Heterogeneous Processes (heterogeneous + process)

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Selected Abstracts

Clonal analysis of cutaneous fibrous histiocytoma (dermatofibroma)

Pei Hui
Background:, Dermatofibroma (DF) or cutaneous fibrous histiocytoma is a common benign fibrohistiocytic lesion involving the dermis and subcutis. Histologically, it is subclassified into fibroblastic and histiocytoid forms. Its histogenesis is controversial. While often referred to as a neoplastic process, definite evidence of neoplasia in DF has been lacking. Alternatively, some authorities have suggested that DF is a fibrosing inflammatory process. Diagnostically, the most important question faced is the distinction from dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP). Misdiagnosis can occur, as the early phase of DFSP can simulate DF, particularly the deep and cellular forms of DF. Methods:, To address this issue, and to investigate whether DF is in fact a neoplasm, we evaluated 31 examples of DF of various histological types in female patients and assessed clonality by analyzing X-chromosome inactivation as indicated by the methylation status of the androgen receptor gene (HUMARA). Representative cases of DFSP were analyzed for comparison. Results:, Among the selected 31 cases of DF, 24 cases provided intact DNA and informative polymorphism at the AR alleles, including one case of recurrent deep fibrous histiocytoma. Among these 24 cases, randomly inactivated AR alleles were observed in 17 cases including a deep, recurrent fibroblastic DF. A non-random inactivation at AR alleles was observed in seven cases, of which six cases showed either typical histiocytoid form of DF (four cases) or mixed cell types with predominant histiocytoid cell type (two cases). One fibroblastic DF also showed a monoclonal pattern. HUMARA analysis of DFSP revealed non-random inactivation of polymorphic AR alleles. Conclusions:, These findings suggest that DF is a heterogeneous process. Monoclonal genotype was found in DFs with histiocytoid or mixed type with predominant histiocytoid features, suggesting that histiocytoid cells probably represent the neoplastic component. The fibroblastic form of DF may represent a reactive fibroblastic proliferation. Alternatively, it may represent a true neoplasm whose neoplastic cell type has been obscured by prominent reactive fibroblastic component. [source]

Synthesis, Structure, and Application of Self-Assembled Copper(II) Aqua Complex by H-Bonding for Acceleration of the Nitroaldol Reaction on Water

Suribabu Jammi
Abstract Simple addition: Copper(II) aqua complex 1 can be prepared in a one-pot synthesis and is self-assembled by H-bond interactions. Complex 1 is shown to accelerate the nitroaldol reaction on water, which is a heterogeneous process, requiring no additive or base, and 1 can be recycled without loss of activity. Copper(II) aqua complex 1 has been prepared in a one-pot synthesis. The single crystal X-ray analysis showed that the complex is self-assembled through aqua ligands by H-bond interactions and the copper(II) atoms are pentacoordinated with square pyramidal geometry. Complex 1 has been studied for the acceleration of the nitroalodol reaction on water. It is a clean technological process and the catalyst can be recycled without loss of activity. [source]

Identification of the effective distribution function for determination of the distributed activation energy models using the maximum likelihood method: Isothermal thermogravimetric data

Bojan Jankovi
The new procedure for identification of the effective distribution function for determination of the distributed activation energy models, which is based on use the maximum likelihood method (MLM), was established. The five different continuous probability functions (exponential, logistic, normal, gamma, and Weibull probability functions (the extended set of distributions)) were used for searching the best reactivity model for two heterogeneous processes: (a) the isothermal reduction process of nickel oxide under hydrogen atmosphere and (b) the isothermal degradation process of bisphenol-A polycarbonate (Lexan) under nitrogen atmosphere. The MLM showed that for both processes, the most suitable reactivity model represents the Weibull distribution model. It was concluded that the values of Arrhenius parameters (ln A and Ea), evaluated from the Weibull distribution model, represent the effective kinetic values for both considered processes. This procedure enables identification the suitable distribution model for considered process only from the experimental data (based on the shapes of obtained integral kinetic curves), and this fact represents the advantage of established analysis. The established mathematical procedure, which is based on the MLM, can be applied as the preliminary analysis for evaluating the distribution of activation energies for complex heterogeneous processes. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 41: 27,44, 2009 [source]

Chiral Tetraaza Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis: Recent Progress

Fonseca, Marķa Hechavarrķa
Abstract Nitrogen-containing ligands have become very popular in asymmetric catalysis, due to their robustness and availability in comparison to phosphines. Nitrogen-containing ligands are used in homogeneous catalysis, but they are suitable for heterogeneous processes, too. In this article we focus on chiral ligands with four nitrogen atoms and summarize recent progress achieved with these compounds in asymmetric catalysis. [source]

Use of Genetic Algorithm to Determine the Kinetic Model of Solid-State Reactions

S. Maitra
Solid-state reactions take place by different rate-controlling heterogeneous processes. To find the appropriate kinetic model for a particular solid-state reaction, a genetic algorithm-based simulation technique was carried out using DTA data with a fitness function, and a computer program was developed for the same. The process was applied to the decomposition reactions of limestone and magnesite samples. It was observed that both the decomposition reactions mostly followed the Avrami,Erofeev kinetics model. [source]