Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells (hippocampal + pyramidal_cell)

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Selected Abstracts

N -methyl- d -aspartate, hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih) and ,-aminobutyric acid conductances govern the risk of epileptogenesis following febrile seizures in rat hippocampus

Mohamed Ouardouz
Abstract Febrile seizures are the most common types of seizure in children, and are generally considered to be benign. However, febrile seizures in children with dysgenesis have been associated with the development of temporal lobe epilepsy. We have previously shown in a rat model of dysgenesis (cortical freeze lesion) and hyperthermia-induced seizures that 86% of these animals developed recurrent seizures in adulthood. The cellular changes underlying the increased risk of epileptogenesis in this model are not known. Using whole cell patch-clamp recordings from CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells, we found a more pronounced increase in excitability in rats with both hyperthermic seizures and dysgenesis than in rats with hyperthermic seizures alone or dysgenesis alone. The change was found to be secondary to an increase in N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs). Inversely, hyperpolarization-activated cation current was more pronounced in naïve rats with hyperthermic seizures than in rats with dysgenesis and hyperthermic seizures or with dysgenesis alone. The increase in GABAA -mediated inhibition observed was comparable in rats with or without dysgenesis after hyperthermic seizures, whereas no changes were observed in rats with dysgenesis alone. Our work indicates that in this two-hit model, changes in NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs may facilitate epileptogenesis following febrile seizures. Changes in the hyperpolarization-activated cation currents may represent a protective reaction and act by damping the NMDA receptor-mediated hyperexcitability, rather than converting inhibition into excitation. These findings provide a new hypothesis of cellular changes following hyperthermic seizures in predisposed individuals, and may help in the design of therapeutic strategies to prevent epileptogenesis following prolonged febrile seizures. [source]

Immunolocalization of BK channels in hippocampal pyramidal neurons

Claudia A. Sailer
Abstract Neurons are highly specialized cells in which the integration and processing of electrical signals critically depends on the precise localization of ion channels. For large-conductance Ca2+ - activated K+ (BK) channels, targeting to presynaptic membranes in hippocampal pyramidal cells was reported; however, functional evidence also suggests a somatodendritic localization. Therefore we re-examined the subcellular distribution of BK channels in mouse hippocampus using a panel of independent antibodies in a combined approach of conventional immunocytochemistry on cultured neurons, pre- and postembedding electron microscopy and immunoprecipitation. In cultured murine hippocampal neurons, the colocalization of BK channels with both pre- and postsynaptic marker proteins was observed. Electron microscopy confirmed targeting of BK channels to axonal as well as dendritic membranes of glutamatergic synapses in hippocampus. A postsynaptic localization of BK channels was also supported by the finding that the channel coimmunoprecipitated with PSD95, a protein solely expressed in the postsynaptic compartment. These results thus demonstrate that BK channels reside in both post- and presynaptic compartments of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. [source]

Postnatal maturation of Na+, K+, 2Cl, cotransporter expression and inhibitory synaptogenesis in the rat hippocampus: an immunocytochemical analysis

Serge Marty
Abstract GABA, a major inhibitory neurotransmitter, depolarizes hippocampal pyramidal neurons during the first postnatal week. These depolarizations result from an efflux of Cl, through GABAA -gated anion channels. The outward Cl, gradient that provides the driving force for Cl, efflux might be generated and maintained by the Na+, K+, 2Cl, cotransporter (NKCC) that keeps intracellular Cl, concentration above electrochemical equilibrium. The developmental pattern of expression of the cotransporter in the hippocampus is not known. We studied the postnatal distribution pattern of NKCC in the hippocampus using a monoclonal antibody (T4) against a conserved epitope in the C-terminus of the cotransporter molecule. We also examined the temporal relationships between the developmental pattern of NKCC expression and the formation of perisomatic GABAergic synapses. This study was aimed at determining, with antivesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT) antibodies, whether perisomatic GABAergic synapses are formed preferentially at the time when GABA is depolarizing. During the first postnatal week, NKCC immunolabelling was restricted to cell bodies in the pyramidal cell layer and in the strata oriens and radiatum. In contrast, at postnatal day 21 (P21) and in adult animals little or no labelling occurred in cell bodies; instead, a prominent dendritic labelling appeared in both pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons. The ultrastructural immunogold study in P21 rat hippocampi corroborated the light-microscopy results. In addition, this study revealed that a portion of the silver-intensified colloidal gold particles were located on neuronal plasmalemma, as expected for a functional cotransporter. The formation of inhibitory synapses on perikarya of the pyramidal cell layer was a late process. The density of VIAAT-immunoreactive puncta in the stratum pyramidale at P21 reached four times the P7 value in CA3, and six times the P7 value in CA1. Electron microscopy revealed that the number of synapses per neuronal perikaryal profile in the stratum pyramidale of the CA3 area at P21 was three times higher than at P7, even if a concomitant 20% increase in the area of these neuronal perikaryal profiles occurred. It is concluded that, in hippocampal pyramidal cells, there is a developmental shift in the NKCC localization from a predominantly somatic to a predominantly dendritic location. The presence of NKCC during the first postnatal week is consistent with the hypothesis that this transporter might be involved in the depolarizing effects of GABA. The depolarizing effects of GABA may not be required for the establishment of the majority of GABAergic synapses in the stratum pyramidale, because their number increases after the first postnatal week, when GABA action becomes hyperpolarizing. [source]

Dynamics of a Transgene Expression in Acute Rat Brain Slices Transfected with Adenoviral Vectors

C. E. L. Stokes
We present a quantitative account of the expression dynamics of a transgene (enhanced green fluorescent protein, EGFP) in acute brain slices transfected with an adenoviral vector (AVV) under control of the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) promoter. Micromolar concentrations of EGFP could be detected in brainstem and hippocampal slices as early as 7 h after in vitro transfection with a viral titre of 4.4 × 109 plaque-forming units (pfu) ml,1. Although initially EGFP appeared mainly in glia, it could be detected in neurones with longer incubation times of 10-12 h. However, fluorescence was never detected within some populations of neurones, such as hippocampal pyramidal cells, or within the hypoglossal motor nucleus. The density of cells expressing EGFP peaked at 10 h and then decreased, possibly suggesting that high concentrations of EGFP are toxic. The age of the animal significantly affected the speed of EGFP accumulation: after 10 h of incubation in 30-day-old rats only 4.88 ± 0.51 cells/10 000 ,m2 were fluorescent compared to 7.28 ± 0.39 cells/10 000 ,m2 in 12-day-old rats (P < 0.05). HCMV promoter-driven transgene expression depended on the activity of protein kinase A, and was depressed with a cAMP/protein kinase A antagonist (20 ,M Rp-cAMPS; P < 0.0005). This indicates that expression of HCMV-driven constructs is likely to be skewed towards cellular populations where cAMP-dependent signalling pathways are active. We conclude that acute transfection of brain slices with AVVs within hours causes EGFP expression in micromolar concentrations and that such transfected cells may remain viable for use in physiological experiments. [source]

Effect of tooth loss on spatial memory and trkB-mRNA levels in rats

HIPPOCAMPUS, Issue 6 2008
Kaoruko Yamazaki
Abstract The mechanism by which tooth loss accelerates spatial memory impairment is unknown. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that tooth loss affects trkB-mRNA levels and leads to an accelerated decrease in the hippocampal cell density in rats. A radial maze was used to evaluate the spatial memory of male Wistar rats that were categorized based on the number of extracted molar teeth. Number of hippocampal pyramidal cells and the trkB-mRNA expressions in the amygdala, perirhinal cortex, thalamus, and the hippocampal CA1, CA3, and CA4 areas, were evaluated using molecular biological techniques. Seven weeks after tooth extraction, maze performance was significantly lower in each tooth loss group than in the control group, and the number of extracted teeth was inversely proportional to the induction of the trkB-mRNA and the hippocampal cell density. The average weight of rats increased by controlled feeding throughout the experiment without showing a significant difference between the control and experimental groups. The results indicated that, in rats, the spatial memory-linked trkB-mRNA was reduced in association with the tooth loss; this supports the hypothesis and suggests that teeth have a role in the prevention of spatial memory impairment. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

From grid cells to place cells: A mathematical model

HIPPOCAMPUS, Issue 12 2006
Trygve Solstad
Abstract Anatomical connectivity and recent neurophysiological results imply that grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex are the principal cortical inputs to place cells in the hippocampus. The authors propose a model in which place fields of hippocampal pyramidal cells are formed by linear summation of appropriately weighted inputs from entorhinal grid cells. Single confined place fields could be formed by summing input from a modest number (10,50) of grid cells with relatively similar grid phases, diverse grid orientations, and a biologically plausible range of grid spacings. When the spatial phase variation in the grid-cell input was higher, multiple, and irregularly spaced firing fields were formed. These observations point to a number of possible constraints in the organization of functional connections between grid cells and place cells. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Excitotoxic lesions of the pre- and parasubiculum disrupt the place fields of hippocampal pyramidal cells

HIPPOCAMPUS, Issue 1 2004
Ping Liu
Abstract To determine what influence the pre- and parasubiculum regions of the hippocampal formation have on neural representations within the dorsal hippocampus, single-unit recordings were made as rats with bilateral ibotenic acid lesions centered on the former regions (n = 4) or control surgeries (n = 3) foraged freely. Spatial firing specificity was measured using an information content procedure. Cells from lesioned animals (n = 57) provided significantly less spatial information than cells from control animals (n = 44). Whereas some degree of location-related activity (place fields) was observed in 98% of neurons recorded from control animals, it was observed in only 65% of the neurons from lesioned animals. The spatial resolution of the intact place fields appeared to be compromised in lesioned animals as a result of their having a higher firing rate outside the place field. These findings indicate that the pre- and parasubiculum regions have a major role in maintaining the specificity of the place field firing of hippocampal pyramidal cells. Since previous data indicate that these lesioned animals displayed delay-dependent deficits in spatial tasks, these findings also suggest that a disruption in place field activity may be a causal factor in this spatial memory deficit. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Phase precession and phase-locking of hippocampal pyramidal cells

HIPPOCAMPUS, Issue 3 2001
Amitabha Bose
Abstract We propose that the activity patterns of CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells in freely running rats can be described as a temporal phenomenon, where the timing of bursts is modulated by the animal's running speed. With this hypothesis, we explain why pyramidal cells fire in specific spatial locations, and how place cells phase-precess with respect to the EEG theta rhythm for rats running on linear tracks. We are also able to explain why wheel cells phase-lock with respect to the theta rhythm for rats running in a wheel. Using biophysically minimal models of neurons, we show how the same network of neurons displays these activity patterns. The different rhythms are the result of inhibition being used in different ways by the system. The inhibition is produced by anatomically and physiologically diverse types of interneurons, whose role in controlling the firing patterns of hippocampal cells we analyze. Each firing pattern is characterized by a different set of functional relationships between network elements. Our analysis suggests a way to understand these functional relationships and transitions between them. Hippocampus 2001;11:204,215. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]