Fire Design (fire + design)

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Selected Abstracts

Buchbesprechung: fib Bulletin 38: Fire design of concrete structures , materials, structures and modelling

Frank Fingerloos
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Structural fire design according to Eurocode 5,design rules and their background

Jürgen KönigArticle first published online: 18 NOV 200
Abstract This paper gives a review of the design rules of EN 1995-1-2, the future common code of practice for the fire design of timber structures in the Member States of the EU and EFTA, and makes reference to relevant research background. Compared with the European pre-standard ENV 1995-1-2, the new EN 1995-1-2 has undergone considerable changes. Charring is dealt with in a more systematic way and different stages of protection and charring rates are applied. For the determination of cross-sectional strength and stiffness properties, two alternative rules are given, either by implicitly taking into account their reduction due to elevated temperature by reducing the residual cross-section by a zero-strength zone, or by calculating modification factors for strength and stiffness parameters. Design rules for charring and modification factors are also given for timber frame members of wall and floor assemblies with cavities filled with insulation. A modified components additive method has been included for the verification of the separating function. The design rules for connections have been systemized by introducing simple relationships between the load-bearing capacity (mechanical resistance) and time. The code provides for advanced calculation methods for thermal and structural analysis by giving thermal and thermo-mechanical properties for FE analyses. The code also gives some limited design rules for natural fire scenarios using parametric fire curves. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Brandschutz , Dokumentation einer Entwicklung

BAUPHYSIK, Issue 6 2008
Ulrich Schneider o. Univ.-Prof.
Bis Ende der 1970er Jahre spielte sich der bauliche Brandschutz in den Materialprüfämtern ab und die Praxis war bemüht, die richtigen Tabellenwerte für die Feuerwiderstandsdauer zu finden. Mit den Beiträgen von Bub et al. wurde in Deutschland und Europa eine Entwicklung eingeleitet, die zunächst in internationalen technisch-wissenschaftlichen Gremien wie dem CIB und dem JCSS aufgegriffen wurde und einen wesentlichen Grundstein für die Brandschutzteile der Eurocodes bildete. Weiterentwicklungen, wie im vfdb-Leitfaden, wurden unter nicht unerheblicher Beteiligung von Hosser vorangebracht. Zu diesen Entwicklungen trug auch Gertis bei, indem an der Universität Stuttgart im Rahmen der Bauphysik als eine der ersten deutschen Universitäten, Brandschutz zumindest als Wahlpflichtfach angeboten wurde. Zwischenzeitlich sind europaweit eigenständige Masterstudiengänge entstanden. Dieser Beitrag ist eine Dokumentation der Anfänge, der Entwicklung und der wesentlichen Ergänzungen der letzten Jahre. Fire safety , documentation of a development. Until the end of the 1970s, structural fire safety was the main objective of fire test institutes, and practical fire design was simply derived by the application of tables for the determination of fire resistance times of structural members. Starting in 1980, a new approach was initiated by Bub et al. in Germany and Europe and supported by international bodies such as CIB and scientific societies such as JCSS. Following further developments in Europe, the basics of Eurocode fire safety parts EC 1 to 6 were laid down between 1980 and 1994. Since 2006, Hosser made a significant contribution in this field with the publication of vfdb-Leitfaden in Germany. This paper provides a brief overview of the beginning, development and significant contributions in this field during recent years. [source]