Allele Frequency Data (allele + frequency_data)

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Selected Abstracts

Allele Frequency Data for 19 Short Tandem Repeats (PowerPlex® 16 and FFFl) in a Belgian Population Sample

Ronny Decorte Ph.D
POPULATION: Belgian Caucasians (Dutch speaking; n=198). [source]

Multipoint Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping Using Multilocus Allele Frequency Data

T. Johnson
Summary This paper describes a likelihood based fine scale linkage disequilibrium mapping method for estimating the position of a disease predisposing gene relative to a battery of typed marker loci. The method uses multilocus allele frequency data from a sample of unrelated diseased individuals and from a sample of unrelated control individuals, that is, a case and control type design. This type of data could be obtained by typing DNA pools, which is less expensive than typing individuals separately. The method described uses a nonparametric model that makes it robust to the shape of the genealogy at the disease locus. It can be implemented efficiently, making a multipoint analysis of a data set of a thousand markers feasible. An example power analysis uses simulations to estimate the amount of information that can be extracted from fully resolved haplotype data, relative to multilocus allele frequency data. For the assumed parameter values and a battery of 10 markers, roughly three times narrower region estimates can be derived from haplotype data than from allele frequency data only. Depending on how we choose to measure information, allele frequency data at an additional ,18 or ,33 markers is needed to compensate for this loss of information. [source]

A microsatellite study to disentangle the ambiguity of linguistic, geographic, ethnic and genetic influences on tribes of India to get a better clarity of the antiquity and peopling of South Asia

S. Krithika
Abstract An understanding of the genetic affinity and the past history of the tribal populations of India requires the untangling of the confounding influences of language, ethnicity, and geography on the extant diverse tribes. The present study examines the genetic relationship of linguistically (Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic, and Tibeto-Burman) and ethnically (Australian and East Asian) diverse tribal populations (46) inhabiting different regions of the Indian subcontinent. For the purpose, we have utilized the published data on allele frequency of 15 autosomal STR loci of our study on six Adi sub-tribes of Arunachal Pradesh and compared the same with the reported allele frequency data, for nine common autosomal STR loci, of 40 other tribes. Phylogenetic and principal component analyses exhibit geography based clustering of Tibeto-Burman speakers and separation of the Mundari and Mon-Khmer speaking Austro-Asiatic populations. The combined analyses of all 46 populations show clustering of the groups belonging to same ethnicity and inhabiting contiguous geographic regions, irrespective of their different languages. These results help us to reconstruct and understand three plausible scenarios of the antiquity of Indian tribal populations: the Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic (Mundari) tribes were possibly derived from common early settlers; the Tibeto-Burman tribes possibly belonged to a different ancestry and the Mon-Khmer speaking Austro-Asiatic populations share a common ancestry with some of the Tibeto-Burman speakers. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Refined Geographic Distribution of the Oriental ALDH2*504Lys (nee 487Lys) Variant

Hui Li
Summary Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) is one of the most important enzymes in human alcohol metabolism. The oriental ALDH2*504Lys variant functions as a dominant negative, greatly reducing activity in heterozygotes and abolishing activity in homozygotes. This allele is associated with serious disorders such as alcohol liver disease, late onset Alzheimer disease, colorectal cancer, and esophageal cancer, and is best known for protection against alcoholism. Many hundreds of papers in various languages have been published on this variant, providing allele frequency data for many different populations. To develop a highly refined global geographic distribution of ALDH2*504Lys, we have collected new data on 4,091 individuals from 86 population samples and assembled published data on a total of 80,691 individuals from 366 population samples. The allele is essentially absent in all parts of the world except East Asia. The ALDH2*504Lys allele has its highest frequency in Southeast China, and occurs in most areas of China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and Indochina with frequencies gradually declining radially from Southeast China. As the indigenous populations in South China have much lower frequencies than the southern Han migrants from Central China, we conclude that ALDH2*504Lys was carried by Han Chinese as they spread throughout East Asia. Esophageal cancer, with its highest incidence in East Asia, may be associated with ALDH2*504Lys because of a toxic effect of increased acetaldehyde in the tissue where ingested ethanol has its highest concentration. While the distributions of esophageal cancer and ALDH2*504Lys do not precisely correlate, that does not disprove the hypothesis. In general the study of fine scale geographic distributions of ALDH2*504Lys and diseases may help in understanding the multiple relationships among genes, diseases, environments, and cultures. [source]

Multipoint Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping Using Multilocus Allele Frequency Data

T. Johnson
Summary This paper describes a likelihood based fine scale linkage disequilibrium mapping method for estimating the position of a disease predisposing gene relative to a battery of typed marker loci. The method uses multilocus allele frequency data from a sample of unrelated diseased individuals and from a sample of unrelated control individuals, that is, a case and control type design. This type of data could be obtained by typing DNA pools, which is less expensive than typing individuals separately. The method described uses a nonparametric model that makes it robust to the shape of the genealogy at the disease locus. It can be implemented efficiently, making a multipoint analysis of a data set of a thousand markers feasible. An example power analysis uses simulations to estimate the amount of information that can be extracted from fully resolved haplotype data, relative to multilocus allele frequency data. For the assumed parameter values and a battery of 10 markers, roughly three times narrower region estimates can be derived from haplotype data than from allele frequency data only. Depending on how we choose to measure information, allele frequency data at an additional ,18 or ,33 markers is needed to compensate for this loss of information. [source]

Genetic differentiation among the Maculinea species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in eastern Central Europe

The present study aimed to analyse the level of genetic variation in the eastern Central European (Slovenia, Hungary, and Romania/Transylvania) populations of the Large Blues (Maculinea) to analyse the pattern of differentiation both between and within the species. One objective was to compare the level of differentiation between the two disputed species (Maculinea alcon and Maculinea rebeli) with that among the other species. Imagos were collected from 23 localities in eastern Central Europe in 2002. Enzyme polymorphism was analysed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fourteen enzyme loci were studied in all samples. In the analysis of the data, F -statistics and Nei's genetic distances were calculated and a dendrogram (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) was constructed on the basis of the distance matrix. A multivariate analysis of variance was performed to study the pattern of genetic differentiation among the samples. Principal component analysis analysis was also carried out using the allele frequency data of the samples. Our results indicated that the large blues are generally less polymorphic than other European lycaenid butterflies studied. At the same time, the level of genetic differentiation was high, even among local populations within the species. A low level of genetic variation within the populations coupled with strong differentiation among them implies the effect of genetic drift. Strong genetic differentiation of four Maculinea species (M. alcon, Maculinea teleius, Maculinea nausithous, and Maculinea arion) was confirmed. Significant differentiation was not found between M. alcon and M. rebeli. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 91, 11,21. [source]