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Selected Abstracts

Four-Year Follow-up on Endovascular Radiofrequency Obliteration of Great Saphenous Reflux

Robert F. Merchant MD
Background Endovascular radiofrequency obliteration has been used since 1998 as an alternative to conventional vein stripping surgery for elimination of saphenous vein insufficiency. Objective To demonstrate the long-term efficacy of this treatment modality. Methods Data were prospectively collected in a multicenter ongoing registry. Only great saphenous vein above-knee treatments were included in this study. Eight hundred ninety patients (1,078 limbs) were treated prior to November 2003 at 32 centers. Clinical and duplex ultrasound follow-up was performed at 1 week, 6 months, and 1, 2, 3, and 4 years. Results Among 1,078 limbs treated, 858 were available for follow-up within 1 week, 446 at 6 months, 384 at 1 year, 210 at 2 years, 114 at 3 years, and 98 at 4 years. The vein occlusion rates were 91.0%, 88.8%, 86.2%, 84.2%, and 88.8%, respectively; the reflux-free rates were 91.0%, 89.3%, 86.2%, 86.0%, and 85.7%, respectively; and the varicose vein recurrence rates were 7.2%, 13.5%, 17.1%, 14.0%, and 21.4%, respectively, at each follow-up time point at 6 months, and 1, 2, 3, and 4 years. Patient symptom improvement persisted over 4 years. Conclusions Endovascular temperature-controlled radiofrequency obliteration of saphenous vein reflux exhibits an enduring treatment efficacy clinically, anatomically, and hemodynamically up to 4 years following treatment. ROBERT F. MERCHANT, MD, AND OLIVIER PICHOT, MD, ARE PAID CONSULTANTS TO VNUS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, WHICH PROVIDED FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THIS STUDY. [source]

Lobby Groups and the Financial Support of Election Campaigns

M. Socorro Puy
We study a model of competition between two political parties with policy compromise. There is a special interest group with well-defined preferences on political issues. Voters are of two kinds: impressionable and knowledgeable. The impressionable voters are influenced by the election campaigns. The objective of the parties is to obtain the maximum votes. Parties compete for financial support from a given interest group. Each party proposes a platform in exchange for an amount of campaign funds, and the interest group decides whether to accept or reject each of these proposals. We show that parties' competition resembles, to a certain extent, Bertrand competition. Furthermore, in equilibrium only one party gets funds from the interest group. This result differs from the one obtained in a similar model by Grossman and Helpman in which, in equilibrium, both parties are financed by the interest group. This difference arises because Grossman and Helpman assume that it is the interest group who makes the proposals to the political parties. [source]

Plugging the Prisoner Finance Gap: A Critical Analysis of Financial Support for Newly-Released Prisoners

YVETTE HARTFREE Senior Research Associate
Abstract: The prison discharge grant is intended to meet prisoners' immediate needs on release and assist with living costs prior to their receiving their first benefit payment. It has been widely criticised for providing inadequate financial support, leaving prisoners with a gap in their finances on release. This article discusses the extent to which recent policy developments have been effective in closing this gap. The analysis is based on data from a longitudinal qualitative study of 40 prisoners who were tracked over a six-month period following their release from prison. This research shows that despite new policy initiatives the prisoner finance gap remains. [source]

How Effective is Farmer Early Retirement Policy?

EUROCHOICES, Issue 3 2008
Quelle est l'efficacité de la politique de préretraite pour les agriculteurs?
Summary How Effective is Farmer Early Retirement Policy? Financial support for EU farmers seeking early retirement is a discretionary element of CAP rural development policy and some EU member states, most notably France, Ireland and Greece have chosen to implement the measure. We explore whether the introduction of such schemes is likely to represent good value for money. We use data from Northern Ireland, a region with a relatively small-scale family-farm structure, where there have been periodic calls from farmer groups to introduce support for early retirement. We estimate the benefits that might arise from the introduction of such a scheme using FADN data and a separate survey of 350 farmers aged 50 to 65. We find that farm scale is a significant determinant of profit per hectare but that operator age is not. Benefits from releasing land through an early retirement scheme are conditional on such transfers bringing about significant farm expansion and changes in land use. Even when these conditions are satisfied, however, pensions payments of only about one-third the statutory maximum could be justified in a best-case scenario. Almost a quarter of all payments would incur deadweight losses, i.e., go to farmers who would be retiring anyway. Overall, the economic case for such a scheme is considered to be weak. Le soutien financier aux agriculteurs de l'Union européenne qui veulent prendre une retraite anticipée est un élément discrétionnaire de la politique de développement rural de la PAC et certains pays membres, en tout premier lieu la France, l'Irlande et la Grèce, ont choisi de mettre en place cette mesure. Nous recherchons si l'introduction de telles mesures serait intéressante par rapport au coût financier. L'analyse porte sur des données nord-irlandaises, région d'exploitations familiales de taille relativement petite dans laquelle les représentants agricoles ont régulièrement appeléà la mise en place de soutien pour la retraite anticipée. Nous estimons les avantages que pourrait procurer l'introduction de cette mesure à l'aide de données du RICA et d'une enquête indépendante portant sur 350 agriculteurs âgés de 50 à 65 ans. Nous trouvons que la taille de l'exploitation est un déterminant significatif du profit par hectare mais que l'âge de l'exploitant n'en est pas un. Les avantages de la mise à disposition de terres grâce à un programme de préretraite dépendent de la capacité de ces transferts à entraîner un accroissement notable de la taille des exploitations et des modifications de l'utilisation des terres. Cependant, même lorsque ces conditions sont remplies, seuls des paiements représentant un tiers du niveau maximum prévu dans le programme de préretraite pourraient se justifier dans un scénario optimal. Pratiquement un quart du total des paiements serait liéà des pertes de bien-être, c'est-à-dire que les bénéficiaires seraient des agriculteurs qui aurait pris leur retraite de toute façon. Globalement, l'intérêt économique d'un tel programme est considéré comme faible. Die finanzielle Unterstützung von Landwirten in der EU, die in den Vorruhestand gehen möchten, stellt in der Politik der GAP zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums ein diskretionäres Element dar; in einigen Mitgliedsstaaten wie z.B. Frankreich, Irland und Griechenland wird diese Maßnahme angeboten. Wir untersuchen, ob es möglicherweise finanziell sinnvoll wäre, solche Programme einzuführen. Dazu ziehen wir Daten aus Nordirland heran, einer Region mit relativ kleinen landwirtschaftlichen Familienbetrieben, in der sich Landwirte regelmäßig dafür aussprechen, Vorruhestandprogramme einzuführen. Wir schätzen den Nutzen, der sich aus der Einführung eines solchen Programms ergeben könnte, anhand von INLB-Daten und einer gesonderten Befragung von 350 Landwirten im Alter von 50 bis 65 Jahren. Wir stellen fest, dass es sich bei der Betriebsgröße , im Gegensatz zum Alter des Betreibers , um einen entscheidenden Faktor für die Höhe des Gewinns pro Hektar handelt. Ein Nutzen aus der Landübertragung aufgrund eines Vorruhestandprogramms beruht auf solchen Transfers, die eine bedeutsame Betriebserweiterung und veränderte Flächennutzung zur Folge haben. Selbst wenn diese Bedingungen erfüllt werden, könnten günstigstenfalls nur Rentenzahlungen in Höhe von etwa einem Drittel der gesetzlich verankerten Höchstsumme gerechtfertigt werden. Beinahe ein Viertel aller Zahlungen wäre mit Mitnahmeeffekten verbunden, d.h. Landwirten zukommen, die ohnehin den Ruhestand antreten würden. Aus ökonomischer Sicht muss ein solches Programm als schwach eingestuft werden. [source]

Graduate Medical Education Downsizing: Perceived Effects of Participating in the HCFA Demonstration Project in New York State

Linda L. Spillance MD
Abstract. Objective: Financial support for graduate medical education (GME) is shrinking nationally as Medicare cuts GME funds. Thirty-nine hospitals in New York State (NYS) voluntarily participated in a Health Care Financing Administration demonstration project (HCFADP),the goal of which was to reduce total residency training positions by 4-5%/year over a five-year period, while increasing primary care positions. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of downsizing on emergency department (ED) staffing and emergency medicine (EM) residency training. Methods: Structured interviews and surveys of NYS program directors (PDs) were conducted in October,December 1999. Simple frequencies are reported. Results: One hundred percent of 17 PDs completed the interviews and seven of 12 participants in the HCFADP returned surveys. Twelve of 17 programs participated in HCFADP and two programs downsized outside HCFADP. Seven of 12 participants lost EM positions. Six of 12 programs were forced to exclude outside residents from rotating in their ED, leading to a need for one participating program and one non-participating program to find alternative sites for trauma. Five of 12 institutions provided resident staffing data, reporting a reduction in ED resident coverage in year 1 of the project of 9-40%. Programs compensated by increasing the number of shifts worked (4/12), increasing shift length (1/12), decreasing pediatric ED shifts (1/12), decreasing elective or research time (2/12), and decreasing off-service rotations (4/12). Six departments hired physician assistants or nurse practitioners, two hired faculty, and two hired resident moonlighters. Six of 12 programs withdrew from HCFADP and returned to previous resident numbers. Eight of 12 PDs thought that they had decreased time for clinical teaching. Conclusions: A 4-5% reduction in residency positions was associated with a marked reduction in ED resident staffing and EM residency curriculum changes. [source]

Informal care: the views of people receiving care

S. McCann BA MPsychSc
Abstract Informal care is perceived to be the best option for people who require assistance to look after themselves. National and international studies of informal care have focused on the carer, not on the care provided, or the needs and experiences of the care recipients. In the present study, 55 people receiving informal care (21 males and 24 females, mean age = 67.6) were surveyed to determine the type of assistance that they receive, perceptions of the quality of their care, feelings about being looked after by a carer and their perceptions of the services which would be useful. A random sample of 531 households were selected as part of a larger study into informal care in the west of Ireland. A total of 98 carers were identified and 55 of the people they looked after were well enough to participate in the study. Over two-thirds of carers assisted with household chores (e.g. cleaning, preparing meals and shopping). Other activities which carers assisted with included keeping the person safe from household accidents (62%), personal care (42%), and dressing and undressing (31%). Whilst most were very satisfied with the quality of care, a minority reported dissatisfaction, and stated that their carer showed signs of anger and frustration. Common concerns related to the health of the carer, their safety when the carer is not available and the cost of being cared for. Financial support for the person receiving care and the carer were the main priorities for these individuals. The present study points to a need for greater involvement of care recipients in planning services relating to informal care, and support and access to health professionals for people receiving care. People receiving care are also concerned about the level of financial support for themselves and their carers. [source]

The Contribution of Long-Term Research at Gombe National Park to Chimpanzee Conservation

chimpancé; conservación de simios mayores; Parque Nacional Gombe; Tanzania Abstract:,Long-term research projects can provide important conservation benefits, not only through research specifically focused on conservation problems, but also from various incidental benefits, such as increased intensity of monitoring and building support for the protection of an area. At Gombe National Park, Tanzania, long-term research has provided at least four distinct benefits to wildlife conservation. (1) Jane Goodall's groundbreaking discoveries of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) tool use, hunting, and complex social relationships in what was then a game reserve drew attention to the area and created support for upgrading Gombe to national park status in 1968. (2) The highly publicized findings have earned Gombe and Tanzania the attention of a worldwide public that includes tourists and donors that provide financial support for Gombe, other parks in Tanzania, and chimpanzee conservation in general. (3) Crucial information on social structure and habitat use has been gathered that is essential for effective conservation of chimpanzees at Gombe and elsewhere. (4) A clear picture of Gombe's chimpanzee population over the past 40 years has been determined, and this has helped identify the greatest threats to the viability of this population, namely disease and habita loss outside the park. These threats are severe and because of the small size of the population it is extremely vulnerable. Research at Gombe has led to the establishment of conservation education and development projects around Gombe, which are needed to build local support for the park and its chimpanzees, but saving these famous chimpanzees will take a larger integrated effort on the part of park managers, researchers, and the local community with financial help from international donors. Resumen:,Los proyectos de investigación de largo plazo pueden proporcionar beneficios importantes a la conservación, no solo a través de investigación enfocada específicamente a problemas de conservación, sino también a través de varios beneficios incidentales, como una mayor intensidad de monitoreo y construcción de soporte para la protección de un área. En el Parque Nacional Gombe, Tanzania, la investigación a largo plazo ha proporcionado por lo menos cuatro beneficios a la conservación de vida silvestre. (1) Los descubrimientos innovadores de Jane Goodall sobre el uso de herramientas, la cacería y las complejas relaciones sociales de chimpancés en lo que entonces era una reserva de caza atrajeron la atención al área y crearon el soporte para cambiar a Gombe a estatus de parque nacional en 1968. (2) Los hallazgos muy publicitados han ganado para Gombe y Tanzania la atención del público en todo el mundo incluyendo turistas y donadores que proporcionan soporte financiero a Gombe, otros parques en Tanzania y a la conservación de chimpancés en general. (3) Se ha reunido información crucial sobre la estructura social y el uso del hábitat que ha sido esencial para la conservación efectiva de chimpancés en Gombe y otros sitios. (4) Se ha determinado un panorama claro de la población de chimpancés en Gombe durante los últimos 40 años, y esto a ayudado a identificar las mayores amenazas a la viabilidad de esta población, a saber enfermedades y pérdida de hábitat fuera del parque. Estas amenazas son severas y la población es extremadamente vulnerable por su tamaño pequeño. La investigación en Gombe ha llevado al establecimiento de proyectos de desarrollo y de educación para la conservación en los alrededores del parque, lo cual es necesario para encontrar soporte local para el parque y sus chimpancés, pero el rescate de estos famosos chimpancés requerirá de un esfuerzo más integrado de parte de los manejadores del parque, investigadores y la comunidad local con la ayuda financiera de donadores internacionales. [source]

Does the MBA Experience Support Diversity?

Demographic Effects on Program Satisfaction
ABSTRACT Using data provided by graduates from 128 MBA programs, we examined the extent to which age, gender, and ethnicity predicted student perceptions of the MBA experience. We found that women and minorities were more likely to see program costs and the availability of financial support as significant factors in their program enrollment decisions than were Caucasian males. The most consistent predictor of students' perceptions of their educational experience was whether the MBA program was full time or part time, with full-time programs generally perceived more favorably. Our findings suggest that because diversity measures of age, gender, and ethnicity were not consistent predictors across the different perception areas, at minimum, MBA programs presently do not consistently inhibit diversity. However, given the increasing percentage of women and minorities that comprise the undergraduate population, maintaining the present path in program accessibility may create enrollment problems for MBA programs perhaps in the very near future. Therefore, we conclude with a discussion of the changing demographics in higher education and their potential implications for MBA programs and suggestions for how MBA programs might respond. [source]

Sclerotherapy of Varicose Veins with Polidocanol Based on the Guidelines of the German Society of Phlebology

BACKGROUND Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a sclerosing agent for the elimination of intracutaneous, subcutaneous, and transfascial varicose veins. OBJECTIVE To update guidelines for sclerotherapy of varicose veins. METHODS The guidelines for sclerotherapy of varicose veins of the German Society of Phlebology were updated and modified through a review of the available literature. RESULTS Published clinical series and controlled clinical trials provide evidence to support the elimination of intracutaneous and subcutaneous varicose veins using sclerotherapy. Allergic skin reactions occur occasionally as allergic dermatitis, contact urticaria, or erythema. Anaphylaxis is rare. Transient migraine headaches present more frequently in patients treated with foam sclerotherapy than liquid sclerotherapy. CONCLUSION Sclerotherapy is the method of choice for the treatment of small-caliber varicose veins (reticular varicose veins, spider veins). If performed properly, sclerotherapy is an efficient treatment method with a low incidence of complications. BioForm Medical provided financial support for formal formatting of this manuscript without any influence over the content of the manuscript. The authors have previously participated in two scientific studies with polidocanol (ESAF and EASI study) financed by Kreussler. [source]


ABSTRACT This article aims to compare the national legal systems that regulate biomedical research in an industrialized country (United States) and a developing country (Venezuela). A new international order is emerging in which Europe, Japan and the United States (US) are revising common guidelines and harmonizing standards. In this article, we analyze , as an example , the US system. This system is controlled by a federal agency structured to regulate research funded by the federal government uniformly, either in the US or abroad. In contrast, in Venezuela, a developing country, the creation of a centralized system is a slow process. Different types of ethical committees review research projects using non-uniform criteria. Consequently, various parallel organizations that conduct biomedical research, such as universities, research institutes and private hospitals have diverse regulations operating at a local level. Thus, the most relevant difference between the Venezuelan and the US systems is the degree of standardization. In the US, the review process is performed by institutional review boards (IRBs), which have a similar organization and maintain relationships with a centralized agency, following standard regulations. Although new proposals for establishing national regulations are currently being considered in Venezuela, the success of these initiatives will depend on promoting governmental efforts to create a more structured centralized system supported by a national regulatory framework. This system will need governmental financial support at all levels. This article proposes an integrated system to regulate research with human participants in Venezuela and other developing countries. [source]

Child Labour in African Artisanal Mining Communities: Experiences from Northern Ghana

Gavin Hilson
ABSTRACT The issue of child labour in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) economy is attracting significant attention worldwide. This article critically examines this ,problem' in the context of sub-Saharan Africa, where a lack of formal sector employment opportunities and/or the need to provide financial support to their impoverished families has led tens of thousands of children to take up work in this industry. The article begins by engaging with the main debates on child labour in an attempt to explain why young boys and girls elect to pursue arduous work in ASM camps across the region. The remainder of the article uses the Ghana experience to further articulate the challenges associated with eradicating child labour at ASM camps, drawing upon recent fieldwork undertaken in Talensi-Nabdam District, Upper East Region. Overall, the issue of child labour in African ASM communities has been diagnosed far too superficially, and until donor agencies and host governments fully come to grips with the underlying causes of the poverty responsible for its existence, it will continue to burgeon. [source]

Role of medicines in malaria control and elimination

Marian Warsame
Abstract Antimalarial medicines constitute important tools to cure and prevent malaria infections, thereby averting death and disability; their role in reducing the transmission of malaria is becoming increasingly important. Effective medicines that are currently available include artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) for uncomplicated malaria, parenteral and rectal formulations of artemisinin derivatives and quinine injectables for severe malaria, and primaquine as an anti-relapse agent. These medicines are not optimal, however, owing to safety considerations in specific risk groups, complex regimens, and less than optimal formulations. The efficacy of antimalarial medicines including currently used ACTs is threatened by parasite resistance. Resistance to artemisinins has recently been identified at the Cambodia,Thailand border. Intermittent preventive treatment is constrained by the lack of a replacement for sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. Despite increasing financial support to procure medicines, access to medicines by populations at risk of malaria, particularly in African countries, remains poor. This is largely due to weak health systems that are unable to deliver quality diagnostics and medicines through an efficient supply chain system, close at hand to the sick patient, especially in remote rural areas. Health systems are also challenged by incorrect prescribing practices in the informal and often unregulated private sector (an important provider of medicines for malaria) and the proliferation of counterfeit and substandard medicines. The provision of a more equitable access to life-saving medicines requires no less than a steady drug development pipeline for new medicines tailored to meet the challenging conditions in endemic countries, ideally single dose, highly effective against both disease and relapse-causing parasites and infective forms, extremely safe and with a long shelf life, and made available at affordable prices. Drug Dev Res 71: 4,11, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Addiction Research Centres and the Nurturing of Creativity The Chinese National Institute on Drug Dependence, Peking University: past, present and future

ADDICTION, Issue 9 2010
Xi Wang
ABSTRACT In the 25 years since drug abuse re-emerged in China in the 1980s, the National Institute of Drug Dependence (NIDD) has made many contributions to China's antidrug campaign. This present paper offers an account of the history, current status and future of drug dependence research at NIDD. NIDD was originally a research centre at Beijing Medical University, founded by the Chinese Ministry of Health to address the rapid spread of drug abuse in China. Originally, the main task of NIDD was to complete the commissions assigned by the government and university. Further developments transformed NIDD into a national research institute in the field of drug addiction that began to conduct its own research. NIDD has now created a professional team spread across several independent departments involved in neurobiological mechanisms, epidemiological surveys and monitoring, pre-clinical and clinical evaluation of new drugs (mainly analgesic drugs and detoxification drugs) and informatics and data analysis. As a university-based research institute, NIDD's funding derives mainly from grants provided by the government and financial support from international organizations. Its past and present research has a gained NIDD a reputation with both practitioners and policy makers in the field of drug addiction. In the future, NIDD will continue to engage in various aspects of drug addiction research and will enter the field of brain function. [source]

Celebrating the diversity of biogeographical research

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 2 2010
4th biennial meeting, Special issue: International Biogeography Society
Biogeography aims to understand the temporal and spatial distribution of life on Earth. Biogeographical research is aimed not only at describing where organisms live, at what densities, with whom, and how it all relates to the environmental and geographical setting but also why this is so. The International Biogeography Society, IBS, is a young and vibrant international and interdisciplinary society contributing to the advancement of all studies of the geography of nature, including spatial ecology (). In January 2009, the 4th International Conference of the International Biogeography Society took place in Merida on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Ecography provided financial support, acting as the sponsor of the Symposium of Extinction Biogeography and contributing to student travel awards. In addition, Ecography was the officially designated journal for publishing some of the many exciting talks and posters presented at the conference. All of the papers in this special issue of Ecography arose from the IBS conference. They have all been subject to external peer review, subsequent revision, and final editorial decisions of acceptance/rejection. [source]

Alcohol research and the alcoholic beverage industry: issues, concerns and conflicts of interest

ADDICTION, Issue 2009
Thomas F. Babor
ABSTRACT Aims Using terms of justification such as ,corporate social responsibility' and ,partnerships with the public health community', the alcoholic beverage industry (mainly large producers, trade associations and ,social aspects' organizations) funds a variety of scientific activities that involve or overlap with the work of independent scientists. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the ethical, professional and scientific challenges that have emerged from industry involvement in alcohol science. Method Source material came from an extensive review of organizational websites, newspaper articles, journal papers, letters to the editor, editorials, books, book chapters and unpublished documents. Results Industry involvement in alcohol science was identified in seven areas: (i) sponsorship of research funding organizations; (ii) direct financing of university-based scientists and centers; (iii) studies conducted through contract research organizations; (iv) research conducted by trade organizations and social aspects/public relations organizations; (v) efforts to influence public perceptions of research, research findings and alcohol policies; (vi) publication of scientific documents and support of scientific journals; and (vii) sponsorship of scientific conferences and presentations at conferences. Conclusion While industry involvement in research activities is increasing, it constitutes currently a rather small direct investment in scientific research, one that is unlikely to contribute to alcohol science, lead to scientific breakthroughs or reduce the burden of alcohol-related illness. At best, the scientific activities funded by the alcoholic beverage industry provide financial support and small consulting fees for basic and behavioral scientists engaged in alcohol research; at worst, the industry's scientific activities confuse public discussion of health issues and policy options, raise questions about the objectivity of industry-supported alcohol scientists and provide industry with a convenient way to demonstrate ,corporate responsibility' in its attempts to avoid taxation and regulation. [source]

Stepparenting After Divorce: Stepparents' Legal Position Regarding Custody, Access, and Support,

Jason D. Hans
Both the research and the clinical literature indicate that over time stepparents and stepchildren may develop emotional attachments similar to their biological counterparts. Nevertheless, stepparents are legal strangers to stepchildren,the relationship is not protected by law during marriage or following marital dissolution. There are some legal avenues by which stepparents may obtain parenting rights or be required to provide financial support for a stepchild following divorce. The legal process encountered by stepparents regarding custody, access, and child support are elucidated here, in addition to a discussion of policy recommendations and practical implications. [source]

The WFH Haemophilia Centre Twinning Programme: 10 years of growth, 1993,2003

HAEMOPHILIA, Issue 3 2003
P. L. F. Giangrande
Summary. The World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) Twinning Programme celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Twinning is one of several international WFH programmes designed to improve haemophilia care at a global level. There are two types of twinning, and the haemophilia treatment centre twinning programme should be distinguished from the WFH haemophilia organization twinning involving national member organizations. The WFH Haemophilia Treatment Centre Twinning Programme helps emerging haemophilia treatment centres develop partnerships with well-established and experienced centres. Twinning can improve diagnosis and clinical care through coaching, training and transfer of expertise, ultimately leading to improved quality of life for patients. Twinning can also enhance the profile and recognition of treatment centres in emerging countries, which can be valuable in raising awareness among politicians and the media. Examples of activities include consultation on the management of specific cases, clinical and laboratory training, donation of equipment and publications as well as research projects. The centre twinning programme also benefits centres in developed countries by giving them the opportunity to gain exposure to clinical problems no longer encountered in their own countries, as well as experience of new cultures. Currently, a total of 23 treatment centres around the world are linked through the twinning programme and applications for new partnerships are welcome. Twinning links are not permanent, but are reviewed on an annual basis and typically remain in place for periods of 3,5 years. Limited financial support from WFH is available to twinned centres in the form of money for an initial assessment visit, as well as regular annual grants to established partners and the possibility of applying for additional funding to support specific projects. In addition, continuing support and advice are available from the WFH regional programme officers. [source]

Informal care: the views of people receiving care

S. McCann BA MPsychSc
Abstract Informal care is perceived to be the best option for people who require assistance to look after themselves. National and international studies of informal care have focused on the carer, not on the care provided, or the needs and experiences of the care recipients. In the present study, 55 people receiving informal care (21 males and 24 females, mean age = 67.6) were surveyed to determine the type of assistance that they receive, perceptions of the quality of their care, feelings about being looked after by a carer and their perceptions of the services which would be useful. A random sample of 531 households were selected as part of a larger study into informal care in the west of Ireland. A total of 98 carers were identified and 55 of the people they looked after were well enough to participate in the study. Over two-thirds of carers assisted with household chores (e.g. cleaning, preparing meals and shopping). Other activities which carers assisted with included keeping the person safe from household accidents (62%), personal care (42%), and dressing and undressing (31%). Whilst most were very satisfied with the quality of care, a minority reported dissatisfaction, and stated that their carer showed signs of anger and frustration. Common concerns related to the health of the carer, their safety when the carer is not available and the cost of being cared for. Financial support for the person receiving care and the carer were the main priorities for these individuals. The present study points to a need for greater involvement of care recipients in planning services relating to informal care, and support and access to health professionals for people receiving care. People receiving care are also concerned about the level of financial support for themselves and their carers. [source]

The responsibility to care for single homeless people

Maureen Crane RGN RMN MSc PhD
Abstract This paper examines the reasons why in contemporary Britain many single homeless people with severe physical and mental health problems and welfare needs do not receive the treatment, care and financial support that they manifestly need, and in particular considers the interaction between their personal characteristics and the organisation and the obligations of services. Homelessness is a complex concept associated with problems of housing, health, social care and income. The greatest weaknesses of the service system are that no single agency has a statutory responsibility to ensure that vulnerable homeless people are served, and none of the generalist welfare agencies have a duty to seek out those who do not present. As a result, single homeless people fall between the housing, health and social services and amass exceptional unmet needs. The paper appraises the approaches to single homeless people's problems that have recently been introduced by the Rough Sleepers' Unit (RSU), and discusses the ways in which current reforms of the welfare services may impact on the situation of homeless people. With the possibility that the RSU's prime responsibility for commissioning single homeless people's services will transfer to local authorities in 2002, the paper concludes by specifying the implications for voluntary and statutory providers and makes recommendations about the attribution of the responsibility to care for this vulnerable group. [source]

Examining the Impact of Opportunity Bursaries on the Financial Circumstances and Attitudes of Undergraduate Students in England

Anne West
Notwithstanding the expansion of higher education across the OECD, there continues to be concern about the levels of participation amongst those from disadvantaged backgrounds. In response to this, a new form of financial support for students from low-income families, the ,opportunity bursary', was introduced for a limited period in England from 2001/02. Surveys of two cohorts of opportunity-bursary applicants were carried out and these suggested possible psychological, behavioural and economic impacts. Fewer opportunity-bursary recipients than non-recipients reported that part-time work had interfered with their studies and more reported that the bursary had made them less worried about meeting the costs of going to university. There was some evidence that the scheme led to increased retention in the first year of university study; it also appeared to lead to lower levels of debt, in particular bank overdrafts or credit card debt. [source]

The Limits of Women's Quotas in Brazil

IDS BULLETIN, Issue 5 2010
Clara Araújo
In this article, I examine the case of Brazil which, unlike many other Latin American countries, is an example of where quotas are not working. Drawing on over ten years of research and exploring the dynamics of a varied group of political parties, I contest that male resistance is not the only reason behind this failure. Vagueness around the quota law and a lack of sanctions, together with the elitist nature of politics in Brazil are all contributing factors. My research has also revealed a few anomalies, showing that contrary to much of the literature, women would seem to fare better in elections within less developed and smaller states in Brazil. In conclusion, I propose that in order to move forward and get quotas, working reform measures are needed to strengthen the law, but in addition, women's access to financial support for campaigning needs to be fully understood. [source]

Genesis of the ILT/LIR/MIR clusters within the human leukocyte receptor complex

Armin Volz
Summary: The human leukocyte receptor complex (LRC) contains at least 26 genes which belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily. The genes include two clusters of immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT)/leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LIR)/monocyte-macrophage inhibitory receptor (MIR) loci, a cluster of killer cell inhibitory receptor (KIR) genes, two leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor genes, as well as the Fc receptor for IgA and the natural cytotoxicity receptor 1 loci. It has already been postulated that these genes have evolved by multiple duplications, while the two ILT clusters are likely to have been generated by the inverse duplication of an ancient ILT cluster. To shed more light on the possible origin of the loci within the LRC, we have now investigated the presence of KIR and ILT loci in a variety of vertebrates by hybridizations and compared the genomic sequences of all ILT genes. Our results lead to the following conclusions: 1) the origin of KIR genes dates back to about 100 million years, but only primate and human KIRs are closely related; 2) in contrast, genes which are detectable with human ILT cDNAs are already found in birds, suggesting their presence already about 300 million years ago. Using the sequence data produced by the human genome project, we have developed a hypothesis that reconstructs the genesis of the two human ILT clusters in detail which will help to understand the function of the LRC. This work was supported by the European Union through grant BMH4-CT96,1105 (to A.Z.). We also thank the Sonnenfeld-Stiftung (Berlin) and the Berliner Krebsgesellschaft for financial support. [source]

Are parents gender neutral when financing their children's consumption?

Ragnhild Brusdal
Abstract Children are consumers from early on, but they are dependent on financial support from their parents for many years. Based on a survey among 1173 Norwegian children aged 8,24 years, we examine how children's consumption is financed and how their main financial sources change during childhood, distinguishing between pocket money and odd jobs on the one hand and gainful employment and study loans on the other. Our analysis demonstrates how parental monetary support decreases as years go by and is replaced by gainful employment and study loans. We ask whether parents are gender neutral in supporting their children's consumption or not. This is done by comparing the distribution of pocket money among girls and boys, as well as the amount of money given to the respective genders for special consumer goods. Girls and boys have divergent preferences and often exhibit different spending patterns. The analysis of the six selected fields of consumption showed significant gender differences in four of them. By comparing what children choose to pay for with their own money with what they influence their parents to pay for, we find that parents' financial support tend to have a moderating effect on their children's own gender-biased preferences. [source]

A sustainability assessment of a health equity fund initiative in Cambodia

Bart Jacobs
Abstract All but one of the health equity funds (HEFs) currently operating in Cambodia, introduced to address the adverse effects of low user fee exemption rates, rely heavily on external funding and have high administrative overheads. This article reports on a study of one type of HEF, based in Kirivong Operational Health District (KOD) and operated through local pagoda structures, which demonstrates minimal reliance on external funding and low administrative overheads. We utilize an adapted sustainability assessment framework to assess the ability of pagoda structures to enable financial access for the poorest to public sector health services. We further analyse the strengths and limitations of the pagoda-managed equity fund initiative, with a view to assessing not only its sustainability but its potential for replication in other settings. Our study shows that, against key sustainability indicators (health service utilization and health outcomes; management capacity and financial viability; community mobilization and government support), the pagoda-managed equity fund initiative scores well. However, it is evident that some external financial support is needed to allow the HEFs to function effectively. We conclude with recommendations for replicating the initiative, which include working innovatively with indigenous grassroots organizations to enhance community HEF ownership and to keep administrative overheads low. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

An exploration of the relationship between training grants and profitability of UK construction companies

Mohamed Abdel-Wahab
A levy/grant system exists in the UK construction industry to provide financial support for companies undertaking training activities. With the current UK government skills policy, there is an emphasis on ensuring that training support provided to employers is aimed at enhancing companies' profitability. This paper explores the profitability of construction companies in relation to training grants. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyze a uniquely combined dataset over the period 2002,2005. The research revealed that there is not a simple linear relationship between training grants and profitability. However, large and more profitable companies claimed more training grants in relation to the following areas of training: management, qualifying their existing workforce (certifying the skills of their existing workforce) and developing training plans. The authors argue that training grants should be targeted and focused towards specific areas of training if profitability gains are to be achievable. Future research should consider training grant utilization within the context of construction companies in order to ascertain the real contribution of training grants to their profitability. [source]

Life experiences after stroke among Iranian stroke survivors

A. Dalvandi phd
DALVANDI A., HEIKKILÄ K., MADDAH S.S.B., KHANKEH H.R. & EKMAN S.L. (2010) Life experiences after stroke among Iranian stroke survivors. International Nursing Review57, 247,253 Background:, Stroke is a major cause of disability worldwide. It is a life-threatening and life-altering event, which leaves many physical and mental disabilities, thus creating major social and economic burdens. Experiencing a stroke and its aftermath can be devastating for patients and their families. In Iran, many services are not available for those who lack property; this may result in many difficulties and long-term problems for stroke survivors and their family members who are usually the main caregivers in Iranian cultural. Despite its effect on their lives, little is known about how the survivors perceive stroke in the Iranian context, therefore, knowing more about this process may enhance problem identification and problem solving. Aim:, To illuminate how stroke survivors experience and perceive life after stroke. Method:, A grounded theory approach was recruited using semi-structured interviews with 10 stroke survivors. Findings:, The survivors perceived that inadequate social and financial support, lack of an educational plan, lack of access to rehabilitative services, physical and psychological problems led them to functional disturbances, poor socio-economical situation and life disintegration. The core concept of life after stroke was functional disturbances. Conclusions:, The study shows the need to support the stroke survivors in their coping process with their new situation by providing appropriate discharge plans, social and financial support, social insurances and training programmes for the stroke survivors and their families. [source]

Using cost-analysis techniques to measure the value of nurse practitioner care

D. Vincent PhD
Abstract Nurse practitioners are in a unique position to deliver high-quality care to a variety of populations and are being utilized in many countries worldwide. Although certain aspects of the nurse practitioner role may differ from country to country, limited financial support and competition for access to patients make it incumbent on nurse practitioners to document the cost-effectiveness of their care. Cost analysis, a business tool that can be used by any practitioner in any health care system, was used to examine business practices of an academic-based nurse-managed centre. In order for this tool to be effective, nurse practitioners must become comfortable with using cost-analysis techniques in their practices. Linking outcome data with cost data was found to be one method for explicating the value of nurse practitioner practice. Nurse practitioners must also recognize that they are competing with primary-care physician practices and other primary health-care practices. It is vital for nurse practitioners to document both the quality and the costs of their care in order to compete with physicians and other health care providers, in order to influence policy and other health-care decision makers. [source]

Social health insurance in developing countries: A continuing challenge

Guy Carrin
This paper addresses the issue of the feasibility of "social" health insurance (SHI) in developing countries. SHI aims at protecting all population groups against financial risks due to illness. There are substantial difficulties in implementation, however, due to lack of debate and consensus about the extent of financial solidarity, problems with health service delivery, and insufficient managerial capacity. The transition to universal coverage is likely to take many years, but it can be speeded up. Adopting a "family" approach to financial protection, sustained financial support from governments and donors, and deconcentrating the development of SHI may slash several years from the time needed to achieve full universal protection against healthcare costs. [source]

Prioritisation of public investments in social infrastructures using multicriteria value analysis and decision conferencing: a case study

Carlos A. Bana e Costa
Abstract Not-for-profit private organisations that provide social services to children, the elderly and the disabled apply for financial support to develop or to renew their social infrastructures, through the Portuguese Institute for Social Welfare. In the context of scarce financial resources, the Institute decision-makers felt the need to adopt an improved "rationality" in resource allocation, in order to increase transparency and to ensure that the collective best use is made of a limited budget. This paper describes the socio-technical process followed in building a multicriteria value model, under a decision conferencing framework in which participation and interaction among decision-actors were key features in the development of the three main phases of problem structuring, evaluation and prioritisation. [source]

Neighbourhood Europeanization through ENP: The Case of Ukraine

This article contributes to the integration of Neighbourhood Europeanization in the literature on Europeanization. Based on insights from Membership and Enlargement Europeanization, we reveal important inconsistencies of Neighbourhood Europeanization through ENP as well as a lack of robust empirical support for its effectiveness. We define core dimensions and determinants of Neighbourhood Europeanization and implement this analytical framework for the case of Ukraine. The analysis clearly demonstrates substantial asymmetries in ENP policy across the three dimensions we chose , democracy promotion, economic co-operation and JHA, which clearly reflect the inconsistency of the ENP concept: top-down formulation of EU interests combined with weak conditionality. ENP inconsistencies could however be overcome through widening linkages and improving financial support to mobilize and strengthen positive local support of EU demands and rewards. [source]