High Conservation Value (high + conservation_value)

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Selected Abstracts

BioPrEP , a regional, process-based approach for assessment of land with high conservation value for Bush Heritage Australia

Brendan Mackey
Summary, A framework is presented for terrestrial conservation assessment that has been developed for Bush Heritage, an Australian non-profit organisation that manages land of outstanding conservation value through acquisition or working in partnership with other landowners. The framework is called Biodiversity Prediction using Ecological Processes and comprises seven conservation goals, with a set of candidate criteria and indicators for each goal. Particular emphasis is given to criteria that relate to habitat quality in addition to the more conventional focus on land quantity. The MCAS-S graphic user interface is used to help analyse the indicators and visualise the results in a transparent way that assists the decision-making process. The interface also allows indicators to be weighted differently, which among other things, allows analyses to reflect inter-regional differences in what represents high quality land. The framework was tested in a case study region (the Woodland region of south-eastern Australia), and the results reveal land that is potentially a priority for conservation investments. While the framework and case study results are indicative, and further analyses are required before they can be considered operational, the approach has potential application to other organisations in the private conservation sector. [source]

A study of the epiphytic communities of Atlantic oak woods along an atmospheric nitrogen deposition gradient

Summary 1Atlantic oak woods are of high conservation value and contain many rare lichens and bryophytes. The effects of nitrogen pollution on these epiphytic communities have not been previously studied. We investigated the composition of Atlantic oak wood epiphytic communities in relation to atmospheric N deposition in order to identify N indicator species and propose a critical load for such communities. 2The epiphytic communities of seven Atlantic oak woods receiving estimated total nitrogen deposition in the range 10,53 kg N ha,1 year,1 were surveyed. Exposure of epiphytes to atmospheric N over 7 months was measured in terms of stemflow flux and concentration and airborne NH3. 3Redundancy analysis (RDA) related the species to stemflow chemistry and bark pH. Different groups of species were found at (i) a coastal low N deposition site (Graphina ruiziana, Lecania cyrtella, Lobaria pulmonaria, Opegrapha atra, Orthotrichum affine, Melanelia fuliginosa ssp. glabratula and Pertusaria hymenea), (ii) inland low N deposition sites (I. myosuroides, F. tamarisci, Plagiochila atlantica, Cladonia chlorophaea, C. squamosa, Hypotrachyna laevigata and Thelotrema lepadinum) and (iii) high N deposition sites (Hypnun andoi, Hypnum cupressiforme, Calicium viride, Chrysothrix candelaris, C. coniocraea, Hypogymnia physodes, Parmelia saxatilis, Phyllospora rosei and Usnea subfloridana). 4RDA analysis showed that bark pH and concentration in the stemflow explained the greatest amount of variation in the species composition among the sites. The sites separated into two groups (low and high concentration) leading to an estimate for the critical load for N deposition for epiphytes in Atlantic oak woods of 11,18 kg N ha,1 year,1. 5Analysis of the occurrence of species against N levels suggested that I. myosuroides and F. tamarisci are indicators of small N inputs, whereas H. andoi, C. coniocraea, P. saxatilis and H. physodes are tolerant of increased N loads. 6Different forms of N (, , NH3) were found to significantly affect the occurrence of different species. Some species were sensitive to total flux while others were sensitive to concentration. [source]

Dionaea muscipula (Venus Flytrap) Establishment, Release, and Response of Associated Species in Mowed Patches on the Rims of Carolina Bays

James O Luken
Abstract Carolina bays are depression wetlands of high conservation value that occur across the Southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States. Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is one rare carnivorous plant that grows in open habitats on the rims of Carolina bays. Without frequent burning, vegetation on bay rims becomes dominated by evergreen shrubs and Venus flytrap populations decline. This project examined the utility of mechanical mowing, soil clearing, transplanting, and seeding as an approach to restoring populations of Venus flytraps when fire is precluded. Mowing of patches on bay rims produced open sites with little ground-layer vegetation. After two growing seasons, adult Venus flytraps transplanted to mowed patches showed high survivorship and relatively high leaf number/plant. Suppressed Venus flytraps existing on-site quickly initiated growth in response to mowing. These volunteers and the transplants had higher flowering percentages than plants in reference populations. Seeds of Venus flytraps were scattered in mowed and cleared plots. Seedling establishment was low, but seedlings persisted into the second growing season. Mowing created suitable habitat for growth and flowering of adult Venus flytraps and facilitated establishment of two other carnivorous species, Sundew (Drosera capillaris) and Bladderwort (Utricularia subulata). But, mowing and clearing also facilitated invasion by four species of grasses and rushes; evergreen shrubs resprouted quickly after mowing. Maintaining persistent openings by mowing the rims of Carolina bays will be an ongoing challenge due to availability of potential invaders and rapid regrowth of shrubs. [source]

Determining the important environmental variables controlling plant species community composition in mesotrophic grasslands in Great Britain

Veronika Kalusová
Abstract Question: What is the relative importance of local site effects and selected important environmental variables in determining plant species composition? How do species respond to these environmental variables? Location: Ten mesotrophic grassland sites of high conservation value in southern England. Methods: Species cover was assessed in between 10 and 25 randomly selected 1-m2 quadrats at each site. At each quadrat degree of waterlogging (W), soil Olsen extractable phosphorus (P) and soil pH were measured. Variation partitioning was used to separate site and soil effects, and HOF (Huisman, Olff & Fresco) modelling was used to produce response curves for the major species on soil gradients, based on coenoclines derived from partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA). Results: Variation partitioning identified Site as the most important environmental variable (34.6%). Only 18.7% was accounted for by the three soil variables together; W (degree of waterlogging), P and pH accounted for 11.1%, 5.7% and 4.3%, respectively in raw form with 2.4% shared. However, when Site and the other soil variables were removed the variation explained reduced to 2.3% for W, 1.1% for P and 1.0% for pH. The species responses to each of these soil environmental factors could be separated into four types on each gradient. Most species were abundant at low W, low soil P and intermediate pH. Conclusions: Site-based factors were more important than the three soil variables, which were assumed to be directly or indirectly associated with productivity. This implies that each site has unique properties that are more important than the soil variables. The three soil factors were, however, significant and the groups of the most common species, based on significant response curves, can be used as a first approximation of indicators of environmental conditions in British mesotrophic grasslands for conservation. However, W accounted for most variation, and the current reliance on soil available P and soil pH for assessing conservation/restoration potential should be viewed with caution. [source]

The impact of catastrophic channel change on freshwater mussels in the Hunter River system, Australia: a conservation assessment

Hugh A. Jones
Abstract 1.Australia has a distinct suite of endemic freshwater mussel species, several of which are restricted to south-eastern Australia, an intensively modified region supporting much of the nation's population and where pressures on freshwater ecosystems are increasing. 2.Surveys were made of 78 sites in the Hunter River system to determine the distribution and abundance of the six mussel species occurring in the region, to identify threatening processes and to locate populations of high conservation value. 3.Mussel populations were mainly distributed in the hydrologically stable southern Barrington rivers, where those in the Williams River have the highest conservation value. Strongholds for Hyridella drapeta were found in Wollombi Brook. 4.Mussels were not detected at 40% of the sites, some of which supported mussels in the past. These were mainly reaches that have undergone river metamorphosis. 5.Where found, most mussel populations had low densities and were highly fragmented. Major threats to these remnant populations are degradation of riparian and instream condition from agricultural activities, extreme climatic events (flood and drought) and the introduced macrophyte, Salvinia molesta. 6.While threat mitigation can be achieved by habitat protection and strategies to reconnect mussel populations, managers are largely unaware of this invertebrate group. Formal recognition of regionally threatened mussel populations would do much to focus efforts on conservation. 7.The proposed construction of a large dam on the Williams River is a potential threat to the most important mussel populations in the Hunter River system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Ecology and conservation status of temporary and fluctuating ponds in two areas of southern England

D.T. Bilton
Abstract 1.A high proportion of ponds are temporary in nature, although the biodiversity value of such sites is still poorly recognized. This work explores the plant and macroinvertebrate communities of 76 temporary and fluctuating water bodies in two regions of southern England (Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall and New Forest, Hampshire) that have retained high pond densities. The ecology and conservation status of sites is examined, and comparisons made with ponds elsewhere in England and Wales. 2.Lizard and New Forest ponds supported 119 plant and 165 macroinvertebrate species respectively. Patterns of community similarity for plants and macroinvertebrates were highly concordant, taxa being related in a similar manner to measured environmental variables including pond area, depth, pH and water chemistry. 3.Patterns of pond occupancy revealed that most species were locally rare, over half occurring in less than 10% of ponds, and less than 10% being recorded from more than 50% of sites. More than 50% of ponds supported at least one nationally rare plant and almost 75% at least one nationally rare macroinvertebrate. These taxa occupied a wide range of pond types in each region, and did not have predictably different ecologies from common species. 4.Comparisons with ponds elsewhere in England and Wales revealed that Lizard and New Forest communities are nationally distinct, being most similar to ponds in areas of low intensity agriculture elsewhere in western Britain. Individual ponds in both regions supported more nationally rare taxa, on average, than ponds sampled in the national survey. 5.Ponds in the two areas have high conservation value, both regionally and nationally, supporting almost 75% of the global species richness of temporary ponds sampled across England and Wales. Within each region, many taxa are found in relatively few sites, and effective conservation of pond biodiversity will require a regional management approach. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis) (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) and conservation of boreal springs: indications of clustering of red-listed species

Jari Ilmonen
Abstract 1.Crunoecia irrorata is widely dispersed across Europe, but rare and red-listed in Finland. Its geographical range comprises most of the southern boreal zone in Fennoscandia. The species is confined to springs in the north, but occurs also in lower reaches of headwater streams in central and western Europe. It becomes more rare and less abundant towards the limits of its range across Europe, showing diffusive rarity. Glacial history and climate limit the distribution of the species in the north. 2.The most important habitat characteristic for C. irrorata in Finland was the total area of helocrene habitats. Its occurrence was positively related to taxon richness of benthic macroinvertebrates, but not bryophytes. Co-occurrence of C. irrorata with other red-listed spring-dependent taxa was observed, indicating high conservation value of the springs occupied. 3.Crunoecia irrorata occurred frequently in moderately disturbed springs, indicating tolerance to human disturbance around springs. However, the effect of the disturbance on population size is not known. Forestry and water and gravel extraction are potential threats to C. irrorata, and only a few of its populations are strictly protected. Therefore, populations of C. irrorata in the boreal zone should be conserved and monitored to ensure the species' survival at the northern limits of its range. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Rapid Recovery of Biomass, Species Richness, and Species Composition in a Forest Chronosequence in Northeastern Costa Rica

BIOTROPICA, Issue 5 2009
Susan G. Letcher
ABSTRACT Secondary forests are a vital part of the tropical landscape, and their worldwide extent and importance continues to increase. Here, we present the largest chronosequence data set on forest succession in the wet tropics that includes both secondary and old-growth sites. We performed 0.1 ha vegetation inventories in 30 sites in northeastern Costa Rica, including seven old-growth forests and 23 secondary forests on former pastures, ranging from 10 to 42 yr. The secondary forest sites were formerly pasture for intervals of <1,25 yr. Aboveground biomass in secondary forests recovered rapidly, with sites already exhibiting values comparable to old growth after 21,30 yr, and biomass accumulation was not impacted by the length of time that a site was in pasture. Species richness reached old-growth levels in as little as 30 yr, although sites that were in pasture for > 10 yr had significantly lower species richness. Forest cover near the sites at the time of forest establishment did not significantly impact biomass or species richness, and the species composition of older secondary forest sites (>30 yr) converged with that of old growth. These results emphasize the resilience of tropical ecosystems in this region and the high conservation value of secondary forests. [source]