Hensen's Node (hensen + node)

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Selected Abstracts

,-Microseminoprotein-related molecules may participate in formation of the mesoderm in the chick embryo

Aditi Karandikar
It has previously been shown that human ,-microseminoprotein enhances development of mesodermal structures in the chick embryo. The present study was carried out to elucidate the mechanism of action of human ,-microseminoprotein in the chick embryo. ,-Microseminoprotein brought about significant modulation of expression of Brachyury in gastrulating embryos. In approximately 50% of the treated embryos, Brachyury expression was enhanced around the Hensen's node. These cells not only expressed higher levels of Brachyury, but also appeared to switch off Brachyury expression prematurely, postinvagination. The spatial modulation of Brachyury is not clearly reflected in the northern blots, indicating that ,-microseminoprotein treatment results in redistribution of available transcripts or that the upregulation is compensated for by early switching off of Brachyury postinvagination. Because higher levels of Brachyury during gastrulation are believed to result in early exit of cells from the primitive streak, ,-microseminoprotein treatment appeared to have stimulated morphogenetic movements by upregulating Brachyury around the Hensen's node. This deduction was confirmed by scanning electron microscopic analysis that showed that altered morphogenetic movements accompany modulation of Brachyury. The specific responses elicited by ,-microseminoprotein indicate presence of a structurally related molecule in the chick. By western blotting, similar molecules were indeed detected in the chicken seminal plasma and in chick embryos. These data strongly suggest that ,-microseminoprotein-related molecule(s) participates in mesoderm formation in the chick embryo. [source]

Rab23 GTPase is expressed asymmetrically in Hensen's node and plays a role in the dorsoventral patterning of the chick neural tube

Naixin Li
Abstract The mouse Rab23 protein, a Ras-like GTPase, inhibits signaling through the Sonic hedgehog pathway and thus exerts a role in the dorsoventral patterning of the spinal cord. Rab23 mouse mutant embryos lack dorsal spinal cord cell types. We cloned the chicken Rab23 gene and studied its expression in the developing nervous system. Chick Rab23 mRNA is initially expressed in the entire neural tube but retracts to the dorsal alar plate. Unlike in mouse, we find Rab23 in chick already expressed asymmetrically during gastrulation. Ectopic expression of Rab23 in ventral midbrain induced dorsal genes (Pax3, Pax7) ectopically and reduced ventral genes (Nkx2.2 and Nkx6) without influencing cell proliferation or neurogenesis. Thus, in the developing brain of chick embryos Rab23 acts in the same manner as described for the caudal spinal cord in mouse. These data indicate that Rab23 plays an important role in patterning the dorso-ventral axis by dorsalizing the neural tube. Developmental Dynamics 236:2993,3006, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Three types of cilia including a novel 9+4 axoneme on the notochordal plate of the rabbit embryo

Kerstin Feistel
Abstract Motile monocilia play a pivotal role in left-right axis determination in mouse and zebrafish embryos. Cilia with 9+0 axonemes localize to the distal indentation of the mouse egg cylinder ("node"), while Kupffer's vesicle cilia in zebrafish show 9+2 arrangements. Here we studied cilia in a prototype mammalian embryo, the rabbit, which develops via a flat blastodisc. Transcription of ciliary marker genes Foxj1, Rfx3, lrd, polaris, and Kif3a initiated in Hensen's node and persisted in the nascent notochord. Cilia emerged on cells leaving Hensen's node anteriorly to form the notochordal plate. Cilia lengthened to about 5 ,m and polarized from an initially central position to the posterior pole of cells. Electron-microscopic analysis revealed 9+0 and 9+2 cilia and a novel 9+4 axoneme intermingled in a salt-and-pepper-like fashion. Our data suggest that despite a highly conserved ciliogenic program, which initiates in the organizer, axonemal structures may vary widely within the vertebrates. Developmental Dynamics 235:3348,3358, 2006. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Monocilia on chicken embryonic endocardium in low shear stress areas

Kim Van der Heiden
Abstract During cardiovascular development, fluid shear stress patterns change dramatically due to extensive remodeling. This biomechanical force has been shown to drive gene expression in endothelial cells and, consequently, is considered to play a role in cardiovascular development. The mechanism by which endothelial cells sense shear stress is still unidentified. In this study, we postulate that primary cilia function as fluid shear stress sensors of endothelial cells. Such a function already has been attributed to primary cilia on epithelial cells of the adult kidney and of Hensen's node in the embryo where they transduce mechanical signals into an intracellular Ca2+ signaling response. Recently, primary cilia were observed on human umbilical vein endothelial cells. These primary cilia disassembled when subjected to high shear stress levels. Whereas endocardial,endothelial cells have been reported to be more shear responsive than endothelial cells, cilia are not detected, thus far, on endocardial cells. In the present study, we use field emission scanning electron microscopy to show shear stress-related regional differences in cell protrusions within the cardiovasculature of the developing chicken. Furthermore, we identify one of these cell protrusions as a monocilium with monoclonal antibodies against acetylated and detyrosinated alpha-tubulin. The distribution pattern of the monocilia was compared to the chicken embryonic expression pattern of the high shear stress marker Krüppel-like factor-2. We demonstrate the presence of monocilia on endocardial,endothelial cells in areas of low shear stress and postulate that they are immotile primary cilia, which function as fluid shear stress sensors. Developmental Dynamics 235:19,28, 2006. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Early steps in neural development

Marc Callebaut
Abstract We studied early neurulation events in vitro by transplanting quail Hensen's node, central prenodal regions (before the nodus as such develops), or upper layer parts of it on the not yet definitively committed upper layer of chicken anti-sickle regions (of unincubated blastoderms), eventually associated with central blastoderm fragments. We could demonstrate by this quail-chicken chimera technique that after the appearance of a pronounced thickening of the chicken upper layer by the early inductive effect of neighboring endophyll, a floor plate forms by insertion of Hensen's node-derived quail cells into the median part of the groove. This favors, at an early stage, the floor plate "allocation" model that postulates a common origin for notochord and median floor plate cells from the vertebrate's secondary major organizer (Hensen's node in this case). A comparison is made with results obtained after transplantation of similar Hensen's nodes in isolated chicken endophyll walls or with previously obtained results after the use of the grafting procedure in the endophyll walls of whole chicken blastoderms. J. Morphol. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Carbon monoxide-induced axial skeletal dysmorphogenesis in the chick embryo,,

Peter G. Alexander
Abstract BACKGROUND Congenital axial skeletal defects affect two to three individuals per 1,000 live births. Without strong evidence for heritability, the cause is assumed to be multi-factorial. Carbon monoxide (CO), an increasingly prevalent environmental toxicant, is a potential environmental component in the etiology of these defects. The chick embryo is a useful model for the characterization and assessment of the mechanism(s) of action of basic developmental mechanisms. METHODS We have determined a critical period and dose for CO teratogenicity and established a model of CO-induced axial skeletal dysmorphogenesis in the chick embryo. The resulting phenotypes reveal a spectrum of axial skeletal defects ranging from minor defects of the vertebral canal and inter,vertebral discs, to thoraco,lumbar scoliosis, to a tailless phenotype reminiscent of caudal dysgenesis syndrome. These axial skeletal defects have been related to earlier developmental defects in somitogenesis, including errors in segmentation and epithelialization and the expression of the somitic epithelialization factor, Paraxis. We have examined patterns of cell death and apoptosis in CO exposed chick embryos to assess the target tissue(s) involved in the teratogenicity of CO. RESULTS With respect to the embryonic axis, the neural tube was found to be the most sensitive to CO-induced apoptosis, followed by the somitic mesoderm and Hensen's node. CONCLUSIONS We hypothesize that the somitic defects and the resulting axial skeletal dysmorphogenesis are caused by disrupted neural tube or ectoderm functions related to somite formation and maintenance. We also hypothesize that CO-induced dysmorphogenesis at this critical period of somitogenesis is caused by the overabundance of CO acting endogenously as a cellular signal, while coincidentally exerting its influence as a toxicant of oxygen delivery or utilization. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 67:219,230, 2003. Published 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Early steps in neural development

Marc Callebaut
Abstract We studied early neurulation events in vitro by transplanting quail Hensen's node, central prenodal regions (before the nodus as such develops), or upper layer parts of it on the not yet definitively committed upper layer of chicken anti-sickle regions (of unincubated blastoderms), eventually associated with central blastoderm fragments. We could demonstrate by this quail-chicken chimera technique that after the appearance of a pronounced thickening of the chicken upper layer by the early inductive effect of neighboring endophyll, a floor plate forms by insertion of Hensen's node-derived quail cells into the median part of the groove. This favors, at an early stage, the floor plate "allocation" model that postulates a common origin for notochord and median floor plate cells from the vertebrate's secondary major organizer (Hensen's node in this case). A comparison is made with results obtained after transplantation of similar Hensen's nodes in isolated chicken endophyll walls or with previously obtained results after the use of the grafting procedure in the endophyll walls of whole chicken blastoderms. J. Morphol. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]