hPa Heights (hpa + height)

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Selected Abstracts

Winter snow depth variability over northern Eurasia in relation to recent atmospheric circulation changes

V. Popova
Abstract Mean snow depth time-series for February (1936,2001) over northern Eurasia (incl. Norway, Finland and the former USSR), interpolated into 5 × 5° grid points, are studied using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. First, five statistically significant rotated PCs are correlated to Northern Hemisphere (NH) teleconnection patterns at the 700 hPa height: North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Polar-Eurasia (Pol), Pacific-North American (PNA), West Pacific (WP), and Scandinavia (Scand). The impact of the NH circulation modes on snow depth variations is evaluated using the multiple stepwise backward regression (MSBR). Analyses of the snow depth PCs indicate that within the northern Eurasia territory, there are several regions with snow accumulation, respondent to certain circulation modes. PC1 describes low-frequency snow depth variation to the north from 55 to 60°N between the White Sea and the Lena river basin, and is positively correlated with NAO and negatively,with Scand. MSBR shows that in 1951,1974 the leading role in snow depth variability belongs to Scand. After 1975, Scand has passed over the leading role to NAO. Scand and NAO are also responsible for the surface air temperature changes over the northern Eurasia. Snow depth PC1 and wintertime temperature are closely related to each other. PC2 describes quasi-decadal snow depth variability over eastern Europe and is negatively correlated with NAO. For the Baltic and White Sea coasts, Fennoscandia, and the center of the East European plain, decrease of snow accumulation, related to a positive NAO phase, seems to be caused by mild winters. For the southwestern and central regions of eastern Europe, negative snow depth anomalies could also be caused by decrease of precipitation associated with the eastward shift of cyclone tracks related to the positive NAO phase. Two regions, where snow depth variations are described by PC1 and PC2, respectively, reveal the border between the opposite recent tendencies of snow accumulation. Copyright © 2007 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Precipitation characteristics of the Eurasian Arctic drainage system

Mark C. Serreze
Abstract This study examines characteristics of precipitation over the major watersheds of the Eurasian Arctic drainage system over the period 1960,92. In addition to the Ob, Yenisey and Lena (the three largest drainage systems), we examine the combined Kolyma,Indigirka in eastern Eurasia. Each basin exhibits approximately symmetric mean annual cycles of monthly total precipitation and daily event size, with winter minima and July maxima. These are strikingly similar to the annual cycles of total column water vapour (precipitable water), which fundamentally reflects the control on saturation vapour pressure by temperature. Effective precipitation mechanisms exist in all seasons. However, because of the long distance from strong moisture sources (continentality), precipitation tends to follow the seasonality in column water vapour. An effective contrast is presented for the Iceland sector. Here, the annual cycle of precipitation is tied not to the seasonality in column water vapour, but to the stronger precipitation-generating mechanisms in winter. Hence, the annual cycles of precipitation and column water vapour in this region oppose each other. Mean winter precipitation over the Eurasian watersheds is primarily driven by a modest convergence of water vapour. Whereas precipitation peaks in summer, the mean flux convergence exhibits a general minimum (negative in the Ob). Summer precipitation is hence primarily associated with surface evaporation. A strong role of convection is supported from consideration of static stability, the fairly weak spatial organization of precipitation totals and results from prior studies. On daily time scales, the largest basin-averaged precipitation events, for both summer and winter, are allied with synoptic-scale forcing. This is seen in relationships with cyclone frequency, and patterns of 500 hPa height, vertical motion and the 700 hPa vapour flux. The relative frequency of four 500 hPa synoptic types captures the basic time series structures of precipitation. Copyright © 2003 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Medium-range multimodel ensemble combination and calibration

Christine Johnson
Abstract As part of its contribution to The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment (THORPEX), the Met Office has developed a global, 15 day multimodel ensemble. The multimodel ensemble combines ensembles from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Met Office and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and is calibrated to give further improvements. The ensemble post-processing includes bias correction, model-dependent weights and variance adjustment, all of which are based on linear-filter estimates using past forecast-verification pairs, calculated separately for each grid point and forecast lead time. Verification shows that the multimodel ensemble gives an improvement in comparison with a calibrated single-model ensemble, particularly for surface temperature. However, the benefits are smaller for mean-sea-level pressure (mslp) and 500 hPa height. This is attributed to the higher degree of forecast-error similarity between the component ensembles for mslp and 500 hPa height than for temperature. The results also show only small improvements from the use of the model-dependent weights and the variance adjustment. This is because the component ensembles have similar levels of skill, and the multimodel ensemble variance is already generally well calibrated. In conclusion, we demonstrate that the multimodel ensemble does give benefit over a single-model ensemble. However, as expected, the benefits are small if the ensembles are similar to each other and further post-processing gives only relatively small improvements. © Crown Copyright 2009. Reproduced with the permission of HMSO. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. [source]

The economic value of ensemble forecasts as a tool for risk assessment: From days to decades

T. N. Palmer
Abstract Despite the revolutionary development of numerical weather and climate prediction (NWCP) in the second half of the last century, quantitative interaction between model developers and forecast customers has been rather limited. This is apparent in the diverse ways in which weather forecasts are assessed by these two groups: root-mean-square error of 500 hPa height on the one hand; pounds, euros or dollars saved on the other. These differences of approach are changing with the development of ensemble forecasting. Ensemble forecasts provide a qualitative tool for the assessment of weather and climate risk for a range of user applications, and on a range of time-scales, from days to decades. Examples of the commercial application of ensemble forecasting, from electricity generation, ship routeing, pollution modelling, weather-risk finance, disease prediction and crop yield modelling, are shown from all these time-scales. A generic user decision model is described that allows one to assess the potential economic value of numerical weather and climate forecasts for a range of customers. Using this, it is possible to relate analytically, potential economic value to conventional meteorological skill scores. A generalized meteorological measure of forecast skill is proposed which takes the distribution of customers into account. It is suggested that when customers' exposure to weather or climate risk can be quantified, such more generalized measures of skill should be used in assessing the performance of an operational NWCP system. Copyright © 2002 Royal Meteorological Society. [source]

Time variations of the effects of circulation variability modes on European temperature and precipitation in winter

Romana Beranová
Abstract Five modes of variability are identified in winter monthly mean 500 hPa heights over the Euro-Atlantic sector by rotated principal component analysis. Time variations of the effects of the modes on temperature and precipitation at more than 100 European stations are examined for period 1958,1998. Time variations are investigated by running correlations with the 15-year window. At most of the stations, the correlations with circulation patterns vary considerably in time, both for temperature and precipitation. The spatial structure of the variations is assessed by cluster analysis of time variations of correlations. The groupings together with changes in the intensity and position of the circulation modes suggest possible mechanisms of the time variations in the circulation-to-climate effects. Copyright © 2007 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Impact of global warming on ENSO variability using the coupled giss GCM/ZC model

Dr. Timothy Eichler Research Scientist
Abstract This study uses a hybrid coupled model (referred to as the general-circulation model (GCM)/Zebiak/Cane (ZC) model), which consists of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies' (GISS) Atmospheric general-circulation model (AGCM) coupled to the oceanic component of the ZC intermediate model to assess the impact of global warming on El Niño behavior, with and without the influence of heat introduced from the subtropical Pacific (via subtropical cell (STC) pathway). The baseline GCM/ZC model produces El Niño variability with a two year periodicity and an amplitude of approximately half the magnitude of observed El Niño. The GCM/ZC model also produces an appropriate atmospheric global response to El Niño/southern oscillation (ENSO) as shown by composites of 500 hPa heights, sea-level pressure (SLP), 200 hPa wind, and precipitation during El Niño and La Niña periods. To evaluate the importance of global warming on ENSO variability, 2× CO2 and 4× CO2 transient simulations were done increasing the atmospheric CO2 one percent per year, then extending the runs for an additional 70 years to obtain equilibrium climates for each run. An additional set of global-warming simulations was run after including a STC parameterization generated by computing 5-year running means of the sea-surface temperature (SST) difference between a transient run and the 1× CO2 GCM/ZC run at the anticipated subduction zones (160,130°W, 20,40°N and 20,44°S, 160,130°W) and adding it to the base of the equatorial mixed-layer of the ZC model with a time lag of 15 years. This effectively alters the vertical temperature gradient of the ZC model, which affects SST via upwelling. Two features of the GCM/ZC response to global warming are emphasized. Firstly, the inclusion of the STC results in a major redistribution of heat across the equatorial Pacific, leading to an El Niño-like response in the final equilibrium solution with less variability about the mean. The global warming aspect due to the El Niño-like response results in a positive feedback on global warming, which causes a higher global surface-air temperature (SAT) than identical transient simulations without inclusion of the STC. Secondly, including the STC effect produces a far greater magnitude of global ENSO-like impact because of the reduction of, or even the reversal of, the equatorial Pacific longitudinal SST gradient. The implications of such an extreme climate scenario are discussed. Copyright © 2006 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Comparison of various precipitation downscaling methods for the simulation of streamflow in a rainshadow river basin,

Eric P. Salathé Jr
Abstract Global simulations of precipitation from climate models lack sufficient resolution and contain large biases that make them unsuitable for regional studies, such as forcing hydrologic simulations. In this study, the effectiveness of several methods to downscale large-scale precipitation is examined. To facilitate comparisons with observations and to remove uncertainties in other fields, large-scale predictor fields to be downscaled are taken from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction,National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalyses. Three downscaling methods are used: (1): a local scaling of the simulated large-scale precipitation; (2) a modified scaling of simulated precipitation that takes into account the large-scale wind field; and (3) an analogue method with 1000 hPa heights as predictor. A hydrologic model of the Yakima River in central Washington state, USA, is then forced by the three downscaled precipitation datasets. Simulations with the raw large-scale precipitation and gridded observations are also made. Comparisons among these simulated flows reveal the effectiveness of the downscaling methods. The local scaling of the simulated large-scale precipitation is shown to be quite successful and simple to implement. Furthermore, the tuning of the downscaling methods is valid across phases of the Pacific decadal oscillation, suggesting that the methods are applicable to climate-change studies. Copyright © 2003 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

The effect of large-scale circulation on precipitation and streamflow in the Gulf of California continental watershed

Luis Brito-Castillo
Abstract The interannual variability of summer and winter rainfall and streamflow in the Gulf of California continental watershed is compared. Varimax-rotated empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is applied to 15 streamflow series, in the period from 1960 to 1990, and two regions are defined: a central region and a southern region. Results show that in both regions, between 1944 and 1999, the long-term rainfall variability is well explained by the long-term streamflow variability in both seasons, the result being statistically significant at the 95% level. We conclude that regional streamflows in that period are climate driven. This conclusion is reinforced when we show that the large-scale circulation (700 hPa heights) explains: (i) wet and dry conditions in both regions; (ii) conditions of wet and dry years with the same signal of El Niño and La Niña events; and (iii) long-term periods in association with the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO). When the PDO is in its warm phase, summers are likely to be dry with an El Niño event and wet with a La Niña event. In the cool phase of the PDO, summers are influenced by more localized events (i.e. the position of the subtropical continental ridge). In winter, warm and cool phases of the PDO are likely to be associated with wet and dry winters respectively. Copyright © 2003 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Disaggregating climatic trends by classification of circulation patterns

Radan Huth
Abstract The trends in occurrence frequencies of circulation types over Europe and in nine climate variables in the Czech Republic conditioned by the types are examined for period 1949,1980. The circulation types are determined by an objective procedure from daily 500 hPa heights. Both in summer and winter, anticyclonic types have become more frequent at the expense of cyclonic types. The circulation changes are shown to be unrelated to the trends in surface climate elements in summer, whereas in winter, trends in circulation explain a part of the observed warming and strengthening of southerly winds. The trends in climate elements are not uniform among circulation types. In summer, the trend pattern consisting of decreasing maximum and daily mean temperatures, daily temperature range (DTR) and sunshine duration, and increasing cloudiness and relative humidity is observed under the cyclonic types and the types with a well-pronounced jet, but is missing under types with a blocking anticyclone over Europe. Two possible mechanisms causing this trend pattern are proposed: increasing cloudiness, and a process responsible for the reduction of sunshine without a concurrent increase of cloudiness. The latter mechanism can possibly be identified with increasing aerosol concentrations. In winter, the degree of warming is governed by changes in zonal wind. The mechanism of change in DTR seems to vary with elevation: at the lowland station (Prague-Klementinum), the increase in DTR is related to the warming trend, and consequently with zonal wind changes, while at the mountain station (Mile,ovka), the increase in DTR reflects the increase in precipitating clouds. The changes in DTR are related much more to mid-tropospheric circulation than to cloud cover in summer, whereas in winter, cloud cover plays a more important role in affecting DTR trends. Copyright © 2001 Royal Meteorological Society [source]