Finnish Version (finnish + version)

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Selected Abstracts

The Use of Nursing Diagnoses in Perioperative Documentation

Kristiina Junttila PhD
Hoitotyön kirjaaminen; hoitotyön diagnoosit; perioperatiivinen hoitotyö; Perioperative Nursing Data Set PURPOSE., To clinically validate the nursing diagnoses of the first Finnish version of Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) by using them in perioperative documentation. METHODS., Nursing diagnoses were used in documentation in four operating departments with 250 patients. In analysis, nonparametric tests were applied. FINDINGS., While intraoperatively nursing diagnoses focused on physiological concerns, postoperatively the focus shifted to that of recovery. CONCLUSIONS., The findings revealed the importance of safety-related routines in perioperative care. Nursing diagnoses in the Finnish version of PNDS are sensitive in describing the rationales for perioperative care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Nursing classifications illustrate the nursing process in a structured form. Nursing diagnosis is an early step in the decision-making process that aims to achieve expected outcomes in nursing care. TARKOITUS:, Validoida PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermit käyttämällä niitä perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisessa. MENETELMÄT:, Hoitotyön diagnooseja käytettiin kirjaamisessa 250 potilaan kohdalla. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin ei-parametrisiä testejä. TULOKSET:, Hoidon intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa korostuvat potilaan fysiologiaan liittyvät ja postoperatiivisessa vaiheessa potilaan toipumiseen liittyvät hoitotyön diagnoosit. JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET:, Perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä painottuvat potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen tähtäävät rutiinit. PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermejä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan leikkauspotilaiden hoidon tarpeita. TULOSTEN HYÖDYNNETTÄVYYS:, Hoitotyön prosessia voidaan kuvata rakenteisesti hoitotyön luokituksilla. Hoitotyön diagnoosin määrittäminen on osa päätöksentekoprosessia tavoitteena tunnistaa ja saavuttaa toivotut tulokset potilaan hoidossa. [source]

The Finnish version of The National Institutes Of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index correlates well with the visual pain scale: translation and results of a modified linguistic validation study

M.J. Leskinen
Authors from Finland have assessed a version in their language of the National Institutes of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index; they found that their translated version was valid and easily understandable in the management of the symptoms of chronic pelvic pain syndrome. They felt it should be used as a primary outcome measure in studies with these patients. There are three papers in this issue relating to the effect of drugs on LUTS; the first of these is a pooled analysis of three double-blind placebo-controlled studies into the safety and efficacy of the 10 mg dose of alfuzosin. The second evaluates the effect on quality-of-life issues of treatment with dutasteride. Finally, authors from Australia compare the effect of a Serenoa repens extract with placebo for LUTS. OBJECTIVES To provide a fluent and easily comprehensible Finnish version of the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) and to study its linguistic validity and correlation with a visual pain scale (VAS). PATIENTS AND METHODS The double-back translation method with two interim modifications was used to produce the Finnish version of the NIH-CPSI. The validity was tested by presenting the questionnaire to 155 men with clinically confirmed chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) and 12 controls with no previous urological symptoms. Convergent validity of the NIH-CPSI was tested by determining the correlation between the Finnish NIH-CPSI and VAS. Patients' and urologists' opinions about the utility of the Finnish NIH-CPSI were also reviewed. RESULTS The total Finnish NIH-CPSI scores and the pain domain and voiding symptom domain scores differed significantly (P < 0.001) between the groups, suggesting good discriminant validity of the symptom index. The NIH-CPSI scores correlated well with the VAS (Pearson's correlation 0.76). The preciseness and comprehensibility of the questionnaire were consistently evaluated to be ,good' or ,excellent' both by patients and urologists. CONCLUSIONS The Finnish version of the NIH-CPSI is valid and easily comprehensible for measuring CPPS symptoms. In addition, it provides good discriminant and convergent validity in distinguishing CPPS symptoms and should be used as primary outcome measure in CPPS studies. [source]