REE, except for Eu, with a total REE contents ranging from 116 ppm to 421 ppm), high strength field elements such as Zr, Hf, Nb, but depleted in Ba, Sr and Ni. The 10 000×Ga/Al ratios are higher than 2.6, which are consistent with the A-type granitoids. Based on the classification diagrams proposed by Eby, the Huangshan granite can be classified into the A2 group, which is usually believed to be formed under an extensional tectonic setting. Their Nd isotopic compositions suggest that the primary magmas of the Huangshan granite are predominantly derived from the Proterozoic andesitic rocks in the region, and this conclusion is also supported by REE modeling. The systemic investigations on the geochemistry of the Huangshan granitic intrusion can provide significant implications for the understanding of the petrogenesis and the geodynamic regime of southeastern China during the Late-Mesozoic. [source]

Acid Mine Drainage and Heavy Metal Pollution from Solid Waste in the Tongling Mines, China

XU Xiaochun
Abstract: Based on investigation of the characteristics of solid waste of two different mines, the Fenghuangshan copper mine and the Xinqiao pyrite mine in Tongling, Anhui province in central-east China, the possibility and the differences of acid mine drainage (AMD) of the tailings and the waste rocks are discussed, and the modes of occurrence of heavy metal elements in the mine solid waste are also studied. The Fenghuangshan copper mine hardly produces AMD, whereas the Xinqiao pyrite mine does and there are also differences in the modes of occurrence of heavy metal elements in the tailings. For the former, toxic heavy metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, As and Hg exist mostly in the slag mode, as compared to the latter, where the deoxidization mode has a much higher content, indicating that large amounts minerals in the waste rocks have begun to oxidize at the earth surface. AMD is proved to promote the migration and spread of the heavy metals in mining waste rocks and lead to environmental pollution of the surroundings of the mine area. [source]

Self-concept and mental health status of ,stay-at-home' children in rural China

Ke-Fu Zhao
Abstract Aim:, To describe the self-concept and mental health status of ,stay-at-home' children and to explore the differences between stay-at-home children and non-stay-at-home children. Methods:, A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Changfeng County to collect information on self-concept and mental health status. Children were classified as ,stay-at-home' or ,non-stay-at-home' for data analysis. Results:, Stay-at-home children accounted for 55.1% of children. The two groups of children differed significantly on the total scores of self-concept (stay-at-home, 52.48 ± 14.29; non-stay-at-home, 55.24 ± 15.10). The mental health status of stay-at-home children was poor, with significant difference between them (stay-at-home, 41.17 ± 12.25; non-stay-at-home, 40.14 ± 13.11). Using multivariate linear regression analysis, we found that the total P-H score, gender, low family economic status, stay-at-home status and being cared for by an uncle/aunt or an older sibling were independent variables for mental health of the children. Conclusion:, This study suggests that stay-at-home children have a greater risk of mental health problems than their counterparts in rural Anhui province, China. In addition, this study provides useful baseline information on childhood mental health and has identified important risk factors that would be important in planning strategies for prevention of mental health problems for stay-at-home children. [source]