Freshwater Crayfish (freshwater + crayfish)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Understanding the Causes of Disease in European Freshwater Crayfish

Aphanomyces astaci; bioseguridad; epizootia; langostinos de agua dulce; patología de langostinos; peste de langostinos Abstract:,Native European freshwater crayfish (Astacida, Decapoda) are under severe pressure from habitat alteration, the introduction of nonindigenous species, and epizootic disease. Crayfish plague, an acute disease of freshwater crayfish caused by the fungus-like agent Aphanomyces astaci, was introduced into Europe in the mid-nineteenth century and is responsible for ongoing widespread epizootic mortality in native European populations. We reviewed recent developments and current practices in the field of crayfish pathology. The severity of crayfish plague has resulted in an overemphasis on it. Diagnostic methods for detecting fungi and fungal-like agents, and sometimes culturing them, are frequently the sole techniques used to investigate disease outbreaks in European freshwater crayfish. Consequently, the causes of a significant proportion of outbreaks are undetermined. Pathogen groups well known for causing disease in other crustaceans, such as viruses and rickettsia-like organisms, are poorly understood or unknown in European freshwater crayfish. Moreover, the pathogenic significance of some long-known pathogens of European freshwater crayfish remains obscure. For effective management of this culturally significant and threatened resource, there is an urgent need for researchers, diagnosticians, and resource managers to address the issue of disease in European freshwater crayfish from a broader perspective than has been applied previously. Resumen:,Los langostinos nativos de Europa (Astacida, Decapada) están bajo severa presión por alteración del hábitat, la introducción de especies no nativas y una enfermedad epizoótica. La peste de langostinos, una enfermedad aguda de langostinos de agua dulce producida por el agente micoide Aphanomyces astaci, fue introducida a Europa a mediados del siglo diecinueve y es responsable de la actual mortalidad epizoótica de poblaciones Europeas nativas. Revisamos acontecimientos recientes y prácticas actuales en el campo de la patología de langostinos. La severidad de la peste de langostinos ha resultado en un excesivo énfasis en ella. Los métodos para diagnosticar, y algunas veces cultivar, hongos y agentes micoides frecuentemente son la única técnica empleada al investigar brotes de la enfermedad en langostinos de agua dulce en Europa. Consecuentemente, no están determinadas las causas de una proporción significativa de los brotes. Grupos patógenos, como virus y organismos similares a rickettsias, bien conocidos por producir enfermedades en otros crustáceos son poco o nada conocidos en langostinos de agua dulce de Europa. Más aún, el significado patogénico de algunos patógenos de langostinos de agua dulce de Europa largamente conocidos es oscuro. Para el manejo efectivo de este recurso culturalmente significativo y amenazado es urgente la necesidad de investigadores, diagnosticadores y gestores de recursos para atender el asunto de la enfermedad en langostinos de agua dulce europeos desde una perspectiva más amplia que la previamente aplicada. [source]

A compendium of idiopathic lesions observed in redclaw freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens)

B F Edgerton
Idiopathic lesions observed in redclaw freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens), from farms in northern Queensland, Australia, over a 4-year period are described. Various idiopathic lesions were observed in the exoskeleton, antennal gland, mandibular organ, haemolymph vessel endothelium and enteric tissues of C. quadricarinatus collected for histopathological surveys, investigations of chronic mortalities or during other activities. The need for an increased use of histopathology in crayfish disease diagnosis is highlighted. [source]

Investigation of hatching and early post-embryonic life of freshwater crayfish by in vitro culture, behavioral analysis, and light and electron microscopy

Günter Vogt
Abstract The late embryonic and early post-embryonic life period of freshwater crayfish, which is the main time period of organogenesis, is poorly investigated because of the protective brooding behavior of crayfish mothers. A combination of in vitro culture, behavioral observations, and microscopic investigations of organs involved in hatching, attachment, exploration of the environment, and searching and processing of food yielded deeper insights in this important period of life. Experiments were performed with the robust parthenogenetic marbled crayfish. The following results were obtained: (1) Marbled crayfish can be raised in simple in vitro systems from 80% embryonic development to juvenile Stage 4 with up to 100% survival; (2) Hatching is prepared by chemical weakening of the egg shell and completed by levering actions of the hatchling's appendages; (3) The telson thread, a safety line that keeps the hatchling secured to the mother, is formed by secretions from the telson and the detaching inner layer of the egg case; (4) Molting Stage-1 juveniles are secured by an anal thread that results from delayed molting of the hindgut; (5) Active attachment of the hatchlings to the maternal pleopods with their 1st pereiopods is achieved by an innate fixed action pattern; (6) In vitro, juveniles are motile from Stage 2 despite incomplete development of their balance controlling statocysts. Movement pattern and social behavior vary greatly among individuals; and (7) Feeding starts in Stage 3, when the mouthparts and the gastric mill are fully developed. Onset of feeding is innate and does not require maternal contributions. In vitro culture of the isogenic marbled crayfish is recommended for broader use in research because it enables not only time and stage-specific sampling but also precisely timed experimental manipulations. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The phylogenetic position of the East Asian freshwater crayfish Cambaroides within the Northern Hemisphere Astacoidea (Crustacea, Decapoda, Astacida) based on molecular data

A. Braband
Abstract The phylogenetic position of the four East Asian freshwater crayfish species of the genus Cambaroides is not settled. Morphological phylogenetic analyses suggest close affinities of Cambaroides with North American Cambaridae. This view is based mainly on characters of the male and female reproductive organs. In contrast, the only molecular phylogenetic analysis so far available leaves the phylogenetic position of Cambaroides unresolved. The question of whether Cambaroides is monophyletic or paraphyletic has so far been neither addressed morphologically nor with molecular data sets. Here we present the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all four currently described species of Cambaroides in the framework of Northern Hemisphere freshwater crayfish (Astacoidea) relationships based on partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes (CO1 and 12S rRNA). Despite some evidence in favour of a monophyletic Cambaroides more data is needed to resolve this question. Our analyses suggest a close relationship of the North American Cambaridae and the European Astacidae, leaving the Asian Cambaroides basal to them. If these results hold true the similar reproductive organs of Cambaroides and American Cambaridae must be either homoplastic or ancestral for Northern Hemisphere Astacoidea. Zusammenfassung Die phylogenetische Beziehung der vier ostasiatischen Flusskrebsarten der Gattung Cambaroides in Relation zu den anderen Taxa der Astacoidea ist weitgehend unbestimmt. Phylogenetische Analysen morphologischer Merkmale der Reproduktionsorgane unterstützen eine nahe Verwandtschaft von Cambaroides und den in Nordamerika lebenden Vertretern der Cambaridae. Bislang existierende molekulare Ergebnisse können dieses Ergebnis nicht stützen, lassen aber die Fragen der Monophylie und der phylogenetischen Position von Cambaroides innerhalb der Astacoidea unbeantwortet. Diese Arbeit zeigt die erste umfassende phylogenetische Analyse aller vier beschriebenen rezenten Spezies der Gattung Cambaroides und ihrer phylogenetischen Beziehung innerhalb der Astacoidea, anhand zweier mitochondrialer Genabschnitte (12S rRNA und CO1). Unsere Analyse zeigt die nahe Verwandtschaft der nordamerikanischen Cambaridae und der europäischen Astacidae, während Cambaroides basal zu dieser Gruppierung steht. Dieses Ergebnis lässt den Schluss zu, dass die ähnlichen Reproduktionsorgane von Cambaroides und den amerikanischen Cambaridae entweder plesiomorph für die Astacoidea oder konvergent sind. [source]

Phenotypical characterization of indigenous freshwater crayfish populations

D. Sint
Abstract The morphology of an animal is known to reflect both genetic variation and adaptation to the environment. Thus, phenotypic criteria have been used to characterize indigenous crayfish populations. Twenty-one morphometric parameters were measured on crayfish from 25 waterbodies in the Austrian and Italian parts of Tyrol. They were analysed with hierarchical cluster analysis to obtain the population structure based on morphological similarity between and within the freshwater crayfish species Astacus astacus (noble crayfish), Austropotamobius torrentium (stone crayfish) and Austropotamobius pallipes (white-clawed crayfish). Furthermore, a stepwise discriminant analysis was applied to the morphometric data to test their differentiating power between populations. Both analyses resulted in a clear differentiation of species and populations, and reflected geographic separations. Thus, the developed morphometric methods were shown to be applicable to characterize the phenotype in freshwater crayfish and seem appropriate to be used for stock identification and the effective characterization of management units in decapod crustaceans. [source]

Sea-level changes and palaeo-ranges: reconstruction of ancient shorelines and river drainages and the phylogeography of the Australian land crayfish Engaeus sericatus Clark (Decapoda: Parastacidae)

Abstract Historical sea levels have been influential in shaping the phylogeography of freshwater-limited taxa via palaeodrainage and palaeoshoreline connections. In this study, we demonstrate an approach to phylogeographic analysis incorporating historical sea-level information in a nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) framework, using burrowing freshwater crayfish as the model organism. Our study area focuses on the Bass Strait region of southeastern Australia, which is marine region encompassing a shallow seabed that has emerged as a land bridge during glacial cycles connecting mainland Australia and Tasmania. Bathymetric data were analysed using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to delineate a palaeodrainage model when the palaeocoastline was 150 m below present-day sea level. Such sea levels occurred at least twice in the past 500 000 years, perhaps more often or of larger magnitude within the last 10 million years, linking Victoria and Tasmania. Inter-locality distance measures confined to the palaeodrainage network were incorporated into an NCPA of crayfish (Engaeus sericatus Clark 1936) mitochondrial 16S rDNA haplotypes. The results were then compared to NCPAs using present-day river drainages and traditional great-circle distance measures. NCPA inferences were cross-examined using frequentist and Bayesian procedures in the context of geomorphological and historical sea-level data. We found distribution of present-day genetic variation in E. sericatus to be partly explained not only by connectivity through palaeodrainages but also via present-day drainages or overland (great circle) routes. We recommend that future studies consider all three of these distance measures, especially for studies of coastally distributed species. [source]