Heterotrophic Protists (heterotrophic + protist)

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Selected Abstracts

162 Interactions Between Planktonic Microalgae and Protozoan Grazers

U. Tillmann
For an algal bloom to develop, the growth rate of the bloom-forming species must exceed the sum of all loss processes. Among these loss processes, grazing is generally believed to be one of the more important factors. Based on numerous field studies it is now recognised that microzooplankton are dominant consumers of phytoplankton in both open ocean and coastal waters. Heterotrophic protists, a major component of microzooplankton communities, constitute a vast complex of diverse feeding strategies and behaviour which allow them access to even the larger phytoplankton species. A number of laboratory studies have shown the capability of different protistan species to feed and grow on bloom forming algal species. Because of short generation times, their ability for fast reaction to short-term variation in food conditions enables phagotrophic protists to fulfil the function of a heterotrophic buffer, which might balances the flow of matter in case of phytoplankton blooms. The importance of grazing as control of microalgae becomes most apparent by its failure; if community grazing controls initial stages of bloom development, there simply is no bloom. However, if a certain algal species is difficult to graze, e.g. due to specific defence mechanisms, a reduced grazing pressure will certainly favour bloom development. The present contribution will provide a general overview on the interactions between planktonic microalgae and protozoan grazers with special emphasis on species-specific interactions and algal defence strategies against protozoan grazers. [source]

Crash of a population of the marine heterotrophic flagellate Cafeteria roenbergensis by viral infection

Ramon Massana
Summary Viruses are known as important mortality agents of marine microorganisms. Most studies focus on bacterial and algal viruses, and few reports exist on viruses infecting marine heterotrophic protists. Here we show results from several incubations initiated with a microbial assemblage from the central Indian Ocean and amended with different amounts of organic matter. Heterotrophic flagellates developed up to 30 000 cells ml,1 in the most enriched incubation. A 18S rDNA clone library and fluorescent in situ hybridization counts with newly designed probes indicated that the peak was formed by Cafeteria roenbergensis and Caecitellus paraparvulus (90% and 10% of the cells respectively). Both taxa were below detection in the original sample, indicating a strong positive selective bias during the enrichment. During the peak, C. roenbergensis cells were observed with virus-like particles in the cytoplasm, and 4 days later this taxa could not be detected. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the viral nature of these particles, which were large (280 nm), had double-stranded DNA, and were produced with a burst size of ,70. This virus was specific of C. roenbergensis as neither C. paraparvulus that was never seen infected, nor other flagellate taxa that developed in later stages of the incubation, appeared attacked. This is one of the few reports on a heterotrophic flagellate virus and the implications of this finding in the Indian Ocean are discussed. [source]

How well can the fatty acid content of lake seston be predicted from its taxonomic composition?

Abstract 1. Results from the few field studies that have tried to relate seston taxonomic and fatty acid (FA) composition suggest that phytoplankton composition only partially explains seston FA composition. However, in these studies, the heterotrophic components of seston (i.e. bacteria and heterotrophic protists) have not been accounted for. 2. The general premise of this article was that including the contribution of heterotrophs to seston biomass can improve understanding of the variability in seston FA composition. This was tested for an oligotrophic clearwater lake, in which the taxonomic and FA compositions of seston, fractionated into three size classes, were monitored every 2 weeks over a growth season. The relationship between seston taxonomic and FA composition was studied using canonical correlation analyses. 3. Because of their relative richness in branched FA and lack of highly unsaturated FAs (HUFA) compared to autotrophs and other protists, the contribution of bacteria to seston biomass was shown to explain an important part of the differences in FA composition between the different seston size classes. Phytoplankton seasonal succession also affected the FA composition of seston but only for size classes that were dominated by autotrophs. 4. The results also indicated that heterotrophic protists such as ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates might substantially influence the seston FA, and especially, HUFA, composition. 5. The per cent of variability in seston FA composition that was explained by its taxonomic composition was still relatively low, even when taking account of heterotrophs. Hence, other possible influences, such as phytoplankton species composition, physiological state and the contribution of terrestrial detritus, need investigation. [source]

Growth of the vacuoleless mutant of Tetrahymena thermophila NP1 in phytate

Phytate, the salt form of phytic acid, is the major store of phosphate in seeds and grain. Since non-ruminant farm animals poorly digest phytate, it is also a source of environmental phosphate contamination in agricultural areas. We are using Tetrahymena, a ciliated protist with multiple routes for nutrient assimilation, as a model to investigate the contribution of heterotrophic protists to the environmental cycling of phosphate from phytate. This ciliate has the ability to grow on phytate as the sole phosphate source (Ziemkiewicz, H. T., Johnson, M. D. & Smith-Somerville, H. E. 2002. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 49:428). Tetrahymena thermophila NP1, a temperature-sensitive vacuoleless mutant (ATCC #50202), provides a way to separate membrane transport from uptake through phagosomes, and to assess the importance of each mechanism. This cell grows equally well at the permissive and non-permissive temperatures with either phytate or inorganic phosphate as the phosphate source. Our results demonstrate that phagosomes are not required to use the phosphate from phytate. [source]