
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Amphibians

  • anuran amphibian
  • urodele amphibian

  • Terms modified by Amphibians

  • amphibian conservation
  • amphibian decline
  • amphibian malformation
  • amphibian metamorphosis
  • amphibian population
  • amphibian species

  • Selected Abstracts

    Relative importance of different dispersal vectors for small aquatic invertebrates in a rock pool metacommunity

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 5 2008
    Bram Vanschoenwinkel
    The extent and frequency of passive overland dispersal of freshwater invertebrates as well as the relative importance of different dispersal vectors is not well documented. Although anecdotal evidence subscribing the feasibility of individual vectors in various aquatic systems is abundant, dispersal rates have rarely been quantified for different vectors in one study system. Earlier studies also usually investigated dispersal potential rather than actual dispersal rates. In this study we have estimated passive dispersal rates of invertebrate propagules within a cluster of temporary rock pools via water, wind and amphibians in a direct way. Overflows after heavy rains mediated dispersal of a large number of propagules through eroded channels between pools, which were collected in overflow traps. Taking into account model based predictions of overflow frequency, this corresponds with average dispersal rates of 4088 propagules/channel yr,1. Wind dispersal rates as measured by numbers of propagules collected on sticky traps mounted between pool basins were very high (average dispersal rate: 649 propagules m,2 in one month) and were positively related to the proximity of source populations. Finally, invertebrate propagules were also isolated from the faeces of African clawed frogs Xenopus laevis caught from the pools (on average 368 propagules/frog). The combination of short distance wind and overflow dispersal rates likely explain the dominant species sorting and mass effect patterns observed in the metacommunity in a previous study. Amphibian mediated dispersal was much less important as the Xenopus laevis population was small and migrations very rare. Based on our own results and available literature we conclude that both vector and propagule properties determine local passive dispersal dynamics of freshwater invertebrates. Accurate knowledge on rates and vectors of dispersal in natural systems are a prerequisite to increase our understanding of the impact of dispersal on ecology (colonisation, community assembly, coexistence) and evolution (gene flow, local adaptation) in fragmented environments. [source]

    Conservation of Brazilian Amphibians

    The Brazilian Official List of Threatened Species and the results of a workshop for the Global Amphibian Assessment indicate that 26 species are threatened. The majority of these occur in the Atlantic Forest, one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. The main threat to amphibians is the destruction of their habitats through deforestation, conversion into agricultural land, mining, wildfires, and infrastructure development and urbanization. In Brazil little is known about other causes of amphibian decline observed worldwide, such as pesticides, infectious diseases, climate change, invasive species, or wildlife trade. Brazilian conservation policies include such important legal instruments as the Official List of Threatened Species and the selection of priority areas for conservation measures in all of Brazil's major biomes. Although there is little information on geographic distributions and the natural history and ecology of the large majority of the currently recognized species, a number of important regional studies for amphibian conservation are under way. New species are discovered each year. Resumen:,Brasil es el líder mundial en diversidad de anfibios, con 765 especies, la mayoría de las cuales han sido descritas en los últimos 40 años. La Lista Brasileña Oficial de Especies Amenazadas y los resultados de un taller para la Evaluación Global de Anfibios indican que 26 especies están amenazadas, la mayoría de ellas ocurre en el Bosque Atlántico, uno de los sitios de importancia para la biodiversidad global. La principal amenaza a los anfibios es la destrucción de sus hábitats por la deforestación, conversión a tierras agrícolas, minería, fuego no controlado, desarrollo de infraestructura y urbanización. En Brasil se conoce poco sobre otras causas de la declinación de anfibios observadas en todo el mundo, como pesticidas, enfermedades infecciosas, cambio climático, especies invasoras o comercio de vida silvestre. Las políticas Brasileñas de conservación incluyen importantes instrumentos legales como la Lista Oficial de Especies Amenazadas y la selección de áreas prioritarias para la conservación en todos lo biomas principales de Brasil. Existe escasa información sobre la distribución geográfica y la historia natural y ecología de la gran mayoría de las especies reconocidas actualmente, aunque se está desarrollando un importante número de estudios regionales para la conservación de anfibios. Cada año se descubren nuevas especies. [source]

    Effects of Forest Management on Amphibians and Reptiles in Missouri Ozark Forests

    Within even-aged management sites, we also focused on the local-scale effects of clearcutting on these species by comparing relative abundance among plots located within clearcut stands, 50 m away from clearcut stands, and 200 m away from clearcut stands. Pretreatment sampling of species abundance occurred from 1992 through 1995, and post-treatment sampling occurred from 1997 through 2000. At the landscape scale, treatment significantly affected the abundance of Bufo americanus. This species declined less on even-aged management sites than on control sites, but the general decline on all sites suggests that other factors may have contributed to this result. Within even-aged management sites, most amphibian species declined and some reptile species increased relative to pretreatment abundances within clearcut stands. We found significant effects of distance from clearcut for two amphibian species, Ambystoma maculatum and Rana clamitans, and two reptile species, Scincella lateralis and Sceloporus undulatus. In general, we conclude that clearcuts within even-aged management sites locally affected amphibian and reptile species but, at a larger spatial scale, we did not detect significant effects of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management. These findings represent relatively short-term data but suggest that forest management and maintenance of biodiversity may be compatible when relatively small amounts of the landscape are disturbed. Resumen:,Como parte del Proyecto Ecosistema del Bosque Ozark de Missouri (PEBOM), evaluamos experimentalmente los impactos de la gestión de bosques sobre la abundancia relativa de anfibios y reptiles en los bosques Ozark, Missouri (E.U.A.). Utilizando sitios de estudio extensos (es decir, de tamaño promedio de 400ha) como la unidad experimental, estudiamos los efectos de tratamientos de manejo de bosques de edad uniforme y dispar comparados con el manejo sin cosecha (es decir, control) sobre la abundancia relativa de 13 especies focales de anfibios y reptiles. En los sitios de manejo de edad uniforme, también analizamos los efectos a escala local de la tala completa sobre estas especies comparando la abundancia relativa entre parcelas localizadas dentro de los claros talados, a 50 m y 200 m de los claros. Para determinar la abundancia de especies, se tomaron muestras previas al tratamiento de 1992 a 1995, y muestras posteriores al tratamiento de 1997 a 2000. A la escala de paisaje, el tratamiento afectó significativamente la abundancia de Bufo americanus. La abundancia de esta especie disminuyó menos en sitios de manejo de edad uniforme que en los sitios control, pero la disminución general en todos los sitios sugiere que otros factores pudieron haber contribuido a este resultado. En los sitios de manejo de edad uniforme, la abundancia de la mayoría de las especies de anfibios disminuyó y algunas especies de reptiles incrementaron en relación con las abundancias previas al tratamiento dentro de los claros talados. Encontramos efectos significativos de la distancia del claro para dos especies de anfibios, Ambystoma maculatum y Rana clamitans, y dos especies de reptiles, Scincella lateralis y Sceloporus undulatus. En general, concluimos que la tala en sitios de edad uniforme afectó localmente a las especies de anfibios y reptiles, pero a una mayor escala espacial, no detectamos impactos significativos entre el manejo de sitios de edad uniforme y dispar. Estos hallazgos representan datos de relativamente corto plazo pero sugieren que la gestión de bosques y el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad pueden ser compatibles cuando se perturban superficies relativamente pequeñas del paisaje. [source]

    An Experimental Investigation of Landscape Resistance of Forest versus Old-Field Habitats to Emigrating Juvenile Amphibians

    Betsie B. Rothermel
    Larval amphibians,spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), small-mouthed salamander (A. texanum), and American toad ( Bufo americanus ),were added to artificial pools in four dispersal arrays on forest edges. Each array consisted of a pool surrounded by a circular drift fence with pitfall traps and two 2.5 × 50 m enclosures (runs) extending into forest and old-field habitat. Juveniles captured at the circular fences were individually marked and released into either field or forest runs. We determined initial distance, initial rate, total distance, and net distance moved by juveniles in the field versus forest from recaptures in the runs. We also conducted 24-hour dehydration trials to compare the rates of evaporative water loss by spotted and small-mouthed salamanders in field and forest. Initial orientation of spotted salamanders and toads was significantly biased toward forest. Orientation of small-mouthed salamanders did not differ significantly from random expectations. The avoidance of open-canopy habitat by juvenile American toads in particular indicates that predictions of dispersal behavior based on adult habitat use may be misleading. Spotted salamanders moved almost four times farther and toads more than three times farther into the forest than into the field, and recapture rates of both species were much lower in the field. We attribute the lower recapture rates and shorter distances moved in the field to higher mortality due to desiccation or an abundance of predators. Juvenile spotted and small-mouthed salamanders experienced greater evaporative water loss in the field. Our data on movement behavior and dehydration rates suggest that old-field habitats offer greater landscape resistance to dispersing juveniles of some species. Thus, forest fragmentation is likely to reduce dispersal rates between local populations of these three species, with potentially negative consequences for population persistence in altered landscapes. Resumen: Utilizamos un enfoque experimental para investigar los efectos de la composición del paisaje sobre el éxito inicial de dispersión de anfibios juveniles. Colcamos larvas de anfibios (salamandras manchadas [Ambystoma maculatum] y A. texanum y sapo americano [Bufo americanus] ) en estanques artificiales en cuatro secuencias de dispersión en bordes de bosque. Cada secuencia consistió de un estanque rodeado por un cerco circular con trampas de fosa y dos encierros (corridas) de 2.5 × 50 m que se extendían hacia el hábitat de bosque y de campo viejo. Los juveniles capturados en los cercos circulares fueron marcados individualmente y liberados en las corridas de bosque o de campo. A partir de recapturas en las corridas, determinamos la distancia inicial, la tasa inicial, las distancia total y la distancia neta recorrida por juveniles en el campo versus el bosque. También realizamos pruebas de deshidratación de 24 horas para comparar las tasas de pérdida de agua por evaporación en salamandras en el campo y el bosque. La orientación inicial de Ambystoma maculatum y Bufo americanus estuvo significativamente sesgada hacia el bosque. La orientación inicial de A. texanum no fue significativamente diferente de las expectativas aleatorias. La evasión del hábitat abierto en particular por juveniles de sapo americano indica que las predicciones del comportamiento de dispersión basadas en el uso del hábitat por adultos pueden llevar a conclusiones erróneas. Las salamandras manchadas se movieron cuatro veces mas lejos y los sapos más de tres veces más lejos dentro del bosque que dentro del campo, y las tasas de recaptura de ambas especies fueron mucho menores en el campo. Atribuimos las bajas tasas de recaptura y las distancias menores a la mayor mortalidad debido a la desecación o a la abundancia de depredadores. Los juveniles de las dos especies de salamandras experimentaron mayor pérdida de agua por evaporación en los campos. Nuestros datos del comportamiento de movimiento y las tasas de deshidratación sugieren que los hábitats de campo viejo ofrecen mayor resistencia de paisaje para los juveniles dispersantes de algunas especies. Por tanto, es probable que la fragmentación de bosques reduce las tasas de dispersión entre poblaciones locales de estas tres especies, con consecuencias potencialmente negativas para la persistencia de la población en paisajes alterados. [source]

    Species richness of helminth parasites in Mexican amphibians and reptiles

    Gerardo Pérez-Ponce de León
    Abstract. Amphibians and reptiles represent an important group of vertebrates in Mexico; on a global scale 10% of the biodiversity of these groups is found in the country, attaining extraordinarily high levels of endemism (60.7% and 53.7%, respectively). However, fewer than 20% of the known species of amphibians and reptiles in Mexico have been surveyed for helminths, so the inventory is far from complete. We assembled a data base that includes a total of 1246 records (entries) of which 460 correspond to helminths in amphibians and 786 to helminths in reptiles. In total, only 41 species of amphibians (14% of those occurring in Mexico) and only 118 species of reptiles (17% of those occurring in Mexico) have been studied for helminth parasites. From amphibians, 119 species of helminths belonging to 60 genera have been recorded, while 239 species of helminths representing 113 genera have been described from Mexican reptiles. One feature of the distribution of helminths of Mexican amphibians and reptiles is its asymmetry, as seen in representation of helminth groups, host groups and geographical range. However, such statistical asymmetry might be an artefact of sampling effort. Based on our data, we estimate that if all the herpetofauna of Mexico could be studied in the following years, approximately 827 additional species of helminths from amphibians and approximately 1403 from reptiles would be described. [source]

    Sex, isolation and fidelity: unbiased long-distance dispersal in a terrestrial amphibian

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 5 2006
    M. Alex Smith
    Amphibians in general are considered poor dispersers and thus their dispersal curve should be dominated by short movements. Additionally, as male toads do not compete for females and sexual selection is by female choice, dispersal should be male-biased. Furthermore, since adults are site-loyal and polygynous, juveniles should move farther and faster than adults. We tested the hypotheses that dispersal would be limited and both sex- and age-biased in a population of Fowler's toads Bufo fowleri at Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada. Based on a mark-recapture study of 2816 toads, 1326 recaptured at least once, we found that although the toads did show high site fidelity, the dispersal curve was highly skewed with a significant "tail" where the maximum distance moved by an adult was 34 km. Dispersal was neither sex-biased nor age-biased despite clear theoretical predictions that dispersal should be biased towards males and juveniles. We conclude that the resource competition hypothesis of sex-biased dispersal does not predict dispersal tendencies as readily for amphibians as for mammals and birds. Toad dispersal only appears to be juvenile-biased because the juveniles are more abundant than the adults, not because they are the more active dispersers. [source]

    First Documentation of Cultural Transmission of Predator Recognition by Larval Amphibians

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 6 2007
    Maud C. O. Ferrari
    Predation is a pervasive selective agent shaping a prey's behaviour, morphology and life history. To survive, prey animals have to respond adaptively to predation threats and this can be achieved through learned predator recognition. Cultural transmission of predator recognition is likely a widespread means of learning in social animals, including mammals, birds and fishes. However, no studies have investigated the cultural transmission of predator recognition in amphibians. In our study, we examined whether naïve woodfrog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles can acquire the recognition of the odour of a predatory tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) from experienced conspecifics. After conditioning some tutors to recognize salamander odour, we paired naïve observer tadpoles with either a salamander-naïve or salamander-experienced tutor and exposed the pairs to either salamander odour or a water control. Observers were subsequently tested alone for a response to salamander odour. We found that when given salamander odour, observer tadpoles that were paired with a salamander-experienced tutor successfully learned to recognize the salamander odour as a threat, whereas the observers paired with salamander-naïve tutors did not. Likewise, tadpoles exposed to the water control did not learn to recognize the salamander regardless of whether they were paired with a naïve or experienced tutor. This is the first study demonstrating cultural transmission of predator recognition in an amphibian species. [source]

    Influences of species, latitudes and methodologies on estimates of phenological response to global warming

    CAMILLE PARMESANArticle first published online: 14 AUG 200
    Abstract New analyses are presented addressing the global impacts of recent climate change on phenology of plant and animal species. A meta-analysis spanning 203 species was conducted on published datasets from the northern hemisphere. Phenological response was examined with respect to two factors: distribution of species across latitudes and taxonomic affiliation or functional grouping of target species. Amphibians had a significantly stronger shift toward earlier breeding than all other taxonomic/functional groups, advancing more than twice as fast as trees, birds and butterflies. In turn, butterfly emergence or migratory arrival showed three times stronger advancement than the first flowering of herbs, perhaps portending increasing asynchrony in insect,plant interactions. Response was significantly stronger at higher latitudes where warming has been stronger, but latitude explained < 4% of the variation. Despite expectation, latitude was not yet an important predictor of climate change impacts on phenology. The only two previously published estimates of the magnitude of global response are quite different: 2.3 and 5.1 days decade,1 advancement. The scientific community has assumed this difference to be real and has attempted to explain it in terms of biologically relevant phenomena: specifically, differences in distribution of data across latitudes, taxa or time periods. Here, these and other possibilities are explored. All analyses indicate that the difference in estimated response is primarily due to differences between the studies in criteria for incorporating data. It is a clear and automatic consequence of the exclusion by one study of data on ,stable' (nonresponsive) species. Once this is accounted for, the two studies support each other, generating similar conclusions despite analyzing substantially nonoverlapping datasets. Analyses here on a new expanded dataset estimate an overall spring advancement across the northern hemisphere of 2.8 days decade,1. This is the first quantitative analysis showing that data-sampling methodologies significantly impact global (synthetic) estimates of magnitude of global warming response. [source]

    Inter- and intraspecific differences in climatically mediated phenological change in coexisting Triturus species

    Abstract Climate and weather affect phenological events in a wide range of taxa, and future changes might disrupt ecological interactions. Amphibians are particularly sensitive to climate, but few studies have addressed climatically mediated change in the phenology of closely related species or sexes. Here, we test the hypothesis that changes in spring temperatures result in phenological change among Triturus, and we examine inter- and intraspecific differences in response. Coexisting populations of Triturus helveticus and Triturus vulgaris at Llysdinam pond in mid-Wales (53°12,59,N 3°27,3,W) were monitored using pitfall traps along a drift fence during 1981,1987, and again in 1997,2005. Spring temperature over the same period explained up to 74% of between-year variability in median arrival date, with a significant advance of 2,5 days with every degree centigrade increase. Changes were greater for males than females of both species, and greater for T. helveticus than T. vulgaris within sexes, resulting in an increasing temporal separation between arrivals of male T. helveticus and all other groups. These data illustrate for the first time how climatic change might have differential effects on sympatric species and on the two sexes. [source]

    ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Freshwater paths across the ocean: molecular phylogeny of the frog Ptychadena newtoni gives insights into amphibian colonization of oceanic islands

    G. John Measey
    Abstract Aim, Amphibians are a model group for studies of the biogeographical origins of salt-intolerant taxa on oceanic islands. We used the Gulf of Guinea islands to explore the biogeographical origins of island endemism of one species of frog, and used this to gain insights into potential colonization mechanisms. Location, São Tomé and Príncipe, two of the four major islands in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa, are truly oceanic and have an exceptionally high biodiversity. Methods, Mitochondrial DNA is used to test the endemic status of a frog from São Tomé and compare it with congeneric taxa from tropical Africa. Existing data on surface currents, surface salinity, atmospheric circulation and bird migration in the Gulf of Guinea are summarized to address hypotheses concerning colonization mechanisms. Results, The endemic status of Ptychadena newtoni (Bocage) is supported here by mitochondrial DNA sequences, and analysis of this and other molecular data indicates that an East African species close to Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril and Bibron) is its nearest relative. We refute the possibility that this population was anthropogenically introduced, in favour of a natural dispersal mechanism. Main conclusions, With six endemic frogs and one caecilian, the Gulf of Guinea islands harbour a diverse amphibian fauna. Five of these species appear to have their closest relatives in East Africa. Insufficient evidence exists for transportation by storms, birds or rafts alone. However, we propose a synergy of rafting, favourable surface currents and a reduction in salinity of surface waters. Catastrophic events, or wet periods in climatic history, could allow freshwater paths to open far enough to enable continental flora and fauna to reach these and other isolated oceanic islands. [source]

    Molecular Diversity of Vasotocin-Dependent Aquaporins Closely Associated with Water Adaptation Strategy in Anuran Amphibians

    M. Suzuki
    Anuran amphibians represent the first vertebrates that adapted to terrestrial environments, and are successfully distributed around the world, even to forests and arid deserts. Many adult anurans have specialised osmoregulatory organs, in addition to the kidney (i.e. the ventral pelvic skin to absorb water from the external environments and a urinary bladder that stores water and reabsorbs it in times of need). Aquaporin (AQP), a water channel protein, plays a fundamental role in these water absorption/reabsorption processes. The anuran AQP family consists of at least AQP0-AQP5, AQP7-AQP10 and two anuran-specific types, designated as AQPa1 and AQPa2. For the three osmoregulatory organs, AQP3 is constitutively located in the basolateral membrane of the tight-junctioned epithelial cells, allowing water transport between the cytoplasm of these cells and the neighbouring tissue fluid at all times. On the other hand, AQPs at the apical side of the tight epithelial cells are different among these organs, and are named kidney-type AQP2, ventral pelvic skin-type AQPa2 and urinary bladder-type AQPa2. All of them show translocation from the cytoplasmic pool to the apical plasma membrane in response to arginine vasotocin, thereby regulating water transport independently in each osmoregulatory organ. It was further revealed that, in terrestrial and arboreal anurans, the bladder-type AQPa2 is expressed in the pelvic skin, together with the pelvic skin-type AQPa2, potentially facilitating water absorption from the pelvic skin. By contrast, Xenopus has lost the ability to efficiently produce pelvic skin-type AQPa2 (AQP-x3) because Cys-273 of AQP-x3 and/or Cys-273-coding region of AQPx3 mRNA attenuate gene expression at a post-transcriptional step, presumably leading to the prevention of excessive water influx in this aquatic species. Collectively, the acquisition of two forms of AQPa2 and the diversified regulation of their gene expression appears to provide the necessary mechanisms for the evolutionary adaptation of anurans to a wide variety of ecological environments. [source]

    Microsatellite variation and fine-scale population structure in the wood frog (Rana sylvatica)

    MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, Issue 5 2001
    Robert A. Newman
    Abstract We investigated genetic population structure in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) from a series of Prairie Pothole wetlands in the northern Great Plains. Amphibians are often thought to exist in demographic metapopulations, which require some movement between populations, yet genetic studies have revealed strong subdivision among populations, even at relatively fine scales (several km). Wood frogs are highly philopatric and studies of dispersal suggest that they may exhibit subdivision on a scale of , 1,2 km. We used microsatellites to examine population structure among 11 breeding assemblages separated by as little as 50 m up to , 5.5 km, plus one population separated from the others by 20 km. We found evidence for differentiation at the largest distances we examined and among a few neighbouring ponds, but most populations were strikingly similar in allele frequencies, suggesting high gene flow among all but the most distant populations. We hypothesize that the few significant differences among neighbouring populations at the finest scale may be a transient effect of extinction,recolonization founder events, driven by periodic drying of wetlands in this hydrologically dynamic landscape. [source]

    Assessing the long-term impact of Ranavirus infection in wild common frog populations

    A. G. F. Teacher
    Abstract Amphibians are declining worldwide, and one cause of this is infectious disease emergence. Mass mortalities caused by a virus or a group of viruses belonging to the genus Ranavirus have occurred in wild common frogs Rana temporaria in England since the 1980s, and ranaviral disease is widespread in amphibians in North America and Canada, where it can also cause mass die-offs. Although there have been numerous reports of Ranavirus -associated mass mortality events, no study has yet evaluated the long-term impacts of this disease. This study follows up archived records of English common frog mortalities likely caused by Ranavirus. There is a preliminary indication that common frog populations can respond differently to the emergence of disease: emergence may be transient, catastrophic, or persistent with recurrent mortality events. We subsequently focused on populations that had recurring mortality events (n=18), and we report median declines of 81% in the number of adult frogs in these populations from 1996 to 2008. Comparable uninfected populations (n=16) showed no change in population size over the same time period. Regressions show that larger frog populations may be more likely to experience larger declines than smaller populations, and linear models show that percentage population size change is significantly correlated with disease status, but that habitat age (a possible proxy for environmental quality) has no significant effect on population size change. Our results provide the first evidence of long-term localized population declines of an amphibian species which appear to be best explained by the presence of Ranavirus infection. [source]

    Nested species subsets of amphibians and reptiles on Neotropical forest islands

    J. I. Watling
    Abstract Nested species subsets are a common pattern of community assembly characteristic of many types of fragmented landscapes and insular systems. Here we describe nested subset patterns of amphibian and reptile occupancy on 23 forest islands in north-eastern Bolivia. We used observed occupancy patterns to differentiate five distributional guilds: widespread species, rare species, poor colonizers, area-sensitive species and supertramps. Amphibian occurrences were nested along a forest island isolation gradient, and when species from each of the distribution classes were removed from subsequent analyses of nestedness, we found that dispersal-limited poor colonizers were responsible for the association between nestedness and isolation. Amphibians associated with the grassland matrix at the study site showed a nested pattern linked with area, although this pattern did not scale up to all amphibians and could not be unequivocally attributed to any of the distributional guilds we recognized. There were no strong associations between two biological characteristics, body size and relative abundance in the matrix, and the likelihood of occupancy along either forest island area or isolation gradients. The relative importance of isolation in shaping nested patterns of amphibians on these forest islands may be a result of either (1) the greater range in isolation values included in this study compared with many others; (2) the long time since isolation in this landscape, manifesting a footprint of isolation not apparent in more recently fragmented patches; (3) the relatively homogeneous grassland matrix surrounding forest islands that likely provides little refuge for animals moving among forest islands. [source]

    The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians

    AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2009
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Male and female effects on fertilization success and offspring viability in the Peron's tree frog, Litoria peronii

    AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2008
    Abstract There is increasing theoretical and empirical evidence that genetic compatibility among partners is an important determinant of fertilization success and offspring viability. In amphibians, females often actively choose partners from among a variety of males and polyandry is common. Genetic compatibility among partners may therefore be an important determinant of fertilization success and offspring viability in some amphibians. Amphibians also show some of the highest levels of genetic differentiation among neighbouring populations known in vertebrates, and as such, populations may have evolved different co-adapted gene complexes. This means that offspring from among-population crosses may have reduced fitness. It is therefore essential to understand to what extent crossings between and within populations may interfere with successful fertilization and offspring viability. Here, we test whether crossing individuals within and between two different populations of the Australian Peron's tree frog (Litoria peronii) using artificial fertilizations affect fertilization success and offspring viability. Fertilization success per se is strongly influenced by male identity, which is likely to depend at least to some extent on the experimental procedure (e.g. resulting in variation in sperm number per ejaculate), whereas there was no fertilization effect of female identity. More importantly, male and female identity, independently of each other, explained significant variation in offspring viability, whereas no such effect could be linked to population of origin. Thus, our experiments suggest that crossing populations may not always be the most significant factor affecting fertilization success or offspring viability, but may be more influenced by the genetic quality or the genetic compatibility of partners. [source]

    Amphibian teeth: current knowledge, unanswered questions, and some directions for future research

    BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Issue 1 2007
    Tiphaine Davit-Béal
    Abstract Elucidation of the mechanisms controlling early development and organogenesis is currently progressing in several model species and a new field of research, evolutionary developmental biology, which integrates developmental and comparative approaches, has emerged. Although the expression pattern of many genes during tooth development in mammals is known, data on other lineages are virtually non-existent. Comparison of tooth development, and particularly of gene expression (and function) during tooth morphogenesis and differentiation, in representative species of various vertebrate lineages is a prerequisite to understand what makes one tooth different from another. Amphibians appear to be good candidates for such research for several reasons: tooth structure is similar to that in mammals, teeth are renewed continuously during life ( = polyphyodonty), some species are easy to breed in the laboratory, and a large amount of morphological data are already available on diverse aspects of tooth biology in various species. The aim of this review is to evaluate current knowledge on amphibian teeth, principally concerning tooth development and replacement (including resorption), and changes in morphology and structure during ontogeny and metamorphosis. Throughout this review we highlight important questions which remain to be answered and that could be addressed using comparative morphological studies and molecular techniques. We illustrate several aspects of amphibian tooth biology using data obtained for the caudate Pleurodeles waltl. This salamander has been used extensively in experimental embryology research during the past century and appears to be one of the most favourable amphibian species to use as a model in studies of tooth development. [source]

    Effects of Forest Management on Amphibians and Reptiles in Missouri Ozark Forests

    Within even-aged management sites, we also focused on the local-scale effects of clearcutting on these species by comparing relative abundance among plots located within clearcut stands, 50 m away from clearcut stands, and 200 m away from clearcut stands. Pretreatment sampling of species abundance occurred from 1992 through 1995, and post-treatment sampling occurred from 1997 through 2000. At the landscape scale, treatment significantly affected the abundance of Bufo americanus. This species declined less on even-aged management sites than on control sites, but the general decline on all sites suggests that other factors may have contributed to this result. Within even-aged management sites, most amphibian species declined and some reptile species increased relative to pretreatment abundances within clearcut stands. We found significant effects of distance from clearcut for two amphibian species, Ambystoma maculatum and Rana clamitans, and two reptile species, Scincella lateralis and Sceloporus undulatus. In general, we conclude that clearcuts within even-aged management sites locally affected amphibian and reptile species but, at a larger spatial scale, we did not detect significant effects of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management. These findings represent relatively short-term data but suggest that forest management and maintenance of biodiversity may be compatible when relatively small amounts of the landscape are disturbed. Resumen:,Como parte del Proyecto Ecosistema del Bosque Ozark de Missouri (PEBOM), evaluamos experimentalmente los impactos de la gestión de bosques sobre la abundancia relativa de anfibios y reptiles en los bosques Ozark, Missouri (E.U.A.). Utilizando sitios de estudio extensos (es decir, de tamaño promedio de 400ha) como la unidad experimental, estudiamos los efectos de tratamientos de manejo de bosques de edad uniforme y dispar comparados con el manejo sin cosecha (es decir, control) sobre la abundancia relativa de 13 especies focales de anfibios y reptiles. En los sitios de manejo de edad uniforme, también analizamos los efectos a escala local de la tala completa sobre estas especies comparando la abundancia relativa entre parcelas localizadas dentro de los claros talados, a 50 m y 200 m de los claros. Para determinar la abundancia de especies, se tomaron muestras previas al tratamiento de 1992 a 1995, y muestras posteriores al tratamiento de 1997 a 2000. A la escala de paisaje, el tratamiento afectó significativamente la abundancia de Bufo americanus. La abundancia de esta especie disminuyó menos en sitios de manejo de edad uniforme que en los sitios control, pero la disminución general en todos los sitios sugiere que otros factores pudieron haber contribuido a este resultado. En los sitios de manejo de edad uniforme, la abundancia de la mayoría de las especies de anfibios disminuyó y algunas especies de reptiles incrementaron en relación con las abundancias previas al tratamiento dentro de los claros talados. Encontramos efectos significativos de la distancia del claro para dos especies de anfibios, Ambystoma maculatum y Rana clamitans, y dos especies de reptiles, Scincella lateralis y Sceloporus undulatus. En general, concluimos que la tala en sitios de edad uniforme afectó localmente a las especies de anfibios y reptiles, pero a una mayor escala espacial, no detectamos impactos significativos entre el manejo de sitios de edad uniforme y dispar. Estos hallazgos representan datos de relativamente corto plazo pero sugieren que la gestión de bosques y el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad pueden ser compatibles cuando se perturban superficies relativamente pequeñas del paisaje. [source]

    Initiation of limb regeneration: The critical steps for regenerative capacity

    Hitoshi Yokoyama
    While urodele amphibians (newts and salamanders) can regenerate limbs as adults, other tetrapods (reptiles, birds and mammals) cannot and just undergo wound healing. In adult mammals such as mice and humans, the wound heals and a scar is formed after injury, while wound healing is completed without scarring in an embryonic mouse. Completion of regeneration and wound healing takes a long time in regenerative and non-regenerative limbs, respectively. However, it is the early steps that are critical for determining the extent of regenerative response after limb amputation, ranging from wound healing with scar formation, scar-free wound healing, hypomorphic limb regeneration to complete limb regeneration. In addition to the accumulation of information on gene expression during limb regeneration, functional analysis of signaling molecules has recently shown important roles of fibroblast growth factor (FGF), Wnt/,-catenin and bone morphogenic protein (BMP)/Msx signaling. Here, the routine steps of wound healing/limb regeneration and signaling molecules specifically involved in limb regeneration are summarized. Regeneration of embryonic mouse digit tips and anuran amphibian (Xenopus) limbs shows intermediate regenerative responses between the two extremes, those of adult mammals (least regenerative) and urodele amphibians (more regenerative), providing a range of models to study the various abilities of limbs to regenerate. [source]

    Beyond early development: Xenopus as an emerging model for the study of regenerative mechanisms

    Caroline W. Beck
    Abstract While Xenopus is a well-known model system for early vertebrate development, in recent years, it has also emerged as a leading model for regeneration research. As an anuran amphibian, Xenopus laevis can regenerate the larval tail and limb by means of the formation of a proliferating blastema, the lens of the eye by transdifferentiation of nearby tissues, and also exhibits a partial regeneration of the postmetamorphic froglet forelimb. With the availability of inducible transgenic techniques for Xenopus, recent experiments are beginning to address the functional role of genes in the process of regeneration. The use of soluble inhibitors has also been very successful in this model. Using the more traditional advantages of Xenopus, others are providing important lineage data on the origin of the cells that make up the tissues of the regenerate. Finally, transcriptome analyses of regenerating tissues seek to identify the genes and cellular processes that enable successful regeneration. Developmental Dynamics 238:1226,1248, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Environmental determinants of amphibian and reptile species richness in China

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 4 2007
    Hong Qian
    Understanding the factors that regulate geographical variation in species richness has been one of the fundamental questions in ecology for decades, but our knowledge of the cause of geographical variation in species richness remains poor. This is particularly true for herpetofaunas (including amphibians and reptiles). Here, using correlation and regression analyses, we examine the relationship of herpetofaunal species richness in 245 localities across China with 30 environmental factors, which include nearly all major environmental factors that are considered to explain broad-scale species richness gradients in such theories as ambient energy, water,energy dynamics, productivity, habitat heterogeneity, and climatic stability. We found that the species richness of amphibians and reptiles is moderately to strongly correlated with most of the environmental variables examined, and that the best fit models, which include explanatory variables of temperature, precipitation, net primary productivity, minimum elevation, and range in elevation, explain ca 70% the variance in species richness for both amphibians and reptiles after accounting for sample area. Although water and temperature are important explanatory variables to both amphibians and reptiles, water variables explain more variance in amphibian species richness than in reptile species richness whereas temperature variables explain more variance in reptile species richness than in amphibian species richness, which is consistent with different physiological requirements of the two groups of organisms. [source]

    Sex, isolation and fidelity: unbiased long-distance dispersal in a terrestrial amphibian

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 5 2006
    M. Alex Smith
    Amphibians in general are considered poor dispersers and thus their dispersal curve should be dominated by short movements. Additionally, as male toads do not compete for females and sexual selection is by female choice, dispersal should be male-biased. Furthermore, since adults are site-loyal and polygynous, juveniles should move farther and faster than adults. We tested the hypotheses that dispersal would be limited and both sex- and age-biased in a population of Fowler's toads Bufo fowleri at Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada. Based on a mark-recapture study of 2816 toads, 1326 recaptured at least once, we found that although the toads did show high site fidelity, the dispersal curve was highly skewed with a significant "tail" where the maximum distance moved by an adult was 34 km. Dispersal was neither sex-biased nor age-biased despite clear theoretical predictions that dispersal should be biased towards males and juveniles. We conclude that the resource competition hypothesis of sex-biased dispersal does not predict dispersal tendencies as readily for amphibians as for mammals and birds. Toad dispersal only appears to be juvenile-biased because the juveniles are more abundant than the adults, not because they are the more active dispersers. [source]

    Microgeographical variation in thermal preference by an amphibian

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 5 2004
    L. Kealoha Freidenburg
    Abstract Ectotherms use behaviour to buffer effects of temperature on growth, development and survival. While behavioural thermoregulation is widely reported, localized adaptation of thermal preference is poorly documented. Larval amphibians live in wetlands ranging from entirely open to heavily shaded by vegetation. We hypothesized that populations undergo localized selection leading to countergradient patterns of thermal preference behaviour. Specifically, we predicted that wood frog (Rana sylvatica) larvae from closed canopy ponds would be more strongly temperature selective and would prefer higher temperatures than conspecifics from populations found in open canopy ponds. In a study of six breeding ponds in north-eastern Connecticut, USA, these predictions were upheld. The countergradient, microgeographical variation in thermal preference documented here implies that wood frog populations may have diverged rapidly in the face of contrasting selection pressures. Rapid, behaviourally mediated responses to changing thermal environments have important implications for understanding population responses to climate change. [source]

    Cross-reactivity of antibodies to actin- depolymerizing factor/cofilin family proteins and identification of the major epitope recognized by a mammalian actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin antibody

    ELECTROPHORESIS, Issue 15 2004
    Alisa E. Shaw
    Abstract Members of the actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin family of proteins are expressed in all eukaryotic cells. In higher vertebrates, cells often express as many as three different ADF/cofilin genes and each of these proteins may be phosphorylated on serine 3, giving rise to up to six different species. Also, many avian, amphibian, and invertebrate systems have been useful in studying different aspects of ADF/cofilin function. Antibodies have been prepared against different members of the ADF/cofilin family, but no systematic examination of their cross-reactivity has been reported. Although ADF and cofilins within a single vertebrate species have about a 70% sequence homology, antibodies often differentiate between these proteins. Here, Western blotting was used with chemiluminescence substrates of different sensitivities to determine the relative immunoreactivities of different polyclonal rabbit antibodies and a mouse monoclonal antibody to purified ADF/cofilins from plants, protists, nematodes, insects, echinoderms, birds, and mammals. From immunocross-reactivities and sequence alignments, the principal epitope in mammalian ADF and cofilin-1 recognized by an antibody raised against avian ADF was identified. The specificity of an antibody to the phosphopeptide epitope of metazoan ADF/cofilins was confirmed by two-dimensional (2-D) immunoblot analysis. Futhermore, this bank of antibodies was used to identify by Western blotting a putative member of the ADF/cofilin family in the sea slug, Aplysia californica. [source]

    A novel amphibian tier 2 testing protocol: A 30-week exposure of Xenopus tropicalis to the antiandrogen flutamide

    Paul L. Knechtges
    Abstract In 1996, the U.S. Congress mandated the development of a screening program for endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) using validated test systems. Subsequently, the Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee recommended the development of a standardized amphibian assay for tier 2 testing of EDCs. For that reason, a tier 2 testing protocol using Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis and a 30-week, flow-through exposure to the antiandrogen flutamide from stage 46 tadpoles through sexually mature adult frogs were developed and evaluated in this pilot study. The endpoints for this study included measurements of frog body lengths and weights, liver weights, ovary/egg mass weights, testicular and ovarian histopathology, plasma vitellogenin levels, and notes on any abnormalities observed at necropsy. Increasing exposure concentrations to flutamide caused significant increases in frogs with no recognizable gonadal tissue and increased body and liver weights in male frogs, whereas the body lengths and weights decreased significantly in female frogs. Important issues must be resolved before a tier 2 amphibian assay can be further developed and validated, including the establishment of baseline values in the controls for the parameters under study; the maintenance, measurement, and timing of exposure concentrations; and the development of additional biomolecular markers of effect. This study demonstrated the feasibility of conducting long-term EDC exposure studies using X. tropicalis. [source]

    Large scale wildlife monitoring studies: statistical methods for design and analysis

    ENVIRONMETRICS, Issue 2 2002
    Kenneth H. Pollock
    Abstract Techniques for estimation of absolute abundance of wildlife populations have received a lot of attention in recent years. The statistical research has been focused on intensive small-scale studies. Recently, however, wildlife biologists have desired to study populations of animals at very large scales for monitoring purposes. Population indices are widely used in these extensive monitoring programs because they are inexpensive compared to estimates of absolute abundance. A crucial underlying assumption is that the population index (C) is directly proportional to the population density (D). The proportionality constant, ,, is simply the probability of ,detection' for animals in the survey. As spatial and temporal comparisons of indices are crucial, it is necessary to also assume that the probability of detection is constant over space and time. Biologists intuitively recognize this when they design rigid protocols for the studies where the indices are collected. Unfortunately, however, in many field studies the assumption is clearly invalid. We believe that the estimation of detection probability should be built into the monitoring design through a double sampling approach. A large sample of points provides an abundance index, and a smaller sub-sample of the same points is used to estimate detection probability. There is an important need for statistical research on the design and analysis of these complex studies. Some basic concepts based on actual avian, amphibian, and fish monitoring studies are presented in this article. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Individual Male Calling Pattern and Male Mating Success in the European Treefrog (Hyla arborea): Is there Evidence for Directional or Stabilizing Selection on Male Calling Behaviour?

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 2 2006
    Thomas W.P. Friedl
    In anurans, call properties are commonly classified based on within-male variability as being either static or dynamic. Numerous playback experiments in the laboratory have indicated that female preferences based on dynamic call properties are usually strongly directional, while female preferences based on static call properties are often stabilizing or weakly directional. However, there are only few studies demonstrating that female preferences for high values of dynamic call properties indeed exert directional selection on male calling behaviour in natural populations. Moreover, field studies investigating whether female preferences for values of static call properties around the mean of the population lead to currently operating stabilizing selection on male calling patterns in natural populations are completely lacking. Here I investigate for two consecutive breeding seasons male calling patterns and male mating success in a population of individually marked European treefrogs (Hyla arborea), a hylid frog with prolonged breeding season and a lek mating system. Individual male calling pattern as analysed in terms of seven temporal and spectral call properties did not differ between males that survived from one breeding season to the next and those not surviving. None of the seven call properties investigated differed significantly between mated and unmated males, indicating that there is no strong directional selection on male calling behaviour in the study population. However, in one study season males that produced calls with a number of pulses around the mean of the population were significantly more likely to obtain matings than males that produced calls with a number of pulses at the low or high end of the distribution. Thus, this study provides preliminary evidence for the operation of stabilizing selection on a static call property (i.e. the number of pulses per call) in a natural population of an anuran amphibian. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 10 2002
    Hirofumi Michimae
    Abstract., Larvae of the salamander Hynobius retardatus have two distinct morphs: normal and broad-headed, cannibal morphs. We performed three experiments to differentiate among the following hypotheses: The broad-headed morph is induced to allow: (1) feeding on nutritious conspecifics; (2) exclusion of strong competitors for food or space; or (3) feeding on large, tough prey when smaller prey items are unavailable. When newly hatched larvae were reared with a heterospecific, Rana pirica (an anuran amphibian) tadpoles, the broad-headed morph was induced more frequently compared with those reared with conspecifics. The phenotype expressed depended on the size of the tadpoles: The broad-headed morph occurred more frequently with small and the normal morph with large tadpoles. Metamorphosis occurred sooner in larvae fed conspecifics compared with those fed heterospecific tadpoles, and the mean growth rate of larvae fed conspecifics was significantly faster than that of those fed tadpoles, suggesting that the heterospecific tadpoles were less nutritive than the conspecifics. These results do not support the hypotheses that the broad-headed morph evolved for consuming conspecifics because of their better balance of nutrients or for excluding strong competitors for food or space. We tentatively conclude that the morph evolved to eat large, tough prey, including both conspecifics and heterospecific tadpoles. Because H. retardatus usually spawns very early in the spring in small ponds partially covered with ice and snow, newly hatched larvae may starve from the lack of proper food owing to extremely low water temperatures. Thus, the broad-headed morph of H. retardatus may represent a cold-habitat adaptation to overcome the severe circumstance when the only food items available are relatively large conspecifics or heterospecific tadpoles. [source]

    The coincidence of people and biodiversity in Europe

    GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2003
    Miguel B. Araújo
    ABSTRACT A positive correlation between human population density and species richness has been recorded across the tropics. Here I investigate whether this correlation holds true for Europe. Analyses reveal a positive correlation between human population density and plant (rho = 0.505), mammal (rho = 0.471) and reptile and amphibian (rho = 0.556) species richness. The results are largely concordant with those obtained in similar studies for Africa. However, contrary to previous analyses, the correlation found between people and breeding bird species richness (rho = 0.186) was weak. Of three measures of endemism used, only combined European endemic species richness correlated with human density (rho = 0.437). Richness among combined restricted-range European endemics was not correlated (rho = 0.095) with human density, while richness among all combined restricted-range species was only weakly correlated with human density (rho = 0.167). The results partially support the idea of a correlation between people and biodiversity, although there are some important exceptions. Discussion of possible mechanisms underling the observed patterns is undertaken. [source]

    Do we need land-cover data to model species distributions in Europe?

    Wilfried Thuiller
    Abstract Aim, To assess the influence of land cover and climate on species distributions across Europe. To quantify the importance of land cover to describe and predict species distributions after using climate as the main driver. Location, The study area is Europe. Methods, (1) A multivariate analysis was applied to describe land-cover distribution across Europe and assess if the land cover is determined by climate at large spatial scales. (2) To evaluate the importance of land cover to predict species distributions, we implemented a spatially explicit iterative procedure to predict species distributions of plants (2603 species), mammals (186 species), breeding birds (440 species), amphibian and reptiles (143 species). First, we ran bioclimatic models using stepwise generalized additive models using bioclimatic variables. Secondly, we carried out a regression of land cover (LC) variables against residuals from the bioclimatic models to select the most relevant LC variables. Finally, we produced mixed models including climatic variables and those LC variables selected as decreasing the residual of bioclimatic models. Then we compared the explanatory and predictive power of the pure bioclimatic against the mixed model. Results, (1) At the European coarse resolution, land cover is mainly driven by climate. Two bioclimatic axes representing a gradient of temperature and a gradient of precipitation explained most variation of land-cover distribution. (2) The inclusion of land cover improved significantly the explanatory power of bioclimatic models and the most relevant variables across groups were those not explained or poorly explained by climate. However, the predictive power of bioclimatic model was not improved by the inclusion of LC variables in the iterative model selection process. Main conclusion, Climate is the major driver of both species and land-cover distributions over Europe. Yet, LC variables that are not explained or weakly associated with climate (inland water, sea or arable land) are interesting to describe particular mammal, bird and tree distributions. However, the addition of LC variables to pure bioclimatic models does not improve their predictive accuracy. [source]