Fractured Rock (fractured + rock)

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Selected Abstracts

A New Depth-Discrete Multilevel Monitoring Approach for Fractured Rock

John A. Cherry
A new approach for monitoring in fractured rock was demonstrated in a contaminated (trichloroethylene and metolachlor) dolostone aquifer used for municipal water supply. The system consists of two related technologies: a continuous packer for temporary borehole seals (Flexible Liner Underground Technologies Ltd. [FLUTe] blank liner) and a depth-discrete multilevel monitoring system (MLS) (the Water FLUTe) for temporary or permanent monitoring. The continuous borehole liner consists of a urethane-coated nylon fabric tube custom sized to each hole. The FLUTe MLS consists of the same liner material with many depth-discrete intervals for monitoring hydraulic head and/or ground water quality. The FLUTe blank liner seals the entire borehole, prior to FLUTe multilevel installation, to prevent vertical cross connection while allowing borehole logging and testing. The FLUTe multilevel system also seals the entire borehole with the exception of each monitoring interval where the formation water has direct hydraulic connection to the pumping system via a thin permeable mesh sandwiched between the liner and the formation. The blank sealing liners and the multilevel systems were used in five boreholes ranging in diameter between 9.6 and 14.5 cm in the dolostone aquifer to depths of 150 m. The systems were custom designed for each borehole and included between 12 and 15 monitoring intervals. The application demonstrated the ease of installation and removability and facilitated obtaining large data sets with minimal labor. The system offers unique and versatile design features not possible with other bedrock monitoring devices and has been used at many bedrock contamination sites across North America. [source]

Multiple Well-Shutdown Tests and Site-Scale Flow Simulation in Fractured Rocks

GROUND WATER, Issue 3 2010
Claire R. Tiedeman
A new method was developed for conducting aquifer tests in fractured-rock flow systems that have a pump-and-treat (P&T) operation for containing and removing groundwater contaminants. The method involves temporary shutdown of individual pumps in wells of the P&T system. Conducting aquifer tests in this manner has several advantages, including (1) no additional contaminated water is withdrawn, and (2) hydraulic containment of contaminants remains largely intact because pumping continues at most wells. The well-shutdown test method was applied at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, New Jersey, where a P&T operation is designed to contain and remove trichloroethene and its daughter products in the dipping fractured sedimentary rocks underlying the site. The detailed site-scale subsurface geologic stratigraphy, a three-dimensional MODFLOW model, and inverse methods in UCODE_2005 were used to analyze the shutdown tests. In the model, a deterministic method was used for representing the highly heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distribution and simulations were conducted using an equivalent porous media method. This approach was very successful for simulating the shutdown tests, contrary to a common perception that flow in fractured rocks must be simulated using a stochastic or discrete fracture representation of heterogeneity. Use of inverse methods to simultaneously calibrate the model to the multiple shutdown tests was integral to the effectiveness of the approach. [source]

Radon (222Rn) in Ground Water of Fractured Rocks: A Diffusion/Ion Exchange Model

GROUND WATER, Issue 4 2004
Warren W. Wood
Ground waters from fractured igneous and high-grade sialic metamorphic rocks frequently have elevated activity of dissolved radon (222Rn). A chemically based model is proposed whereby radium (226Ra) from the decay of uranium (238U) diffuses through the primary porosity of the rock to the water-transmitting fracture where it is sorbed on weathering products. Sorption of 226Ra on the fracture surface maintains an activity gradient in the rock matrix, ensuring a continuous supply of 226Ra to fracture surfaces. As a result of the relatively long half-life of 226Ra (1601 years), significant activity can accumulate on fracture surfaces. The proximity of this sorbed 226Ra to the active ground water flow system allows its decay progeny 222Rn to enter directly into the water. Laboratory analyses of primary porosity and diffusion coefficients of the rock matrix, radon emanation, and ion exchange at fracture surfaces are consistent with the requirements of a diffusion/ion-exchange model. A dipole-brine injection/withdrawal experiment conducted between bedrock boreholes in the high-grade metamorphic and granite rocks at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, Grafton County, New Hampshire, United States (42°56,N, 71°43,W) shows a large activity of 226Ra exchanged from fracture surfaces by a magnesium brine. The 226Ra activity removed by the exchange process is 34 times greater than that of 238U activity. These observations are consistent with the diffusion/ion-exchange model. Elutriate isotopic ratios of 223Ra/226Ra and 238U/226Ra are also consistent with the proposed chemically based diffusion/ion-exchange model. [source]

Numerical modelling of 3D fluid flow and oxygen isotope exchange in fractured media: spatial distribution of isotope patterns

Abstract An understanding of fluid flow, mass transport and isotopic exchange in fractured rock is required to understand the origin of several geological processes including hydrothermal mineral deposits. The numerical model HydroGeoSphere simulates 3D advection, molecular diffusion, mechanical dispersion and isotopic exchange in a discretely fractured porous media, and can be used to better understand the processes of mass transport and isotopic exchange in fractured rocks. Study of 18O isopleth patterns for different types of fractures and fracture networks with a range of structural complexity and hydraulic properties shows that fracture properties and geometry control mass transport and isotopic exchange. The hydraulic properties, as well as the density, spacing, and connectivity of fractures determine the isotopic patterns. Asymmetries in the geometry of oxygen isotope patterns could be used to determine the direction of hydrothermal fluid flow. [source]

A comparison of cross-hole electrical and seismic data in fractured rock

J.V. Herwanger
ABSTRACT Cross-hole anisotropic electrical and seismic tomograms of fractured metamorphic rock have been obtained at a test site where extensive hydrological data were available. A strong correlation between electrical resistivity anisotropy and seismic compressional-wave velocity anisotropy has been observed. Analysis of core samples from the site reveal that the shale-rich rocks have fabric-related average velocity anisotropy of between 10% and 30%. The cross-hole seismic data are consistent with these values, indicating that observed anisotropy might be principally due to the inherent rock fabric rather than to the aligned sets of open fractures. One region with velocity anisotropy greater than 30% has been modelled as aligned open fractures within an anisotropic rock matrix and this model is consistent with available fracture density and hydraulic transmissivity data from the boreholes and the cross-hole resistivity tomography data. However, in general the study highlights the uncertainties that can arise, due to the relative influence of rock fabric and fluid-filled fractures, when using geophysical techniques for hydrological investigations. [source]

The 3D shear experiment over the Natih field in Oman: the effect of fracture-filling fluids on shear propagation

C.M. Van Der Kolk
This is the final paper in a series on the 3D multicomponent seismic experiment in Oman. In this experiment a 3D data set was acquired using three-component geophones and with three source orientations. The data set will subsequently be referred to as the Natih 9C3D data set. We present, for the first time, evidence demonstrating that shear waves are sensitive to fluid type in fractured media. Two observations are examined from the Natih 9C3D data where regions of gas are characterized by slow shear-wave velocities. One is that the shear-wave splitting map of the Natih reservoir exhibits much larger splitting values over the gas cap on the reservoir. This increase in splitting results from a decrease in the slow shear-wave velocity which senses both the fractures and the fracture-filling fluid. Using a new effective-medium model, it was possible to generate a splitting map for the reservoir that is corrected for this fluid effect. Secondly, an anomaly was encountered on the shear-wave data directly above the reservoir. The thick Fiqa shale overburden exhibits a low shear-wave velocity anomaly that is accompanied by higher shear reflectivity and lower frequency content. No such effects are evident in the conventional P-wave data. This feature is interpreted as a gas chimney above the reservoir, a conclusion supported by both effective-medium modelling and the geology. With this new effective-medium model, we show that introduction of gas into vertically fractured rock appears to decrease the velocity of shear waves (S2), polarized perpendicular to the fracture orientation, whilst leaving the vertical compressional-wave velocity largely unaffected. This conclusion has direct implications for seismic methods in exploration, appraisal and development of fractured reservoirs and suggests that here we should be utilizing S-wave data, as well as the conventional P-wave data, as a direct hydrocarbon indicator. [source]

Analysis of a Vertical Dipole Tracer Test in Highly Fractured Rock

GROUND WATER, Issue 5 2002
William E. Sanford
The results of a vertical dipole tracer experiment performed in highly fractured rocks of the Clare Valley, South Australia, are presented. The injection and withdrawal piezometers were both screened over 3 m and were separated by 6 m (midpoint to midpoint). Due to the long screen length, several fracture sets were intersected, some of which do not connect the two piezometers. Dissolved helium and bromide were injected into the dipole flow field for 75 minutes, followed by an additional 510 minutes of flushing. The breakthrough of helium was retarded relative to bromide, as was expected due to the greater aqueous diffusion coefficient of helium. Also, only 25% of the total mass injected of both tracers was recovered. Modeling of the tracer transport was accomplished using an analytical one-dimensional flow and transport model for flow through a fracture with diffusion into the matrix. The assumptions made include: streamlines connecting the injection and withdrawal point can be modeled as a dipole of equal strength, flow along each streamline is one dimensional, and there is a constant Peclet number for each streamline. In contrast to many other field tracer studies performed in fractured rock, the actual travel length between piezometers was not known. Modeling was accomplished by fitting the characteristics of the tracer breakthrough curves (BTCs), such as arrival times of the peak concentration and the center of mass. The important steps were to determine the fracture aperture (240 ,m) based on the parameters that influence the rate of matrix diffusion (this controls the arrival time of the peak concentration); estimating the travel distance (11 m) by fitting the time of arrival of the centers of mass of the tracers; and estimating fracture dispersivity (0.5 m) by fitting the times that the inflection points occurred on the front and back limbs of the BTCs. This method works even though there was dilution in the withdrawal well, the amount of which can be estimated by determining the value that the modeled concentrations need to be reduced to fit the data (,50%). The use of two tracers with different diffusion coefficients was not necessary, but it provides important checks in the modeling process because the apparent retardation between the two tracers is evidence of matrix diffusion and the BTCs of both tracers need to be accurately modeled by the best fit parameters. [source]

A New Depth-Discrete Multilevel Monitoring Approach for Fractured Rock

John A. Cherry
A new approach for monitoring in fractured rock was demonstrated in a contaminated (trichloroethylene and metolachlor) dolostone aquifer used for municipal water supply. The system consists of two related technologies: a continuous packer for temporary borehole seals (Flexible Liner Underground Technologies Ltd. [FLUTe] blank liner) and a depth-discrete multilevel monitoring system (MLS) (the Water FLUTe) for temporary or permanent monitoring. The continuous borehole liner consists of a urethane-coated nylon fabric tube custom sized to each hole. The FLUTe MLS consists of the same liner material with many depth-discrete intervals for monitoring hydraulic head and/or ground water quality. The FLUTe blank liner seals the entire borehole, prior to FLUTe multilevel installation, to prevent vertical cross connection while allowing borehole logging and testing. The FLUTe multilevel system also seals the entire borehole with the exception of each monitoring interval where the formation water has direct hydraulic connection to the pumping system via a thin permeable mesh sandwiched between the liner and the formation. The blank sealing liners and the multilevel systems were used in five boreholes ranging in diameter between 9.6 and 14.5 cm in the dolostone aquifer to depths of 150 m. The systems were custom designed for each borehole and included between 12 and 15 monitoring intervals. The application demonstrated the ease of installation and removability and facilitated obtaining large data sets with minimal labor. The system offers unique and versatile design features not possible with other bedrock monitoring devices and has been used at many bedrock contamination sites across North America. [source]

Single-phase flow in composite poroelastic media

R. E. Showalter
The mathematical formulation and analysis of the Barenblatt,Biot model of elastic deformation and laminar flow in a heterogeneous porous medium is discussed. This describes consolidation processes in a fluid-saturated double-diffusion model of fractured rock. The model includes various degenerate cases, such as incompressible constituents or totally fissured components, and it is extended to include boundary conditions arising from partially exposed pores. The quasi-static initial,boundary problem is shown to have a unique weak solution, and this solution is strong when the data are smoother. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Numerical modelling of 3D fluid flow and oxygen isotope exchange in fractured media: spatial distribution of isotope patterns

Abstract An understanding of fluid flow, mass transport and isotopic exchange in fractured rock is required to understand the origin of several geological processes including hydrothermal mineral deposits. The numerical model HydroGeoSphere simulates 3D advection, molecular diffusion, mechanical dispersion and isotopic exchange in a discretely fractured porous media, and can be used to better understand the processes of mass transport and isotopic exchange in fractured rocks. Study of 18O isopleth patterns for different types of fractures and fracture networks with a range of structural complexity and hydraulic properties shows that fracture properties and geometry control mass transport and isotopic exchange. The hydraulic properties, as well as the density, spacing, and connectivity of fractures determine the isotopic patterns. Asymmetries in the geometry of oxygen isotope patterns could be used to determine the direction of hydrothermal fluid flow. [source]

Multiple Well-Shutdown Tests and Site-Scale Flow Simulation in Fractured Rocks

GROUND WATER, Issue 3 2010
Claire R. Tiedeman
A new method was developed for conducting aquifer tests in fractured-rock flow systems that have a pump-and-treat (P&T) operation for containing and removing groundwater contaminants. The method involves temporary shutdown of individual pumps in wells of the P&T system. Conducting aquifer tests in this manner has several advantages, including (1) no additional contaminated water is withdrawn, and (2) hydraulic containment of contaminants remains largely intact because pumping continues at most wells. The well-shutdown test method was applied at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, New Jersey, where a P&T operation is designed to contain and remove trichloroethene and its daughter products in the dipping fractured sedimentary rocks underlying the site. The detailed site-scale subsurface geologic stratigraphy, a three-dimensional MODFLOW model, and inverse methods in UCODE_2005 were used to analyze the shutdown tests. In the model, a deterministic method was used for representing the highly heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distribution and simulations were conducted using an equivalent porous media method. This approach was very successful for simulating the shutdown tests, contrary to a common perception that flow in fractured rocks must be simulated using a stochastic or discrete fracture representation of heterogeneity. Use of inverse methods to simultaneously calibrate the model to the multiple shutdown tests was integral to the effectiveness of the approach. [source]

Analysis of a Vertical Dipole Tracer Test in Highly Fractured Rock

GROUND WATER, Issue 5 2002
William E. Sanford
The results of a vertical dipole tracer experiment performed in highly fractured rocks of the Clare Valley, South Australia, are presented. The injection and withdrawal piezometers were both screened over 3 m and were separated by 6 m (midpoint to midpoint). Due to the long screen length, several fracture sets were intersected, some of which do not connect the two piezometers. Dissolved helium and bromide were injected into the dipole flow field for 75 minutes, followed by an additional 510 minutes of flushing. The breakthrough of helium was retarded relative to bromide, as was expected due to the greater aqueous diffusion coefficient of helium. Also, only 25% of the total mass injected of both tracers was recovered. Modeling of the tracer transport was accomplished using an analytical one-dimensional flow and transport model for flow through a fracture with diffusion into the matrix. The assumptions made include: streamlines connecting the injection and withdrawal point can be modeled as a dipole of equal strength, flow along each streamline is one dimensional, and there is a constant Peclet number for each streamline. In contrast to many other field tracer studies performed in fractured rock, the actual travel length between piezometers was not known. Modeling was accomplished by fitting the characteristics of the tracer breakthrough curves (BTCs), such as arrival times of the peak concentration and the center of mass. The important steps were to determine the fracture aperture (240 ,m) based on the parameters that influence the rate of matrix diffusion (this controls the arrival time of the peak concentration); estimating the travel distance (11 m) by fitting the time of arrival of the centers of mass of the tracers; and estimating fracture dispersivity (0.5 m) by fitting the times that the inflection points occurred on the front and back limbs of the BTCs. This method works even though there was dilution in the withdrawal well, the amount of which can be estimated by determining the value that the modeled concentrations need to be reduced to fit the data (,50%). The use of two tracers with different diffusion coefficients was not necessary, but it provides important checks in the modeling process because the apparent retardation between the two tracers is evidence of matrix diffusion and the BTCs of both tracers need to be accurately modeled by the best fit parameters. [source]

In situ hydraulic tests in the active fault survey tunnel, Kamioka Mine, excavated through the active Mozumi-Sukenobu Fault zone and their hydrogeological significance

ISLAND ARC, Issue 4 2006
Tsuyoshi Nohara
Abstract The spatial hydrogeological and structural character of the active Mozumi-Sukenobu Fault (MSF) was investigated along a survey tunnel excavated through the MSF in the Kamioka Mine, central Japan. Major groundwater conduits on both sides of the MSF are recognized. One is considered to be a subvertical conduit between the tunnel and the surface, and the other is estimated to be a major reservoir of old meteoric water alongside the MSF. Our studies indicate that part of the MSF is a sub-vertical continuous barrier that obstructs younger meteoric water observed in the south-eastern part of the Active Fault Survey Tunnel (AFST) and water recharge to the rock mass intersected by the north-western part of the AFST. The MSF might be a continuous barrier resulting in the storage of a large quantity of older groundwater to the northwest. The observations and results of in situ hydraulic tests indicate that the major reservoir is not the fault breccia associated with the northeast,southwest trending faults of the MSF, but the zone in which blocks of fractured rocks occur beside high angle faults corresponding to X shears whose tectonic stress field coincides with the present regional stress field and antithetic Riedel shears of the MSF. The results from borehole investigations in the AFST indicate that secondary porosity is developed in the major reservoir due to the destruction of filling minerals and fracture development beside these shears. The increase in hydraulic conductivity is not directly related to increased density of fractures around the MSF. Development of secondary porosity could cause the increase in hydraulic conductivity around the MSF. Our results suggest that minor conduits of the fracture network are sporadically distributed in the sedimentary rocks around the MSF in the AFST. [source]