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Selected AbstractsEffect of Different Crop Densities of Winter Wheat on Recovery of Nitrogen in Crop and Soil within the Growth PeriodJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 3 2001K. Blankenau Previous experiments have shown that, at harvest of winter wheat, recovery of fertilizer N applied in early spring [tillering, Zadok's growth stage (GS) 25] is lower than that of N applied later in the growth period. This can be explained by losses and immobilization of N, which might be higher between GS 25 and stem elongation (GS 31). It was hypothesized that a higher crop density (i.e. more plants per unit area) results in an increased uptake of fertilizer N applied at GS 25, so that less fertilizer N is subject to losses and immobilization. Different crop densities of winter wheat at GS 25 were established by sowing densities of 100 seeds m,2 (Slow), 375 seeds m,2 (Scfp= common farming practice) and 650 seeds m,2 (Shigh) in autumn. The effect of sowing density on crop N uptake and apparent fertilizer N recovery (aFNrec = N in fertilized treatments , N in unfertilized treatments) in crops and soil mineral N (Nmin), as well as on lost and immobilized N (i.e. non-recovered N = N rate , aFNrec), was investigated for two periods after N application at GS 25 [i.e. from GS 25 to 15 days later (GS 25 + 15d), and from GS 25 + 15d to GS 31] and in a third period between GS 31 and harvest (i.e. after second and third N applications). Fertilizer N rates varied at GS 25 (0, 43 and 103 kg N ha,1), GS 31 (0 and 30 kg N ha,1) and ear emergence (0, 30 and 60 kg ha,1). At GS 25 + 15d, non-recovered N was highest (up to 33 kg N ha,1 and up to 74 kg N ha,1 at N rates of 43 and 103 kg N ha,1, respectively) due to low crop N uptake after the first N dressing. Non-recovered N was not affected by sowing density. Re-mineralization during later growth stages indicated that non-recovered N had been immobilized. N uptake rates from the second and third N applications were lowest for Slow, so non-recovered N at harvest was highest for Slow. Although non-recovered N was similar for Scfp and Shigh, the highest grain yields were found at Scfp and N dressings of 43 + 30 + 60 kg N ha,1. This combination of sowing density and N rates was the closest to common farming practice. Grain yields were lower for Shigh than for Scfp, presumably due to high competition between plants for nutrients and water. In conclusion, reducing or increasing sowing density compared to Scfp did not reduce immobilization (and losses) of fertilizer N and did not result in increased fertilizer N use efficiency or grain yields. Einfluß unterschiedlicher pflanzendichten von Winterweizen auf die Wiederfindung von Stickstoff in Pflanze und Boden während der Vegetationsperiode Aus Wintergetreideversuchen ist bekannt, daß zur Ernte die Wiederfindung von Düngerstickstoff aus der Andüngung (Bestockung, [GS-Skala nach Zadok] GS 25) im Aufwuchs und in mineralischer Form im Boden (Nmin) niedriger ist als die von Düngerstickstoff der Schosser-und Ährengaben. Dies kann auf höhere Verluste bzw. eine höhere Immobilisation von Düngerstickstoff zwischen GS 25 und Schoßbeginn zurückgeführt werden, da hier die N-Aufnahme der Pflanzen im Vergleich zu späteren Wachstumsstadien gering ist. Daraus wurde abgeleitet, daß eine Erhöhung der Pflanzendichte zu einer erhöhten Aufnahme von früh gedüngtem N führen könnte, so daß weniger Dünger-N für Verlust- und Immobilisationsprozesse im Boden verbleibt. Unterschiedliche Pflanzendichten wurden durch unterschiedliche Aussaatstärken im Herbst erreicht (Slow= 100 Körner m,2, Scfp [herkömmliche Praxis]= 375 Körner m,2, Shigh= 650 Körner m,2). In der folgenden Vegetationsperiode wurde der Einfluß der verschiedenen Aussaatstärken auf die N-Aufnahme, die apparente Wiederfindung von Dünger-N (aFNrec = N in gedüngten , N in ungedüngten Prüfgliedern) in Pflanzen und Nmin, sowie auf potentielle Verluste und Immobilisation von Dünger-N (N-Defizit = N-Düngung , aFNrec) für zwei Phasen im Zeitraum zwischen der ersten N-Gabe (GS 25) und der Schossergabe zu GS 31 (d. h. zwischen GS 25 und 15 Tagen später [GS 25 + 15d] und von GS 25 + 15d bis GS 31), sowie zwischen GS 31 und der Ernte (d. h. nach der zweiten und dritten N-Gabe) untersucht. Die N-Düngung variierte zu den Terminen GS 25 (0, 43, 103 kg N ha,1), GS 31 (0, 30 kg N ha,1) und zum Ährenschieben (0, 30, 60 kg N ha,1). Unabhängig von der Aussaatstärke war das N-Defizit zum Termin GS 25 + 15d am höchsten (bis zu 33 kg N ha,1 und 74 kg N ha,1 bei einer N-Düngung von 43 bzw. 103 kg N ha,1), da die N-Aufnahme durch die Pflanzen während der Bestockungsphase am geringsten war. Das N-Defizit zeigt vornehmlich immobilisierten N an, da zu späteren Terminen eine Re-Mobilisation von N auftrat. Zwischen GS 31 und der Ernte wurden für die Aussaatstärke Slow die geringsten Aufnahmeraten von Düngerstickstoff aus der Schosser- und Ährengabe errechnet, so daß für Slow die höchsten N-Defizitmengen ermittelt wurden. Obwohl die N-Defizitmengen für Scfp und Shigh annähernd gleich waren, wurden bei N-Düngung von 43 + 30 + 60 kg N ha,1 für Scfp die höchsten Kornerträge erzielt. Diese Kombination von Aussaatstärke und N-Düngung kann als praxisüblich bezeichnet werden. Für Shigh wurden vermutlich niedrigere Kornerträge erzielt, weil die Konkurrenz um Nährstoffe und Wasser zwischen den Pflanzen aufgrund der hohen Pflanzendichte am intensivsten war. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluß zu, daß eine Verringerung oder Erhöhung der Pflanzendichte über entsprechende Aussaatstärken nicht zu einer Reduktion der Dünger-N-Immobilisation (oder von N-Verlusten) führt und demnach auch nicht die Dünger-N-Ausnutzung durch die Bestände erhöht wird. [source] Supplemental feeding reduces natural selection in juvenile red deerECOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2002Karoline T. Schmidt In red deer, variation in winter and spring weather conditions encountered by the mothers during pregnancy and during the first year of life are a main determinant for individual life-history as well as population dynamics. We tested the hypothesis that supplementary feeding which provides constant food supply throughout winter removes the selective pressure of winter harshness on nutrition-mediated phenotypic traits. We analysed cohort variation in body weight in calves in October, before their first winter, and in yearlings in June, after their first winter, in a food-supplemented population in the Eastern Austrian Alps. Over eleven years, cohort body weight varied between years in calves and yearlings. Contrary to studies on non-supplemented red deer populations we found neither short- nor long-term effects of winter weather on body weight. In calves, autumn body weight was negatively related to April,May and June temperatures, suggesting that cool weather during the main growth period retarded plant senescence and thereby prolonged the period of high protein content of summer forage. In yearlings, variation in June body weight, shortly after the end of the feeding period, was lower after a wet April,May, suggesting a negative effect of a prolonged period of supplemental feeding. For both calves and yearlings intra-cohort variation in body weight was higher, inter-cohort variation was lower as compared to non-supplemented red deer, suggesting that in their first year of life supplemented red deer are under reduced natural selection pressure. [source] Total population density during the first year of life as a major determinant of lifetime body-length trajectory in marble troutECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH, Issue 4 2008S. Vincenzi Abstract,,, The conditions experienced early in life can strongly influence life-history trajectories in a variety of animal species. Here, we use data from four isolated populations of the endangered stream-dwelling salmonid marble trout (Salmo marmoratus Cuvier 1817) living in the Soca and Idrijca river basins (Slovenia) to explore the influence of the total density experienced during and after the first year of life by marble trout year-classes on body length of marble trout through the lifetime. Analyses were performed by pooling together the stream-specific datasets to cover a wider range of densities. Mean body length of marble trout year-classes through the lifetime (from age 1+ to 5+) was negatively related to total density of marble trout during the first year of life. The relationship between density during the first growth period and body length through the lifetime was well described by negative power curves. Total population density after the first year of life was not correlated with body length, thus suggesting that body growth trajectories are heavily determined early in life. Given size-dependent sexual maturity and egg production in marble trout, the relationship between density early in life and lifetime individual growth may have strong implications in terms of population dynamics and regulation of population size. [source] Non-invasive longitudinal assessment of facial growth in children and adolescents with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasiaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES, Issue 4 2008Claudia Dellavia Facial growth patterns in 12 subjects (six boys and six girls) with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) were analyzed and compared with facial growth patterns obtained in healthy reference peers. All subjects with HED were aged 7 yr (mean age ± standard deviation: 7.08 ± 0.41 yr) at the first examination and 14 yr (mean age ± standard deviation: 14.56 ± 0.34 yr) at the last examination. In each subject, the three-dimensional coordinates of facial landmarks were collected non-invasively at eight subsequent years. The volumes of forehead, nose, maxilla and mandible, upper lips, and lower lips were estimated. For each facial volume, differential values between different time points were calculated individually, separately for the ,childhood' (7,10 yr) and the ,adolescence' (11,14 yr) growth period in both HED and reference subjects. Children and adolescents with HED had a slightly reduced global facial growth in comparison with normal reference peers. The peak mandibular and maxillary development was delayed by approximately 2 yr towards later adolescence. The present non-invasive system seems to be useful for studying longitudinal changes of facial growth in healthy and syndromic subjects. [source] Incorporating life histories and diet quality in stable isotope interpretations of crustacean zooplanktonFRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 7 2008MARC VENTURA Summary 1. Stable isotope studies have been extremely useful for improving general food web descriptions due to their ability to simultaneously summarize complex trophic networks and track the energy flow through them. However, when considering trophic relationships involving only two or few species, application of general isotopic interpretations based on average fractionation values may easily lead to misleading conclusions. In these cases a more accurate consideration of the current processes involved in the isotopic fractionation should be considered. 2. We investigated the trophic relationships of the crustacean zooplankton assemblage in an alpine lake (Lake Redon, Pyrenees) by means of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen and applied information on their life history and biochemical composition in the interpretation. 3. The three species occurring in the lake had distinct isotopic signatures: the two copepod species (the cyclopoid Cyclops abyssorum and the calanoid Diaptomus cyaneus) had higher nitrogen isotopic composition than the cladoceran (Daphnia pulicaria), indicative of a higher trophic position of the two copepods. Most intra-specific isotopic variability was associated with growth, while the effect of metabolic turnover was negligible. The effects of changes in the proportion of lipids was restricted to the adults of the two copepods. 4. Daphnia Juveniles showed ontogenetic shifts in their carbon, and nitrogen isotopic composition. Cyclops copepodites only showed changes in carbon isotopic composition. These isotopic shifts with changes in size were the result of: (i) the prevalence of growth over metabolic turnover as the main factor for isotopic variability and (ii) feeding, during the growth period, on isotopically depleted food in the case of Daphnia, and on isotopically enriched food in the case of Cyclops. 5. The carbon isotopic variation in Cyclops juveniles could be explained by fitting an isotopic growth model that considered that they fed entirely on Daphnia. However this was not the case for nitrogen isotopic variability. Cyclops nitrogen isotopic composition variation and the Cyclops to Daphnia nitrogen isotopic enrichment were closely correlated to the quantity of Daphnia protein and to the dissimilarity in the essential amino acid composition between the two species, which can be interpreted as an indication of consumer nitrogen limitation. [source] Reproductive traits of stream-dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta in contrasting neighbouring rivers of central SpainFRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 8 2002G. G. NICOLA 1.,Reproductive traits were studied in seven wild populations of resident brown trout in Spain. We examined whether growth, and certain environmental conditions such as water temperature or food abundance, could explain interpopulation variation in the reproductive characters. 2.,The results indicated that nearby populations subjected to a wide variation in environmental conditions exhibited a similar reproductive performance. 3.,Age distributions and sex ratios were not significantly different among populations. Age ranged from 0+ to 4+ years but the populations were dominated by the 0+ to 2+ groups. In all rivers females matured at age 2+ as opposed to age 1+ and 2+ for males. Mean length at the end of the growth period differed significantly among populations. However, annual growth rate was similar among rivers and was not significantly correlated with either biomass of the benthos or water temperature during the growth season. 4.,Reproductive effort, body condition, fecundity and egg size did not correlate significantly with either the abundance of benthic invertebrates or water temperature. Once the effect of body length on both egg size and number was removed, a significant negative correlation was found between these two traits among populations. [source] Last-century changes of alpine grassland water-use efficiency: a reconstruction through carbon isotope analysis of a time-series of Capra ibex hornsGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2010INÊS C. R. BARBOSA Abstract The ecophysiological response of an alpine grassland to recent climate change and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration was investigated with a new strategy to go back in time: using a time-series of Capra ibex horns as archives of the alpine grasslands' carbon isotope discrimination (13,). From the collection of the Natural History Museum of Bern, horns of 24 males from the population of the Augstmatthorn,Brienzer Rothorn mountains, Switzerland, were sampled covering the period from 1938 to 2006. Samples were taken from the beginning of each year-ring of the horns, representing the beginning of the horn growth period, the spring. The horns' carbon 13C content (,13C) declined together with that of atmospheric CO2 over the 69-year period, but 13, increased slightly (+0.4,), though significantly (P<0.05), over the observation period. Estimated intercellular CO2 concentration increased (+56 ,mol mol,1) less than the atmospheric CO2 concentration (+81 ,mol mol,1), so that intrinsic water-use efficiency increased by 17.8% during the 69-year period. However, the atmospheric evaporative demand at the site increased by approximately 0.1 kPa between 1955 and 2006, thus counteracting the improvement of intrinsic water-use efficiency. As a result, instantaneous water-use efficiency did not change. The observed changes in intrinsic water-use efficiency were in the same range as those of trees (as reported by others), indicating that leaf-level control of water-use efficiency of grassland and forests followed the same principles. This is the first reconstruction of the water-use efficiency response of a natural grassland ecosystem to last century CO2 and climatic changes. The results indicate that the alpine grassland community has responded to climate change by improving the physiological control of carbon gain to water loss, following the increases in atmospheric CO2 and evaporative demand. But, effective leaf-level water-use efficiency has remained unchanged. [source] The growth respiration component in eddy CO2 flux from a Quercus ilex mediterranean forestGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 9 2004S. Rambal Abstract Ecosystem respiration, arising from soil decomposition as well as from plant maintenance and growth, has been shown to be the most important component of carbon exchange in most terrestrial ecosystems. The goal of this study was to estimate the growth component of whole-ecosystem respiration in a Mediterranean evergreen oak (Quercus ilex) forest over the course of 3 years. Ecosystem respiration (Reco) was determined from night-time carbon dioxide flux (Fc) using eddy correlation when friction velocity (u*) was greater than 0.35 m s,1 We postulated that growth respiration could be evaluated as a residual after removing modeled base Reco from whole-ecosystem Reco during periods when growth was most likely occurring. We observed that the model deviated from the night-time Fc -based Reco during the period from early February to early July with the largest discrepancies occurring at the end of May, coinciding with budburst when active aboveground growth and radial growth increment are greatest. The highest growth respiration rates were observed in 2001 with daily fluxes reaching up to 4 g C m,2. The cumulative growth respiration for the entire growth period gave total carbon losses of 170, 208, and 142 g C m,2 for 1999, 2001, and 2002, respectively. Biochemical analysis of soluble carbohydrates, starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, proteins, lignin, and lipids for leaves and stems allowed calculation of the total construction costs of the different growth components, which yielded values of 154, 200, and 150 g C for 3 years, respectively, corresponding well to estimated growth respiration. Estimates of both leaf and stem growth showed very large interannual variation, although average growth respiration coefficients and average yield of growth processes were fairly constant over the 3 years and close to literature values. The time course of the growth respiration may be explained by the growth pattern of leaves and stems and by cambial activity. This approach has potential applications for interpreting the effects of climate variation, disturbances, and management practices on growth and ecosystem respiration. [source] Water fluxes at a fluctuating water table and groundwater contributions to wheat water use in the lower Yellow River flood plain, ChinaHYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, Issue 6 2007Jianfeng Yang Abstract Capillary upflow from and deep percolation to a water table may be important in crop water supply in irrigated areas of the lower Yellow River flood plain, north China. These fluxes at the water table and the variations of the capillary upflow in relation to crop evapotranspiration need to be investigated to quantify the effect of a water table on soil water balance and to improve agricultural water management. A large weighing lysimeter was used to determine daily crop evapotranspiration, daily capillary upflow from and daily percolation to a fluctuating water table during a rotation period with wheat growing in a dry season and maize in a rainy season. The water table depth varied in the range 0·7,2·3 m during the maize growth period and 1·6,2·4 m during the wheat growth period. Experimental results showed that the capillary upflow and the percolation were significant components of the soil water balance. Three distinctly different phases for the water fluxes at the water table were observed through the rotation period: water downward period, the period of no or small water fluxes, and water upward period. It implied that the temporal pattern of these water fluxes at the water table was intimately associated with the temporal distribution of rainfall through the rotation period. An empirical equation was determined to estimate the capillary upflow in relation to wheat evapotranspiration and root zone soil water content for local irrigation scheduling. Coupled with the FAO-Penman,Monteith equation, the equation offers a fast and low cost solution to assess the effect of capillary upflow from a water table on wheat water use. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Two millennia of male stature development and population health and wealth in the Low CountriesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY, Issue 4 2005G. J. R. MaatArticle first published online: 5 AUG 200 Abstract This paper offers a review of shifts in average male stature and their relationship with health and wealth in the Low Countries from AD 50 to 1997. Twenty-one population samples were studied to cover the full time span. To make data compatible, so-called ,virtual statures' were used, i.e. the statures which adult males were supposed to have had at the end of their growth period, before they started shrinking by ageing. Original data were extracted from ,in situ measured statures', ,calculated statures' and ,corrected cadaveric statures'. If possible, maximum femoral lengths were also collected from the same population samples to check whether trends in stature development were in agreement with raw skeletal data. A long phase of stature decrease from ca. 176,cm to 166,cm, a so-called ,negative secular trend', was noticed from the Roman Period up to and including the first half of the 19th century. This was followed by a sharp and still ongoing increase in stature to 184,cm, a typical ,positive secular trend', from the second half of the 19th century to the present time. General shifts in stature and ,outliers' illustrative for the process are viewed in the context of socio-economic, demographic, health and nutritional factors. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Heat Shock Protein in Developing Grains in Relation to Thermotolerance for Grain Growth in WheatJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 1 2010P. Sharma-Natu Abstract Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cvs DL 153-2 and HD 2285 (relatively tolerant), HD 2329 and WH 542 (relatively susceptible), were grown under normal (27 November) and late (28 December) sown conditions. In another experiment, these cultivars were grown under normal sowing and at anthesis stage, they were transferred to control (C) and heated (H) open top chambers (OTCs). Under late sowing, wheat cultivars were exposed to a mean maximum temperature of up to 3.6 °C higher than normal sowing and in H-OTCs, mean maximum temperature was 3.2 °C higher than C-OTCs during grain growth period. Heat susceptibility index (S) for grain growth and grain yield was determined at maturity in both the experiments. The level of heat shock protein (HSP 18) in the developing grains was determined in C- and H-OTC grown plants and in normal and late sown plants by Western blot analysis. The moderately high temperature exposure increased the accumulation of HSP 18 in the developing grains. The relatively tolerant cultivars, as also revealed from S, showed a greater increase in HSP 18 compared with susceptible types in response to moderate heat stress. An association of HSP 18 with thermotolerance for grain growth in wheat was indicated. [source] Effect of Altitude on Energy Exchange Characteristics of Some Alpine Medicinal Crops from Central HimalayasJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 1 2004S. Chandra Abstract To explore the conservation and cultivation of endangered alpine medicinal crops at comparatively lower altitudes, a study on variations in morphological parameters and energy exchange characteristics was conducted on five herbaceous medicinal crops from the alpines of Central Himalayas. Plants of same age were selected from the alpine medicinal crop nursery, Tungnath (3600 m), and were planted at the nurseries at 2100 and 550 m altitudes. After well acclimatization at lower altitudes, plants were examined for morphological and energy exchange studies during their active growth period. The energy balance sheet of these plant species indicates that most of the energy absorbed by the leaves dissipates by re-radiation, transpiration and thermal conductance across leaf surfaces. All species maintained leaf temperature below the surrounding air temperature at all altitudes and therefore gained energy by convection of heat as well as by boundary layer thermal conduction. Leaf-to-air temperature difference, gain of energy by convection of heat and boundary layer thermal conduction was maximum at an altitude of 2100 m in all the species. Boundary layer thermal conductivity, boundary layer thickness, thermal conductivity of the leaf and therefore, total energy absorbed by the leaves of these species increase significantly with decreasing altitude. Leaf thickness significantly decreases with decreasing altitude, which in turn enhances total energy absorption (r = ,0.975, P < 0.005) of the leaves in all the species. The results indicate that all these species absorb higher amount of energy at lower altitudes, which indicates their adaptability to warm temperatures at low altitudes (up to 550 m). Therefore, these species can be cultivated at relatively lower altitudes. However, a proper agronomic methodology needs to be developed for better yields. [source] Strategies to Improve the Use Efficiency of Mineral Fertilizer Nitrogen Applied to Winter WheatJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 3 2002K. Blankenau Recovery of fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to winter wheat crops at tillering in spring is lower than that of N applied at later growth stages because of higher losses and immobilization of N. Two strategies to reduce early N losses and N immobilization and to increase N availability for winter wheat, which should result in an improved N use efficiency (= higher N uptake and/or increased yield per unit fertilizer N), were evaluated. First, 16 winter wheat trials (eight sites in each of 1996 and 1997) were conducted to investigate the effects of reduced and increased N application rates at tillering and stem elongation, respectively, on yield and N uptake of grain. In treatment 90-70-60 (90 kg N ha,1 at tillering, 70 kg N ha,1 at stem elongation and 60 kg N ha,1 at ear emergence), the average values for grain yield and grain N removal were up to 3.1 and 5.0 % higher than in treatment 120-40-60, reflecting conventional fertilizer practice. Higher grain N removal for the treatment with reduced N rates at tillering, 90-70-60, was attributed to lower N immobilization (and N losses), which increased fertilizer N availability. Secondly, as microorganisms prefer NH4+ to NO3, for N immobilization, higher net N immobilization would be expected after application of the ammonium-N form. In a pot experiment, net N immobilization was higher and dry matter yields and crop N contents at harvest were lower with ammonium (ammonium sulphate + nitrification inhibitor Dicyandiamide) than with nitrate (calcium nitrate) nutrition. Five field trials were then conducted to compare calcium nitrate (CN) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) nutrition at tillering, followed by two CAN applications for both treatments. At harvest, crop N and grain yield were higher in the CN than in the CAN treatment at each N supply level. In conclusion, fertilizer N use efficiency in winter wheat can be improved if N availability to the crops is increased as a result of reduced N immobilization (and N losses) early in the growth period. N application systems could be modified towards strategies with lower N applications at tillering compensated by higher N dressing applications later. An additional advantage is expected to result from use of nitrate-N fertilizers at tillering. Strategien zur Verbesserung der Effizienz von Düngerstickstoff in Winterweizen Aus früheren Versuchen mit Winterweizen ist bekannt, daß zur Ernte die Wiederfindung von im Frühjahr zur Bestokkung gedüngtem Stickstoff (N) geringer ist, als die von N aus Spätgaben. Die Ursachen liegen in einer höheren mikrobiell-bedingten Netto-N-Immobilisation, aber auch N-Verlusten zwischen Bestockung und Schoßbeginn im Vergleich zu späteren Wachstumstadien begründet. In den vorliegenden Versuchen wurden zwei Strategien getestet, um insbesondere die früh in der Vegetation auftretende Netto-N-Immobilisation zu vermindern. Die dadurch erwartete erhöhte N-Verfügbarkeit sollte zu einer erhöhten N-Effizienz (höherer N-Entzug/Ertrag bezogen auf die N-Düngung) führen. 1996 und 1997 wurden jeweils 8 Feldversuche mit Winterweizen durchgeführt, um den Einfluß einer reduzierten Andüngung bei gleichzeitig erhöhter Schossergabe im Vergleich zur konventionellen N-Düngung zu untersuchen. Tatsächlich wurden in dem Prüfglied 90-70-60 (N-Sollwertdüngung: 90 kg N ha,1, Schossergabe: 70 kg N ha,1, Ährengabe: 60 kg N ha,1) im Mittel bis zu 3.1 % höhere Erträge und 5.0 % höhere N-Abfuhren mit dem Korn im Vergleich zur konventionellen Variante 120-40-60 (N-Sollwertdüngung: 120 kg N ha,1, Schossergabe: 40 kg N ha,1 und Ährengabe: 60 kg N ha,1) erzielt. Die höhere N-Abfuhr kann auf eine erhöhte N-Verfügbarkeit infolge geringerer mikrobieller N-Festlegung zurückgeführt werden. Da die vornehmlich heterotrophen Bodenmikroorganismen bevorzugt NH4+ gegenüber NO3, immobilisieren, kann eine höhere N-Immobilisation bei Ammonium-Düngung erwartet werden. Tatsächlich wurden in einem Gefäßversuch nach Düngung von Ammoniumsulfat (+ Nitrifikationshemmer Dicyandiamid) geringere Trokkenmasseerträge und N-Aufnahmen von Weizenpflanzen erzielt als mit Calciumnitrat. Für die Ammoniumsulfatvariante ergab sich eine höhere Netto-N-Immobilisation. Danach wurde in fünf Feldversuchen mit Winterweizen der Einfluß einer Andüngung mit Nitrat (Calciumnitrat) im Vergleich zur Verwendung des ammoniumhaltigen Kalkammonsalpeters (KAS) auf die N-Aufnahme und den Kornertrag untersucht (beide Varianten erhielten KAS als Spätgaben). In der nitratangedüngten Variante wurden zum Teil signifikant höhere Ertäge und N-Aufnahmen in Korn und Stroh ermittelt. Aus den dargestellten Versuchen kann gefolgert werden, daß die Düngerstickstoff-Effizienz verbessert werden kann, wenn vor allem die N-Immobilisation (und eventuell auch N-Verluste) in frühen Wachstumsstadien zwischen Bestockung und Schoßbeginn verringert und so die N-Verfügbarkeit erhöht wird. Es kann empfohlen werden Winterweizenbestände mit geringeren N-Mengen , als nach N-Sollwert 120 kg N ha,1 vorgesehen , anzudüngen und die Schossergabe entsprechend zu erhöhen. Die Verwendung von nitrathaltigen Düngern bei der Andüngung ist von Vorteil. [source] Effect of Different Crop Densities of Winter Wheat on Recovery of Nitrogen in Crop and Soil within the Growth PeriodJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 3 2001K. Blankenau Previous experiments have shown that, at harvest of winter wheat, recovery of fertilizer N applied in early spring [tillering, Zadok's growth stage (GS) 25] is lower than that of N applied later in the growth period. This can be explained by losses and immobilization of N, which might be higher between GS 25 and stem elongation (GS 31). It was hypothesized that a higher crop density (i.e. more plants per unit area) results in an increased uptake of fertilizer N applied at GS 25, so that less fertilizer N is subject to losses and immobilization. Different crop densities of winter wheat at GS 25 were established by sowing densities of 100 seeds m,2 (Slow), 375 seeds m,2 (Scfp= common farming practice) and 650 seeds m,2 (Shigh) in autumn. The effect of sowing density on crop N uptake and apparent fertilizer N recovery (aFNrec = N in fertilized treatments , N in unfertilized treatments) in crops and soil mineral N (Nmin), as well as on lost and immobilized N (i.e. non-recovered N = N rate , aFNrec), was investigated for two periods after N application at GS 25 [i.e. from GS 25 to 15 days later (GS 25 + 15d), and from GS 25 + 15d to GS 31] and in a third period between GS 31 and harvest (i.e. after second and third N applications). Fertilizer N rates varied at GS 25 (0, 43 and 103 kg N ha,1), GS 31 (0 and 30 kg N ha,1) and ear emergence (0, 30 and 60 kg ha,1). At GS 25 + 15d, non-recovered N was highest (up to 33 kg N ha,1 and up to 74 kg N ha,1 at N rates of 43 and 103 kg N ha,1, respectively) due to low crop N uptake after the first N dressing. Non-recovered N was not affected by sowing density. Re-mineralization during later growth stages indicated that non-recovered N had been immobilized. N uptake rates from the second and third N applications were lowest for Slow, so non-recovered N at harvest was highest for Slow. Although non-recovered N was similar for Scfp and Shigh, the highest grain yields were found at Scfp and N dressings of 43 + 30 + 60 kg N ha,1. This combination of sowing density and N rates was the closest to common farming practice. Grain yields were lower for Shigh than for Scfp, presumably due to high competition between plants for nutrients and water. In conclusion, reducing or increasing sowing density compared to Scfp did not reduce immobilization (and losses) of fertilizer N and did not result in increased fertilizer N use efficiency or grain yields. Einfluß unterschiedlicher pflanzendichten von Winterweizen auf die Wiederfindung von Stickstoff in Pflanze und Boden während der Vegetationsperiode Aus Wintergetreideversuchen ist bekannt, daß zur Ernte die Wiederfindung von Düngerstickstoff aus der Andüngung (Bestockung, [GS-Skala nach Zadok] GS 25) im Aufwuchs und in mineralischer Form im Boden (Nmin) niedriger ist als die von Düngerstickstoff der Schosser-und Ährengaben. Dies kann auf höhere Verluste bzw. eine höhere Immobilisation von Düngerstickstoff zwischen GS 25 und Schoßbeginn zurückgeführt werden, da hier die N-Aufnahme der Pflanzen im Vergleich zu späteren Wachstumsstadien gering ist. Daraus wurde abgeleitet, daß eine Erhöhung der Pflanzendichte zu einer erhöhten Aufnahme von früh gedüngtem N führen könnte, so daß weniger Dünger-N für Verlust- und Immobilisationsprozesse im Boden verbleibt. Unterschiedliche Pflanzendichten wurden durch unterschiedliche Aussaatstärken im Herbst erreicht (Slow= 100 Körner m,2, Scfp [herkömmliche Praxis]= 375 Körner m,2, Shigh= 650 Körner m,2). In der folgenden Vegetationsperiode wurde der Einfluß der verschiedenen Aussaatstärken auf die N-Aufnahme, die apparente Wiederfindung von Dünger-N (aFNrec = N in gedüngten , N in ungedüngten Prüfgliedern) in Pflanzen und Nmin, sowie auf potentielle Verluste und Immobilisation von Dünger-N (N-Defizit = N-Düngung , aFNrec) für zwei Phasen im Zeitraum zwischen der ersten N-Gabe (GS 25) und der Schossergabe zu GS 31 (d. h. zwischen GS 25 und 15 Tagen später [GS 25 + 15d] und von GS 25 + 15d bis GS 31), sowie zwischen GS 31 und der Ernte (d. h. nach der zweiten und dritten N-Gabe) untersucht. Die N-Düngung variierte zu den Terminen GS 25 (0, 43, 103 kg N ha,1), GS 31 (0, 30 kg N ha,1) und zum Ährenschieben (0, 30, 60 kg N ha,1). Unabhängig von der Aussaatstärke war das N-Defizit zum Termin GS 25 + 15d am höchsten (bis zu 33 kg N ha,1 und 74 kg N ha,1 bei einer N-Düngung von 43 bzw. 103 kg N ha,1), da die N-Aufnahme durch die Pflanzen während der Bestockungsphase am geringsten war. Das N-Defizit zeigt vornehmlich immobilisierten N an, da zu späteren Terminen eine Re-Mobilisation von N auftrat. Zwischen GS 31 und der Ernte wurden für die Aussaatstärke Slow die geringsten Aufnahmeraten von Düngerstickstoff aus der Schosser- und Ährengabe errechnet, so daß für Slow die höchsten N-Defizitmengen ermittelt wurden. Obwohl die N-Defizitmengen für Scfp und Shigh annähernd gleich waren, wurden bei N-Düngung von 43 + 30 + 60 kg N ha,1 für Scfp die höchsten Kornerträge erzielt. Diese Kombination von Aussaatstärke und N-Düngung kann als praxisüblich bezeichnet werden. Für Shigh wurden vermutlich niedrigere Kornerträge erzielt, weil die Konkurrenz um Nährstoffe und Wasser zwischen den Pflanzen aufgrund der hohen Pflanzendichte am intensivsten war. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluß zu, daß eine Verringerung oder Erhöhung der Pflanzendichte über entsprechende Aussaatstärken nicht zu einer Reduktion der Dünger-N-Immobilisation (oder von N-Verlusten) führt und demnach auch nicht die Dünger-N-Ausnutzung durch die Bestände erhöht wird. [source] Competitive dynamics in two- and three-component intercropsJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2007METTE KLINDT ANDERSEN Summary 1Intercropping is receiving increasing attention because it offers potential advantages for resource utilization, decreased inputs and increased sustainability in crop production, but our understanding of the interactions among intercropped species is still very limited. 2We grew pea Pisum sativum, barley Hordeum vulgare and rape Brassica napus as sole crops and intercrops under field conditions using a replacement design. We collected total dry matter data from sequential harvests and fitted the data to a logistic growth model. At each harvest we estimated the relative Competitive Strength (CS) of the three crops by fitting the data to a simple interspecific competition model. 3The pea monocrop produced the largest amount of biomass from the middle to the end of the growth period, but pea was not dominant in intercrops. 4Fitting data to a logistic growth model emphasizes the importance of initial size differences for interactions among intercrops. Barley was the dominant component of the intercrops largely because of its initial size advantage. The competitive effect of barley on its companion crops, measured as CS, increased throughout most of the growing season. 5The performance of each crop species was very different when it grew with a second species rather than in monoculture, but addition of a third crop species had only minor effects on behaviour of the individual crops. 6Synthesis and applications. Including sequential harvests in experiments on intercropping can provide important information about how competitive hierarchies are established and change over time. Our results suggest that increased understanding of the role of asymmetric competition among species and the resulting advantages of early germination and seedling emergence would be valuable in designing intercrops. More focus on understanding the mechanisms that govern interactions between intercropped species is needed for designing optimized intercropping systems. [source] Effect of trehalose on survival of Bradyrhizobium japonicum during desiccationJOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, Issue 3 2003J.G. Streeter Abstract Aims: A major reason for the ineffectiveness of legume inoculants in the field is the rapid death of rhizobia because of desiccation. The major purpose of this study was to identify conditions under which ,,, -trehalose would improve survival of Bradyrhizobium japonicum during desiccation. Methods and Results: Trehalose was added to cultures just prior to desiccation or was supplied to bacteria during the 6-day growth period. A wide variety of trehalose concentrations was tested. Trehalose added to cultures at the time of desiccation improved survival slightly, but trehalose loading during growth was much more effective in protection against desiccation. Growth of bacteria with 3 mmol l,1 trehalose increased trehalose concentration in cells by about threefold and increased survival of cells placed on soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seeds by two- to four-fold after 2 or 24 h. Average of overall results indicate that growth of bacteria with trehalose in the medium resulted in a 294% increase in survival after 24 h of desiccation. The concentration of trehalose in cells was very highly correlated with survival of bacteria. When trehalose-loaded cells were suspended in buffer or water, 60,85% of cellular trehalose was lost in about 1 h and, in spite of these losses, survival during desiccation was not reduced. Conclusions: Accumulation of trehalose in the cytoplasm is critical to the survival of B. japonicum during desiccation. Increasing the periplasmic concentration of trehalose is also beneficial but is not so critical as the concentration of trehalose in the cytoplasm. Because B. japonicum cannot utilize trehalose as a carbon source, cells can be loaded with trehalose by providing the disaccharide during the growth period. Significance and Impact of the Study: Although it may not be practical to use trehalose as a carbon source in inoculant production, it may be possible to engineer greater trehalose accumulation in rhizobia. Trehalose concentration in cells should be a useful predictor of survival during desiccation. [source] Therapeutic Effects of Anti-FGF23 Antibodies in Hypophosphatemic Rickets/Osteomalacia,,JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, Issue 11 2009Yukiko Aono Abstract X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH), characterized by renal phosphate wasting, is the most common cause of vitamin D-resistant rickets. It has been postulated that some phosphaturic factor plays a causative role in XLH and its murine homolog, the Hyp mouse. Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a physiological phosphaturic factor; its circulatory level is known to be high in most patients with XLH and Hyp mice, suggesting its pathophysiological role in this disease. To test this hypothesis, we treated Hyp mice with anti-FGF23 antibodies to inhibit endogenous FGF23 action. A single injection of the antibodies corrected the hypophosphatemia and inappropriately normal serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. These effects were accompanied by increased expressions of type IIa sodium-phosphate cotransporter and 25-hydroxyvitamin-D-1,-hydroxylase and a suppressed expression of 24-hydroxylase in the kidney. Repeated injections during the growth period ameliorated the rachitic bone phenotypes typically observed in Hyp mice, such as impaired longitudinal elongation, defective mineralization, and abnormal cartilage development. Thus, these results indicate that excess actions of FGF23 underlie hypophosphatemic rickets in Hyp mice and suggest a novel therapeutic potential of the FGF23 antibodies for XLH. [source] Sonoanatomy of the Achilles tendon insertion in childrenJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND, Issue 7 2004Wolfgang Grechenig MD Abstract Purpose The aim of this study was to describe typical age-related sonographic features of the Achilles tendon and calcaneal apophysis in children, providing a reference for the assessment of heel pathologies during the growth period. Methods The calcaneal apophysis and Achilles tendon insertion of 100 children 2 months to 18 years old were examined by high-frequency gray-scale and color Doppler sonography along both the longitudinal and transverse planes. The thicknesses of the apophyseal cartilage at the calcaneal tuberosity and of the Achilles tendon were measured. Also, the sonographic appearance of the bone-cartilage interface was studied. Results In children 2 months to 3 years old, the cartilage of the calcaneal tuberosity apophysis was anechoic, with small scattered echoes. In 19 of these 25 children (76%), the echogenic areas contained at least 1 small vessel, visualized on color Doppler sonography. In 15 of 25 children (60%) 4,6 years old, a wavy interface was noted at the junction of the calcaneus and the apophyseal cartilage. Conclusions High-frequency sonography can yield reliable information about the bone-cartilage interface and the Achilles tendon insertion site at the calcaneal tuberosity in children. The sonographic features of the normal heel described here may contribute to improved assessment of pathologies in this anatomic region. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound 32:338,343, 2004 [source] The influence of first-feeding diet on the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua phenotype: survival, development and long-term consequences for growthJOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2010R. M. Koedijk Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae reached four-fold (at low larval density) to 11 fold higher body mass (high larval density) at 50 days post hatch (dph) when fed zooplankton rather than enriched rotifers. A short period (22,36 dph) of dietary change affected larval growth positively if changed from enriched rotifers to natural zooplankton and negatively if prey type changed vice versa. Overall survival did not differ between the two larval groups at low larval density, but at high density the rotifer group had a higher overall survival (10·8% v. 8·9%). Long-term growth was affected significantly by larval diet in favour of the zooplankton diet; juveniles reached a 23% higher mass in a 12 week growth period. No difference in growth performance was found between juveniles fed natural zooplankton during the larval period for 36, 22 or 14 days, but all these juveniles performed significantly better compared with the rotifer-fed group. These findings suggest that optimal diet during a short period in the larval period can result in improved growth in both the larval and juvenile period. Improved rotifer quality may, therefore, hold a large potential for growth improvement in this species. [source] Seasonal changes of thyroid hormones in field-collected Atlantic cod in relation to condition indices, water temperature and photoperiodJOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2000L. A. Comeau Serum T4 and T3 in wild Atlantic cod Gadus morhua ranged from 1 to 12 ng ml,1 and from 2 to 27 ng ml,1 respectively over a 3-year period. In general, the concentrations increased from summer (T3) or early autumn (T4) to maxima in mid-winter and declined abruptly during spring. The T4/T3 monthly means were lowest in summer and highest in winter. The seasonal patterns of thyroid hormones were weakly correlated with changes in water temperature. However, both T4 and T3 co-varied simultaneously with photoperiod. In addition, T3 was correlated with the hepatosomatic index and condition factor during summer and autumn. It is suggested that the seasonal changes in the release of T4 from the thyroid were photoperioddriven, and that the course of T3 was regulated by the metabolic state of the fish during the somatic growth period. [source] Microbial biomass in arable soils of Germany during the growth period of annual cropsJOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE, Issue 6 2008Rolf Nieder Abstract Results from several field studies involving numerous measurements were used to describe the change of soil microbial biomass C (Cmic) and N (Nmic) during the growth period of annual crops (years 1988,1992, 1994, 1995) under the temperate climatic conditions of central Europe. The data were taken from our own investigations as well as from the literature. Only studies with at least eight measurements on one plot during the growth period were used. The total number of farms (cash crop,production farms) was 7, that of experimental plots was 15. The evaluation of these results through regression analysis demonstrated that Cmic and Nmic from the beginning of a year increased only slightly until summer and subsequently decreased until autumn to their initial levels. This increase on an average corresponded to a C assimilation of approx. 100,kg ha,1 and an N immobilization of approx. 20,kg ha,1 (30,cm),1. The increase in Nmic alone could not explain N immobilization rates frequently observed in different studies using 15N-labeled fertilizers. Most of the labeled N that was immobilized (>50,kg N ha,1) might have accumulated in the matrix of soil organic matter (SOM). Therefore, the changes in microbial biomass may be of less importance for changes in soil N storage as frequently assumed. [source] Soil- and plant-based nitrogen-fertilizer recommendations in arable farmingJOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE, Issue 4 2005Hans-Werner Olfs Abstract Under- as well as overfertilization with nitrogen (N) will result in economic loss for the farmer due to reduced yields and quality of the products. Also from an ecological perspective, it is important that the grower makes the correct decision on how much and when to apply N for a certain crop to minimize impacts on the environment. To aggravate the situation, N is a substance that is present in many compartments in different forms (nitrate, ammonium, organic N, etc.) in the soil-plant environment and takes part in various processes (e.g., mineralization, immobilization, leaching, denitrification, etc.). Today, many N-recommendation systems are mainly based on yield expectation. However, yields are not stable from year to year for a given field. Also the processes that determine the N supply from other sources than fertilizer are not predictable at the start of the growing season. Different methodological approaches are reviewed that have been introduced to improve N-fertilizer recommendations for arable crops. Many soil-based methods have been developed to measure soil mineral N (SMN) that is available for plants at a given sampling date. Soil sampling at the start of the growing period and analyzing for the amount of NO -N (and NH -N) is a widespread approach in Europe and North America. Based on data from field calibrations, the SMN pool is filled up with fertilizer N to a recommended amount. Depending on pre-crop, use of organic manure, or soil characteristics, the recommendation might be modified (±10,50,kg N ha,1). Another set of soil methods has been established to estimate the amount of N that is mineralized from soil organic matter, plant residues, and/or organic manure. From the huge range of methods proposed so far, simple mild extraction procedures have gained most interest, but introduction into practical recommendation schemes has been rather limited. Plant-analytical procedures cover the whole range from quantitative laboratory analysis to semiquantitative "quick" tests carried out in the field. The main idea is that the plant itself is the best indicator for the N supply from any source within the growth period. In-field methods like the nitrate plant sap/petiole test and chlorophyll measurements with hand-held devices or via remote sensing are regarded as most promising, because with these methods an adequate adjustment of the N-fertilizer application strategy within the season is feasible. Prerequisite is a fertilization strategy that is based on several N applications and not on a one-go approach. Boden- und Pflanzenanalyse zur Stickstoff-Düngebedarfsprognose in Ackerkulturen Unter- und Überdüngung mit N führen zu deutlichen ökonomischen Verlusten für Landwirte, da sowohl der Ertrag als auch die Qualität der Erzeugnisse vermindert werden. Auch aus ökologischer Sicht ist die richtige Entscheidung des Anbauers über Höhe und Zeitpunkt der N-Düngung von Bedeutung, um die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt so gering wie möglich zu halten. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass N in sehr vielen Umweltkompartimenten in verschiedenen Bindungsformen (Nitrat, Ammonium, organisch gebundener N) vorkommt und dass N in verschiedenste Umsetzungsprozesse involviert ist (Mineralisation, Immobilisation, Auswaschung, Denitrifikation). Auch heutzutage orientieren sich viele Systeme, die zur N-Düngebedarfsprognose eingesetzt werden, im Wesentlichen an der Ertragserwartung. Dabei ist jedoch zu bedenken, dass weder der Ertrag als von Jahr zu Jahr stabil angesehen werden kann, noch dass die Prozesse, die das bodenbürtige N-Angebot bestimmen, zu Beginn der Vegetationsperiode hinreichend gut vorausgesagt werden können. Daher werden im Folgenden verschiedene methodische Ansätze erläutert, die zur Verbesserung der N-Düngebedarfsprognose für Ackerkulturen geeignet erscheinen. Viele Bodenanalyse-Methoden zielen darauf ab, den mineralischen N-Vorrat des Bodens, der an einem bestimmten Beprobungstermin als pflanzenverfügbarer N vorliegt, zu erfassen. Die Bodenprobeentnahme zu Beginn der Vegetationsperiode und die Bestimmung der Menge an Nitrat (und Ammonium) ist ein in Europa und Nord-Amerika weitverbreiteter Ansatz. Anhand der Daten aus Kalibrierversuchen kann dann abgeleitet werden, wie viel Dünger-N zum Auffüllen des N-Vorrats eingesetzt werden soll. In Abhängigkeit von Vorfrucht, Einsatz von Wirtschaftsdüngern oder weiteren Bodeneigenschaften kann diese Empfehlung modifiziert werden (± 10 bis 50,kg N ha,1). Weitere Bodenuntersuchungsmethoden wurden entwickelt, um die Menge des während der Vegetationszeit aus der organischen Bodensubstanz, aus Ernteresten und/oder aus Wirtschaftsdüngern mineralisierten N zu bestimmen. Obwohl aus der Vielzahl der vorgeschlagenen Methoden einfache "milde" Extraktionsverfahren eine gewisse Bedeutung erlangt haben, werden diese in der Praxis bei der Ermittlung des N-Düngebedarfs als zusätzliche Information nur selten berücksichtigt. Verfahren der Pflanzenanalyse umfassen einen weiten Bereich von quantitativen Laboranalysen bis zu halbquantitativen Schnelltests, die direkt auf dem Acker eingesetzt werden können. Die wesentliche Idee beim Einsatz der Pflanzenanalyse ist die Vorstellung, dass die Pflanze an sich der beste Indikator ist, die N-Verfügbarkeit aus den verschiedenen Quellen gewissermaßen kumulativ innerhalb der Wachstumszeit anzuzeigen. Methoden, die auf dem Acker eingesetzt werden können, wie z.,B. der Nitrat-Pflanzensaft- (oder Blattstiel-)Test sowie die Chlorophyll-Messung mit Handgeräten oder berührungslose Messverfahren haben den klaren Vorteil, dass sie eine schnelle Anpassung der N-Düngestrategie während der Vegetation ermöglichen. Voraussetzung dazu ist allerdings, dass die N-Düngestrategie nicht auf einer Einmal-Applikation beruht, sondern dass die N-Düngermenge auf mehrere Teilgaben verteilt wird. [source] Phenols in spikelets and leaves of field-grown oats (Avena sativa) with different inherent resistance to crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae)JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, Issue 11 2009Lena H Dimberg Abstract BACKGROUND: Avenanthramides, health-beneficial phenols in oats, are produced in response to incompatible races of the crown rust fungus, Puccinia coronata, in seedlings of greenhouse-grown oats. This study aimed to elucidate whether avenanthramides and/or other phenolic compounds, together with the activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), phenoloxidase (PO) and the avenanthramide biosynthetic enzyme hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:hydroxyanthranilate- N -hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HHT), are associated with crown rust infection in mature field-grown oats. Nine oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes with wide variation in crown rust resistance were exposed to naturally occurring fungal spores during the growth period. RESULTS: In the spikelets avenanthramides as well as HHT activities were more abundant in the crown rust resistant genotypes, whereas p -coumaric and caffeic acids were more abundant in the susceptible ones. In the leaves avenanthramides were not associated with resistance. Instead two unknown compounds correlated negatively with the rust score. Phenols released by alkaline hydrolysis and PAL and PO activities were not related to rust infection, either in spikelets or in the leaves. CONCLUSION: Because grains of crown rust-resistant oat genotypes seemed to have higher endogenous levels of health-promoting avenanthramides, use of resistant oats may contribute to a food raw material with health-beneficial effects. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry [source] Replacement of Fish Meal with Soybean Meal in the Production Diets of Juvenile Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanusJOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY, Issue 1 2005D. Allen Davis The replacement of fish meal with soybean meal in fish diets has met with varying degrees of success. Quite often, poor responses to high soybean meal diets are either due to shifts in the nutrient profile or a reduced palatability of the diet when fish meal is removed. The present research was designed to evaluate the replacement of menhaden fish meal with solvent-extracted soybean meal in practical diets containing 10% poultry by-product meal and formulated to contain 40% protein, 8% lipid, and a total sulfur amino acid content of > 3.0% of the protein. The response of red snapper (mean initial weight 10.9 g) to diets containing graded levels of fish meal (30,20, 10, 0%) as well as the response to a low fish meal diet (10%) without poultry by-product meal were evaluated over a 6-wk growth period. Significant (P± 0.05) differences in final mean weight, percent weight gain, and feed conversion were observed. Final weights (percent gain) ranged from 30.9 g (185.5%) for fish offered diets with 30% fish meal to 12.6 g (16.3%) for fish offered diets with 0% fish meal. Corresponding feed conversion efficiencies ranged from 60.1% to 7.7%. No significant differences were observed for survival between treatment means. Although there was a clear reduction in performance as the fish meal was replaced with soybean meal, the use of 10% poultry by-product meal or 10% fish meal resulted in similar performance of the fish. This is a good indication that poultry by-product meal does not have palatability problems and could be used as a substitute. The present findings suggest that replacing fish meal with high levels of soybean meal appears to reduce the palatability of the diet. While the cost reducing benefit, with respect to the replacement of fish meal, has been shown with other species, before high levels of inclusion can be efficiently utilized further research is needed to address the palatability problems observed with red snapper. [source] Environmental limits to the distribution of Scaevola plumieri along the South African coastJOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, Issue 1 2003Craig I. Peter Dyer (1967) Abstract. Scaevola plumieri is an important pioneer on many tropical and subtropical sand dunes, forming a large perennial subterranean plant with only the tips of the branches emerging above accreting sand. In South Africa it is the dominant pioneer on sandy beaches along the east coast, less abundant on the south coast and absent from the southwest and west coasts. Transpiration rates (E) of S. plumieri are predictably related to atmospheric vapour pressure deficit under a wide range of conditions and can therefore be predicted from measurement of ambient temperature and relative humidity. Scaling measurements of E at the leaf level to the canopy level has been demonstrated previously. Using a geographic information system, digital maps of regional climatic variables were used to calculate digital maps of potential transpiration from mean monthly temperature and relative humidity values, effectively scaling canopy level transpiration rates to a regional level. Monthly potential transpiration was subtracted from the monthly median rainfall to produce a map of mean monthly water balance. Seasonal growth was correlated with seasonal water balance. Localities along the coast with water deficits in summer corresponded with the recorded absence of S. plumieri, which grows and reproduces most actively in the summer months. This suggests that reduced water availability during the summer growth period limits the distribution of S. plumieri along the southwest coast, where water deficits develop in summer. Temperature is also important in limiting the distribution of S. plumieri on the southwest coast of South Africa through its effects on the growth and phenology of the plant. [source] Stable isotope dilution analysis of the Fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyldeoxynivalenolMOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH (FORMERLY NAHRUNG/FOOD), Issue 3 2006Michael Bretz Abstract Trichothecenes are secondary metabolites produced by several fungi of the Fusarium genus during their growth period. They inhibit protein biosynthesis in eukaryotic cells resulting in numerous toxic effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, and gastro-intestinal inflammation. Considering its occurrence in food and feedstuff, deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the most important trichothecenes. We report the synthesis of stable isotope labeled 15- d1 -deoxynivalenol (15- d1 -DON) from its natural precursor 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-AcDON) as starting material. Furthermore, a method for the analysis of DON and 3-AcDON using HPLC-MS/MS with stable isotope labeled 15- d1 -DON and 3- d3 -AcDON as internal standards has been developed. In total, 18 cereal product samples were analyzed with contamination levels ranging from 10,301 ,g/kg for DON and 5,14 ,g/kg for 3-AcDON. This is the first report of an isotope dilution MS method for the analysis of type B-trichothecenes. [source] Childhood, adolescence, and longevity: A multilevel model of the evolution of reserve capacity in human life historyAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2009Barry Bogin The grandmother hypothesis (GH) of Hawkes et al. ([1998]: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95: 1336,1339) finds that selection for lower adult mortality and greater longevity allow for the evolution of prolonged growth in human beings. In contrast, other researchers propose that the evolution of the human childhood and adolescent stages of life history prolonged the growth period and allowed for greater biological resilience and longevity compared with apes. In this article, the GH model is reanalyzed using new values for some of its key variables. The original GH set the age at human feeding independence at 2.8 years of age (weaning) and used demographic data from living foragers to estimate average adult lifespan after first birth at 32.9 years. The reanalysis of the GH uses age 7.0 years (end of the childhood stage) as the minimum for human feeding independence and uses data from healthier populations, rather than foragers, to derive an estimate of 48.9 years for average adult life span. Doing so finds that selection operated to first shorten the infancy stage (wean early compared with apes), then prolong the growth period, and finally result in greater longevity. The reanalysis provides a test of the reserve capacity hypothesis as part of a multilevel model of human life history evolution. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source] Reflectance-anisotropy study of the dynamics of molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAs and InGaAs on GaAs (001)PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI (C) - CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, Issue 8 2008J. Ortega-Gallegos Abstract Reflectance-Anisotropy (RA) observations during the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) growth of zincblende semiconductors films were carried out using the E1 optical transition as a probe. We follow the kinetics of the deposition of GaAs and In0.3Ga0.7As on GaAs (001) at growth rates of 0.2 and 0.25 ML/s, respectively. During growth we used a constant As4 or As2 flux pressure of 5× 10,6 Torr. Clear RA-oscillations were observed during growth with a period that nearly coincides with the growth period for a Ga-As bilayer. RHEED was used as an auxiliary technique in order to obtain a correlation between RHEED and RA oscillations. On the basis of our results, we argue that RAS oscillations are mainly associated to periodic changes in surface atomic structure. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source] Effect of Salt Stress on Carbon Metabolism and Bacteroid Respiration in Root Nodules of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2000A. Ferri Abstract: In the present work, we examined the effect of salinity on growth, N fixation and carbon metabolism in the nodule cytosol and bacteroids of Phaseolus vulgaris, and measured the O2 consumption by bacteroids incubated with or without the addition of exogenous respiratory substrates. The aim was to ascertain whether the compounds that accumulate under salt stress can increase bacteroid respiration and whether this capacity changes in response to salinity in root nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris. The plants were grown in a controlled environment chamber, and 50, 100 mM or no NaCl (control) was added to the nutrient solution. Two harvests were made, at the vegetative growth period and at the beginning of the reproductive period. The enzyme activities in the nodule cytosol were reduced by the salt treatments, while in the bacteroid cytosol the enzyme activities increased at high salt concentrations at the first harvest and for ADH in all treatments. The data presented here confirm that succinate and malate are the preferred substrates for bacteroid respiration in common bean, but these bacteroids may also utilize glucose, either in control or under saline conditions. The addition of proline or lactate to the incubation medium significantly raised oxygen consumption in the bacteroids isolated from plants treated with salt. [source] Low temperature effects on photosynthesis and growth of grapevinePLANT CELL & ENVIRONMENT, Issue 7 2004L. HENDRICKSON ABSTRACT Growth and photosynthesis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) planted on two sloping cool climate vineyards were measured during the early growth season. At both vineyards, a small difference in mean minimum air temperature (1,3 °C) between two microsites accumulated over time, producing differences in shoot growth rate. The growth rates of the warmer (upper) microsite were 34,63% higher than the cooler (lower) site. Photosynthesis measurements of both east and west canopy sides revealed that the difference in carbon gain between the warmer and cooler microsites was due to low temperatures restricting the photosynthetic contribution of east-facing leaves. East-facing leaves at the warmer microsite experienced less time at suboptimal temperature while being exposed to high irradiance, contributing to an average 10% greater net carbon gain compared to the east-facing leaves at the cooler microsite. This chilling-induced reduction in photosynthesis was not due to net photo-inhibition. Further analysis revealed that CO2 - and light-saturated photosynthesis of grapevines was restricted by stomatal closure from 15 to 25 °C and by a limitation of RuBP regeneration and/or end-product limitation from 5 to 15 °C. Changes in photosynthetic carboxylation efficiency implied that Rubisco activity may also play a regulatory role at all temperatures. This restriction of total photosynthetic carbon gain is proposed to be a major contributor to the temperature dependence of growth rate at both vineyards during the early season growth period. [source] |