Four-chamber View (four-chamber + view)

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Selected Abstracts

Association of Coronary Sinus Diameter with Pulmonary Hypertension

Yilmaz Gunes M.D.
Background: Impaired venous drainage secondary to increased right atrial pressure (RAP) may result in coronary sinus (CS) dilatation.,Methods: Two hundred fifteen patients referred for transthoracic echocardiography were included in the study. CS diameters were measured from apical four-chamber view with the transducer being slightly tilted posteriorly to the level of the dorsum of the heart. Pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) is estimated by measurement of tricuspid regurgitation velocity (v) and estimate RAP based on size and collapsibility of inferior vena cava (VCI) with the formula PASP: 4v2+RAP. Patients with PASP >35 mmHg were considered to have pulmonary hypertension (PH).,Results: CS diameter was measured in 80.3% of the patients with normal PASP (8.1 ± 2.4 mm) and 93.1% of the patients having PH (12.3 ± 2.5 mm). PASP was significantly correlated with CS diameter (r = 0.647, P < 0.001), RA volume index (r = 0.631, P < 0.001), RV volume index (r = 0.475, P < 0.001), VCI diameter (r = 0.365, P < 0.001), and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (r =,0.270, P < 0.001). CS diameter was also correlated significantly with estimated RAP (r = 0.557, P < 0.001), RA volume index (r = 0.520, P < 0.001), RV volume index (r = 0.386, P < 0.001), LVEF (r =,0.327, P < 0.001), and VCI diameter (r = 0.313, P < 0.001). Multivariate analyses, testing for independent predictive information of CS size, VCI diameter, RA and RV volume indexes, and estimated RAP for the presence of PH revealed that estimated RAP (beta = 0.465, P < 0.001) and CS size (beta = 0.402, P = 0.003) were the significant predictors.,Conclusions: Coronary sinus is dilated in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Coronary sinus diameter significantly correlates with PASP, RAP, right heart chamber volumes, LVEF, and VCI diameter. [source]

Two-Dimensional Assessment of Right Ventricular Function: An Echocardiographic,MRI Correlative Study

Nagesh S. Anavekar M.D.
Background: While echocardiography is used most frequently to assess right ventricular (RV) function in clinical practice, echocardiography is limited in its ability to provide an accurate measure of RV ejection fraction (RVEF). Hence, quantitative estimation of RV function has proven difficult in clinical practice. Objective: We sought to determine which commonly used echocardiographic measures of RV function were most accurate in comparison with an MRI-derived estimate of RVEF. Methods: We analyzed RV function in 36 patients who had cardiac MRI studies and echocardiograms within a 24 hour period. 2D parameters of RV function,right ventricular fractional area change (RVFAC), tricuspid annular motion (TAM), and transverse fractional shortening (TFS) were obtained from the four-chamber view. RV volumes and EFs were derived from volumetric reconstruction based on endocardial tracing of the RV chamber from the short axis images. Echocardiographic assessment of RV function was correlated with MRI findings. Results: RVFAC measured by echocardiography correlated best with MRI-derived RVEF (r = 0.80, P < 0.001). Neither TAM (r = 0.17; P = 0.30) nor TFC (r = 0.12; p< 0.38) were significantly correlated with RVEF. Conclusions: RVFAC is the best of commonly utilized echocardiographic 2D measure of RV function and correlated best with MRI-derived RV ejection fraction. Condensed Abstract: While echocardiography is used most frequently to assess RV function in clinical practice, echocardiography is limited in its ability to provide an accurate measure of RV ejection fraction (RVEF). Using cardiac MRI, RV fractional area change (RVFAC), determined either by MRI or echocardiography, was found to correlate best with MRI-derived RVEF. [source]

"Hands-Free" Continuous Transthoracic Monitoring of Pericardiocentesis Using a Novel Ultrasound Transducer

F.R.C.P., P.A.N. Chandraratna
Background: Pericardiocentesis can be monitored with a hand-held transducer. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of monitoring pericardiocentesis using a novel ultrasound transducer, which can be attached to the chest wall, developed in our laboratory (CONTISON). Methods: We studied nine patients with large pericardial effusions. The 2.5-MHz transducer is spherical in its distal part and mounted in an external housing to permit steering in 360 degrees. The external housing is attached to the chest wall using an adhesive patch. The CONTISON transducer was placed at the cardiac apex and an apical four-chamber view obtained. Pericardiocentesis was performed from the subcostal position. The pericardial effusion was continuously imaged. Mitral inflow velocity signals were recorded before and after pericardiocentesis. When fluid was first obtained, 50 mL of fluid were discarded after which 5 mL of agitated saline was injected through the needle. Results: In the first patient the pericardiocentesis needle was seen in the left ventricular cavity. Saline injection produced a contrast effect in the left ventricle. The needle was gradually withdrawn until contrast was seen in the pericardial sac. A total of 1100 mL was removed without further complications. The second patient had clear fluid followed by blood stained aspirate. The echocardiogram revealed gradual appearance of granular echoes within the pericardial sac, suggestive of intrapericardial clot that was subsequently surgically evacuated. In the remaining seven patients, agitated saline produced a contrast effect in the pericardial sac indicative of proper needle position. Mitral flow velocity paradoxus was noted in five patients, and it resolved after pericardiocentesis in four patients. No adjustment of the transducer was required. Conclusion: The CONTISON transducer permitted continuous monitoring of pericardiocentesis. This technique could potentially facilitate pericardiocentesis. (ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Volume 20, August 2003) [source]

Age Dependency of Myocardial Structure: A Quantitative Two-Dimensional Echocardiography Study in a Normal Population

Histological changes of the myocardium occur with aging due to an increase in collagen content, hypertrophy of fibers, and patchy fibrosis. Quantitative analysis of conventional echocardiographic images provides an in vivo assessment of myocardial structure by the evaluation of the gray level distribution; with this technique, a relation between myocardial fibrosis and pathological ultrasonic response has been documented. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between ultrason-ically assessed myocardial structure and age in a normal population. Seventy-eight subjects (47 men; mean age, 51 years; age range, 23,87 years) without apparent cardiovascular and systemic disease underwent conventional two-dimensional echocardiographic examinations. Still frames at end-diastole from apical four-chamber view were digitized and converted in matrices of 256 × 256 pixels. First-order statistical analysis was performed to describe a region of interest in the interventricular septum. The following parameters were studied: mean (gray level amplitude), standard deviation (overall contrast), uniformity (tonal organization), and entropy (tendency of gray levels to be spread). Myocardial structure was assessed in 75 of 78 subjects, divided into three groups: I, age 23,40 years; II, age 41,65 years; and III, > 65 years. Significant differences for all the parameters were found between the age groups. Age correlated directly with mean and entropy (r = 0.77 and 0.69, respectively) and inversely with uniformity (r = 0.70). Our results suggest that quantitative echocardiography can reveal age-related changes in myocardial structure that are characterized by a greater echogenicity and loss in tonal organization, possibly due to increased collagen content within the fibers. [source]

Cardiothoracic ratio in the first half of pregnancy

Theera Tongsong MD
Abstract Purpose The present study was conducted to establish the nomogram of fetal cardiothoracic (C/T) ratio in the first half of normal pregnancies (eg, 11,20 weeks of gestation), using conventional sonographic techniques. Methods Two hundred thirty-eight normal pregnant women enrolled in our prenatal care were recruited into this study. All the patients had singleton fetuses whose gestational age could be accurately determined by the patient's last menstrual period and sonographic measurements. All the newborns were proven to be normal at birth. The sonographic measurements used to calculate the C/T ratio were obtained from axial scans at the level of the four-chamber view. All measurements were made by the same examiner using a single high-resolution machine. Results A total of 238 C/T ratio measurements were made. The mean C/T ratio values increased slightly with gestational age, rising from 0.38 at 11 weeks to 0.45 at 20 weeks. The mean C/T value at each gestational week was never greater than 0.50, and no fetus had a C/T ratio greater than 0.50 at 11,15 weeks of gestation. The means and 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles of the C/T ratio were calculated for each week of gestation and the nomogram was established. Conclusions Calculation of the C/T ratio is a simple, reliable, reproducible, and time-efficient means of assessing the size of the fetal heart. By comparing the C/T ratio with the normal values presented here, physicians should be able to more easily identify cases of cardiomegaly early in their patients' pregnancies. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound 32:186,189, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/jcu.20014 [source]

Three and four dimensional ultrasound: a novel method for evaluating fetal cardiac anomalies

L. Gindes
Abstract Objective To evaluate the role of various new models of 3- and 4-dimensional (3D and 4D) ultrasound (US) applications in prenatal assessment of fetal cardiac anomalies. Methods Volume data sets of 81 fetuses with fetal cardiac anomalies, as previously diagnosed by 2D US, were acquired by 3D and cine 4D using spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) software. Various additional rendering tools were applied. Color, power, high definition Doppler and B-flow were added to the volumes acquired. A retrospective offline analysis of the cardiac defects was performed. Results The mean gestational age at diagnosis was 24 weeks (range 13,38); 128 anomalies were detected and were classified into the following categories: I, Situs anomalies in 8 cases; II, abnormal four-chamber view in 63 cases; III, outflows tract anomalies in 27 cases; IV, arches anomalies in 21 cases; and V, veins anomalies in 9 cases. Rendering tools differed in each groups of anomalies. Conclusions Fetal cardiac anomalies can be evaluated adequately by the information gained by 3D and 4D volumes obtained by STIC. Since no single module is sufficiently accurate for the diagnosis of all cardiac anomalies, each of the cardiac anomaly categories requires different and appropriate module of visualization. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]