Hatching Date (hatching + date)

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Selected Abstracts

Survival of common goldeneye Bucephala clangula ducklings in relation to weather, timing of breeding, brood size, and female condition

Antti Paasivaara
The survival of common goldeneye Bucephala clangula ducklings during their first week of life was studied in relation to hatching date, brood size, female condition, and weather (temperature and precipitation) during the first week post-hatch by using data from radio-marked females and their broods. Also, age-specific variation in the survival of the young was determined until fledging (over 50 d of age). Survival was lowest in the first week after hatching. Hatching date, brood size, and first week temperature and precipitation were poor predictors of duckling survival during the first week after nest exodus. Instead, the ducklings of females in a better body condition survived better in their first week of life. The results suggest that weather does not have a direct effect on downy ducklings' survival, but the condition of the female seems to be an important determinant of the survival of common goldeneye ducklings. [source]

Breeding success in Blue Tits: good territories or good parents?

Robert Przybylo
Territorial quality and parental quality are usually assumed to be the main sources of variation in the reproductive success of passerine birds. To evaluate their relative importance for variation in breeding time (itself an important factor for breeding success), clutch size and offspring condition at fledging, we analysed six years of data from a Blue Tit Parus caeruleus population breeding on the island of Gotland, Sweden. Hatching dates and the condition of offspring were consistent for territories between years and accounted for 30% and 33% of the variation in these variables, respectively. After removing the effect of territory quality, none of the breeding parameters were significantly repeatable for individual females, but offspring condition was repeatable for males, accounting for 28% of variation. For females breeding on the same territory in subsequent seasons (combined effect of individual and territory quality) only hatching date was repeatable (45% of variation accounted for). In males, the combined effect of individual and territory quality was repeatable for offspring condition and accounted for 33% of variation, but this result was only marginally significant. Consistency of the peak frass-fall date for individual frass collectors over the study period suggests that repeatable hatching dates on territories may be related to the relationship between timing of breeding and timing of peak food availability on territories. Our results suggest that territory quality is more important than parental quality for breeding success in the Blue Tit, and that male (but not female) quality makes a considerable contribution to reproductive success. [source]

Climatic effects on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of an arctic-nesting goose species

Abstract Climate warming is pronounced in the Arctic and migratory birds are expected to be among the most affected species. We examined the effects of local and regional climatic variations on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica), a migratory species nesting in the Canadian Arctic. We used a long-term dataset based on the monitoring of 5447 nests and the measurements of 19 234 goslings over 16 years (1989,2004) on Bylot Island. About 50% of variation in the reproductive phenology of individuals was explained by spring climatic factors. High mean temperatures and, to a lesser extent, low snow cover in spring were associated with an increase in nest density and early egg-laying and hatching dates. High temperature in spring and high early summer rainfall were positively related to nesting success. These effects may result from a reduction in egg predation rate when the density of nesting geese is high and when increased water availability allows females to stay close to their nest during incubation recesses. Summer brood loss and production of young at the end of the summer increased when values of the summer Arctic Oscillation (AO) index were either very positive (low temperatures) or very negative (high temperatures), indicating that these components of the breeding success were most influenced by the regional summer climate. Gosling mass and size near fledging were reduced in years with high spring temperatures. This effect is likely due to a reduced availability of high quality food in years with early spring, either due to food depletion resulting from high brood density or a mismatch between hatching date of goslings and the timing of the peak of plant quality. Our analysis suggests that climate warming should advance the reproductive phenology of geese, but that high spring temperatures and extreme values of the summer AO index may decrease their reproductive success up to fledging. [source]

Tawny Owls Strix aluco with reliable food supply produce male-biased broods

IBIS, Issue 1 2007
Tawny Owls Strix aluco have been reported to skew the sex ratio of their offspring towards males when facing food shortage during the nestling period (and vice versa), because female fitness is more compromised by food shortage during development than male fitness. To test the generality of these results we used a DNA marker technique to determine the sex ratio in broods of Tawny Owls in Danish deciduous woodland during two years of ample food supply (rodent population outbreak) and two years of poor food supply. Of 268 nestlings, 59% were males (95% CI: 53,65%). This proportion was higher than previously reported for the species (49% in Northumberland, UK, and 52% in Hungary), but consistent with Fisherian sex allocation, which predicts a male bias of c. 57% based on inferred differences in energy requirements of male and female chicks. Contrary to previous results, brood sex ratios were not correlated with the resource abundance during the breeding seasons, despite considerable variation in breeding frequency, brood size or hatching date across years. Brood sex ratios were unaffected by brood reduction prior to DNA sampling, and nestling mortality rates after DNA sampling were not related to gender. The inconsistency between the sex ratio allocation patterns in our study and previous investigations suggests that adaptive sex allocation strategies differ across populations. These differences may relate to reproductive constraints in our population, where reproductive decisions seem primarily to concern whether to lay eggs at all, rather than adjust the sex ratio to differences in starvation risk of nestlings. [source]

Dispersal and migration of juvenile African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini

IBIS, Issue 3 2003
Philip A. R. Hockey
African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini are sedentary as adults. However, colour-ringing of more than 700 juveniles has revealed complex post-fledging movements that vary geographically. Young from the western part of the breeding range either remain within 150 km of their natal site or migrate 1500,2000 km to one of five discrete nursery areas on the Namib Desert coast of central and northern Namibia, and southern Angola. These nurseries all lie north of the species' breeding range. We calculate that 36,46% of all juveniles born in South Africa migrate to nurseries. Birds return to their natal sites from nurseries at 2,3 years old, but never migrate again. Juveniles from the eastern part of the range undertake ,diffusion dispersal', regularly up to 1000 km, but these journeys mostly end within the breeding range, where there are no nurseries. Very few eastern birds reach nurseries. There is no evidence that movements of western birds are density-dependent responses to hatching date, but long-distance migrants are significantly heavier as chicks than are short-distance dispersers. We hypothesize that a genetic basis exists to these movements, possibly triggered by body condition, that could account not only for the highly dichotomous behaviour of western birds, but also for the intermediate behaviour of eastern birds. [source]

Patterns of mortality for each life-history stage in a population of the endangered New Zealand stitchbird

Matthew Low
Summary 1Using data from 396 breeding attempts over an 8-year period, we investigated age- and stage-specific survival rates and their modifying factors in a closed island population of the New Zealand stitchbird (or hihi, Notiomystis cincta Du Bus). 2Survival probability generally increased over time; however, at each life-history transition, survival in the new stage started lower than at the end of the previous stage, creating a ,saw-tooth' function of age-related survival. 3The probability of an egg hatching was low (0·73 ± 0·01): most likely a consequence of genetic bottlenecks previously endured by this population. There was strong support for a positive relationship between hatching rate and the subsequent survival of the female parent, and hatching success declining for females > 4 years old. 4Nestling survival probability increased as a function of brood size and days since hatching, and decreased relative to daily maximum ambient temperature and hatching date. Support for models including ambient temperature was greater than for other covariates, with the majority of this temperature-mediated survival effect being restricted to the early nestling stage. 5Fledglings had low survival rates in the first two weeks after leaving the nest, with post-fledging survival related to the fledgling's mass. Two months after fledging, juvenile survival probability plateaued and remained relatively constant for the following autumn, winter and spring/summer breeding season. There was no effect of sex or season on adult survival probability. However, there was strong support for age-specific variation in adult survival, with survival likelihood increasing during the first four years before showing evidence of a senescence decline. 6Within-stage survival increases were likely related to stage-specific selection pressures initially weeding out individuals of poorer phenotypes for the environment specific to each life-history stage. Such a mechanism explains the initial high mortality at life-history transitions; a well-adapted phenotype for one stage may not necessarily be so well adapted for subsequent stages. These patterns are not only valuable for examining life-history theory, but also for understanding the regulation of vital rates in an endangered species and providing a basis from which better population management models and harvesting regimes can be derived. [source]

Patterns of reproductive effort and success in birds: path analyses of long-term data from European ducks

Peter Blums
Summary 1We tested ecological hypotheses about timing of breeding and reproductive effort in birds, by analysing > 15-year data sets for individually marked females in three species of Latvian ducks (northern shoveler, tufted duck, common pochard). 2Duckling survival and recruitment declined with advancing hatch date in pochard and tufted duck, after controlling for effects of female age and other factors with path analysis, a novel finding which indicates that fitness advantages associated with early hatching extended beyond the prefledging period. Logistic regression analysis suggested further that individual duckling prefledging survival was moderate in the earliest phase of the breeding season, greatest in mid-season and lowest later on. 3However, selection acting against early hatched ducklings was surpassed by strong directional selection favouring recruitment of the earliest hatching females. The absolute and relative numbers of female recruits produced by a breeding female declined sharply with advancing hatch date in all species. 4Unlike previous studies, an hypothesized intraspecific trade-off between duckling mass and brood size was detected, being very robust in two of three species. 5Unexpectedly, female age effects on recruitment were manifested only indirectly by several pathways, the most important being the earlier hatching dates of older females. Size-adjusted body mass (i.e. condition index) was positively related to reproductive success, and was 2,8-fold more influential than female size (indexed by wing length). 6Overall, fecundity-independent variables (e.g. hatching date, weather, indices of duckling production and habitat quality) generally had 2,10 times greater influence on recruitment rates than did fecundity-dependent variables such as female size or condition, duckling mass and brood size, suggesting a critical role for external environmental factors vs. individual female-specific traits in the recruitment process. [source]

Does weather affect biting fly abundance in avian nests?

Josué Martínez-de la Puente
Environmental factors may strongly affect avian-biting fly interactions in different ways because insects are heterothermic organisms that depend greatly on environmental variables to activate their metabolism and behaviour. We studied the effects of weather on both blackfly (Simuliidae) and biting midge Culicoides (Ceratopogonidae) abundance in nests of three passerine species: blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, great tits Parus major and pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca, breeding in the same area. We controlled for different host-related factors (hatching date, brood size and host species). Blackfly abundance was negatively related to minimum temperature. In addition, blackfly and biting midge abundances were negatively affected by wind speed measured at 07.00,h, but blackfly abundance was positively associated to wind speed at 18.00,h. We found higher blackfly and biting midge abundances in nests with larger broods breeding later in the season, and significantly higher biting midge abundance in pied flycatcher nests as compared to tit nests. These results represent, to our knowledge, the first report of both environmental and host-related effects on haematophagous fly abundance in the nests of wild hole-nesting birds. [source]

Seasonal, sexual and developmental differences in hoopoe Upupa epops preen gland morphology and secretions: evidence for a role of bacteria

Manuel Martín-Vivaldi
The uropygial glands of birds serve multiple functions, and there is great interspecific variability in the composition and properties of their secretions. A special case is the secretion in the hoopoes Upupa epops, and green woodhoopoes Phoeniculus purpureus, which, contrary to the commonly white and odourless secretions, are dark with pungent odour. Recently, bacteria have been isolated from glands of both woodhoopoes and hoopoes and here we test the hypothesis that bacteria are responsible of some of the special properties of glands and secretions of this group of birds. We explore natural seasonal changes and intersexual differences in the properties of hoopoe glands and secretions, check the natural occurrence of bacteria within secretions, and analyse the effect of experimental injection of antibiotics on uropygial gland properties. Male glands underwent no seasonal changes, and their secretions were invariably white and odourless, very similar to female glands outside the breeding season. However, in comparison to the uropygial gland of non-breeding females, those of incubating females showed a marked increase in size and volume of secretion produced, which became dark and pungent. All these parameters increased until the hatching date and returned to values similar to those in the prelaying phase towards the end of the nestling period. Nestling glands produced secretions similar to those of females in colour and odour. Gland size of both females and nestlings predicted the amount of secretion produced. Microscopic techniques confirmed the presence of bacteria at high density and in active division in all dark secretions examined. The antibiotic treatment significantly reduced the load of enterococci in nestling glands, did not affect size of glands, but diminished the volume of secretion, which was lighter in colour than that of control nestlings. In nesting females, the experimental injection of antibiotic affected some measurements of gland size and secretion colour. Because the experiment did not affect general health estimates (immunocompetence, body condition or growing) of nestlings, our results suggest that some of the special properties of hoopoe glands are mediated by the presence of symbiotic bacteria. [source]

Survival of common goldeneye Bucephala clangula ducklings in relation to weather, timing of breeding, brood size, and female condition

Antti Paasivaara
The survival of common goldeneye Bucephala clangula ducklings during their first week of life was studied in relation to hatching date, brood size, female condition, and weather (temperature and precipitation) during the first week post-hatch by using data from radio-marked females and their broods. Also, age-specific variation in the survival of the young was determined until fledging (over 50 d of age). Survival was lowest in the first week after hatching. Hatching date, brood size, and first week temperature and precipitation were poor predictors of duckling survival during the first week after nest exodus. Instead, the ducklings of females in a better body condition survived better in their first week of life. The results suggest that weather does not have a direct effect on downy ducklings' survival, but the condition of the female seems to be an important determinant of the survival of common goldeneye ducklings. [source]

Absence of seasonal variation in great tit offspring sex ratios

Nanette Verboven
When the timing of breeding affects the reproductive value of sons and daughters differently, parents are expected to increase their fitness by changing the offspring sex ratio during the course of the breeding season. Previous studies have shown that in great tits Parus major hatching date has a stronger effect on the fitness of juvenile males than on that of juvenile females. We tested whether this difference was reflected in a seasonal decline in the proportion of sons per breeding attempt. Although offspring sex ratio was more variable than would be expected from a binomial distribution, there was no significant relationship between the proportion of sons and the laying date of the clutch. Moreover, individual females did not adjust the sex ratio of their offspring following an experimental delay of breeding. This study therefore fails to demonstrate adaptive seasonal variation in great tit offspring sex ratios. [source]

Breeding success in Blue Tits: good territories or good parents?

Robert Przybylo
Territorial quality and parental quality are usually assumed to be the main sources of variation in the reproductive success of passerine birds. To evaluate their relative importance for variation in breeding time (itself an important factor for breeding success), clutch size and offspring condition at fledging, we analysed six years of data from a Blue Tit Parus caeruleus population breeding on the island of Gotland, Sweden. Hatching dates and the condition of offspring were consistent for territories between years and accounted for 30% and 33% of the variation in these variables, respectively. After removing the effect of territory quality, none of the breeding parameters were significantly repeatable for individual females, but offspring condition was repeatable for males, accounting for 28% of variation. For females breeding on the same territory in subsequent seasons (combined effect of individual and territory quality) only hatching date was repeatable (45% of variation accounted for). In males, the combined effect of individual and territory quality was repeatable for offspring condition and accounted for 33% of variation, but this result was only marginally significant. Consistency of the peak frass-fall date for individual frass collectors over the study period suggests that repeatable hatching dates on territories may be related to the relationship between timing of breeding and timing of peak food availability on territories. Our results suggest that territory quality is more important than parental quality for breeding success in the Blue Tit, and that male (but not female) quality makes a considerable contribution to reproductive success. [source]

Mild stress during development affects the phenotype of great tit Parus major nestlings: a challenge experiment

Conditions experienced during early development may affect both adult phenotype and performance later during life. Phenotypic traits may hence be used to indicate past growing conditions and predict future survival probabilities. Relationships between phenotypic markers and future survival are, however, highly heterogeneous, possibly because poor- and high-quality individuals cannot be morphologically discriminated when developing under good environmental conditions. Sub-optimal breeding conditions, in contrast, may unmask poor-quality individuals in a measurable way at the morphological level. We thus predict stronger associations between phenotype and performance under stress. In this field study, we test this hypothesis, experimentally challenging the homeostasis of great tit (Parus major) nestlings by short-term deprivation of parental care, which had no immediate effect on nestling fitness. The experiment was replicated during two subsequent breeding seasons with contrasting ambient weather conditions. Experimental (short-term) stress affected tarsus growth but not residual mass at fledging, whereas ambient (continuous) stress affected residual mass but not tarsus growth. Short-term stress effects on tarsus length and tarsus fluctuating asymmetry were only apparent when ambient conditions were unfavourable. Residual mass and hatching date, but none of the other phenotypic traits, predicted local survival, whereby the strength of the relationship did not vary between both years. Because effects of stress on developmental homeostasis are likely to be trait-specific and condition-dependent, studies on the use of phenotypic markers for individual fitness should integrate multiple traits comprising different levels of developmental complexity. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100, 103,110. [source]

Adaptation of a generalist moth, Operophtera brumata, to variable budburst phenology of host plants

Olli-Pekka Tikkanen
Abstract The adaptation of three allopatric populations of a generalist moth, Operophtera brumata (L.), on two tree species, Prunus padus (L.) and Quercus robur (L.) which represent the extremes of the timing of budburst in spring, was studied in Finland and Sweden. The synchrony of the hatching and budbursting was monitored, and its importance to dispersal and growth of larvae was assessed by rearing cohorts of larvae, whose hatching dates were manipulated, on both hosts. In addition, the realised heritability of the hatching time was estimated. Experimental populations hatched in approximate synchrony with the budburst of their original host species. As a result of the manipulation of the hatching dates of larvae, the growth rates of larvae decreased and the dispersal rates increased on both hosts in relation to the ageing of foliage. The realised heritability of hatching times was rather high (0.63). There were fewer differences in the host use efficiency and behaviour of the experimental populations than in the hatching phenology. The synchrony of hatching with the budburst of the local dominant host plant is probably a result of stabilising selection. [source]

Climatic effects on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of an arctic-nesting goose species

Abstract Climate warming is pronounced in the Arctic and migratory birds are expected to be among the most affected species. We examined the effects of local and regional climatic variations on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica), a migratory species nesting in the Canadian Arctic. We used a long-term dataset based on the monitoring of 5447 nests and the measurements of 19 234 goslings over 16 years (1989,2004) on Bylot Island. About 50% of variation in the reproductive phenology of individuals was explained by spring climatic factors. High mean temperatures and, to a lesser extent, low snow cover in spring were associated with an increase in nest density and early egg-laying and hatching dates. High temperature in spring and high early summer rainfall were positively related to nesting success. These effects may result from a reduction in egg predation rate when the density of nesting geese is high and when increased water availability allows females to stay close to their nest during incubation recesses. Summer brood loss and production of young at the end of the summer increased when values of the summer Arctic Oscillation (AO) index were either very positive (low temperatures) or very negative (high temperatures), indicating that these components of the breeding success were most influenced by the regional summer climate. Gosling mass and size near fledging were reduced in years with high spring temperatures. This effect is likely due to a reduced availability of high quality food in years with early spring, either due to food depletion resulting from high brood density or a mismatch between hatching date of goslings and the timing of the peak of plant quality. Our analysis suggests that climate warming should advance the reproductive phenology of geese, but that high spring temperatures and extreme values of the summer AO index may decrease their reproductive success up to fledging. [source]

Breeding success in Blue Tits: good territories or good parents?

Robert Przybylo
Territorial quality and parental quality are usually assumed to be the main sources of variation in the reproductive success of passerine birds. To evaluate their relative importance for variation in breeding time (itself an important factor for breeding success), clutch size and offspring condition at fledging, we analysed six years of data from a Blue Tit Parus caeruleus population breeding on the island of Gotland, Sweden. Hatching dates and the condition of offspring were consistent for territories between years and accounted for 30% and 33% of the variation in these variables, respectively. After removing the effect of territory quality, none of the breeding parameters were significantly repeatable for individual females, but offspring condition was repeatable for males, accounting for 28% of variation. For females breeding on the same territory in subsequent seasons (combined effect of individual and territory quality) only hatching date was repeatable (45% of variation accounted for). In males, the combined effect of individual and territory quality was repeatable for offspring condition and accounted for 33% of variation, but this result was only marginally significant. Consistency of the peak frass-fall date for individual frass collectors over the study period suggests that repeatable hatching dates on territories may be related to the relationship between timing of breeding and timing of peak food availability on territories. Our results suggest that territory quality is more important than parental quality for breeding success in the Blue Tit, and that male (but not female) quality makes a considerable contribution to reproductive success. [source]