Golf Courses (golf + course)

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Selected Abstracts


ABSTRACT. Twenty-five million Americans play golf on the nation's 16,000 courses each year. These golf courses constitute a significant national landscape feature. Since 1878, when the game arrived in the United States, golf has filtered down the urban, economic, and social hierarchies to become accepted by and accessible to most Americans. During the ensuing thirteen decades the number, location, and layout of the nation's golf courses have responded to many of the same driving forces that impacted the nation, including decentralization, growth of the middle class, war, economic depression, suburbanization, and the increasing role of the federal government. Four epochs of golf-course growth and diffusion show the growing acceptance of the sport and depict where courses were most likely to be constructed as a result of the prevailing forces of each epoch. [source]

Ground Water Chlorinated Ethenes in Tree Trunks: Case Studies, Influence of Recharge, and Potential Degradation Mechanism

Don A. Vroblesky
Trichloroethene (TCE) was detected in cores of trees growing above TCE-contaminated ground at three sites: the Carswell Golf Course in Texas, Air Force Plant PJKS in Colorado, and Naval Weapons Station Charleston in South Carolina. This was true even when the depth to water was 7.9 m or when the contaminated aquifer was confined beneath ,3 m of clay. Additional ground water contaminants detected in the tree cores were cis,1,2-dichloroethene at two sites and tetrachloroethene at one site. Thus, tree coring can be a rapid and effective means of locating shallow subsurface chlorinated ethenes and possibly identifying zones of active TCE dechlorination. Tree cores collected over time were useful in identifying the onset of ground water contamination. Several factors affecting chlorinated ethene concentrations in tree cores were identified in this investigation. The factors include ground water chlorinated ethene concentrations and depth to ground water contamination. In addition, differing TCE concentrations around the trunk of some trees appear to be related to the roots deriving water from differing areas. Opportunistic uptake of infiltrating rainfall can dilute prerain TCE concentrations in the trunk. TCE concentrations in core headspace may differ among some tree species. In some trees, infestation of bacteria in decaying heartwood may provide a TCE dechlorination mechanism within the trunk. [source]

Size and phenotypic structure of microbial communities within soil profiles in relation to different playing areas on a UK golf course

M. D. Bartlett
Summary Amenity turf accounts for up to 4% of land-use in urban areas, providing key refuges for both above- and below-ground biodiversity. Golf courses occupy the largest surface area of all sports facilities; however, only a limited amount of microbial ecology has been carried out to investigate differences in the size and structure of microbial communities of the soil. The soil microbial community is a key agent in nutrient cycling and delivery of other ecosystem goods and services; however, there has been little work focused on amenity turf ecosystems in the UK. A study of soil microbial community size and structure, on the range of playing areas maintained for the game of golf at a single golf course in relation to depth through the soil profile, was carried out. Soil from different playing areas showed significant differences in the size (measured using chloroform fumigation extraction) of the microbial community (P < 0.01), with a greater concentration of microbial biomass at 0,75 mm from the surface, compared with deeper zones (P < 0.01). Principal component analysis of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers indicated that the community structure was significantly different at 0,75 mm from the surface on all areas of the golf course investigated (P < 0.05, in all cases). The PLFA biomarkers consistently associated with such discrimination were 16:0 and 18:1,9 c. These findings suggest that there is a consistently larger and similarly structured microbial community associated with the surface thatch layer, commonly found in amenity turf. [source]

Cultivation Optimization of Insect-Pathogenic Fungi PaecUomyces lilacinus HY-4 to Soil-pest Adoretus tenuimaculatus

Eun Young SUH
ABSTRACT A new insect pathogenic fungi, Paecilomyces licacinus HY-4 that was isolated from soil sample, showed biological activity to Chestnut Brown Chafer, pest of golf course. The culture condition for the fungi P. lilacinus HY-4 was optimized through statistical approach for the mass production. According th the bioassay on the pest, the insecticidal activity reached up to 30%, and positive factor for the production of the fungi was zeolite with 97.5% of significance. [source]

Size and phenotypic structure of microbial communities within soil profiles in relation to play surfaces on a UK golf course

M. D. Bartlett
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Size and phenotypic structure of microbial communities within soil profiles in relation to different playing areas on a UK golf course

M. D. Bartlett
Summary Amenity turf accounts for up to 4% of land-use in urban areas, providing key refuges for both above- and below-ground biodiversity. Golf courses occupy the largest surface area of all sports facilities; however, only a limited amount of microbial ecology has been carried out to investigate differences in the size and structure of microbial communities of the soil. The soil microbial community is a key agent in nutrient cycling and delivery of other ecosystem goods and services; however, there has been little work focused on amenity turf ecosystems in the UK. A study of soil microbial community size and structure, on the range of playing areas maintained for the game of golf at a single golf course in relation to depth through the soil profile, was carried out. Soil from different playing areas showed significant differences in the size (measured using chloroform fumigation extraction) of the microbial community (P < 0.01), with a greater concentration of microbial biomass at 0,75 mm from the surface, compared with deeper zones (P < 0.01). Principal component analysis of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers indicated that the community structure was significantly different at 0,75 mm from the surface on all areas of the golf course investigated (P < 0.05, in all cases). The PLFA biomarkers consistently associated with such discrimination were 16:0 and 18:1,9 c. These findings suggest that there is a consistently larger and similarly structured microbial community associated with the surface thatch layer, commonly found in amenity turf. [source]

Attraction of garden chafer, Phyllopertha horticola, to floral Japanese beetle lure

J. Ruther
Abstract: Field experiments using funnel traps were performed on a golf course to investigate the attractiveness of a floral Japanese beetle lure for adults of the garden chafer, Phyllopertha horticola, a common European turf pest. Traps baited with 10 mg of the floral lure consisting of phenylethyl propionate + eugenol + geraniol (3 : 7 : 3) captured more adult garden chafers of both sexes than non-baited control traps. In contrast, 1,3-dimethyl-2,4-(1H, 3H)-quinazolinedione, the sex pheromone of the closely related pale-brown chafer P. diversa, neither influenced alone nor in combination with the floral lure the behaviour of adult garden chafers. The results suggest that the floral Japanese beetle lure might be used for monitoring or control of P. horticola. [source]

Suitability of Golf Course Ponds for Amphibian Metamorphosis When Bullfrogs Are Removed

charcas en campos de golf; competencia; depredación; metamorfosis de anfibios; Rana catesbeiana Abstract:,Managing areas designed for human recreation so that they are compatible with natural amphibian populations can reduce the negative impacts of habitat destruction. We examined the potential for amphibians to complete larval development in golf course ponds in the presence or absence of overwintered bullfrog tadpoles (Rana catesbeiana), which are frequently found in permanent, human-made ponds. We reared larval American toads (Bufo americanus), southern leopard frogs (R. sphenocephala), and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) with 0 or 5 overwintered bullfrog tadpoles in field enclosures located in ponds on golf courses or in experimental wetlands at a reference site. Survival to metamorphosis of American toads, southern leopard frogs, and spotted salamanders was greater in ponds on golf courses than at reference sites. We attributed this increased survival to low abundance of insect predators in golf course ponds. The presence of overwintered bullfrogs, however, reduced the survival of American toads, southern leopard frogs, and spotted salamanders reared in golf course ponds, indicating that the suitability of the aquatic habitats for these species partly depended on the biotic community present. Our results suggest that ponds in human recreational areas should be managed by maintaining intermediate hydroperiods, which will reduce the presence of bullfrog tadpoles and predators, such as fish, and which may allow native amphibian assemblages to flourish. Resumen:,El manejo de áreas diseñadas para la recreación humana de manera que sean compatibles con las poblaciones naturales de anfibios puede reducir los impactos negativos de la destrucción del hábitat. Examinamos el potencial de anfibios para completar el desarrollo larvario en lagos en campos de golf en presencia o ausencia de renacuajos de Rana catesbeiana, que frecuentemente son encontrados en charcas artificiales permanentes. Criamos sapos (Bufo americanus), ranas (R. sphenocephala) y salamandras manchadas (Ambystoma maculatum) con cero o cinco renacuajos de R. catesbeiana en encierros localizados en charcas en campos de golf o en humedales experimentales en un sitio de referencia. La supervivencia hasta la metamorfosis de B. americanus, R. sphenocephala y A. maculatum fue mayor en los campos de golf que en los sitios de referencia. Atribuimos este incremento en la supervivencia a la baja abundancia de insectos depredadores en las charcas de los campos de golf. Sin embargo, la presencia de renacuajos de R. catesbeiana redujo la supervivencia de B. americanus, R. sphenocephala y A. maculatum en los campos de golf, indicando que el beneficio de los hábitats acuáticos para estas especies dependía parcialmente de la comunidad biótica presente. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las charcas en áreas recreativas deberían ser manejadas manteniendo hidroperíodos intermedios, que reducirían la presencia de renacuajos de R. catesbeiana y de depredadores, como peces, y que permitirían que florezcan ensambles de anfibios nativos. [source]

Sediment chemical contamination and toxicity associated with a coastal golf course complex,

Michael A. Lewis
Abstract The increasing density of golf courses represents a potential source of sediment contamination to nearby coastal areas, the chemical and biological magnitude of which is almost unknown. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of contaminants and toxicities of sediments impacted by a coastal golf course complex. Sediment contaminant concentrations were determined at least twice during the two-year study period at 14 sampling stations. In addition, a combination of acute and chronic bioassays were conducted exposing four invertebrate test species to whole sediments and associated pore waters. Overall, the Florida, USA, golf course complex had a measurable impact on sediment chemical quality, particularly in near-field areas. Higher concentrations of several trace metals and organochlorine pesticides were detected in many golf course-associated sediments compared with reference areas; however, concentrations decreased seaward and only a few, primarily chlorinated pesticides, exceeded proposed sediment quality guidelines. Chromium, zinc, and mercury were detected more frequently than other trace metals. The DDT and associated metabolites, dieldrin and chlordane, were the more commonly detected organic contaminants. Acute toxicity was uncommon and occurred consistently for sediment collected from one coastal location. In contrast, chronic toxicity occurred at several study sites based on the response of Mysidopsis bahia. It was concluded that the impact of golf course runoff on sediment quality may be subtle and sensitive biological assessment methods, such as chronic toxicity tests, will be needed to detect adverse effects. [source]


ABSTRACT. Twenty-five million Americans play golf on the nation's 16,000 courses each year. These golf courses constitute a significant national landscape feature. Since 1878, when the game arrived in the United States, golf has filtered down the urban, economic, and social hierarchies to become accepted by and accessible to most Americans. During the ensuing thirteen decades the number, location, and layout of the nation's golf courses have responded to many of the same driving forces that impacted the nation, including decentralization, growth of the middle class, war, economic depression, suburbanization, and the increasing role of the federal government. Four epochs of golf-course growth and diffusion show the growing acceptance of the sport and depict where courses were most likely to be constructed as a result of the prevailing forces of each epoch. [source]

The distinctive dynamics of exurban tourism

David Weaver
Abstract The distinctiveness of the urban,rural fringe as a tourism venue, which merits recognition of exurban tourism as a distinct subfield, is based on a unique product amalgam that includes theme parks, tourist shopping villages, near-urban protected areas, factory outlet malls, golf courses and touring. In addition, the market is characterised by blurred tourist/non-tourist distinctions, a weak accommodation sector and extremely high visitation levels at some sites. It is argued that the urban,rural fringe is an inherently unstable area characterised by a variant of the standard destination life cycle confined to the late involvement, development and consolidations stages, and paralleling comparable volatile stages within the broader urban life cycle. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Estimating Watershed Level Nonagricultural Pesticide Use From Golf Courses Using Geospatial Methods,

Garey A. Fox
Abstract:, Limited information exists on pesticide use for nonagricultural purposes, making it difficult to estimate pesticide loadings from nonagricultural sources to surface water and to conduct environmental risk assessments. A method was developed to estimate the amount of pesticide use on recreational turf grasses, specifically golf course turf grasses, for watersheds located throughout the conterminous United States (U.S.). The approach estimates pesticide use: (1) based on the area of recreational turf grasses (used as a surrogate for turf associated with golf courses) within the watershed, which was derived from maps of land cover, and (2) from data on the location and average treatable area of golf courses. The area of golf course turf grasses determined from these two methods was used to calculate the percentage of each watershed planted in golf course turf grass (percent crop area, or PCA). Turf-grass PCAs derived from the two methods were used with recommended application rates provided on pesticide labels to estimate total pesticide use on recreational turf within 1,606 watersheds associated with surface-water sources of drinking water. These pesticide use estimates made from label rates and PCAs were compared to use estimates from industry sales data on the amount of each pesticide sold for use within the watershed. The PCAs derived from the land-cover data had an average value of 0.4% of a watershed with minimum of 0.01% and a maximum of 9.8%, whereas the PCA values that are based on the number of golf courses in a watershed had an average of 0.3% of a watershed with a minimum of <0.01% and a maximum of 14.2%. Both the land-cover method and the number of golf courses method produced similar PCA distributions, suggesting that either technique may be used to provide a PCA estimate for recreational turf. The average and maximum PCAs generally correlated to watershed size, with the highest PCAs estimated for small watersheds. Using watershed specific PCAs, combined with label rates, resulted in greater than two orders of magnitude over-estimation of the pesticide use compared to estimates from sales data. [source]

Effects of Rainfall and Ground-Water Pumping on Streamflow in M,kaha, O'ahu, Hawai'i,

Alan Mair
Abstract:, Land-use/land-cover changes in M,kaha valley have included the development of agriculture, residential dwellings, golf courses, potable water supply facilities, and the introduction of alien species. The impact of these changes on surface water and ground water resources in the valley is of concern. In this study, streamflow, rainfall, and ground-water pumping data for the upper part of the M,kaha valley watershed were evaluated to identify corresponding trends and relationships. The results of this study indicate that streamflow declined during the ground-water pumping period. Mean and median annual streamflow have declined by 42% (135 mm) and 56% (175 mm), respectively, and the mean number of dry stream days per year has increased from 8 to 125. Rainfall across the study area appears to have also declined though it is not clear whether the reduction in rainfall is responsible for all or part of the observed streamflow decline. Mean annual rainfall at one location in the study area declined by 14% (179 mm) and increased by 2% (48 mm) at a second location. Further study is needed to assess the effect of ground-water pumping and to characterize the hydrologic cycle with respect to rainfall, infiltration, ground-water recharge and flow in the study area, and stream base flow and storm flow. [source]

The Impact of American Politics on Perceptions of Women's Golfing Abilities

Michelle M. Arthur
We examine the relationship between political environments and perceptions of women's physical abilities. Using a sample of 496 golf courses located in the United States, we find a significant relationship between state political affiliations, ratings of senators and congressional representatives on a liberal to conservative continuum, and perceptions of gendered physical abilities. Institutional theory is presented as an explanation for the regional variation in perceptions of women's golfing abilities. Implications and results are discussed. Suggestions for further research are presented. [source]

Superfund cleanup: Designing containment remedies for recreational reuse

REMEDIATION, Issue 2 2000
Joseph D. King
In July, 1999, EPA announced its Superfund Redevelopment Initiative, the Agency's effort to help communities bring Superfund sites back into productive use in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment. As part of the Superfund Redevelopment Initiative, the Agency is developing reuse design guides that provide technical information related to the design of remedies that safely support reuse. The design guides focus on the reuse of containment sites, and address such topics as settlement, gas control, irrigation, drainage, and operation and maintenance. Case studies of redeveloped sites are also presented in the guides. EPA is currently developing design guides that address the reuse of Superfund sites for commercial purposes, wildlife areas, parking lots, recreational sports fields, and golf courses. This article provides information on the first guide in the series-the reuse of Superfund sites for recreational purposes. [source]

The Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Public-Access Defibrillation

Roger A. Winkle MD
Many sudden cardiac deaths are due to ventricular fibrillation (VF). The use of defibrillators in hospitals or by outpatient emergency medical services (EMS) personnel can save many cardiac-arrest victims. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) permit defibrillation by trained first responders and laypersons. AEDs are available at most public venues, and vast sums of money are spent installing and maintaining these devices. AEDs have been evaluated in a variety of public and private settings. AEDs accurately identify malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias and frequently result in successful defibrillation. Prompt application of an AED shows a greater number of patients in VF compared with initial rhythms documented by later-arriving EMS personnel. Survival is greatest when the AED is placed within 3 to 5 minutes of a witnessed collapse. Community-based studies show increased cardiac-arrest survival when first responders are equipped with AEDs rather than waiting for paramedics to defibrillate. Wide dissemination of AEDs throughout a community increases survival from cardiac arrest when the AED is used; however, the AEDs are utilized in a very small percentage of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. AEDs save very few lives in residential units such as private homes or apartment complexes. AEDs are cost effective at sites where there is a high density of both potential victims and resuscitators. Placement at golf courses, health clubs, and similar venues is not cost effective; however, the visible devices are good for public awareness of the problem of sudden cardiac death and provide reassurance to patrons. Copyright © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]