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Kinds of Herbivory

  • insect herbivory
  • invertebrate herbivory
  • root herbivory
  • shoot herbivory

  • Terms modified by Herbivory

  • herbivory rate

  • Selected Abstracts


    EVOLUTION, Issue 9 2008
    Michael J. Wise
    As the evolutionary importance of plant tolerance of herbivory is increasingly appreciated, more and more studies are not just measuring a plant's tolerance, but are comparing tolerance among plant genotypes, populations, species, and environments. Here, we suggest that caution must be taken in such comparative studies in the choice of measurement scales (and data transformations) for damage levels and plant performance. We demonstrate with a simple scenario of two plant groups of equal tolerance how the choice of scales can lead one to infer that the first group is more tolerant, the second group is more tolerant, or the two groups are equally tolerant,using the identical dataset. We conclude that to make reliable, logically consistent inferences when comparing tolerances among groups of plants, damage and performance should both be on an additive scale or both on a multiplicative scale. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 3 2003
    Brian D. Inouye
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Herbivory enhances positive effects of plant genotypic diversity

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 5 2010
    John D. Parker
    Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 553,563 Abstract Both plant diversity and vertebrate herbivores can impact plant fitness and ecosystem functioning, however their interactions have not been explicitly tested. We manipulated plant genotypic diversity of the native plant Oenothera biennis and monitored its survivorship and lifetime fitness with and without one of its major vertebrate consumers, white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus. Intense but unmanipulated herbivory by meadow voles Microtus pennsylvanicus killed over 70% of nearly 4000 experimental plants. However, plants grown in genotypically diverse patches suffered fewer vole attacks and had higher survival and reproductive output than plants in monoculture. Moreover, positive effects of genotypic diversity were enhanced by the presence of deer, indicating a non-additive interaction between diversity and trophic-level complexity. Genetic selection analyses showed that the selective value of ecologically important traits depended on plant diversity and exposure to deer, demonstrating that community complexity can promote fitness through multiple ecologically and evolutionarily important feedbacks. [source]

    Leaf herbivory and nutrients increase nectar alkaloids

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 8 2006
    Lynn S. Adler
    Abstract Correlations between traits may constrain ecological and evolutionary responses to multispecies interactions. Many plants produce defensive compounds in nectar and leaves that could influence interactions with pollinators and herbivores, but the relationship between nectar and leaf defences is entirely unexplored. Correlations between leaf and nectar traits may be mediated by resources and prior damage. We determined the effect of nutrients and leaf herbivory by Manduca sexta on Nicotiana tabacum nectar and leaf alkaloids, floral traits and moth oviposition. We found a positive phenotypic correlation between nectar and leaf alkaloids. Herbivory induced alkaloids in nectar but not in leaves, while nutrients increased alkaloids in both tissues. Moths laid the most eggs on damaged, fertilized plants, suggesting a preference for high alkaloids. Induced nectar alkaloids via leaf herbivory indicate that species interactions involving leaf and floral tissues are linked and should not be treated as independent phenomena in plant ecology or evolution. [source]

    Moths boring into Ficus syconia on Iriomote Island, south-western Japan

    Shinji SUGIURA
    Abstract Herbivory in the syconia of six Ficus (Moraceae) species (F. superba, F. varieagata, F. virgata, F. irisana, F. bengutensis and F. septica) was examined in March 2002 on Iriomote Island, south-western Japan. Larvae of two lepidopteran species, Pachybotys spissalis (Guenée) (Pyralidae: Pyraustinae) and Stathmopoda sp. (Stathmopodidae) were observed to bore into the Ficus syconia. The attack rate by the moths varied from 0 to 38.5% across Ficus trees. The interiors of the syconia were heavily grazed by the moth larvae. Because figs (syconia) can be regarded as galls and seeds, according to sex and developmental stage, the moth larvae could be considered as gall or seed herbivores, and predators of fig wasps. Moth attack in the Ficus syconia could cause the destruction of fig wasp populations, as fig wasps develop in the syconia. [source]

    Herbivory in an acid stream

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2000
    Mark E. Ledger
    Summary 1Spatial and temporal variation in the distribution and feeding of non-predatory macroinvertebrates was investigated in a first-order, acid stream in the Ashdown Forest, southern England. 2Stonefly (Nemouridae) and chironomid (Orthocladiinae) larvae were abundant on the upper surfaces of mineral substrata of three sizes (small stones, large stones, bedrock). The density of larvae in each taxonomic group did not vary among substrata of different sizes, although strong seasonal variation existed. 3Nemourids and chironomids (H. marcidus) collected from the upper surfaces of substrata exhibited generalist feeding habits, consuming algae (diatoms, coccoid and filamentous green algae), detritus (biofilm matrix material and fine particulate organic matter (FPOM)) and inorganic debris. 4There was spatial variation in the gut contents of nemourids. The proportion of algae in the guts of larvae often increased with the size of the substratum from which they were collected. Strong temporal variation in the composition of the diet also existed. Nemourids ingested a large quantity of attached algae and biofilm matrix from the biofilm in spring and winter, but consumed loose FPOM and associated microflora in summer and autumn. 5We conclude that, in this acid stream, the trophic linkage between algae and grazers is maintained by ,detritivorous' stonefly and chironomid species. The relationship between the feeding habits of these larvae and other life-history attributes, such as mouthpart morphology and mobility, is discussed. [source]

    Herbivory and plant growth rate determine the success of El Niño Southern Oscillation-driven tree establishment in semiarid South America

    GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 12 2006
    Abstract While climatic extremes are predicted to increase with global warming, we know little about the effect of climatic variability on biome distribution. Here, we show that rainy El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events can enhance tree recruitment in the arid and semiarid ecosystems of north-central Chile and northwest Peru. Tree-ring studies in natural populations revealed that rainy El Niño episodes have triggered forest regeneration in Peru. Field experiments indicate that tree seedling recruitment in Chile is much less successful than in Peru due mostly to larger mortality caused by herbivores. The dramatic impact of herbivores in Chile was derived from the combined result of slower plant growth and the presence of exotic herbivores (European rabbits and hares). The interplay of herbivory and climatic effects we demonstrated implies that rainy ENSO events may represent ,windows of opportunity' for forest recovery if herbivore pressure is minimized at the right moment. [source]

    Morphological and Chemical Changes Induced by Herbivory in Three Common Aquatic Macrophytes

    Damien G. Lemoine
    Abstract The Dry Matter Content (DMC), the total phenolic content, the production of new branches and the plant fragmentation were compared in three macrophyte species (Elodea canadensis, Elodea nuttallii and Myriophyllum spicatum) exposed or not to snail herbivory. Grazing significantly reduced the DMC of M. spicatum and E. canadensis, but had no effect on the DMC of E. nuttallii. The phenolic contents of Elodea species were not modified by snail herbivory, whereas that of M. spicatum significantly increased when exposed to grazers. The number of new branches produced by M. spicatum and E. canadensis plants, and the fragmentation of E. canadensis also increased in response to herbivory. Chemical defences are therefore probably constitutive in Elodea and induced in M. spicatum, and morphological changes can be related to species growth form and synthesis of phenolic compounds. (© 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]


    JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, Issue 6 2002
    Matthew T. Cimino
    The genus Coleochaete Bréb. is a relatively small group of freshwater microscopic green algae with about 15 recognized species. Although Coleochaete has long been considered to be a close relative of embryophytes, a comprehensive study of the genus has not been published since Pringsheim's 1860 monograph. As part of a systematic study of Coleochaete, we investigated four accessions of the genus that are morphologically similar to the endophytic species C. nitellarum Jost. Each of the four cultures was determined to be capable of endophytic growth in Nitella C. A. Agardh, a member of the closely related order Charales. Maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses were performed on nucleotide data from the chloroplast genes atpB and rbcL that were sequenced from 16 members of the Coleochaetales and from other members of the Charophyceae, embryophytes, and outgroup taxa. These analyses indicate that the Coleochaetales are monophyletic and that the endophytic accessions are members of the scutata group of species. In addition, cell size and nucleotide data suggest that at least three different endophytic species may be represented. Herbivory, nutritional benefits, and substrate competition are three hypotheses that could explain the evolution and maintenance of the endophytic habit in Coleochaete. These data also imply that diversity in the genus may be markedly underestimated. [source]

    Effects of fire severity in a north Patagonian subalpine forest

    Thomas Kitzberger
    Abstract. Question: What is the relative importance of fire-induced canopy mortality, soil burning and post-fire herbivory on tree seedling performance? Location: Subalpine Nothofagus pumilio forests at Challhuaco valley (41°13'S, 71°19'W), Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina. Methods: We fenced and transplanted soils of three burning severities along a fire severity gradient produced by a fire in 1996. Over two growing seasons we monitored soil water, direct incoming solar radiation, seedling survival, final seedling total biomass and root/shoot ratio. Additionally, we assessed severity-related changes in soil properties. Results: Incoming radiation (an indicator of the amount of canopy cover left by the fire) was the primary factor influencing spring and summer top soil water availability, first and second-year seedling survival and seedling growth. While seedling survival and soil water content were negatively affected by increased radiation, seedling final biomass was highest in very open microsites. Burned soils showed lower water holding capacity and soil carbon; however these changes did not affect topsoil water, and, contrary to expectation, there was a slight tendency toward higher seedling survival on more heavily burned soils. Herbivory significantly reduced seedling survival, but only under high-radiation conditions. While the effect of radiation on final seedling biomass was not affected by herbivory, R/S ratios were significantly reduced by herbivory in high radiation micro sites. Conclusions: Despite inducing faster aerial growth, increased radiation and herbivory in severely burned sites may effectively prevent post-fire regeneration in north Patagonian subalpine forest where seed sources are not limiting. [source]

    Effects of browsing and grazing on cyclic succession in nutrient-limited ecosystems

    Jan Bokdam
    van der Meijden (1990) Abstract. This paper deals with browsing and grazing as forces driving cyclic succession. Between 1989 and 1994 reciprocal transitions between the dwarf shrub Calluna vulgaris and the grass Deschampsia flexuosa were monitored in permanent plots in a cattle grazed grass-rich Dutch heathland on podsolic soils in which tree encroachment was prevented. Heather beetles killed Calluna in four of the nine plots during 1991/1992. The monitoring revealed reciprocal transitions and cycles between Calluna and Deschampsia on a subplot scale. Beetles and cattle had additional and complementary effects on the two competing species. Defoliation by beetles and trampling by cattle-killed Calluna and favoured grass invasion. Grazing and gap creation by cattle in Deschampsia favoured the establishment and recovery of Calluna. Analysis of the causal mechanisms suggests that indirect, resource-mediated herbivory effects may be as important for the replacement processes as direct effects of defoliation and trampling. Herbivory created differential light and nutrient levels in Calluna and Deschampsia gaps. Grazing and browsing improved the resource-capturing abilities of Calluna and its resistance to herbivory and abiotic disturbances. The emerged Calluna-Deschampsia cycle and its driving forces are summarized in a conceptual triangular resource-mediated successional grazing cycle (RSGC) model, a limit cycle involving herbivore-plant-plant resource interactions. It offers a deterministic equilibrium model as alternative for stochastic transitions between the meta-stable states with dominance of Calluna and Deschampsia respectively. The validity range of the RSGC model and its management implications are briefly discussed. [source]

    Developmental shifts in watermelon growth and reproduction caused by the squash bug, Anasa tristis

    NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Issue 2 2002
    Maciej Biernacki
    Summary ,,Compared with leaf-feeding herbivores, little is known about how sap-feeding herbivores affect plant growth, morphology and reproduction. This study examines effects of the sap-feeding squash bug ( Anasa tristis ) on watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ) root, leaf and reproductive structures. ,,Plants at the four-leaf stage were exposed to different densities of caged squash bugs for 67 d (to plant maturity). ,,Initial effects were on roots. Herbivory was associated with a significant reduction in mean total root length, root surface area and number of root tips, as well as an increase in root diameters. Herbivore-exposed plants had significantly more leaves, although leaf lifespan was decreased. Both total plant dry mass and fruit dry mass per unit leaf area were significantly greater in controls. Significant effects of herbivores on plant reproductive traits included delayed flower formation (by 7,12 d), change in floral sex ratio (in favor of femaleness), increased fruit abortion, and smaller fruit size. ,,Developmental consequences were related to changes in plant water relations, including decreased water-use efficiency. Water use in treated plants was three to nine times greater per unit of plant dry mass than in controls. [source]

    Shoot herbivory on the invasive plant, Centaurea maculosa, does not reduce its competitive effects on conspecifics and natives

    OIKOS, Issue 3 2006
    Beth A. Newingham
    Herbivory can have negative, positive, or no effect on plants. However, insect biological control assumes that herbivory will negatively affect the weed and release natives from competition. Centaurea maculosa, an invader in North America, is tolerant to herbivory, and under some conditions, herbivory may increase its competitive effects on natives. Therefore, we investigated two hypotheses: 1) herbivory stimulates compensatory growth by C. maculosa, which increases its competitive effects, and 2) herbivory stimulates the allelopathic effect of C. maculosa. In the greenhouse, Trichoplusia ni shoot herbivory reduced C. maculosa biomass when shoot damage exceeded 40% of the total original leaf area. Conspecific neighbors had no effect on C. maculosa biomass, and the presence of the natives Festuca idahoensis and F. scabrella had a positive effect on C. maculosa. Neighbors did not alter the effects of shoot herbivory. More importantly, even intense shoot herbivory on C. maculosa did not benefit neighboring plants. In a field experiment, clipping 50% of C. maculosa aboveground biomass in the early summer and again in the late summer reduced final biomass by 40% at the end of the season; however, this clipping did not affect total biomass production or reproductive output. Festuca idahoensis neighbors did not increase the effects of clipping, and aboveground damage to C. maculosa did not release F. idahoensis from competition. In the greenhouse we used activated carbon to adsorb allelochemicals, which reduced the competitive effects of C. maculosa on F. idahoensis but not on F. scabrella or other C. maculosa. However, we found no increase in the allelopathic effects of C. maculosa after shoot herbivory. In summary, our results correspond with others indicating that exceptionally high intensities of herbivory are required to suppress C. maculosa growth and reproduction; however, even intense herbivory on C. maculosa does not insure that native bunchgrasses will benefit. [source]

    Effects of plant phenology, nutrients and herbivory on growth and defensive chemistry of plantain, Plantago lanceolata

    OIKOS, Issue 2 2000
    C. M. Jarzomski
    To assess the combined effect of herbivory, nutrient availability and plant phenology on plant mass and defensive chemistry, we conducted a field experiment with plantain (Plantago lanceolata: Plantaginaceae) using three levels of herbivory, three levels of fertilizer and two harvest dates. Shoot mass of the no-herbivory plants showed a nonlinear response to increased fertilizer such that mass with high fertilizer was no greater than that with low fertilizer. In contrast, shoot mass of the low-herbivory plants (12% damage) was not influenced by fertilizer, but for high-herbivory plants (23% damage), there was a positive linear response to increased fertilizer. Increasing nutrient levels caused a decrease in iridoid glycoside concentration. Herbivory did not induce higher iridoid glycoside concentration in leaves of any age. But increasing herbivory resulted in a decrease in the concentration of catalpol in new leaves. Another experiment assessed how leaf age and plant age affected plant defensive chemistry. Total iridoid glycosides increased over 5 weeks, but catalpol only increased in new leaves. Overall, the order of importance in determining variation in iridoid glycoside concentration was plant phenology, nutrient availability and, to a much lesser extent, herbivory. [source]

    Herbivory and Abiotic Factors Affect Population Dynamics of Arabidopsis thaliana in a Sand Dune Area

    PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 5 2005
    A. Mosleh Arany
    Abstract: Population dynamics of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. were studied in a natural habitat of this species on the coastal dunes of the Netherlands. The main objective was to elucidate factors controlling population dynamics and the relative importance of factors affecting final population density. Permanent plots were established and plants were mapped to obtain data on survival and reproductive performance of each individual, with special attention to herbivore damage. In experimental plots we studied how watering, addition of nutrients, artificial disturbance, and natural herbivores affected survival and growth. Mortality was low during autumn and early winter and high at the time of stem elongation, between February and April. A key factor analysis showed a high correlation between mortality from February to April and total mortality. The specialist weevils Ceutorhyncus atomus and C. contractus (Curculionidae) were identified as the major insect herbivores on A. thaliana, reducing seed production by more than 40 %. These herbivores acted in a plant size-dependent manner, attacking a greater fraction of the fruits on large plants. While mortality rates were not affected by density, fecundity decreased with density, although the effect was small. Adding water reduced mortality in rosette and flowering plant stages. Soil disturbance did not increase seed germination, but did have a significant positive effect on survival of rosette and flowering plants. Seed production of A. thaliana populations varied greatly between years, leading to population fluctuations, with a small role for density-dependent fecundity and plant size-dependent herbivory. [source]

    Herbivore-Mediated Competition between Defended and Undefended Plant Species: A Model to Investigate Consequences of Climate Change

    PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 5 2002
    C. F. Dormann
    Abstract: Optimal levels of anti-herbivore defence are determined not only by grazing pressure on the target plant, but also by the efficiency of the defence and by competitive interactions with neighbours. In the high Arctic on Svalbard, grazing by reindeer is a process that can be modelled without plant-to-herbivore feedback, as reindeer population sizes are not correlated with plant growth. However, growing conditions are extreme: a short season and low temperatures inhibit optimal growth. Therefore, it is possible to model anti-herbivore defence in competition in this system, assess how its optimum depends on grazing intensity and defence efficiency, and, finally, how global climate change will effect plant-plant interactions. This model, based on a Lotka-Volterra type competition and temperature-dependent growth, indicates that competition is of considerable importance even in extreme environments. Herbivory mediates displacement of the defended plant by releasing it from competition. This process is more pronounced under high grazing pressure than under low pressure. In other words, competition potentially magnifies the effect of herbivory. Elevated temperatures and a longer growing season have no qualitative impact on these processes, as the dominant defended plant profits most. [source]

    Riparian Forest Restoration: Increasing Success by Reducing Plant Competition and Herbivory

    Bernard W. Sweeney
    Abstract The reestablishment of riparian forest is often viewed as "best management practice" for restoring stream ecosystems to a quasi-natural state and preventing non-point source contaminants from entering them. We experimentally assessed seedling survivorship and growth of Quercus palustris (pin oak), Q. rubra (red oak), Q. alba (white oak), Betula nigra (river birch), and Acer rubrum (red maple) in response to root-stock type (bare root vs. containerized), herbivore protection (tree shelters), and weed control (herbicide, mowing, tree mats) over a 4-year period at two riparian sites near the Chester River in Maryland, U.S.A. We started with tree-stocking densities of 988/ha (400/ac) in the experimental plots and considered 50% survivorship (i.e., a density of 494/ha [200/ac] at crown closure) to be an "acceptable or minimum" target for riparian restoration. Results after four growing seasons show no significant difference in survivorship and growth between bare-root and containerized seedlings when averaged across all species and treatments. Overall survivorship and growth was significantly higher for sheltered versus unsheltered seedlings (49% and 77.6 cm vs. 12.1% and 3.6 cm, respectively) when averaged across all species and weed control treatments. Each of the five test species exhibited significantly higher 4-year growth with shelter protection when averaged across all other treatments, and all species but river birch had significantly higher survivorship in shelters during the period. Seedlings protected from weeds by herbicide exhibited significantly higher survivorship and growth than seedlings in all other weed-control treatments when averaged across all species and shelter treatments. The highest 4-year levels of survivorship/growth, when averaged across all species, was associated with seedlings protected by shelters and herbicide (88.8%/125.7cm) and by shelters and weed mats (57.5%/73.5 cm). Thus, only plots where seedlings were assisted by a combination of tree shelters and either herbicide or tree mats exhibited an "acceptable or minimum" rate of survivorship (i.e.,>50%) for riparian forest restoration in the region. Moreover, the combined growth and survivorship data suggest that crown closure over most small streams in need of restoration in the region can be achieved most rapidly (i.e., 15 years or less) by protecting seedlings with tree shelters and controlling competing vegetation with herbicides. [source]

    Counteractive biomass allocation responses to drought and damage in the perennial herb Convolvulus demissus

    AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 5 2010
    Abstract Herbivory and water shortage are key ecological factors affecting plant performance. While plant compensatory responses to herbivory include reallocation of biomass from below-ground to above-ground structures, plant responses to reduced soil moisture involve increased biomass allocation to roots and a reduction in the number and size of leaves. In a greenhouse study we evaluated the effects of experimental drought and leaf damage on biomass allocation in Convolvulus demissus (Convolvulaceae), a perennial herb distributed in central Chile, where it experiences summer drought typical of Mediterranean ecosystems and defoliation by leaf beetles and livestock. The number of leaves and internode length were unaffected by the experimental treatments. The rest of plant traits showed interaction of effects. We detected that drought counteracted some plant responses to damage. Thus, only in the control watering environment was it observed that damaged plants produced more stems, even after correcting for main stem length (index of architecture). In the cases of shoot : root ratio, relative shoot biomass and relative root biomass we found that the damage treatment counteracted plant responses to drought. Thus, while undamaged plants under water shortage showed a significant increase in root relative biomass and a significant reduction in both shoot : root ratio and relative shoot biomass, none of these responses to drought was observed in damaged plants. Total plant biomass increased in response to simulated herbivory, apparently due to greater shoot size, and in response to drought, presumably due to greater root size. However, damaged plants under experimental drought had the same total biomass as control plants. Overall, our results showed counteractive biomass allocation responses to drought and damage in C. demissus. Further research must address the fitness consequences under field conditions of the patterns found. This would be of particular importance because both current and expected climatic trends for central Chile indicate increased aridity. [source]

    Selection of preadapted populations allowed Senecio inaequidens to invade Central Europe

    Oliver Bossdorf
    ABSTRACT Invasive species often evolve rapidly in response to the novel biotic and abiotic conditions in their introduced range. Such adaptive evolutionary changes might play an important role in the success of some invasive species. Here, we investigated whether introduced European populations of the South African ragwort Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae) have genetically diverged from native populations. We carried out a greenhouse experiment where 12 South African and 11 European populations were for several months grown at two levels of nutrient availability, as well as in the presence or absence of a generalist insect herbivore. We found that, in contrast to a current hypothesis, plants from introduced populations had a significantly lower reproductive output, but higher allocation to root biomass, and they were more tolerant to insect herbivory. Moreover, introduced populations were less genetically variable, but displayed greater plasticity in response to fertilization. Finally, introduced populations were phenotypically most similar to a subset of native populations from mountainous regions in southern Africa. Taking into account the species' likely history of introduction, our data support the idea that the invasion success of Senecio inaequidens in Central Europe is based on selective introduction of specific preadapted and plastic genotypes rather than on adaptive evolution in the introduced range. [source]

    Tolerance to herbivory, and not resistance, may explain differential success of invasive, naturalized, and native North American temperate vines

    Isabel W. Ashton
    ABSTRACT Numerous hypotheses suggest that natural enemies can influence the dynamics of biological invasions. Here, we use a group of 12 related native, invasive, and naturalized vines to test the relative importance of resistance and tolerance to herbivory in promoting biological invasions. In a field experiment in Long Island, New York, we excluded mammal and insect herbivores and examined plant growth and foliar damage over two growing seasons. This novel approach allowed us to compare the relative damage from mammal and insect herbivores and whether damage rates were related to invasion. In a greenhouse experiment, we simulated herbivory through clipping and measured growth response. After two seasons of excluding herbivores, there was no difference in relative growth rates among invasive, naturalized, and native woody vines, and all vines were susceptible to damage from mammal and insect herbivores. Thus, differential attack by herbivores and plant resistance to herbivory did not explain invasion success of these species. In the field, where damage rates were high, none of the vines were able to fully compensate for damage from mammals. However, in the greenhouse, we found that invasive vines were more tolerant of simulated herbivory than native and naturalized relatives. Our results indicate that invasive vines are not escaping herbivory in the novel range, rather they are persisting despite high rates of herbivore damage in the field. While most studies of invasive plants and natural enemies have focused on resistance, this work suggests that tolerance may also play a large role in facilitating invasions. [source]

    Interannual changes in folivory and bird insectivory along a natural productivity gradient in northern Patagonian forests

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 1 2004
    C. Noemi Mazía
    Trophic regulation models suggest that the magnitude of herbivory and predation (top-down forces) should vary predictably with habitat productivity. Theory also indicates that temporal abiotic variation and within-trophic level heterogeneity both affect trophic dynamics, but few studies addressed how these factors interact over broad-scale environmental gradients. Here we document herbivory from leaf-feeding insects along a natural rainfall/productivity gradient in Nothofagus pumilio forests of northern Patagonia, Argentina, and evaluate the impact of insectivorous birds on foliar damage experienced by tree saplings at each end of the gradient. The study ran over three years (1997,2000) comprising a severe drought (1998,1999), which allowed us to test how climatic events alter top-down forces. Foliar damage tended to increase towards the xeric, least productive forests. However, we found a predictable change of insect guild prevalence across the forest gradient. Leaf miners accounted for the greater damage recorded in xeric sites, whereas leaf chewers dominated in the more humid and productive forests. Interannual folivory patterns depended strongly on the feeding guild and forest site. Whereas leaf-miner damage decreased during the drought in xeric sites, chewer damage increased after the drought in the wettest site. Excluding birds did not affect leaf damage from miners, but generally increased chewer herbivory on hydric and xeric forest saplings. Indirect effects elicited by bird exclusion became most significant after the drought, when total folivory levels were higher. Thus, interannual abiotic heterogeneity markedly influenced the amount of folivory and strength of top-down control observed across the forest gradient. Moreover, our results suggest that spatial turnovers between major feeding guilds may need be considered to predict the dynamics of insect herbivory along environmental gradients. [source]

    Browsing in a heterogeneons savanna

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 5 2000
    C. Skarpe
    Large herbivores generally depend on and interact with a food resource that is heterogeneous at different spatial scales. Plants allocate resources to rapid growth or to defence mechanisms depending on the availability of resources relative to loss of resources from herbivory. Herbivores select food and feeding habitats in order to maximize intake rate of nutrients and digestible energy, while avoiding chemical and structural deterrents. To optimize foraging, herbivores select habitats and food items in a hierarchical way, and different attracting and deterring factors may govern selection at different scales. We studied the impact of twig biting by a guild of indigenous browsers in three vegetation types in a semi-arid savanna in Botswana. The heaviest browsing pressure was in the vegetation type richest in preferred plant species, although that type was also richest in defended species. There were large differences in relative utilization between plant species, and ranking of species was roughly similar in the different vegetation types. Browsing pressure varied between species from almost 0-30%. Overall, spinescent trees were less browsed than non-spinescent ones, and evergreen species were less browsed than deciduous ones. In two of the three vegetation types there was a negative correlation between browsing pressure on a species and its frequency. There was a high incidence of rebrowsing, and once a tree had been browsed, the probability that it would be browsed again increased. The results largely agree with predictions based on the resource availability hypothesis, the scarcity accessibility hypothesis and recent theories on the significance of plant defences and on plant's response to browsing and the subsequent response by herbivores on the plant's responses. [source]

    Wolves, trophic cascades, and rivers in the Olympic National Park, USA

    ECOHYDROLOGY, Issue 2 2008
    Robert L. Beschta
    Abstract Gray wolves (Canis lupus) were extirpated in the early 1900s from the Olympic Peninsula of northwestern Washington. Thus, we studied potential cascading effects of wolf removal by undertaking a retrospective study of Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus) populations, riparian forests, and river channel morphology. For three riparian sites within the western portion of Olympic National Park, the age structure of black cottonwood and bigleaf maple indicated a pattern of significantly decreased recruitment (growth of seedlings/sprouts into tall saplings and trees) associated with intensive elk browsing in the decades following the loss of wolves. At a riparian site outside the park, which represented a refugium from elk browsing, cottonwood recruitment has been ongoing during the 20th century, indicating that climate and flow regimes, in the absence of intensive herbivory, have not limited the establishment and growth of this deciduous woody species. Using 1994 orthophotos, we also measured channel dimensions and planform morphology of 8-km-long river reaches at each vegetation sampling site and an additional reach outside the park. Channels inside the park versus those outside the park had greater percent braiding (37 vs 2%) and larger ratios of active channel width/wetted width (3·0 vs 1·5 m/m). Results for western Olympic National Park were consistent with a truncated trophic cascade hypothesis whereby ungulate browsing following the extirpation of wolves caused significant long-term impacts to riparian plant communities which, in turn, allowed increased riverbank erosion and channel widening to occur. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Herbivory patterns in mature sugar maple: variation with vertical canopy strata and tree ontogeny

    1. Although leaf morphology and chemistry show profound changes as trees age, the consequences of such changes to herbivory have received little attention, particularly late in the ontogeny of canopy trees. 2. Using a mobile aerial lift for canopy access, patterns of leaf damage were evaluated in canopy-dominant mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh) trees ranging from ,20 to 70 cm in diameter, corresponding to an age range of ,40,180 years. 3. Herbivore damage patterns varied in relation to both vertical canopy position (among upper-, mid-, and lower-canopy positions) and with tree size. Damage types attributable to herbivores active on leaf surfaces, including leaf skeletonizers and leaf cutters (both principally Lepidoptera), and leaf stippling inducers (Hemiptera) showed decreases with tree size, and with increasing height in the canopy. In contrast, leaf damage from the most abundant gall-forming arthropod in the system, the eriophyid mite Vasates aceriscrumena, increased markedly with tree size. 4. The results indicate that herbivory patterns vary with both canopy stratum and with tree size in sugar maple, and that the relative strength of vertical stratification and tree ontogeny effects are similar in magnitude. The predominant patterns are of a decrease in herbivory with increasing height in the canopy and with tree size, but certain galling arthropods exhibit the reverse trends. [source]

    Field evidence for indirect interactions between foliar-feeding insect and root-feeding nematode communities on Nicotiana tabacum

    Abstract 1.,As herbivory often elicits systemic changes in plant traits, indirect interactions via induced plant responses may be a pervasive feature structuring herbivore communities. Although the importance of this phenomenon has been emphasised for herbivorous insects, it is unknown if and how induced responses contribute to the organisation of other major phytoparasitic taxa. 2.,Survey and experimental field studies were used to investigate the role of plants in linking the dynamics of foliar-feeding insects and root-feeding nematodes on tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. 3.,Plant-mediated interactions between insects and nematodes could largely be differentiated by insect feeding guild, with positive insect,nematode interactions predominating with leaf-chewing insects (caterpillars) and negative interactions occurring with sap-feeding insects (aphids). For example, insect defoliation was positively correlated with the abundance of root-feeding nematodes, but aphids and nematodes were negatively correlated. Experimental field manipulations of foliar insect and nematode root herbivory also tended to support this outcome. 4.,Overall, these results suggest that plants indirectly link the dynamics of divergent consumer taxa in spatially distinct ecosystems. This lends support to the growing perception that plants play a critical role in propagating indirect effects among a diverse assemblage of consumers. [source]

    Resource regulation by a twig-girdling beetle has implications for desertification

    B. D. DUVAL
    Abstract 1.,Resource regulation by insects is the phenomenon by which herbivory enhances resources for the progeny of the herbivore. This report provides an example of resource regulation with implications for desertification in the Chihuahuan Desert of North America. 2.,Female Oncideres rhodosticta beetles chew girdles around mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) stems before ovipositing in those stems. The mesquite plants respond by producing compensatory stems below the girdle. Mesquite volume was significantly correlated with the total number of beetle girdles across a suite of low shrub density grassland and high shrub density dune sites, and plants in dune sites had more old and new girdles than mesquite in grasslands. 3.,Smaller, younger shrubs in grassland responded more vigorously to girdling than did larger, older shrubs in dune landscapes. Stems on shrubs within grassland produced significantly more and longer compensatory stems per girdle than stems on shrubs in dunes. Soil capture by individual plants positively correlated with stem density, and stem density is increasing in the younger plants as a response to beetle damage. 4.,This study suggests that the interaction between O. rhodosticta and mesquite is an example of resource regulation that increases the stem density and soil capture ability of mesquite. Because the conversion of productive grasslands to mesquite dune landscapes is one of the most important drivers of desertification in the Chihuahuan Desert, feedbacks between organisms that promote an increase in the size and soil capture ability of mesquite may exacerbate desertification. [source]

    Can intra-specific genetic variation in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum) affect a mesophyll-feeding herbivore (Tupiocoris notatus Distant)?

    Abstract 1.,Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) infection can have negative, positive or neutral effects on insect herbivore populations, but patterns are difficult to predict. 2.,Intra-specific genetic variation in nutrient uptake ability between fungal isolates may also have indirect effects on insect herbivores due to changes in plant quality. In preliminary studies mirid (Tupiocoris notatus) populations were significantly reduced on tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) colonised by AMF but it was unknown if same-species fungal isolates differed in their effect. 3.,An experiment was performed as a first test of the effect of intra-specific genetic variation in the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum on mirid nymphal population structure, dynamics, and growth rate. 4.,Mirid nymphal populations were lower on mycorrhizal fungal-infected plants. Population size, however, did not differ between the mycorrhizal isolates. While no statistical difference in population between isolates was found, one isolate consistently had 1.7,2.4 times lower mirid populations compared with the controls, indicating that the magnitude of effect is different between mycorrhizal isolates. 5.,The significantly negative effect of AMF on mirid populations likely resulted from AMF-induced changes in plant quality (e.g. increased defence). This study lends further support to recent demonstrations that below-ground symbionts significantly influence above-ground processes. In addition, mycorrhizal fungi can affect insect population structure, which may have consequences for future herbivory. [source]

    Feeding by Hessian fly [Mayetiola destructor (Say)] larvae does not induce plant indirect defences

    Abstract 1.,Recent research has addressed the function of herbivore-induced plant volatiles in attracting natural enemies of feeding herbivores. While many types of insect herbivory appear to elicit volatile responses, those triggered by gall insects have received little attention. Previous work indicates that at least one gall insect species induces changes in host-plant volatiles, but no other studies appear to have addressed whether gall insects trigger plant indirect defences. 2.,The volatile responses of wheat to feeding by larvae of the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) were studied to further explore indirect responses of plants to feeding by gall insects. This specialist gall midge species did not elicit a detectable volatile response from wheat plants, whereas a generalist caterpillar triggered volatile release. Moreover, Hessian fly feeding altered volatile responses to subsequent caterpillar herbivory. 3.,These results suggest that Hessian fly larvae exert a degree of control over the defensive responses of their host plants and offer insight into plant-gall insect interactions. Also, the failure of Hessian fly larvae to elicit an indirect defensive response from their host plants may help explain why natural enemies, which often rely on induced volatile cues, fail to inflict significant mortality on M. destructor populations in the field. [source]

    Interactions between cottonwood and beavers positively affect sawfly abundance

    Abstract 1.,Cottonwood (Populus spp.) are the dominant tree type in riparian forests of the western U.S.A. In these riparian forests, the beaver (Castor canadensis) is a major ecosystem engineer that commonly browses cottonwood, resulting in distinct changes to plant architecture. Here the hypothesis that beaver herbivory indirectly affects the distribution of a keystone leaf-galling sawfly through architectural changes in cottonwood was examined. 2.,It was found that: (a) beaver herbivory of cottonwood results in an increase in average shoot length over unbrowsed cottonwood; (b) sawfly galls were up to 7,14 times more abundant on browsed cottonwood than unbrowsed cottonwood; and (c) sawfly gall abundance was correlated positively with changes in shoot length after beaver herbivory. Together these data show that the individual and combined effects of cottonwood and beaver herbivory increase shoot length, positively affecting sawfly abundance. 3.,Because herbivores are a ubiquitous component of most ecosystems, we argue that the indirect effects of herbivory on plant quality, and subsequently other herbivores, may be as important as environmental variation. [source]

    Resistance and tolerance to herbivory in Salix cordata are affected by different environmental factors

    Kevin P. Macdonald
    Abstract., 1.,Effects of sand burial and nutrients on the ability of sand-dune willow (Salix cordata) to tolerate or resist herbivory by the beetle Altica subplicata were evaluated in field experiments. 2.,To assess tolerance, all combinations of sand burial (none, 50%), nutrients (presence, absence), and beetles (presence, absence) were applied to caged plants and growth responses to herbivory were measured. Sand burial increased plant growth rate, but decreased S. cordata's tolerance to herbivory. Although nutrients increased growth, tolerance to herbivory was unaffected. 3.,To assess resistance, plants were exposed to all combinations of sand burial and nutrients, and then to natural beetle colonisation. The presence of nutrients, but not sand burial, significantly increased the percentage of plants with beetles, for both adults and larvae. This decreased resistance to beetles of plants grown with added nutrients occurred only in the absence of sand burial. 4.,The performance and preference of beetles were examined in laboratory experiments. Larvae developed faster and had increased pupation success on plants with nutrients added. Beetles also showed a marginally significant feeding preference for leaves grown with added nutrients. Thus, S. cordata tolerance to herbivory was affected by sand burial, whereas resistance, preference, and performance were affected by nutrient level. [source]