Forested Sites (forested + site)

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Selected Abstracts

Land-use influences macroinvertebrate community response following a pulse disturbance

Kevin J. Collier
Summary 1.,We tested the hypothesis that interactions between disturbance types can influence invertebrate community response and recovery in two streams draining pasture (press-pulse disturbance) and native forest (pulse disturbance) catchments before and after a one-in-28-year flood. We also sampled drift and adult insects to gain insights into the relative importance of these two postdisturbance recolonisation pathways. 2.,Taxa numbers and total density declined markedly at the forested site after the flood, but there was a delayed response at the pasture site, reflecting greater initial resistance to this pulse disturbance among taxa adapted to the underlying press disturbance. 3.,Community composition was less stable at the pasture site where per cent abundance of taxa was highly variable prior to the flood and over the 2-year postflood sampling period. After the flood, the pasture stream fauna was more heavily dominated by vagile taxa, including several chironomid species and hydroptilid caddisflies. 4.,Taxa numbers and densities recovered to preflood levels within 5,7 months at both sites, but a range of taxa-specific responses was observed that took up to 18 months to recover to preflood densities. Community stability at the pasture site had not returned to preflood composition by 2 years postflood. 5.,Changes in drift densities of several common stream invertebrates at the pasture site reflected postflood changes in benthic densities and seasonally low drift in winter. Terrestrial invertebrates dominated drift at the pasture site for 3 months postflood whereas Ephemeroptera were most common at the native forest site. 6.,Flight patterns of selected adult aquatic insects showed a strongly seasonal pattern. Abundance of adults at the pasture site in the second year following the flood increased in line with the recovery of the non-Dipteran benthic fauna. Significant upstream flight occurred for several caddisfly species at the native forest site, and weakly directional or downstream flight was evident for most common Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera. 7.,This study indicates that the magnitude and duration of responses to major pulse disturbances can depend on the presence or absence of an underlying press disturbance. This finding has implications for monitoring, and suggests that a knowledge of disturbance history beyond 2 years may be required to interpret mechanisms contributing to observed land-use impacts. [source]

Impacts of nonpoint inputs from potato farming on populations of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus)

Michelle A. Gray
Abstract The potential influence of agricultural activity, particularly potato cultivation, on slimy sculpin populations (Cottus cognatus) was examined at 19 rivers of New Brunswick, Canada. Comparisons with forested streams resulted in differences in fish density, size, and reproductive performance. Young-of-the-year (YOY) sculpin were present only at two of 11 agricultural sites, though they were present at all nine forested sites. Sediment deposition was greatest at agricultural sites, with increased fine sediments deposited. Larger, coarse sands were deposited at two sites with active forest operations. Temperature had a stronger correlation than sedimentation with sculpin size and density in the agricultural region. Agricultural catchments were warmer than in forested catchments (median = 16.0 and 13.3°C, respectively). Body size of slimy sculpin was correlated positively and YOY densities correlated negatively with temperature, and sites with temperatures ,25°C were devoid of YOY sculpin. Our data indicate there is a significant effect of temperature on slimy sculpin populations in rivers of potato farming areas, highlighting the importance of examining indirect factors when investigating possible impacts of nonpoint source agricultural inputs. Indirect factors such as sediment deposition and temperature need to be considered in order to discriminate accurately the chronic impacts of agricultural chemicals on fish populations. [source]


Sharon C. Long
ABSTRACT: A renewed emphasis on source water protection and watershed management has resulted from recent amendments and initiatives under the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act. Knowledge of the impact of land use choices on source water quality is critical for efforts to properly manage activities within a watershed. This study evaluated qualitative relationships between land use and source water quality and the quantitative impact of season and rainfall events on water quality parameters. High levels of specific conductance tended to be associated with dense residential development, while organic carbon was elevated at several forested sites. Turbidity was generally higher in more urbanized areas. Source tracking indicators were detected in samples where land use types would predict their presence. Coliform levels were statistically different at the 95 percent confidence levels for winter versus summer conditions and dry versus wet weather conditions. Other water quality parameters that varied with season were organic carbon, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance. These results indicate that land use management can be effective for mitigating impacts to a water body; however, year- round, comprehensive data are necessary to thoroughly evaluate the water quality at a particular site. [source]

Current Loads of Coarse Woody Debris on Southeastern Australian Floodplains: Evaluation of Change and Implications for Restoration

Ralph MacNally
Abstract We evaluated the status of coarse woody debris (CWD, fallen wood) on floodplains of the southern Murray-Darling basin of southeastern Australia. The floodplains are dominated floristically by the river red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Aerial survey techniques were used to estimate the amounts of woody debris within 200 m of the channels along 2,442 km of 11 rivers of the system, including the Murray and Darling Rivers and the Darling Anabranch. Aerially based indices were converted into wood volumes by using ground-truthing at a selection of sites; there was a strong correlation between index values and measured wood volume densities. For thickly forested sites such as Barmah, Gunbower Island, and the Ovens floodplains, the aerial method was not useful, so ground measurements at randomly positioned sites within the forests were used. Volumes were translated into mass by using conversion factors drawn from the literature. We estimated that total tonnage on approximately 221,000 ha of floodplain forests was 4.175 ± 0.579 × 106 tonne. In the larger forested blocks (>7,000 ha), mean wood densities ranged between approximately 12 tonne/ha on the lower Goulburn up to approximately 24 tonne/ha at Barmah State Forest. The area-weighted mean for the entire area was approximately 19 tonne/ha. A main purpose of the research was to place these figures into an historical perspective to evaluate implications for restoration. A thorough search of historical documentation revealed that there are no extant data upon which to estimate pre-European settlement levels. We used information from an apparently undisturbed "unmanaged" site in the Millewa forests of southern New South Wales as a basis. Wood density there corresponded to a mean figure of 125 tonne/ha wood-mass density. By using this figure we estimate that CWD levels on the southern Murray-Darling basin may be of the order of 15% of pre-European settlement levels. Full restoration of the 221,000 ha surveyed would require 23.5 ± 0.579 × 106 tonne, which is equivalent to about 600,000 mature (1 m diameter at breast height) river red gum trees or the amount of timber derived from clear felling about 115,000 ha of river red gum forest at current stocking levels. We discuss the implications of this massive deficit and possible short- and long-term solutions. [source]

Variation in Species and Trophic Composition of Insect Communities in Puerto Rico1

BIOTROPICA, Issue 3 2002
M. F. Barberena-Arias
ABSTRACT Insects are important participants in many ecosystem processes, but the effects of anthropogenic and natural disturbances on insect communities have been poorly studied. To describe how disturbances affect insect communities, we addressed two questions: Do insect communities return to a pre-hurricane composition? And how do insect communities change during succession? To answer these questions, we studied insect communities in a chronosequence of two abandoned pastures (5 yr and 32 yr) and a mature forest (>80 yr) that were recently disturbed by two hurricanes (Hurricane Hugo, 1989) Hurricane Georges, 1998). Although insect abundance and richness fluctuated during the study, all sites returned to pre-hurricane (Hurricane Georges) abundance and richness in less than one year. All trophic categories present before Hurricane Georges were present after the hurricane, but richness within categories fluctuated greatly. Insect richness did not increase during succession; the 5 yr site had the highest richness, the >80 yr site had an intermediate richness, and die 32 yr site the lowest. Nevertheless, the species composition of the two forested sites was different in comparison to the 5 yr site. These results suggest that trophic structure varies little in time and space, but the species composition within each trophic category is highly variable. RESUMEN Los insectos participan en muchos de los procesos de los ecosistemas, sin embargo pocos estudios se han investigado el efecto que tienen las perturbaciones naturales y antropogénicas sobre las comunidades de insectos. Para describir cómo estas perturbaciones afectan a las comunidades de insectos, nos planteamos dos preguntas: regresan las comunidades de insectos a la composición previa despúes de un huracán? Y cómo cambian las comunidades de insectos durance la sucesión? Para contestar estas preguntas, estudiamos las comunidades de insectos en una cronosecuencia de dos pastizales abandonados (5 años) 32 años) y un bosque maduro (>80 años) que fueron recientemente perturbados por dos huracanes (Huracán Hugo, 1989; Huracán Georges, 1998). Aunque la abundancia y riqueza de insectos fluctuó durante el estudio, todos los sitios recuperaron los niveles prehuracan (Huracán Georges) en menos de un año. Todas las categorías tróficas presentes antes del Huracán Georges siguieron presentes después del huracán, pero la riqueza dentro de las categorías fluctuó ampliamente. La riqueza de insectos no aumentó durante la sucesión; el sitio de 5 años tuvo la riqueza más alta, el sitio de >80 a,os tuvo una riqueza intermedia, y el sitio de 32 años tuvo la riqueza más baja. Sin embargo, la composición de especies de los dos sitios de bosque fue diferente en comparación al sitio de 5 años. Estos resultados sugieren que la estructura trófica varía poco en tiempo y espacio, pero la composición de especies de las categorías tróficas es muy variable. [source]