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Selected Abstracts

Agricultural productivity and rural incomes in England and the Yangtze Delta, c.1620,c.18201

The productivity of agriculture in England and the Yangtze Delta are compared c.1620 and c.1820 in order to gauge the performance of the most advanced part of China vis-à-vis its counterpart in Europe. The value of real output is compared using purchasing power parity exchange rates. Output per hectare was nine times greater in the Yangtze Delta than in England. More surprisingly, output per day worked was about 90 per cent of the English performance. This put Yangtze farmers slightly behind English and Dutch farmers c.1820, but ahead of most other farmers in Europe,an impressive achievement. There was little change in Yangtze agricultural productivity between 1620 and 1820. In 1820, the real income of a Yangtze peasant family was also about the same as that of an English agricultural labourer. All was not rosy in the Yangtze, however, for incomes there were on a downward trajectory. Agriculture income per family declined between 1620 and 1820, even though income per day worked changed little since population growth led to smaller farms and fewer days worked per year. The real earnings of women in textile production also declined, since the relative price of cotton cloth dropped,possibly also because a larger population led to greater production. The implication is that the Yangtze family, unlike the English family, had a considerably higher real income c.1620, and that period was the Delta's golden age. [source]

Effect of cotton nitrogen fertilization on Bemisia argentifolii populations and honeydew production

J.L. Bi
Abstract The impact of nitrogen fertilization on cotton plants, Gossypium hirsutum L., silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, population dynamics and honeydew production were investigated in the field at Riverside, California, USA. Treatments were soil applications of 0, 112, 168 and 224 kg nitrogen per hectare, and a soil application of 112 kg of nitrogen plus a foliar application of 17 kg nitrogen per hectare. Increased numbers of both adult and immature whiteflies occurred during population peaks with increasing amounts of applied nitrogen. Higher numbers of whiteflies resulted in increased levels of honeydew. Increasing plant nitrogen also enhanced cotton foliar photosynthetic rates and stomatal conductance, and altered concentrations of glucose, fructose and sucrose in cotton petioles. However, at our treatment levels nitrogen had no effect on seedcotton yield. Petiole glucose levels were significantly correlated with numbers of whitefly adults on leaves during their peak populations. Significant correlations between whitefly numbers and other cotton physiological parameters occurred on only a few sampling dates. [source]

Application of sewage sludge to arable land,soil concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychorinated dibenzo- p -dioxins, dibenzofurans, and biphenyls, and their accumulation in earthworms

Nadja Matscheko
Abstract Soils from five agricultural sites, three research sites, and two privately owned farms were analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo- p -dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybronimated diphenylethers (PBDEs). In soils that had not been treated with sludge (reference soils), the international toxic equivalents (I-TEQs) were 0.6 to 1.5 pg/g dry matter (DM) for the PCDD/Fs, which are low compared to generally reported background soil levels in Europe. The concentrations of sum of six penta- and hexa-PCBs were 450 to 1,400 pg/g DM. The PBDEs 47 and 99 dominated among the tri- to hepta-PBDEs analyzed (8,80 pg/g DM). The impact of adding 1 to 3 tonnes of sludge (DM) per hectare per year on the concentrations was studied at the three research sites by calculating ratios of the compounds in sludge-treated soil to reference soil (S/R ratio). The concentrations of I-TEQs did not increase in the sludge-treated soil, whereas the S/R ratios for PBDEs were greater than one. Also, although the PCB contents were higher in the sludge-treated soils, the background sources were more important for the concentrations of PCBs than of PBDEs. The largest increase in the S/R ratios was found at a private farm where large amounts of sludge had been used in the past. Accumulation of the compounds in earthworms from the sites also was investigated. The biota-soil accumulation factors (BSAFs) of the tested compounds declined in the following order: ortho -PCBs , PBDEs > non-ortho -PCBs > 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/Fs. The average BSAF for ortho -PCBs was five (organic matter/lipids), and the lowest BSAFs (0.1,0.8) found were for octachlorodibenzo- p -dioxin. To our knowledge, accumulation of PBDEs in earthworms has not been published previously. [source]

Forecasting the Adoption of Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape Prognosen hinsichtlich der Einführung von gentechnisch verändertem Raps Prévisions sur l'adoption de colza transgénique

EUROCHOICES, Issue 2 2009
Gunnar Breustedt
Summary Forecasting the Adoption of Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape We explore farmers' willingness to adopt genetically modified oilseed rape prior to its commercial release and estimate the ,demand' for the new technology. The analysis is based upon experiments with arable farmers in Germany who were asked to choose among conventional and GM rapeseed varieties with different characteristics. Our analysis has shown that ex ante GM adoption decisions are driven by profit expectations and personal as well as farm characteristics. Monetary and technological determinants such as the gross margin advantage of GM oilseed rape varieties, expected liability from cross pollination and restricted flexibility in returning to conventional oilseed rape growing affect the willingness to adopt GM rape in the expected directions. The results further indicate that neighbourhood effects and public attitudes matter a lot, such that individual farmers may not feel entirely free in their technology choice. Our demand simulations suggest that monopolistic seed prices would be set at between ,50 and ,100 per hectare, leaving farmers with a small share of the GM rent. This raises the question as to whether the farmers surveyed would actually benefit from the approval of GM rape varieties if the technology were to be provided by a single firm. Nous explorons le consentement des agriculteurs à utiliser du colza transgénique avant sa mise en marché et estimons la demande de cette nouvelle technologie. L'analyse se fonde sur des expériences menées auprès de cultivateurs allemands à qui l'on a demandé de choisir entre des variétés de colza conventionnelles et transgéniques aux caractéristiques différentes. Notre analyse a montré que les décisions a priori concernant l'adoption de variétés transgéniques sont fonction des profits attendus et des caractéristiques de l'agriculteur et de l'exploitation. Les facteurs financiers et technologiques comme les avantages des variétés de colza transgénique en termes de marge brute, ainsi que les risques possibles de fertilisation croisée et les contraintes relatives au retour vers des cultures de colza conventionnelles ont les effets attendus sur le consentement à adopter des variétés transgéniques. Les résultats montrent également que les effets de voisinage et l'attitude du public comptent beaucoup, de sorte que les agriculteurs individuels pourraient ne pas se sentir complètement libres de choisir leur technologie. Nos simulations sur la demande semblent indiquer que les prix des semences en situation de monopole seraient fixés entre 50 et 100 , par hectare, ce qui laisserait aux agriculteurs une faible part de la rente transgénique. Cela soulève la question de savoir si les agriculteurs de l'enquête tireraient vraiment avantage de l'approbation de variétés de colza transgéniques si la technologie n'était fournie que par une seule compagnie. Wir untersuchen die Bereitschaft von Landwirten, gentechnisch veränderten Raps einzuführen, bevor dieser auf den Markt gebracht wird, und schätzen die ,Nachfrage' nach dieser neuen Technologie ein. Unsere Analyse stützt sich auf Versuche mit Ackerbauern in Deutschland, bei denen sich die Landwirte zwischen herkömmlichen und gentechnisch veränderten Rapssorten mit verschiedenen Eigenschaften entscheiden mussten. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass ex ante die Entscheidungen über die Einführung von gentechnisch verändertem Raps aufgrund von Gewinnerwartungen sowie von persönlichen und betrieblichen Charakteristika getroffen werden. Monetäre und technologische Bestimmungsgrößen wie z.B. der Vorsprung des gentechnisch veränderten Raps beim Deckungsbeitrag, die erwartete Haftbarkeit bei Fremdbestäubung sowie die nur eingeschränkte Flexibilität, zum herkömmlichen Rapsanbau zurückkehren zu können, beeinflussen erwartungsgemäß die Bereitschaft, gentechnisch veränderten Raps anzubauen. Desweiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Nachbarschaftseffekte und öffentliche Meinungen eine große Rolle spielen, so dass sich einige Landwirte womöglich bei der Wahl der Technologie in ihrer Entscheidungsfreiheit eingeschränkt fühlen. Unsere Nachfragesimulationen deuten darauf hin, dass sich monopolistische Saatgutpreise zwischen EUR 50 und EUR 100 pro Hektar bewegen würden, so dass den Landwirten ein kleiner Teil der ökonomischen Rente der GV-Technologie verbliebe. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob die betrachteten Landwirte überhaupt von der Zulassung der gentechnisch veränderten Rapssorten profitieren würden, wenn die Technologie nur von einem einzigen Unternehmen angeboten würde. [source]

How Effective is Farmer Early Retirement Policy?

EUROCHOICES, Issue 3 2008
Quelle est l'efficacité de la politique de préretraite pour les agriculteurs?
Summary How Effective is Farmer Early Retirement Policy? Financial support for EU farmers seeking early retirement is a discretionary element of CAP rural development policy and some EU member states, most notably France, Ireland and Greece have chosen to implement the measure. We explore whether the introduction of such schemes is likely to represent good value for money. We use data from Northern Ireland, a region with a relatively small-scale family-farm structure, where there have been periodic calls from farmer groups to introduce support for early retirement. We estimate the benefits that might arise from the introduction of such a scheme using FADN data and a separate survey of 350 farmers aged 50 to 65. We find that farm scale is a significant determinant of profit per hectare but that operator age is not. Benefits from releasing land through an early retirement scheme are conditional on such transfers bringing about significant farm expansion and changes in land use. Even when these conditions are satisfied, however, pensions payments of only about one-third the statutory maximum could be justified in a best-case scenario. Almost a quarter of all payments would incur deadweight losses, i.e., go to farmers who would be retiring anyway. Overall, the economic case for such a scheme is considered to be weak. Le soutien financier aux agriculteurs de l'Union européenne qui veulent prendre une retraite anticipée est un élément discrétionnaire de la politique de développement rural de la PAC et certains pays membres, en tout premier lieu la France, l'Irlande et la Grèce, ont choisi de mettre en place cette mesure. Nous recherchons si l'introduction de telles mesures serait intéressante par rapport au coût financier. L'analyse porte sur des données nord-irlandaises, région d'exploitations familiales de taille relativement petite dans laquelle les représentants agricoles ont régulièrement appeléà la mise en place de soutien pour la retraite anticipée. Nous estimons les avantages que pourrait procurer l'introduction de cette mesure à l'aide de données du RICA et d'une enquête indépendante portant sur 350 agriculteurs âgés de 50 à 65 ans. Nous trouvons que la taille de l'exploitation est un déterminant significatif du profit par hectare mais que l'âge de l'exploitant n'en est pas un. Les avantages de la mise à disposition de terres grâce à un programme de préretraite dépendent de la capacité de ces transferts à entraîner un accroissement notable de la taille des exploitations et des modifications de l'utilisation des terres. Cependant, même lorsque ces conditions sont remplies, seuls des paiements représentant un tiers du niveau maximum prévu dans le programme de préretraite pourraient se justifier dans un scénario optimal. Pratiquement un quart du total des paiements serait liéà des pertes de bien-être, c'est-à-dire que les bénéficiaires seraient des agriculteurs qui aurait pris leur retraite de toute façon. Globalement, l'intérêt économique d'un tel programme est considéré comme faible. Die finanzielle Unterstützung von Landwirten in der EU, die in den Vorruhestand gehen möchten, stellt in der Politik der GAP zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums ein diskretionäres Element dar; in einigen Mitgliedsstaaten wie z.B. Frankreich, Irland und Griechenland wird diese Maßnahme angeboten. Wir untersuchen, ob es möglicherweise finanziell sinnvoll wäre, solche Programme einzuführen. Dazu ziehen wir Daten aus Nordirland heran, einer Region mit relativ kleinen landwirtschaftlichen Familienbetrieben, in der sich Landwirte regelmäßig dafür aussprechen, Vorruhestandprogramme einzuführen. Wir schätzen den Nutzen, der sich aus der Einführung eines solchen Programms ergeben könnte, anhand von INLB-Daten und einer gesonderten Befragung von 350 Landwirten im Alter von 50 bis 65 Jahren. Wir stellen fest, dass es sich bei der Betriebsgröße , im Gegensatz zum Alter des Betreibers , um einen entscheidenden Faktor für die Höhe des Gewinns pro Hektar handelt. Ein Nutzen aus der Landübertragung aufgrund eines Vorruhestandprogramms beruht auf solchen Transfers, die eine bedeutsame Betriebserweiterung und veränderte Flächennutzung zur Folge haben. Selbst wenn diese Bedingungen erfüllt werden, könnten günstigstenfalls nur Rentenzahlungen in Höhe von etwa einem Drittel der gesetzlich verankerten Höchstsumme gerechtfertigt werden. Beinahe ein Viertel aller Zahlungen wäre mit Mitnahmeeffekten verbunden, d.h. Landwirten zukommen, die ohnehin den Ruhestand antreten würden. Aus ökonomischer Sicht muss ein solches Programm als schwach eingestuft werden. [source]

Balances of phosphorus and nitrogen in carp ponds

R. Knösche
The impact of carp pond effluents on natural waters was investigated in the German federal states of Brandenburg, Saxony and Bavaria, and in Hungary. Data from 38 ponds (size = 0.25,122 ha) were available for the calculation of inlet,outlet differences. An average difference of 0.51 kg phosphorus (P) ha,1 year,1 was obtained. This means that every hectare of pond surface releases 510 g P less than it receives from the incoming water. This result was independent of the amount of fish harvested (, 1500 ha,1 year,1). The average retention of P (P-balance) was 5.71 kg P ha,1 year,1. Phosphorus retention increased with increasing intensity of production. Nitrogen (N) retention increased with production intensity from 78.5 kg ha,1 year,1 in German standard ponds to >,290 kg N ha,1 year,1in pig-cum-fish ponds in Hungary. A predominantly mineralized sludge suspension is released during harvesting at loads below 1% of the retention capacity of the pond. Under usual pond management regimes, the sludge load during harvesting ranged from 50 to 200 L ha,1, equivalent to 0.3,9.3 g dry matter ha,1. The present study suggests that ponds are not a burden on the environment. By contrast, these water bodies improve water quality. Therefore, pressures to reduce the intensity of pond production cannot be justified on the basis of supposed impacts on water quality. However, even if loads during harvesting are low compared with the retention capacity of the pond, more effort should be carried out to reduce the pollution of streams by pond outlets downstream. This can be done by limiting pond drainage to periods when the suspended material has settled or by short-term sedimentation of the sludge in a settling pond downstream of the rearing facility. [source]

An integrated biogeochemical and economic analysis of bioenergy crops in the Midwestern United States

GCB BIOENERGY, Issue 5 2010
Abstract This study integrates a biophysical model with a county-specific economic analysis of breakeven prices of bioenergy crop production to assess the biophysical and economic potential of biofuel production in the Midwestern United States. The bioenergy crops considered in this study include a genotype of Miscanthus, Miscanthus×giganteus, and the Cave-in-Rock breed of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). The estimated average peak biomass yield for miscanthus in the Midwestern states ranges between 7 and 48 metric tons dry matter per hectare per year ( t DM ha,1 yr,1), while that for switchgrass is between 10 and 16 t DM ha,1 yr,1. With the exception of Minnesota and Wisconsin, where miscanthus yields are likely to be low due to cold soil temperatures, the yield of miscanthus is on average more than two times higher than yield of switchgrass. We find that the breakeven price, which includes the cost of producing the crop and the opportunity cost of land, of producing miscanthus ranges from $53 t,1 DM in Missouri to $153 t,1 DM in Minnesota in the low-cost scenario. Corresponding costs for switchgrass are $88 t,1 DM in Missouri to $144 t,1 DM in Minnesota. In the high-cost scenario, the lowest cost for miscanthus is $85 t,1 DM and for switchgrass is $118 t,1 DM, both in Missouri. These two scenarios differ in their assumptions about ease of establishing the perennial crops, nutrient requirements and harvesting costs and losses. The differences in the breakeven prices across states and across crops are mainly driven by bioenergy and row crop yields per hectare. Our results suggest that while high yields per unit of land of bioenergy crops are critical for the competitiveness of bioenergy feedstocks, the yields of the row crops they seek to displace are also an important consideration. Even high yielding crops, such as miscanthus, are likely to be economically attractive only in some locations in the Midwest given the high yields of corn and soybean in the region. [source]

Simulating daily soil water under foothills fescue grazing with the soil and water assessment tool model (Alberta, Canada)

Emmanuel Mapfumo
Abstract Grazing is common in the foothills fescue grasslands and may influence the seasonal soil-water patterns, which in turn determine range productivity. Hydrological modelling using the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) is becoming widely adopted throughout North America especially for simulation of stream flow and runoff in small and large basins. Although applications of the SWAT model have been wide, little attention has been paid to the model's ability to simulate soil-water patterns in small watersheds. Thus a daily profile of soil water was simulated with SWAT using data collected from the Stavely Range Sub-station in the foothills of south-western Alberta, Canada. Three small watersheds were established using a combination of natural and artificial barriers in 1996,97. The watersheds were subjected to no grazing (control), heavy grazing (2·4 animal unit months (AUM) per hectare) or very heavy grazing (4·8 AUM ha,1). Soil-water measurements were conducted at four slope positions within each watershed (upper, middle, lower and 5 m close to the collector drain), every 2 weeks annually from 1998 to 2000 using a downhole CPN 503 neutron moisture meter. Calibration of the model was conducted using 1998 soil-water data and resulted in Nash,Sutcliffe coefficient (EF or R2) and regression coefficient of determination (r2) values of 0·77 and 0·85, respectively. Model graphical and statistical evaluation was conducted using the soil-water data collected in 1999 and 2000. During the evaluation period, soil water was simulated reasonably with an overall EF of 0·70, r2 of 0·72 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 18·01. The model had a general tendency to overpredict soil water under relatively dry soil conditions, but to underpredict soil water under wet conditions. Sensitivity analysis indicated that absolute relative sensitivity indices of input parameters in soil-water simulation were in the following order; available water capacity > bulk density > runoff curve number > fraction of field capacity (FFCB) > saturated hydraulic conductivity. Thus these data were critical inputs to ensure reasonable simulation of soil-water patterns. Overall, the model performed satisfactorily in simulating soil-water patterns in all three watersheds with a daily time-step and indicates a great potential for monitoring soil-water resources in small watersheds. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Willingness to consume and produce transgenic bananas in Costa Rica

Francisco X. Aguilar
Abstract An exploratory study of the willingness to produce and consume transgenic bananas was carried out in Costa Rica. Transgenic crops are plants with novel genes incorporated into their genome through the use of genetic engineering techniques. Farm managers' opinions were gathered using faxed questionnaires while final consumers' opinions were obtained through personal intercept interviews. Consumers expressed a lack of knowledge about transgenic crops and had received non-favour but also non-negative information through the media about their adoption. The results of a probit regression model show that, other things being equal, younger, wealthier consumers, with higher levels of education, with smaller households are more likely to consume transgenic bananas. All producers included in the study consider they would adopt a new transgenic variety. Producers' willingness to pay for such a variety would depend on its capacity to reduce pest management costs and is estimated to range between $500 and $999 per hectare. This study stresses the potential for development and adoption of a new transgenic variety that would alleviate the current issues faced by banana farmers. On the other hand, final consumers should be better informed on the nature of such products, their benefits and risks. [source]

Testing alternate ecological approaches to seagrass rehabilitation: links to life-history traits

Andrew D. Irving
Summary 1.,Natural resources and ecosystem services provided by the world's major biomes are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic impacts. Rehabilitation is a common approach to recreating and maintaining habitats, but limitations to the success of traditional techniques necessitate new approaches. 2.,Almost one-third of the world's productive seagrass meadows have been lost in the past 130 years. Using a combined total of three seagrass species at seven sites over 8 years, we experimentally assessed the performance of multiple rehabilitation methods that utilize fundamentally different ecological approaches. 3.,First, traditional methods of transplantation were tested and produced varied survival (0,80%) that was site dependent. Secondly, seedling culture and outplanting produced poor survival (2,9%) but reasonable growth. Finally, a novel method that used sand-filled bags of hessian to overcome limitations of traditional techniques by facilitating recruitment and establishment of seedlings in situ produced recruit densities of 150,350 seedlings m,2, with long-term survival (up to 38 months) ranging from 0 to 72 individuals m,2. 4.,Results indicate that facilitating seagrass recruitment in situ using hessian bags can provide a new tool to alleviate current limitations to successful rehabilitation (e.g. mobile sediments, investment of time and resources), leading to more successful management and mitigation of contemporary losses. Hessian bags have distinct environmental and economic advantages over other methods tested in that they do not damage existing meadows, are biodegradable, quick to deploy, and cost less per hectare (US$16 737) than the estimated ecosystem value of seagrass meadows (US$27 039 year,1). 5.,Synthesis and applications. This research demonstrates how exploring alternate ecological approaches to habitat rehabilitation can expand our collective toolbox for successfully re-creating complex and productive ecosystems, and alleviate the destructive side-effects and low success rates of more traditional techniques. Moreover, new methods can offer economic and environmental solutions to the restrictions placed upon managers of natural resources. [source]

Responses of ants to selective logging of a central Amazonian forest

H.L. Vasconcelos
Summary 1.,Relatively little information exists on the effects of logging on rain forest organisms, particularly in the Neotropics where logging operations have increased dramatically in recent years. In this study we determined experimentally the effects of selective logging of a central Amazonian forest on ground-living ants. 2.,The experimental design consisted of three 4-ha replicated plots representing control unlogged forest, forest logged 10 years prior to the start of the study (1987), and forest logged 4 years prior to the start of the study (1993). The logging operation removed 50% of the basal area of trees of commercial value, or about eight trees per hectare. This resulted in a significant decrease in canopy cover, and an increase in understorey vegetation density in logged plots relative to controls. 3.,Collection and identification of ants from a total of 360 1-m2 samples of leaf-litter revealed 143 ant species, of which 97 were found in the control plots, 97 in the plots logged in 1987, and 106 in those logged in 1993. Species richness, evenness and mean abundance (ants m,2) per plot did not vary among treatments. Most of the species found in the control plots were also present in the logged plots. However, population density of many species changed as a result of logging, an effect that persisted for at least 10 years after logging. Species commonly found in sites that were directly disturbed by logging (gaps and tracks) were rare in the undisturbed forest, as revealed by an additional collection of ants. 4.,These results suggest that the persistence of ant assemblages typical of undisturbed forest is likely to depend on the amount of structural damage incurred by logging. Thus management techniques that minimize logging impacts on forest structure are likely to help maintain the conservation value of logged forests for ground-dwelling ants. It is particularly important to minimize the extent of logging roads and tracks created by heavy machinery because these areas appear more prone to invasion by non-forest species. [source]

Parasitism of cotton leafworm Alabama argillacea eggs by Trichogramma pretiosum in commercial cotton fields

C. S. Bastos
Abstract Release of natural enemies in commercial fields is challenging and has been inconsistent in the results achieved. This work discusses the augmentative releases of Trichogramma pretiosum to control the cotton leafworm (CLW) Alabama argillacea and also examines the parasitoid,host interaction under grower field conditions. The treatments consisted of fields with and without releases of T. pretiosum set up in Primavera do Leste and Campo Verde Counties, MT, Brazil, during three different seasons (2003 and 2004 dry and 2004 regular summer seasons). Trichogramma wasps were weekly released in the treated fields throughout the entire sampling period (14,15 week period) at a rate of 100 000 wasps per hectare. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was performed for the number of parasitized eggs, followed by a meta-analysis procedure to determine the contribution of T. pretiosum release on overall parasitism. In addition, regression analysis was conducted with each season's data sets to study the relationship of the host density and parasitism response by T. pretiosum. The overall results of Trichogramma augmentative releases did not result in significant increase of CLW egg parasitism beyond the natural parasitism in the areas studied. However, based on Cohen's d effect sizes from the meta-analysis, the parasitism rate was greater in fields under T. pretiosum releases during four out of 15 weeks surveyed. The parasitism of CLW eggs by T. pretiosum exhibited host density-dependence only in one out of three seasons surveyed. These findings are encouraging as they are evidence that T. pretiosum is able to maintain a considerable level of parasitism under commercial field conditions, highlighting their potential value in large-scale commercial areas of cotton as previously found at the small and diverse farming scale. Future studies should address the potential of early-season, low density releases of the parasitoid. [source]

Sampling plan for the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella with sex pheromone traps

T. Bacca
Abstract The population density of the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville & Perrottet) (Lep., Lyonetiidae) can be estimated using pheromone traps in coffee fields as male capture reflects this pest damage based on previous correlational study. However, the spatial distribution of pheromone traps and their density are necessary to optimize the sampling procedure with pheromone traps. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to determine the pheromone trap density required per hectare to sample coffee leaf miner populations and to determine the spatial distribution of the males of this pest species. The males were sampled every 8 days in 12 consecutive evaluations. Taylor's power law and frequency distributions were used to recognize the distribution of the male capture data, which followed a negative binomial distribution. A common K was obtained, allowing the establishment of a single conventional sampling plan for the 12 fields investigated. The adjusted sampling plan requires eight traps in an area of 30 ha for a 25% precision error. Kriging-generated maps allowed the simulation of male captures for 8, 12 and 20 traps per 30 ha and the results were compared with those obtained with absolute sampling resulting in R2 -values of 0.30, 0.57 and 0.60 respectively. The traps were able to identify the more highly infested areas within the field and are a precise and efficient tool for sampling populations of L. coffeella. [source]

Impact of cocoa farming on vegetation in an agricultural landscape in Ghana

Alex Asase
Abstract Cocoa production occurs almost wholly within areas identified as biodiversity hotspots in West Africa and it has been noted as a major contributor to deforestation at the forest-agriculture interface. This study investigated the impact of cocoa farming on vegetation in relation to three land-use types of increasing cocoa production intensity from remnant native forest through shaded to unshaded cocoa farmlands in Ghana. The study used transects and forty-two 25 m × 25 m vegetation plots. The overall noncocoa plant species richness decreased significantly (95% CI) from the remnant native forest through shaded to the unshaded cocoa farmlands. Significant differences (P , 0.05) were also found in the mean density and basal area of noncocoa plants per hectare with the remnant native forest recording the highest values and the unshaded cocoa farmlands the lowest. The relative density of about 44.7% out of the 41 most abundant plant species declined in cocoa farmlands. The results of this study showed that cocoa farming could result in a drastic forest plant species loss with subsequent recruitment of nonforest species, forest plant species population decline as well as changes in the structural characteristics of the vegetation. This impact increases with increasing cocoa production intensity. Résumé En Afrique de l'Ouest, le cacao est produit presque entièrement dans des zones identifiées comme des hauts-lieux de la biodiversité et l'on a noté qu'il contribue toujours de façon importante à la déforestation à l'interface entre forêts et terres agricoles. Cette étude a analysé l'impact de la culture de cacao sur la végétation pour une utilisation des terres de trois types caractérisés par des intensités de production de cacao croissantes, allant des restes de forêt native à des exploitations ombragées et non ombragées de cacao, au Ghana. Cette étude a utilisé des transects et 42 parcelles de végétation de 25 m × 25 m. La richesse globale en espèces végétales - hors cacao - diminuait significativement (IC 95%) en passant des restes de forêt native aux exploitations de cacao ombragées et ensuite à celles qui sont exposées au soleil. On a aussi trouvé des différences significatives (P , 0,05) de la densité moyenne et de la surface basale par hectare des plants hors cacao, la forêt native restante donnant les valeurs les plus hautes et les exploitations exposées de cacao, les plus basses. La densité relative de près de 44,7% des 41 espèces végétales les plus abondantes diminuait dans les exploitations de cacao. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que la production de cacao pouvait entraîner une perte drastique des espèces végétales forestières suivie d'un recrutement d'espèces non forestières, un déclin des populations d'espèces végétales forestières et des changements des caractéristiques structurelles de la végétation. Cette impacts augmentaient avec l'intensification de la production de cacao. [source]

Diversity and composition of trees and shrubs in Kasagala forest: a semiarid savannah woodland in central Uganda

Samson Gwali
Abstract The diversity and composition of trees and shrubs of ,5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) were investigated in Kasagala woodland in central Uganda using 1 ha permanent sample plots. A total of 2745 trees and shrubs with a mean stem density of 686 ha,1 were recorded. These included 69 tree species belonging to 28 families and 47 genera. There was a larger number of small stems compared with that of larger stems. There was significant variation in stem size class distribution between the plots (F = 3.14, P = 0.027). The variation in stem densities (counts) across different size classes was significant (F = 8.31, P < 0.001). Species diversity was higher in the low lands compared with that in the elevated sites in the woodland. The species encountered were unevenly distributed across the plots. Species abundance was not significantly different across the sample plots (F = 2.63, P = 0.053). We suggest that the structure of the forest is typical of any regenerating forest, but other human influences may have played a part in the dominance of size classes <10 cm DBH. The causes of the present status and composition of the woodland require further investigation. Résumé La diversité et la composition des arbres et arbustes de plus de 5 cm dbh ont étéétudiées dans la forêt de Kasagala, au centre de l'Ouganda, en utilisant des parcelles échantillons permanentes d'un hectare. On a relevé la présence de 2745 arbres et arbustes, avec une densité moyenne de 686 troncs ha,1. Ceux-ci comprenaient 69 espèces d'arbres appartenant à 28 familles et à 47 genres. Il y avait un plus grand nombre de petits troncs que de gros. Il y avait une variation significative de la distribution des classes de taille entre les parcelles (F = 3.14, P = 0.027). La variation de la densité des troncs (comptages) entre les différentes classes de taille était significative (F = 8.31, P < 0.001). La diversité des espèces était plus grande dans les terres basses que dans les sites plus élevés dans la forêt. Les espèces rencontrées étaient distribuées de façon inégale entre les parcelles. L'abondance des espèces n'était pas significativement différente selon les parcelles échantillons (F = 2.63, P = 0.053). Nous suggérons que la structure de la forêt est typique de toute forêt en voie de régénération, mais que d'autres influences humaines peuvent avoir joué un rôle dans la dominance des classes de taille <10 cm dbh. Les raisons du statut et de la composition actuels de la forêt requièrent de nouvelles investigations. [source]

Composition and distribution of vascular epiphytes in a tropical semideciduous forest, Ghana

Patrick Addo-Fordjour
Abstract The composition and distribution of vascular epiphytes were studied in two 1-ha plots in the KNUST Botanic garden, Ghana. One-hectare plot each was randomly set up in secondary and cultivated forests for the identification and enumeration of trees and shrubs (,10 cm dbh), and epiphytes. Each tree was carefully examined, noting the presence, positions and life-forms of all epiphytes. Twenty-nine epiphyte (29) species belonging to fourteen genera and eleven families were identified in the study. These were hosted by 48 tree species and occurred in three life-forms: hemi-epiphytes (45%), casual epiphytes (45%) and true epiphytes (10%). The vascular epiphyte species made up 25.7% of all the identified plant species (excluding herbs and climbers) encountered. Host species (P < 0.001), habitat (P = 0.001) and their interaction (P < 0.001) had strong effects on epiphyte composition in the forests. Moraceae was the most dominant family (44.8%), while Nephrolepis undulata J. Sm. and N. biserrata (Sw.) Scott. were the commonest species of epiphytes. In terms of vertical distribution, most epiphytes were located on the trunk, while a few occurred in the canopy. Résumé On a étudié la composition et la distribution d'épiphytes vasculaires dans deux parcelles d'un hectare, dans le Jardin botanique de la KNUST, au Ghana. Chaque parcelle d'un hectare fut créée au hasard dans des forêts secondaire et cultivée pour y identifier et faire la liste des arbres et des arbustes (,10 cm dbh). Chaque arbre fut soigneusement examiné, et l'on a noté la présence, l'emplacement et les formes vivantes de tous les épiphytes. Vingt-neuf (29) espèces d'épiphytes appartenant à 14 genres et à 11 familles ont été identifiées au cours de cette étude. Elles croissaient sur 48 espèces d'arbres et se présentaient sous trois formes vivantes, hémi-épiphytes (45%), épiphytes opportunistes (45%) et épiphytes vrais (10%). Les espèces vasculaires d'épiphytes représentaient 25,7% de toutes les espèces végétales identifiées (à l'exclusion des herbacées et des plantes grimpantes). Les espèces hôtes (P < 0,001), l'habitat (P = 0,001) et leur interaction (P < 0,001) avaient un effet très net sur la composition des épiphytes dans les forêts. Les Moraceae étaient la famille dominante (44,8%) et Nephrolepis undulata J. Sm. et N. biserrata (Sw.) Scott étaient les espèces d'épiphytes les plus communes. En termes de distribution verticale, la plupart des épiphytes se situaient sur les troncs et quelques-uns croissaient dans la canopée. [source]

Season of grazing and stocking rate interactively affect fuel loads in Baikiaea plurijuga Harms woodland in northwestern Zimbabwe

J. Gambiza
Abstract Wildfire is a major disturbance in Baikiaea plurijuga Harms woodland savannas. We tested the hypothesis that the timing and intensity of herbivory influence fuel loads. We used three stocking rates namely light (three cows and four goats ha,1), medium (six cows and eight goats ha,1) and heavy (eleven cows and sixteen goats ha,1) and three times of grazing namely early-, middle- and late-growing seasons. Season of grazing and stocking rate influenced herbaceous phytomass. Phytomass was generally the highest (53.5 g DM m,2) in paddocks grazed during the early growing season and the lowest (27.8 g DM m,2) in those grazed during the late growing season. Phytomass was also generally the highest (40.4 g DM m,2) in lightly stocked paddocks and the lowest (32.7 g DM m,2) in heavily stocked ones. Litter mass was the lowest (160.8 g DM m,2) in paddocks grazed during the early season whereas there were no differences in ungrazed paddocks and those grazed during either mid- or late growing seasons (205.4 g DM m,2). There was a negative relationship between litter mass and stocking rate. Baikiaea Benth. woodlands should be grazed during either the mid- or late-growing season at stocking rates greater than 0.1 LU ha,1 to reduce grass fuel loads. Résumé Les feux de brousse sont une perturbation majeure dans les savanes arborées àBaikiaea plurijuga Harms. Nous avons testé l'hypothèse selon laquelle le timing et l'intensité de la consommation par les herbivores influenceraient la quantité de combustible. Nous avons utilisé trois taux de pâturage: léger (trois vaches et quatre chèvres par hectare), moyen (six vaches et huit chèvres par hectare) et élevé (11 vaches et 16 chèvres par hectare), et trois périodes de pâturage, à savoir au début, au milieu et à la fin de la période de croissance. La période de pâturage et le taux de pâturage influençaient la phytomasse herbacée. La phytomasse était généralement la plus élevée (53.5 g MS m,2) dans les enclos pâturés au début de la saison de croissance, et la plus faible (27.8 g MS m,2) dans ceux qui sont pâturés en fin de période de croissance. La phytomasse était aussi généralement la plus grande (40.4 g MS m,2) dans les enclos légèrement pâturés et la plus basse (32.7 g MS m,2) dans les enclos très pâturés. La biomasse végétale (litière) était la plus faible (160.8 g MS m,2) dans les enclos pâturés au début de la saison, alors qu'il n'y avait pas de différence entre les enclos non pâturés et ceux qui l'étaient au milieu ou à la fin de la période de croissance (205.4 g MS m,2). Il y avait une relation négative entre la masse de litière et le taux de pâturage. Les forêts àBaikiaea Benth. devraient être pâturés en milieu ou en fin de période de croissance, et à des taux plus élevés que 0.1 UFL ha,1, pour réduire la quantité de combustible herbacé. [source]

Feeding on roots in the humus layer by adult pine weevil, Hylobius abietis

Kristina Wallertz
Abstract 1,The consumption by adult pine weevil, Hylobius abietis, of the bark of roots present in the humus layer was assessed in a field study conducted in southern Sweden during two years (1998 and 2002). The study sites were divided into two areas: (i) a shelterwood where 80,100 mature Scots pine trees per hectare remained after cutting and (ii) a clearcut where no trees were left. 2,On average, 3741 m2 per hectare of root bark was present in the humus layer, of which 135 m2 was not coniferous but comprised species such as bilberry and broadleaved trees. 3,The mean area debarked by pine weevils was 2.9 m2 per hectare; 2.6 m2 of conifer roots and 0.3 m2 of bilberry roots. Roots of broadleaved trees were almost never consumed. No clear preferences for roots of a specific level of vitality were observed. 4,No consistent difference between the shelterwood and clearcut was found, either in the amount of root bark area available or in the extent of root feeding by pine weevil. 5,A weak negative correlation between debarked areas on roots and seedlings was found, indicating that root feeding may have reduced damage to seedlings. 6,It is concluded that conifer roots in the humus layer constitute a major food source for the pine weevil and can be utilized for a considerable period in both clearcuts and shelterwoods. [source]

The impact of integrated aquaculture,agriculture on small-scale farms in Southern Malawi

Madan M. Dey
Aquaculture; Malawi; Participatory research; Technical efficiency Abstract Sustainable agricultural intensification is an urgent challenge for Sub-Saharan Africa. One potential solution is to rely on local farmers' knowledge for improved management of diverse on-farm resources and integration among various farm enterprises. In this article, we analyze the farm-level impact of one recent example, namely the integrated aquaculture,agriculture (IAA) technologies that have been developed and disseminated in a participatory manner in Malawi. Based on a 2004 survey of 315 respondents (166 adopters and 149 nonadopters), we test the hypothesis that adoption of IAA is associated with improved farm productivity and more efficient use of resources. Estimating a technical inefficiency function shows that IAA farms were significantly more efficient compared to nonadopters. IAA farms also had higher total factor productivity, higher farm income per hectare, and higher returns to family labor. [source]

Optimal farm size in an uncertain land market: the case of Kyrgyz Republic

Sara Savastano
Option value theory; Farm size; Uncertainty; Irreversibility Abstract This article applies a real options model to the problem of land development. Making use of the 1998,2001 Kyrgyz Household Budget Survey, we show that when the hypothesis of decreasing return to scale holds, the relation between the threshold value of revenue per hectare and the amount of land cultivated is positive. In addition, the relation between the threshold and the amount of land owned is positive in the case of continuous supply of land and negative when there is discontinuous supply of land. The direct consequence is that, in the first case, smaller farms will be more willing to rent land and exercise the option where, in the second case, larger farms will exercise first. The results suggest three main conclusions: (i) the combination of uncertainty and irreversibility is an important factor in land development decisions, (ii) farmer behavior is consistent with the continuous profit maximization model, and (iii) farming unit revenue tends to be positively related to farm size, once uncertainty is properly accounted for. [source]

Valuing groundwater recharge through agricultural production in the Hadejia-Nguru wetlands in northern Nigeria

Gayatri Acharya
Production function approach; Valuation; Wetlands; Groundwater recharge; Ecosystem function Abstract This study applies a production function approach to value the groundwater recharge function of the Hadejia-Nguru wetlands in northern Nigeria. The groundwater recharge function supports dry season agricultural production which is dependent on groundwater abstraction for irrigation. Using survey data this paper first carries out an economic valuation of agricultural production, per hectare of irrigated land. We then value the recharge function as an environmental input into the dry season agricultural production and derive appropriate welfare change measures. Welfare change is calculated using the estimated production functions and hypothetical changes in groundwater recharge and hence, groundwater levels. By focusing on agricultural production dependent solely on groundwater resources from the shallow aquifer, this study establishes that the groundwater recharge function of the wetlands is of significant importance for the floodplain. [source]

Green Energy or Organic Food?: A Life-Cycle Assessment Comparing Two Uses of Set-Aside Land

Richard van den Broek
Summary Bioenergy has a large worldwide potential in future climate change abatement, although its application may become limited by demands for land for other functions. The aim of this study was to make an environmental assessment of the use of energy crops in the Netherlands in a context that incorporates scarcity of land. A base case system was defined, consisting of conventional winter wheat production, set-aside land (1 hectare, together), and the production of coal-based electricity. Using life-cycle assessment, we compared this system with (1) a green energy system in which willow is cultivated on the set-aside land to replace the coal-based electricity and (2) an organic agriculture system in which the full hectare produces wheat under the Dutch EKO organic agriculture standard. In this way, the functional unit and the amount of land used is the same in each system. The final system comparison was based on normalized scores per environmental theme. The green energy system scored the best with respect to acidification, climate change, and energy carrier depletion. The organic food system scored best on terrestrial eco-toxicity and slightly better on the mutually related themes of seawater and seawater sediment eco-toxicity. The base case system performed slightly better with regard to eutrophication. Preferences, from an environmental point of view, for one of the systems should be determined by environmental policy priorities and the severity of local environmental problems. The case studied here shows that when climate change, energy carrier depletion, and acidification are the main drivers behind environmental policy, one should focus not on the extensification of agriculture, but rather dedicate more land to energy crops. Extensification of agriculture would be the preferred system when toxicity from pesticides is considered the main problem. [source]


M.R. Kokolis
The Grafton Ponds Natural Area is a 151 hectare preserve in York County, Virginia, approximately 56km north of the City of Norfolk. The preserve contains over 40 ephemeral ponds. These ponds which are filled seasonally by precipitation and groundwater discharge, are typically wet from late fall through late spring or early summer. Pond size varies from 0.1 to 2 ha, and depths range from 4 cm to 3 meters. The first phase of this study was to examine the physical and chemical characteristics of five of these ponds, including pond size and depth, inundation period, water temperature, pH, and phosphate and ammonium concentrations. The second phase, which is currently underway, is to examine the phytoplankton assemblages, relating differences in the phytoplankton populations to the varying physical and chemical characteristics of the ponds. To date, analysis indicates Chlorophytes and Cyanobacteria as dominant groups in the winter and spring with diatoms becoming more abundant in the late summer and fall. Periodic Dinoflagellate blooms also occur. Analysis also indicates rapid turnover of species from month to month. [source]

"The principles of rational agriculture" by Albrecht Daniel Thaer (1752,1828).

An approach to the sustainability of cropping systems at the beginning of the 19th century
Abstract The identification of quantitative fertility indicators for evaluating the sustainability of cropping and farming systems has become a major issue. This question has been extensively studied by the German agronomist Albrecht Daniel Thaer at the beginning of the 19h century. In this paper Thaer's work is set in its historical background, from the end of the 16th century (Palissy, 1580) to the middle of the 19th century (Liebig, 1840). Then the paper focuses on Thaer's quantitative and complex fertility scale (expressed in "fertility degrees"), which was based on soil properties, on the requirement of nutrients by plants, and on the cropping system (including crop rotation). Thaer expressed soil fertility and economic results as a function of rye production in "scheffel of rye per journal" (ca. 200 kg per hectare). He also proposed a scale to describe the intrinsic fertility of soil. Thaer used this approach to assess the effect of major German cropping systems on soil fertility. He applied it to eight theoretical systems and nine existing systems in a true modeling approach. Thaer completed the fertility evaluation for the nine existing systems with a detailed economical analysis commenting the limits and potentialities of each system. Thaer's approach was used with success during half a century as it combined numerous empirical findings on soils and fertilization with organic substances in a sophisticated model. Unfortunately and despite effective practical applications, the scientific foundations of Thaer's "Humus Theory" proved definitively false as soon as 1840 when Sprengel and Liebig published on mineral nutrition of plants. Thaer's work deserves to be rediscovered since it approaches the modern issue of the sustainability of cropping and farming systems. "Grundsätze der rationalen Landwirtschaft" von Albrecht Daniel Thaer (1752,1828). Ein Ansatz zur Nachhaltigkeit von Anbausystemen zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts Die Identifizierung von quantitativen Fruchtbarkeitsindikatoren, mit denen die Nachhaltigkeit von Anbau- und Bewirtschaftungssystemen evaluiert werden kann, ist ein wichtiges Thema geworden. Diese Frage wurde zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts von dem deutschen Agronomen Albrecht Daniel Thaer intensiv untersucht. In diesem Beitrag wird die Arbeit von Thaer in ihren historischen Zusammenhang gestellt, d.h. vom Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts (Palissy (1580)) bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts (Liebig (1840)). Anschließend wird Thaers komplexe quantitative Fruchtbarkeitsskala (ausgedrückt in "Fruchtbarkeitsgraden") vorgestellt, die auf Bodeneigenschaften, dem Nährstoffbedarf der Pflanzen und dem Anbausystem (einschließlich der Fruchtfolge) basierte. Thaer formulierte die Bodenfruchtbarkeit und ökonomische Resultate einer Kultur oder einer Fruchtfolge in "Scheffel Roggen pro Morgen" (ca. 200 kg pro Hektar). Thaer schlug auch eine Skala vor, um den inhärenten Wert des Bodens zu beschreiben. Er benutzte diesen Ansatz, um die Auswirkungen von in Deutschland verbreiteten Anbausystemen auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit zu bestimmen. Er wandte diesen Ansatz auf acht theoretische und neun reale Systeme an, d.h. mit einem echten Modellierungs-Ansatz. Er vervollständigte die Beurteilung der Fruchtbarkeit der neun existierenden Systeme mit einer detaillierten wirtschaftlichen Analyse, wobei er die Grenzen und die Leistungsfähigkeit jedes Systems kommentierte. Thaers Ansatz wurde ein halbes Jahrhundert lang mit Erfolg benutzt, da er zahlreiche empirische Beobachtungen über Böden und Düngung mit organischen Substanzen in einem komplexen Modell vereinigt. Trotz erfolgreicher praktischer Anwendung erwiesen sich die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen von Thaers "Humustheorie" schon 1840 definitiv als falsch, als Sprengel und Liebig ihre Arbeiten über die mineralische Ernährung der Pflanzen veröffentlichten. Thaers Werk verdient es, neu entdeckt zu werden, da es die aktuelle Frage nach der Nachhaltigkeit von Anbau- und Bewirtschaftungssystemen behandelt. [source]


William Heasom
ABSTRACT: The goal of this research was to develop a methodology for modeling a bioinfiltration best management practice (BMP) built in a dormitory area on the campus of Villanova University in Pennsylvania. The objectives were to quantify the behavior of the BMP through the different seasons and rainfall events; better understand the physical processes governing the system's behavior; and develop design criteria. The BMP was constructed in 2001 by excavating within an existing traffic island, backfilling with a sand/soil mixture, and planting with salt tolerant grasses and shrubs native to the Atlantic shore. It receives runoff from the asphalt (0.26 hectare) and turf (0.27 hectare) surfaces of the watershed. Monitoring supported by the hydrologic model shows that the facility infiltrates a significant fraction of the annual precipitation, substantially reducing the delivery of nonpoint source pollution and erosive surges downstream. A hydrologic model was developed using HEC-HMS to represent the site and the BMP using Green-Ampt and kinematic wave methods. Instruments allow comparison of the modeled and measured water budget parameters. The model, incorporating seasonally variable parameters, predicts the volumes infiltrated and bypassed by the BMP, confirming the applicability of the selected methods for the analysis of bioinfiltration BMPs. [source]

Phytoestrogen content of alfalfa cultivars grown in eastern Canada

Philippe Seguin
Abstract Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) contains several phytoestrogens that may have health-promoting effects in humans. In this study, the concentrations of three phytoestrogens (apigenin, coumestrol, and luteolin) of ten field-grown alfalfa cultivars were determined in the seeding and post-seeding year at two sites in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada. Herbage and phytoestrogen yield per hectare were concurrently determined. Differences between cultivars were only observed for apigenin concentration and yield and coumestrol yield. There was a 37% variation between cultivars in apigenin concentration. Site-by-harvest interactions and harvest main effects were observed for the concentration and yield of all three phytoestrogens. There was a 2- and 2.5-fold variation in coumestrol and luteolin concentrations, respectively, between harvests of both sites. Coumestrol concentration was lower in harvests of the seeding than of the post-seeding year. Luteolin concentration fluctuated during the five harvests at one site, but was greater in the seeding than in the post-seeding year at the other site. There was a 5.4-fold variation in apigenin concentration between harvests of both sites, concentrations being lower in the seeding (avg. 173 µg g,1 DM) than in the post-seeding year. Results suggest that choice of cultivars have limited impact on alfalfa phytoestrogen concentration, which, however, greatly differ between harvests and sites. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

Seasonal and spatial dynamics of ectoparasite infestation of a threatened reptile, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus)

Abstract The conservation of threatened vertebrate species and their threatened parasites requires an understanding of the factors influencing their distribution and dynamics. This is particularly important for species maintained in conservation reserves at high densities, where increased contact among hosts could lead to increased rates of parasitism. The tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) (Reptilia: Sphenodontia) is a threatened reptile that persists at high densities in forests (, 2700 tuatara/ha) and lower densities in pastures and shrubland (< 200 tuatara/ha) on Stephens Island, New Zealand. We investigated the lifecycles and seasonal dynamics of infestation of two ectoparasites (the tuatara tick, Amblyomma sphenodonti, and trombiculid mites, Neotrombicula sp.) in a mark-recapture study in three forest study plots from November 2004 to March 2007, and compared infestation levels among habitat types in March 2006. Tick loads were lowest over summer and peaked from late autumn (May) until early spring (September). Mating and engorgement of female ticks was highest over spring, and larval tick loads subsequently increased in early autumn (March). Nymphal tick loads increased in September, and adult tick loads increased in May. Our findings suggest the tuatara tick has a 2- or 3-year lifecycle. Mite loads were highest over summer and autumn, and peaked in March. Prevalences (proportion of hosts infected) and densities (estimated number of parasites per hectare) of ticks were similar among habitats, but tick loads (parasites per host) were higher in pastures than in forests and shrub. The prevalence and density of mites was higher in forests than in pasture or shrub, but mite loads were similar among habitats. We suggest that a higher density of tuatara in forests may reduce the ectoparasite loads of individuals through a dilution effect. Understanding host,parasite dynamics will help in the conservation management of both the host and its parasites. [source]

Quantifying the effects of fungicides and disease resistance on greenhouse gas emissions associated with wheat production

P. M. Berry
A method is presented to quantify the net effect of disease management on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per hectare of crop and per tonne of crop produce (grain, animal feed, flour or bioethanol). Calculations were based on experimental and survey data representative of UK wheat production during the period 2004,06. Elite wheat cultivars, with contrasting yields and levels of disease resistance, were compared. Across cultivars, fungicides increased yields by an average of 1·78 t ha,1 and GHG emissions were reduced from 386 to 327 kg CO2 eq. t,1 grain. The amount by which fungicides increased yield , and hence reduced emissions per tonne , was negatively correlated with cultivar resistance to septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola, anamorph Septoria tritici). GHG emissions of treated cultivars were always less than those of untreated cultivars. Without fungicide use, an additional 0·93 Mt CO2 eq. would be emitted to maintain annual UK grain production at 15 Mt, if the additional land required for wheat production displaced other UK arable crops/set aside. The GHG cost would be much greater if grassland or natural vegetation were displaced. These additional emissions would be reduced substantially if cultivars had more effective septoria leaf blotch resistance. The GHGs associated with UK fungicide use were calculated to be 0·06 Mt CO2 eq. per annum. It was estimated that if it were possible to eliminate diseases completely by increasing disease resistance without any yield penalty and/or developing better fungicides, emissions could theoretically be reduced further to 313 kg CO2 eq. t,1 grain. [source]

Pedigree analysis of an elite rice hybrid using proteomic approach

Zhensheng Xie
Abstract The definition of dominance or epistasis is generally on the basis of a descriptive characterization for these crops in the field, such as yield per hectare and the weight of grain. Since these trait examinations lack molecular information, how to precisely predict the phenotypic changes in filial generation is still a problem in heterosis studies. For rice, the genetic information caused by hybridization can be archived through analyzing of proteomes of rice seeds. Differential analysis of proteomes was introduced for the rice seeds of three cultivars, 9311, PA64S and LYP9, an elite rice hybrid from cross between 9311 and PA64S. In the three rice endosperms, the expression profiles of proteins were similar with the stained spots of 47,±,1, 46,±,0.6 and 44,±,0.6, for 9311, PA64S and LYP9, respectively; however, the number of proteins expressed in the rice embryos was significantly increased with the stained spots of 395.3,±,12.9, 350,±,9.2, and 389.3,±,16.4, for 9311, PA64S and LYP9, respectively. Importantly, the image comparisons and protein identifications have revealed in significantly different embryo protein spots among the three rice cultivars. By carefully analyzing these different 2-DE spots, many of them from the three embryos were shown to display a mirrored relationships between parents and the first filial generation. Furthermore, all of stained spots in LYP9 embryo were found on the 2-DEs from its parents, indicating that there was a genetic linkage. These results suggest that proteomic approach is able to serve pedigree analysis and functional prediction for new rice breeds. [source]

Suppression of southern corn leaf blight by a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Bacillus cereus C1L

Chien-Jui Huang
Southern corn leaf blight (SCLB) is an important foliar disease of maize. In this study, an induced systemic resistance (ISR)-eliciting rhizobacterium Bacillus cereus C1L was used to protect maize against SCLB. Application of B. cereus C1L in maize rhizosphere effectively protected maize from SCLB under greenhouse and field conditions. The protection effect of B. cereus C1L was similar to that of Maneb (2 kg active ingredient per hectare), a recommended fungicide. Furthermore, possible factors of B. cereus C1L to elicit ISR and to promote plant growth were investigated. The results indicate that secreted factors and rhizosphere colonisation ability of B. cereus C1L are involved in ISR elicitation. In addition to biocontrol activity, B. cereus C1L was able to promote growth of maize in field. Compared with a non-treated control, leaf length, leaf width, plant height and fresh and dry weights of B. cereus C1L-treated corn plants significantly increased. Therefore, B. cereus C1L acts as a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium of maize. [source]