
Distribution by Scientific Domains

Kinds of Hay

  • alfalfa hay
  • grass hay

  • Terms modified by Hay

  • hay fever
  • hay meadow

  • Selected Abstracts

    ROCK inhibitor (Y27632) increases apoptosis and disrupts the actin cortical mat in embryonic avian corneal epithelium

    Kathy K.H. Svoboda
    Abstract The embryonic chicken corneal epithelium is a unique tissue that has been used as an in vitro epithelial sheet organ culture model for over 30 years (Hay and Revel [1969] Fine structure of the developing Avian cornea. Basel, Switzerland: S. Karger A.G.). This tissue was used to establish that epithelial cells could produce extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagen and proteoglycans (Dodson and Hay [1971] Exp Cell Res 65:215,220; Meier and Hay [1973] Dev Biol 35:318,331; Linsenmayer et al. [1977] Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 74:39,43; Hendrix et al. [1982] Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 22:359,375). This historic model was also used to establish that ECM proteins could stimulate actin reorganization and increase collagen synthesis (Sugrue and Hay [1981] J Cell Biol 91:45,54; Sugrue and Hay [1982] Dev Biol 92:97,106; Sugrue and Hay [1986] J Cell Biol 102:1907,1916). Our laboratory has used the model to establish the signal transduction pathways involved in ECM-stimulated actin reorganization (Svoboda et al. [1999] Anat Rec 254:348,359; Chu et al. [2000] Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 41:3374,3382; Reenstra et al. [2002] Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 43:3181,3189). The goal of the current study was to investigate the role of ECM in epithelial cell survival and the role of Rho-associated kinase (p160 ROCK, ROCK-1, ROCK-2, referred to as ROCK), in ECM and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) -mediated actin reorganization. Whole sheets of avian embryonic corneal epithelium were cultured in the presence of the ROCK inhibitor, Y27632 at 0, 0.03, 0.3, 3, or 10 ,M before stimulating the cells with either collagen (COL) or LPA. Apoptosis was assessed by Caspase-3 activity assays and visualized with annexin V binding. The ROCK inhibitor blocked actin cortical mat reformation and disrupted the basal cell lateral membranes in a dose-dependent manner and increased the apoptosis marker annexin V. In addition, an in vitro caspase-3 activity assay was used to determine that caspase-3 activity was higher in epithelia treated with 10 ,M Y-27632 than in those isolated without the basal lamina or epithelia stimulated with fibronectin, COL, or LPA. In conclusion, ECM molecules decreased apoptosis markers and inhibiting the ROCK pathway blocked ECM stimulated actin cortical mat reformation and increased apoptosis in embryonic corneal epithelial cells. Developmental Dynamics 229:579,590, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Is the intrinsic potassium content of forages an important factor in intake regulation of dairy cows?

    F. Leiber
    Summary Hay from intensively managed grassland with high nutrient density and digestibility containing 29 g potassium/kg dry matter (DM) and hay from an alpine pasture, clearly lower in energy, digestibility and potassium (12 g/kg DM) were offered as sole feeds to 18 lactating dairy cows following a change-over arrangement within three periods of 21 days each (schedule either alpine-lowland-alpine or lowland-alpine-lowland hay). Faeces and urine were quantitatively collected over 7 days. Dry matter intake was similar and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) intake was higher with alpine than with lowland hay (1.57 kg/100 kg vs. 1.43 kg/100 kg body weight). Potassium intake was approximately three times lower with alpine than with lowland hay. Urinary water output was closely correlated with potassium intake. It was also correlated with DM intake but only in animals receiving lowland hay, while it remained independent from intake when alpine hay was fed. Plasma osmolality was lower when alpine hay was fed. As energy requirements were not covered with either diet, the lower NDF intake with lowland hay was assumed to have been caused by higher ruminal osmolality because of the higher intrinsic potassium concentrations of this hay type. Further studies are necessary to determine potassium levels critical for feed intake. [source]

    Hay,Wells syndrome (AEC): a case report

    ORAL DISEASES, Issue 5 2006
    Emilio Macias
    We would like to present a case of the rare genetic skin disorder catalogued as AEC syndrome. This rare disorder was described in 1976 by Hay and Wells in seven individuals from four families, and it entails a complex polymalformative syndrome with an autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern and variable penetration. Descriptive explanation and facial and intraoral images of this rare disorder constituted the study design. The neonatal report outlines dysplastic phenotype, micrognathia, hypoplasia of the hard and soft palate, cleft palate, small nose, mammary hypoplasia with ectopic mammary nodules, hypoplastic external genitalia with clitoral hypertrophy, hypoplasia of the nails, a tendency towards dorsiflexion of the big toe on both feet, ankyloblepharon filiforme, low positioning of the auricles and faulty development of the left auricle, scaly exanthema with eritrodermatitis and hyperkeratosis, good lung ventilation, normal heart rhythm and normal neurological examination. Although only a few cases published are available, clinical variability is one of the hallmarks of AEC syndrome. The majority of authors consider ankyloblepharon, ectodermal dysplasia and orofacial clefting as cardinal signs. They are all are present in the case reported. [source]

    William Hay, M.P. for Seaford (1695,1755)

    Article first published online: 11 MAY 2010
    First page of article [source]

    Jung's dissociable psyche and the ec-static self

    Sue Austin
    Abstract:, Much of Jung's later work assumes that the self is an,a priori,phenomenon in which centripetal dynamics dominate. There is, however, another current in Jung's writings which recognizes the self to be an emergent phenomenon. This view is increasingly prevalent in post-Jungian discourse, and Louis Zinkin's exploration of a post-Jungian-constructivist model of the self can be seen as part of this tendency. My paper privileges an emergent understanding of the self by focusing on the ,unravelling', ,de-centring', centrifugal experiences of otherness in the psyche. It offers a post-Jungian reading of a number of writers who have been influenced by the psychoanalyst Jean Laplanche and proposes a model of the self which focuses on our fantasies, terrors and longings about coming undone and bringing others undone. This model is then linked to Judith Butler's understanding of the self as an ec-static phenomenon, in which the self is, of necessity, outside itself, such that ,there is no final moment in which my return to myself takes place'. I suggest that Jung's early clinical researches into the dissociability of the psyche and the clinical tools which he developed as a result of this work are especially suitable for engaging with these emergent, centrifugal dynamics. Translations of Abstract Une grande partie de l'oeuvre tardive de Jung part du principe que le soi est un phénomène,a priori, commandé par une dynamique centripète. Il existe cependant un autre courant dans les écrits de Jung, qui reconnaît au soi la qualité de phénomène émergent. Cette vision prévaut amplement dans le discours post-jungien. L'exploration par Louis Zinkin d'un modèle constructiviste post-jungien peut être considérée comme une manifestation de cette tendance. Mon article privilégie une compréhension émergente du soi en mettant l'accent sur les expériences centrifuges de « dé-centrement » et de « dé-nouement » de l'altérité interne de la psyché. Il suggère une lecture post-jungienne de certains auteurs influencés par le psychanalyste Jean Laplanche et propose un modèle du soi qui se focalise sur nos fantasmes, terreurs et désirs de dénouement de soi et des autres. Ce modèle est ensuite rapproché de la conception de Judith Butler du soi comme phénomène ex-tatique où le soi est, par nécessité, hors de lui, de sorte qu'« il n'y a pas de moment final de retour à moi-même ». J'avance l'idée que les premières recherches cliniques de Jung sur la dissociabilité de la psyché et les outils cliniques issus de cette recherche sont particulièrement adaptés pour appréhender cette dynamique émergente et centrifuge. In vielen von Jungs späteren Schriften wird unterstellt, daß das Selbst eine,a priori -Gegebenheit sei, in der zentripetale Dynamiken dominieren. Da gibt es jedoch noch eine andere Strömung in Jungs Schriften, die das Selbst als ein sich entwickelndes Phänomen auffaßt. Diese Sicht rückt in post-jungianischen Diskussionen zunehmend in der Vordergrund. Louis Zinkins Darstellung eines post-jungianischen konstruktivistischen Modells des Selbst kann als Teil dieser Tendenz angesehen werden. Mein Text bevorzugt ein entwicklungsorientiertes Verständnis des Selbst durch Konzentration auf die ,enträtselnden', ,dezentrierenden', zentrifugalen Erfahrungen des inneren Andersseins in der Psyche. Es bietet eine post-jungianische Lesart einer Anzahl von Autoren die durch den Psychoanalytiker Jean Laplanche beeinflußt wurden und entwirft ein Modell des Selbst welches auf unsere Phantasien, Ängste und Sehnsüchte bezüglich Sich-Öffnen und andere zum Sich-Öffnen zu bringen fokussiert. Diese Modell wird sodann in Verbindung gesetzt zu Judith Butlers Verständnis des Selbst als eines ekstatischen Phänomens in dem das Selbst, notwendigerweise, außer sich ist, so daß,da kein abschließender Moment ist, in dem meine Rückkehr zu mir selbst stattfände'. Ich vermute, daß Jungs frühe klinische Untersuchungen über die Trennbarkeit der Seele und die klinischen Werkzeuge, die er im Laufe seiner Arbeit entwickelte, besonders geeignet sind um sich diesen emergenten zentrifugalen Dynamiken zu nähern. Molti degli ultimi lavori di Jung sostengono che il séè un fenomeno,a priori,nel quale dominano dinamiche centripete. Tuttavia esiste un'altra corrente negli scritti junghiani che considera il sé un fenomeno emergente. Tale modo di vedere è sempre più prevalente nei testi post-junghiani, e l'analisi di Louis Zinkin di un modello costruttivista post junghiano del sé può essere visto come parte di tale tendenza. Nel mio lavoro viene privilegiata una idea emergente del sé che si focalizza sulle esperienze centrifughe, ,decentranti', ,disfacenti' dell'alterità interna alla psiche. Ciò offre una lettura di un certo numero di scrittori post-junghiani che sono stati influenzati dallo psicoanalista Jean laplanche e propongono un modello del sé che si focalizza sulle nostre fantasie, i nostri terrori e i nostri desideri di diventare liberi e di portare gli altri alla libertà. Tale modello è quindi legato al modo di Judith Butler di intendere il sé come un fenomeno estatico, nel quale il séè necessariamente fuori di sé, cosicché,non c'è mai un momento finale nel quale ha luogo un ritorno a me stesso'. Penso che le prime ricerche cliniche di Jung sulla dissociabilità della psiche e gli strumenti clinici che sviluppa come risultato di tale lavoro siano particolarmente adatti per impegnarsi con queste dinamiche centrifughe emergenti. Mucho del trabajo tardío de Jung asume al ,Ser' cómo un fenómeno,a priori,en el cual domina la dinámica centrípeta. Hay, sin embargo, otra corriente en los escritos de Jung que reconoce al ser cómo fenómeno emergente. Esta opinión es cada vez más dominante en el discurso post-jungiano, y en la exploración constructivista de Louis Zinkin de un modelo Jungiano del ser puede ser vista como parte de esta tendencia. Mi trabajo favorece la comprensión emergente del ser por centrarse en el ,desenredar', ,de-centrar', experiencias centrífugas de la alteridad interior en la psique. Ofrece una lectura post-jungiano de varios escritores que han sido influidos por el psicoanalista Jean Laplanche y propone un modelo del ser que se centra en nuestras fantasías, los terrores y los anhelos acerca del deshacernos y traer a otros a deshacerse. Este modelo entonces es ligado a la comprensión de Judith Butler del ser como un fenómeno extático, en que el ser es, forzosamente, fuera de sí mismo, tanto que ,no hay momento final en el cual suceda mi regreso a mí mismo. Sugiero que las investigaciones clínicas tempranas de Jung sobre la disociabilidad de la psique y los instrumentos clínicos que él desarrolló a consecuencia de este trabajo son especialmente apropiados para comprometerse con estas dinámicas emergentes y centrífugas. [source]

    Mean retention time of digesta in the different segments of the equine hindgut

    Makoto MIYAJI
    ABSTRACT Six Thoroughbred horses were used to determine the mean retention time (MRT) of digesta in the different segments of the hindgut. The horses were fed timothy hay or silage in equal amounts (1.6% bodyweight [BW]/day) every 3 h/day. Hay or silage labeled with the rare earth elements cerium, dysprosium, neodymium, ytterbium, lanthanum, samarium and praseodymium, were fed to the horses 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6 and 3 h before slaughter, respectively. Just after slaughter, digesta samples in the different segments were collected and determined for the contents of the rare earth elements. Using these data, a method to calculate the MRT in the different segments was proposed. There were no significant differences between diets in the MRT of each segment. The averaged MRT of hay and silage in the cecum, right ventral colon, left ventral colon, left dorsal colon, right dorsal colon and small colon was 2.9, 3.1, 5.9, 1.0, 4.0, and 4.0 h, respectively. The dry matter weight of the digesta was related to the MRT in the right ventral colon (r = 0.94, P = 0.005), left ventral colon (r = 0.87, P = 0.03), left dorsal colon (r = 0.98, P < 0.001) and right dorsal colon (r = 0.95, P = 0.004), but it was not related to the MRT in the cecum and small colon. [source]

    Capitalist models and social democracy: the case of New Labour

    David Coates
    Some of the more critical readings of the adequacy and effectiveness of New Labour in power have been developed by scholars willing to link arguments about the trajectory of Labour politics to wider arguments about the character of the contemporary global economy and the space within it for the construction and development of distinctive capitalist models. Mark Wickham-Jones and Colin Hay in particular have made that linkage in a series of important writings on the contemporary Labour party. Their arguments are here subjected to critical review, and set against a third position on New Labour and global capitalism: one informed by the writings of Ralph Miliband on British Labour and by the arguments of Leo Panitch and Greg Albo on the limits of the ,progressive competitiveness' strategies associated with ,Third Way' social democratic governments. [source]

    The Conversion of the Imagination: Paul as Interpreter of Israel's Scripture , By Richard B. Hays

    MODERN THEOLOGY, Issue 1 2009
    A. K. M. Adam
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Micromechanical behaviour of gel grown pure and doped potassium hydrogen tartrate single crystals

    I. Quasim
    Abstract Micromechanical characteristics of (001) and (111) planes of gel grown pure, sodium- and lithium-doped potassium hydrogen tartrate single crystals as revealed by indentation induced technique are described. The indentation size effect (ISE) exhibited by the crystals is explained on application of proportional specimen resistance (PSR) model and the analytical law of Hays and Kendall. The load independent values of Vickers hardness of (001) and (111) planes of these crystals as indicated by indentation experiments and computed on the basis of PSR model and the analytical law are shown to be in good agreement. The doping by sodium or lithium results in the increase in hardness of potassium hydrogen tartrate crystals. The crystals exhibit hardness anisotropy. The values of yield strength of each plane of both pure and sodium and lithium doped potassium hydrogen tartrate single crystals are estimated using appropriate equations. [source]

    Editorializing "the Indian Problem": The New York Times on Native Americans, 1860,1900 by Robert Hays, Editor

    Edward J. Rielly
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    A survey on two years of medication regulation in horse races in Iran

    Summary Reasons for performing study: The present survey evaluated the use of prohibited substances cases in the first 2 years of medication regulation in horseracing in Iran so that the impact of these regulations on the level of positive cases over the period could be assessed. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of positive tests for prohibited substances in horse races during 2 years of a drugs testing programme in Iran. Methods: A total of 656 horses that were winners or second in races were tested during the 2 year study. In the first year 354 horses (209 males and 145 females) and in the second year 302 horses (155 males and 147 females) were tested. In the 2 years, 306 were found to be positive. Urine samples were taken from candidate horses and sent to the Central Doping Laboratory. Blood samples were taken from those horses where a urine sample could not be taken within one hour. Detection and measurement of prohibited substances were carried out by ELISA, GC and HPLC using standard methods. Results: Thirty-two percent of males were positive for prohibited substances, which was not significantly different from the percentage of females (25.5%). In the second year, of the 302 horses tested for prohibited substances, 33.5% of males were positive, again similar to females (33.3%). Almost 83% of horses tested positive for prohibited substances once in the first year, 15% tested positive twice and 2% tested positive 3 times. In the second year 78% tested positive once, 15% tested positive twice and 7% tested positive 3 times. Morphine was the most used prohibited substance and was detected 42 times during the survey, followed by caffeine and phenylbutazone. Morphine was also the most used drug in combination with other drugs in both years. Conclusions: Morphine and caffeine were the most popular prohibited substances found in the measurements. As these substances were found in the environment and food stuffs, their presence in the samples may be due to unintentional feeding of contaminated materials (bread, hay and chocolate). [source]

    Effects of a MAPK p38 inhibitor on lung function and airway inflammation in equine recurrent airway obstruction

    J.-P. LAVOIE
    Summary Reasons for performing study: It has been suggested that many of the beneficial effects of corticosteroids are mediated through mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38 inhibition. Objective: To investigate the efficacy of the MAPK p38 inhibitor compound MRL-EQ1 to either prevent (Phase 1) or treat (Phase 2) recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) in horses. Methods: MRL-EQ1 was administered i.v. at a dosage of 0.75-1.5 mg/kg bwt q. 12 h. In Phase 1, susceptible horses in clinical remission were divided into 2 groups (n = 5/group), based on historical values of respiratory mechanics. All horses were entered in the study in pairs (one control, one treated horse) and exposed to the same environmental challenge (stabling, mouldy hay and dusty conditions). The treatment group received MRL-EQ1 for 14 days while the control horses were untreated during the same period. In Phase 2, affected horses were ranked by severity of respiratory dysfunction and split randomly into either dexamethasone or MRL-EQ1 treatment groups (n = 5/group). Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, respiratory mechanic measurements, MRL-EQ1 plasma concentration and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) whole blood activity were evaluated sequentially. Results: In Phase 1, MRL-EQ1 did not prevent the occurrence of clinical signs and pulmonary inflammation. However, treatment was associated with a reduction in severity and a delay in the onset of signs and a reduction in pulmonary neutrophilia. In Phase 2, plasma concentrations achieved resulted in ex vivo suppression of lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF production in equine blood. MRL-EQ1 did not improve airway inflammation or lung function and was associated in a dose dependent manner with behavioural (depression, excitability) and blood changes (neutrophilia, increased serum muscle enzyme concentrations). Conclusions: Inhibition of p38 in the horse was partially effective in reducing clinical signs and airway inflammation when administered prior to, but not during clinical exacerbation in RAO. Potential relevance: Inhibitors of p38 MAPK with a better toxicity profile may be effective in the prevention or treatment of RAO. [source]

    Airway inflammation in Michigan pleasure horses: prevalence and risk factors

    N. E. Robinson
    Summary Reasons for performing study: Although subclinical airway inflammation is thought to be common in horses, there is little information on its prevalence and none on risk factors. Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for an increased number of inflammatory cells and for mucus accumulation in the trachea of pleasure horses. Methods: Horses (n = 266) in stables (n = 21) in Michigan were examined endoscopically, once in winter and once in summer 2004. Visible tracheal mucoid secretions were graded 0,5 and inflammatory cell numbers counted in a tracheal lavage sample. Information collected about each horse included age, gender, presence of cough, percent time indoors and source of roughage. The repeated measures were analysed by generalised estimating equations and linear mixed models. Results: Horses eating hay, especially from round bales, had the most neutrophils, whereas horses feeding from pasture had the fewest. Being female and being outdoors in winter were associated with increased numbers of inflammatory cells. Older horses had fewer macrophages than young horses. More than 70% of horses had >20% neutrophils in tracheal lavage. Twenty percent of horses had a mucus accumulation score >1; 17% had both a mucus score >1 and >20% neutrophils. The significant risk factors for mucus accumulation >1 were age >15 years, feeding on hay as compared to pasture, and being outdoors for more than 80% time in winter. Even though mucus accumulation score >1 was a risk factor for cough, only half of such horses coughed. Cough and mucus accumulation were associated with increased number of neutrophils. Conclusions: In comparison to pasture feeding, hay feeding, particularly from round bales, was associated with an increased number of neutrophils in the airway. Being outdoors in winter was associated with increased numbers of inflammatory cells and with mucus accumulation. Because 70% of horses have >20% neutrophils, this value should not be used as the sole indicator of airway inflammation. Potential relevance: The study reinforces the importance of hay feeding and older age as risk factors for inflammatory airway disease. Horses that do not have ,heaves' may be best kept indoors when winters are cold. [source]

    Environment and prednisone interactions in the treatment of recurrent airway obstruction (heaves)

    C. A. Jackson
    Summary Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) or heaves is a manifestation of a hypersensitivity to dust, moulds, and spores in the environment of a susceptible horse. Although in the majority of RAO-affected horses, clinical remission can be achieved by keeping horses at pasture to reduce their allergen exposure, this often is not practicable. For this reason, we investigated if changing the environment of a single stall in a 4 stall stable was sufficient to improve lung function and reduce inflammation in RAO-affected horses. In addition, we determined if addition of oral prednisone provided additional benefit. Twelve RAO-susceptible horses were stabled, fed hay, and bedded on straw until they developed airway obstruction. At this point, bedding was changed to wood shavings and they were fed a pelleted diet for 2 weeks. Lung function was measured and bronchoalveolar lavage was performed before and 3, 7, and 14 days after environmental modification. In a crossover design, horses were treated for the 14 days with prednisone tablets (2.2 mg/kg bwt, q. 24 h). Horses then returned to pasture for 30 days. Airway obstruction was greatest before environmental modification. Significant improvement in lung function occurred within 3 days of the change in environment and continued to Day 7. Airway function was best after 30 days at pasture. The clinical response achieved by environmental modification was not significantly improved by addition of oral prednisone. The total number of cells, total neutrophils, and percent neutrophils was greatest before environmental modification. In the absence of prednisone, total and percent neutrophils did not decrease until Day 14 and total cell number until 30 days at pasture. In the presence of prednisone, total cells and total and percent neutrophils decreased by Day 3 and again at pasture. The fact that lung function can be improved within 3 days by environmental management alone emphasises the need for allergen reduction as the cornerstone of treatment of RAO. Although prednisone induced a more rapid reduction in airway inflammation, this was not associated with a more rapid improvement in airway function. [source]

    Effect of supplementation with grain, hay or straw on the performance of weaner Merino sheep grazing old man (Atriplex nummularia) or river (Atriplex amnicola) saltbush

    GRASS & FORAGE SCIENCE, Issue 2 2008
    H. C. Norman
    Abstract Old man saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) and river saltbush (A. amnicola) are widely used in commercial grazing systems on saline land in south-western Australia. Three hypotheses were tested during a 3-year study aimed at understanding the performance of weaner Merino sheep grazing saltbush-based pastures. The first hypothesis, that young Merino sheep grazing river saltbush would be better able to maintain live weight, body condition and would grow more wool than sheep grazing old man saltbush, was not supported by the data. Across the 3 years of the study, sheep grazing old man saltbush lost significantly less live weight and grew more wool (proportionately 0·06) than sheep grazing river saltbush. Differences in animal performance were considered to be associated with differences between the plant species in in vitro digestibility, concentrations of fibre, sulphur and crude protein in the herbage and the architecture of the Atriplex plants. The second and third hypotheses concerned supplementation strategies for sheep grazing saltbush. Three supplements were offered, namely barley grain, cereal straw or cereal hay, at a rate that approximated to one-third of the daily metabolizable energy requirements for maintenance of live weight. The performance of the sheep was higher when the grain supplement was offered but there was no effect of feeding roughage supplements compared to no supplementation. The findings suggested that the practice of feeding saltbush with adjacent crop stubbles is unlikely to be beneficial once any fallen grain has been consumed. [source]

    Comparison of haymaking strategies for cow-calf systems in the Salado Region of Argentina using a simulation model.

    GRASS & FORAGE SCIENCE, Issue 4 2005

    Abstract Risk and cost estimates, calculated using a weather-driven farm simulation model, were used to evaluate the impact of different haymaking strategies in dryland cow-calf systems such as those in the Salado region of Argentina. Based on a 100-ha farm, each strategy was simulated using twenty sequences of 50 years of random weather. A risk-efficiency methodology was used, using calf live weight sold and considering the economic value of the live weight produced per year minus the cost of haymaking, as a simple measure of profit. The analysis highlighted both production and risk advantages in using hay, especially when a flexible hay management approach was implemented, although some haymaking strategies performed worse than not using hay. When calf live weight sold was considered alone, the risk-efficient set included strategies with large proportions of the areas being harvested (0.42,1.05; paddocks could be cut more that once a year in some of the strategies) and high proportions of hay not being used. The amount of hay for maximizing risk efficiency for profit was notably lower than that for maximizing cattle production. When haymaking costs were included, the proportion of area harvested for risk-efficient profit ranged from 0.28 to 0.52, depending on the target stocking rate. [source]

    Feed and feeding quality of imported grass hays as evaluated by newly proposed grades

    GRASSLAND SCIENCE, Issue 2 2007
    Yoshitsugu Niwa
    Abstract In conjunction with investigating the quality of imported grass hays, the present study set out to develop an evaluation standard. A total of 123 hay samples were tested: 70 of timothy hay, 23 of sudangrass hay, 20 of oat hay and 10 of bermudagrass hay. Crude protein content, nitrogen cell wall free extract (NCWFE) content, Oa (organic a fraction in cell wall, non-lignified portion of cell wall) content and Ob (organic b fraction in cell wall, lignified portion of cell wall) content were measured for each sample, and the values of these were used as the basis for the determination of digestible carbohydrate content and dry matter intake (DMI). The variation in crude protein, NCWFE, Oa and Ob content within each grass species was large. The coefficients of variation for the chemical composition of all 123 samples were 24.9% for crude protein, 37.4% for NCWFE, 30.7% for Oa and 11.0% for Ob. Because variation in composition was large, variations in digestible carbohydrate content and DMI within each species were also large. On the basis of the mean values of chemical composition, it was determined that the harvesting period was after the flowering stage. Evaluation standards were set using a five-point scale (5, excellent; 4, good; 3, medium; 2, low; 1, poor), based on the 123 samples tested in the present study, using the mean values and standard deviations of chemical parameters, digestible carbohydrate content and DMI. Consequently, in assessing DMI (per bodyweight of 600 kg), a grade of 5 was given for values of 14.3 kg or higher, 4 for values between 11.5 and 14.3 kg, 3 for values between 8.7 and 11.5 kg, 2 for values between 5.9 and 8.7 kg, and 1 for values lower than 5.9 kg. [source]

    Fermentation quality and nutritive value of green soybean stover silage

    GRASSLAND SCIENCE, Issue 1 2007
    Ken-ichi Horiguchi
    Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the effect of fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (FJLB) on fermentation quality and nutritive value of green soybean stover silage. Green soybean stover was cut and packed in drum silos without or with 5% (volume/weight) FJLB. Four sheep were fed a basal diet of 40% reed canarygrass hay and 60% commercial concentrate (dry matter basis) and assigned to two treatments: green soybean stover silage preserved without FJLB or with FJLB. Crude protein and neutral detergent fiber contents of green soybean stover silage (dry matter basis) were 16.4% and 45.2% for the silage without FJLB, and 15.8% and 47.1% for the silage with FJLB, respectively. Lactic acid content of the fresh green soybean stover silage was 1.41% for the silage without FJLB and 1.63% for the silage with FJLB. The butyric acid content of the fresh green soybean stover silage with FJLB was substantially lower than that of the silage without FJLB. There was no effect of FJLB added for silage making on the nutrient content, nitrogen retention or ruminal fermentation of the diets. It was estimated that total digestible nutrients content and digestible crude protein content of green soybean stover silage were 64.2% and 11.2% of dry matter, respectively. [source]

    Metabolic and productive response to ruminal protein degradability in early lactation cows fed untreated or xylose-treated soybean meal-based diets

    M. Jahani-Moghadam
    Summary Effects of different dietary rumen undegradable (RUP) to degradable (RDP) protein ratios on ruminal nutrient degradation, feed intake, blood metabolites and milk production were determined in early lactation cows. Four multiparous (43 ± 5 days in milk) and four primiparous (40 ± 6 days in milk) tie-stall-housed Holstein cows were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with four 21-day periods. Each period had 14-day of adaptation and 7-day of sampling. Diets contained on a dry matter (DM) basis, 23.3% alfalfa hay, 20% corn silage and 56.7% concentrate. Cows were first offered alfalfa hay at 7:00, 15:00 and 23:00 hours, and 30 min after each alfalfa hay delivery were offered a mixture of corn silage and concentrate. Treatments were diets with RUP:RDP ratios of (i) 5.2:11.6 (control), (ii) 6.1:10.6, (iii) 7.1:9.5 and (iv) 8.1:8.5, on a dietary DM% basis. Different RUP:RDP ratios were obtained by partial and total replacement of untreated soybean meal (SBM) with xylose-treated SBM (XSBM). In situ study using three rumen-cannulated non-lactating cows showed that DM and crude protein (CP) of SBM had greater rapidly degradable fractions. The potentially degradable fractions were degraded more slowly in XSBM. Treatment cows produced greater milk, protein, lactose, solids-non-fat and total solids than control cows. Increasing RUP:RDP reduced blood urea linearly. Feed costs dropped at RUP:RDP ratios of 6.1:10.6 and 7.1:9.5, but not at 8.1:8.5, compared with the 5.2:11.6 ratio. Intake of DM and CP, rumen pH, blood glucose, albumin and total protein, faecal and urine pH, changes in body weight and body condition score, and milk lactose and solids-non-fat percentages did not differ among treatments. Results provide evidence that increasing dietary RUP:RDP ratio from 5.2:11.6 to 7.1:9.5 optimizes nitrogen metabolism and milk production and reduces feed costs in early lactation cows. Reduced blood urea suggests reprodutive benefits. [source]

    Is the intrinsic potassium content of forages an important factor in intake regulation of dairy cows?

    F. Leiber
    Summary Hay from intensively managed grassland with high nutrient density and digestibility containing 29 g potassium/kg dry matter (DM) and hay from an alpine pasture, clearly lower in energy, digestibility and potassium (12 g/kg DM) were offered as sole feeds to 18 lactating dairy cows following a change-over arrangement within three periods of 21 days each (schedule either alpine-lowland-alpine or lowland-alpine-lowland hay). Faeces and urine were quantitatively collected over 7 days. Dry matter intake was similar and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) intake was higher with alpine than with lowland hay (1.57 kg/100 kg vs. 1.43 kg/100 kg body weight). Potassium intake was approximately three times lower with alpine than with lowland hay. Urinary water output was closely correlated with potassium intake. It was also correlated with DM intake but only in animals receiving lowland hay, while it remained independent from intake when alpine hay was fed. Plasma osmolality was lower when alpine hay was fed. As energy requirements were not covered with either diet, the lower NDF intake with lowland hay was assumed to have been caused by higher ruminal osmolality because of the higher intrinsic potassium concentrations of this hay type. Further studies are necessary to determine potassium levels critical for feed intake. [source]

    Feeding value of enset (Ensete ventricosum), Desmodium intortum hay and untreated or urea and calcium oxide treated wheat straw for sheep

    A. Nurfeta
    Summary Feed intake, in vivo nutrient digestibility and nitrogen utilization were evaluated in male sheep fed different fractions (leaf, pseudostem, corm, whole plant) of enset, untreated or 2% urea- and 3% calcium oxide- (CaO or lime) treated wheat straw and Desmodium intortum hay as sole diets. All feeds, except D. intortum hay and enset leaf had low crude protein (CP) content. Non-fiber carbohydrate contents were higher in enset fractions, especially in pseudostem and corm relative to other feeds. Enset leaf and pseudostem had high calcium, phosphorus and manganese contents. Corm, whole enset and D. intortum hay were rich sources of zinc. Daily dry matter and CP intakes were higher (p < 0.05) in sheep fed D. intortum hay (830 and 133 g, respectively) than those fed pseudostem (92 and 7.8 g, respectively). Organic matter digestibilities were highest for corm (0.780) and whole enset (0.776) and lowest for D. intortum hay (0.534) and untreated wheat straw (0.522). The CP digestibility ranged from 0.636 in D. intortum hay to 0.408 in corm. Nitrogen (N) balance was highest (p < 0.05) in D. intortum hay (10.4 g/day) and lowest in corm (,1.3 g/day). Enset leaf could be a useful protein supplement whereas the pseudostem and corm could be good sources of energy. [source]

    Judgement of hygienic quality of roughage in horse stables in Switzerland

    B. Wichert
    Summary In 46 horse farms all over Switzerland, the hygienic quality of the roughage (including silages) was investigated. Therefore, a macroscopic examination as well as the microbial counts (bacteria, yeasts and moulds) was carried out. Further, the contents of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and the contamination with deoxynivalenol (DON) were determined. In all roughages, the dry matter (DM) content was measured and in silages additionally the pH was measured. Predominantly, the straw showed a lower hygienic quality than hay and silages. The LPS contents were significantly higher in straw than those in hay samples. The macroscopic examination and the microbial counts showed a tendency in the same direction. Eight straw samples and one hay sample with DON contamination were found. The silages showed a DM content with a median of 65.8%. The pH of those silages was between 4.3 and 5.9. Despite the high values of DM and pH, the silages showed mainly a high hygienic quality. In total, the hygienic standard of straw was worse than that of hay. This should be taken into account also in straw used as bedding as much as the hygienic quality of hay. [source]

    Fermentation characteristics and microbial growth promoted by diets including two-phase olive cake in continuous fermenters

    A. Moumen
    Summary Two-phase olive cake (2POC) is the by-product obtained from the so called ,two-phase' procedure to extract olive oil by mechanical methods. After the mechanical extraction the 2POC is dried and most of the remaining oil extracted by chemical means. The production of the crude by-product may reach more than 4 millions t/year in Spain (MAPA, 2003), most of it in areas (Southeast) with shortage of pastures and conventional feeds for ruminants. Six continuous fermenters, inoculated with ruminal liquor from wethers or goats, were fed lucerne hay (LH); LH plus a concentrate including dried two-phase olive cake (LHCO) and; diet LHCO added with polyethylene glycol (LHCOP). The highest pH values and ammonia N (NH3 -N) output were found in fermenters fed diet LH (6.19 and 6.35 for pH, and 53.7 and 68.9 mg NH3N/day, respectively, in fermentes inoculated with rumen liquor from sheep and goats) without differences due to the inoculum origin. The digestibility of carbohydrates (CHO) was affected (p < 0.001) by inoculum (67.0 and 58.8%, respectively, for goats and wethers) the lowest values being for diet LHCO (53.2 and 57.0% with inoculum from wethers and goats, respectively). The main volatile fatty acid (VFA) was acetic acid with higher (p < 0.01) values in fermenters with inoculum from goats than from wethers (80.2 and 63.0 mmol/day respectively). The efficiency of bacterial protein synthesis (EBS) was not different (p > 0.05) with inoculum from wethers and goats [26.4 and 28.1 and 35.2 and 33.5 g bacterial N/kg digested CHO, respectively, obtained by using diamino pimelic acid (DAPA) and purine bases (PB) as microbial markers]. The lowest (p < 0.05) values were found in fermenters fed diets LHCOP and LH, estimated, respectively, from DAPA and PB (21.9 and 29.0 g bacterial N/kg digested CHO). The substitution of a part of lucerne hay by a concentrate including dried 2POC does not seem to cause important differences in efficiency of VFA production. Results concerning bacterial protein synthesis are not so clear since values estimated from DAPA and PB did not show similar trends. Neither inoculum origin nor PEG had important effects on fermentation characteristics. The DAPA could be an adequate marker in continuous fermenters, with comparative purposes, as protozoa are not present and, estimated protein synthesis values are similar to those obtained in vivo with similar diets using urinary excretion of PD (Yáñez Ruiz et al., 2004b). Further research is needed to state the optimal proportion of 2POC in practical diets for ruminants at both maintenance and production stages. [source]

    Concentration of copper, iron, manganese and zinc in muscle, fat and bone tissue of lambs of the breed German Merino Landsheep in the course of the growing period and different feeding intensities

    G. Bellof
    Summary A growth experiment with 108 lambs (breed German Merino Landsheep) was carried out in order to examine how gender, body weight and feeding intensity affect trace element concentrations in tissues and carcass. The lambs (50% male and 50% female) were fattened at three levels of feeding intensity (,low', ,medium' and ,high' by varying daily amounts of concentrate and hay) and slaughtered at different final body weights (30, 45 or 55 kg). Six male and six female animals were sacrificed at 18 kg live weight at the beginning of the comparative slaughter experiment. The left half carcass of each animal was divided into muscle tissue, fat tissue as well as bones and sinews and analysed for the trace elements copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) as well as zinc (Zn). The body weight level influenced the Zn concentrations significantly in all tissues. In addition, the Fe concentration in the fat tissue was influenced by the body weight as well as the Cu content in the bone tissue. An influence due to gender could be seen for the Zn concentration in the muscle and fat tissue and for the Fe content in the fat and bone tissue as well as for the Cu concentration in the bones. The feeding intensity affected the Cu content in the muscle and bone tissue and also the Zn content in the muscle tissue. In the present study with lambs at body weight range from 18 to 55 kg on an average, 127 mg Fe, 87 mg Zn, 1.5 mg Cu as well as 1.1 mg Mn per kilogram dry matter were found in the bone tissue. In lamb muscle tissue combined from all parts (body weight range from 18 to 45 kg, both genders) the highest concentrations were for Zn and Fe [3.42 and 1.31 mg/100 g meat (wet weight basis)], while Cu remained far below these levels (0.08 mg/100 g meat and Mn was even below the detection limit of 0.025 mg/kg). Lamb muscle is a valuable source for highly available haem-Fe as well as for Zn and Cu in human nutrition. [source]

    Effect of supplemental yeast culture and sodium bicarbonate on ruminal fermentation and blood variables in rams

    Nurten Gal
    Summary A trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of sodium bicarbonate (BC) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, live yeast culture (yea sacc1026, YS) on ruminal fermentation and blood variables. Four Kivircik rams with ruminal cannula were used in a Latin square design, during 27-day periods (20 days for adaptation and 7 days for collection). They received 0 (control group), 5 g/day (i.e. 25 × 109 CFU) of YS or 10 g/day of sodium BC or 10 g/day of BC and 5 g/day of YS (BC + YS) (treatment groups). The cultures and sodium BC were added to the ration in a grain mix. The ration consisted of 70% grain mix and 30% lucerne hay. Rumen contents were collected before and 3 h and 6 h after morning feeding on days 1 and 7 in each collection period and were analyzed. Blood samples were also collected on the same days. Ruminal pH at 3 h (p , 0.1) and 6 h (p , 0.05) after feeding were higher when rams were fed BC and BC + YS than when they were fed CG and YS. Addition of YS to the diet did not modify the proportions of the different protozoa types; only Diplodinium at 0 h tended to be lower (p < 0.1) when rams were fed YS, BC and BC + YS than when they were fed CG. Plasma sodium value decreased by YS and BC + YS. Other biochemical and haematological variables were not affected by treatments. Also total volatile fatty acid, NH3 -N concentrations and protozoa counts in the ruminal fluid were not affected by treatments. [source]

    Estimating the digestibility of Sahelian roughages from faecal crude protein concentration of cattle and small ruminants

    E. Schlecht
    Summary Studies on diet selection and feed intake of ruminants in extensive grazing systems often require the use of simple approaches to determine the organic matter digestibility (OMD) of the ingested feed. Therefore, we evaluated the validity of the one-factorial exponential regression established by Lukas et al. [Journal of Animal Science 83 (2005) 1332], which estimates OMD from the faecal crude protein (FCP) concentration. The equation was applied to two sets of data obtained with free grazing and pen-fed cattle, sheep and goats ingesting low and high amounts of green and dry vegetation of Sahelian pastures as well as millet leaves and cowpea hay. Data analysis showed that the livestock species did not influence the precision of estimation of OMD from FCP. For the linear regression between measured and estimated OMD (%) across n = 431 individual observations, a regression coefficient of r2 = 0.65 and a residual standard deviation (RSD) of 5.87 were obtained. The precision of estimation was influenced by the data set (p = 0.033), the type of feed (p < 0.001) and the feeding level (p = 0.009), and interactions occurred between type of feed and feeding level (p = 0.021). Adjusting the intercept and the slope of the established exponential function to the present data resulted in a compression of the curve; while r2 remained unchanged, the RSD of the regression between measured and estimated OMD was reduced, when compared with the results obtained from the equation of Lukas et al. (2005). Estimating OMD from treatment means of FCP greatly improved the correlation between measured and estimated OMD for both the established function and the newly fit equation. However, if anti-nutritional dietary factors increase the concentration of faecal nitrogen from feed or endogenous origin, the approach might considerably overestimate diet digestibility. [source]

    Influence of crop residue ration supplementation on the attainment of puberty and postpartum reproductive activities of Red Sokoto goats

    B. S. Malau-Aduli
    Summary The general objective of this study was to come up with an appropriate, affordable and locally available crop residue supplementation package that would enhance reproductive performance in small ruminants. Specifically, 28 Red Sokoto weaner does between 3 and 4 months of age weighing between 2 and 3 kg were used in the first experiment to determine the influence of crop residue supplementation on age and weight at puberty as determined by blood progesterone levels. In the second experiment, another 28 adult does (,2 years old) of the same breed in the same flock with lactation numbers between 1 and 3 were used to determine the length of postpartum acyclic period. In both experiments, a 3 × 2 factorial experimental design comprising three dietary supplements (A, B, C) at two feeding levels (1% and 2% of body weight) fed in addition to a basal diet of Digitaria smutsii hay and natural pasture ad libitum with an unsupplemented negative control group (D) and four goats per treatment was utilized. In ration A, a conventional concentrate supplement consisting of maize, wheat offal, cottonseed cake and bonemeal was utilized; in rations B and C, the supplement consisted of guinea-corn bran, cowpea husk and groundnut haulms; and maize offal, groundnut shells and groundnut haulms respectively. Unsupplemented (ration D) weaner does reached puberty at a later age and had lighter body weights than all the others. Weaner does on ration 2A (concentrate fed at 2% of body weight) attained puberty at the earliest age and heaviest body weight, although the age at puberty was not significantly different from those on rations 1A (concentrate fed at 1% body weight), 1C and 2C. Blood progesterone profiles before and after puberty ranged from 0.05 to 9.0 ng/ml, respectively, and was highest in does fed rations A and C and least in the unsupplemented does. The mean interval between kidding and initiation of ovarian activity was 54.28 ± 17.61 days and the mean interval between kidding and conception was 63.04 ± 25.34 days. Only 25% of the unsupplemented does conceived again during the period under study compared with 100% in rations 1A, 2A, 1C and 2C; 75% in ration 2B and 50% in ration 1B. It was concluded that implementation of supplementary feeding in the dry season improves reproductive performance in the Red Sokoto doe. Furthermore, ration C, a crop residue-based ration, was a suitable dry season supplementation alternative to the expensive conventional concentrate ration for the smallholder goat farmer in the subhumid tropics of Nigeria. [source]

    Effects of hay intake and feeding sequence on variables in faeces and faecal water (dry matter, pH value, organic acids, ammonia, buffering capacity) of horses

    A. Zeyner
    Summary To investigate effects of hay intake and feeding sequence on indicators of the microbial activity within the hindgut, six horses were fed 1.00 kg oats plus 0.50, 0.67, 0.83 or 1.00 kg hay/100 kg body weight (BW) × day, each for 14 days. Oats was offered either 30 min prior to hay (OA) or in the reversed sequence (HA) in a 2 × 8-week crossover design. Because typically exercised horses should be subjected to the study, faeces was used as substrate. Faecal dry matter (DM), the faecal waters' short-chain fatty acids (SCFA, in mmol/l) and molar percentages (mol%) of propionate and iso-butyrate were highest with OA (p < 0.01). Acetate mol%, acetate,propionate quotient (A/P) and buffering capacities 1 and 2 (BC1: current pH to pH 6; BC2: pH 6 to 5) of the faecal water were highest with HA (p < 0.01). While the hay intake rose, faecal pH, acetate mol%, A/P, BC1 and BC2 (the latter with HA only) increased (p < 0.05), but DM, SCFA and propionate mol% declined (p < 0.05). The hay-induced rise in A/P and BC1 was much higher with HA than with OA. l -Lactate and ammonia were unaffected by the feeding sequence and hay intake. In conclusion, hay intake and feeding sequence influence the microbial activity within the hindgut, although the concentrate level remains consistent. In horse rations with 1.00 kg oats/100 kg BW × day amounts of at least 0.83 kg hay/100 kg BW × day and offering the hay first seem to have the potency to protect the hindgut content from acidification. Behavioural abnormality was not observed any longer first with 1.00 kg hay/100 kg BW × day. [source]

    Modulation of Na+ transport across isolated rumen epithelium by short-chain fatty acids in hay- and concentrate-fed sheep

    S. K. Uppal
    Summary The effect of increasing concentrations of short-chain fatty acids [SCFA; mixture of the Na+ salts of acetic acid (62.5%), propionic acid (25.0%) and of butyric acid (12.5%)] on Na+ transport of sheep rumen epithelium was studied in vitro. The conventional Ussing chamber method was used for measuring Na+ transport rates (22Na+), short-circuit current (Isc) and tissue conductance (GT) of isolated rumen epithelium. SCFA in the buffer solution on the mucosal side caused a linear increase of Jnet Na+ from 1.14, to 1.22, 1.78 and 2.50 ,eq/cm2/h in hay-fed sheep at 0, 15, 40 and 80 mmol/l SCFA, respectively. In a second study, the effect of higher SCFA concentrations [0 (control), 80, 100 and 120 mmol/l] was investigated with epithelia from two groups of sheep. One group was subjected to hay ad libitum, whereas the other received concentrate feed (800 g/day in equal portions at 7.00 am and 3.00 pm) and hay ad libitum. Epithelia from concentrate-fed sheep again showed a significant (p < 0.05) and linear increase in Jnet Na+ at 80, 100 and 120 mmol/l. However, in hay-fed sheep, the difference in increase among 80, 100 and 120 mmol/l SCFA was not significant, indicating that, above 80 mmol/l SCFA Jms and Jnet exhibit saturation. Moreover, Na+ fluxes (Jms and Jnet) were generally higher in concentrate-fed than in hay-fed sheep at all SCFA concentrations and significant differences were observed at 100 and 120 mmol/l SCFA. The obtained results confirm the effect of SCFA on Na+ transport and are in agreement with studies regarding feeding regimes and electrolyte transport in the rumen. The important new observation is the increase of Na+ transport in concentrate-fed sheep even at high concentrations of SCFA (100 and 120 mmol/l). The enhanced activity of the Na+/H+ exchanger at these SCFA concentrations supports the assumption that the capacity for regulating the intracellular pH by extrusion of protons is increased, suggesting an adaptation in concentrate-fed sheep. This adaptation could prevent possible disturbances of epithelial functions (transport and barrier) under conditions of increased SCFA absorption. [source]

    Effects of oat processing on the glycaemic and insulin responses in horses

    I. Vervuert
    Summary This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different oat processing techniques on the plasma glucose and insulin response in horses. In a cross-over design, six horses (ages 4,15 years, mean body weight ± SD: 450 ± 37 kg) were fed in random order: untreated oats, finely ground, steam-flaked and popped oats. The total oat intake varied between 1.05,1.5 kg/day, and the amount of diet was adjusted to a starch content of 630 g starch per day and horse (1.2,1.5 g starch/kg BW/day). During the stabilization period of 10 days, horses additionally received 6 kg grass hay. Following this adaptation period, plasma glucose and insulin responses to the respective dietary treatments were tested. Horses were fed their test diet (exclusively oats), and blood samples were collected at defined times to determine glycaemic and insulin response. Oat feeding resulted in a significant increase in mean plasma glucose and insulin concentration. However, glucose and insulin peaks as well as their respective areas under the curves were not clearly influenced by oat processing. The glycaemic index varied between 94.7 ± 11.2% (steam-flaked oats) and 102.6 ± 14.5% (finely ground oats, n.s.), the insulin index ranged between 93.8 ± 18.9% (popped oats) and 150.0 ± 77.6% (finely ground oats, n.s.). The insulin reaction to oat feeding showed a high variability between the horses. The results of this study indicate that the glucose and insulin responses are not clearly altered by the different types of oat processing. However, the glucose and insulin responses tended to be lower in thermally treated oats when compared with untreated or finely ground oats. [source]