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Selected Abstracts

Reflections on past successes and future challenges: Three perspectives

Liz O'Brien
The executive directors of three community mediation centers were asked to reflect on past successes and future challenges and to consider four questions: How has your center achieved diversification in funding, programs, and referrals, and what have been the benefits and challenges of diversification? What do you consider the greatest challenge in community mediation? How has your center gained credibility and visibility in your community, and what community partnerships helped in that regard? In what directions is your center moving, and what is your center's vision for the next ten years? [source]

Drug misuse and acquisitive crime among clients recruited to the National Treatment Outcome Research Study (NTORS)

Duncan Stewart
Background Criminal activity among drug-misusing populations can result in considerable costs. This paper examines the relationship between acquisitive criminal behaviour and drug use among a cohort of 1075 clients recruited to the National Treatment Outcome Research Study (NTORS). Method Clients were recruited from 54 drug misuse treatment programmes in England. A structured interview was administered by clinical staff. The majority of clients were opiate-dependent poly-drug users. Results 27 000 acquisitive criminal offences were reported by the cohort in the three months prior to starting treatment, of which shoplifting was the most common offence. There was marked variation in the amount of acquisitive crime reported; just 10% of the sample were responsible for three-quarters of the crimes committed. Two other groups were identified: low-rate offenders, and those who did not commit an acquisitive crime. Multivariate analyses revealed that frequency of illicit drug use was associated with increased levels of criminal behaviour. Compared with the no-crime group, the high-rate offenders were 11 times more likely to be regular users of heroin, and three times more likely to have used cocaine regularly. Discussion These findings suggest that the most dependent and problematic drug misusers present treatment services with the greatest challenge in terms of reducing levels of criminality. Copyright © 2000 Whurr Publishers Ltd. [source]

Glandular prediction: the pride and the prejudice

C. Waddell
For the cytologist and clinician alike, glandular lesions pose possibly the greatest challenge in cervical screening. Worldwide, with increasing confidence in cytological prediction, terminology is evolving. In the UK, with the adoption of liquid based methods, the technical aspects of cervical cytology are being addressed, it is now time to standardise our terminology in glandular reporting. Consideration of the cytological complexity, clinical needs and international protocols is essential in this endeavour. [source]

Reconciling traditional inland fisheries management and sustainability in industrialized countries, with emphasis on Europe

Robert Arlinghaus
Abstract In northern industrialized countries, the inland fisheries sector has long been dominated by recreational fisheries, which normally exploit fish for leisure or subsistence and provide many (poorly investigated) benefits to society. Various factors constrain the development and existence of inland fisheries, such as local user conflicts, low social priority and inadequate research and funding. In many cases, however, degradation of the environment and loss of aquatic habitat are the predominant concerns for the sustainability of inland fisheries. The need for concerted effort to prevent and reduce environmental degradation, as well as conservation of freshwater fish and fisheries as renewable common pool resources or entities in their own right is the greatest challenge facing sustainable development of inland waters. In inland fisheries management, the declining quality of the aquatic environment coupled with long-term inadequate and often inappropriate fisheries management has led to an emphasis on enhancement practices, such as stocking, to mitigate anthropogenic stress. However, this is not always the most appropriate management approach. Therefore, there is an urgent need to alter many traditional inland fisheries management practices and systems to focus on sustainable development. This paper reviews the literature regarding the inputs needed for sustainability of inland fisheries in industrialized countries. To understand better the problems facing sustainable inland fisheries management, the inland fisheries environment, its benefits, negative impacts and constraints, as well as historical management, paradigms, trends and current practices are described. Major philosophical shifts, challenges and promising integrated management approaches are envisaged in a holistic framework. The following are considered key elements for sustainable development of inland fisheries: communication, information dissemination, education, institutional restructuring, marketing outreach, management plans, decision analysis, socioeconomic evaluation and research into the human dimension, in addition to traditional biological and ecological sciences. If these inputs are integrated with traditional fisheries management practices, the prospects for sustainability in the inland fisheries will be enhanced. [source]

Can a long-term continuing education course in patient counselling promote a change in the practice of Finnish community pharmacists?

Heli Kansanaho assistant in social pharmacy
ABSTRACT Objective To assess community pharmacists' perceptions of the impact of a long-term continuing education (CE) course on their patient counselling skills. Methods Three focus groups were conducted with the course participants (n = 17) during the last module of the CE course. Data were analysed using computer software for qualitative analysis. Key findings The focus groups revealed eight preliminary categories that were further categorised into four themes related to the learning process in patient counselling skills. The first theme related to achieving the learning objectives. The second related to personal development, understanding principles of two-way communication, and problems in their implementation in practice. The third theme related to actions taken by the participants in their work place, and the fourth involved the potential conflict between the new skills gained and the traditional communication culture in the participant's pharmacy. Conclusion The CE course provided the community pharmacists with new skills and knowledge in patient counselling and collective in-house training. The findings show that the greatest challenge is to change the communication culture of the pharmacy. To achieve this, it may be necessary for more than one pharmacist from the same pharmacy to participate in the training process at the same time. [source]

The Liberal Moment Fifteen Years On,

2008., 49th Convention of the International Studies Association, March 2, Presidential address, San Francisco
Fifteen years ago, Charles Kegley spoke of a neoidealist moment in international relations. This article examines how the number of armed conflicts has declined in the decade and a half since Kegley's presidential address and shows that the severity of war has been declining over a period of over six decades. The number of countries participating in war has increased, but this is in large measure due to coalition-building in several recent wars. Overall, there is a clear decline of war. It seems plausible to attribute this to an increase in the three factors identified by liberal peace theorists: democracy, trade, and international organization. Four alternative interpretations are examined: the temporary peace, the hegemonic peace, the unsustainable peace, and the capitalist peace. The article concludes that the latter, while running close to the liberal peace interpretation, also presents the greatest challenge to it. Indeed, we seem to be living in a commercial liberal period rather than a world of neoidealism. [source]

The Art of Prescribing

Antidepressants in Late-Life Depression: Prescribing Principles
QUESTION. , Ms. Antai-Otong, I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner currently employed in a large primary care clinic. My greatest challenge with older adults suspected of being depressed is their hesitancy to admit they are depressed or unwillingness to take antidepressants. I have started some of these patients on antidepressants and had mixed results. Please provide some guidelines for treating depression in older adults with coexisting medical conditions. ANSWER., Depression is a common companion of chronic medical illnesses and frequently goes unrecognized and untreated, resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Depression is unrecognized and underdiagnosed in approximately 16% of older patients seen in primary care settings (Unutzer, 2002). Typically, older adults deny being depressed, minimize symptom severity, fail to recognize common subjective experiences, such as anhedonia, fatigue, and concentration difficulties associated with this disorder, and hesitate to accept their illness due to social stigma and effects of stoicism. Cultural and generational influences also impact how older adults perceive mental health services. Due to the growing number of individuals 65 and older with coexisting medical and psychiatric conditions, particularly depression, seeking health care in vast practice settings, advanced practice psychiatric nurses must collaborate with primary care providers and develop holistic care that addresses coexisting chronic medical and psychiatric conditions. [source]

Is There a Stabilizing Selection Around Average Fertility in Modern Human Populations?

Ulrich Mueller
Possibly the greatest challenge for an evolutionary explanation of demographic transition is the fact that fertility levels universally start to fall first among the well-to-do, well-educated, healthy classes, which can be explained only by some voluntary or at least adaptive action. The problem of how restraints on fertility could have evolved by natural selection has been tackled with group selection models as well as with stabilizing selection models. The latter model, which is critically discussed in this article, posits that some intermediate (rather than maximal) level of fertility is optimal for long-term reproductive success. Tests of stabilizing selection in human populations are rare, their results inconclusive. Here four sets of data are analyzed: they are samples drawn from the 'class of 1950 of the US Military Academy at West Point (cohorts 1923,29), retired US noncommissioned officers (cohorts 1913,37), and western German and eastern German physicians (cohorts 1930,35), all containing fertility data over two generations, and from European royalty (cohorts 1790,1939) containing fertility data over four generations. Deterministic as well as stochastic fitness measures are used. It is found that maximal, not average, fertility in the first generation leads to maximal long-term reproductive success. Also against prediction, no decreasing marginal fitness gains by increasing fertility can be observed. The findings leave little space for considering stabilizing selection as a plausible mechanism explaining the course of demographic transition but indicate instead that biological evolution today is as fast and vigorous as ever in human history. Even in large populations, all people living today may be the descendants of just some few percents,a much smaller proportion than generally believed, of the people living some generations ago. [source]

Mal de Debarquement and Posture: Reduced Reliance on Vestibular and Visual Cues

Zohar Nachum MD
Abstract Objective The neural mismatch theory assumes that the intersensory conflicts leading to motion sickness are resolved by changes in the relative weighting of the various senses that contribute to orientation. If this sensory rearrangement persists after disembarkment, it might result in mal de debarquement (MD): ataxia and a rocking sensation sometimes felt after landing. The objective of the present study was to examine possible changes in sensory organization in naval crew members with differing susceptibility to MD with computerized dynamic posturography (CDP). Study Design Cross-sectional parallel-group design. Methods Seventeen subjects susceptible to MD (SMD) and 17 subjects nonsusceptible to MD (NSMD) (healthy male volunteers aged 18,22) participated in the study. CDP was performed twice with each subject, before and immediately after sailing, using the EquiTest system (NeuroCom, Inc., Clackamas, OR). Results The SMD group showed a significant reduction in their scores on sensory organization tests 3, 4, and 5 after sailing. Sensory pattern analysis revealed reduced use of inputs from the vestibular and visual systems to maintain balance. Prolonged latencies of the motor responses to unexpected pitch perturbations were also recorded in the postsailing CDP of the SMD group. Reduced performance on the presailing CDP task, which presents the greatest challenge to the vestibular system, was found to control for the presence of MD postsailing. Conclusions The results show that MD is associated with postural instability, slower motor reflexes, and larger sways in response to abrupt changes in the body's center of gravity. These findings may be explained by under reliance on vestibular and visual inputs and increased dependence on the somatosensory system for the maintenance of balance. [source]

The taming of the shrew or corneal transplantation: past, present and future

Keratoplasty has definitely its paradoxes. It has been the first successful transplantation in man and is with approx. 100. 000 grafts/year easily the most frequent allograft in human medicine. At the same time it is still the least understood form of transplantation in respect to its biology. It is both, the most successfull as well as probably the most underestimated procedure regarding its risks in clinical transplantation. Indeed, the common assumtion, that corneal transplantation is a safe procedure with good prognosis may have hindered more intensive effort of research in this field. This lecture aims to highlight significant milestones in the rich history of corneal transplantation, and to pay tribute to the many inspired and dedicated individuals involved in the development of keratoplasty. There are still limitations to corneal transplantation, and corneal allograft rejection still poses the greatest challenge to the modern corneal surgeon. Therefore, particular emphasis will be paid to recent efforts and developments to overcome this challenge. [source]

Local Food, Local Engagement: Community-Supported Agriculture in Eastern Iowa

Brandi Janssen
Abstract This paper examines some of the daily realities of operating a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm in eastern Iowa and addresses the concept of community among growers. Popular depictions of local foods systems often emphasize the close relationships that develop between producers and consumers. This picture, however, may gloss over the necessary complexities of a healthy local food system. CSA has been promoted as a direct marketing strategy for small-scale growers and touted as a way of developing positive relationships between producers and consumers. Nevertheless, it is also important to understand that successful CSA initiatives are often reliant on a broad network of support that includes more than just growers and eaters. Ethnographic descriptions of CSA farms presented here show how involvement by media and other organizations contribute to successful CSAs as well as an overall concept of "civic agriculture." These descriptions also show that access to affordable, reliable labor tends to be among the greatest challenges for CSA growers. [source]

Case studies of tobacco dependence treatment in Brazil, England, India, South Africa and Uruguay

ADDICTION, Issue 10 2010
Martin Raw
ABSTRACT Aims The aims of this study are to describe the tobacco dependence treatment systems in five countries at different stages of development of their systems, and from different income levels and regions of the world, and to draw some lessons from their experiences that might be useful to other countries. Methods and data sourses Data were drawn from an earlier survey of treatment services led by M.R. and A.M., from Party reports to the Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and from correspondents in the five countries. These data were entered onto a standard template by the authors, discussed with the correspondents to ensure they were accurate and to help us interpret them, and then the templates were used as a basis to write prose descriptions of the countries' treatment systems, with additional summary data presented in tables. Results Two of the middle-income countries have based their treatment on specialist support and both consequently have very low population coverage for treatment. Two countries have integrated broad-reach approaches, such as brief advice with intensive specialist support; these countries are focusing currently upon monitoring performance and guaranteeing quality. Cost is a significant barrier to improving treatment coverage and highlights the importance of using existing infrastucture as much as possible. Conclusions Perhaps not surprisingly the greatest challenges appear to be faced by large, lower-income countries that have prioritized more intensive but low-reach approaches to treatment, rather than developing basic infrastructure, including brief advice in primary care and quitlines. [source]

Information Technology and Emergency Medical Care during Disasters

Theodore C. Chan MD
Abstract Disaster response to mass-casualty incidents represents one of the greatest challenges to a community's emergency response system. Rescuers, field medical personnel, and regional emergency departments and hospitals must often provide care to large numbers of casualties in a setting of limited resources, inadequate communication, misinformation, damaged infrastructure, and great personal risk. Emergency care providers and incident managers attempt to procure and coordinate resources and personnel, often with inaccurate data regarding the true nature of the incident, needs, and ongoing response. In this chaotic environment, new technologies in communications, the Internet, computer miniaturization, and advanced "smart devices" have the potential to vastly improve the emergency medical response to such mass-casualty incident disasters. In particular, next-generation wireless Internet and geopositioning technologies may have the greatest impact on improving communications, information management, and overall disaster response and emergency medical care. These technologies have applications in terms of enhancing mass-casualty field care, provider safety, field incident command, resource management, informatics support, and regional emergency department and hospital care of disaster victims. [source]

Analyzing brain networks with PCA and conditional Granger causality

Zhenyu Zhou
Abstract Identifying directional influences in anatomical and functional circuits presents one of the greatest challenges for understanding neural computations in the brain. Granger causality mapping (GCM) derived from vector autoregressive models of data has been employed for this purpose, revealing complex temporal and spatial dynamics underlying cognitive processes. However, the traditional GCM methods are computationally expensive, as signals from thousands of voxels within selected regions of interest (ROIs) are individually processed, and being based on pairwise Granger causality, they lack the ability to distinguish direct from indirect connectivity among brain regions. In this work a new algorithm called PCA based conditional GCM is proposed to overcome these problems. The algorithm implements the following two procedures: (i) dimensionality reduction in ROIs of interest with principle component analysis (PCA), and (ii) estimation of the direct causal influences in local brain networks, using conditional Granger causality. Our results show that the proposed method achieves greater accuracy in detecting network connectivity than the commonly used pairwise Granger causality method. Furthermore, the use of PCA components in conjunction with conditional GCM greatly reduces the computational cost relative to the use of individual voxel time series. Hum Brain Mapp, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

An analysis of narratives to identify critical thinking contexts in psychiatric clinical practice

Mi Suk Mun PhD RN
Mun MS. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 75,80 An analysis of narratives to identify critical thinking contexts in psychiatric clinical practice The development of students' critical thinking abilities is one of the greatest challenges facing contemporary nursing educators. Nursing educators should know about what kind of contents or situations need critical thinking. The research was undertaken to identify the critical thinking contexts that nursing students confront in psychiatric clinical practices. Students were asked to document their everyday experience. The narratives were analysed and interpreted from the philosophical notion of hermeneutics. Four themes emerged as critical thinking contexts: anxiety, conflict, hyper-awareness, dilemmas. Writing narratives appear to provide opportunities for reflection in addition to facilitating critical thinking and communicative skills in students. Also, for the instructor, students' clinical narratives could provide insight to understand how students are thinking and to share student's personal difficulties. [source]

Managing the postclosing integration

Andrew J. Sherman
A merger and acquisition (M&A) closing usually brings great sighs of relief. Everyone has worked hard to ensure success. But actually this is not the end of the process. The hard work of postclosing integration is about to begin. Managing that postclosing integration is one of the buyer's greatest challenges. How can the buyer avoid common pitfalls and engineer a smooth transition? The author of this article provides the answers. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]

1 Taxon sampling and inferences about diatom phylogeny

A. J. Alverson
Proper taxon sampling is one of the greatest challenges to understanding phylogenetic relationships, perhaps as important as choice of optimality criterion or data type. This has been demonstrated in diatoms where centric diatoms may either be strongly supported as monophyletic or paraphyletic when analyzing SSU rDNA sequences using the same optimality criterion. The effect of ingroup and outgroup taxon sampling on relationships of diatoms is explored for diatoms as a whole and for the order Thalassiosirales. In the latter case, SSU rDNA and rbcL sequence data result in phylogenetic relationships that appear to be strongly incongruent with morphology and broadly incongruent with the fossil record. For example, Cyclotella stelligera Cleve & Grunow behaves like a rogue taxon, jumping from place to place throughout the tree. Morphological data place C. stelligera near the base of the freshwater group as sister to the extinct genus Mesodictyon Theriot and Bradbury, suggesting that it is an old, long branch that might be expected to "misbehave" in poorly sampled trees. Cyclotella stelligera and C. bodanica Grunow delimit the diameter of morphological diversity in Cyclotella, so increased sampling of intermediate taxa will be critical to resolving this part of the tree. Morphology is sampled for a much greater number of taxa and many transitional states of putative synapomorphies seem to suggest a robust morphological hypothesis. The Thalassiosirales are unstable with regards to taxon sampling in the genetic data, suggesting that perhaps the morphological hypothesis is (for now) preferable. [source]

The White House Office of Presidential Personnel

One of the greatest challenges of a new presidential administration is recruiting and bringing on board the political appointees who will help the new president lead the executive branch. The people who carry out this task for the president work in the Office of Presidential Personnel (OPP). This article presents an overview of the OPP and how it functions during the transition and early months of a new administration. It first sets out the scope of the job by specifying the number and types of political appointments for which the OPP is responsible. Next, an account of how the office has developed will be presented along with the predictable challenges from pressures for appointments from the Hill, the campaign, and cabinet secretaries. Finally, obligations of the OPP after initial recruitment has been accomplished will be examined. [source]

A Combinatorial Searching Method for Detecting a Set of Interacting Loci Associated with Complex Traits

Qiuying Sha
Summary Complex diseases are presumed to be the results of the interaction of several genes and environmental factors, with each gene only having a small effect on the disease. Mapping complex disease genes therefore becomes one of the greatest challenges facing geneticists. Most current approaches of association studies essentially evaluate one marker or one gene (haplotype approach) at a time. These approaches ignore the possibility that effects of multilocus functional genetic units may play a larger role than a single-locus effect in determining trait variability. In this article, we propose a Combinatorial Searching Method (CSM) to detect a set of interacting loci (may be unlinked) that predicts the complex trait. In the application of the CSM, a simple filter is used to filter all the possible locus-sets and retain the candidate locus-sets, then a new objective function based on the cross-validation and partitions of the multi-locus genotypes is proposed to evaluate the retained locus-sets. The locus-set with the largest value of the objective function is the final locus-set and a permutation procedure is performed to evaluate the overall p-value of the test for association between the final locus-set and the trait. The performance of the method is evaluated by simulation studies as well as by being applied to a real data set. The simulation studies show that the CSM has reasonable power to detect high-order interactions. When the CSM is applied to a real data set to detect the locus-set (among the 13 loci in the ACE gene) that predicts systolic blood pressure (SBP) or diastolic blood pressure (DBP), we found that a four-locus gene-gene interaction model best predicts SBP with an overall p-value = 0.033, and similarly a two-locus gene-gene interaction model best predicts DBP with an overall p-value = 0.045. [source]

Front and Back Covers, Volume 25, Number 5.

October 200
Front and back cover caption, volume 25 issue 5 FIELDWORK AND TECHNOLOGY The images on the front and back covers illustrate two of several reflections in this issue on the impacts of technology on the world studied by anthropologists. On the front cover, an internet cafe is one of the first sights to greet visitors to Dhunche, once a ,remote' area in northern Nepal. On the back cover, a youth tries out a telescope during the commemoration of the confirmation of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity at Roça Sundy, Príncipe, where Arthur Eddington observed a total solar eclipse. In his editorial, Bob Simpson remarks on how much the craft of fieldwork has changed as a result of the widespread on-site availability of communications technology, placing even the remotest sites within reach of home or employer. In this post-Malinowskian fieldwork, where the distinction between back here and out there has disappeared, what are the implications of this for our craft and for the quality of our obversations? Gisa Weszkalnys reflects on her fieldwork site of Príncipe as the location of one of the most important events in 20th-century science, the confirmation of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. She overlays the 2009 commemoration of this event, with international institutions promoting scientific knowledge and tourism, with another, colonial history of Príncipe as the focus of a controversy around the alleged use of slave labour in its cocoa plantations. As Kristín Loftsdóttir argues in her article, science and technology are among a range of markers used to determine who is most in need of international development, thus contributing to what she calls the ,racialization of development'. Akbar Ahmed alerts us to the fear in Washington, DC and Islamabad that the Taliban, who have recently taken over his field site in Swat Province, could potentially destabilize world order by appropriating nuclear technology. There are evidently many ways in which science and technology can and do affect our field sites. One of the greatest challenges for anthropology will be to experiment creatively and innovate with appropriate technologies in partnership. In this way we can generate more egalitarian conversations in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and tolerance. Whatever fieldwork becomes, it must be founded on such engagement with the broadest of publics, while making the most of these new technologies. [source]

The Current State and Future Direction of Counseling Psychology in Australia

Robert G.L. Pryor
Cet article décrit l'état actuel de la psychologie du counseling en Australie en termes de forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces. Parmi les forces identifiées, on trouve un champ professionnel très énergique, un large éventail d'activités de plus en plus acceptées de la part du public, des revues à comité de lecture, et une activité de recherche significative s'appuyant sur un engagement manifeste dans une démarche basée sur la preuve et appliquée au counseling. Les faiblesses soulignent l'accès inéquitable en termes de coût et d'éloignement géographique aux services de counseling de larges parties de la population australienne. La technologie fournit une occasion de relever des défis d'accès, de coût et d'implantation. En outre, les rapides changements économiques fournissent des opportunités pour les counselors de travailler activement avec des clients confrontés à des changements rapides et inattendus. Clairement, la psychologie du counseling se différencie comme champ théorique, de recherche et de pratique. Simultanément, elle peut mettre à disposition les compétences des psychologues du counseling lors d'investigations transdisciplinaires et d'applications ce qui constitue l'un des plus grands défis pour les psychologues australiens du counseling. Les développements futurs de la psychologie du counseling en Australie sont dépeints. This article outlines the current state of counseling psychology in Australia in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths identified include a vibrant field of professional activity, a wide range of activities, increasing levels of public acceptance, successful peer-reviewed journals, and significant research activity that underlies a widespread commitment to an evidence-based approach to counseling. Weaknesses include the inequitable access to counseling services both in terms of cost and the geographic remoteness of parts of the Australian population. Technology provides an opportunity to address access, cost, and delivery challenges. Furthermore, the rapidly changing economic landscape provides opportunities for counselors to work proactively with clients who are confronted by rapid and unplanned change. Clearly differentiating counseling psychology as a field of theory, research, and practice while at the same time being able to integrate the skills of counseling psychologists within cross-disciplinary investigations and applications constitute the greatest challenges for Australian counseling psychologists. A vision of the future development of counseling psychology in Australia is proffered. [source]

Managing global shark fisheries: suggestions for prioritizing management strategies

Michael J. Barker
Abstract 1.Over the past two decades the number of fisheries targeting shark resources has increased dramatically. A combination of factors, including relatively slow growth rate, low fecundity and late age of maturity, result in low recovery rates from exploitation for most shark species. This, in turn, is reflected in the poor record of sustainability of shark fisheries. 2.One of the greatest challenges is to find a way to deal with the substantial levels of shark bycatch taken in many non-target fisheries. Poor general recording of shark landings and paucity of shark landing data at the species level also undermine the development of effective shark management strategies.3. This paper reviews the problems that must be faced worldwide if shark resources are to be managed sustainably and lays out a comprehensive set of prioritized management strategies to facilitate the sustainable management of global shark fisheries. It is acknowledged that the majority of sharks are harvested in developing countries and that the management of shark resources in developing and developed countries will need to incorporate different management strategies relevant to local socio-economic agendas. The management recommendations deal with methods to improve the global regulation of fisheries, ways to improve global conservation ethics and encourage active participation in management, as well as means by which specific management strategies may be implemented. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Public Health Conditions and Policies in the Asia Pacific region

Dennis A. Ahlburg
Health has improved dramatically in Asia over the last 40 years. Infant mortality dropped over 60 per cent and life expectancy increased by 40 per cent. Despite these gains, health outcomes remain relatively low in many Asian countries, and vary tremendously by region, income level and demographic group. Little progress has been made, for example, in decreasing maternal mortality. Asia is experiencing an epidemiological transition from a high burden of communicable diseases to a high burden of non-communicable diseases. The pace of this transition varies across countries, and some countries will experience increasing incidence of non-communicable diseases before the level of communicable diseases has decreased. Ill-health imposes a heavy economic cost: HIV/AIDS may reduce economic growth in some countries. As incomes and expectations rise, the demand for health care also rises and one of the greatest challenges facing Asia is how to provide and finance this care. [source]


Henry Abayomi Akinsola
ABSTRACT: Today the medical literature is dominated by discussions on issues related to HIV/AIDS. This is not surprising considering the fact that in the history of humankind, the HIV/AIDS scenario has posed one of the greatest challenges. The reality of the physical, socioeconomic and psychological problems associated with the AIDS epidemic has become obvious to the general populace in Africa. Currently, both the AIDS victims and several others in the society continue to entertain the fear of dying from AIDS. The situation has become a source of concern to almost everyone, including primary health-care (PHC) workers. While several options are being examined to address the AIDS problem in Africa, one area that is often neglected is how to foster hope in people living with AIDS (PLWA) and their caregivers. In an attempt to examine this issue, this paper discusses the concept of hope, the cultural construct of HIV/AIDS in African countries and the role of PHC workers in fostering hope in PLWA. The paper concludes that by assisting the PLWA to develop a good sense of hope, PHC workers will be able to meet an important challenge: how to improve the quality of life for PLWA. [source]