Full-term Pregnancy (full-term + pregnancy)

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Selected Abstracts

Villous trophoblast growth in pregnancy at high altitude

T. M. Mayhew
The trophoblastic epithelium of placental villi exhibits continuous turnover. Phases of proliferation, recruitment, maturation, terminal differentiation (apoptosis) and extrusion exist in steady state and occur in distinctive spatial compartments, viz. cytotrophoblast cells (CT), syncytiotrophoblast (ST), syncytial knots (SK), denudation sites (DEN) and syncytial fragments. Hypoxia in vitro stimulates CT proliferation but inhibits recruitment into ST. Pregnancy at high altitude (HA) is associated with reduced birthweight and provides a convenient model of preplacental (hypobaric) hypoxia. HA placentas show impoverished villous growth and changes in the incidences of CT cells and SK regions. Here we examine placentas from Amerindian and nonindigenous women who completed full-term pregnancies at low altitude (LA; 400 m; n = 25) and high altitude (HA; 3600 m; n = 45) in Bolivia. We test the hypothesis that HA pregnancy disturbs the epithelial steady state as reflected in the relative volumes and surfaces of trophoblast compartments. Masson trichrome stained tissue sections and microscopical fields were generated by uniform random sampling. Point and intersection counts were used to estimate the volumes and surface areas of nonsyncytial knots (nonSK), SK regions, syncytial bridges (SB) and denudation sites (DEN). Absolute values were compared by 2-way analyses of variance to resolve altitudinal from ethnic effects. At LA, trophoblast comprised about 85% nonSK, 8% SK, 5% SB and 3% CT by volume. Its maternal surface area comprised about 91% nonSK, 5% SK, 2% SB, and 3% DEN. Apart from CT (the fractional volume of which increased to 4%, P < 0.05), relative volumes of trophoblast compartments did not alter significantly at HA. However, there was a roughly 30% reduction in absolute volume of trophoblast at HA (P < 0.001) which could be explained mainly by a decrease in volume of nonSK regions (P < 0.001). The volume of CT was unaltered. Absolute surface areas of villi also declined at HA (by 20%, P < 0.01) and, again, this was attributed mainly to nonSK. The findings confirm that poor villous growth is partly due to failure of trophoblast to attain the growth seen at LA. The reduced trophoblastic growth occurs despite an increase in relative volume of CT cells (consistent with previously reported increases in proliferative activity) and, probably, by a combination of compromised syncytial fusion and continuing extrusion of syncytial fragments. [source]

REVIEW ARTICLE: Immunological Modes of Pregnancy Loss

Joanne Kwak-Kim
Citation Kwak-Kim J, Park JC, Ahn HK, Kim JW, Gilman-Sachs A. Immunological modes of pregnancy loss. Am J Reprod Immunol 2010 During the implantation period, a significant portion of embryos are lost and eventually less than half of clinically established pregnancies end as full-term pregnancies without obstetrical complications. A significant portion of these pregnancy losses is associated with immune etiologies, including autoimmune and cellular immune abnormalities. Although an autoimmune etiology such as anti-phospholipid antibodies (APAs) has been reported to induce placental infarct and thrombosis at maternal,fetal interface, APAs induce inflammatory immune responses as well. Inflammatory immune responses, such as increased proportions of NK cells and Th1/Th2 cell ratios in peripheral blood are related to recurrent pregnancy losses and multiple implantation failures. Systemic and local inflammatory immune responses seem to be induced by activation of Toll-like receptors with infectious agents, fetal cell debris, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, etc. Cellular activation of T and NK cells leads to pro-inflammatory cytokine storm and consequently, placental infarction and thrombosis. Potential application of anti-inflammatory therapeutic agents for the prevention of pregnancy losses should be explored further. [source]

Reproductive factors and risk of breast carcinoma in a study of white and African-American women,,

CANCER, Issue 2 2004
Giske Ursin M.D., Ph.D.
Abstract BACKGROUND Few studies have investigated the association between reproductive factors and the risk of breast carcinoma among African-American women. The authors assessed whether the number of full-term pregnancies, age at first full-term pregnancy, and total duration of breastfeeding were associated with similar relative risk estimates in white and African-American women in a large multicenter, population-based case,control study of breast carcinoma. METHODS Case patients were 4567 women (2950 white women and 1617 African-American women) ages 35,64 years with newly diagnosed invasive breast carcinoma between 1994 and 1998. Control patients were 4668 women (3012 white women and 1656 African-American women) who were identified by random-digit dialing and were frequency matched to case patients according to study center, race, and age. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS For white women, the reduction in risk of breast carcinoma per full-term pregnancy was 13% among younger women (ages 35,49 years) and 10% among older women (ages 50,64 years). The corresponding risk reductions for African-American women were 10% and 6%, respectively. Risk decreased significantly with increasing number of full-term pregnancies for both races and both age categories. Duration of lactation was inversely associated with breast carcinoma risk among younger parous white (trend P = 0.0001) and African-American (trend P = 0.01) women. African-American women tended to have more children compared with white women, but parity rates were lower in younger women than in older women in both racial groups. However, breastfeeding was substantially more common in young white women than in young African-American women. CONCLUSIONS Overall, parity and lactation had similar effects on breast carcinoma risk in white and African-American women. If younger African-American women now are giving birth to fewer children than in the past, without a substantial increase in breastfeeding, breast carcinoma rates may continue to increase at a more rapid rate among these women compared with white women. Cancer 2004. Published 2004 by the American Cancer Society. [source]

Comparison of risk factors for invasive squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the cervix: Collaborative reanalysis of individual data on 8,097 women with squamous cell carcinoma and 1,374 women with adenocarcinoma from 12 epidemiological studies

Article first published online: 27 NOV 200
Abstract Squamous cell carcinomas account for about 80% of cancers of the uterine cervix, and the majority of the remainder are adenocarcinomas. There is limited evidence on the extent to which these histological types share a common etiology. The International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervical Cancer has brought together and combined individual data on 8,097 women with invasive squamous cell carcinoma, 1,374 women with invasive adenocarcinoma and 26,445 women without cervical cancer (controls) from 12 epidemiological studies. Compared to controls, the relative risk of each histological type of invasive cervical cancer was increased with increasing number of sexual partners, younger age at first intercourse, increasing parity, younger age at first full-term pregnancy and increasing duration of oral contraceptive use. Current smoking was associated with a significantly increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma (RR = 1.50, 95% CI: 1.35,1.66) but not of adenocarcinoma (RR = 0.86 (0.70,1.05)), and the difference between the two histological types was statistically significant (case-case comparison p < 0.001). A history of screening (assessed as having had at least one previous nondiagnostic cervical smear) was associated with a reduced risk of both histological types, but the reduction was significantly greater for squamous cell carcinoma than for adenocarcinoma (RR = 0.46 (0.42,0.50) and 0.68 (0.56,0.82), respectively; case,case comparison, p = 0.002). A positive test for cervical high-risk HPV-DNA was a strong risk factor for each histological type, with 74% of squamous cell carcinomas and 78% of adenocarcinomas testing positive for HPV types 16 or 18. Squamous cell and adenocarcinoma of the cervix share most risk factors, with the exception of smoking. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Women With Primary Antibody Deficiencies Requiring IgG Replacement Therapy: Their Perception of Prenatal Care During Pregnancy

Susanne Hansen RN
Objective: To investigate how a group of women with primary antibody deficiencies (PAD) and receiving replacement therapy with IgG experienced the care they received in their prenatal clinics in relation to PAD and IgG therapy. Design: An exploratory study using a written questionnaire. Setting: The study originates from an immunodeficiency unit but evaluates care experienced at prenatal clinics. Participants: Nine women (25,43 years) attending an immunodeficiency unit and who fulfilled inclusion criteria for simultaneously having PAD, replacement IgG therapy, and full-term pregnancy (the latter within the past 5 years). Main outcome: Women's perception of the response of midwives and physicians at their prenatal clinics to their PAD and IgG therapy during pregnancy. Results: Women perceived that the obstetricians and the midwives had insufficient knowledge about PAD and IgG replacement therapy. Two women reported that their IgG therapy during pregnancy had been questioned. All nine women felt marginalized and unheard by staff regarding their PAD and need for IgG therapy. However, the women were satisfied with the checkups regarding the pregnancy as such. Conclusions: This study is the first attempt to investigate the prenatal experience of women with PAD (Search of PubMed, 1980 to present, including search terms primary immunodeficiency, pregnancy, and prenatal care). This study demonstrates that increased knowledge about PAD and IgG replacement therapy among midwives and physicians working in prenatal care clinics is needed. This can prevent misleading advice that puts the health of the mother and her fetus at risk. Sensitizing staff about this special group of women can create conditions in which women feel respected, heard, and satisfied with their prenatal care. [source]

Prospective community-based cluster census and case-control study of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Henry D. Kalter
Summary Obstetric complications and newborn illnesses amenable to basic medical interventions underlie most perinatal deaths. Yet, despite good access to maternal and newborn care in many transitional countries, perinatal mortality is often not monitored in these settings. The present study identified risk factors for perinatal death and the level and causes of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Baseline and follow-up censuses with prospective monitoring of pregnant women and newborns from September 2001 to August 2002 were conducted in 83 randomly selected clusters of 300 households each. A total of 113 of 116 married women 15,49 years old with a stillbirth or neonatal death and 813 randomly selected women with a surviving neonate were interviewed, and obstetric and newborn care records of women with a stillbirth or neonatal death were abstracted. The perinatal and neonatal mortality rates, respectively, were 21.2 [95% confidence interval (CI) 16.5, 25.9] and 14.7 [95% CI 10.2, 19.2] per 1000 livebirths. The most common cause (27%) of 96 perinatal deaths was asphyxia alone (21) or with neonatal sepsis (5), while 18/49 (37%) early and 9/19 (47%) late neonatal deaths were from respiratory distress syndrome (12) or sepsis (9) alone or together (6). Constraint in care seeking, mainly by an Israeli checkpoint, occurred in 8% and 10%, respectively, of 112 pregnancies and labours and 31% of 16 neonates prior to perinatal or late neonatal death. Poor quality care for a complication associated with the death was identified among 40% and 20%, respectively, of 112 pregnancies and labour/deliveries and 43% of 68 neonates. (Correction added after online publication 5 June 2008: The denominators 112 pregnancies, labours, and labour/deliveries, and 16 and 68 neonates were included; and 9% of labours was corrected to 10%.) Risk factors for perinatal death as assessed by multivariable logistic regression included preterm delivery (odds ratio [OR] = 11.9, [95% CI 6.7, 21.2]), antepartum haemorrhage (OR = 5.6, [95% CI 1.5, 20.9]), any severe pregnancy complication (OR = 3.4, [95% CI 1.8, 6.6]), term delivery in a government hospital and having a labour and delivery complication (OR = 3.8, [95% CI 1.2, 12.0]), more than one delivery complication (OR = 4.4, [95% CI 1.8, 10.5]), mother's age >35 years (OR = 2.9, [95% CI 1.3, 6.8]) and primiparity in a full-term pregnancy (OR = 2.6, [1.1, 6.3]). Stillbirths are not officially reportable in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and this is the first time that perinatal mortality has been examined. Interventions to lower stillbirths and neonatal deaths should focus on improving the quality of medical care for important obstetric complications and newborn illnesses. Other transitional countries can draw lessons for their health care systems from these findings. [source]

Age-Related Pregnancy Results and Further Examination of Bitches after Aglepristone Treatment of Pyometra

P Jurka
Contents The cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra complex is one of the most common uterine diseases in bitches. The appearance of pharmacological preparations containing anti-progestagens created new possibilities for pyometra treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the curative effect of the anti-progestagen aglepristone treatment of pyometra in bitches of different ages. Twenty four bitches of different breeds, aged from 0.8 to 9.5 years (21,48 kg) exhibiting clinical pyometra symptoms (two groups , I , 5 years, n = 14 and II >5 years, n = 10) were evaluated. Information about the general reproductive health was collected up to 54 months after anti-progestagen treatment. Remission of clinical symptoms and return of blood chemistry results and total leucocyte count to referential values were achieved in all cases within 14 days of treatment. Bitches were naturally mated at the first, and when unsuccessful, the second oestrus after treatment. In group I, no recurrence of pyometra symptoms was observed during following cycle(s). Eight bitches (57.1%) had a full-term pregnancy and the number of newborn pups ranged from 1 to 12. None of the bitches from the group II became pregnant. In conclusion, the basic indication for conservative pharmacological treatment of pyometra is preserving female fertility and obtaining offspring. The important conditions for successful aglepristone treatment are: the young age (up to 5 years) and the lack of detectible ovarian cysts. It seems necessary to mate bitches in the first or second oestrus after finishing treatment. The efficacy of treatment can be measured by the after-treatment pregnancy rate. [source]

The successful management of two pregnancies with wild type metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors

Thean Hsiang TAN
Abstract Aim: To discuss the management of the uncommon situation of metastatic gastrointestinal tumour coexisting with pregnancy. Method: We describe two cases of women with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) who successfully achieved a full-term pregnancy without complications and with the delivery of healthy infants. In both cases, treatment with imatinib mesylate was withheld during pregnancy because of its unknown effects and questionable safety for the developing fetus. The available data in the medical literature regarding the use and safety of imatinib and pregnancy are reviewed. We also examine whether the knowledge of the exon mutational status would have influenced treatment decisions. Results: Both women had wild type GIST, but with different tumor growth characteristics, treatment responses and outcomes. The first patient deferred imatinib therapy to fall pregnant and her disease progressed rapidly off treatment. The second patient had a more indolent GIST where active surgical management allowed her to experience a long durable clinical response. She potentially belongs to a pediatric subgroup which carries a better prognosis despite being off imatinib. Conclusion: While we have successfully managed two pregnant women with metastatic GIST, the issue of initiating imatinib therapy in treatment-naive women, and treatment interruption in women already on therapy, remain difficult areas. Patients and their partners need to make an informed choice regarding the associated risks and the potential long-term sequelae if pregnancies are contemplated. Further research into the natural history of wild type GIST and how to tailor subsequent treatment are needed. [source]

Reproductive factors and risk of breast carcinoma in a study of white and African-American women,,

CANCER, Issue 2 2004
Giske Ursin M.D., Ph.D.
Abstract BACKGROUND Few studies have investigated the association between reproductive factors and the risk of breast carcinoma among African-American women. The authors assessed whether the number of full-term pregnancies, age at first full-term pregnancy, and total duration of breastfeeding were associated with similar relative risk estimates in white and African-American women in a large multicenter, population-based case,control study of breast carcinoma. METHODS Case patients were 4567 women (2950 white women and 1617 African-American women) ages 35,64 years with newly diagnosed invasive breast carcinoma between 1994 and 1998. Control patients were 4668 women (3012 white women and 1656 African-American women) who were identified by random-digit dialing and were frequency matched to case patients according to study center, race, and age. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS For white women, the reduction in risk of breast carcinoma per full-term pregnancy was 13% among younger women (ages 35,49 years) and 10% among older women (ages 50,64 years). The corresponding risk reductions for African-American women were 10% and 6%, respectively. Risk decreased significantly with increasing number of full-term pregnancies for both races and both age categories. Duration of lactation was inversely associated with breast carcinoma risk among younger parous white (trend P = 0.0001) and African-American (trend P = 0.01) women. African-American women tended to have more children compared with white women, but parity rates were lower in younger women than in older women in both racial groups. However, breastfeeding was substantially more common in young white women than in young African-American women. CONCLUSIONS Overall, parity and lactation had similar effects on breast carcinoma risk in white and African-American women. If younger African-American women now are giving birth to fewer children than in the past, without a substantial increase in breastfeeding, breast carcinoma rates may continue to increase at a more rapid rate among these women compared with white women. Cancer 2004. Published 2004 by the American Cancer Society. [source]

Progressive stridor: could it be a congenital cystic lung disease?

M Zedan
Abstract Bronchogenic cyst of the mediastinum, a cause of stridor early in life, is the result of abnormal budding of the ventral segment of the primitive foregut. Bronchogenic cysts are often asymptomatic in older children and adults. However, symptomatic cases usually manifest early in life with cough, stridor or wheezing due to airway compression. We report a female infant aged 4.5 months with a normal full-term pregnancy, who developed respiratory distress with stridor. This stridor was preceded by a history of slowly progressive noisy breathing. Physical examination revealed evidence of bilateral obstructive emphysema. Chest radiograph revealed bilateral overinflation. Fibro-optic bronchoscopy revealed posterior mediastinal compression. Possibility of congenital cystic lung disease (CCLD) was considered, emphasizing the value of computed tomography (CT) chest, which revealed a cyst probably bronchogenic. Surgical excision was performed with evident histological confirmation of bronchogenic cyst. Conclusion:, we highlight that in any infant, presented with slowly progressive noisy breathing in the first year of life, CCLD should be considered in the differential diagnosis even with normal X-ray chest. CT chest should be performed for exclusion or diagnosis of the case. [source]