
Distribution by Scientific Domains
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Kinds of Florida

  • central florida
  • cornus florida
  • northern florida
  • pleurotus florida
  • richard florida
  • south florida
  • southern florida

  • Terms modified by Florida

  • florida bay
  • florida county
  • florida keys

  • Selected Abstracts


    David M. Coley
    ABSTRACT: The Peace River at Arcadia, Florida, is a municipal water supply supplement for southwestern Florida. Consequently, probabilities of encountering low flows during the dry season are of critical importance. Since the association between Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and seasonal streamflow variability in the southeastern United States is well documented, it is reasonable to generate forecasts based on this information. Here, employing historic records of minimum, mean, and maximum flows during winter (JFM) and spring (AMJ), upper and lower terciles define "above normal,""normal," and "below normal" levels of each variable. A probability distribution model describes the likelihood of these seasonal variables conditioned upon Pacific SSTs from the previous summer (JAS). Model calibration is based upon 40 (of 50) years of record employing stratified random sampling to ensure equal representation from each decade. The model is validated against the remaining 10 samples and the process repeated 100 times. Each conditional probability distribution yields varying probabilities of observing flow variables within defined categories. Generally, a warm (cold) Pacific is associated with higher (lower) flows. To test model skill, the forecast is constrained to be the most probable category in each calibration year, with significance tested by chi-square frequency tables. For all variables, the tables indicate high levels of association between forecast and observed terciles and forecast skill, particularly during winter. During spring the pattern is less clear, possibly due to the variable starting date of the summer rainy season. This simple technique suggests that Pacific SSTs provide a good forecast of low flows. [source]


    Kara C. Buckstaff
    Abstract Watercraft may provide the greatest source of anthropogenic noise for bottlenose dolphins living in coastal waters. A resident community of about 140 individuals near Sarasota, Florida, are exposed to a vessel passing within 100 m approximately every six minutes during daylight hours. I investigated the circumstances under which watercraft traffic may impact the acoustic behavior of this community, specifically looking for short-term changes in whistle frequency range, duration, and rate of production. To analyze whistles and received watercraft noise levels, acoustic recordings were made using two hydrophones towed from an observation vessel during focal animal follows of 14 individual dolphins. The duration and frequency range of signature whistles did not change significantly relative to vessel approaches. However, dolphins whistled significantly more often at the onset of approaches compared to during and after vessel approaches. Whistle rate was also significantly greater at the onset of a vessel approach than when no vessels were present. Increased whistle repetition as watercraft approach may simply reflect heightened arousal, an increased motivation for animals to come closer together, with whistles functioning to promote reunions. It may also be an effective way to compensate for signal masking, maintaining communication in a noisy environment. [source]


    Bruce A. Craig
    Abstract In many animal population survey studies, the construction of a stochastic model provides an effective way to capture underlying biological characteristics that contribute to the overall variation in the data. In this paper we develop a stochastic model to assess the population trend and abundance of the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris, along the Atlantic coast of the state, using aerial survey data collected at winter aggregation sites between 1982 and 2001. This model accounts for the method by which the manatees were counted, their movements between surveys, and the behavior of the total population over time. The data suggest an overall increase in the population from 1982 to 1989 of around 5%,7%, a reduction in growth or a leveling off (0%,4% annual growth) from 1990 to 1993, and then an increase again of around 3%,6% since 1994. In winter 2001,2002 (the most recent survey season for which analyses were done), we estimated the adult manatee population along the east coast of Florida to be 1,607 individuals (range = 1,353,1,972; 95% credible interval). Our estimate of manatee abundance corresponds well with maximum counts (approximately 1,600 manatees) produced during synoptic aerial surveys under optimal conditions. Our calculations of trends correspond well with mark and recapture analyses of trends in survival of adult manatees along the east coast through the early 1990s. Our population trend estimates since that time are more optimistic than those generated by mark-recapture models. [source]


    Megan K. Stolen
    Abstract Data gathered from 220 stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Indian River Lagoon system, Florida, were used to derive a life table. Survivorship curves were fit to the data using Siler's competing-risk model and a maximum likelihood approach. Population growth was estimated to be between r= 0.0 and 0.046 based on the observed numbers of stranded dolphins. Variance in survival rates was estimated using an individual-based, age-structured population projection model. We estimate that the overall annual mortality rate for this population was 9.8% per year. Sex-specific differences in survivorship were apparent with females outliving males. The overall mortality curve resembles that of other large mammals, with high calf mortality and an exponentially increasing risk of senescent mortality. The inclusion of live-capture removals of individuals from this population did not significantly affect the estimation of survival parameters for most age classes. [source]


    Megan K. Stolen
    Abstract Gompertz growth models were fitted to total lengths and ages from tooth sections of 199 stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Indian River Lagoon system, eastern Florida. Based on the model, dolphins from this population are estimated to be born at 119 cm and reach asymptotic length at 250 cm. No apparent pubescent growth acceleration was noted for either sex. Males appeared to grow to slightly longer lengths than females. There were small size differences between Indian River dolphins and those in Texas and Sarasota, indicating general size similarities between North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico bottlenose dolphins stocks. [source]

    The Sieve Model: An innovative process for identifying alternatives to custody evaluations

    Robert B. Silver
    This article reviews the development of the Sieve Model, conceived from dissatisfaction with adversarial processes that encouraged endless destructive fighting and depletion of financial and emotional family resources. Adversarial approaches discourage constructive problem solving and cooperation and are very hard on children. Rather than a piecemeal approach toward divorce, a systemic model was conceived. The Sieve Model is being implemented in the 20th Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida through differentiated case management, after a study revealed that protracted cases primarily involved disputes over children. Families are invited to use pertinent elements in an individualized fashion. Family law professionals are challenged to develop other solution-based efforts akin to mediation to assist families of divorce. The Sieve Model encourages participants to practice solving problems rather than creating them, decreasing divorce brutality and postjudgment conflicts. [source]

    Documenting Loss of Large Trophy Fish from the Florida Keys with Historical Photographs

    arrecifes de coral; ecología histórica; directrices cambiantes; peces de arrecife; sobrepesca Abstract:,A loss of large vertebrates has occurred in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, but data to measure long-term population changes are sparse. Historical photographs provide visual and quantitative evidence of changes in mean individual size and species composition for groups of marine fish that have been targeted by sport fishing. I measured such trends for 13 groups of recreationally caught "trophy" reef fish with photographs taken in Key West, Florida, from 1956 to 2007. The mean fish size declined from an estimated 19.9 kg (SE 1.5) to 2.3 kg (SE 0.3), and there was a major shift in species composition. Landings from 1956 to 1960 were dominated by large groupers (Epinephelus spp.), and other large predatory fish were commonly caught, including sharks with an average length of just <2 m. In contrast, landings in 2007 were composed of small snappers (Lutjanus spp. and Ocyurus chrysurus) with an average length of 34.4 cm (SE 0.62), and the average length of sharks declined by more than 50% over 50 years. Major declines in the size of fish caught were not reflected in the price of fishing trips, so customers paid the same amount for a less-valuable product. Historical photographs provide a window into a more pristine coral reef ecosystem that existed a half a century ago and lend support to current observations that unfished reef communities are able to support large numbers of large-bodied fish. Resumen:,Una pérdida de vertebrados mayores ha ocurrido en ecosistemas acuáticos y terrestres, pero los datos para medir los cambios poblaciones a largo plazo son escasos. Las fotografías históricas proporcionan evidencia visual y cuantitativa de cambios en el tamaño individual promedio y de la composición de especies en grupos de peces marinos que han sido blanco de la pesca deportiva. Medí esas tendencias en 13 grupos de peces de arrecife capturados recreativamente como "trofeos" mediante fotografías tomadas en Key West, Florida, desde 1956 a 2007. El peso promedio de los peces declinó de unos 19.9 kg (ES 1.5) a 2.3 kg (ES 0.3), y hubo un cambio mayor en la composición de especies. Las capturas entre 1956 y 1960 estuvieron dominadas por meros (Epinephelus spp.) grandes, y otros peces depredadores eran capturados comúnmente, incluyendo tiburones con una longitud promedio de poco menos de 2m. En contraste, las capturas en 2007 fueron compuestas de pargos (Lutjanus spp. y Ocyurus chrysurus) pequeños con una longitud promedio de 34.4 cm (ES 0.62), y la longitud promedio de los tiburones declinó más de 50% en 50 años. La gran declinación en el tamaño de los peces capturados no se reflejó en los precios de los viajes de pesca, así que los clientes pagaron la misma cantidad por un producto menos valioso. Las fotografías históricas proporcionan una visión de un ecosistema arrecifal coralino prístino que existió hace medio siglo y proporcionan soporte a los comentarios actuales de que las comunidades arrecifales no explotadas son capaces de soportar numerosos peces de talla grande. [source]

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Reserve Acquisition Programs in Protecting Rare and Threatened Species

    Lake Wales Ridge (Florida); especies en peligro; índice de protección; Lista Roja IUCN; matorral Abstract:,Measuring the effectiveness of reserve networks is essential to ensure that conservation objectives such as species persistence are being met. We devised a new approach for measuring the effectiveness of land conservation in protecting rare and threatened species and applied it to an ecosystem of global significance. We compiled detailed global distributional data for 36 rare and threatened plants and animals found in the Lake Wales Ridge ecosystem in central Florida (U.S.A.). For each species, we developed a set of protection indices based in part on criteria used to categorize species for the World Conservation Union's Red List. We calculated protection indexes under three different conservation scenarios: a past scenario, which assumed recent, major land-acquisition efforts never occurred; a current scenario, which assumed no additional areas are saved beyond what is currently protected; and a targeted scenario, which assumed all of the remaining areas targeted for protection are eventually acquired. This approach enabled us to quantify the progress, in terms of reduced risk of extinction, that conservationists have made in protecting target species. It also revealed the limited success these land-acquisition efforts have had in reducing those extinction risks associated with loss of habitat or small geographic ranges. Many species of the Lake Wales Ridge will remain at high risk of extinction even if planned land-acquisition efforts are completely successful. By calculating protection indexes with and without each site for all imperiled species, we also quantified the contribution of each protected area to the conservation of each species, enabling local conservation decisions to be made in the context of a larger (global) perspective. The protection index approach can be adapted readily to other ecosystems with multiple rare and threatened species. Resumen:,La cuantificación de la efectividad de las redes de reservas es esencial para asegurar que objetivos, como la persistencia de especies, se cumplan. Diseñamos un nuevo método para medir la efectividad de la conservación de tierras en la protección de especies raras y amenazadas y lo aplicamos a un ecosistema de importancia global. Compilamos datos detallados de la distribución global de 36 especies raras y amenazadas de plantas y animales que se encuentran en el ecosistema de la Lake Wales Ridge en el centro de Florida (E.U.A.). Para cada especie desarrollamos un conjunto de índices de protección basado parcialmente en criterios utilizados para clasificar especies para la Lista Roja de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza. Calculamos los índices de protección bajo tres escenarios de conservación distintos: un escenario pasado, que asumía que los esfuerzos recientes de adquisición de tierras nunca ocurrieron; un escenario actual, que asumía que no se protegen áreas adicionales a las ya conservadas; y un escenario deseado, que asumía que todas las áreas consideradas para ser protegidas son adquiridas eventualmente. Este método nos permitió cuantificar el progreso, en términos de la reducción del riesgo de extinción, en la protección de las especies obtenido por conservacionistas. También reveló el éxito limitado de los esfuerzos de adquisición de tierras en la disminución de los riesgos de extinción asociados con la pérdida de hábitat o con rangos geográficos pequeños. Se pronosticó que muchas especies de la Lake Wales Ridge permanecerán en alto riesgo aun si los esfuerzos de adquisición de tierra planificados son completamente exitosos. Al calcular los índices de protección con y sin cada sitio para todas las especies en peligro, también cuantificamos la contribución de cada área protegida a la conservación de cada especie, lo que permite que las decisiones de conservación se tomen en el contexto de una perspectiva mayor (global). El método del índice de protección se puede adaptar fácilmente a otros ecosistemas con múltiples especies raras y amenazadas. [source]

    Effects of Coastal Lighting on Foraging Behaviorof Beach Mice

    comportamiento de forrajeo; iluminación artificial; polución por luz; ratones de playa (Peromyscus polionotus leucocephalus) Abstract:,Introduction of artificial light into wildlife habitat represents a rapidly expanding form of human encroachment, particularly in coastal systems. Light pollution alters the behavior of sea turtles during nesting; therefore, long-wavelength lights,low-pressure sodium vapor and bug lights,that minimize impacts on turtles are required for beach lighting in Florida (U.S.A.). We investigated the effects of these two kinds of lights on the foraging behavior of Santa Rosa beach mice ( Peromyscus polionotus leucocephalus). We compared patch use and giving-up densities of mice for experimental food patches established along a gradient of artificial light in the field. Mice exploited fewer food patches near both types of artificial light than in areas with little light and harvested fewer seeds within patches near bug lights. Our results show that artificial light affects the behavior of terrestrial species in coastal areas and that light pollution deserves greater consideration in conservation planning. Resumen:,La introducción de luz artificial al hábitat de vida silvestre representa una forma de intrusión humana que se expande rápidamente, particularmente en sistemas costeros. Durante la anidación, la polución por luz altera el comportamiento de tortugas marinas; por tanto, para la iluminación de playas en Florida (E. U. A) se requieren luces de longitud de onda larga , luces de vapor de sodio de baja presión y contra insectos , que minimizan impactos sobre las tortugas. Investigamos los efectos de estos dos tipos de luces sobre el comportamiento de forrajeo de ratones de playa de Santa Rosa ( Peromyscus polionotus leucocephalus). Comparamos el uso de parches y las densidades de rendición de ratones en parches alimenticios experimentales establecidos a lo largo de un gradiente de luz artificial en el campo. Los ratones utilizaron menos parches de forrajeo cercanos a ambos tipos de luz artificial que en áreas con poca iluminación y cosecharon menos semillas en parches cercanos a luces contra insectos. Nuestros resultados muestran que la luz artificial afecta el comportamiento de especies terrestres en áreas costeras y que la polución por luz merece mayor consideración en la planificación de la conservación. [source]

    Implications of Climatic Warming for Conservation of Native Trees and Shrubs in Florida

    David W. Crumpacker
    Climatic-envelope models are useful for simultaneous investigation of many plant species whose range-limiting mechanisms are poorly known. They are most effectively applied in regions with strong temperature and moisture gradients and low relief. Their required databases are often relatively easy to obtain. We provide an example involving the effect of six annual warming scenarios, ranging from +1° C to +2° C and from +10% to ,20% annual precipitation (some have greater warming in winter than in summer), on 117 native woody species in Florida (U.S.A.). Tree species at their southern range boundaries in several parts of Florida are likely to be negatively affected by as little as 1° C warming if it is greater in winter than in summer or is accompanied by a 20% decrease in annual precipitation. Potential species responses to an identical type of 1° C warming may be different for some conservation areas in the same region of Florida. Potentially extensive disruption of some major woody ecosystems is predicted under certain types of 1° C annual warming and under all types of 2° C annual warming that were investigated. Additional consideration of nonclimatic factors suggests that many potential effects on species and ecosystems are not underestimates of actual effects over a 100-year period of warming. We recommend monitoring for decreased fertility and viability of ecologically important, temperate woody species near their southern range limits in Florida. Early detection of such changes in fitness might then provide time for mitigations designed to alleviate more serious subsequent effects on biodiversity. Control of invasive, non-native plant species and prevention of their additional introduction, human-assisted translocation of native subtropical plant species into previously temperate parts of Florida, and restoration of more natural hydrological regimes are examples of potentially useful mitigations if climatic warming continues. Resumen: Los modelos de procesos ecológicos y los modelos empíricos han sido usados para relacionar predicciones de cambio climático con los efectos en especies de plantas y vegetación. Los modelos climáticos son útiles para la investigación simultánea de muchas especies de plantas cuyos mecanismos limitantes de rango son poco conocidos. Estos modelos son más eficientemente aplicados en regiones con gradientes de temperatura y humedad fuertes y con relieve bajo. Las bases de datos requeridas son a menudo relativamente fáciles de adquirir. Proveemos un ejemplo que involucra el efecto de seis escenarios anuales de calentamiento con un rango de +1° C a +2° C y de +10% a ,20% de precipitación anual (algunos con rangos de calentamiento mayores en el invierno que en el verano), en 117 especies leñosas nativas de Florida ( E.U.A.). Las especies de árboles en sus límites de rango al sur en diversas partes de Florida son más factibles de ser negativamente afectadas por tan poco como 1° C de calentamiento, si este es mayor en el invierno que en el verano o si es acompañado por una disminución de un 20% de precipitación anual. Las respuestas potenciales de las especies a un tipo idéntico de calentamiento de 1° C puede ser diferente para algunas áreas de conservación en la misma región de Florida. Se predicen perturbaciones potencialmente extensivas en algunos ecosistemas leñosos principales investigados bajo ciertos tipos de calentamiento anual de 1° C y bajo todos los tipos de calentamiento anual de 2° C. Las consideraciones adicionales de factores no climáticos sugieren que muchos efectos potenciales sobre las especies y ecosistemas no son subestimaciones de los efectos actuales sobre un período de calentamiento de 100 años. Se recomienda el monitoreo de la disminución de la fertilidad y viabilidad de especies leñosas templadas ecológicamente importantes cerca de los límites sureños de sus rangos en la Florida. La detección temprana de estos cambios en adaptabilidad pueden proveer tiempo para mitigaciones diseñadas para aliviar efectos posteriores más serios en la biodiversidad. Algunos ejemplos de mitigaciones potencialmente útiles en caso de que el calentamiento global continúe incluyen el control de especies de plantas invasoras no nativas y la prevención de su introducción adicional, la translocación asistida por humanos de plantas nativas subtropicales en partes previamente templadas de Florida y la restauración de regimenes hidrológicos más naturales. [source]

    A View on Creative Cities Beyond the Hype

    Gert-Jan Hospers
    Fuelled by the influential work of urban guru Richard Florida, the European knowledge economy is seeing a rise of cities calling themselves ,creative cities'. In this paper we have a look at the concept of creative cities and offer a view on them beyond the hype. We understand ,creative cities' as competitive urban areas that combine both concentration, diversity, instability as well as a positive image. Examples of creative cities in history and recent best practice of two such urban areas in Europe (Øresund and Manchester) show that local governments cannot plan knowledge, creativity and innovation from scratch. We conclude, however, that local governments can increase the chance that urban creativity emerges by providing the appropriate framework conditions. [source]

    The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life The Flight of the Creative Class: The New Global Competition for Talent , Richard Florida

    Gert-Jan Hospers
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]


    CRIMINOLOGY, Issue 3 2005
    Florida law allows judges to withhold adjudication of guilt for persons who have either pled guilty or been found guilty of a felony. This provision may apply only to persons who will be sentenced to probation, and it allows such individuals to retain all civil rights and to truthfully assert they had not been convicted of a felony. This paper examines the effects of race and Hispanic ethnicity on the withholding of adjudication for 91,477 males sentenced to probation in Florida between 1999 and 2002. Hierarchical Generalized Linear Modeling is used to assess the direct effects of defendant attributes as well as the cross-level interactions between race, ethnicity and community level indicators of threat, such as percentage black and Hispanic and concentrated disadvantage. Our results show that Hispanics and blacks are significantly less likely to have adjudication withheld when other individual and community level factors are controlled. This effect is especially pronounced for blacks and for drug offenders. Cross-level interactions show that concentrated disadvantage has a substantial effect on the adjudication withheld outcome for both black and Hispanic defendants. The implications of these results for the conceptualization of racial/ethnic threat at the individual, situational and social levels are discussed. [source]


    Research Summary: Prior macro-level studies examining the impact of prison population growth on crime rates have produced widely varying results. Studies using national-level time series data find large impacts of prison growth on crime, whereas those using state panel data find more modest ones. Critics of the former studies maintain that the estimates are implausibly large, arguing that the effects are instead due to analysts' inability to control for potential confounding factors. Conversely, critics of the latter studies argue that they underestimate the total impacts of imprisonment by failing to account for potential free-riding effects. This study uses panel data for 58 Florida counties for 1980 to 2000 to reexamine the link between prison population growth and crime. Unlike previous studies, we find no evidence that increases in prison population growth covary with decreases in crime rates. Policy Implications: Our findings suggest that Florida policymakers carefully weigh the costs and benefits of their continued reliance on mass incarceration against the potential costs and benefits of alternatives. If the costs of mass incarceration do not return appreciable benefits, i.e., a reduction in crime, it is time to reconsider our approach to crime and punishment. Other research offers evidence of crime prevention programs operating inside the criminal justice system and in communities that hold promise for reducing crime; our findings indicate that policymakers carefully consider these options as a way to achieve their goals. [source]

    Adverse Event Reporting: Lessons Learned from 4 Years of Florida Office Data

    Brett Coldiron MD, FACP
    Background Patient safety regulations and medical error reporting systems have been at the forefront of current health care legislature. In 2000, Florida mandated that all physicians report, to a central collecting agency, all adverse events occurring in an office setting. Purpose To analyze the scope and incidence of adverse events and deaths resulting from office surgical procedures in Florida from 2000 to 2004. Methods We reviewed all reported adverse incidents (the death of a patient, serious injury, and subsequent hospital transfer) occurring in an office setting from March 1, 2000, through March 1, 2004, from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. We determined physician board certification status, hospital privileges, and office accreditation via telephone follow-up and Internet searches. Results Of 286 reported office adverse events, 77 occurred in association with an office surgical procedure (19 deaths and 58 hospital transfers). There were seven complications and five deaths associated with the use of intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. There were no adverse events associated with the use of dilute local (tumescent) anesthesia. Liposuction and/or abdominoplasty under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation were the most common surgical procedures associated with a death or complication. Fifty-three percent of offices reporting an adverse incident were accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities, or American Association for Ambulatory Health Care. Ninety-four percent of the involved physicians were board certified, and 97% had hospital privileges. Forty-two percent of the reported deaths were delayed by several hours to weeks after uneventful discharge or after hospital transfer. Conclusions Requiring physician board certification, physician hospital privileges, or office accreditation is not likely to reduce office adverse events. Restrictions on dilute local (tumescent) anesthesia for liposuction would not reduce adverse events and could increase adverse events if patients are shifted to riskier approaches. State and/or national legislation establishing adverse event reporting systems should be supported and should require the reporting of delayed deaths. [source]

    Patient Injuries from Surgical Procedures Performed in Medical Offices: Three Years of Florida Data

    DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY, Issue 12p1 2004
    Brett Coldiron MD, FACP
    Background. Many state medical boards and legislatures are in the process of developing regulations that restrict procedures in the office setting with the intention of enhancing patient safety. The highest quality data in existence on office procedure adverse incidents have been collected by the state of Florida. Objective. The objective was to determine and analyze the nature of surgical incidents in office-based settings using 3 years of Florida data from March 2000 to March 2003. Methods. An incidence study with prospective data collection was performed. Individual reports that resulted in death or a hospital transfer were further investigated by determining the reporting physician's board certification status, hospital privilege status (excluding procedure specific operating room privileges), and office accreditation status. Results. In 3 years there were 13 procedure-related deaths and 43 procedure-related complications that resulted in a hospital transfer. Seven of the 13 deaths involved elective cosmetic procedures, 5 of which were performed under general anesthesia and 2 of which were performed with intravenous sedation anesthesia. Forty-two percent of the offices reporting deaths and 50% of the offices reporting procedural incidents that resulted in a hospital transfer were accredited by an independent accreditation agency. Ninety-six percent of physicians reporting surgical incidents were board-certified, and all had hospital privileges. Conclusions. Restrictions on office procedures for medically necessary procedures, such as requiring office accreditation, board certification, and hospital privileges, would have little effect on overall safety of surgical procedures. These data also show that the greatest danger to patients lies not with surgical procedures in office-based settings per se, but with cosmetic procedures that are performed in office-based settings, particularly when under general anesthesia. Our conclusions are dramatically different from those of a recent study, which claimed a 12-fold increased risk of death for procedures in the office setting. [source]

    Spermatogenesis in Boccardiella hamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the Sea of Japan: sperm formation mechanisms as characteristics for future taxonomic revision

    ACTA ZOOLOGICA, Issue 4 2010
    Arkadiy A. Reunov
    Abstract Reunov, A.A., Yurchenko, O.V., Alexandrova, Y.N. and Radashevsky, V.I. 2009. Spermatogenesis in Boccardiella hamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the Sea of Japan: sperm formation mechanisms as characteristics for future taxonomic revision. ,Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91: 477,456. To characterize novel features that will be useful in the discussion and validation of the spionid polychaete Boccardiella hamata from the Sea of Japan, the successive stages of spermatogenesis were described and illustrated. Spermatogonia, spermatocytes and early spermatids are aflagellar cells that develop synchronously in clusters united by a cytophore. At the middle spermatid stage, the clusters undergo disintegration and spermatids produce flagella and float separately in coelomic fluid as they transform into sperm. Spermatozoa are filiform. The ring-shaped storage platelets are located along the anterior nuclear area. The nucleus is cupped by a conical acrosome. A nuclear plate is present between the acrosome and nucleus. The nucleus is a cylinder with the implantation fossa throughout its length and with the anterior part of the flagellum inside the fossa. There is only one centriole, serving as a basal body of the flagellum, situated in close vicinity of the acrosomal area. A collar of four mitochondria is located under the nuclear base. The ultrastructure of B. hamata spermatozoa from the Sea of Japan appears to be close to that of B. hamata from Florida described by Rice (Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York, 1992), suggesting species identity of the samples from the two regions. However, more detailed study of Florida's B. hamata sperm is required for a reliable conclusion concerning the similarity of these two polychaetes. In addition to sperm structure, features such as the cytophore-assigned pattern of spermatogenic cell development, the synchronous pattern of cell divisions, the non-flagellate early spermatogenic stages, and the vesicle amalgamation that drives meiotic cell cytokinesis and spermatid diorthosis will likely be useful in future testing of the validity of B. hamata and sibling species throughout the world. [source]

    The fundamental and realized niche of the Monterey Pine aphid, Essigella californica (Essig) (Hemiptera: Aphididae): implications for managing softwood plantations in Australia

    Trudi N. Wharton
    ABSTRACT Essigella californica is a pine aphid native to western North America. In Australia, E. californica is considered an invasive pest that has the potential to cause severe economic loss to the Australian forestry industry. Two CLIMEX models were developed to predict the Australian and global distribution of E. californica under current climate conditions based upon the aphid's known North American distribution. The first model (model I) was fitted using the reasonably contiguous set of location records in North America that constituted the known range of E. californica, and excluded consideration of a single (reliable) location record of the aphid in southern Florida. The second model (model II) was fitted using all known records in North America. Model I indicated that the aphid would be climatically restricted to the temperate, Mediterranean and subtropical climatic regions of Australia. In northern Australia it would be limited by hot, wet conditions, while in more central areas of Australia it is limited by hot, dry conditions. Model II is more consistent with the current Australian distribution of E. californica. The contrast in geographical range and climatic conditions encompassed between the two models appears to represent the difference between the realized niche (model I) and fundamental niche (model II) of E. californica. The difference may represent the strength of biotic factors such as host limitation, competition and parasitism in limiting geographical spread in the native range. This paper provides a risk map for E. californica colonization in Australia and globally. E. californica is likely to remain a feature of the Australian pine plantations, and any feasibility studies into establishing coniferous plantations in lower rainfall areas should consider the likely impact of E. californica. [source]

    The Florida amphioxus (Cephalochordata) hosts larvae of the tapeworm Acanthobothrium brevissime: natural history, anatomy and taxonomic identification of the parasite

    ACTA ZOOLOGICA, Issue 1 2009
    Nicholas D. Holland
    Abstract Plerocercoid larvae of a tapeworm are frequently found in the hindgut lumen of the Florida amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) in central west Florida. About three-quarters of the adult amphioxus are parasitized. On average, each adult amphioxus hosts about five tapeworm larvae. The residence time of the parasites in the amphioxus gut appears to be in the order of several months, which is considerably shorter than the potential lifetime of the host. The living larvae range in length (when fully extended) from 300 to 850 µm and are approximately cone-shaped, tapering to a point posteriorly and bearing a single large sucker anteriorly. Toward the anterior end of the body are four hookless bothridia, each indented by three loculi plus an inconspicuous accessory sucker. The larvae initiate the early stages of hook formation when they are cultured for a few days in urea-saline (mimicking the gut fluid of the definitive host, which is an elasmobranch). The tapeworm larvae are identifiable to genus and species on the basis of correspondences between their nuclear ribosomal DNA genes and those of adult specimens of Acanthobothrium brevissime recovered from the spiral valve of a stingray from the same environment. [source]

    Sensitivity of post-hurricane beach and dune recovery to event frequency

    Chris Houser
    Abstract The recovery of Santa Rosa Island in northwest Florida is characterized following Hurricane Katrina (September 2005), which was preceded by Hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Dennis (2005). Beach and dune recovery were quantified to the east and west of Pensacola Beach through a comparison of LiDAR data collected immediately following Hurricane Katrina and in July 2006 after almost a year of recovery. East of Pensacola Beach (the Santa Rosa Unit), the shoreline retreated by an average of 64 m during the 2004,2005 hurricane season and recovered by an average of 19 m. To the west of Pensacola Beach (the Fort Pickens Unit), the shoreline retreated by an average of 30 m, and while no significant shoreface recovery was observed, the presence of vegetation on low-profile dunes promoted backshore accretion. It is found that beachface recovery in the Santa Rosa Unit and backshore accretion in the Fort Pickens Unit occurred at the widest sections of the island where the pre-storm profile volume had been relatively large and overwash penetration was at a minimum. The narrow sections of the island (between cuspate headlands) had a smaller profile volume before the storms, leading to greater overwash penetration and in some cases island breaching in both sections, which limited the volume of sediment available for shoreface recovery. The alongshore variation in recovery is not only related to the island width, but also the offshore bathymetry, height of the pre-storm dunes and the overwash penetration. If sufficient time is allowed for the return of vegetation and the recovery of the dunes, the variations in storm impact observed during Hurricane Ivan will be reinforced during subsequent storms. In this respect, the level of impact during subsequent storms and the ability of the island to recover will depend on the frequency of storm events. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Density-dependent polyphenism and geographic variation in size among two populations of lubber grasshoppers (Romalea microptera)

    Abstract. 1. Density-dependent phase polyphenism occurs when changes in density during the juvenile stages result in a developmental shift from one phenotype to another. Density-dependent phase polyphenism is common among locusts (Orthoptera: Acrididae). 2. Previously, we demonstrated a longitudinal geographic cline in adult body size (western populations = small adults; eastern populations = large adults) in the eastern lubber grasshopper (Romalea microptera) in south Florida. As lubbers are confamilial with locusts, we hypothesised that the longitudinal size cline was partly due to density-dependent phase polyphenism. 3. We tested the effect of density, population, and density×population interaction on life-history traits (pronotum length, mass, cumulative development time, growth rate) of, and proportion surviving to, each of the five instars and the adult stage in a 2 × 3 factorial laboratory experiment with two lubber populations, each reared from hatchling to adult at three different densities. 4. The effect of density on life history and survival was independent of the effects of population on life history and survival. Higher densities led to larger adult sizes (pronotum, mass) and lower survivorship. The western population had smaller adult masses, fewer cumulative days to the adult stage, and higher survivorship than the eastern population. 5. Our data suggest that lubber grasshoppers exhibit density-dependent phase polyphenism initiated by the physical presence of conspecifics. However, the plastic response of adult size to density observed in the laboratory is not consistent with the relationship between phenotypes and adult density in the field. Genetic differences between populations observed in the laboratory could contribute to size and life-history differences among lubber populations in the field. [source]

    Associations between host migration and the prevalence of a protozoan parasite in natural populations of adult monarch butterflies

    Sonia M. Altizer
    Summary 1. Monarch butterflies Danaus plexippus (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) are susceptible to infection by the obligate protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (McLaughlin and Myers) (Apicomplexa: Neogregarinida). Because monarchs form resident and migratory populations in different parts of the world, this host,parasite system provides the opportunity to examine how variation in parasite prevalence relates to host movement patterns. 2. Parasite prevalence was evaluated using 14 790 adult monarchs captured between 1968 and 1997. Comparison of three populations in North America indicated that parasite prevalence is associated negatively with host dispersal distances. A continuously breeding, nonmigratory population in southern Florida showed high prevalence (over 70% heavily infected). The western population migrates moderate distances to overwintering sites on the Pacific Coast and has intermediate prevalence (30% heavily infected). The eastern migratory population, which travels the longest distance to Mexican overwintering sites, has exhibited less than 8% infection throughout the past 30 years. 3. Variation in parasite loads within North American migratory populations was investigated to determine whether the prevalence of heavy infection and average parasite loads declined during migration or overwintering. Average parasite loads of summer-breeding adults in western North America decreased with increasing distance from overwintering sites. This suggests that heavily infected monarchs are less likely to remigrate long distances in spring. No differences in the frequency of heavily infected adults were found among eastern or western North American monarchs throughout the overwintering period, however, suggesting that this parasite does not affect overwintering mortality. 4. Changes in the prevalence of monarchs with low parasite loads demonstrate that spore transfer occurs during migration and overwintering, possibly when adult butterflies contact each other as a result of their clustering behaviour. 5. This study of geographical and temporal variation in O. elektroscirrha among populations of D. plexippus demonstrates the potential role of seasonal migration in mediating interactions between hosts and parasites, and suggests several mechanisms through which migratory behaviour may influence parasite prevalence. [source]

    Biogeographic effects of red fire ant invasion

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 4 2000
    N.J. Gotelli
    The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, was accidentally introduced to North America over 60 years ago and has spread throughout the southeastern United States. We document the biogeographic consequences of this invasion. We censused ground-foraging ant communities on a 2000 km transect from Florida through New York that passed through invaded and intact biotas. Native ant species density peaks at mid-latitudes in the eastern United States, and the location of this peak corresponds to the range limit of S. invicta. In uninvaded sites, ant species co-occur less often than expected by chance. In the presence of S. invicta, community structure converges to a random pattern. Our results suggest that the effects of S. invicta on native ant communities are pervasive: not only does the presence of S. invicta reduce species density at local scales, it alters the co-occurrence patterns of surviving species at a biogeographic scale. [source]

    Knowledge Bases, Talents, and Contexts: On the Usefulness of the Creative Class Approach in Sweden

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 4 2009
    Bjørn Asheim
    abstract The geography of the creative class and its impact on regional development has been debated for some years. While the ideas of Richard Florida have permeated local and regional planning strategies in most parts of the Western world, critiques have been numerous. Florida's 3T's (technology, talent, and tolerance) have been adopted without considering whether the theory fits into the settings of a specific urban and regional context. This article aims to contextualize and unpack the creative class approach by applying the knowledge-base approach and break down the rigid assumption that all people in the creative class share common locational preferences. We argue that the creative class draws on three different knowledge bases: synthetic, analytical, and symbolic, which have different implications for people's residential locational preferences with respect to a people climate and a business climate. Furthermore, the dominating knowledge base in a region has an influence on the importance of a people climate and a business climate for attracting and retaining talent. In this article, we present an empirical analysis in support of these arguments using original Swedish data. [source]


    ECONOMICS & POLITICS, Issue 3 2010
    BUSH VS.
    I examine the relation between campaign contributions and stock returns during the Florida recount period of the 2000 presidential elections. Using the full population of publicly traded firms, I find an economically significant positive (negative) relation between pre-election campaign contributions to Bush (Gore) and stock returns during the 37-day election recount period. This relation exists for both the level and partisanship of contributions, and exists incrementally at both the firm and industry levels. These relations are robust to several different specifications, including alternative event windows that exclude the potentially confounding House/Senate races. The firm-level analysis is consistent with contributions being influence-motivated. [source]

    Synergistic effect of insect herbivory and plant parasitism on the performance of the invasive tree Schinus terebinthifolius

    Veronica Manrique
    Abstract Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae) is an introduced tree from South America that has invaded many ecosystems throughout central and south Florida, USA. Exploratory surveys in the plant's native range identified several potential biocontrol agents, including the leaflet rolling moth, Episimus unguiculus Clarke (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). The larval stages of E. unguiculus tie together the plant leaflets while feeding and can completely defoliate small plants. The native love vine, Cassytha filiformis L. (Lauraceae), has been found parasitizing S. terebinthifolius in Florida. Natural processes such as plant parasitism may be one of the components of an integrated approach for S. terebinthifolius management in Florida. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the combined effects of insect herbivory and plant parasitism on the performance of S. terebinthifolius. A factorial design experiment was conducted in the greenhouse to determine the effect of C. filiformis parasitism and E. unguiculus feeding damage on the growth and biomass of S. terebinthifolius. Results showed that plant parameters, including leaflet biomass, growth rate, and flower production, were negatively affected by plant parasitism and insect herbivory. Moreover, the decrease in S. terebinthifolius performance was greater when these two factors were combined, indicative of a synergistic relationship. In addition, the combined effect of C. filiformis and E. unguiculus suppressed plant performance for at least 2 months after the moths were removed. Therefore, increased control of S. terebinthifolius stands may be achieved in those areas where C. filiformis is present in Florida (e.g., pinelands, hammock forests) if the biocontrol agent E. unguiculus is approved for release. [source]

    Life history and host specificity of the Japanese flea beetles Trachyaphthona sordida and T. nigrita (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), potential biological control agents against skunk vine, Paederia foetida (Rubiaceae), in the southeastern parts of the United States and Hawaii

    Chie OKAMOTO
    Abstract Skunk vine, Paederia foetida (Rubiaceae), is native to Asia and has been recognized as an invasive weedy vine of natural areas in Florida and Hawaii. Two insects, Trachyaphthona sordida and Trachyaphthona nigrita (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Japan are being considered as potential biological control agents against skunk vine. To gather fundamental information on their biology, we carried out field surveys and laboratory experiments in Kyushu, southern Japan, between 2003 and 2006. We found that T. sordida is commonly distributed in Kyushu and T. nigrita is restricted to the southern parts of Kagoshima Prefecture on the southern part of Kyushu. These species are fundamentally univoltine and adults appear in late April to early July. Trachyaphthona sordida overwinters as mature larvae and T. nigrita as mature larvae or rarely as adults. Larvae of both species feed on fine roots of P. foetida in the field and Serissa foetida (Rubiaceae) under rearing conditions, and they appear to have tribe-level host specificity in their host range. On the basis of these results, we suggest that both species are suitable as biological control agents. [source]

    Diversity and expression of nitrogen fixation genes in bacterial symbionts of marine sponges

    Naglaa M. Mohamed
    Summary Marine sponges contain complex assemblages of bacterial symbionts, the roles of which remain largely unknown. We identified diverse bacterial nifH genes within sponges and found that nifH genes are expressed in sponges. This is the first demonstration of the expression of any protein-coding bacterial gene within a sponge. Two sponges Ircinia strobilina and Mycale laxissima were collected from Key Largo, Florida and had ,15N values of c. 0,1, and 3,4, respectively. The potential for nitrogen fixation by symbionts was assessed by amplification of nifH genes. Diverse nifH genes affiliated with Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria were detected, and expression of nifH genes affiliated with those from cyanobacteria was detected. The nifH genes from surrounding seawater were similar to those of Trichodesmium and clearly different from the cyanobacterial nifH genes detected in the two sponges. This study advances understanding of the role of bacterial symbionts in sponges and suggests that provision of fixed nitrogen is a means whereby symbionts benefit sponges in nutrient-limited reef environments. Nitrogen fixation by sponge symbionts is possibly an important source of new nitrogen to the reef environment that heretofore has been neglected and warrants further investigation. [source]

    A historical record of mercury contamination in southern florida (USA) as inferred from avian feather tissue: Contribution R-09888 of the Journal Series, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station

    Peter C. Frederick
    Abstract During the late 1980s, the upper trophic-level biota of the Everglades (FL, USA) was recognized as being highly contaminated with mercury (Hg). However, the timing and pattern of that increase is poorly known, and no information is available about mercury contam ination in Everglades wildlife prior to 1974. We measured methylmercury concentrations in feathers of white ibises (n = 33), great egrets (n = 7), anhingas (n = 21), and great blue herons (n = 12) from museum specimens collected from 1910 through 1980 and combined them with more recent feather samples collected from live birds (1985,2000, n = 98, 37, 49, and 7, respectively). We found no evidence of contamination of museum samples with inorganic mercuric preservatives (0.01,0.28% of total Hg in feathers). All species showed relatively low concentrations of mercury through the 1970s (<5 ,l/L dry wt for anhingas, ibises, and egrets, <10 ,l/L for herons). Samples from all species taken during the 1990s showed a large and significant increase (4,5X) in MeHg concentration. This evidence suggests that most of the increase in Hg deposition during the 20th century in south Florida occurred during the last two to three decades, which is consistent with information about local source deposition. Contamination levels prior to the 1970s appear to have been associated with normal reproduction in these birds, suggesting partial evidence for a threshold of reproductive impairment. [source]

    Wading birds as bioindicators of mercury contamination in Florida, USA: Annual and geographic variation

    Peter C. Frederick
    Abstract Mercury contamination in wetland biota is often dynamic, difficult to predict, and costly to track. In this paper, we present results from a six-year study of growing feathers of piscivorous birds as monitors of wetland Hg exposure in Florida, USA, wetlands. Between 1994 and 2000, we collected feathers of growing great egret (Ardea alba) nestlings from colonies in the freshwater Everglades of southern Florida, and during 1998, feathers were collected from chicks of both great egrets and white ibises (Eudocimus albus) at a variety of colonies throughout peninsular Florida. Coastal colonies showed significantly lower feather Hg concentrations than did inland sites. Within the Everglades, we found significant effects of both geographic location and year on age-adjusted mean total Hg concentrations in feathers. Over the course of our study, Everglades colonies maintained their Hg concentration rankings relative to one another, but all showed strongly declining Hg concentrations (mean of 73% averaged across colonies, between 1994 and 2000). Using a previously established predictive relationship between Hg consumption in food and feather Hg for great egrets, we estimated that Hg concentrations in the aggregate diet of egrets have been reduced by an average of 67%. We conclude that the Everglades has undergone a biologically significant decline in Hg availability in the wetland food web, possibly because of decreased local inputs. [source]